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Helicobacter pylori heat shock protein 60 (HpHsp60) was first identified as an adhesion molecule associated with H. pylori infection. Here we have analyzed the structure of HpHsp60 via amino acid BLAST, circular dichroism, and electrophoresis and the results indicate that most recombinant HpHsp60 molecules exist as dimers or tetramers, which is quite different from Escherichia coli Hsp60. Treatment of human monocytic cells THP-1 with HpHsp60 was found to up-regulate a panel of cytokines including IL-1α, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ, TNF-α, TGF-β, GRO, and RANTES. Carboxymethylated HpHsp60 molecules with a switched oligomeric status were able to further enhance NF-κB-mediated IL-8 and TNF-α secretion in THP-1 cells compared to unmodified HpHsp60 molecules. These results indicated that the oligomeric status of HpHsp60s might have an important role in regulating host inflammation and thus help facilitate H. pylori persistent infection.  相似文献   

With the intent of contributing to a carbohydrate-based vaccine against the gastroduodenal pathogen, Helicobacter pylori, we report here the structure of cell-surface mannans obtained from a virulent strain. Unlike other wild-type strains, this strain was found to express in good quantities this polysaccharide in vitro. Structural analysis revealed a branched mannan formed by a backbone of α-(1→6)-linked mannopyranosyl residues with approximately 80% branching at the O-2 position. The branches were composed of O-2-linked Man residues in both α- and β-configurations:In addition, this strain also expressed cell-surface emblematic H. pylori lipopolysaccharides (LPS) containing partially fucosylated polyLacNAc O-chains. Affinity assays with polymyxin-B and concanavalin A revealed no association between the mannan and the LPS. The described mannans may be implicated in the mediation of host-microbial interactions and immunological modulation.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been found to promote the malignant process leading to gastric cancer. Heat shock protein 60 of H. pylori (HpHSP60) was previously been identified as a potent immunogene. This study investigates the role of HpHSP60 in gastric cancer carcinogenesis. The effect of HpHSP60 on cell proliferation, anti-death activity, angiogenesis and cell migration were explored. The results showed that HpHSP60 enhanced migration by gastric cancer cells and promoted tube formation by umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs); however, HpHSP60 did not increase cell proliferation nor was this protein able to rescue gastric cancer cells from death. Moreover, the results also indicated HpHSP60 had different effects on AGS gastric cancer cells or THP-1 monocytic cells in terms of their expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are known to be important to cancer development. We propose that HpHSP60 may trigger the initiation of carcinogenesis by inducing pro-inflammatory cytokine release and by promoting angiogenesis and metastasis. Thus, this extracellular pathogen-derived HSP60 is potentially a vigorous virulence factor that can act as a carcinogen during gastric tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

CagA protein is the most assessed effecter molecule of Helicobacter pylori. In this report, we demonstrate how CagA protein regulates the functions of dendritic cells (DC) against H. pylori infection. In addition, we found that CagA protein was tyrosine-phosphorylated in DC. The responses to cagA-positive H. pylori in DC were reduced in comparison to those induced by cagA-negative H. pylori. CagA-overexpressing DC also exhibited a decline in the responses against LPS stimulation and the differentiation of CD4+ T cells toward Th1 type cells compared to wild type DC. In addition, the level of phosphorylated IRF3 decreased in CagA-overexpressing DC stimulated with LPS, indicating that activated SHP-2 suppressed the enzymatic activity of TBK1 and consequently IRF3 phosphorylation. These data suggest that CagA protein negatively regulates the functions of DC via CagA phosphorylation and that cagA-positive H. pylori strains suppress host immune responses resulting in their chronic colonization of the stomach.  相似文献   

