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Starvation caused a marked increase in putrescine content in mammary gland of lactating rats, together with a marked decrease in activity of ornithine decarboxylase and appearance of measurable ornithine decarboxylase antizyme. 2. Refeeding for 5 h caused disappearance of free antizyme and ornithine decarboxylase activity returned to the value in fed animals. Putrescine concentration remained elevated. 3. There was no significant change in nucleic acid content of mammary gland from starved rats, but spermidine and spermine contents increased significantly. 4. Refeeding for 5 h returned the spermidine content of mammary glands to 'fed' values, and significantly decreased the content of spermine, although it did not reach control values. Thus changes in polyamine content of mammary gland in starved rats are clearly dissociated from changes in either RNA content or activities of polyamine-synthetic decarboxylases. 5. Starvation caused a fall in the content of spermidine in liver, with no change in spermine content. Refeeding for 5 h returned the spermidine content to 'fed' values.  相似文献   

Administration of insulin with glucose to starved lactating rats, which activates pyruvate dehydrogenase [M. A. Baxter & H. G. Coore (1978) Biochiem. J. 174, 553-561], restored lipogenesis in mammary gland in vivo to 50% of the value observed in refed (2.5 h) rats. The correlations between pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and the rate of lipogenesis persisted in isolated acini. Activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in vitro with dichloroacetate increased lipogenesis from [6-14C]glucose in acini from starved and refed rats by 250% and 100% respectively. However, in the presence of dichloroacetate, only 70% of the increased flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase was converted into lipid in acini from starved rats, whereas all of the increase could be accounted for as lipid in acini from refed rats. Addition of insulin plus dichloroacetate was required to obtain maximal rates of lipogenesis in acini from starved rats. Similarly, insulin increased the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into lipid only in acini from starved rats. Although the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase plays an important role in the control of mammary-gland lipogenesis, the evidence presented suggests a second regulatory site which is insulin-sensitive and is located after the generation of cytosolic acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

An intragastric load of medium- or long-chain triacylglycerols inhibited lipogenesis in lactating rat mammary gland in vivo by 82 or 89% respectively. This inhibition was reversed partially by insulin administration. Long-chain triacylglycerols inhibited hepatic lipogenesis in vivo but medium-chain triacylglycerols increased it 2-fold. Glucose utilization in vitro by mammary gland acini from triacylglycerol-fed rat was normal.  相似文献   

Depression of carbohydrate digestion by oral administration of acarbose, a glucosidase inhibitor, led to a 75% inhibition of the re-activation of lipogenesis in vivo in the mammary gland of 18 h-starved lactating rats refed with 5 g of chow diet. Rates of [1-14C]glucose incorporation in vitro into lipid and CO2 in mammary-gland acini isolated from refed animals were elevated compared with acini from starved rats, but acarbose treatment completely prevented this stimulation. Gastric intubation of glucose led to a large stimulation of lipogenesis in the mammary gland of starved lactating rats, similar to that induced by refeeding with chow diet; this was dependent on the amount of glucose given and the time elapsed between glucose administration and injection of 3H2O for the measurement of lipogenesis. The switch-on of lipogenesis in the mammary gland of starved lactating rats, by refeeding or by intubation of glucose, was associated with a decrease in the ratio of [glucose 6-phosphate]/[fructose 1,6-bisphosphate] in the gland, indicative of an increase in phosphofructokinase activity. A time-course study revealed that the ratio decreased rapidly over the first 30 min of chow refeeding, after which a large surge in lipogenesis was seen. Acarbose, given 25 min after the onset of refeeding, led to a stepwise increase in the ratio, in parallel with the observed decrease in lipogenic activity. It is concluded that the control of lipogenesis in the mammary gland is closely linked to the availability of dietary carbohydrate. An important site of regulation of lipogenesis in the gland appears to be at the level of phosphofructokinase. A possible role of insulin in the regulation of phosphofructokinase activity, and the acute modulation of insulin-sensitivity in the gland during the starved-refed transition, are discussed.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous differences of amino acids across the mammary glands of lactating rats are diminished when the rats are starved for 24 h. When 24 h-starved rats were refed for 2 1/2 h, the arteriovenous differences of amino acids returned to values similar to those found in well-fed rats. In order to find a possible explanation for these rapid changes, we tested the effect of ketone bodies on amino acid uptake by the gland. At 5 min after injection of acetoacetate to fed rats, when the total concentration of ketone bodies in blood was similar to that found in starvation, the uptake of amino acids by the mammary gland was similar to that found after starvation, i.e. lower than in fed rats. However, 30 min after administration of acetoacetate, when the arterial concentration of ketone bodies had returned to values similar to those in fed rats, the arteriovenous differences of amino acids were similar to those found in fed rats. We conclude that the changes in blood ketone bodies may be responsible, at least in part, for the changes in amino acid uptake that occur in starvation and in the starvation--refeeding transition.  相似文献   

