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The cytokine transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) has strong antiproliferative activity in most normal cells but contributes to tumor progression in the later stages of oncogenesis. It is not fully understood which TGFbeta target genes are causally involved in mediating its cytostatic activity. We report here that suppression of the TGFbeta target gene encoding plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) by RNA interference leads to escape from the cytostatic activity of TGFbeta both in human keratinocytes (HaCaTs) and primary mouse embryo fibroblasts. Consistent with this, PAI-1 knock-out mouse embryo fibroblasts are also resistant to TGFbeta growth arrest. Conversely, we show that ectopic expression of PAI-1 in proliferating HaCaT cells induces a growth arrest. PAI-1 knockdown does not interfere with canonical TGFbeta signaling as judged by SMAD phosphorylation and induction of bona fide TGFbeta target genes. Instead, knockdown of PAI-1 results in sustained activation of protein kinase B. Significantly, we find that constitutive protein kinase B activity leads to evasion of the growth-inhibitory action of TGFbeta. Our data are consistent with a model in which induction of PAI-1 by TGFbeta is critical for the induction of proliferation arrest.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) belongs to the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) protein family, which has a common tertiary structure consisting of three beta-sheets and several alpha-helices. Despite the similarity of its structure with those of other serpins, PAI-1 is unique in its conformational lability, which allows the conversion of the metastable active form to a more stable latent conformation under physiological conditions. For the conformational conversion to occur, the reactive center loop (RCL) of PAI-1 must be mobilized and inserted into the major beta-sheet, A sheet. In an effort to understand how the structural conversion is regulated in this conformationally labile serpin, we modulated the length of the RCL of PAI-1. We show that releasing the constraint on the RCL by extension of the loop facilitates a conformational transition of PAI-1 to a stable state. Biochemical data strongly suggest that the stabilization of the transformed conformation is owing to the insertion of the RCL into A beta-sheet, as in the known latent form. In contrast, reducing the loop length drastically retards the conformational change. The results clearly show that the constraint on the RCL is a factor that regulates the conformational transition of PAI-1.  相似文献   

We have shown that synthetic peptides containing the amino acid sequence Asn-Arg-Arg-Leu, derived from the amino acid sequence of the inner loop of the kringle-2 domain of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), inhibited complex formation between two chain tPA and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) by binding to PAI-1. This binding was reversible and was inhibited by not only tPA but also by enzymatically inactive tPA. Quantitative analyses of the interaction of PAI-1 with the peptide containing the Asn-Arg-Arg-Leu sequence indicated that the PAI-1 binding site residues in the inner loop of the kringle-2 domain and is preferentially expressed in two chain tPA.  相似文献   

