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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes chronic infection in approximately two-thirds of cases, leading to chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver disease, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma in a substantial proportion of the 170 million HCV-infected individuals worldwide. It is generally accepted that the cellular immune response plays the most important role in determining the outcome of HCV infection. First, vigorous, multispecific and sustained CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses are associated with viral clearance. Second, depletion studies in chimpanzees, the only other host of HCV besides humans, have shown that both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells are required for virus elimination. Third, the host's human leukocyte antigen alleles, which restrict the repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses, influence the outcome of infection. Of note, protective immunity has been demonstrated in population-based studies, as well as in experimentally infected chimpanzees. Thus, a detailed understanding of the mechanisms contributing to the failure of the antiviral immune response should allow successful development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

The simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) macaque model of AIDS has provided a valuable system with which to investigate vaccine approaches for protection against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. In particular, the ability of macaques persistently infected with attenuated infectious molecular clones of SIV to resist challenge with the pathogenic parental swarm has conclusively demonstrated that protective immunity can be achieved by immunization prior to exposure. The breadth of these protective responses and the immunological correlates of protection, however, have not been identified. In addition, vaccine studies have mainly employed lymphocyte-tropic strains of HIV-1 and SIV. Recent studies have implicated macrophage-tropic strains in the transmission of HIV-1 and have suggested that these virus strains should be examined in vaccine strategies. Macrophage-tropic viruses may confer additional advantages in the induction of protective immunity by replication in antigen-presenting cells. In this study, the immune response of rhesus macaques inoculated with an attenuated macrophage-tropic recombinant of SIVmac239 (SIV/17E-Cl) was evaluated with respect to protective immunity by heterologous challenge at various times after infection. Vigorous type-specific neutralizing-antibody responses restricted to SIV/17E-Cl were evident by 2 weeks postinfection. By 7 months, however, cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies emerged which neutralized not only SIV/17E-Cl but also the heterologous primary isolate SIV/DeltaB670. Challenge of SIV/17E-Cl-infected monkeys with SIV/DeltaB670 at various times postinfection demonstrated that protective responses were associated with the appearance of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, passive transfer of sera from SIV/17E-Cl-infected animals passively protected two of four naive recipients.  相似文献   

The appearance of virus-specific CD4(+) and/or CD8(+) T lymphocytes in peripheral blood of captive juvenile rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) was observed following rotavirus infection. These cell-mediated immune responses were measured following experimental or natural infection after rotavirus was isolated from stool specimens of asymptomatic animals. The virus isolated was a new strain of simian rotavirus that we named TUCH (for Tulane University and Cincinnati Children's Hospital). Restimulation of peripheral T lymphocytes by inactivated double- or triple-layered TUCH rotavirus particles containing either VP6 or VP4 and VP7 on their respective surfaces resulted in increased quantities of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-12 in cell culture supernatants. Recall responses to rotavirus by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes were associated with accumulation of intracellular IL-6 and gamma interferon. Antigen presentation of TUCH rotavirus to lymphocytes was mediated via differentiated cultures of monocyte-derived dendritic (HLA-DR(+)) cells. This is the first report demonstrating cell-mediated immune responses to rotavirus in nonhuman primates. Further exploration of rhesus macaques in vaccine trials with human rotavirus vaccine candidates is the major objective of future studies.  相似文献   

We evaluated three nonreplicating dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) vaccines: (i) a DNA vaccine containing the prM-E gene region (D), (ii) a recombinant subunit protein vaccine containing the B domain (i.e., domain III) of the E protein as a fusion with the Escherichia coli maltose-binding protein (R), and (iii) a purified inactivated virus vaccine (P). Groups of four rhesus macaques each were primed once and boosted twice using seven different vaccination regimens. After primary vaccination, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) antibody levels increased most rapidly for groups inoculated with the P and DP combination, and by 1 month after the second boost, ELISA titers were similar for all groups. The highest plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) titers were seen in those groups that received the DR/DR/DR combination (geometric mean titer [GMT], 510), the P/P/P vaccine (GMT, 345), the DP/DP/DP combination (GMT, 287), and the R/R/R vaccine (GMT, 200). The next highest titers were seen in animals that received the D/R/R vaccine (GMT, 186) and the D/P/P vaccine (GMT, 163). Animals that received the D/D/D vaccine had the lowest neutralizing antibody titer (GMT, 49). Both ELISA and PRNT titers declined at variable rates. The only significant protection from viremia was observed in the P-vaccinated animals (mean of 0.5 days), which also showed the highest antibody concentration, including antibodies to NS1, and highest antibody avidity at the time of challenge.  相似文献   

