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The 5-upstream region of the pea plastocyanin gene (petE) directed 5–10-fold higher levels of -glucuronidase (GUS) activity than the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in transgenic tobacco plants, although the levels of GUS mRNA were similar. The sequence (AAAAAUGG) around the translation initiation codon of petE enhanced translation of the GUS mRNA 10-fold compared to translation from the GUS translation initiation codon in transgenic tobacco plants and transfected protoplasts.  相似文献   

High-mobility-group proteins HMG-1 and HMG-I/Y bind at overlapping sites within the A/T-rich enhancer element of the pea plastocyanin gene. Competition binding experiments revealed that HMG-1 enhanced the binding of HMG-I/Y to a 31-bp region (P31) of the enhancer. Circularization assays showed that HMG-1, but not HMG-I/Y, was able to bend a linear 100-bp DNA containing P31 so that the ends could be ligated. HMG-1, but not HMG-I/Y, showed preferential binding to the circular 100-bp DNA compared with the equivalent linear DNA, indicating that alteration of the conformation of the DNA by HMG-1 was not responsible for enhanced binding of HMG-I/Y. Direct interaction of HMG-I/Y and HMG-1 in the absence of DNA was demonstrated by binding of 35S-labeled proteins to immobilized histidine-tagged proteins, and this was due to an interaction of the N-terminal HMG-box-containing region of HMG-1 and the C-terminal AT-hook region of HMG-I/Y. Kinetic analysis using the IAsys biosensor revealed that HMG-1 had an affinity for immobilized HMG-I/Y (Kd = 28 nM) similar to that for immobilized P31 DNA. HMG-1-enhanced binding of HMG-I/Y to the enhancer element appears to be mediated by the formation of an HMG-1-HMG-I/Y complex, which binds to DNA with the rapid loss of HMG-1.  相似文献   

A 268 bp region (P268) of the pea plastocyanin gene promoter responsible for high-level expression has been shown to interact with the high mobility group proteins HMG-1 and HMG-I/Y isolated from pea shoot chromatin. cDNAs encoding an HMG-1 protein of 154 amino acid residues containing a single HMG-box and a C-terminal acidic tail and an HMG-I/Y-like protein of 197 amino acid residues containing four AT-hooks have been isolated and expressed in Escherichia coli to provide large amounts of full-length proteins. DNase I footprinting identified eight binding sites for HMG-I/Y and six binding sites for HMG-1 in P268. Inhibition of binding by the antibiotic distamycin, which binds in the minor groove of A/T-rich DNA, revealed that HMG-I/Y binding was 400-fold more sensitive than HMG-1 binding. Binding-site selection from a pool of random oligonucleotides indicated that HMG-I/Y binds to oligonucleotides containing stretches of five or more A/T bp and HMG-1 binds preferentially to oligonucleotides enriched in dinucleotides such as TpT and TpG.  相似文献   

Dehydrins are a family of proteins characterised by conserved amino acid motifs, and induced in plants by dehydration or treatment with ABA. An antiserum was raised against a synthetic oligopeptide based on the most highly conserved dehydrin amino acid motif, the lysine-rich block (core sequence KIKEK-LPG). This antiserum detected a novel M r 40 000 polypeptide and enabled isolation of a corresponding cDNA clone, pPsB61 (B61). The deduced amino acid sequence contained two lysine-rich blocks, however the remainder of the sequence differed markedly from other pea dehydrins. Surprisingly, the sequence contained a stretch of serine residues, a characteristic common to dehydrins from many plant species but which is missing in pea dehydrin.The expression patterns of B61 mRNA and polypeptide were distinctively different from those of the pea dehydrins during seed development, germination and in young seedlings exposed to dehydration stress or treated with ABA. In particular, dehydration stress led to slightly reduced levels of B61 RNA, and ABA application to young seedlings had no marked effect on its abundance.The M r 40 000 polypeptide is thus related to pea dehydrin by the presence of the most highly conserved amino acid sequence motifs, but lacks the characteristic expression pattern of dehydrin. By analogy with heat shock cognate proteins we refer to this protein as a dehydrin cognate.  相似文献   

Summary A 216 by promoter fragment of the 19 kDa protein zein gene pMS1, containing the CCAAT and TATA boxes, was analysed by a variety of techniques for in vitro interactions with nuclear proteins from endosperm tissue. HMG proteins were found to form stable complexes with these A/T-rich promoter sequences and several specific DNA-binding proteins appear to be involved in the formation of DNA-protein complexes with this fragment. A 29 bp region spanning the two CCAAT boxes was protected from DNase I digestion in footprinting experiments.  相似文献   

The crop legume pea (Pisum sativum) is genetically well characterized. However, due to its large genome it is not amenable to efficient positional cloning strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine if the model legume Medicago truncatula, which is a close relative of pea, could be used as a reference genome to facilitate the cloning of genes identified based on phenotypic and genetic criteria in pea. To this end, we studied the level of microsynteny between the SYM2 region of pea and the orthologous region in M. truncatula. Initially, a marker tightly linked to SYM2 was isolated by performing differential RNA display on near-isogenic pea lines. This marker served as the starting point for construction of a BAC physical map in M. truncatula. A fine-structure genetic map, based on eight markers from the M. truncatula physical map, indicates that the two genomes in this region share a conserved gene content. Importantly, this fine structure genetic map clearly delimits the SYM2-containing region in pea and the SYM2-orthologous region in M. truncatula, and should provide the basis for cloning SYM2. The utility of the physical and genetic tools in M. truncatula to dissect the SYM2 region of pea should have important implications for other gene cloning experiments in pea, in particular where the two genomes are highly syntenic within the region of interest.  相似文献   

NIT2, a positive-acting regulatory protein in Neurospora crassa, activates the expression of a series of unlinked structural genes that encode nitrogen catabolic enzymes. NIT2 binding sites in the promoter regions of nit3, alc and lao have at least two GATA sequence elements. We have examined the binding affinity of the NIT2 protein for the yeast DAL5 wild-type upstream activation sequence UASNTR, which contains two GATA elements, and for a series of mutated binding sites, each differing from the wild-type site by a single base. Substitution for individual nucleotides within 5 or 3 sequences that flank the GATA elements had only modest effects upon NIT2 binding. In contrast, nearly all substitutions within the GATA elements almost completely eliminated NIT2 binding, demonstrating the importance of the GATA sequence for NIT2 binding. Four high-affinity binding sites for the NIT2 protein were found within a central region of the nit-2 gene itself.  相似文献   

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