In order to identify the regions of recombinant (r) tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) that mediate its kinetically relevant interaction with r-plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (rPAI-1), we have determined the second-order association rate (k1) constants of domain-altered variants of tPA with rPAI-1, at 10 degrees C. With two-chain, wild-type recombinant tPA (tcwt-rtPA), obtained by expression of the human cDNA for tPA in five different cell systems (viz. insect cells, human kidney 293 cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, human melanoma cells, and mouse C127 cells), the average k1 was 1.45 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 (range, 1.34 10(7) M-1 s-1-1.68 x 10(7) M-1 s-1). Since this value was not significantly different for the different tcwt-rtPA preparations, it appears as though the nature of the glycosylation of tPA plays little role in its initial interaction with PAI-1. The k1 determined for tcwt-rtPA was slightly higher than that of 0.87 x 10(7) M-1 s-1, obtained for a similar inhibition of human urokinase by rPAI-1. The k1 value obtained for single-chain (sc) wt-rtPA was approximately 6-fold lower than that of the two-chain molecules, results consistent with previous conclusions on this matter. The k1 value for tcwt-rtPA was not influenced by the presence of epsilon-aminocaproic acid, suggesting that the lysine-binding site associated with the kringle 2 (K2) region of tPA does not modulate the rate of its initial interaction with rPAI-1. Removal of the K2 domain from tPA, by recombinant DNA technology, results in a protein, F-E-K1-P (tc-r delta K2-tPA), containing only the finger (F), growth factor (E), kringle 1 (K1), and serine protease (P) domains. This variant protein was more rapidly inhibited by rPAI-1 (k1 = 3.00 x 10(7) M-1 s-1) than its wild-type counterparts. Deletion of both the K1 and K2 domains resulted in a variant molecule, F-E-P (tc-r delta K1 delta K2-tPA), that was slightly more rapidly inhibited by rPAI-1 (k1 = 2.01 x 10(7) M-1 s-1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a specific inhibitor of the serine proteases tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). To systematically investigate the roles of the reactive center P1 and P1' residues in PAI-1 function, saturation mutagenesis was utilized to construct a library of PAI-1 variants. Examination of 177 unique recombinant proteins indicated that a basic residue was required at P1 for significant inhibitory activity toward uPA, whereas all substitutions except proline were tolerated at P1'. P1Lys variants exhibited lower inhibition rate constants and greater sensitivity to P1' substitutions than P1Arg variants. Alterations at either P1 or P1' generally had a larger effect on the inhibition of tPA. A number of variants that were relatively specific for either uPA or tPA were identified. P1Lys-P1'Ala reacted 40-fold more rapidly with uPA than tPA, whereas P1Lys-P1'Trp showed a 6.5-fold preference for tPA. P1-P1' variants containing additional mutations near the reactive center demonstrated only minor changes in activity, suggesting that specific amino acids in this region do not contribute significantly to PAI-1 function. These findings have important implications for the role of reactive center residues in determining serine protease inhibitor (serpin) function and target specificity.  相似文献   

The reaction between plasminogen activators and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is characterized by an initial rapid formation of an inactive reversible complex. The second-order association rate constant (k1) of complex formation of recombinant two-chain tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) or recombinant two-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (rtcu-PA) by recombinant plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (rPAI-1) is 2.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 (mean +/- S.D., n = 30) and 2.0 +/- 0.6 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 (n = 12), respectively. Different molecular forms of tissue- or urokinase-type plasminogen activator which do not form covalent complexes with rPAI-1, including rt-PA-Ala478 (rt-PA with the active-site Ser478 mutagenized to Ala) and anhydro-urokinase (rtcu-PA with the active-site Ser356 converted to dehydroalanine) reduced k1 in a concentration-dependent manner, compatible with 1:1 stoichiometric complex formation between rPAI-1 and these ligands. The apparent dissociation constant (KD) of the complex between rPAI-1 and rt-PA-Ala478, determined as the concentration of rt-PA-Ala478 which reduced k1 to 50% of its control value, was 3-5 nM. Corresponding concentrations of active-site-blocked two-chain rt-PA were 150-250-fold higher. The concentration of anhydro-urokinase which reduced k1 to 50% was 4-6 nM, whereas that of active-site-blocked rtcu-PA was 100-250-fold higher. Recombinant single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator had an apparent KD of about 2 microM. These results suggest that inhibition of rt-PA or rtcu-PA by rPAI-1 proceeds via a reversible high affinity interaction which does not require a functional active site but which is markedly reduced following inactivation of the enzymes with active-site titrants.  相似文献   

The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) has a dual function: 1) it plays an important role as a direct inhibitor of the plasminogen activation system, and 2) its interaction with the adhesive glycoprotein vitronectin suggests a role in tissue remodeling and metastasis, independent from its proteinase inhibitory properties. Unique to this serpin is the close association between its conformational and functional properties. Indeed, PAI-1 can occur in an active and a latent conformation, but both functions are exclusively present in the active conformation. We report here the epitope localization and functional effects of a monoclonal antibody (MA-124K1) that inhibits rat PAI-1 activity and simultaneously increases the binding of inactive PAI-1 to vitronectin (the affinity constant of PAI-1 for vitronectin is 2 x 10(7) m(-1) in the absence of MA-124K1 and 160 x 10(7) m(-1) in the presence of MA-124K1). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first monoclonal antibody dissociating the proteinase inhibitory properties from the vitronectin binding properties in PAI-1. Mutation of Glu(212) and/or Glu(220) in rat PAI-1 to Ala results in a strongly reduced affinity or absence of binding to MA-124K1. The three-dimensional structure of PAI-1 reveals that these residues constitute a conformational epitope close to the reactive-site loop and compatible with the effect of MA-124K1 on the inhibitory properties of PAI-1. However, the vitronectin binding site is localized at the opposite site of the molecule, indicating that the effect of MA-124K1 involves an allosteric modulation of the vitronectin binding site. Cell culture experiments revealed a significant reduction of cell attachment and migration in the presence of MA-124K1, providing evidence for the functional relevance of this antibody-mediated up-regulation of the vitronectin binding properties of PAI-1. In conclusion, a novel mechanism for interference with PAI-1 functions has been identified and is of importance in the modulation of cell migration and related events (e.g. tumor metastasis).  相似文献   