Several vaccine technologies were evaluated for their abilities to induce anti-human immunodeficiency virus Gag immune responses in rhesus macaques. While no vaccine alone was able to induce broad and strong immune responses, these were achieved by priming with Gag DNA and boosting with Gag protein adsorbed to polylactide coglycolide microparticles. This regimen elicited strong antibodies, helper T cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes and thus holds promise as an effective vaccination scheme.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that a Th1 type CD4 response is critical for enhancement of CD8 immunity and for controlling HIV-1 infection. Th2 type responses, such as what might be seen in a chronic parasitic infection, would sacrifice cellular immunity and thus benefit the virus at the expense of the host. However, there has been little direct examination of the hypothesis in a primate model system. Accordingly, the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaque model was used to investigate the impact of immunisation with SIV expressing DNA constructs and co-injection with IL-4 on the SIV specific immunological responses, lymphocyte cell counts, as well as the impact on viral load. IL-4 is a Th2 type cytokine, which enhances antibody production and inhibits a CD4 Th1 phenotype. Rhesus macaques were infected with 10 AID50 of SIVmac239 and treated with 9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine (PMPA) 9 weeks post-infection. During PMPA treatment, animals were immunised with plasmids that expressed the SIV proteins, env, rev, gag and pol. In addition, they were immunised with a construct that encoded the gene for IL-4. IL-4 co-immunisation increased the neutralizing antibody titres in this group. Importantly, the viral loads in animals vaccinated with IL-4 expressing plasmid increased during the immunisation regimens despite the higher neutralizing antibody titres. In addition, neutralizing antibodies did not correlate with viral set point prior to PMPA treatment, however, there was a correlation between viral loads and antibody titres following the treatment with PMPA. Antibody titres decreased following the suppression of viral load. Importantly, vaccination in the absence of IL-4 protected CD4 levels without increasing viral load. The data support the hypothesis that inappropriate immune bias toward a Th2 pathway would ultimately enhance disease progression.  相似文献   

Since human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses are critical in the early control and resolution of HIV infection and correlate with postchallenge outcomes in rhesus macaque challenge experiments, we sought to identify a plasmid DNA (pDNA) vaccine design capable of eliciting robust and balanced CMI responses to multiple HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-derived antigens for further development. Previously, a number of two-, three-, and four-vector pDNA vaccine designs were identified as capable of eliciting HIV-1 antigen-specific CMI responses in mice (M. A. Egan et al., Vaccine 24:4510-4523, 2006). We then sought to further characterize the relative immunogenicities of these two-, three-, and four-vector pDNA vaccine designs in nonhuman primates and to determine the extent to which in vivo electroporation (EP) could improve the resulting immune responses. The results indicated that a two-vector pDNA vaccine design elicited the most robust and balanced CMI response. In addition, vaccination in combination with in vivo EP led to a more rapid onset and enhanced vaccine-specific immune responses. In macaques immunized in combination with in vivo EP, we observed a 10- to 40-fold increase in HIV-specific enzyme-linked immunospot assay responses compared to those for macaques receiving a 5-fold higher dose of vaccine without in vivo EP. This increase in CMI responses translates to an apparent 50- to 200-fold increase in pDNA vaccine potency. Importantly, in vivo EP enhanced the immune response against the less immunogenic antigens, resulting in a more balanced immune response. In addition, in vivo EP resulted in an approximate 2.5-log(10) increase in antibody responses. The results further indicated that in vivo EP was associated with a significant reduction in pDNA persistence and did not result in an increase in pDNA associated with high-molecular-weight DNA relative to macaques receiving the pDNA without EP. Collectively, these results have important implications for the design and development of an efficacious vaccine for the prevention of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated whether enumeration of lymphokine-secreting T cells can be used as a quantitative measure to determine the immunogenicity of foreign proteins in rhesus monkeys. In addition, it was assessed whether this approach can supplement and/or substitute for the well-established lymphoproliferation assay. Two candidate vaccine proteins (e.g., HIV-1 gp120 and HSV-2gD) were used as model antigens for immunization. PBMCs from immunized animals were antigenically stimulated and evaluated on their proliferative capacity and lymphokine release at the single cell level. The experiments showed a close quantitative correlation between antigen-triggered proliferative responses and the antigen-induced generation of Il-2 and IFN-gamma producing cells (pc). Il-4pc were found to appear relatively late after the initiation of antigen exposure. The data indicate that ELISPOT assays provide valuable tools for the assessment of the antigenicity of foreign proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

