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The evolution of DNA sequences in Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
It is proposed that certain families of transposable elements originally evolved in plasmids and functioned in forming replicon fusions to aid in the horizontal transmission of non-conjugational plasmids. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that the transposable elements Tn3 and gamma delta are found almost exclusively in plasmids, and also by the distribution of the unrelated insertion sequences IS4 and IS5 among a reference collection of 67 natural isolates of Escherichia coli. Each insertion sequence was found to be present in only about one-third of the strains. Among the ten strains found to contain both insertion sequences, the number of copies of the elements was negatively correlated. With respect to IS5, approximately half of the strains containing a chromosomal copy of the insertion element also contained copies within the plasmid complement of the strain.  相似文献   

Molecular hybridization of nuclear DNAs has been employed to study the evolution of the repetitive DNA sequences in four species of sea urchin. The data show that relative to S. purpuratus there has been approximately 0.1% sequence divergence per million years in the repetitive DNA sequences of S. droebachiensis, S. franciscanus, and L. pictus. These results confirm that repetitive DNA sequences are strongly conserved during evolution. However, comparison of the extent of base pair mismatch in the repetitive DNA heteroduplexes formed at Cot 20 with those formed at Cot 200 during the hybridization of S. purpuratus and L. pictus DNAs reveals that highly repetitive sequences of sea urchins may diverge more rapidly than do the more moderately repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotiana chloroplast genomes exhibit a high degree of diversity and a general similarity as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis. This property can be measured accurately by restriction enzymes which generate over 20 fragments. However, the restriction enzymes which generate a small number (about 10) of fragments are extremely useful not only in constructing the restriction maps but also in establishing the sequence of ct-DNA evolution. By using a single enzyme, Sma I, a elimination and sequential gain of its recognition sites during the course of ct-DNA evolution is clearly demonstrated. Thus, a sequence of ct-DNA evolution for many Nicotiana species is formulated. The observed changes are all clustered in one region to form a hot spot in the circular molecule of ct-DNA. The mechanisms involved for such alterations are mostly point mutations but inversion and deficiency are also indicated. Since there is a close correlation between the ct-DNA evolution and speciation in Nicotiana a high degree of cooperation and coordination betwen organellar and nuclear genomes is evident.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of chloroplast DNA sequences   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Comparative data on the evolution of chloroplast genes are reviewed. The chloroplast genome has maintained a similar structural organization over most plant taxa so far examined. Comparisons of nucleotide sequence divergence among chloroplast genes reveals marked similarity across the plant kingdom and beyond to the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Estimates of rates of nucleotide substitution indicate a synonymous rate of 1.1 x 10(-9) substitutions per site per year. Noncoding regions also appear to be constrained in their evolution, although addition/deletion events are common. There have also been evolutionary changes in the distribution of introns in chloroplast encoded genes. Relative to mammalian mitochondrial DNA, the chloroplast genome evolves at a conservative rate.   相似文献   

Summary HRS60.1, a monomer unit (184 bp) of a highly repeated nuclear DNA sequence of Nicotiana tabacum, has been cloned and sequenced. Following BamHI digestion of tobacco DNA, Southern hybridization with HRS60.1 revealed a ladder of hybridization bands corresponding to multiples of the basic monomer unit. If the tobacco DNA was digested with restriction endonucleases which have no target site in HRS60.1, the larger part of DNA homologous to HRS60.1 remained as uncleaved relic DNA. These results suggest a tandem arrangement of this DNA repeat unit. Four other clones of tobacco nuclear DNA cross-hybridized with HRS60.1, thus forming a HRS60-family. Sequencing their inserts has shown their strong mutual homology. HRS60-family comprised about 2% of the nuclear genome of N. tabacum. Computer comparisons with other tandem plant-repeated DNA sequences could not detect any other homologous sequence.  相似文献   

Although there is substantial evidence that, in animals, male-inherited neutral DNA evolves at a higher rate than female-inherited DNA, the relative evolutionary rate of male- versus female-inherited DNA has not been investigated in plants. We compared the substitution rates at neutral sites of maternally and paternally inherited organellar DNA in gymnosperms. The analysis provided substantial support for the presence of a higher evolutionary rate in both the mitochondrial and chloroplastidial DNA when the organelle was inherited paternally than when inherited maternally. These results suggest that, compared with eggs, sperm tend to carry a greater number of mutations in mitochondrial and chloroplastidial DNA. The existence of a male mutation bias in plants is remarkable because, unlike animals, the germ-lines are not separated from the somatic cells throughout an individual's lifetime. The data therefore suggest that even a brief period of male and female germ-line separation can cause gender-specific mutation rates. These results are the first to show that, at least in some species, germ-lines influence the number of mutations carried in the gametes. Possible causes of male mutation bias in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite their widespread use as model organisms, the phylogenetic status of the around 520 species of freshwater crayfish is still in doubt. One hypothesis suggests two distinct origins of freshwater crayfish as indicated by their geographical distribution, with two centres of origin near the two present centres of diversity; one in south-eastern United States and the other in Victoria, Australia. An alternative theory proposes a single (monophyletic) origin of freshwater crayfish. Here we use over 3000 nucleotides from three different gene regions in estimating phylogenetic relationships among freshwater crayfish and related Crustacea. We show clear evidence for monophyly of freshwater crayfish and for the sister-group relationship between crayfish and clawed lobsters. Monophyly of the superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea is also supported. However, the monophyly of the family Cambaridae is questioned with the genus Cambaroides being associated with the Astacidae.  相似文献   

