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Cytotactin, an extracellular glycoprotein found in neural and nonneural tissues, influences a variety of cellular phenomena, particularly cell adhesion and cell migration. Northern and Western blot analysis and in situ hybridization were used to determine localization of alternatively spliced forms of cytotactin in neural and nonneural tissues using a probe (CT) that detected all forms of cytotactin mRNA, and one (VbVc) that detected two of the differentially spliced repeats homologous to the type III repeats of fibronectin. In the brain, the levels of mRNA and protein increased from E8 through E15 and then gradually decreased until they were barely detectable by P3. Among the three cytotactin mRNAs (7.2, 6.6, and 6.4 kb) detected in the brain, the VbVc probe hybridized only to the 7.2-kb message. In isolated cerebella, the 220-kD polypeptide and 7.2-kb mRNA were the only cytotactin species present at hatching, indicating that the 220-kD polypeptide is encoded by the 7.2-kb message that contains the VbVc alternatively spliced insert. In situ hybridization showed cytotactin mRNA in glia and glial precursors in the ventricular zone throughout the central nervous system. In all regions of the nervous system, cytotactin mRNAs were more transient and more localized than the polypeptides. For example, in the radial glia, cytotactin mRNA was observed in the soma whereas the protein was present externally along the glial fibers. In the telencephalon, cytotactin mRNAs were found in a narrow band at the edge of a larger region in which the protein was wide-spread. Hybridization with the VbVc probe generally overlapped that of the CT probe in the spinal cord and cerebellum, consistent with the results of Northern blot analysis. In contrast, in the outermost tectal layers, differential hybridization was observed with the two probes. In nonneural tissues, hybridization with the CT probe, but not the VbVc probe, was detected in chondroblasts, tendinous tissues, and certain mesenchymal cells in the lung. In contrast, hybridization with both probes was observed in smooth muscle and lung epithelium. Both epithelium and mesenchyme expressed cytotactin mRNA in varying combinations: in the choroid plexus, only epithelial cells expressed cytotactin mRNA; in kidney, only mesenchymal cells; and in the lung, both of these cell types contained cytotactin mRNA. These spatiotemporal changes during development suggest that the synthesis of the various alternatively spliced cytotactin mRNAs is responsive to tissue-specific local signals and prompt a search for functional differences in the various molecular forms of the protein.  相似文献   

Hybridization blot (Northern) analysis of mRNA coding for alpha subunits of the Go signal-transducing protein detects three bands at 5.7, 4.2, and 3.2 kilobases (kb). We showed previously that the largest is a splice variant coding for the type 2 form of the polypeptide (alpha o2) and the two smaller RNAs react with a probe specific for the seventh of the eight exons that code for the type 1 form (alpha o1). In the present work we demonstrate that the 3.2- and 4.2-kb mRNAs also result from alternative splicing, the splice site being located 31 nucleotides downstream from the termination codon of the open reading frame, and that therefore the alpha o mRNA is made up of at least nine exons. All three alpha o mRNAs are expressed in both heart and brain, more in the latter than the former, as well as in the hamster insulin-secreting tumor (HIT) cell from which the cDNAs encoding the splice variants had been cloned. In contrast, in lung and testis we found only the 5.7-kb alpha o2 mRNA. The same analysis was unable to detect alpha o-specific sequences in either kidney, pancreas (whole), spleen, or liver, while at the same time detecting strong bands for alpha s mRNA. A comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions of the hamster cDNAs cloned here indicated that previously cloned alpha o cDNAs all belong to the same alpha o1A slice subclass derived from 3.2-kb mRNA. The comparison also revealed that the sequences of the untranslated regions are highly conserved among three species (rat, hamster, and brain). Their 3' tails are 99.1% (HIT versus bovine, 200 known bases) and 99.7% (HIT versus rat, 229 bases) identical, and their 5' leader sequences are 92.7% (HIT versus bovine, 165 known bases) and 90.7% (HIT versus rat, 670 bases) identical. This indicates that untranslated regions of mRNAs need not exhibit high degrees of species variation.  相似文献   

In human neuroblastoma, amplification of the N-myc oncogene is correlated with increased metastatic ability. We recently showed that transfection of the rat neuroblastoma cell line B104 with an N-myc expression vector resulted in an increase in metastatic ability and a significant reduction in the expression of major histocompatibility complex class I antigens. We examined whether N-myc causes additional phenotypic changes in these cells. We showed that expression of N-myc leads to a dramatic reduction in the levels of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) polypeptides and mRNAs. Spontaneous revertants of the high N-myc phenotype were found to have regained significant levels of NCAM expression, indicating that the continued expression of N-myc is required to maintain the low NCAM phenotype. NCAM was not reduced in B104 cells transfected with the neomycin resistance vector alone, and other neuronal markers were not specifically reduced in N-myc-transfected B104 cells. As NCAM functions in cell-cell adhesion, decreased NCAM expression could contribute significantly to the increased metastatic potential of N-myc-amplified neuroblastomas.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1921-1929
The rodent neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) consists of three glycoprotein chains of 180, 140, and 120 kD in their adult forms. Although the proportions of the three components are known to change during development and differ between brain regions, their individual distribution and function are unknown. Here we report studies carried out with a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the 180-kD component of mouse N-CAM (N-CAM180) in its highly sialylated embryonic and less glycosylated adult forms. In primary cerebellar cell cultures, N-CAM180 antibody reacts intracellularly with all types of neural cells including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. During cerebellar, telencephalic, and retinal development N-CAM180 is detectable by indirect immunohistology in differentiated neural cells, but, in contrast to total N-CAM, not in their proliferating precursors in the ventricular zone and primordial and early postnatal external granular layer. In monolayer cultures of C1300 neuroblastoma cells, N-CAM180 appears by immunofluorescence more concentrated at contact points between adjacent cells, while N-CAM comprising the 180- and 140-kD component shows a more uniform distribution at the plasma membrane. Treatment of neuroblastoma cells with dimethylsulfoxide, which promotes differentiation, induces a shift toward the predominant expression of N- CAM180. These observations support the notion that N-CAM180 is expressed selectively in more differentiated neural cells and suggest a differential role of N-CAM180 in the stabilization of cell contacts.  相似文献   

