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The authors investigated the origin of the v. portae and variability of its main tributaries in 30 adult guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus). The venous bed was visualized by means of blue-dyed latex. The v. portae was formed the most frequently - in 17 cases (56.7%) - by the confluence of three veins - the v. mesenterica cranialis, the v. lienalis and the v. gastroepiploica dextra; less often it was formed from four or five tributaries and in one case only it was formed by union of the v. mesenterica cranialis and the v. lienalis. The v. gastrica sinistra was a tributary of the v. lienalis in 24 cases (80.0%). It arose on the ventral and the dorsal surface of the stomach, in the region adjacent to the curvatura minor ventriculi. In 21 cases (70.0%) it was joined by an independent v. cardiaca. The v. lienalis originated in the hilus lienis, usually as a result of the union of two venous trunks. Inter-organ anastomoses were found in 26 cases (86.7%); in 10 cases (33.3%) they occurred simultaneously between the spleen and the stomach and between the spleen and the pancreas, while in 16 cases (53.3%) they connected the superior pole of the spleen with the stomach. An independent v. gastroepiploica dextra was present in 19 cases (63.3%) as a tributary of the v. portae. In 22 cases it was joined by the v. pylorica. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was present in 27 cases (90.0%). In 18 cases (60.0%) it united with the v. gastroepiploica dextra to form a common trunk, the v. gastroduodenalis, which joined the v. portae; in two cases (6.7%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. In six cases it was connected with the v. lienalis and in three cases (10.0%) it was replaced by a few vv. pancreaticae emptying into the v. lienalis. A typical v. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis, as a tributary of the a. mesenterica cranialis, was found in 19 cases (63.3%). In two cases, together with the v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis, it formed a single trunk (the v. pancreaticoduodenalis communis). A comparison of the v. portae and its tributaries in the guinea pig and the cat has so far not brought to light any significant morphological differences relative to their different zoological classification and their different modes of life.  相似文献   

Most frequently - in 19 cases (63.3%) - the v. colica media was a tributary of a trunk, formed together with the v. mesenterica caudalis, which emptied into the v. mesenterica cranialis. In two cases (6.7%) it emptied independently into the v. mesenterica cranialis. In 25 cases (83.3%) the v. mesenterica caudalis arose from the rectum and, at colon ascendens level, acquired one or more vv. colicae sinistrae. In six cases (19.8%) the v. colica dextra opened into the v. ileocolica and in eight cases (26.7%) it was the initial tributary of an independent v. ileocolica which joined the v. mesenterica cranialis directly. The drainage of venous blood from the stomach is organized as follows: the fundus region is connected to the v. lienalis by means of inter-organ anastomoses. The curvatura minor is drained by means of the v. gastrica sinistra. Venous blood from the region of the curvatura major ventriculi flows partly into the v. lienalis (by way of the vv. gastroepiploicae or small veins) and partly into the v. gastrica sinistra. Drainage of venous blood from the pancreas: a v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was present in 16 cases (53.3%) and a typical v. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was found in 12 cases (40.0%). Simultaneous formation of both vv. pancreaticoduodenalis, with a possible incidence of small venous efferents to the v. lienalis, was observed in only nine cases (30.0%). In 21 cases (70%), blood from the region of the flexura duodenojejunalis was drained by the last v. jejunalis; in other cases it drained into the vv. pancreaticoduodenales.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The authors studied the origin of the v. portae and the variability of its tributaries in 30 adult laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus v. alba) after injecting blue-dyed latex into the venous bed. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. portae was formed from three tributaries. In 18 of these cases (60.0%) they were the v. mesenterica cranialis, v. lienalis and v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. In eight cases the v. portae was formed from four or five tributaries and in only one case was it formed from two--the v. mesenterica cranialis and v. lienalis. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. gastrica sinistra was a tributary of the v. lienalis. It collected blood from the anterior and posterior surface of the stomach and sometimes originated as far away as the curvatura major ventriculi. A v. cardiaca was present in all 30 cases (100%). As a rule (in 28 cases, i.e. 93.3%), it was a tributary of the v. gastrica sinistra. There was likewise a v. pylorica in every case; most frequently this united with the v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis, but was also connected with other veins in the vicinity. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was always present. In 22 cases (73.3%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. In 11 cases (36.7%), there were no vv. gastroepiploicae or equivalent vessels and blood from the stomach was drained mainly by the v. gastrica sinistra. A v. gastroepiploica dextra was present in 11 cases (36.7%), mostly as a tributary of the v. lienalis; in two cases (6.7%) there was a v. gastroepiploica sinistra and in six cases (20%) the place of these veins was taken by vv. gastricae as tributaries of the v. lienalis. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. lienalis was joined by the v. gastrica sinistra. In 22 cases (73.3%) inter-organ anastomoses between the spleen, stomach and pancreas were found. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was always present and in 20 cases (66.7%) it was an independent tributary of the v. mesenterica cranialis. A comparison of the origin of the v. portae and the organization and variability of its tributaries in the rat, cat and guinea pig shows that, in agreement with their position in the zoological system and their mode of life, there was greater similarity between the rat and the guinea pig as regards practically all the veins examined.  相似文献   