The kinetics of inhibition of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) by the fast-acting plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) was investigated in homogeneous (plasma) and heterogeneous (solid-phase fibrin) systems by using radioisotopic and spectrophotometric analysis. It is demonstrated that fibrin-bound t-PA is protected from inhibition by PAI-1, whereas t-PA in soluble phase is rapidly inhibited (K1 = 10(7) M-1.s-1) even in the presence of 2 microM-plasminogen. The inhibitor interferes with the binding of t-PA to fibrin in a competitive manner. As a consequence the Kd of t-PA for fibrin (1.2 +/- 0.4 nM) increases and the maximal velocity of plasminogen activation by fibrin-bound t-PA is not modified. From the plot of the apparent Kd versus the concentration of PAI-1 a Ki value of 1.3 +/- 0.3 nM was calculated. The quasi-similar values for the dissociation constants between fibrin and t-PA (Kd) and between PAI-1 and t-PA (Ki), as well as the competitive type of inhibition observed, indicate that the fibrinolytic activity of human plasma may be the result of an equilibrium distribution of t-PA between both the amount of fibrin generated and the concentration of circulating inhibitor.  相似文献   

Thrombo-occlusive diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality, and tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is recommended for the treatment of the maladies. However, both t-PA and u-PA are rapidly inactivated by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Here, we show that longistatin, a novel plasminogen activator isolated from the ixodid tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis is resistant to PAI-1. Longistatin was relatively less susceptible to the inhibitory effect of SDS-treated platelet lysate than physiologic PAs. Platelet lysate inhibited t-PA and tcu-PA with the IC50 of 7.7 and 9.1 μg/ml, respectively, whereas for longistatin inhibition IC50 was 20.1 μg/ml (p < 0.01). Similarly, activated PAI-1 (20 nM) inhibited only 21.47% activity of longistatin but almost completely inhibited t-PA (99.17%) and tcu-PA (96.84%). Interestingly, longistatin retained 76.73% initial activity even after 3 h of incubation with 20 nM of PAI-1. IC50 of PAI-1 during longistatin inhibition was 88.3 nM while it was 3.9 and 3.2 nM in t-PA and tcu-PA inhibition, respectively. Longistatin completely hydrolyzed fibrin clot by activating plasminogen efficiently in the presence of 20 nM of PAI-1. Importantly, unlike t-PA, longistatin did not form complex with PAI-1. Collectively, our results suggest that longistatin is resistant to PAI-1 and maybe an interesting tool for the development of a PAI-1 resistant effective thrombolytic agent.  相似文献   

