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Cury KM  Uchida N 《Neuron》2010,68(3):570-585
It has been proposed that a single sniff generates a "snapshot" of the olfactory world. However, odor coding on this timescale is poorly understood, and it is not known whether coding is invariant to changes in respiration frequency. We investigated this by recording spike trains from the olfactory bulb in awake, behaving rats. During rapid sniffing, odor inhalation triggered rapid and reliable cell- and odor-specific temporal spike patterns. These fine temporal responses conveyed substantial odor information within the first ~100 ms, and correlated with behavioral discrimination time on a trial-by-trial basis. Surprisingly, the initial transient portions of responses were highly conserved between rapid sniffing and slow breathing. Firing rates over the entire respiration cycle carried less odor information, did not correlate with behavior, and were poorly conserved across respiration frequency. These results suggest that inhalation-coupled transient activity forms a robust neural code that is invariant to changes in respiration behavior.  相似文献   

Odors are initially represented in the olfactory bulb (OB) by patterns of sensory input across the array of glomeruli. Although activated glomeruli are often widely distributed, glomeruli responding to stimuli sharing molecular features tend to be loosely clustered and thus establish a fractured chemotopic map. Neuronal circuits in the OB transform glomerular patterns of sensory input into spatiotemporal patterns of output activity and thereby extract information about a stimulus. It is, however, unknown whether the chemotopic spatial organization of glomerular inputs is maintained during these computations. To explore this issue, we measured spatiotemporal patterns of odor-evoked activity across thousands of individual neurons in the zebrafish OB by temporally deconvolved two-photon Ca2+ imaging. Mitral cells and interneurons were distinguished by transgenic markers and exhibited different response selectivities. Shortly after response onset, activity patterns exhibited foci of activity associated with certain chemical features throughout all layers. During the subsequent few hundred milliseconds, however, MC activity was locally sparsened within the initial foci in an odor-specific manner. As a consequence, chemotopic maps disappeared and activity patterns became more informative about precise odor identity. Hence, chemotopic maps of glomerular input activity are initially transmitted to OB outputs, but not maintained during pattern processing. Nevertheless, transient chemotopic maps may support neuronal computations by establishing important synaptic interactions within the circuit. These results provide insights into the functional topology of neural activity patterns and its potential role in circuit function.  相似文献   

Adult rats which had one naris closed when 1 –6 days oldwere trained using operant conditioning to detect differentconcentrations of amyl acetate and discriminate between ethylacetate and linalyl acetate. After removal of the olfactorybulb ipsilateral to the open naris, animals were able to detectand discriminate odors, although, relative to pre-operativeperformance, they were less accurate in initial trials of thelowest amyl acetate concentration and on the two-odor discriminationtask. In five additional rats histological analysis demonstrateda marked reduction in the size of the bulb ipsilateral to theclosed naris. The control olfactory bulb was removed and theipsilateral nasal fossa was syringed with horseradish peroxidase(HRP) in one animal. Examination of the contralateral olfactorybulb demonstrated anterograde axonal transport of HRP from sensoryaxons to olfactory bulb glomeruli. These data demonstrate thatneonatal naris closure does not completely deprive the ipsilateralolfactory receptors of vapor stimulation, that several monthsafter naris closure the ipsilateral olfactory receptor neuronsare functional and that vapors entering one nasal fossa canstimulate receptors in the contralateral fossa. The channelfor this intra-nasal communication is probably the nasopharyngealcanal (‘septal window’).  相似文献   

The authors wish to note that the values in Table I are incorrectas they were not divided by the 25x magnification factor usedin measurement.  相似文献   

本实验利用免疫组织化学方法,以FOS阳性反应作为神经元活动的标志,研究了棕色田鼠在受到同性和异性尿液刺激后主嗅球和副嗅球的神经元活动,表明两大嗅觉系统均有感知社会性化学信号的功能.通过比较棕色田鼠在同性和异性尿液刺激后副嗅球和主嗅球的嗅小球细胞层(GL)、僧帽细胞层(MIT)、颗粒细胞层(GRL)中FOS阳性神经元数量,发现不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的副嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量比对照组明显增加;棕色田鼠受到异性尿液刺激后其副嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的主嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量相较于对照组有增加或增加显著;异性尿液刺激组主嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.说明棕色田鼠的副嗅球和主嗅球均参与了通过尿液介导的性别个体的识别.  相似文献   

