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Calluses able to produce somatic embryos were formed duringin vitro culture of shoot fragments of cork oak (Quercus suberL.).Histological monitoring of these fragments during cultureshowed that it was the cortical parenchyma cells which underwentdedifferentiation before calluses were formed by repeated divisions.The calluses consisted of parenchyma cells surrounded by a fewlayers of meristematic cells. Proembryos formed in groups aroundthe edge of some calluses. Histological examination showed thatthey were produced by the evolution of two different categoriesof cell: one category had the appearance of ‘embryogenic’cells with very thick walls, a small vacuole rich in starchand a well-developed nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. Theother cells were very bulky with large vacuoles; their morphologywas similar to that of suspensor cells encountered in embryogenesisin gymnosperms. The ontogenic stages were similar to those describedin zygotic embryos of the genus Quercus. Nevertheless, mostof the embryonic structures deviated from normal developmentand at all stages produced secondary proembryos. Cork-oak, Quercus suber L, histology, callogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, embryogenic cells, starch, secondary embryogenesis  相似文献   

The seasonal fluctuation of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in leaves, young stems and fruits of young and matureQuercus suber trees growing at the same site was studied. Nutrient dynamics within the tree appeared to be linked to phenological events. Leaves maximized their nutrient contents throughout summer whereas stems maintained rather constant values during most of the year. Before the spring growth flush they apparently acted as temporary reservoirs for some nutrients, translocated from leaves or other organs, so that such nutrients would be easily invested in the new tissues. A significant investment was made in sink organs like flowers and fruits. The tree probably relies not only on leaves but also on other nutrient reservoirs like older branches and roots for an adequate supply to those sinks and to the spring growth. The importance of the sampling dates and the basis of expression used for nutrient concentrations has also been emphasized. Nutrient contents and seasonal trends of the studied trees were similar to those of other evergreen oaks, although somewhat higher values for N, K, and Mg were found. Moreover, soil nutrient contents in the studied montado were much lower than in other Iberic oak stands. However the nutrient status and requirements of cork-oak suggest high (or at least adequate) nutrient availability to the trees. The mechanisms by which this could be achieved are discussed.  相似文献   

Daily and annual courses of leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance and shoot water potential of four Quercus suber individuals were compared in a semi-natural stand in southwest Portugal, from spring 1989 to early summer 1990.The trees investigated showed annual patterns typical of evergreen sclerophyllous species but varied in their range of stomatal operation. This appeared to be related to differences in hydraulic conductivity in the root-to-leaf pathway.Maximum stomatal conductance and transpiration rates occurred from March to June.Water stress was found to be moderate and winter cold stress due to low air and soil temperatures appeared to have an influence on plant water balance through their effects on flow resistances.Abbreviations gsw stomatal conductance - gmax maximum stomatal conductance - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - RH relative humidity of the air - T leaf transpiration - Ta air temperature - TL leaf temperature - Tmax maximum leaf transpiration - W air-to-leaf vapor pressure difference - shoot water potential - PD predawn shoot water potential - MIN minimum shoot water potential  相似文献   

Examination of the relationship between photosynthesis and growth of a dominant white oak (Quercus alba L.) tree has shown that most growth processes were either completed or well underway before the establishment of significant positive rates of net photosynthesis. Growth was initiated first in the root system (March 3), followed by stem cambial growth (March 26) and later by flower, leaf, and branch growth (April 10). During the period of rapid leaf and branch growth, root and cambial growth ceased and then resumed as the leaves approached maturity. The rapid rate of leaf maturation, the early appearance of positive rates of net photosynthesis in leaves (15% of final size) and the CO2-refixing capability of elongating branch tissue reduced the period of time that this white oak tree was dependent on stored reserves. Lower temperature optima and compensation points in developing leaves and stems indicated that the growth-temperature response was optimized for the lower seasonal temperatures observed during the spring. This temperature adaptation further reduced the time that this tree was dependent on stored reserves.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transformation system for selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees using Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been established. Embryos obtained from recurrent proliferating embryogenic masses were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strains EHA105, LBA4404 or AGL1 harbouring the plasmid pBINUbiGUSint [carrying the neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) and -glucuronidase (uidA) genes]. The highest transformation efficiency (4%) was obtained when freshly isolated explants were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1. Evidence of stable transgene integration was obtained by PCR for the nptII and uidA genes, Southern blotting and expression of the uidA gene. The transgenic embryos were germinated and successfully transferred to soil.Abbreviations BA N6-Benzyladenine - GUS -Glucuronidase - MSSH Expression-proliferation medium - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - nptII Neomycin phosphotransferase gene - uidA -Glucuronidase gene  相似文献   

