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Liang Z  Han Z  Yang S  Liang X  Du P  Liu G  Yang Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(2):710-715
To achieve an appropriate mixture of ammonium and nitrite for anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX), 50% partial nitritation was optimized in a fixed bed biofilm reactor treating synthetic wastewater. Results suggested that 50% partial nitritation could be achieved by stepwise increases of influent NH4+-N at pH of 7.8 ± 0.2, temperature of 30 ± 1 °C and dissolved oxygen (DO) of 0.5-0.8 mg l−1. Hydraulic retention time (HRT) and influent alkalinity did significantly affect partial nitritation. At HRT 12 h, 50% partial nitritation could be kept stable, regardless of influent NH4+-N variation, by controlling the influent HCO3/NH4+ molar ratio at 1:1. The fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) results indicated the abundance of evolution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) coincided well with the performance of partial nitritation. Furthermore, the AOB were highly affiliated with Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrosospira spp. dominated (64.1%) in the biofilm with a compact structure during the stable 50% partial nitritation period.  相似文献   

Production of optically pure products can be based on simple unselective synthesis of racemic mixtures combined with a subsequent separation of the enantiomers; however, this approach suffers from a 50% yield limitation which can be overcome by racemization of the undesired enantiomer and recycling. Application of biocatalyst for the racemization steps offers an attractive option for high‐yield manufacturing of commercially valuable compounds. Our work focuses on exploiting the potential of racemization with immobilized mandelate racemase. Immobilization of crude mandelate racemase via covalent attachment was optimized for two supports: Eupergit® CM and CNBr‐activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow. To allow coupling of enzymatic reaction with enantioselective chromatography, a mobile phase composition compatible with both processes was used in enzymatic reactor. Kinetic parameters obtained analyzing experiments carried out in a batch reactor could be successfully used to predict fixed‐bed reactor performance. The applicability of the immobilized enzyme and the determined kinetic parameters were validated in transient experiments recording responses to pulse injections of R‐mandelic acid. The approach investigated can be used for futher design and optimization of high yield combined resolution processes. The characterized fixed‐bed enzymatic reactor can be integrated e.g. with chromatographic single‐ or multicolumn steps in various configurations.  相似文献   

Bruce LJ  Ghose S  Chase HA 《Bioseparation》1999,8(1-5):69-75
The effect of column verticality on liquid dispersion and separation efficiency in expanded bed adsorption columns was investigated using 1 and 5 cm diameter columns. Column misalignment of only 0.15° resulted in the reduction of the Bodenstein number from 140 to 50 for the 1 cm dia. column and from 75 to 45 for the 5 cm dia. column. This degree of misalignment was not detectable by visual assessment of adsorbent particle movement within the column. Depending on the relative importance of transport limitations, kinetic limitations and dispersion to any specific separation, this increase in dispersion with column alignment can significantly affect separation efficiency. Pure protein breakthrough profiles resulting from the application of bovine serum albumin onto STREAMLINE Q XL demonstrated that, at 10% breakthrough, 7.8% more protein could be applied to a vertical 1 cm dia. column compared to the same column misaligned by 0.15°. When an unclarified yeast homogenate was applied to a 1 cm dia. vertical column packed with STREAMLINE DEAE, 10% breakthrough of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) corresponded to a load 55% greater compared to the same column aligned 0.185° off-vertical. The G6PDH breakthrough curves for vertical and 0.15° off-vertical runs performed using a 5 cm column were essentially indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The separation of two amino acids, phenylalanine and tryptophan, was carried out using laboratory simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography. The SMB process consisted of four zones, with each zone having 2 columns. The triangle theory was used to obtain the operating conditions for the SMB. The mass transfer coefficients of the two amino acids were obtained from the best-fit values by comparing simulated and experimental pulse data. The competitive adsorption isotherms of the two amino acids were obtained by single and binary frontal analyses, taking into consideration the competition between the two components. A competitive Langmuir isotherm, obtained from single-component frontal chromatography, was used in the first run, and the isotherm from binary frontal chromatography in the second, with the flow rate of zone I modified to improve the purity. Compared to the first and second runs, the competitive Langmuir isotherm from the binary frontal chromatography showed good agreement with the experimental results. Also, adjusting the flow rate in zone I increased the purity of the products. The purities of the phenylalanine in the raffinate and the tryptophan in the extract were 99.84 and 99.99%, respectively.  相似文献   

