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The Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF) is a key adaptor protein involved in the anchoring of ion channels and receptors to the actin cytoskeleton through binding to ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins. NHERF binds the FERM domain of ERM proteins, although NHERF has no signature Motif-1 sequence for FERM binding found in adhesion molecules. The crystal structures of the radixin FERM domain complexed with the NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 C-terminal peptides revealed a peptide binding site of the FERM domain specific for the 13 residue motif MDWxxxxx(L/I)Fxx(L/F) (Motif-2), which is distinct from Motif-1. This Motif-2 forms an amphipathic alpha helix for hydrophobic docking to subdomain C of the FERM domain. This docking causes induced-fit conformational changes in subdomain C and affects binding to adhesion molecule peptides, while the two binding sites are not overlapped. Our studies provide structural paradigms for versatile ERM linkages between membrane proteins and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

CD44 is an important adhesion molecule that functions as the major hyaluronan receptor which mediates cell adhesion and migration in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Although full activity of CD44 requires binding to ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins, the CD44 cytoplasmic region, consisting of 72 amino acid residues, lacks the Motif-1 consensus sequence for ERM binding found in intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-2 and other adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily. Ultracentrifugation sedimentation studies and circular dichroism measurements revealed an extended monomeric form of the cytoplasmic peptide in solution. The crystal structure of the radixin FERM domain complexed with a CD44 cytoplasmic peptide reveals that the KKKLVIN sequence of the peptide forms a beta strand followed by a short loop structure that binds subdomain C of the FERM domain. Like Motif-1 binding, the CD44 beta strand binds the shallow groove between strand beta5C and helix alpha1C and augments the beta sheet beta5C-beta7C from subdomain C. Two hydrophobic CD44 residues, Leu and Ile, are docked into a hydrophobic pocket with the formation of hydrogen bonds between Asn of the CD44 short loop and loop beta4C-beta5C from subdomain C. This binding mode resembles that of NEP (neutral endopeptidase 24.11) rather than ICAM-2. Our results reveal a characteristic versatility of peptide recognition by the FERM domains from ERM proteins, suggest a possible mechanism by which the CD44 tail is released from the cytoskeleton for nuclear translocation by regulated intramembrane proteolysis, and provide a structural basis for Smad1 interactions with activated CD44 bound to ERM protein.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor (DDR) is a cell-surface receptor tyrosine kinase activated by the binding of its discoidin (DS) domain to fibrillar collagen. Here, we have determined the NMR structure of the DS domain in DDR2 (DDR2-DS domain), and identified the binding site to fibrillar collagen by transferred cross-saturation experiments. The DDR2-DS domain structure adopts a distorted jellyroll fold, consisting of eight beta-strands. The collagen-binding site is formed at the interloop trench, consisting of charged residues surrounded by hydrophobic residues. The surface profile of the collagen-binding site suggests that the DDR2-DS domain recognizes specific sites on fibrillar collagen. This study provides a molecular basis for the collagen-binding mode of the DDR2-DS domain.  相似文献   

Crystal structures have recently become available for two proteins (VP39 and eIF4E) complexed with their cognate ligand - the mRNA cap. Despite their total structural dissimilarity, both proteins bind N7-methylguanine between two parallel aromatic sidechains. The resulting stacked arrangement governs their high specificity for the alkylated form of the nucleobase.  相似文献   

The enzyme QueF catalyzes the reduction of the nitrile group of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ(0)) to 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ(1)), the only nitrile reduction reaction known in biology. We describe here two crystal structures of Bacillus subtilis QueF, one of the wild-type enzyme in complex with the substrate preQ(0), trapped as a covalent thioimide, a putative intermediate in the reaction, and the second of the C55A mutant in complex with the substrate preQ(0) bound noncovalently. The QueF enzyme forms an asymmetric tunnel-fold homodecamer of two head-to-head facing pentameric subunits, harboring 10 active sites at the intersubunit interfaces. In both structures, a preQ(0) molecule is bound at eight sites, and in the wild-type enzyme, it forms a thioimide covalent linkage to the catalytic residue Cys-55. Both structural and transient kinetic data show that preQ(0) binding, not thioimide formation, induces a large conformational change in and closure of the active site. Based on these data, we propose a mechanism for the activation of the Cys-55 nucleophile and subsequent hydride transfer.  相似文献   