Nutrient content and seasonality of the leaf component in cork-oak litterfal were studied over a two year period in two cork-oak forest sites differing in biomass and edaphic condition in the north-eastern Iberian peninsula. Fallen senescent leaves compared to young leaves showed higher non-mobile nutrient concentrations and lower mobile nutrient concentrations, specially P, N, K, and Mg. At both sites, seasonal fluctuations affected both leaf production and leaf mineral content. The maximum leaf fall period correspond to the start of the vegetative growth and to the lowest N and P concentration in the falling leaves. The opposite was true for the winter, when litterfal was minimal and N and P content in falling leaves was at a maximum.The comparison between falling leaves and canopy leaves suggests that the analysis of fallen leaves can be a useful measure of N and P nutrition in cork-oak. We found site dependent differences in nutrient content and nutrient remobilization. In comparison with Q. ilex, although litter production was in the same range, nutrient retranslocation was greater for Q. suber.  相似文献   

Quercus robur L. (pedunculate oak) and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. (sessile oak) are two European oak species of great economic and ecological importance. Even though both oaks have wide ecological amplitudes of suitable growing conditions, forests dominated by oaks often fail to regenerate naturally. The regeneration performance of both oak species is assumed to be subject to a variety of variables that interact with one another in complex ways. The novel approach of this research was to study the effect of many ecological variables on the regeneration performance of both oak species together and identify key variables and interactions for different development stages of the oak regeneration on a large scale in the field. For this purpose, overstory and regeneration inventories were conducted in oak dominated forests throughout southern Germany and paired with data on browsing, soil, and light availability. The study was able to verify the assumption that the occurrence of oak regeneration depends on a set of variables and their interactions. Specifically, combinations of site and stand specific variables such as light availability, soil pH and iron content on the one hand, and basal area and species composition of the overstory on the other hand. Also browsing pressure was related to oak abundance. The results also show that the importance of variables and their combinations differs among the development stages of the regeneration. Light availability becomes more important during later development stages, whereas the number of oaks in the overstory is important during early development stages. We conclude that successful natural oak regeneration is more likely to be achieved on sites with lower fertility and requires constantly controlling overstory density. Initially sufficient mature oaks in the overstory should be ensured. In later stages, overstory density should be reduced continuously to meet the increasing light demand of oak seedlings and saplings.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of juvenile and adult Quercus suber L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes research on the application of tissue culture techniques to the micropropagation of cork oak (Quercus suber L.), a forest species of ecological and industrial importance in the Mediterranean area. Apical buds and nodal stem segments were employed as initial explants. Their origins were young seedlings, stump sprouts and sprouts formed on cuttings collected from old trees.The action of the mineral medium and growth regulators was studied in the multiplication stage. Media with low concentrations of ions, such as Sommer's or Heller's, are more suitable for growth and proliferation of explants than other media richer in salts. It was also observed that cytokinin (BA) must be present for the culture development. Adding low concentrations of auxin (NAA) to the medium improves the multiplication rate, especially in vegetative material of adult origin.The auxin type is the most important factor in the promotion of rhizogenesis. The method of application determines the quality of the root system. Treatment with low concentrations of IBA added to the rooting medium gives the best results.High sucrose concentration also improves rooting. Diluting the mineral rooting medium is slightly favourable, although there is no significant difference between it and the standard mineral concentration.Abbreviations D Durzan's - GD Gresshoff & Doy's - H Heller's - L Lepoivre's - MS Murashige & Skoog's - SH Schenk & Hildebrandt's - S Sommer's medium  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is an evergreen tree species endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin with a major economical, social and ecological relevance, associated with cork extraction and exploitation. In the last years, cork oak stands have been facing a significant decline, which may be aggravated by the climate changes that are predicted to occur within cork oak distribution range during this century. Under this scenario, the assessment of adaptive genetic variation is essential to understand how cork oak may cope with these threats and to delineate strategies for the management of its genetic resources. In this study, six candidate genes possibly significant for environmental adaptation were analysed in cork oak populations from its entire distribution range. Signatures of natural