Ng YL  Chase HA 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(11):1745-1751
An expanded bed system has been developed for a novel application in which the separation and enrichment of neural stem cells from a sample containing a mixture of stem and progenitor cells is achieved based on the difference in the sizes of the aggregates of these types of cells. Inert Sephadex beads and flocculated yeast cells were used as experimental controls and references. The characteristics of the separation of neural stem cell aggregates based on size are similar to those achieved with flocculated yeast where cell-to-cell aggregation controls the pattern of size separation different from those of inert Sephadex beads.  相似文献   

The preparation of plasmid DNA at large scale constitutes a pressing problem in bioseparation. This paper describes a first investigation of displacement chromatography as a means to separate plasmid DNA (4.7 kb) from E. coli lipopolysaccharides and protein (holo transferrin), respectively. Displacement chromatography has advantages in this regard, since the substance mixture is resolved into rectangular zones of the individual components rather than into peaks. Thus a higher total concentration can be maintained in the pooled product fractions. Hydroxyapatite (type I and II) and anion exchange stationary phases were included in the experiments. In addition to a conventional anion exchange column packed with porous particles, the recently introduced continuous bed UNOTM anion exchange column was investigated. No DNA purification was possible with either hydroxyapatite material. Conventional particle based columns in general were not suited to the separation of any two substances varying considerably in molecular mass, e.g. plasmid DNA and standard protein. Presumably, the direct competition for the binding sites, which is essential in displacement chromatography, was restricted by the size dependency of the accessible stationary phase surface area in this case. Better results were obtained with the continuous bed column, in which the adsorptive surface coincides with the walls of the flow through pores. As a result the accessible surface does not vary as much with the size of the interacting molecules as for the conventional stationary phase materials. Sharper transitions were also observed between substance zones recovered from the UNOTM column. The steric mass action model was used to aid method development in case of the anion exchange approach. While further research in obviously necessary, displacement chromatography on continuous bed columns has been shown to be capable of separating plasmid DNA from typical impurities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A BHK 21 cell line expressing a recombinant antibody was grown in a fixed bed reactor (FBR) system using a porous support made of Siran glass beads. The contribution of five process variables (bead and inoculum sizes; circulation and dilution rates; glutamine concentration of the feed) to the productivity of the process (defined as production rate, effluent product concentration or yield of product on medium supplied) was investigated using a partial factorial experimental design. Individually, none of the variables tested had a significant affect upon productivity. The combination of smaller bead and inoculum sizes, higher circulation and dilution rates, plus higher feed glutamine concentration gave a markedly higher productivity than any other combination of variable levels tested. This combination of variable levels suggested that better results shold be obtained using a fluidised bed reactor system. However, comparison of the productivities of the two systems showed that the FBR gave the better results. This result can be explained in terms of the relationship of QsrAb to .Abbreviations C concentration - D dilution rate - FBR fixed bed bioreactor - FIBR fluidised bed bioreactor - Gln glutamine - Qs cell specific rate - Qv volumetric rate - rAb recombinant antibody - Xv viable cell density - specific growth rate  相似文献   

Conventional and comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) HPLC systems using the combination of titania and monolithic columns were established for the on-line analysis of phosphopeptides. Compared with immobilized metal affinity chromatography of a general method for the analysis of phosphopeptides, the use of titania columns in the analysis permits the specific isolation of phosphopeptides in a higher yield. Using the current 2D HPLC systems, phosphopeptides were specifically isolated from nonphosphorylated peptides by the first-dimension titania column, followed by the high-speed separation of the phosphopeptides by the second-dimension monolithic column. Proteolytic digests of beta-casein were analyzed within 30 min using the comprehensive 2D HPLC system; all phosphopeptides from beta-casein could be efficiently isolated and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The comprehensive 2D HPLC system coupled with mass spectrometry will be useful for high-throughput and on-line phosphoproteome analyses.  相似文献   

Adsorption of paracresol and water into the silicalite-1 (MFI) zeolite has been investigated using canonical and grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulations. The most stable sites of adsorption of paracresol are found to be located at the channel intersections. Grand-canonical simulations have shown that at low loading, water molecules adsorb preferably at the vicinity of paracresol molecules, whereas they are also located in the sinusoidal channels as the loading increases. In order to explain the experimental adsorption isotherm observed for the coadsorption of water and paracresol in the MFI zeolite we propose a new concept of apparent adsorption enthalpy that varies with the concentration of the solution. The mathematical expression for the apparent enthalpy is introduced in an adsorption isotherm model. We shall refer to this theoretical isotherm as a non-langmuirian isotherm. The non-linear expression for the apparent adsorption enthalpy accounts for a variable accessibility of the sites of adsorption with respect to the concentration of the solution. Figure Co-adsorption of paracresol and water in silicalite-1 zeolite and comparison between experimental and modelled adsorption isotherms.  相似文献   