An important limitation of DNA immunization in nonhuman primates is the difficulty in generating high levels of antigen-specific antibody responses; strategies to enhance the level of immune responses to DNA immunization may be important in the further development of this vaccine strategy for humans. We approached this issue by testing the ability of molecular adjuvants to enhance the levels of immune responses generated by multicomponent DNA vaccines in rhesus macaques. Rhesus macaques were coimmunized intramuscularly with expression plasmids bearing genes encoding Th1 (interleukin 2 [IL-2] and gamma interferon)- or Th2 (IL-4)-type cytokines and DNA vaccine constructs encoding human immunodeficiency virus Env and Rev and simian immunodeficiency virus Gag and Pol proteins. We observed that the cytokine gene adjuvants (especially IL-2 and IL-4) significantly enhanced antigen-specific humoral immune responses in the rhesus macaque model. These results support the assumption that antigen-specific responses can be engineered to a higher and presumably more desirable level in rhesus macaques by genetic adjuvants.  相似文献   

Detection and enumeration of functional antigen-specific T cells is important for understanding the breadth of cell-mediated immunity to infections and experimental vaccines. We tested the utility of dendritic cells (DC), the professional antigen presenting cells, in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot-forming cell assay (ELISPOT) for efficient monitoring of antigen-specific immunity in rhesus macaques vaccinated with an HIV envelope peptide-cocktail. Compared with direct antigen-specific stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, the DC-ELISPOT protocol involving co-culturing of macaque T cells with autologous DC pulsed with the various peptides from the vaccine cocktail yielded up to 18-fold higher numbers of interferon-gamma producing cells without increasing the background. Importantly, use of DC in the analyses revealed immune responses in vaccinated macaques that were otherwise undetectable. Similar data were obtained when recall responses to purified protein derivative were analyzed by the DC-ELISPOT method using blood samples from human volunteers. These data establish the importance of DC in improving detection sensitivity and eliminating false negative results, both essential for efficient monitoring of antigen-specific cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

Induction of multispecific, functional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is the immunological hallmark of acute self-limiting hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in humans. In the present study, we showed that gene electrotransfer (GET) of a novel candidate DNA vaccine encoding an optimized version of the nonstructural region of HCV (from NS3 to NS5B) induced substantially more potent, broad, and long-lasting CD4+ and CD8+ cellular immunity than naked DNA injection in mice and in rhesus macaques as measured by a combination of assays, including IFN-gamma ELISPOT, intracellular cytokine staining, and cytotoxic T cell assays. A protocol based on three injections of DNA with GET induced a substantially higher CD4+ T cell response than an adenovirus 6-based viral vector encoding the same Ag. To better evaluate the immunological potency and probability of success of this vaccine, we have immunized two chimpanzees and have compared vaccine-induced cell-mediated immunity to that measured in acute self-limiting infection in humans. GET of the candidate HCV vaccine led to vigorous, multispecific IFN-gamma+CD8+ and CD4+ T lymphocyte responses in chimpanzees, which were comparable to those measured in five individuals that cleared spontaneously HCV infection. These data support the hypothesis that T cell responses elicited by the present strategy could be beneficial in prophylactic vaccine approaches against HCV.  相似文献   

Six female rhesus macaques were immunized orally and intranasally at 0 weeks and intratracheally at 12 weeks with an adenovirus type 5 host range mutant (Ad5hr)-simian immunodeficiency virus SIVsm env recombinant and at 24 and 36 weeks with native SIVmac251 gp120 in Syntex adjuvant. Four macaques received the Ad5hr vector and adjuvant alone; two additional controls were naive. In vivo replication of the Ad5hr wild-type and recombinant vectors occurred with detection of Ad5 DNA in stool samples and/or nasal secretions in all macaques and increases in Ad5 neutralizing antibody in 9 of 10 macaques following Ad administrations. SIV-specific neutralizing antibodies appeared after the second recombinant immunization and rose to titers > 10,000 following the second subunit boost. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies able to bind gp120 developed in nasal and rectal secretions, and SIV-specific IgGs were also observed in vaginal secretions and saliva. T-cell proliferative responses to SIV gp140 and T-helper epitopes were sporadically detected in all immunized macaques. Following vaginal challenge with SIVmac251, transient or persistent infection resulted in both immunized and control monkeys. The mean viral burden in persistently infected immunized macaques was significantly decreased in the primary infection period compared to that of control macaques. These results establish in vivo use of the Ad5hr vector, which overcomes the host range restriction of human Ads for rhesus macaques, thereby providing a new model for evaluation of Ad-based vaccines. In addition, they show that a vaccine regimen using the Ad5hr-SIV env recombinant and gp120 subunit induces strong humoral, cellular, and mucosal immunity in rhesus macaques. The reduced viral burden achieved solely with an env-based vaccine supports further development of Ad-based vaccines comprising additional viral components for immune therapy and AIDS vaccine development.  相似文献   