Substitution of the native variable region-1 (VR1/37-loop) of thrombin by the corresponding VR1 of tissue-type plasminogen activator (thrombin-VR1(tPA)) increases the rate of inhibition by plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) by three orders of magnitude, and is thus sufficient to confer PAI-1 specificity to a heterologous serine protease. A structural and kinetical approach to establish the function of the VR1 loop of t-PA in the context of the thrombin-VR1(tPA) variant is described. The crystal structure of thrombin-VR1(tPA) was resolved and showed a conserved overall alpha-thrombin structure, but a partially disordered VR1 loop as also reported for t-PA. The contribution of a prominent charge substitution close to the active site was studied using charge neutralization variants thrombin-E39Q(c39) and thrombin-VR1(tPA)-R304Q(c39), resulting in only fourfold changes in the PAI-1 inhibition rate. Surface plasmon resonance revealed that the affinity of initial reversible complex formation between PAI-1 and catalytically inactive Ser195-->Ala variants of thrombin and thrombin-VR1(tPA) is only increased fivefold, i.e. KD is 652 and 128 nM for thrombin-S195A and thrombin-S195A-VR1(tPA), respectively. We established that the partition ratio of the suicide substrate reaction between the proteases and PAI-1 was largely unaffected in any variant studied. Hirugen allosterically decreases the rate of thrombin inhibition by PAI-1 2.5-fold and of thrombin-VR1(tPA) 20-fold, by interfering with a unimolecular step in the reaction, not by decreasing initial complex formation or by altering the stoichiometry. Finally, kinetic modeling demonstrated that acylation is the rate-limiting step in thrombin inhibition by PAI-1 (k approximately 10(-3) s(-1)) and this kinetic block is alleviated by the introduction of the tPA-VR1 into thrombin (k>1 s(-1)). We propose that the length, flexibility and different charge architecture of the VR1 loop of t-PA invoke an induced fit of the reactive center loop of PAI-1, thereby enhancing the rate of acylation in the Michaelis complex between thrombin-VR1(t-PA) and PAI-1 by more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is the only functionally labile serpin, as it converts spontaneously into a non-reactive 'latent' conformation. Several studies have suggested an important role for helix F in the functional behavior and stability of the serpins, especially for PAI-1. We constructed a mutant of PAI-1 (PAI-1-delhF) in which residues 127-158 (hF-thFs3A) were deleted. Whereas wild-type PAI-1 (wtPAI-1) exhibits inhibitory properties towards t-PA and u-PA to an extent of 60-80% of the theoretical maximum, PAI-1-delhF did not exert any detectable inhibitory properties, but behaved as a stable substrate. Prolonged incubation at 37 degrees C did not change its functional properties in contrast to wtPAI-1 that under those conditions converts to the latent conformation. In contrast to active wtPAI-1 and other substrate-type PAI-1 mutants, PAI-1-delhF showed a 3000-fold decreased binding to vitronectin. The obtained results clearly show the importance of helix F in the inhibitory activity of PAI-1. The absence of helix F apparently leads to an impaired kinetics of insertion of the reactive site loop upon interaction with its target proteinase resulting in the inability to form a stable covalent complex. Moreover, removal of helix F strongly affects the binding of PAI-1 to vitronectin.  相似文献   