The bioprocessing industry relies on packed-bed column chromatography as its primary separation process to attain the required high product purities and fulfill the strict requirements from regulatory bodies. Conventional column packing methods rely on flow packing and/or mechanical compression. In this work, the application of ultrasound and mechanical vibration during packing was studied with respect to packing density and homogeneity. We investigated two widely used biochromatography media, incompressible ceramic hydroxyapatite, and compressible polymethacrylate-based particles, packed in a laboratory-scale column with an inner diameter of 50 mm. It was shown that ultrasonic irradiation led to reduced particle segregation during sedimentation of a homogenized slurry of polymethacrylate particles. However, the application of ultrasound did not lead to an improved microstructure of already packed columns due to the low volumetric energy input (~152 W/L) caused by high acoustic reflection losses. In contrast, the application of pneumatic mechanical vibration led to considerable improvements. Flow-decoupled axial linear vibration was most suitable at a volumetric force output of ~1,190 N/L. In the case of the ceramic hydroxyapatite particles, a 13% further decrease of the packing height was achieved and the reduced height equivalent to a theoretical plate (rHETP) was decreased by 44%. For the polymethacrylate particles, a 18% further packing consolidation was achieved and the rHETP was reduced by 25%. Hence, it was shown that applying mechanical vibration resulted in more efficiently packed columns. The application of vibration furthermore is potentially suitable for in situ elimination of flow channels near the column wall.  相似文献   

Expanded-bed adsorption (EBA) is a technique for primary recovery of proteins starting from unclarified broths. This process combines centrifugation, concentration, filtration, and initial capturing of the proteins in a single step. An expanded bed (EB) is comparable to a packed bed in terms of separation performance but its hydrodynamics are that of a fluidized bed. Downstream process development involving EBA is normally carried out in small columns to minimize time and costs. Our purpose here is to characterize the hydrodynamics of expanded beds of different diameters, to develop scaling parameters that can be reliably used to predict separation efficiency of larger EBA columns. A hydrodynamic model has been developed which takes into account the radial liquid velocity profile in the column. The scale-down effect can be characterized in terms of apparent axial dispersion, D(axl,app), and plate number, N(EB), adapted for expanded bed. The model is in good agreement with experimental results obtained from 1- and 5-cm column diameters with buffer solutions of different viscosities. The model and the experiments show an increase of apparent axial dispersion with an increase in column diameter. Furthermore, the apparent axial dispersion is affected by an increase in liquid velocity and viscosity. Supported by visual observations and predictions from the model, it was concluded that operating conditions (liquid viscosity and superficial velocity) resulting in a bed-void fraction between 0.7 and 0.75 would provide the optimal separation efficiency in terms of N(EB).  相似文献   

沸石滤床去除炼油废水中氨氮的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国石化广州石油化工厂炼油污水NH4-N含量高、COD/NH4-N比低,致使其具有经氧化沟处理后出水脱氮效果不稳定的特点,为此研制开发了一种沸石滤床。将氧化沟出水沉淀后连续导入沸石滤床(ZPB)及活性炭滤床(ACB)与陶粒滤床(CPB),控制滤速1m·s-1.运行结果表明:沸石滤床的氨氮平均去除率高于99%,COD平均去除率为24.8%,均大大高于活性炭滤床与陶粒滤床。  相似文献   

Bienzymatic production of laminaribiose from sucrose and glucose was combined with adsorption on zeolite BEA to introduce a first capture and purification step. Downstream processing including washing and desorption steps was characterized and optimized on a milliliter scale in batch mode. Results were then transferred to a packed bed system for enzymatic production and adsorption where the influence of adsorbent particle diameter on purity and productivity was evaluated. Finally, a continuous enzymatic production of laminaribiose was conducted over 10 days. The subsequent downstream processing of the loaded zeolites led to purities of over 0.5 gLaminaribiose gsugar?1 in the desorbate with a total productivity of 5.6 mgLaminaribiose Lenzyme bed?1 h?1 without the use of recycles.  相似文献   

