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Dynamics of uncrystallized water and protein was studied in hydrated pellets of the fibrous protein elastin in a wide hydration range (0 to 23 wt.%), by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermally stimulated depolarization current technique (TSDC) and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS). Additionally, water equilibrium sorption–desorption measurements (ESI) were performed at room temperature. The glass transition of the system was studied by DSC and its complex dependence on hydration water was verified. A critical water fraction of about 18 wt.% was found, associated with a reorganization of water in the material. Three dielectric relaxations, associated to dynamics related to distinct uncrystallized water populations, were recorded by TSDC and DRS. The low temperature secondary relaxation of hydrophilic polar groups on the protein surface triggered by hydration water for almost dry samples contains contributions from water molecules themselves at higher water fractions (ν relaxation). This particular relaxation is attributed to water molecules in the primary and secondary hydration shells of the protein fibers. At higher temperatures and for water fraction values equal to or higher than 10 wt.%, a local relaxation of water molecules condensed within small openings in the interior of the protein fibers was recorded. The evolution of this relaxation (w relaxation) with hydration level results in enhanced cooperativity at high water fraction values, implying the existence of “internal” water confined within the protein structure. At higher temperatures a relaxation associated with water dynamics within clusters between fibers (p relaxation) was also recorded, in the same hydration range.  相似文献   

The glass transition and its related dynamics of myoglobin in water and in a water–glycerol mixture have been investigated by dielectric spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). For all samples, the DSC measurements display a glass transition that extends over a large temperature range. Both the temperature of the transition and its broadness decrease rapidly with increasing amount of solvent in the system. The dielectric measurements show several dynamical processes, due to both protein and solvent relaxations, and in the case of pure water as solvent the main protein process (which most likely is due to conformational changes of the protein structure) exhibits a dynamic glass transition (i.e. reaches a relaxation time of 100 s) at about the same temperature as the calorimetric glass transition temperature Tg is found. This glass transition is most likely caused by the dynamic crossover and the associated vanishing of the α-relaxation of the main water relaxation, although it does not contribute to the calorimetric Tg. This is in contrast to myoglobin in water–glycerol, where the main solvent relaxation makes the strongest contribution to the calorimetric glass transition. For all samples it is clear that several proteins processes are involved in the calorimetric glass transition and the broadness of the transition depends on how much these different relaxations are separated in time.  相似文献   

The protein dynamical transition and its connection with the liquid-glass transition (GT) of hydration water and aqueous solvents are reviewed. The protein solvation shell exhibits a regular glass transition, characterized by steps in the specific heat and the thermal expansion coefficient at the calorimetric glass temperature TG ≈ 170 K. It implies that the time scale of the structural α-relaxation has reached the experimental time window of 1–100 s. The protein dynamical transition, identified from elastic neutron scattering experiments by enhanced amplitudes of molecular motions exceeding the vibrational level [1], probes the α-process on a shorter time scale. The corresponding liquid-glass transition occurs at higher temperatures, typically 240 K. The GT is generally associated with diverging viscosities, the freezing of long-range translational diffusion in the supercooled liquid. Due to mutual hydrogen bonding, both, protein- and solvent relaxational degrees of freedom slow down in paralled near the GT. However, the freezing of protein motions, where surface-coupled rotational and librational degrees of freedom are arrested, is better characterized as a rubber-glass transition. In contrast, internal protein modes such as the rotation of side chains are not affected. Moreover, ligand binding experiments with myoglobin in various glass-forming solvents show, that only ligand entry and exit rates depend on the local viscosity near the protein surface, but protein-internal ligand migration is not coupled to the solvent. The GT leads to structural arrest on a macroscopic scale due to the microscopic cage effect on the scale of the intermolecular distance. Mode coupling theory provides a theoretical framework to understand the microcopic nature of the GT even in complex systems. The role of the α- and β-process in the dynamics of protein hydration water is evaluated. The protein-solvent GT is triggered by hydrogen bond fluctuations, which give rise to fast β-processes. High-frequency neutron scattering spectra indicate increasing hydrogen bond braking above TG.  相似文献   

Small deformation dynamic oscillation was used to develop an index of physical significance for the rationalisation of the mechanical properties of high co-solute/biopolymer systems during vitrification. The index is based on the combined framework of Williams–Landel–Ferry equation with the free volume theory and is called the ‘rheological glass transition temperature, Tg’ thus differentiating it from the empirical calorimetric Tg used in thermal analysis. The rheological Tg is located at the conjunction of two distinct molecular processes, namely: free-volume effects in the glass transition region and the predictions of the reaction-rate theory in the glassy state. The method of reduced variables was used to shift the mechanical spectra of shear moduli to composite curves. The temperature dependence of shift factors for all materials was identical provided that they were normalised at suitably different reference temperatures, which reflect iso-free-volume states. The treatment makes free volume the overriding parameter governing the mechanical relaxation times during vitrification of high co-solute/biopolymer systems regardless of physicochemical characteristics. We believe that potential applications resulting from this fundamental work are numerous for the food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