Spors H  Grinvald A 《Neuron》2002,34(2):301-315
We explored the spatio-temporal dynamics of odor-evoked activity in the rat and mouse main olfactory bulb (MOB) using voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDI) with a new probe. The high temporal resolution of VSDI revealed odor-specific sequences of glomerular activation. Increasing odor concentrations reduced response latencies, increased response amplitudes, and recruited new glomerular units. However, the sequence of glomerular activation was maintained. Furthermore, we found distributed MOB activity locked to the nasal respiration cycle. The spatial distribution of its amplitude and phase was heterogeneous and changed by sensory input in an odor-specific manner. Our data show that in the mammalian olfactory bulb, odor identity and concentration are represented by spatio-temporal patterns, rather than spatial patterns alone.  相似文献   

Neural firing discharges are often temporally patterned, but it is often ambiguous as to whether the temporal features of these patterns constitute a useful code. Here we show in the mouse olfactory bulb that ensembles of projection neurons respond with complex odor- and concentration-specific dynamic activity sequences developing below and above sniffing frequency. Based on this activity, almost optimal discrimination of presented odors was possible during single sniffs, consistent with reported behavioral data. Within a sniff cycle, slower features of the dynamics alone (>100 ms resolution, including mean firing rate) were sufficient for maximal discrimination. A smaller amount of information was also observed in faster features down to 20-40 ms resolution. Therefore, mitral cell ensemble activity contains information at different timescales that could be separately or complementarily exploited by downstream brain centers to make odor discriminations. Our results also support suggestive analogies in the dynamics of odor representations between insects and mammals.  相似文献   

In order to study the problem how the olfactory neural system processes the odorant molecular information for constructing the olfactory image of each object, we present a dynamic model of the olfactory bulb constructed on the basis of well-established experimental and theoretical results. The information relevant to a single odor, i.e. its constituent odorant molecules and their mixing ratios, are encoded into a spatio-temporal pattern of neural activity in the olfactory bulb, where the activity pattern corresponds to a limit cycle attractor in the mitral cell network. The spatio-temporal pattern consists of a temporal sequence of spatial firing patterns: each constituent molecule is encoded into a single spatial pattern, and the order of magnitude of the mixing ratio is encoded into the temporal sequence. The formation of a limit cycle attractor under the application of a novel odor is carried out based on the intensity-to-time-delay encoding scheme. The dynamic state of the olfactory bulb, which has learned many odors, becomes a randomly itinerant state in which the current firing state of the bulb itinerates randomly among limit cycle attractors corresponding to the learned odors. The recognition of an odor is generated by the dynamic transition in the network from the randomly itinerant state to a limit cycle attractor state relevant to the odor, where the transition is induced by the short-term synaptic changes made according to the Hebbian rule under the application of the odor stimulus. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

The mitral cells (MCs) of the olfactory bulb (OB) are relay neurons between the periphery and the central nervous structures. MCs receive in turn a centrifugal control from several higher brain centers that depends on the nutritional state. In this study, we investigated the effects of orexin A (ORX), a novel molecule known to regulate food intake and whose receptors are present in the OB, on the electrophysiological activity of single MCs. Using icv-injections and direct applications on the OB, we determined the respective central and local effects of this molecule on the MCs' spontaneous firing activity and responsiveness to different odors. Icv-injections and local OB-applications were found to induce a significant decrease in spontaneous firing activity in 14% and 50% of the recorded MCs, respectively. In one case, ORX application on the OB caused a significant firing increase. Effects of OB-applications had shorter delays. The responsiveness of some MCs to food and non-food odors was also changed, but the proportion of changes was not statistically significant. Icv-injection effects likely resulted from a local action of ORX on the OB. Changes of spontaneous firing activity and odor responsiveness are discussed in terms of regulation of the functioning of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

