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To identify biomarkers for predicting sensitivity to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors, we have developed a proteomics-based approach. Using surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS), we measured the expression of 393 proteins in 39 human cancer cell lines (JFCR-39), and combined it with our previously established chemosensitivity database to select for proteins whose expressions show significant correlations to drug sensitivities. This integrated approach allowed us to identify peaks from two proteins, 11.6 and 11.8 kDa, that showed significant correlations with the sensitivity to a PI3K inhibitor, LY294002. We found that the 11.8 kDa protein was a phosphorylated form of the 11.6 kDa protein. While the 11.8 kDa protein showed a positive correlation with the sensitivity to LY294002, the 11.6 kDa protein showed a negative correlation with that of the LY294002. The 11.6 kDa protein was purified chromatographically, and was identified by SELDI-TOF MS as the ribosomal P2 protein, which possesses two prospective phosphorylation sites. These results suggested that the phosphorylation status of the ribosomal P2 was responsible for determining the sensitivity to LY294002, and that the ribosomal P2 could be a potential biomarker for predicting chemosensitivity.  相似文献   

Using a parallel synthesis approach to target a non-conserved region of the PI3K catalytic domain a pan-PI3K inhibitor 1 was elaborated to provide alpha, delta and gamma isoform selective Class I PI3K inhibitors 21, 24, 26 and 27. The compounds had good cellular activity and were selective against protein kinases and other members of the PI3K superfamily including mTOR and DNA-PK.  相似文献   

In recent years, restoring anti-tumor immunity has garnered a growing interest in cancer treatment. As potential therapeutics, immune checkpoint inhibitors have demonstrated benefits in many clinical studies. Although various methods have been applied to suppress immune checkpoints to boost anti-tumor immunity, including the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors, there are still unmet clinical needs to improve the response rate of cancer treatment. Here, we show that acetate can suppress the expression of poliovirus receptor (PVR/CD155), a ligand for immune checkpoint, in colon cancer cells. We demonstrated that acetate treatment could enhance effector responses of CD8+ T cells by decreasing the expression of PVR/CD155 in cancer cells. We also found that acetate could reduce the expression of PVR/CD155 by deactivating the PI3K/AKT pathway. These results demonstrate that acetate-mediated expression of PVR/CD155 in cancer cells might potentiate the anti-tumor immunity in the microenvironment of cancer. Our findings indicate that maintaining particular acetate concentrations could be a complementary strategy in current cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Several LY294002-GM heterodimers were synthesized with the intent of modulating their activity in the presence of hsp90 and thereby creating selective inhibitors of PI3K and PI3K-related family.  相似文献   

A virtual screen of our in-house database using various fingerprint techniques returned several triazine hits which were found to be mTOR inhibitors with a slight selectivity over PI3Kα. Using structure-guided lead optimization the inhibitory activity towards mTOR and PI3Kα was increased to the low nanomolar range. Exploiting shape differences in the binding-site allowed for the design of mTOR selective inhibitors. Focus on ligand efficiency ensured the inhibitors retained a low molecular weight and desirable drug-like properties.  相似文献   

PIK3CA, coding a catalytic subunit of PI3K p110α, is frequently mutated in cancer. In previous studies, p110α with hotspot mutations such as E545K and H1047R were shown to be gain-of-function mutations. However, quantitative evaluation of these mutants was not well established. Recently, a new method for measuring PI3K activity using homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) has been developed. Using this method, we constructed a quantitative evaluation system for PI3K activity. Serial dilutions of standard PIP3 were subjected to the PI3K-HTRF assay in order to establish a regression line for calibration. The recombinant FLAG-tagged p110α proteins were engineered together with a regulatory subunit p85α in human embryonic kidney 293T cells. Anti-FLAG-Ig immunoprecipitates were then subjected to the assay, which enabled us to quantitatively evaluate the activities of hotspot mutants of p110α. We believe this method will also be applicable to the evaluation of p110α having uncharacterized mutations found in cancer.  相似文献   