Dietary regulation of mammary lipogenesis in lactating rats.   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The proportion of medium-chain fatty acids (C8:0, C10:0 and C12:0) in rat milk increased significantly between day 4 and day 8 of lactation and for the remainder of lactation these acids comprised 40-50mol% of the total fatty acids. The milk fatty acid composition from day 8 was markedly dependent on the presence of dietary fat and altered to include the major fatty acids of the fats (peanut oil, coconut oil and linseed oil). The distribution of fatty acids made within the gland, however, was independent of dietary lipid and C8:0, C10:0 and C12:0 acids accounted for over 70% of the fatty acids made. The rates of lipogenesis in both the mammary gland and liver determined in vivo after the administration of 3H2O were affected by the presence of dietary lipid. In the mammary gland the rate for rats fed a diet containing peanut oil for 7 days was only one fifth that for rats fed a fat-free diet. Coconut oil also suppressed lipogenesis. Both dietary fats also suppressed lipogenesis in the liver.  相似文献   

The initial rates of activation of inactivated pyruvate dehydrogenase from lactating rat mammary gland and from pig heart were employed to assay pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase activity in mammary gland mitochondrial extracts. 24 h-starvation or 3 h-deprivation of insulin diminished phosphatase activity compared to fed controls. Refeeding and insulin treatment of 24 h starved animals restored in 1 h control levels of phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Well-coupled mitochondria have been prepared from lactating rat mammary gland.
  • 2.2. The mitochondria can accumulate pyruvate via a specific carrier system to the same extent as can liver mitochondria. Transport of pyruvate across the mitochondrial membrane is facilitated by the passage of citrate or malate in the opposite direction.

1. Measurements of arteriovenous differences across mammary glands of normal and starved lactating rats, and lactating rats made short-term insulin-deficient with streptozotocin or prolactin-deficient with bromocryptine, showed that only in the starved animals was there a significant decrease in glucose uptake. This decrease was accompanied by release of lactate and pyruvate from the gland, in contrast with the uptake of these metabolites by glands of normal lactating rats. 2. There were no marked differences in metabolite concentrations in freeze-clamped glands in the four conditions studied, apart from a decrease in [lactate] and [pyruvate] and an increase in [glucose] in the glands of the streptozotocin-treated group. 3. Acini isolated from the glands of starved, insulin or prolactin-deficient rats had a higher production of lactate and pyruvate from glucose than did glands from normal rats; this is in agreement with the reported decrease in the proportion of active pyruvate dehydrogenase in these situations [Field & Coore (1976) Biochem. J.156, 333-337; Kankel & Reinauer (1976) Diabetologia12, 149-154]. 4. Addition of insulin did not increase the uptake of glucose by acini from normal glands, but it caused a significant increase in the utilization of glucose by acini from glands of starved rats. Insulin did not decrease the accumulation of lactate and pyruvate in any of the experiments. 5. It is concluded that isolated acini represent a suitable model for the study of mammary-gland carbohydrate metabolism in that they reflect metabolism of the gland in vivo.  相似文献   

Incorporation of D-3-hydroxy[3-14C]butyrate into lipid in vivo suggests that lactating mammary gland is a major site of ketone-body utilization. The incorporation decreases in short-term insulin deficiency (2h) and on starvation (24h), but increases again on refeeding (2h). The activity of cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase parallels the changes in nutritional state, but is not affected by short-term insulin deficiency.  相似文献   