Summary Artesian groundwaters of high radionuclide concentration are ubiquitous and may have provided the large, sustained energy sources that were required to drive the multistage process of DNA and primordial cell evolution. The rapid, early development of the genetic code as well as its degeneracy can be attributed to exceptionally high radiation-induced mutation rates in this unique environment. The ability of double-strand DNA to direct enzymatic repair of radiation damage to single strands contributed importantly to its selective evolution. It is postulated that the polymerization of nucleotides took place at elevated temperatures within -particle tracks of high ion and free-radical density, followed by rapid quenching to ambient conditions. It also is evident that radiation resistance and ploidy were important selection factors in cellular evolution.  相似文献   

The rates of evolution of purified long and short repetitive DNA sequences were examined by hybridisation analysis between the DNAs from several species of sea urchins. We find that the rates of nucleotide substitution are very comparable within mutually retained sequences for the two classes of repetitive DNA. The loss of hybridisable sequences between species also occurs at similar rates among both the short and long repetitive DNA sequences. Between species that separated less than 50 million years ago, hybridisable short repetitive sequences are lost all through the spectrum of reiteration frequencies. The long repeats contain a few sequences which are highly conserved within all of the species examined, and which amount to approximately 1% of the total genome. The short repetitive class, on the other hand, does not seem to contain any such highly conserved elements. The long repetitive sequences internally appear to contain short 'units' of reiteration, which may comprise families within the long repetitive class. We find no evidence to indicate that the majority of long and short repetitive sequences evolve by different mechanisms or at different rates.  相似文献   

A model explaining properties exhibited by fragile-X DNA systems arises from observations that time-dependent base substitutions are expressed at G-C sites but not at A–T sites (Biochem. Genet.32:383, 1994). [CGG]n sequences are classified as most sensitive to evolutionary base substitution processes involving time-dependent populating of G-C sites with enol-imine states having enhanced stability. Increased density of these states in oocyte DNA would introduce a ground-state collapse double-helix of reduced energy that would inhibit strand separation by the replicase. Evolutionarily altered G in CGG triplets allows CGG to be transcribed as CTG, an initiation codon. And this will cause reinitiation of DNA synthesis, thereby adding additional CGG units to the collapsed double helix. This situation would not occur in slower-evolving male haploid DNA that replicates frequently.  相似文献   

Summary Highly repeated nuclear DNA sequences from leaves of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were cloned in pBR322 and tested for their effect on direct gene transfer in protoplasts of the same organism. Protoplasts were prepared from suspension cultures and were incubated in the presence of the plasmid pHP23 carrying the kanamycin resistance gene APH(3)II and in the presence of the plasmids carrying the cloned sequence. DNA uptake was induced by a polyethyleneglycol (PEG) treatment. Out of the 22 tested clones, 3 significantly stimulated the frequency of appearance of transformed colonies. DNA was extracted from some of the kanamycin-resistant calli obtained by co-transformations. Dot-blots have shown that the stimulatory effect on transformation frequency is often accompanied by a consistent increase in integrated genes sequences.  相似文献   

Sarri V  Ceccarelli M  Cionini PG 《Génome》2011,54(5):431-435
Clones containing tandemly arranged repeats belonging to two distinct sequence families, (i) PAG004P22F (2F) and PAG004E03C (3C) or (ii) Ty3/gypsy- (8R; PAG004B08R) and Ty1/copia-like sequences (9R; PAG007F19R), were selected from a randomly sheared total genomic DNA library of Picea abies . The inserts were used as probes in dot-blot hybridizations to genomic DNA of P. abies, Picea orientalis , Picea pungens , and Picea pungens var. glauca. All these entities are diploid and share the same chromosome number (2n = 24), but the genome sizes differ largely. The redundancy (copy number per 1C DNA) of sequences related to each probe varied greatly between the genomes. No significant correlation was found between the genome size and the copy number of sequences in any family. The quantitative ratios varied greatly (in each genome) between the two families of satellite DNA, between the sequences that represented copia or gypsy retrotransposons, and between tandemly arranged sequences and retroelements as a whole, suggesting that there is no common factor that controls the quantitative evolution of repeats belonging to different sequence families during speciation in Picea.  相似文献   



Efficient natural transformation in Neisseria requires the presence of short DNA uptake sequences (DUSs). Doubts remain whether DUSs propagate by pure selfish molecular drive or are selected for 'safe sex' among conspecifics.  相似文献   