The authors studied the ramification of the a. mesenterica cranialis and its variability in 30 domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, f. domestica, breed New Zealand White). The animals were anaesthetized and red-dyed latex was injected into their arterial bed via the thoracic aorta. In every case (100%), the a. mesenterica cranialis was an independent trunk arising from the abdominal aorta 1.5-2 cm caudally to the origin of the a. coeliaca. We did not observe a truncus coeliaco-mesentericus in our material. In 17 cases (56.7%), the a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was the first branch of the a. mesenterica cranialis. In 28 cases (93.3%) it formed a thick trunk which divided into two main branches to the aboral part of the duodenum and the caudal part of the pancreas respectively; in two cases (6.7%), the a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was duplicated. In only two cases (6.7%), the first branch of the a. mesenterica cranialis was the a. colica media. The a. mesenterica cranialis then divided into two thick trunks to the intestine - the truncus jejunalis and the truncus ileocaecocolicus. Single aa. jejunales branched off successively from the arching truncus jejunalis. The truncus ileocaecocolicus led in a caudal direction and broke up, as a rule, into three arteries supplying the ileum, the caecum and the colon transversum. In 17 cases (56.7%), 1-6 aa. jejunales arose directly from the trunk of the a. mesenterica cranialis and 13-21 from the convexity of the arch of the truncus jejunalis. In 13 cases (43.3%), all the aa. jejunales found (11-23) were branches of the truncus jejunalis. On the mesenteric side of the jejunum, the aa. jejunales forked and formed an arcade from which small branches led to the intestine. In the rabbit we always observed only one arcade; more complex systems were not formed. A truncus ileocaecocolicus, whose branching was characterized by marked variability, was found in all 30 cases (100%). Division of this trunk to an a. ileocaecalis, a. caecocolica and a. colica dextra was observed in only four cases (13.3%). In every case, extensive anastomoses with branches of the a. colica dextra and a. colica sinistra were formed. In general, it can be claimed that the arterial bed of the a. mesenterica cranialis is highly variable. Since little attention has been paid in the literature to variability of the ramification of this artery in different species of mammals, the authors will concentrate, in their next studies, on a detailed investigation of the arterial bed of the abdominal cavity, and of its variability, in further laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The authors studied branching of the a. coeliaca (the truncus coeliacomesentericus) in a group of Peruvian short-haired guinea pigs, with special reference to its variability. After the animals had been anaesthetized, their arterial bed was injected with red-dyed latex, fixed and dissected. In all 30 guinea pigs (100%), blood was supplied to the unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity by a truncus coeliacomesentericus arising from the aorta abdominalis at fundus ventriculi level. In 53.3% of the cases, the truncus coeliacomesentericus divided into a truncus gastrolienalis sending out an a. gastrica sinistra and an a. lienalis, and to a truncus hepatomesentericus which split up into an a. hepatica communis and a. mesenterica cranialis. An a. coeliaca (tripus Halleri) was found in only one guinea pig (3.3%), as a branch of the truncus coeliacomesentericus. In the remaining cases, the truncus branched in the most varied ways. The a. gastrica sinistra was most frequently (60%) a branch of the truncus gastrolienalis. In 21 cases (70%) there was a single a. gastrica sinistra and in nine cases (30%) it was doubled. In 29 cases (96.7%) the a. hepatica communis arose from the truncus hepatomesentericus. The classic type of division of the a. hepatica communis to an a. hepatica propria and an a. gastroduodenalis was observed in every case (100%). In 100% of the cases, the a. hepatica propria terminated in a r. dexter and a r. sinister to the liver. An a. cystica, as a direct branch of the a. hepatica propria, was formed in 28 cases (93.3%). In every case (100%) the a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was a branch of the a. gastroduodenalis. An a. gastrica dextra was recorded in only eight cases in the series (26.7%)--in 23.3% as a branch of the a. hepatica propria and in 3.3% as a branch of the a. cystica. Duplication of this artery was found in one case (3.3%). An a. lienalis was found in 28 cases (93.3%), as a direct branch of the truncus gastrolienalis; in two cases (6.7%) it was doubled. An a. gastroepiploica sinistra and a. gastroepiploica dextra were present in 100% of the cases. Inter-organ arterial anastomoses were found in 22 guinea pigs (73.3%)--between the spleen and the stomach (36.7%), between the pancreas and the stomach (10%), between the stomach, spleen and pancreas (10%) and, in the remaining cases, as various combinations of these connections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The blood supply of the stomach   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
156 abdominal preparations were explored by arteriography, corrosion and dissection. The stomach is vascularized by four well-anastomosed main arteries: the arteria gastrica dextra and sinistra and the arteria gastroepiploica dextra and sinistra. Other important vessels include: the arteria gastroduodenalis, the arteriae gastricae breves for the upper half of the greater curvature, a posterior gastric artery (36%), an accessory left gastric artery (12%) and an arteria supraduodenalis. The main vessels give rise to some very specific collaterals, e.g. the omental arteries that may form an omental arcade (44%), supra- and infra-pyloric branches, retroduodenal branches, rami cardiaci, esophagei and tuberales and an accessory left hepatic artery. The gastroduodenal artery always arises at a fixed point.  相似文献   