Effective innate and adaptive immune responses are essential for the control of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Indeed, elimination of HCV during acute infection correlates with an early induction of innate and a delayed induction of adaptive immune responses. However, in the majority of acutely HCV-infected individuals, these responses are insufficient to clear the virus and persistence develops. In recent years, different mechanisms responsible for the failure of innate and adaptive immune responses have been identified. These include the proteolytic cleavage of molecules playing key roles in the induction of the interferon response, manipulation of interferon-induced effector proteins, interference with CD8+ T-cell function or immune escape in T- and B-cell epitopes. In this review, we discuss the possible roles of innate and adaptive immune responses in HCV clearance and the different evasion strategies used by the virus to escape these immune responses.  相似文献   

Success in resolving hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been correlated to vigorous, multispecific, and sustained CD8(+) T-cell response in humans and chimpanzees. The efficacy of inducing T-cell-mediated immunity by recombinant serotype 5 adenovirus vector has been proven in many animal models of infectious diseases, but its immunogenicity can be negatively influenced by preexisting immunity against the vector itself. To evaluate the less prevalent adenovirus serotype 6 (Ad6) as an alternative vector for and HCV vaccine development, we have generated serotype 5 and 6 adenoviral vectors directing expression of the nonstructural region of HCV (MRKAd5-NSmut and MRKAd6-NSmut). Immunogenicity studies in mice showed that the two vectors induced comparable T-cell responses but that only MRKAd6-NSmut was not suppressed in the presence of anti-Ad5 immunity. In contrast, preexisting anti-Ad5 immunity dramatically blunted the immunogenicity of the serotype 5-based HCV vector. Furthermore, MRKAd6-NSmut showed equivalent potency, breadth, and longevity of HCV-specific T-cell responses in rhesus macaques as the corresponding Ad5-based vector over a wide range of doses and was capable of boosting DNA-primed animals even if administered at low doses. These data support the use of the MRKAd6-NSmut for anti-HCV immunotherapy and, more generally, for the Ad6 serotype as a better genetic vaccine vehicle than Ad5.  相似文献   

Antiviral immunity in mammals involves several levels of surveillance and effector actions by host factors to detect viral pathogens, trigger /β interferon production, and to mediate innate defenses within infected cells. Our studies have focused on understanding how these processes are regulated during infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and West Nile virus (WNV). Both viruses are members of the Flaviviridae and are human pathogens, but they each mediate a very different disease and course of infection. Our results demonstrate common and unique innate immune interactions of each virus that govern antiviral immunity and demonstrate the central role of /β interferon immune defenses in controlling the outcome of infection.  相似文献   

Abstract: Evaluation of cellular immunity in the intestinal lamina propria of rhesus macaques has been used previously to assess protective immunity against mucosal simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) challenges. As this technique requires survival surgery to obtain jejunal tissue, effects of surgical stress on the immune system were investigated. SIV-specific immune responses, including IgG and IgA binding antibodies in sera and mucosal secretions, IgG and IgA secreting cells in peripheral blood, IgG neutralizing antibodies, T-cell proliferative responses, and interferon-γ secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells, were evaluated pre- and post-surgery in macaques immunized with adenovirus-SIV recombinant vaccines and SIV envelope protein and in SIV-infected macaques. No differences in these immune parameters were observed in SIV-naïve, immunized macaques or healthy SIV-infected macaques with regard to surgery. A dramatic increase in total IgA antibody level following surgery in the rectal secretions of one SIV-infected macaque that was rapidly progressing to AIDS and failed to recover from surgery was attributed to an abscess that developed at the intestinal site. To date, nearly 30 other macaques have undergone the intestinal survival surgery, some on more than one occasion, without experiencing any clinical difficulty. Overall, our results suggest that in healthy macaques, intestinal resection survival surgery can be conducted safely. Further, the method can be used to reliably sample the intestinal mucosa without major or persistent impact on humoral or cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

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