Conventional methods, such as gastric biopsy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), culture, require a long time for the determination of Helicobacter pylori infections. This study reports an amperometric immunoreactor for rapid and sensitive quantification of human serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to H. pylori. Antibodies in the serum sample are allowed to react immunologically with the purified H. pylori antigens that are immobilized on a rotating disk. The bound antibodies are quantified by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme-labeled second antibodies specific to human IgG. HRP in the presence of hydrogen peroxide catalyzes the oxidation of hydroquinone to p-benzoquinone. The electrochemical reduction back to hydroquinone is detected on a glassy carbon electrode surface at -0.15 V. The electrochemical detection can be done within 1 min, and the analysis time does not exceed 30 min. The calculated detection limits for amperometric detection and the ELISA procedure are 0.6 and 1.9 U ml-1, respectively. The amperometric immunoreactors showed higher sensitivity and lower time consumed than did the standard spectrophotometric detection ELISA method. It can also be used for rapid analysis in conventional and field conditions in biological, physiological, and analytical practices.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori was isolated in 1982 and confirmed as a gastric pathogenic agent at the end of the 1980s. The present work deals with liposomes formulations in which are incorporated cholesteryl tetraethylene glycol oside as model ligands for H. pylori adhesins. This study is devoted to the behavior of liposomes in gastric conditions. The glycosylated vesicles are stable and the pH of the internal aqueous compartment remains close to 4 even through more acidic conditions are imposed to the external phase (pH 1.2-2). Such a pH gradient depends essentially on the nature of phospholipids used and is not extensively affected by the incorporation of the targeting agent. These aspects are particularly important to the development of liposome formulations against H. pylori, bacteria sensitive to antibiotics which are unstable in very acidic conditions.  相似文献   

A method denominated rapid paper disk test (RPDT) was developed to identify H. pylori colonies in complex cultures obtained from gerbil gastric homogenates. Identification is based on a characteristic reaction pattern (RP) for H. pylori colonies given by the combination of the urease-oxidase activities on a paper disk. Compared to the RPs obtained from gerbil's intestinal tract isolated bacteria, H. pylori RP is completely distinguishable, even from those of bacteria that share one or both activities as are Aerococcus urinae, Bacillus sphaericus, Bacillus brevis, Corynebacterium pseudogenitalium, and Staphylococcus simulans, as well as from those produced by collection strains Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This method allows the practical quantification of H. pylori colonies in highly contaminated plates. RPDT has the following advantages over other methodologies that use indicators in the medium: it employs two of the three routinely used H. pylori biochemical identification tests, the reagents do not interfere with bacterial viability, there are no restrictions in relation to the medium used, and it is a simple, fast, and low-cost method.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a human specific gastric pathogen. H. pylori pathogenesis process involves a number of well-studied virulence factors that include the ‘vacuolating cytotoxin’ and the ‘cytotoxin associated gene A’. Analysis of the H. pylori genome, however, indicates presence of additional virulence factors that are yet to be characterized in molecular detail. For example, H. pylori genome harbors a gene that has potential to encode a protein with sequence similarity to those of the TlyA-like proteins of several pathogenic bacteria. Earlier studies have indicated potential association of this H. pylori tlyA gene in the virulence mechanism of the organism. Despite such notions, however, the TlyA-like protein of H. pylori has not been studied previously in molecular detail. In particular, purified form of H. pylori TlyA has never been studied before toward exploring its functional properties. Here, we report characterization of the H. pylori TlyA protein purified from the recombinant over-expression system in Escherichia coli. Purified form of the recombinant TlyA exhibits prominent hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes, presumably via formation of pores of specific diameter in the cell membrane. Purified TlyA also triggers prominent cytotoxic responses in human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. Altogether, our study establishes H. pylori TlyA as a potential virulence factor of the organism.  相似文献   