Accessory arteries supplying the human transverse colon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An accessory colic artery which arose from the superior mesenteric artery more proximally than the first jejunal artery and met the marginal artery at the splenic flexure was observed in 32 of 65 subjects (49.2%). Considering its constant morphological features, this accessory colic artery was given the new nomenclature 'superior left colic artery (arteria colica sinistra superior; CSS)'. The unusual middle colic artery arising from the celiac trunk was supposed to be caused by the anastomosis between the dorsal pancreatic artery from the CSS and that from the celiac trunk. An additional epiploic branch derived from the pancreatic branch (posterior epiploic branch) also sent an accessory colic artery in 2 subjects. But judging from its origin and area of distribution which overlaps with that of the middle colic artery, this accessory colic artery is not equivalent to CSS.  相似文献   

I Ebner  F Anderhuber 《Acta anatomica》1985,121(2):115-123
The cauda pancreatis has a characteristic pattern of vascularization. Among the big arterial stems surrounding it, up to 4 arteries, 'caudal arteries', nourish the arterial system of the cauda. These stems originate especially in the Arteria gastroepiploica sinistra and in the lower main splenic branch of the Arteria lienalis. The vascular relations between corpus and cauda can be of different kinds. Five basic types of relations can be identified: type I: the cauda is supplied exclusively by caudal arteries; type II: at least one caudal artery anastomoses with the vessels of the corpus; type III: the cauda is supplied both by the caudal arteries and by vessels of the corpus (non-anastomosing); type IV: combined forms of blood supply by caudal arteries and corpus arteries by way of anastomoses and non-anastomosing vessels are found; type V: the cauda is supplied exclusively be vessels stemming from the corpus. In each of these five types, individual vessels supplying the cauda can assume the function of a terminal vessel.  相似文献   

Systematisation of the arteries in the splenic hilus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J P Vandamme  J Bonte 《Acta anatomica》1986,125(4):217-224
156 abdominal preparations were explored by arteriography, corrosion and dissection. Within the meanders of the splenic artery a basic pattern can be traced. The division of the artery can easily be summarized by introducing the term of a truncus lienogastroepiploicus. The short gastric arteries are always present, and usually they are longer and more important than may appear from their name. In nearly half of the preparations (52%) an artery for the extremitas lienalis posterior is found; an artery for the extremitas lienalis anterior is very exceptional. A posterior gastric artery can be identified (36%) but it must be distinguished from several other vessels. The arteria colli pancreatis (for the neck of the pancreas) is a constant vessel that may have a superior (usually arteria lienalis) or an inferior origin (arteria mesenterica superior). It commonly supplies the transverse pancreatic artery and often the prepancreatic arcade. The arteria corporis pancreatis, too, is a constant artery. The pancreatic tail is thoroughly irrigated by usually more than one arteria caudae pancreatis. An important part of the greater curvature is not accompanied by the left gastroepiploic artery, but is supplied by the arteriae gastricae breves.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe origin, localisation and variations of renal arteries and veins in the rabbit. The study was carried out on 40 adult European rabbits. We prepared corrosion casts of the rabbit arterial and venous system. Spofacryl was used as the casting medium. In 75% of cases the origin of arteriae renales was located at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and in remaining 25% of cases arteria renalis dextra branched off at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. In 10% of cases we observed that the number of arteria renalis sinistra was doubled. We recorded also in one case the presence of arteria renalis accessoria for ren dexter. In 10% of cases we observed that the number of vena renalis sinistra was doubled. In 5% of cases two venae renales sinistrae arose from the kidney and subsequently, about 1 cm from opening to vena cava caudalis, they united to form a single vein. In 5% of cases two venae renales sinistrae arose from the kidney and subsequently, approximately 1 cm away from hilus renalis, they united. The obtained variations of the number of renal arteries were partially homologous to the human, but variations of renal veins were localized on the other side as in human.  相似文献   