The calcium binding proteins of the EF-hand super-family are involved in the regulation of all aspects of cell function. These proteins exhibit a great diversity of composition, structure, Ca2+-binding and target interaction properties. Here, our current understanding of the Ca2+-binding mechanism is assessed. The structures of the EF-hand motifs containing 11-14 amino acid residues in the Ca2+-binding loop are analyzed within the framework of the recently proposed two-step Ca2+-binding mechanism. A hypothesis is put forward that in all EF-hand proteins the Ca2+-binding and the resultant conformational responses are governed by the central structure connecting the Ca2+-binding loops in the two-EF-hand domain. This structure, named EFbeta-scaffold, defines the position of the bound Ca2+, and coordinates the function of the N-terminal (variable and flexible) with the C-terminal (invariable and rigid) parts of the Ca2+-binding loop. It is proposed that the nature of the first ligand of the Ca2+-binding loop is an important determinant of the conformational change. Additional factors, including the interhelical contacts, the length, structure and flexibility of the linker connecting the EF-hand motifs, and the overall energy balance provide the fine-tuning of the Ca2+-induced conformational change in the EF-hand proteins.  相似文献   

The Golgi-associated, gamma-adaptin-related, ADP-ribosylation-factor binding proteins (GGAs) and adaptor protein (AP)-1 are adaptors involved in clathrin-mediated transport between the trans-Golgi network and endosomal system. The appendage domains of GGAs and the AP-1 gamma-adaptin subunit are structurally homologous and have been proposed to bind to accessory proteins via interaction with short sequences containing phenylalanines and acidic residues. Here we present the structure of the human GGA1 appendage in complex with its cognate binding peptide from the p56 accessory protein (DDDDFGGFEAAETFD) as determined by X-ray crystallography. The interaction is governed predominantly by packing of the first two phenylalanine residues of the peptide with conserved basic and hydrophobic residues from GGA1. Additionally, several main chain hydrogen bonds cause the peptide to form an additional beta-strand on the edge of the preexisting beta-sheet of the protein. Isothermal titration calorimetry was used to assess the affinities of different peptides for the GGA and gamma-appendage domains.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) control the extracellular distribution, function, and activity of IGFs. Here, we report an X-ray structure of the binary complex of IGF-I and the N-terminal domain of IGFBP-4 (NBP-4, residues 3-82) and a model of the ternary complex of IGF-I, NBP-4, and the C-terminal domain (CBP-4, residues 151-232) derived from diffraction data with weak definition of the C-terminal domain. These structures show how the IGFBPs regulate IGF signaling. Key features of the structures include (1) a disulphide bond ladder that binds to IGF and partially masks the IGF residues responsible for type 1 IGF receptor (IGF-IR) binding, (2) the high-affinity IGF-I interaction site formed by residues 39-82 in a globular fold, and (3) CBP-4 interactions. Although CBP-4 does not bind individually to either IGF-I or NBP-4, in the ternary complex, CBP-4 contacts both and also blocks the IGF-IR binding region of IGF-I.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase c-Met is implicated in oncogenesis and is the target for several small molecule and biologic agents in clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Binding of the hepatocyte growth factor to the cell surface receptor of c-Met induces activation via autophosphorylation of the kinase domain. Here we describe the structural basis of c-Met activation upon autophosphorylation and the selective small molecule inhibiton of autophosphorylated c-Met. MK-2461 is a potent c-Met inhibitor that is selective for the phosphorylated state of the enzyme. Compound 1 is an MK-2461 analog with a 20-fold enthalpy-driven preference for the autophosphorylated over unphosphorylated c-Met kinase domain. The crystal structure of the unbound kinase domain phosphorylated at Tyr-1234 and Tyr-1235 shows that activation loop phosphorylation leads to the ejection and disorder of the activation loop and rearrangement of helix αC and the G loop to generate a viable active site. Helix αC adopts a orientation different from that seen in activation loop mutants. The crystal structure of the complex formed by the autophosphorylated c-Met kinase domain and compound 1 reveals a significant induced fit conformational change of the G loop and ordering of the activation loop, explaining the selectivity of compound 1 for the autophosphorylated state. The results highlight the role of structural plasticity within the kinase domain in imparting the specificity of ligand binding and provide the framework for structure-guided design of activated c-Met inhibitors.  相似文献   

We have used an extensive mutagenesis approach to study the specific role of the eight structural domains of Vav during both the activation and signaling steps of this Rac1 exchange factor. Our results indicate that several Vav domains (Dbl homology, pleckstrin homology, and zinc finger) are essential for all the biological activities tested, whereas others are required for discrete, cell type-specific biological effects. Interestingly, we have found that Vav domains have no unique functions. Thus, the calponin homology domain mediates the inhibition of Vav both in vitro and in vivo but, at the same time, exerts effector functions in lymphocytes upon receptor activation. The Vav SH2 and SH3 regions play regulatory roles in the activation of Vav in fibroblasts, mediating both its phosphorylation and translocation to the plasma membrane. In contrast, the Vav SH2 and SH3 regions act as scaffolding platforms in T-cells, ensuring the proper phosphorylation of Vav and the subsequent engagement of downstream effectors. We also provide evidence indicating that the zinc finger region exerts at least three different functional roles in Vav, aiding in the down-regulation of its basal activity, the engagement of substrates, and the induction of ancillary pathways required for cell transformation. Finally, the results obtained are consistent with a new regulatory model for Vav, in which the calponin homology region inhibits the basal activity of Vav through interactions with the zinc finger region.  相似文献   