B Rudy  J H Hoger  H A Lester  N Davidson 《Neuron》1988,1(8):649-658
Fast transient K+ channels (A channels) of the type operating in the subthreshold region for Na+ action potential generation were expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain poly(A) RNA. Sucrose gradient fractionation of the RNA separates mRNAs encoding A-currents (6-7 kb) from mRNAs encoding other voltage-dependent K+ channels. A-currents expressed with fractionated mRNA differ in kinetics and pharmacology from A-currents expressed with total mRNA. The original properties of the A-currents can be reconstituted when small mRNAs (2-4 kb) are added to the large mRNA fraction. Thus the properties of the A-currents expressed with total poly(A) RNA depend on the presence of more than one mRNA species. mRNA(s) present in the large RNA fraction must encode channel subunits since they express an A-current by themselves. The small mRNA(s) may encode a second subunit(s) or a factor, such as an enzymatic activity that modulates the properties of the channels, which could play a role in generating A-channel functional diversity.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regulation of splicing of one of the alternatively spliced exons in the rat fibronectin gene, the EIIIB exon. This 273-nucleotide exon is excluded by some cells and included to various degrees by others. We find that EIIIB is intrinsically poorly spliced and that both its exon sequences and its splice sites contribute to its poor recognition. Therefore, cells which recognize the EIIIB exon must have mechanisms for improving its splicing. Furthermore, in order for EIIB to be regulated, a balance must exist between the EIIIB splice sites and those of its flanking exons. Although the intron upstream of EIIIB does not appear to play a role in the recognition of EIIIB for splicing, the intron downstream contains sequence elements which can promote EIIIB recognition in a cell-type-specific fashion. These elements are located an unusually long distance from the exon that they regulate, more than 518 nucleotides downstream from EIIIB, and may represent a novel mode of exon regulation.  相似文献   

The CD44 cell surface glycoprotein is expressed on a broad range of different tissues as multiple isoforms containing from one to ten alternatively spliced exons v1-v10 inserted within the extracellular domain. Differential glycosylation generates still further variability, yielding both N- and O-glycan-modified forms of CD44 in addition to proteoglycan-like variants containing chondroitin sulphate and heparan sulphate. These high molecular mass proteoglycan-like variants, previously identified in lymphocytes, melanomas, and keratinocytes have been implicated in cell-matrix adhesion, cell motility, and invasiveness. More recently, monocyte CD44 molecules presumed to carry glycosaminoglycan chains were shown to bind the chemokine MIP-1 beta (Tanaka, Y.,D. H. Adams, S. Hubscher, H. Hirano, U. Siebenlist, and S. Shaw. 1993. Nature (Lond). 361:79-82.) raising the intriguing possibility that proteoglycan-like CD44 variants might play a role in regulating inflammatory responses. Here we have investigated the molecular identity of these proteoglycan-like CD44 variants by generating a panel of recombinant CD44 isoforms using a novel cassette cloning strategy. We show that both chondroitin and heparan sulphate modifications are associated specifically with isoforms (CD44v3-10 and CD44v3,8-10) containing the v3 alternative exon which encodes a consensus motif SGXG for GAG addition. Other isoforms (CD44v10, CD44v8- 10, CD44v7-10, and CD44v6-10) are shown to lack these GAG chains but to carry extensive O-glycan modifications, most likely within the mucin- like alternative exon inserts. We also demonstrate that the majority of endogenous GAG-modified CD44 isoforms present in epithelial cells constitute v3 isoforms thus establishing that in these cells the majority of proteoglycan-like CD44 variants are generated by alternative splicing. Finally we present evidence using transfected B lymphoma cells that the GAG-modified CD44 isoforms CD44v3-10 and CD44v3,8-10, unlike CD44H, bind only weakly to hyaluronan. Together with the demonstration in the accompanying paper (Bennett, K., D. G. Jackson, J.C. Simon, E. Tanczos, R. Peach, B. Modrell, I. Stamenkovic, G. Plowman, and A. Aruffo. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 128:687-698.), that CD44 molecules containing the v3 exon bind growth factors, these results highlight a new and potentially important role for CD44 alternative splicing in the control of cell-surface proteoglycan expression.  相似文献   

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