Seo JA  Kim SJ  Kwon HJ  Yang YS  Kim HK  Hwang YH 《Carbohydrate research》2006,341(15):2516-2520
We measured the glass transition temperatures of mono-, di-, and trisaccharide mixtures using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and analyzed these temperatures using the Gordon-Taylor equation. We found that the glass transition temperatures of monosaccharide-monosaccharide and disaccharide-disaccharide mixtures could be described by the conventional Gordon-Taylor equation. However, the glass transition temperatures of monosaccharide-disaccharide and monosaccharide-trisaccharide mixtures deviated from the conventional Gordon-Taylor equation and the amount of deviation in the monosaccharide-trisaccharide mixtures was larger than those in the monosaccharide-disaccharide mixtures. From these results, we conclude that the size and shape of the sugars play an important role in the glass transition temperature of the mixtures.  相似文献   

The dynamical transition of proteins,concepts and misconceptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of hydrated proteins and of protein crystals can be studied within a wide temperature range, since the water of hydration does not crystallize at low temperature. Instead it turns into an amorphous glassy state below 200 K. Extending the temperature range facilitates the spectral separation of different molecular processes. The conformational motions of proteins show an abrupt enhancement near 180 K, which has been called a "dynamical transition". In this contribution various aspects of the transition are critically reviewed: the role of the instrumental resolution function in extracting displacements from neutron elastic scattering data and the question of the appropriate dynamic model, discrete transitions between states of different energy versus continuous diffusion inside a harmonic well, are discussed. A decomposition of the transition involving two motional components is performed: rotational transitions of methyl groups and small scale librations of side-chains, induced by water at the protein surface. Both processes create an enhancement of the observed amplitude. The onset occurs, when their time scale becomes compatible with the resolution of the spectrometer. The reorientational rate of hydration water follows a super-Arrhenius temperature dependence, a characteristic feature of a dynamical transition. It occurs only with hydrated proteins, while the torsional motion of methyl groups takes place also in the dehydrated or solvent-vitrified system. Finally, the role of fast hydrogen bond fluctuations contributing to the amplitude enhancement is discussed.  相似文献   

Li DX  Liu BL  Liu YS  Chen CL 《Cryobiology》2008,56(2):114-119
Vitrification is proposed to be the best way for the cryopreservation of organs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of vitrification solutions is a critical parameter of fundamental importance for cryopreservation by vitrification. The instruments that can detect the thermodynamic, mechanical and dielectric changes of a substance may be used to determine the glass transition temperature. Tg is usually measured by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In this study, the Tg of the glycerol-aqueous solution (60%, wt/%) was determined by isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamic simulation (NPT-MD). The software package Discover in Material Studio with the Polymer Consortium Force Field (PCFF) was used for the simulation. The state parameters of heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp), density (ρ), amorphous cell volume (Vcell) and specific volume (Vspecific) and radial distribution function (rdf) were obtained by NPT-MD in the temperature range of 90–270 K. These parameters showed a discontinuity at a specific temperature in the plot of state parameter versus temperature. The temperature at the discontinuity is taken as the simulated Tg value for glycerol–water binary solution. The Tg values determined by simulation method were compared with the values in the literatures. The simulation values of Tg (160.06–167.51 K) agree well with the DSC results (163.60–167.10 K) and the DMA results (159.00 K). We drew the conclusion that molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) is a potential method for investigating the glass transition temperature (Tg) of glycerol–water binary cryoprotectants and may be used for other vitrification solutions.  相似文献   

The glass transition temperature, T(g), and enthalpy relaxation of amorphous lactose glass were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for isothermal aging periods at various temperatures (25, 60, 75, and 90 degrees C) below T(g). Both T(g) and enthalpy relaxation were found to increase with increasing aging time and temperature. The enthalpy relaxation increased approximately exponentially with aging time at a temperature (90 degrees C) close to T(g) (102 degrees C). There was no significant change observed in the enthalpy relaxation around room temperature (25 degrees C) over an aging period of 1month. The Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) model was able to fit the experimental enthalpy relaxation data well. The relaxation distribution parameter (beta) was determined to be in the range 0.81-0.89. The enthalpy relaxation time constant (tau) increased with decreasing aging temperature. The observed enthalpy relaxation data showed that molecular mobility in amorphous lactose glass was higher at temperatures closer to T(g). Lactose glass was stable for a long time at 25 degrees C. These findings should be helpful for improving the processing and storage stability of amorphous lactose and lactose containing food and pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