Current separation, isolation and purification techniques to obtain highly potent purified lactobacilli and lactococci bacteriocins include chemical precipitation, separation employing solvents and chromatographic techniques. These methods are arduous, costly, with limited scalability, offering low bacteriocin yields (<20%). To address these challenges, the alternatives of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration, as separation methods were tested. Three promising bacteriocin producing strains, Lactobacillus casei NCIMB 11970, Lactobacillus plantarum NCIMB 8014 and Lactococcus lactis NCIMB 8586 were selected to investigate the applicability and feasibility of the method.To facilitate separation, the microorganisms were grown on specially developed low molecular weight medium (LMWM) mainly containing nutritive sources up to 4 kDa molecular weight. Bacterial cells were removed by centrifugation. The clarified broths were filtered using 4 and 1 kDa MWCO. Bacteriocin activity was determined by an antimicrobial activity test using nisin, which has an inhibitory effect on the growth of susceptible microorganisms. Recovery yields using filtration were found to range between 53 and 68%, a high recovery performance.The bacteriocin activity of crude extracts of all the three lactobacilli were between 95 and 105 IU ml?1. When the substances were separated using ultrafiltration membrane (4 kDa MWCO) their activity was enhanced to 145–150 IU ml?1, achieving a total potency yield of 44–53%. Further enhancement of yields up to 36% was attained employing nanofiltration (1 kDa MWCO) membranes with an activity increased up to 200 IU ml?1.Bacteriocin isolation from crude extracts using filtration was found to be effective, offering high recovery yields, optimising their activity as well as presenting a realistic option towards the formulation of these as commercially available antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

Anion exchange purification of plasmid DNA using expanded bed adsorption   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent developments in gene therapy with non-viral vectors and DNA vaccination have increased the demand for large amounts of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA. The high viscosity of process streams is of major concern in the purification of plasmids, since it can cause high back pressures in column operations, thus limiting the throughput. In order to avoid these high back pressures, expanded bed anion exchange chromatography was evaluated as an alternative to fixed bed chromatography. A Streamline 25 column filled with 100 ml of Streamline QXL media, was equilibrated with 0.5 M NaCl in TE (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH=8.0) buffer at an upward flow of 300 cmh-1, E. coli lysates (obtained from up to 3 liters of fermentation broth) were injected in the column. After washing out the unbound material, the media was allowed to sediment and the plasmid was eluted with 1 M NaCl in TE buffer at a downward flow of 120 cmh-1. Purification factors of 36±1 fold, 26±0.4 plasmid purity, and close to 100% yields were obtained when less than one settled column volume of plasmid feed was injected. However, both recovery yield and purity abruptly decreased when larger amounts were processed–values of 35±2 and 5±0.7 were obtained for the recovery yield and purity, respectively, when 250 ml of feedstock were processed. In these cases, gel clogging and expansion collapse were observed. The processing of larger volumes, thus larger plasmid quantities, was only possible by performing an isopropanol precipitation step prior to the chromatographic step. This step led to an enhancement of the purification step.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa immobilized in a natural polymer was tested for its potential to remove Cu2+ ions from aqueous solution in a continuous, downflow packed columnar reactor. Various parameters like flow rate, bed height and contact time required for maximum removal of test metals by the immobilized Microcystis aeruginosa were optimized. An increase in bed height from 2 to 10 cm resulted in an apparent decrease in biosorption capacity from 8.94 to 5.34 mg g–1, but more Cu2+ solution was purified at the higher bed height. Efficiency of metal recovery from Cu2+-loaded biomass and its subsequent regeneration was also determined. Immobilized M. aeruginosa was found to be effective in Cu2+ removal from solution for up to 10 cycles of adsorption–desorption and 1 M HCl is very efficient desorbent for regeneration of Microcystis biomass for reuse.  相似文献   


The ability of dried bacterial strain Bacillus sp. S14 to adsorb Malathion in a packed bed column reactor was studied. The effects of important design parameters such as bed height, flow rate and influent Malathion concentration on Malathion removal from an aqueous solution was studied using a packed bed column reactor. The optimised conditions for maximum Malathion removal were found to be: flow rate: 5 mL min-1, bed height: 6.0 cm and influent Malathion concentration: 25 mg L-1. The Adams-Bohart model, Wolborska model, Thomas model, Yoon and Nelson Model were employed to determine characteristic parameters such as N0 (saturation concentration, mg L-1), βo (external mass transfer coefficient, min-1), k Th(Thomas rate constant, mL min-1mg-1), q0 (maximum solid phase concentration of the solute, mg L-1), kYN (rate constant, min-1) and τ (time required for 50 % adsorbate breakthrough time, min) which are useful for process design. Data were fitted with Adams-Bohart model at lower region of (C/C0) values but more accurately fitted with Wolborska and Thomas model.  相似文献   

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