The discovery that Helicobacter pylori is associated with gastric cancer has led to numerous studies that investigate the mechanisms by which H. pylori induces carcinogenesis. Gastric cancer shows genetic instability both in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, besides impairment of important DNA repair pathways. As such, this review highlights the consequences of H. pylori infection on the integrity of DNA in the host cells. By down-regulating major DNA repair pathways, H. pylori infection has the potential to generate mutations. In addition, H. pylori infection can induce direct changes on the DNA of the host, such as oxidative damage, methylation, chromosomal instability, microsatellite instability, and mutations. Interestingly, H. pylori infection generates genetic instability in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6), an inflammatory cytokine, is one of the most important mediators of fever, the acute phase response, and inflammatory conditions. Described here is an integrated microfluidic immunosensor capable of detecting the concentration of IL-6 in human serum samples by use of an electrochemical method in a microfluidic biochip format. The detection of IL-6 was carried out using a sandwich immunoassay method based on the use of anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibodies, immobilized on a 3-aminopropyl-modified controlled-pore glass (APCPG) packet in a central channel (CC) of the microfluidic system. The IL-6 in the serum sample is allowed to react immunologically with the immobilized anti-IL-6 and biotin-labeled second antibodies specific to IL-6. After washing, the streptavidin–alkaline phosphatase conjugate is added. p-Aminophenyl phosphate is converted to p-aminophenol by alkaline phosphatase, and the electroactive product is quantified on a gold electrode at 0.10 V. For electrochemical detection and enzyme immunoassay, the LOD was 0.41 and 1.56 pg mL−1, respectively. Reproducibility assays employed repetitive standards of IL-6, and the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were below 6.5%. Compared with the traditional IL-6 sensing method, the integrated microfluidic immunosensor required smaller amounts of sample to perform faster detection.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a potent carcinogen associated with gastric cancer malignancy. Recently, H. pylori Heat shock protein 60 (HpHSP60) has been reported to promote cancer development by inducing chronic inflammation and promoting tumor cell migration. This study demonstrates a role for HpHSP60 in angiogenesis, a necessary precursor to tumor growth. We showed that HpHSP60 enhanced cell migration and tube formation, but not cell proliferation, in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). HpHSP60 also indirectly promoted HUVEC proliferation when HUVECs were co-cultured with supernatants collected from HpHSP60-treated AGS or THP-1 cells. The angiogenic array showed that HpHSP60 dramatically induced THP-1 cells and HUVECs to produce the chemotactic factors IL-8 and GRO. Inhibition of CXCR2, the receptor for IL-8 and GRO, or downstream PLCβ2/Ca2+-mediated signaling, significantly abolished HpHSP60-induced tube formation. In contrast, suppression of MAP K or PI3 K signaling did not affect HpHSP60-mediated tubulogenesis. These data suggest that HpHSP60 enhances angiogenesis via CXCR2/PLCβ2/Ca2+ signal transduction in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Chromone glucosides, takanechromones A-C (1, 2 and 5) and chromanone glucosides, named takanechromanones A and B (3 and 4), were isolated from the methanolic extracts of Hypericumsikokumontanum together with 27 known compounds. Their structures were established based on spectroscopic evidence. The isolated compounds and some chromone derivatives were assayed for antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter pylori and cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Arginase is a binuclear Mn2+-metalloenzyme of urea cycle that hydrolyses arginine to ornithine and urea. Unlike other arginases, the Helicobacter pylori enzyme is selective for Co2+. Previous study reported that DTT strongly inhibits the H. pylori enzyme activity suggesting that a disulphide bond is critical for the catalysis. In this study, we have undertaken steady-state kinetics, circular dichroism and mutational analysis to examine the role of a disulphide bond in this protein. By mutational analysis, we show that the disulphide bond is not important for catalytic activity; rather it plays an important role for the stability of the protein as observed from thermal denaturation studies. The loss of catalytic activity in the wild-type protein with DTT is due to the interaction with Co2+. This is verified with the Mn2+-reconstituted proteins which showed a marginal loss in the activity with DTT.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein (SSB) plays an important role in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. SSB consists of an N-terminal ssDNA-binding domain with an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold and a flexible C-terminal tail involved in protein-protein interactions. SSB from Helicobacter pylori (HpSSB) was isolated, and the ssDNA-binding characteristics of HpSSB were analyzed by fluorescence titration and electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Tryptophan fluorescence quenching was measured as 61%, and the calculated cooperative affinity was 5.4 × 107 M− 1 with an ssDNA-binding length of 25-30 nt. The crystal structure of the C-terminally truncated protein (HpSSBc) in complex with 35-mer ssDNA [HpSSBc-(dT)35] was determined at a resolution of 2.3 Å. The HpSSBc monomer folds as an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold with a Y-shaped conformation. The ssDNA wrapped around the HpSSBc tetramer through a continuous binding path comprising five essential aromatic residues and a positively charged surface formed by numerous basic residues.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that most gastrointestinal diseases are probably caused by the bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). In this study we have focused on the comparison of protein expression profiles of H. pylori grown under normal and high-salt conditions by a proteomics approach. We have identified about 190 proteins whose expression levels changed after growth at high salt concentration. Among these proteins, neutrophil-activating protein (NapA) was found to be consistently up-regulated under osmotic stress brought by high salts. We have investigated the effect of high salt on secondary and tertiary structures of NapA by circular dichroism spectroscopy followed by analytical ultracentrifugation to monitor the change of quaternary structure of recombinant NapA with increasing salt concentration. The loss of iron-binding activity of NapA coupled with noticeable energetic variation in protein association of NapA as revealed by isothermal titration calorimetry was found under high salt condition. The phylogenetic tree analysis based on sequence comparison of 16 protein sequences encompassing NapA proteins and ferritin of H. pylori and other prokaryotic organisms pointed to the fact that all H. pylori NapA proteins of human origin are more homologous to NapA of Helicobacter genus than to other bacterial NapA. Based on computer modeling, NapA proteins from H. pylori of human isolates are found more similar to ferritin from H. pylori than to NapA from other species of bacteria. Taken together, these results suggested that divergent evolution of NapA and ferritin possessing dissimilar and diverse sequences follows a path distinct from that of convergent evolution of NapA and ferritin with similar dual functionality of iron-binding and ferroxidase activities.  相似文献   