7-Methoxytacrine (7-MEOTA) is an acetylcholine-esterase inhibitor that is potentially useful in the therapy of some neurodegenerative disorders. L-carnitine (CRT) is a naturally occuring compound that is known to increase penetration of some compounds through biological barriers. Aim of this study was how CRT influenced transintestinal absorption transport 7-MEOTA in rat using single-pass intestinal in situ perfusion method. The rate of absorption of 7-MEOTA during luminal perfusion with single 7-MEOTA was compared with rate of absorption during simultaneous perfusion with 7-MEOTA and CRT and with absorption rate after the premedication with CRT for period of three days before beginning of perfusion. The methodical system was the perfusion of mesenterial bed (from arteria mesenterica superior to vena portae) and intestinal luminal perfusion (from duodenum to ileum). The lower transintestinal absorption in the course of simultaneously administration of CRT than just in case of perfusion with single 7-MEOTA has been found. On the contrary a significantly higher absorption of 7-MEOTA has been noted in group of rats premedicated with CRT for three consecutive days. The interpretation suggested that molecules of CRT incorporated into the metabolism of intestinal cells facilitated transport of 7-MEOTA (as a representative substance which is at least partly transferred by carrier mechanism). In case of simultaneous luminal perfusion with CRT and 7-MEOTA competitive over-saturation of carrier systems is probably.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intestinal mucus not only facilitates substrate absorption, but also forms a hydrophobic, phosphatidylcholine (PC) enriched, barrier against luminal gut contents. METHODS: For evaluation of the origin of PC in intestinal mucus, we first analyzed the mucus PC in mice with absent biliary phospholipid secretion (mdr2 (-/-) mice) using electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectroscopy (MS/MS). Second, in situ perfused rat jejunum, ileum and colon were analyzed after i.v. bolus injections of 155 pmol [(3)H]-PC. Additional in vitro experiments were performed with isolated mucosal cells after incubation with the PC precursor [(3)H]-choline. RESULTS: In mdr2 (-/-) mice and control animals no significant quantitative difference in mucus PC was found, indicating that mucus PC is of intestinal and not biliary origin. In situ perfusion studies detected intestinal secretion of [(3)H]-PC, which was stimulated in presence of 2 mM taurocholate (TC). Secretion rates of [(3)H]-PC were highest in ileum (9.0+/-0.8 fmol h(-1)xcm(-1)), lower in jejunum (4.3+/-0.5) and minimal in colon (0.8+/-0.2). It compares to an intestinal secretion of native PC originating to 64% from bile, 9% from jejunum, 28% from ileum, and 1% from colon. Complementary in vitro studies showed 30-min secretion rates for [(3)H]-PC to be highest in enterocytes from ileum (26.5+/-5.3% of intracellular [(3)H]-PC) and jejunum (19.8+/-2.9%), and significantly lower in colonocytes (8.4+/-1.3%). CONCLUSION: PC in the intestinal mucus originates from secretion by ileal and jejunal enterocytes.  相似文献   

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) of rats has been demonstrated to produce hypoplasia of gut mucosa, and to be associated with reduced immune response and elevated translocation of bacteria from gut to mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Treatment of rats being maintained on TPN with the proglucagon fragment, glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), has been shown to totally prevent small intestine mucosal hypoplasia. In the present study, we found that depletion of polyamines with alpha-difluromethylornithine (DFMO) significantly reduced the efficacy of GLP-2 in preserving gut mucosa in rats maintained on TPN for 8 days. Co-infusion of GLP-2 with TPN prevented loss of protein and mucosa in duodenum, jejunum and ileum, but not in colon. Addition of DFMO to the infusate prevented the protective effects of GLP-2 in the duodenum and jejunum. In the jejunum, putrescine and spermidine were reduced in DFMO-treated rats, while the ileum exhibited reductions of these polyamines in rats infused with TPN or TPN plus GLP-2. DFMO infusion further reduced these polyamines in the ileum, while levels of spermine were increased. Concentrations of ornithine decarboxylase were elevated in jejunum of rats infused with TPN or TPN plus GLP-2, but were reduced significantly in DFMO-treated rats. These results suggest that normal levels of polyamines are necessary for the expression of GLP-2-induced hyperplasia. Differential effects of GLP-2 and DFMO across gut segments may relate to regional differences in proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects of the treatments.  相似文献   