The binding of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) to serine proteinases, such as tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), is mediated by the exosite interactions between the surface-exposed variable region-1, or 37-loop, of the proteinase and the distal reactive center loop (RCL) of PAI-1. Although the contribution of such interactions to the inhibitory activity of PAI-1 has been established, the specific mechanistic steps affected by interactions at the distal RCL remain unknown. We have used protein engineering, stopped-flow fluorimetry, and rapid acid quenching techniques to elucidate the role of exosite interactions in the neutralization of tPA, uPA, and beta-trypsin by PAI-1. Alanine substitutions at the distal P4' (Glu-350) and P5' (Glu-351) residues of PAI-1 reduced the rates of Michaelis complex formation (k(a)) and overall inhibition (k(app)) with tPA by 13.4- and 4.7-fold, respectively, whereas the rate of loop insertion or final acyl-enzyme formation (k(lim)) increased by 3.3-fold. The effects of double mutations on k(a), k(lim), and k(app) were small with uPA and nonexistent with beta-trypsin. We provide the first kinetic evidence that the removal of exosite interactions significantly alters the formation of the noncovalent Michaelis complex, facilitating the release of the primed side of the distal loop from the active-site pocket of tPA and the subsequent insertion of the cleaved reactive center loop into beta-sheet A. Moreover, mutational analysis indicates that the P5' residue contributes more to the mechanism of tPA inhibition, notably by promoting the formation of a final Michaelis complex.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation, an event associated with angiogenesis, involves coordinated activities of a number of proteins. The role of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in angiogenesis remains controversial. Utilizing proliferating PAI-1-/- endothelial cells (EC), the impact of a host PAI-1 deficiency on Akt activation was evaluated. Hyperactivation of Akt(Ser(P)473) was observed in PAI-1-/- EC, and this was probably due to enhanced inactivation of tumor suppressor PTEN, thus rendering the cells resistant to apoptotic signals. Higher levels of inactivated caspase-9 in PAI-1-/- EC led to lower levels of procaspase-3 and cleaved caspase-3, thereby promoting survival. These effects were reversed when recombinant PAI-1 was added to PAI-1-/- EC. Additional studies demonstrated that regulation of proliferation is dependent on its interaction with low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. Thus, PAI-1 is a negative regulator of cell growth, exerting its effect on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway and allowing controlled cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system, comprising of uPA, its receptor uPAR and inhibitor, type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), plays a vital role in various biological processes involving extracellular proteolysis, fibrinolysis, cell migration and proliferation. The timely occurence of these processes are essential for normal wound healing. This study examines the regulation of uPA and PAI-1 by a natural polyphenol-rich compound, grape seed extract (GSE). GSE is reported to have beneficial effects in promoting wound healing. Fibroblast cells exposed to different doses of GSE for 18 hours were processed for further studies such as ELISA, RT-PCR, western blotting, fibrinolytic assay, cell surface plasmin activity assay and in vitro wound healing assay. GSE treatment caused a significant downregulation of uPA and PAI-1 expression, both at the RNA and protein levels. ELISA also revealed a dose-dependent decrease in uPA and PAI-1 activities. Functional significance of the downregulation was evident in decreased fibrinolytic activity, concomittant with decreased cell-surface plasmin activity. In vitro wound healing studies showed that GSE also retarded the migration of cells towards the wounded region.  相似文献   

We have shown that plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) inhibits the fibrin binding of both the single chain and two chain forms of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) through two different mechanisms. PAI-1 inhibits the finger domain-dependent fibrin binding of diisopropylfluorophosphate-inactivated single chain tPA and the kringle-2 domain-dependent fibrin binding of diisopropylfluorophosphate-inactivated two chain tPA. In accordance with the data, preformed complexes of single chain tPA/PAI-1 and of two chain tPA/PAI-1 lost the fibrin binding abilities mediated by the finger and kringle-2 domains, respectively. These effects of PAI-1 appear to be mediated by steric hindrance of the fibrin binding sites after PAI-1 binding to adjacent regions in the functional domains of tPA. We thus propose a model in which a PAI-1 binding site resides in the finger domain of a single chain, and plays a role in the reversible association of single chain tPA and PAI-1. Conformational changes may take place during the conversion of single chain tPA to two chain tPA, resulting in burying of the original PAI-1 binding site and exposure of an alternate PAI-1 binding site on the surface of the kringle-2 domain.  相似文献   

Low plasma levels of adiponectin (hypoadiponectinemia) and elevated circulating concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 are causally associated with obesity-related insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. However, the mechanism that mediates the aberrant production of these two adipokines in obesity remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of hypoxia and reactive oxygen species (ROS) on production of adiponectin and PAI-1 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Quantitative PCR and immunoassays showed that ambient hypoxia markedly suppressed adiponectin mRNA expression and its protein secretion, and increased PAI-1 production in mature adipocytes. Dimethyloxallyl glycine, a stabilizer of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha), mimicked the hypoxia-mediated modulations of these two adipokines. Hypoxia caused a modest elevation of ROS in adipocytes. However, ablation of intracellular ROS by antioxidants failed to alleviate hypoxia-induced aberrant production of adiponectin and PAI-1. On the other hand, the antioxidants could reverse hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced dysregulation of adiponectin and PAI-1 production. H2O2 treatment decreased the expression levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBPalpha), but had no effect on HIF-1alpha, whereas hypoxia stabilized HIF-1alpha and decreased expression of C/EBPalpha, but not PPARgamma. Taken together, these data suggest that hypoxia and ROS decrease adiponectin production and augment PAI-1 expression in adipocytes via distinct signaling pathways. These effects may contribute to hypoadiponectinemia and elevated PAI-1 levels in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

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