Larvae of the South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) can regenerate the telencephalon, which consists of the olfactory bulb and the cerebrum, after it has been partially removed. Some authors have argued that the telencephalon, once removed, must be reconnected to the olfactory nerve in order to regenerate. However, considerable regeneration has been observed before reconnection. Therefore, we have conducted several experiments to learn whether or not reconnection is a prerequisite for regeneration. We found that the olfactory bulb did not regenerate without reconnection, while the cerebrum regenerated by itself. On the other hand, when the brain was reconnected by the olfactory nerve, both the cerebrum and the olfactory bulb regenerated. Morphological and histological investigation showed that the regenerated telencephalon was identical to the intact one in morphology, types and distributions of cells, and connections between neurons. Froglets with a regenerated telencephalon also recovered olfaction, the primary function of the frog telencephalon. These results suggest that the Xenopus larva requires reconnection of the regenerating brain to the olfactory nerve in order to regenerate the olfactory bulb, and thus the regenerated brain functions, in order to process olfactory information.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs throughout the sexual cycle of the rat was studied. The effect of male pheromonal secretion on enzyme activity during proestrus and estrus day was also tested. The enzyme activity showed circadian rhythm during the estrous cycle. This rhythm was disrupted during diestrus-2 afternoon in the main bulb and came back during proestrus afternoon. A different pattern of enzyme activity was present in the accessory bulb, since the circadian rhythm was altered during proestrus morning, returning during estrus afternoon. Male odor exposition did not change enzyme profile activity during proestrus day and during estrus morning in the main bulb. In contrast, in the accessory bulb the olfactory stimuli induced opposite changes to that found in rats from the vivarium during proestrus. Comparison of enzyme activity in olfactory stimuli-deprived rats with that of pheromone-stimulated rats during proestrus showed that male odor exposure specifically affects accessory bulb enzyme activity. It is concluded that the changes of the olfactory bulb GABAergic system during proestrus and estrus day, or that evoked by odor stimuli, demonstrate the discriminative response of this system between the accessory olfactory bulb and the main olfactory bulb.  相似文献   



In vivo, most neurons in the main olfactory bulb exhibit robust spontaneous activity. This paper tests the hypothesis that spontaneous activity in olfactory receptor neurons drives much of the spontaneous activity in mitral and tufted cells via excitatory synapses.


Single units were recorded in vivo from the main olfactory bulb of a rat before, during, and after application of lidocaine to the olfactory nerve. The effect of lidocaine on the conduction of action potentials from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb was assessed by electrically stimulating the olfactory nerve rostral to the application site and monitoring the field potential evoked in the bulb.


Lidocaine caused a significant decrease in the amplitude of the olfactory nerve evoked field potential that was recorded in the olfactory bulb. By contrast, the lidocaine block did not significantly alter the spontaneous activity of single units in the bulb, nor did it alter the field potential evoked by electrical stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract. Lidocaine block also did not change the temporal patters of action potential or their synchronization with respiration.


Spontaneous activity in neurons of the main olfactory bulb is not driven mainly by activity in olfactory receptor neurons despite the extensive convergence onto mitral and tufted cells. These results suggest that spontaneous activity of mitral and tufted is either an inherent property of these cells or is driven by centrifugal inputs to the bulb.  相似文献   

Lethbridge R  Hou Q  Harley CW  Yuan Q 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35024
Rat pup odor preference learning follows pairing of bulbar beta-adrenoceptor activation with olfactory input. We hypothesize that NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated olfactory input to mitral cells is enhanced during training, such that increased calcium facilitates and shapes the critical cAMP pattern. Here, we demonstrate, in vitro, that olfactory nerve stimulation, at sniffing frequencies, paired with beta-adrenoceptor activation, potentiates olfactory nerve-evoked mitral cell firing. This potentiation is blocked by a NMDAR antagonist and by increased inhibition. Glomerular disinhibition also induces NMDAR-sensitive potentiation. In vivo, in parallel, behavioral learning is prevented by glomerular infusion of an NMDAR antagonist or a GABA(A) receptor agonist. A glomerular GABA(A) receptor antagonist paired with odor can induce NMDAR-dependent learning. The NMDA GluN1 subunit is phosphorylated in odor-specific glomeruli within 5 min of training suggesting early activation, and enhanced calcium entry, during acquisition. The GluN1 subunit is down-regulated 3 h after learning; and at 24 h post-training the GluN2B subunit is down-regulated. These events may assist memory stability. Ex vivo experiments using bulbs from trained rat pups reveal an increase in the AMPA/NMDA EPSC ratio post-training, consistent with an increase in AMPA receptor insertion and/or the decrease in NMDAR subunits. These results support a model of a cAMP/NMDA interaction in generating rat pup odor preference learning.  相似文献   