The methylerythritol phosphate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis is an attractive target for the design of new specific antibiotics for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases associated with the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori since this pathway which is essential to the bacterium is absent in humans.


This work reports the molecular cloning of one of the genes of the methylerythritol phosphate pathway form H. pylori (ispDF; HP_1440) its expression in Escherichia coli and the functional characterization of the recombinant enzyme. As shown by genetic complementation and in vitro functional assays the product of the ispDF gene form H. pylori is a bifunctional enzyme which can replace both CDP-methylerythritol synthase and methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate synthase from E. coli.

General significance

Designing inhibitors that affect at the same time both enzyme activities of the H. pylori bifunctional enzyme (i.e. by disrupting protein oligomerization) would result in more effective antibiotics which would be able to continue their action even if the bacterium acquired a resistance to another antibiotic directed against one of the individual activities.


The bifunctional enzyme would be an excellent target for the design of new, selective antibiotics for the treatment of H. pylori associated diseases.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant ferritin from Helicobacter pylori has been determined in its apo, low-iron-bound, intermediate, and high-iron-bound states. Similar to other members of the ferritin family, the bacterial ferritin assembles as a spherical protein shell of 24 subunits, each of which folds into a four-α-helix bundle. Significant conformational changes were observed at the BC loop and the entrance of the 4-fold symmetry channel in the intermediate and high-iron-bound states, whereas no change was found in the apo and low-iron-bound states. The imidazole rings of His149 at the channel entrance undergo conformational changes that bear resemblance to heme configuration and are directly coupled to axial translocation of Fe ions through the 4-fold channel. Our results provide the first structural evidence of the translocation of Fe ions through the 4-fold channel in prokaryotes and the transition from a protein-dominated process to a mineral-surface-dominated process during biomineralization.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated that Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) causes epigenetic changes of certain genes such as cancer suppression genes, which may be associated with carcinogenesis. However, the mechanism by which it causes epigenetic changes in certain genes and not in others is unclear. Presently, we focused on a cancer suppression gene, runx3, and demonstrated the following: (1) H. pylori induces nitric oxide (NO) production in macrophages. (2) NO causes methylation of runx3 in epithelial cells. (3) H. pylori induces the methylation of epithelial cells in the presence of macrophages, which is reversed by an NO-specific inhibitor. These results indicate that H. pylori-induced methylation is mediated by NO, and suggest that NO may be a key to the mechanism of how H. pylori causes epigenetic changes in certain genes. Additionally, we demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide, as well as H. pylori, induces NO-mediated methylation, indicating that other inflammation inducers beside H. pylori might induce aberrant methylation of runx3.  相似文献   

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