Hydrated soy-proteins display different macroscopic properties below and above approximately 25% moisture. This is relevant to the food industry in terms of processing and handling. Quasi-elastic neutron spectroscopy of a large globular soy-protein, glycinin, reveals that a similar moisture-content dependence exists for the microscopic dynamics as well. We find evidence of a transition analogous to those found in smaller proteins, when investigated as a function of temperature, at the so-called dynamical transition. In contrast, the glass transition seems to be unrelated. Small proteins are good model systems for the much larger proteins because the relaxation characteristics are rather similar despite the change in scale. For dry samples, which do not show the dynamical transition, the dynamics of the methyl group is probably the most important contribution to the QENS spectra, however a simple rotational model is not able to explain the data. Our results indicate that the dynamics that occurs above the transition temperature is unrelated to that at lower temperatures and that the transition is not simply related to the relaxation rate falling within the spectral window of the spectrometer.  相似文献   

An amorphous solid of cyclomaltoheptaose (β-cyclodextrin, β-CD) was formed by milling its crystalline form using a high-energy planetary mill at room temperature. The glass transition of this amorphous solid was found to occur above the thermal degradation point of the material preventing its direct observation and thus its full characterization. The corresponding glass transition temperature (Tg) and the ΔCp at Tg have, however, been estimated by extrapolation of Tg and ΔCp of closely related amorphous compounds. These compounds include methylated β-CD with different degrees of substitution and molecular alloys obtained by co-milling β-CD and methylated β-CD (DS 1.8) at different ratios. The physical characterization of the amorphous states have been performed by powder X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, while the chemical integrity of β-CD upon milling was checked by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The occurrence of molecular motions in addition to those of the glass-transition region (alpha mechanism) were investigated in chitosan and a branched derivative substituted with alkyl chains having eight carbon atoms. Once hydrophobic interactions of the alkyl groups in aqueous solution were demonstrated, polymers were mixed with glucose syrup at high levels of solids. The real (G') and imaginary (G") components of the complex dynamic modulus in high-solid mixtures were measured between 0.1 and 100 rad s(-1) in the temperature range from -55 to 50 degrees C. The method of reduced variables gave superposed curves of G' and G", which unveiled an anomaly in the dispersion of the alkylated derivative both in terms of higher modulus values and dominant elastic component of the polymeric network, as compared with the glass-transition region of chitosan. It was proposed that the new mechanical feature was due to beta mechanism, and master curves of viscoelastic functions and relaxation processes were constructed to rationalize it.  相似文献   

Various techniques have been proposed to specify the phase transition temperatures of surfactant molecules. The work reported herein deals with a new general method of T(c) determination based on the optical properties' modifications of aqueous surfactant solutions when the phase transitions occur in the phospholipid membrane. The shape alteration of supramolecular systems induced by the phase transition was correlated with the refraction and absorption coefficients of their aqueous dispersion. The mean count rate (average number of photons detected per second) measured with a Zetasizer Nano-S model ZEN1600 Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument, is representative of an emerging macroscopic phenomenon, but not directly size dependent and has been adapted to our expectations. Changes in the measured scattering intensity reflect changes in the optical properties of the material during temperature variations. Thus, this method allowed to specify the phase transition temperature of many natural or synthetic surfactants independently of their polar head or hydrophobic part.  相似文献   

Devitrification, the process of crystallization of a formerly crystal-free, amorphous glass state, can lead to damage during the warming of cells. The objective of this study was to determine the glass transition temperature of a cryopreservation solution typically used in the vitrification, storage, and warming of mammalian oocytes and embryos using differential scanning calorimetry. A numerical model of the heat transfer process to analyze warming and devitrification thresholds for a common vitrification carrier (open-pulled straw) was conducted. The implications on specimen handling and storage inside the dewar in contact with nitrogen vapor phase at different temperatures were determined. The time required for initiation of devitrification of a vitrified sample was determined by mathematical modeling and compared with measured temperatures in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen cryogenic dewars. Results indicated the glass transition ranged from −126 °C to −121 °C, and devitrification was initiated at −109 °C. Interestingly, samples entered rubbery state at −121 °C and therefore could potentially initiate devitrification above this value, with the consequent damaging effects to cell survival. Devitrification times were calculated considering an initial temperature of material immersed in liquid nitrogen (−196 °C), and two temperatures of liquid nitrogen vapors within the dewar (−50 °C and −70 °C) to which the sample could be exposed for a period of time, either during storage or upon its removal. The mathematical model indicated samples could reach glass transition temperatures and undergo devitrification in 30 seconds. Results of the present study indicate storage of vitrified oocytes and embryos in the liquid nitrogen vapor phase (as opposed to completely immersed in liquid nitrogen) poses the potential risk of devitrification. Because of the reduced time-handling period before samples reach critical rubbery and devitrification values, caution should be exercised when handling samples in vapor phase.  相似文献   

