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Scientific research is an often misunderstood, undervalued and yet essential activity. Many nonscientists think that research is quick and easy, and that science is a compilation of established facts rather than rigorous conclusions based on available evidence. In addition, many nonscientists, and perhaps many scientists as well, forget that our social and financial investment is small relative to the massive and expensive problems that we all want scientific research to solve. Using biomedical research in the United States as an example, I will argue that countering this underinvestment in science will require broadening perspectives in the scientific community as well as coupling expanded individual advocacy and education efforts to an interdisciplinary advocacy approach. This approach is in many ways analogous to the unique solutions that emerge when scientists working in different disciplines leave their intellectual silos and work together.  相似文献   

Eco-physiological phases of insect diapause   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Insect diapause is a dynamic process consisting of several successive phases. The conception and naming of the phases is unsettled and, sometimes, ambiguous in the literature. In this paper, the ontogeny of diapause was reviewed and the most often used terms and the best substantiated phases were highlighted, explained and re-defined. The aim was to propose relatively simple and generally applicable terminological system. The phases of diapause induction, preparation, initiation, maintenance, termination and post-diapause quiescence were distinguished. The specific progression through diapause phases in each species, population (genotype), or even individual, is based on (thus far largely unknown) physiological processes, the actual expression of which is significantly modified by diverse environmental factors. Thus, such phases are eco-physiological in their nature.  相似文献   

菌根真菌的生理生态功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菌根真菌是土壤中重要生物成员之一,不仅具有丰富的遗传多样性和物种多样性,其功能也是丰富多样,主要体现在:1)影响陆生植物起源、进化、演化与分布;2)促进植物的生长发育;3)提高植物的抗逆性;4)修复污染与退化土壤、改善土壤质量与健康状况;5)促进农林牧业的生产;6)保持生态平衡、稳定生态系统及其可持续生产力.随着技术发展和研究的深入,菌根真菌新功能将会不断被发现.  相似文献   

四种挺水植物生理生态特性和污水净化效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用人工气候室水培系统以人工污水培养慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia)、花皇冠(Echinodorus berteroi)、菖蒲(Acorus calamus)和芦苇(Phragmites australis) 4种挺水植物,比较它们的根和地上部分生物量、根长、根寿命、根孔隙度、根径向泌氧量(ROL)、光合作用等生理生态特性及对总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)的去除效果。结果表明,ROL与根孔隙度、光合速率、地上生物量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与根长极显著正相关(P<0.01);TP的去除与光合速率、COD的去除与ROL显著正相关; TN的去除与生物量极显著正相关(P<0.01),但与根生物量和地上部分生物量的比值(根茎比)显著负相关(P<0.05)。慈姑和花皇冠拥有庞大生物量和发达的根系,根孔隙度、ROL和光合作用等生理指标较高,在水培系统中的污水净化效果接近甚至优于菖蒲和芦苇,是构建人工湿地的优良植物。  相似文献   

Eco-physiological responses of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria to light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The eco-physiological responses of three nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (N-fixing cyanobacteria), Aphanizomenon gracile, Anabaena minderi, and Ana. torques-reginae, to light were assessed under nutrient saturation. The N-fixing cyanobacteria were isolated into monocultures from a natural bloom in a shallow colored lake and their growth irradiance parameters and pigment composition were assessed. The different ecological traits related to light use (μmax, α, I k) suggest that these N-fixing cyanobacteria are well adapted to low light conditions at sufficient nutrients, yet interspecific differences were observed. Aphanizomenon gracile and Anabaena minderi had high relative growth rates at low irradiances (ca. 70% of those in high light), low half saturation constant for light-limited growth (I k < 9.09 μmol photon m−2 s−1) and high efficiency (α < 0.11 day−1 μmol photon−1 m2 s). Conversely, Ana. torques-reginae showed poorer light competitiveness: low relative growth rates at low irradiances (ca. 40% of those in high light), low α (0.009 day−1 μmol photon−1 m2 s) and higher I k (35.5 μmol photon m−2 s−1). Final densities in Aphanizomenon gracile and Anabaena minderi reached bloom densities at irradiances above 30 μmol photon m−2 s−1 with different hierarchy depending on irradiance, whereas Ana. torques-reginae never achieved bloom densities. All species had very low densities at irradiances ≤17 μmol photon m−2 s−1, thus no N-fixing blooms would be expected at these irradiances. Also, under prolonged darkness and at lowest irradiance (0 and 3 μmol photon m−2 s−1) akinetes were degraded, suggesting that in ecosystems with permanently dark sediments, the prevalence of N-fixing cyanobacteria should not be favored. All species displayed peaks of phycocyanin, but no phycoeritrin, probably due to the prevailing red light in the ecosystem from which they were isolated.  相似文献   