selection were investigated using population genetic statistics and environmental association tests under alternative scenarios of population genetic structure. Signals of balancing selection were detected in the putative non-expressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1), involved in plant defence response against pathogens, in auxin response factor 16 (ARF16), a gene implicated in root development, in RAN3, also involved in developmental processes, and in glutamine synthetase nodule isozyme (GS), involved in nitrogen fixation. Furthermore, for ARF16, a class I heat shock protein (sHSP) and GS, associations were found between SNP allele and haplotype frequencies and several spatial and climatic variables, suggesting that these genes may have a role on cork oak local adaptation. In this study, the first steps were taken into gathering information on cork oak adaptation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean climate regions, drought events are expected to affect the growth of forests ecosystems by changing trees growth rates and eventually inducing shifts in their growth patterns. Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is a strictly western Mediterranean tree species periodically harvested for its bark, the cork. So far, cork oak has received limited attention for dendroclimatological studies due to its typical faint and erratic tree wood rings. Moreover, its distinct cork rings chronologies have been completely neglected. In this study we introduce an approach using cork ring chronologies dated back 9–10 years for climate response. Despite enhancing interannual variability and increasing statistical response to short-term climatic variability, still poorly understood, this study will possibly allow infer long-term climate response. We analyzed the cork ring chronologies of 55 cork samples collected in mature (under exploitation) trees in three distinct locations in southwestern Portugal. Cork growth recorded a high climate signal, with highly significant and coherent responses to the yearly climate-related sources of variation. We successfully assessed trends of cork growth via correlation analysis including selected climate variables among mean monthly temperature, monthly precipitation and, on an annual basis, eight precipitation indices. The high mean sensitivities and inter-series correlations found for cork ring chronologies combined with the significant variance explained by climate variables suggest that climate is likely one dominant signal that affects cork growth, but local environmental stresses can decisively affect this (climate) signal. Assuming cork growth as a proxy for cork oak growth, it seems conceivable that despite the trees being highly resistant to drought stress, cork oak woodlands in southwestern Portugal would have to face lesser growth in a global warming scenario.  相似文献   

14C methods were applied to young, woody, branched and well-watered cork oak (Quercus suber L.) plants to determine carbon assimilation and its distribution among plant organs. Carbon assimilation rates by attached leaves clamped in a foliar 14CO2 assimilation chamber containing 3.7 × 104 Bq of a portable ventilated diffusion porometer were measured at different 14CO2 pulse-labeling periods (15, 30, 45, 60 and 120 s) in summer. Allocation of recently fixed C by attached leaves within plants was evaluated 7 days after a 60-min of 5.6 MBq of 14CO2 pulse-labeling in late winter. 14CO2 pulse-labeling was separately induced on leaves of a lower branch, two opposite branches at the same lower level, a middle branch and a top branch. 14C activity incorporated into the plants was measured by liquid scintillation and autoradiography. Our results show the optimum 14CO2 pulse-labeling period is between 15 and 30 s, which corresponds to 9.81 ± 0.15 and 9.16 ± 0.12 µmol m−2 s−1 C assimilation rates in summer, respectively. The investment of current assimilates ranged from 18 to 29% in leaves, 1 to 7% in lateral branches, 0 to 3% in the stem and over 65% in roots, in late winter. Roots displayed the greatest sink strength for the total 14C recovered by whole-plants. These results were expected because the trial was done in winter, when cork oak does not produce their leaves. Our results highlight the contribution of current assimilates for growth and maintenance of roots, in young woody plants under Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in pigment composition of sun and shade leavesof cork oak (Quercus suber) were studied under field conditionsin Portugal. Expanding leaves showed a high concentration ofxanthophyll cycle components, violaxanthin, antheraxanthin andzeaxanthin. The pool of violaxanthin plus antheraxanthin pluszeaxanthin (V+A+Z) varied greatly between the seasons, beinghigher at the end of summer and in winter when photosynthesiswas limited by water stress and cold, respectively. The sizeof V+A+Z pool was associated to synthesis of zeaxanthin in responseto an excess of light. In sun leaves, midday A+Z relative contentwas positively correlated with the V+A+Z pool, whereas in shadeleaves A+Z decreased with leaf ageing. In both leaf types A+Zwas positively correlated with the non-photochemical quenching(NPQ) of chlorophyll a fluorescence. However, in winter NPQdid not change significantly throughout the day, whereas the(A+Z)/(V+A+Z) increased following the typical daily trend observedin other seasons. Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, pigments, Quercus suber, thermal dissipation, xanthophylls  相似文献   