The single-domain coenzyme A (CoA)-binding protein is conserved in bacteria, archaea, and a few eukaryal taxa. It consists of a Rossmann-fold domain, belonging to the FAD/NAD(P)-binding ;superfamily. The crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus single-domain CoA-binding protein, TTHA1899, has been determined and it has been demonstrated, by isothermal titration calorimetry, that the protein interacts with CoA [Wada T. et al. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 59 (2003) 1213]. In the present study, we determined the crystal structures of an orthologous protein from the archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii (PH1109), alone and complexed with CoA, at 1.65 A and 1.70 A resolutions, respectively, and that of P. furiosus protein (PF0725) in the CoA-bound form at 1.70 A. The CoA-bound structures are very similar to each other, revealing that the Pyrococcus proteins bind CoA in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Five loop-containing regions form the CoA-binding groove, to which the CoA molecule is docked. A comparison of the structures and the sequences of the Pyrococcus proteins with those of the T. theromphilus orthologue TTHA1899 indicated that archaeal and bacterial single-domain CoA-binding proteins share the same CoA-binding mode. Nevertheless, many of the peripheral residues involved in the hydrogen-bonding/electrostatic interactions with CoA are not strictly conserved in the family. The CoA interaction of the single-domain CoA-binding proteins is significantly different and much more extensive than that of the multi-subunit/multi-domain CoA-binding protein succinyl-CoA synthetase.  相似文献   

Onconase® (ONC) is a homolog of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) from the frog Rana pipiens. ONC displays antitumoral activity and is in advanced clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Here, we report the first atomic structures of ONC-nucleic acid complexes: a T89N/E91A ONC-5′-AMP complex at 1.65 Å resolution and a wild-type ONC-d(AUGA) complex at 1.90 Å resolution. The latter structure and site-directed mutagenesis were used to reveal the atomic basis for substrate recognition and turnover by ONC. The residues in ONC that are proximal to the scissile phosphodiester bond (His10, Lys31, and His97) and uracil nucleobase (Thr35, Asp67, and Phe98) are conserved from RNase A and serve to generate a similar bell-shaped pH versus kcat/KM profile for RNA cleavage. Glu91 of ONC forms two hydrogen bonds with the guanine nucleobase in d(AUGA), and Thr89 is in close proximity to that nucleobase. Installing a neutral or cationic residue at position 91 or an asparagine residue at position 89 virtually eliminated the 102-fold guanine:adenine preference of ONC. A variant that combined such substitutions, T89N/E91A ONC, actually preferred adenine over guanine. In contrast, installing an arginine residue at position 91 increased the guanine preference and afforded an ONC variant with the highest known kcat/KM value. These data indicate that ONC discriminates between guanine and adenine by using Coulombic interactions and a network of hydrogen bonds. The structure of the ONC-d(AUGA) complex was also used to probe other aspects of catalysis. For example, the T5R substitution, designed to create a favorable Coulombic interaction between ONC and a phosphoryl group in RNA, increased ribonucleolytic activity by twofold. No variant, however, was more toxic to human cancer cells than wild-type ONC. Together, these findings provide a cynosure for understanding catalysis of RNA cleavage in a system of high medicinal relevance.  相似文献   

The Hah1 metallochaperone protein is implicated in copper delivery to the Menkes and Wilson disease proteins. Hah1 and the N-termini of its target proteins belong to a family of metal binding domains characterized by a conserved MT/HCXXC sequence motif. The crystal structure of Hah1 has been determined in the presence of Cu(I), Hg(II), and Cd(II). The 1.8 A resolution structure of CuHah1 reveals a copper ion coordinated by Cys residues from two adjacent Hah1 molecules. The CuHah1 crystal structure is the first of a copper chaperone bound to copper and provides structural support for direct metal ion exchange between conserved MT/HCXXC motifs in two domains. The structures of HgHah1 and CdHah1, determined to 1.75 A resolution, also reveal metal ion coordination by two MT/HCXXC motifs. An extended hydrogen bonding network, unique to the complex of two Hah1 molecules, stabilizes the metal binding sites and suggests specific roles for several conserved residues. Taken together, the structures provide models for intermediates in metal ion transfer and suggest a detailed molecular mechanism for protein recognition and metal ion exchange between MT/HCXXC containing domains.  相似文献   