W. Huber  N. Sankhla 《Oecologia》1973,13(3):271-277
Summary The separate and combined effects of sodium chloride and gibberellin (GA) on growth and the activities of alanine aminotransferase (GPT), aspartate aminotransferase (GOT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) have been studied in the aerial parts of Pennisetum typhoides seedlings. Salt concentrations higher than 8.55×103 M inhibited growth and reduced GLDH activity, but strongly stimulated the activity of GPT and, to a lesser extent, that of GOT. GA alone, on the other hand, stimulated growth but did not affect activity of any of the enzymes tested. In combination with salt, however, GA tended to counteract the effect of salt on both growth and enzyme activity. The possible significance of the results in explaining adaptation of plants under conditions of stress has been discussed.  相似文献   

The various methods for chlorophyll determination, found in the literature, may give chlorophyll values differing by as much as 20%. Not only the choice of solvent and equations but also the routines and conditions for processing of samples can be large sources of errors. In the present paper some recommendations are given concerning sampling and storage of plant material, extraction and determination of chlorophylls. A simple and fast method for chlorophyll determinations is described and recommended as a suitable method for most ecological and eco-physiological investigations in which chlorophylls are determined. The principle of the method is that the total amount of chlorophylls is determined in a colorimeter calibrated for chlorophyll measurements. Results from a prototype of the “Chlorophyllometer” are presented and compared with spectrophotometric determinations.  相似文献   

荒漠沙生植物生理生态学研究与展望   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
周海燕 《植物学通报》2001,18(6):643-648
荒漠沙生植物是在极端干旱、贫瘠、强风沙流等条件下生长发育的一些植物种类,它们不仅具有较强的抗逆能力,而且在其脆弱生态系统稳定性的维持和受损生态系统的恢复重建中起着重要的作用。有关荒漠沙生植物生理生态特性的研究早在上世纪初即已开始,随着测试手段和测定方法的不断改进,近年来取得了不少研究成果。但是随着植物逆境生理生态在宏观和微观方面研究的不断深入和生态环境建设的需求,迫切需要加强沙生植物生理生态研究的深度和研究的系统性。本文就沙生植物生理生态的研究历史、现状及国内外有关植物抗逆生理生态研究进展作了简要综述,并对今后沙生植物生理生态学的研究方向提出了一些初步建议。  相似文献   

Research and patient communities are firmly interdependent. Engaged patient communities provide biological samples and data that drive discoveries which, in turn, fuel the development of novel therapies. Historically, Huntington's disease (HD) has benefited from trusting interactions between scientists and patients. However, even for HD, communication between the research and patient communities is suboptimal. The web platform HDBuzz was created to rectify this situation by providing accurate, accessible information on the latest HD research to patients and their supporters.  相似文献   

对土壤逐步干旱下大豆幼苗形态特征和生理生态特征的变化研究表明:随着胁迫强度的增加,大豆苗期的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度降低,且相互之间呈显著正相关;随着胁迫时间的延长,叶绿素含量和叶片含水量呈低-高-低的变化趋势;在胁迫初期,对干物质分配率的影响很小,随着胁迫时间的增加,差异越来越大;随着干旱胁迫天数和强度的增加,游离脯氨酸含量呈逐渐递增的趋势,尤其是重度胁迫下积累能力更强。  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic characteristics of two important grasses of Indian desert have been studied. Pennisetum typhoides, an important cereal crop, known to have Kranz-type leaf anatomy and low CO2-compensation point, shows the C-4-dicarboxylic acid pathway for photosynthetic carbon reduction. Lasiurus sindicus, a promising forage grass, has also been shown to possess, for the first time, a typical Kranz-type leaf anatomy and a very similar CO2-fixation pattern like Pennisetum typhoides. It is remarkable that both species after short time exposure to 14CO2 show a high labelling not only in malate but also in alanine. This may be due to the activity of an aspartic acid decarboxylase.  相似文献   

为了解海滨木巴戟(Morinda citrifolia)生长的抗逆性,对西沙群岛东岛的海滨木巴戟的生物学和生理生态特征进行了研究。结果表明,海滨木巴戟属于阳生性植物,具有较强的光资源竞争能力;其叶片氮、磷含量、叶绿素b含量较高,是其长期适应热带海岛生境的重要原因。海滨木巴戟叶片的海绵组织及气孔密度大,导管直径小,丙二醛含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性和过氧化氢酶活性高,脯氨酸含量低,均表明其具有较强的抗旱性。且生长环境中土壤的氮含量低,盐分含量高。因此,海滨木巴戟可作为热带海滨植被恢复中的优良适生物种。  相似文献   

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