Dynamic mechanical techniques are used increasingly in the investigation of vitrification phenomena in biological materials, thus posing the question of whether the rheological T(g) should be compared with the established practice of obtaining T(g) values from differential scanning calorimetry. The nature of the rheological T(g) is discussed and its frequency dependence is established with a view to facilitating comparisons with calorimetric data. Despite claims made in the literature, results on high sugar-kappa-carrageenan mixtures, hydrated gelatin films, and thermoset epoxy resins demonstrate that there is no clear reference point for comparison of the glass transition temperatures derived with the two techniques. Furthermore, the structure-forming ability of kappa-carrageenan and other biopolymers impacts primarily upon the mechanical manifestation of vitrification and contributes to the state of complexity of comparisons between thermal and mechanical data.  相似文献   

Vitrification has been used to successfully cryopreserve cells and tissues for over 60 years. Glass transition temperature (T g) of the vitrification is a critical parameter, which has been investigated experimentally. In this study, an isothermal–isobaric molecular simulation (NPT-MD) is proposed to investigate the glass transition and T g of such vitrification solution. The cohesive energy density, solubility parameter (δ) and bulk modulus of the solution during the process of the glass transition are investigated as well. The results indicate that these properties as functions of temperature can give a definite inflexion; thus, these properties can be used to predict T g more accurately than the heat capacity (C p ), density (ρ), volume (V) and radial distribution function (rdf). At the same time, the predicted values of T g agree well with the experimental results. Therefore, molecular dynamics simulation is a potential method for investigating the glass transition and T g of the vitrification solutions.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the glass transition behavior of vitrification solutions is important for research and planning of the cryopreservation of biological materials by vitrification. This brief communication shows the analysis for the glass transition and glass stability of the multi-component vitrification solutions containing propanediol (PE), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) during the cooling and subsequent warming between 25 and −150 °C. The glass formation of the solutions was enhanced by introduction of PVA. Partial glass formed during cooling and the fractions of free water in the partial glass matrix increased with the increasing of PVA concentration, which caused slight decline of glass transition temperature, Tg. Exothermic peaks of devitrification were delayed and broadened, which may result from the inhibition of ice nucleation or recrystallization of PVA.  相似文献   

Four molecular fractions of gelatin produced by alkaline hydrolysis of collagen were investigated in the presence of cosolute to record the mechanical properties of the glass transition in high-solid preparations. Dynamic oscillatory and stress relaxation moduli in shear were recorded from 40°C to temperatures as low as -60°C. The small-deformation behavior of these linear polymers was separated by the method of reduced variables into a basic function of time alone and a basic function of temperature alone. The former allowed the reduction of isothermal runs into a master curve covering 17 orders of magnitude in the time domain. The latter follows the passage from the rubbery plateau through the glass transition region to the glassy state seen in the variation of shift factor, a(T) , as a function of temperature. The mechanical glass transition temperature (T(g) ) is pinpointed at the operational threshold of the free volume theory and the predictions of the reaction rate theory. Additional insights into molecular dynamics are obtained via the coupling model of cooperativity, which introduces the concept of coupling constant or interaction strength of local segmental motions that govern structural relaxation at the vicinity of T(g) . The molecular weight of the four gelatin fractions appears to have a profound effect on the transition temperature or coupling constant of vitrified matrices, as does the protein chemistry in relation to that of amorphous synthetic polymers or gelling polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The nonlinear thermorheologically complex Adam Gibbs (extended "Scherer-Hodge") model for the glass transition is applied to enthalpy relaxation data reported by Sartor, Mayer, and Johari for hydrated methemoglobin. A sensible range in values for the average localized activation energy is obtained (100-200 kJ mol(-1)). The standard deviation in the inferred Gaussian distribution of activation energies, computed from the reported KWW beta-parameter, is approximately 30% of the average, consistent with the suggestion that some relaxation processes in hydrated proteins have exceptionally low activation energies.  相似文献   

We have used measurements of the phosphorescence intensity decay of the triplet probe erythrosin B, dispersed in amorphous glucose, maltose, and maltotriose at probe:sugar mole ratios of approximately 1:10(4), to monitor the molecular mobility of the sugar matrix in the glass and melt around the glass-transition temperature (Tg). Intensity decays were well fit using a stretched-exponential decay model in which the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts lifetime tau and the stretching exponent beta are the physically meaningful parameters. When normalized to the glass-transition temperature, the erythrosin lifetime decreased in the order glucose>maltose>maltotriose. Analysis of the lifetime provided an estimate of the collisional quenching constant for deexcitation of the triplet state (kTS0); kTS0 increased in the order glucosemaltose>maltotriose, indicating that the lifetime heterogeneity increased in the order glucose相似文献   

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