A software program CRANN has been developed in order to detect adaptive evolution in protein-coding DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The sequencing of several genomes from each of the three domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya) has provided a huge amount of data that can be used to gain insight about early cellular evolution. Some features of the universal tree of life based on rRNA polygenies have been confirmed, such as the division of the cellular living world into three domains. The monophyly of each domain is supported by comparative genomics. However, the hyperthermophilic nature of the 'last universal common ancestor' (LUCA) is not confirmed. Comparative genomics has revealed that gene transfers have been (and still are) very frequent in genome evolution. Nevertheless, a core of informational genes appears more resistant to transfer, testifying for a close relationship between archaeal and eukaryal informational processes. This observation can be explained either by a common unique history between Archaea and Eukarya or by an atypical evolution of these systems in Bacteria. At the moment, comparative genomics still does not allow to choose between a simple LUCA, possibly with an RNA genome, or a complex LUCA, with a DNA genome and informational mechanisms similar to those of Archaea and Eukarya. Further comparative studies on informational mechanisms in the three domains should help to resolve this critical question. The role of viruses in the origin and evolution of DNA genomes also appears an area worth of active investigations. I suggest here that DNA and DNA replication mechanisms appeared first in the virus world before being transferred into cellular organisms.  相似文献   

Illegitimate recombination is the prevailing molecular mechanism for the integration of recombinant DNA into the genome of most eukaryotic systems and the generation of deletions by intrachromosomal recombination. We developed a ?selectable marker system to screen for intrachromosomal illegitimate recombination events in order to assess the sequence and structure-specific requirements for illegitimate recombination in tobacco. In 12 illegitimate recombination products analysed, we found that all deletion termini localise to sites of palindromic structures or to A+T-rich DNA elements. All deletion termini showed microhomologies of two to six nucleotides. In three plants, the recombination products contained filler-DNA or an inversion of an endogenous segment. Our data strongly suggest that illegitimate recombination in plants is mediated by a DNA synthesis-dependent process, and that this mechanism is promoted by DNA regions that can form palindromic structures or facilitate DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Genome evolution in allotetraploid Nicotiana   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nuclear cytoplasmic interaction (NCI) hypothesis of genome evolution and speciation in plants states that newly formed allopolyploids pass through a bottleneck of sterility and the fertile plants that emerge are fixed for species‐specific chromosome translocations. These translocations restore fertility and reduce negative effects of the maternal cytoplasm on an alien paternal genome. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization and genomic in situ hybridization and by reviewing published data, we test the NCI hypothesis using three natural Nicotiana allotetraploids (all 2n = 4x = 48, N. arentsii, N. rustica and several genotypes, including a feral plant and cultivars, of N. tabacum (tobacco)). We compare these data with three synthetic tobacco plants (Th37) that are F3 descendent progeny of an allotetraploid formed from ♀N. sylvestris (2n = 24) ×♂N. tomentosiformis (2n = 24). No intergenomic translocations were observed in N. arentsii and N. rustica. An analysis of subtelomeric tandem repeats in these allotetraploids and their putative parents shows minimal genetic changes; those that do occur may reflect evolution in the diploids or the polyploids subsequent to allopolyploidy. All natural N. tabacum genotypes have intergenomic translocations. This may reflect a large ‘genomic‐shock’ generated by allopolyploidy involving widely diverged parental species. Two of three synthetic tobacco plants had a translocation similar to that found in all cultivars of tobacco. This translocation may be significant in tobacco fertility and may have been fixed early in tobacco's evolution. But it is lacking in the feral tobacco, which might indicate a polyphyletic origin or early divergence from all cultivars examined. Overall, only in tobacco is there any evidence that NCI may have influenced genome evolution, and here further data are required to verify chromosome identity. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 599–606.  相似文献   

Periodicity in DNA coding sequences: implications in gene evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we have employed Fourier analysis of DNA coding and non-coding sequences in an attempt to identify possible patterns in gene sequences. It was found that while intronic sequences show a rather random pattern, coding sequences show periodicities and in particular a periodicity of 3. We were able to reconstruct such patterns by assuming a gene having one codon occurring in about 40% of the sequence. This could indicate that the predominant presence of codons all starting from the same base could confer the observed periodicities. Indeed, it was found that proteins do obey this rule. Implications of this finding in gene evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) chromosomal DNA segment(t3-ars) capable of replication in yeast (ars: autonomously replicating sequences) is presented. The subcloned region (618 bp) contained 11 bp consensus (5 A/TTTTATPuTTTA/T 3) essential for several yeast ars, and 73% A and T. Unique 70 bp repetitive sequences resided next to this sequence. Thirty-two bp AT repeats were also seen in the neighbourhood of the repetitive sequence. The hybrid plasmid containing t3-ars was mitotically stabilized by the help of yeast centromere (CEN4).  相似文献   

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