1. Both activities of NADH- and NADPH-linked aquacobalamin reductases were found in some human tissues, liver, kidney pancreas, heart, spleen, lung, cerebrum, cerebellum, adrenal glands, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon and bone marrow. 2. Human liver contained both enzymes with higher specific activities than any other tissues. 3. The liver NADH-linked enzyme was distributed in both mitochondrial (approx. 60%) and microsomal (40%) fractions; similar to the distribution of the NADPH-linked enzyme, but of which 40% activity was found in the mitochondria and the remaining activity was recovered in the microsomes. 4. The results suggest that the synthetic systems of the cobalamin coenzymes occur in both mitochondria and microsomes of human liver.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨七味白术散联合蒙脱石散对腹泻幼鼠肠道菌群及免疫功能影响的研究。方法:选择SD雄性幼鼠30只,随机分为对照组、模型组、七味白术散组、蒙脱石散组、七味白术散联合蒙脱石散组,对照组与模型组灌胃给予0.2 mL/10生理盐水,七味白术散组给予0.2 mL/10 g七味白术散,蒙脱石散组给予0.2 mL/10 g蒙脱石散,七味白术散联合蒙脱石散组给予0.2 mL/10 g七味白术散+0.2 mL/10 g蒙脱石散,5组每天定时灌胃一次,均连续给药7天。对比腹泻指数、平均稀便级、稀便率、脾重、胸腺重指数、血清淀粉酶、血清D-木糖水平、回肠、结肠、空肠黏膜厚度及小肠内容物细菌增殖。结果:与对照组相比,其他组脾重、胸腺重指数、血清淀粉酶及D-木糖水平、双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌数量较低,腹泻指数、平均稀便级、稀便率、回肠、结肠、空肠黏膜厚度、大肠杆菌较高(P<0.05);与模型组相比,蒙脱石散组、七味白术散组、七味白术散联合蒙脱石散组的脾重、胸腺重指数、血清淀粉酶及D-木糖水平、双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌数量较高,腹泻指数、平均稀便级、稀便率、回肠、结肠、空肠黏膜厚度、大肠杆菌较低(P<0.05);与蒙脱石散组相比,七味白术散组、七味白术散联合蒙脱石散组的脾重、胸腺重指数、血清淀粉酶及D-木糖水平、双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌数量较高,腹泻指数、平均稀便级、稀便率、回肠、结肠、空肠黏膜厚度、大肠杆菌较低(P<0.05);与七味白术散组相比,七味白术散联合蒙脱石散组的脾重、胸腺重指数、血清淀粉酶、D-木糖水平、双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌数量明显较高,腹泻指数、平均稀便级、稀便率、回肠、结肠、空肠黏膜厚度、大肠杆菌较低(P<0.05)。结论:七味白术散联合蒙脱石散可明显改善腹泻幼鼠的腹泻症状,可能与其可调整腹泻幼鼠肠道菌群及免疫功能有关。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the distribution and concentration of peptide YY (PYY) in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat, dog, and monkey. In the rat, the greatest concentration of PYY was detected in the ileum and colon. The concentrations of PYY in the ileum and colon were 72 +/- 49 and 768 +/- 180 ng/g tissue, respectively. In the dog, PYY was found primarily in extracts of the mucosal layer of the ileum and colon, with smaller amounts in the distal jejunum. The concentration of PYY in the mucosal layers of the canine distal jejunum was 113 +/- 25 ng/g tissue, proximal jejunum 302 +/- 56, mid jejunum 507 +/- 151, distal ileum 691 +/- 184, and colon 1706 +/- 774 ng/g tissue. In the monkey gastrointestinal tract, PYY was detected predominantly in mucosal extracts of the jejunum, ileum, and colon. The concentration of PYY in the mucosal layer extract of the jejunum was 92 +/- 23, ileum 615 +/- 127, and colon 1013 +/- 243 ng/g tissue.  相似文献   