Reactions to the input of acidic gases were investigated inleaves of Quercus robur L. exposed to different concentrationsof SO2 (80, 120, and 160 nl I–1) for 32 to 70 d. Two-year-oldoaks were grown in nutrient solutions with varied nitrogen formand were fumigated in closed chambers. An attempt was made toidentify the mechanisms of proton neutralization by consideringthe uptake of nitrogen, the increase in sulphur and carboxylatecontents, and the excretion of hydroxyl ions or protons. Inaddition, nitrate reductase activity was determined in the leaves. The reduction of sulphur was not involved in the neutralizationof protons generated by SO2-uptake, whereas organic acid metabolismplayed a decisive role. Depending on SO2-concentration, durationof fumigation and nitrogen supply, oaks reacted with a reductionin the size of the carboxylate pool in the leaves, and/or withan increase in proton excretion (or a decrease in hydroxyl ionexcretion). Nitrate reductase activity increased in the leavesof nitrate-grown oaks exposed to the highest SO2-concentration(160 nl l–1) for 42 d. The capacity of the mechanismsconsidered is sufficient for the neutralization of the calculatedamounts of protons resulting from SO2-uptake. Key words: Leaves, neutralization, protons, Quercus, sulphur dioxide  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber) somatic embryos were coated with alginate for the production of synthetic seeds and their storability for commercialization was investigated. Also, the automatic monitoring of somatic embryo growth with a digital system of image capture was tested. A power regression model was fitted between size and fresh weight (Adjusted R-squared = 0.96). This method permitted growth assessment without contamination risk and opens the possibility of an automated control of culture growth for the future up scaling of plant production. Conversion rate of synthetic seeds was higher on medium supplemented with mineral nutrients than on medium without nutrients. Also, when the somatic embryos were coated without mineral nutrients added to the capsule, conversion rate was significantly lower. The addition of sucrose to the capsule had no significant effect on the conversion rate. No differences were recorded between 50 and 100 mM CaCl2 for capsule complexation. Synthetic seeds were cold stored at 4°C for two months without significant loss of conversion capacity. The present study reports the first attempts to determine optimal storage time and conditions for conversion of encapsulated somatic embryos of cork oak.  相似文献   

We have analysed the distribution of epigenetic marks for histone modifications at lysine residues H3 and H4, and DNA methylation, in the nuclei of mature pollen cells of the Angiosperm tree Quercus suber; a monoecious wind pollinated species with a protandrous system, and a long post-pollination period. The ultrasonic treatment developed for the isolation of pollen nuclei proved to be a fast and reliable method, preventing the interference of cell wall autofluorescence in the in situ immunolabelling assays. In contrast with previous studies on herbaceous species with short progamic phases, our results are consistent with a high level of silent (5-mC and H3K9me2) epigenetic marks on chromatin of the generative nucleus, and the prevalence of active marks (H3K9me3 and H4Kac) in the vegetative nucleus. The findings are discussed in terms of the pollination/fertilization timing strategy adopted by this plant species.  相似文献   