The WH2 (Wiscott-Aldridge syndrome protein homology domain 2) repeat is an actin interacting motif found in monomer sequestering and filament assembly proteins. We have stabilized the prototypical WH2 family member, thymosin-beta4 (Tbeta4), with respect to actin, by creating a hybrid between gelsolin domain 1 and the C-terminal half of Tbeta4 (G1-Tbeta4). This hybrid protein sequesters actin monomers, severs actin filaments and acts as a leaky barbed end cap. Here, we present the structure of the G1-Tbeta4:actin complex at 2 A resolution. The structure reveals that Tbeta4 sequesters by capping both ends of the actin monomer, and that exchange of actin between Tbeta4 and profilin is mediated by a minor overlap in binding sites. The structure implies that multiple WH2 motif-containing proteins will associate longitudinally with actin filaments. Finally, we discuss the role of the WH2 motif in arp2/3 activation.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rheb displays unique biological and biochemical properties different from other small GTPases and functions as an important mediator between the tumor suppressor proteins TSC1 and TSC2 and the mammalian target of rapamycin to stimulate cell growth. We report here the three-dimensional structures of human Rheb in complexes with GDP, GTP, and GppNHp (5'-(beta,gamma-imide)triphosphate), which reveal novel structural features of Rheb and provide a molecular basis for its distinct properties. During GTP/GDP cycling, switch I of Rheb undergoes conformational change while switch II maintains a stable, unusually extended conformation, which is substantially different from the alpha-helical conformation seen in other small GTPases. The unique switch II conformation results in a displacement of Gln64 (equivalent to the catalytic Gln61 of Ras), making it incapable of participating in GTP hydrolysis and thus accounting for the low intrinsic GTPase activity of Rheb. This rearrangement also creates space to accommodate the side chain of Arg15, avoiding its steric hindrance with the catalytic residue and explaining its noninvolvement in GTP hydrolysis. Unlike Ras, the phosphate moiety of GTP in Rheb is shielded by the conserved Tyr35 of switch I, leading to the closure of the GTP-binding site, which appears to prohibit the insertion of a potential arginine finger from its GTPase-activating protein. Taking the genetic, biochemical, biological, and structural data together, we propose that Rheb forms a new group of the Ras/Rap subfamily and uses a novel GTP hydrolysis mechanism that utilizes Asn1643 of the tuberous sclerosis complex 2 GTPase-activating protein domain instead of Gln64 of Rheb as the catalytic residue.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) act as molecular switches in signaling pathways by coupling the activation of heptahelical receptors at the cell surface to intracellular responses. In the resting state, the G-protein alpha subunit (Galpha) binds GDP and Gbetagamma. Receptors activate G proteins by catalyzing GTP for GDP exchange on Galpha, leading to a structural change in the Galpha(GTP) and Gbetagamma subunits that allows the activation of a variety of downstream effector proteins. The G protein returns to the resting conformation following GTP hydrolysis and subunit re-association. As the G-protein cycle progresses, the Galpha subunit traverses through a series of conformational changes. Crystallographic studies of G proteins in many of these conformations have provided substantial insight into the structures of these proteins, the GTP-induced structural changes in Galpha, how these changes may lead to subunit dissociation and allow Galpha and Gbetagamma to activate effector proteins, as well as the mechanism of GTP hydrolysis. However, relatively little is known about the receptor-G protein complex and how this interaction leads to GDP release from Galpha. This article reviews the structural determinants of the function of heterotrimeric G proteins in mammalian systems at each point in the G-protein cycle with special emphasis on the mechanism of receptor-mediated G-protein activation. The receptor-G protein complex has proven to be a difficult target for crystallography, and several biophysical and computational approaches are discussed that complement the currently available structural information to improve models of this interaction. Additionally, these approaches enable the study of G-protein dynamics in solution, which is becoming an increasingly appreciated component of all aspects of G-protein signaling.  相似文献   

In a calcium-dependent interaction critical for blood coagulation, vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation proteins bind cell membranes containing phosphatidylserine via gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-rich (Gla) domains. Gla domain-mediated protein-membrane interaction is required for generation of thrombin, the terminal enzyme in the coagulation cascade, on a physiologic time scale. We determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy the lysophosphatidylserine-binding site in the bovine prothrombin Gla domain. The serine head group binds Gla domain-bound calcium ions and Gla residues 17 and 21, fixed elements of the Gla domain fold, predicting the structural basis for phosphatidylserine specificity among Gla domains. Gla domains provide a unique mechanism for protein-phospholipid membrane interaction. Increasingly Gla domains are being identified in proteins unrelated to blood coagulation. Thus, this membrane-binding mechanism may be important in other physiologic processes.  相似文献   

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