1. The influence of the gut microflora on protein synthesis in individual tissues and in the whole body of young chicks was investigated by the large-dose injection of [3H]phenylalanine. 2. Growth of germ-free chicks was significantly better than that of conventional controls. Wet weights of liver, spleen, duodenum, jejunum + ileum and caeca were heavier in conventional birds than in germ-free counterparts. 3. Fractional rates of protein synthesis were higher in jejunum + ileum and whole body of conventional birds than in those of germ-free birds. Amounts of protein synthesized were larger in liver, jejunum + ileum and caeca in the presence of the gut microflora. 4. When tissues were classified into gut + liver and the remainder of the carcass, in the presence of the gut microflora an enhanced protein synthesis in fractional and absolute rate was found in the gut + liver, which is in direct contact or in close association with micro-organisms, whereas virtually no effect of the gut micro-organisms was detected in the remainder of the carcass. 5. The contribution of protein synthesis of gut + liver to that of the whole body was larger in conventional chicks than in germ-free birds, whereas the reverse was true for the remainder of the carcass.  相似文献   

1. The effect of depriving rats of food for 48 h on the specific activity of phosphofructokinase in the epithelial cells of the small intestine and on the regulatory properties of the enzyme displayed in crude (particle-free) mucosal extracts was studied. 2. The specific activity of phosphofructokinase, measured under optimal conditions at pH8, in the mucosa of fed rats showed a negative aboral gradient along the intestine, decreasing from 15.2 +/- 1.2 units (mumol/min)/g wet wt. in the proximal jejunum to 4.6 +/- 1.2 units/g wet wt. in the terminal ileum. 3. After starvation, the gradient was diminished, but not abolished; the diminution in gradient was due almost exclusively to a decrease in the specific activity of phosphofructokinase in the proximal jejunum by about 30%, there being no change in the terminal ileum. 4. In fed rats, the susceptibility of phosphofructokinase to inhibition by ATP, when assayed in crude mucosal extracts under suboptimal conditions, was independent of length along the small intestine; the ratio of the activity observed at pH 7.0 in the presence of 0.5 mM-fructose 6-phosphate and 2.5 mM-ATP to the optimal activity at pH 8, v0.5/V, was 0.36 +/- 0.05 in the proximal jejunum and 0.42 +/- 0.07 in the terminal ileum. 5. After starvation, the susceptibility of phosphofructokinase to inhibition by ATP was increased and was again found to be independent of length along the small intestine: after starvation, v0.5/V was 0.19 +/- 0.04 and 0.20 +/- 0.07 for the proximal jejunum and the terminal ileum respectively. 6. Re-feeding of previously starved rats on a high-carbohydrate diet overnight for 16 h restored both the specific activities of phosphofructokinase and its susceptibility to inhibition by ATP to normal values for fed rats. 7. The data support the idea that the specific activities and the regulatory properties of phosphofructokinase in the epithelial cells of rat small intestine are mediated by distinct humoral factors. 8. The changes in glucose utilization rate of the jejunum when rats are starved can in principle be accounted for by a combination of changes in the specific activity and in the regulatory properties of mucosal phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) can present with different clinical and immunohistochemical characteristics according to different anatomic sites. The aim of this study was to compare clinicopathologic and computed tomography (CT) features of small bowel stromal tumors located in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. In total, 197 patients (109 male, 88 female) with small bowel GISTs were retrospectively reviewed. All tumors had definite anatomic sites in the small bowel tract with surgical confirmation. The clinicopathologic variables included age, sex, onset of symptoms, and tumor risk category. CT variables included tumor size, degree enhancement, enhancement pattern (region of necrosis), adjacent tissue involvement, lymphadenopathy, and distant metastasis. We assessed any possible differences according to different GIST site of origin. Based on tumor size and mitotic count, the risk categories in different anatomic sites did not differ significantly between duodenal and jejunal GISTs. However, high risk ileum GISTs accounted for 66.0% of ileal cases, which was higher than duodenum cases (36.8%, P = 0.002) and jejunum cases (43.9%, P = 0.004). The mean size of GISTs in the ileum was 9.77 cm, which was significantly larger than in the duodenum (7.41 cm, P = 0.043), and in the jejunum (8.14 cm, P = 0.027). On CT images, enhancement degree appeared to gradually increase from the duodenum to the ileum in the portal phase, and the enhancement pattern presented a tendency for heterogeneity. In Conclusions, the clinicopathologic and CT features of small bowel GISTs can differ according to different primary anatomic sites.  相似文献   

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