Abstract: The influence of prolonged water limitation on leaf gas exchange, isoprene emission, isoprene synthase activities and intercellular isoprene concentrations was investigated under standard conditions (30 °C leaf temperature and 1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1 PPFD) in greenhouse experiments with five-year-old pubescent oak ( Quercus pubescens Willd.) and four-year-old pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) saplings. Net assimilation rates proved to be highly sensitive to moderate drought in both oak species, and were virtually zero at water potentials (Ψpd) below - 1.3 MPa in Q. robur and below - 2.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . The response of stomatal conductance to water stress was slightly less distinct. Isoprene emission was much more resistant to drought and declined significantly only at Ψpd below - 2 MPa in Q. robur and below - 3.5 MPa in Q. pubescens . Even during the most severe water stress, isoprene emission of drought-stressed saplings was still approximately one-third of the control in Q. robur and one-fifth in Q. pubescens . Isoprene synthase activities were virtually unaffected by drought stress. Re-watering led to partial recovery of leaf gas exchange and isoprene emission. Intercellular isoprene concentrations were remarkably enhanced in water-limited saplings of both oak species during the first half of the respective drought periods with maximum mean values up to ca. 16 μl l-1 isoprene for Q. pubescens and ca. 11 μl l-1 isoprene for pedunculate oak, supporting the hypothesis that isoprene serves as a short-term thermoprotective agent in isoprene-emitting plant species.  相似文献   

The ecological behaviors of a network of pure evergreen oak stands (Quercus suber L. and Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Western Mediterranean Basin were investigated toward climatic and edaphic factors implemented with the application of topographic wetness index (TWI). A Categorical Principal Component Analysis (Catpca) using climatic and soil physico-chemical parameters was performed on 23 cork oak and holm oak pure stands with the aim to understand better the effectiveness of TWI for characterizing soil ecology of the two species. Catpca pointed out that, although cork oak and holm oak are able to growth in similar Mediterranean conditions, they show different behaviors in terms of needs and tolerance to soil water content. TWI confirmed such results at local scale, allowing highlighting some interesting features of the species differential ecology. Although both species confirmed to be drought-tolerant, the heliophilous cork oak revealed to dominate the landscape on wettest soils with high TWI values—indicating the capacity to tolerate stresses due to periods of waterlogging—, while the shade-tolerant holm oak prevails for low-medium TWI values—drier and mesophilous sites. Despite the application of TWI to vegetation science and ecology is relatively recent, results are encouraging and suggest considering this user-friendly and synthetic index in ecological investigations and modeling.  相似文献   

Orgeas  Jérôme  Ourcival  Jean-Marc  Bonin  Gilles 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):201-211
Cork oak forests in Mediterranean, southeastern France represent animportant ecosystem in terms of both ecological and economical values, but aredeclining due to conservation problems. While management protocols are now inplace for the long-term conservation of this ecotype, we require a betterunderstanding of cork oak nutrition to assist with management. Here we usefoliar nutrient analyses for two objectives: firstly, to assess to what extentvariations in nutrient content are explained by seasonal and spatialvariability, and second, to document the nutrient dynamics of cork oak trees innatural conditions during one biological cycle (16 months) in the Maures massif(western part of the siliceous Provence). Main results showed that time was theprimary factor influencing cork oak nutrition and was mainly expressed by leafageing process. Spatial variability was a 'secondary determinant' of nutrient variations, but was more important at the very early stages of leafgrowth according to leafing and nutrient flushing, and reduced with leaf age.Nutritional responses of cork oak trees fitted general trends observed in theliterature, with some regional differences. The properties of siliceous soilalso influenced the uptake of some nutrients.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural investigations of non-viable rye grains indicate recognisible abnormalities in the plasmalemma and mitochondrial membranes of the unimbibed embryo. Once such grains are wetted there is rapid and progressive disorganisation of the tissue. Biochemical studies show a reduced uptake of water, lack of respiratory activity and a failure in nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Whereas total DNA, RNA and protein levels are unchanged on loss of viability, the integrity of DNA and RNA is impaired and ribosomal RNA and soluble protein levels are reduced.  相似文献   

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