Polymyxin B, a cyclic decapeptide antibiotic, increased blood glucose and lactate, and inhibited the stimulation of lipogenesis in interscapular brown adipose tissue and lactating mammary gland of starved-refed virgin and lactating rats respectively. Lipogenesis was not inhibited in white adipose tissue or liver. The antibiotic increased the haematocrit. The relative blood flow to brown adipose tissue and lactating mammary gland was decreased by polymyxin B, and this was accompanied by a decrease in tissue ATP content. In vitro polymyxin B did not affect glucose utilization or conversion into lipid, nor the stimulation by insulin of these processes in brown-adipose-tissue slices. Treatment of rats in vivo with polymyxin B resulted in decreased utilization of glucose in vitro in brown-adipose-tissue slices. Similarly, acini from mammary glands of polymyxin B-treated lactating rats had decreased rates of conversion of [1-14C]glucose to lipid. It is concluded that the effects of polymyxin B may be brought about by decreases in tissue blood flow. The possibility that these effects are secondary to inhibition of glucose utilization cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Metabolism of arginine in lactating rat mammary gland.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Significant activities of the four enzymes needed to convert arginine into proline and glutamate (arginase, ornithine aminotransferase, pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase) develop co-ordinately in lactating rat mammary glands in proportion to the increased production of milk. No enzymes were detected to carry out the reactions of proline oxidation or reduction of glutamate to pyrroline-5-carboxylate. Minces of the gland converted ornithine into proline and into glutamate plus glutamine. These conversions increased during the cycle of lactation in proportion to the increased milk production and to the content of the necessary enzymes. The minced gland did not convert labelled ornithine into citrulline, confirming the absence from the gland of a functioning urea cycle, and did not convert labelled proline or glutamate into ornithine. A metabolic flow of labelled arginine to proline and glutamate in mammary gland was confirmed in intact animals with experiments during which the specific radioactivity of proline in plasma remained below that of the proline being formed from labelled arginine within the gland. It was concluded that arginase in this tissue had a metabolic role in the biosynthesis of extra proline and glutamate needed for synthesis of milk proteins.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme are enzymes involved in NADPH synthesis. Their specific activities and glucose utilization by isolated cell systems have been measured in adipose tissue and mammary gland from mid-lactating rats during starvation/refeeding transition. Starvation for 24 h produced a 75-90% decrease in the specific activities of these NADPH producing systems in mammary gland. Acinis isolated from the gland of starved rats had a lower production of CO2, fatty acids and triacylglycerols from (1-14C)glucose and (6-14C)-glucose than did gland from control rats. The activities of these enzymes in adipose tissue were very low and did not undergo any measurable alteration with starvation. The ability of adipocytes from well fed lactating rats to synthesize fatty acids from (1-14C)glucose was completely blocked. However, starvation is accompanied by a marked decrease in glucose incorporation into triacylglycerols. All the variations observed "in vivo" and "in vitro" in mammary gland returned almost to normal values by refeeding the starved lactating rats.  相似文献   

1. The effects of various treatments to alter either plasma prolactin (bromocryptine administration or removal of litter) or the metabolic activity of the mammary gland (unilateral or complete teat sealing) on the disposal of oral [14C]lipid between 14CO2 production and [14C]lipid accumulation in tissues of lactating rats were studied. In addition, the rates of lipogenesis in vivo were measured in mammary gland, brown and white adipose tissue and liver. 2. Bromocryptine administration lowered plasma prolactin, but did not alter [14C]lipid accumulation in mammary gland or in white and brown adipose tissue. 3. In contrast, complete sealing of teats results in no change in plasma prolactin, but a 90% decrease in [14C]lipid accumulation in mammary gland and a 4-fold increase in white and brown adipose tissue. The rate of lipogenesis in mammary gland was decreased by 95%, but there was no change in the rate in white and brown adipose tissue. Unilateral sealing of teats resulted in a decrease in [14C]lipid accumulation in white adipose tissue. 4. Removal of the litter for 24 h (low prolactin) produced a similar pattern to complete teat sealing, except that there was a 6-fold increase in lipogenesis in white adipose tissue. Re-suckling for 5 h increased plasma prolactin, but did not alter the response seen in litter-removed lactating rats. 5. Changes in lipoprotein lipase activity and in plasma insulin paralleled the reciprocal changes in [14C]lipid accumulation in white and brown adipose tissue and in mammary gland. 6. It is concluded that the plasma insulin is more important than prolactin in regulating lipid deposition in adipose tissue during lactation, and that any effects of prolactin must be indirect.  相似文献   

Lactating rats were starved for 48 h and refed a high-carbohydrate diet for a further 48 h. Starvation stops milk secretion, which resumes shortly after refeeding. Three lipogenic enzymes, fatty acid synthase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC and 'malic' enzyme (EC all decrease in the mammary gland during starvation and are restored to the pre-starvation levels 48 h after refeeding. The same enzymes in liver also decrease during starvation, but increase to values significantly higher than those for the normal fed rats after refeeding the high-carbohydrate diet. For the fatty acid synthase these values were four times the pre-starvation values. Serum insulin and prolactin concentrations also increased upon refeeding the high-carbohydrate diet.  相似文献   

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