The olfactory cortex encompasses several anatomically distinct regions each hypothesized to provide differential representation and processing of specific odors. Studies exploring whether or not the diversity of olfactory bulb input to olfactory cortices has functional meaning, however, are lacking. Here we tested whether two anatomically major olfactory cortical structures, the olfactory tubercle (OT) and piriform cortex (PCX), differ in their neural representation and processing dynamics of a small set of diverse odors by performing in vivo extracellular recordings from the OT and PCX of anesthetized mice. We found a wealth of similarities between structures, including odor-evoked response magnitudes, breadth of odor tuning, and odor-evoked firing latencies. In contrast, only few differences between structures were found, including spontaneous activity rates and odor signal-to-noise ratios. These results suggest that despite major anatomical differences in innervation by olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells, the basic features of odor representation and processing, at least within this limited odor set, are similar within the OT and PCX. We predict that the olfactory code follows a distributed processing stream in transmitting behaviorally and perceptually-relevant information from low-level stations.  相似文献   

Chaput  M. 《Chemical senses》1983,8(2):161-177
The influences of centrifugal inputs to the olfactory bulb werestudied by recording singlecell responses evoked by olfactorystimuli in intact and peduncle-sectioned bulbs of awake freebreathingrabbits. Responses of intact animals were mainly characterizedby a temporal reorganization of the single unit discharge -responsive second order neurons increased their firing activityduring inspirations and were silent during expirations. Thissynchronization of firing discharge with respiration occurredin the absence of any significant change in the overall firingactivity measured over intervals which included both the inspiratoryand expiratory phases of the respiratory cycle. By contrast,neurons recorded in isolated olfactory bulbs exhibited eithera significant increase or a decrease in firing activity duringodor presentation, and, furthermore, the synchronization ofthese units to the respiratory cycle was markedly reduced comparedwith that in intact animals. Comparison of cell responsivenessbetween intact and isolated olfactory bulbs indicated that thelesion increased the number of odors which induced a response,but did not change the percentage of cells which failed to respondto any of the 5 odorants used in this study. The cell responsivenessincreased for camphor and isoamyl acetate, and to a lesser extentfor food odor. The results indicate that high order nervousstructures exert a powerful inhibitory influence on the responsesof olfactory bulb second-order neurons to odor stimuli. Theyalso suggest that, in intact rabbits, centrifugal inputs playa role in the odor-induced synchronization of the single unitactivity with respiration.  相似文献   

Olfactory bulbs (OBs) are one of the few brain areas, which show active neurogenesis and neuronal migration processes in adult rats. We constructed a proteome map of the 21 days old rat OBs and identified total 196 proteins, out of which 76 proteins were not reported earlier from rat brain. This includes 24 neuronal activity‐specific proteins present at high levels, 7 of which are reported for the first time from OBs.  相似文献   

Responses of 75 single units in the goldfish olfactory bulb were analyzed in detail for their relationship to the time-course of the change in odor concentration during each odor stimulus. Odor stimuli were controlled for rise time, duration, and peak concentration by an apparatus developed for the purpose. This apparatus enabled aqueous odor stimuli to be interposed into a constant water stream without changes in flow rate. The time-course of the concentration change within the olfactory sac was inferred from conductivity measurements at the incurrent and excurrent nostrils. Temporal patterns of firing rate elicited by stimuli with relatively slow rising and falling phases could be quite complex combinations of excitation and suppression. Different temporal patterns were produced by different substances at a single concentration in most units. Statistical measures of the temporal pattern of response for a small number of cells at a given concentration were more characteristic of the stimulus substance than any of three measures of magnitude of response. The temporal patterns change when the peak concentration, duration, and rise time of the stimuli are varied. The nature of these changes suggests that the different patterns are due primarily to the combined influence of two factors: (a) a stimulus whose concentration varies over time and (b) a relationship between concentration and impulse frequency which varies from unit to unit. Some units produce patterns suggestive of influence by neural events of long time constant. The importance of temporal patterns in odor quality and odor intensity coding is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments on secondary neurons of the rat olfactory bulb showed the existence of a third region of action potential generation. It evidently consists of dendrites. This is shown by the distance from the soma of the point where action potentials arise initially and by the recording of spontaneous action potentials of comparatively low amplitude, not spreading into the axon. Action potentials are generated by apical dendrites and also, perhaps, by basal dendrites. Besides partial action potentials with stable amplitude, partial action potentials with, for practical purposes, a stepwise changing amplitude also were recorded. It is suggested that the amplitude of the partial action potentials is modified by IPSPs in the spike-generating zones.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 282–290, May–June, 1976.  相似文献   

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