There are no reliable markers useful to predict the onset or the evolution of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), although several candidate biomarkers have been identified from limited hypothesis-driven studies. In this study we evaluated 14 patients who received a reduced intensity conditioning HSCT. Seven patients had cGVHD, whereas 7 never developed cGVHD during the period of observation. The expression of 114 cytokines in immunoselected cell populations was explored by microarray analysis and 11 cytokines were selected for further evaluation by real-time PCR. Differential gene expression measurements showed a significant up-regulation for INFγ (interferon, gamma) in CD8+ and for TNFSF3 (tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 3) and for TNFSF10 (tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 10) in CD14+ cell population when comparing cGVHD with control samples. The expression levels were significantly decreased for TNFSF10 in CD8+ cell population and for TNFSF12 (tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 12) and for PDGFβ (platelet-derived growth factor, beta) in CD4+. Our data seem to suggest that different immune populations can play a role in cGVHD pathogenesis and the early detection of gene expression profile in these patients could be useful in the monitoring of GVHD. We hypothesized that PDGFβ down-regulation could represent a negative feedback to compensate for enhanced expression of its receptor recently reported.  相似文献   



Endochondral ossification, the process through which long bones are formed, involves chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophic differentiation in the cartilage growth plate. In a previous publication we showed that pharmacological inhibition of the PI3K signaling pathway results in reduced endochondral bone growth, and in particular, shortening of the hypertrophic zone in a tibia organ culture system. In this current study we aimed to investigate targets of the PI3K signaling pathway in hypertrophic chondrocytes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Through the intersection of two different microarray analyses methods (classical single gene analysis and GSEA) and two different chondrocyte differentiation systems (primary chondrocytes treated with a pharmacological inhibitor of PI3K and microdissected growth plates), we were able to identify a high number of genes grouped in GSEA functional categories regulated by the PI3K signaling pathway. Genes such as Phlda2 and F13a1 were down-regulated upon PI3K inhibition and showed increased expression in the hypertrophic zone compared to the proliferative/resting zone of the growth plate. In contrast, other genes including Nr4a1 and Adamts5 were up-regulated upon PI3K inhibition and showed reduced expression in the hypertrophic zone. Regulation of these genes by PI3K signaling was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. We focused on F13a1 as an interesting target because of its known role in chondrocyte hypertrophy and osteoarthritis. Mouse E15.5 tibiae cultured with LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor) for 6 days showed decreased expression of factor XIIIa in the hypertrophic zone compared to control cultures.


Discovering targets of signaling pathways in hypertrophic chondrocytes could lead to targeted therapy in osteoarthritis and a better understanding of the cartilage environment for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other yeast cells harboring the linear double stranded (ds) DNA plasmids pGKL1 and pGKL2 secrete a killer toxin consisting of 97K, 31K and 28K subunits into the culture medium (EMBO J. 5, 1995-2002 (1986), Nucleic Acids Res., 15, 1031-1046 (1987]. The 28K subunit of the killer toxin was successfully expressed in S. cerevisiae when it was cloned on a circular plasmid with its putative promoter region replaced with that of S. cerevisiae chromosomal genes. The expression of the 28K subunit of the killer toxin in killer-sensitive cells resulted in the death of the host cells. This killing activity by the 28K subunit was prevented by the expression of the killer immunity, indicating that the killing activity of the killer toxin complex was carried out by the 28K subunit. Although the 28K subunit was synthesized as a intact precursor protein with its own signal sequence, it was not secreted into the culture medium but remained in the host cells. This indicated that 28K subunit killed host cells from inside of the cells rather than from outside. We further suggested that 28K killer subunit without 97K and 31K subunits did not kill the killer-sensitive cells from outside.  相似文献   

Although cigarette smoking is recognized as the most important cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the lung function decline are not well understood. Using off-line strong cation exchange fractionation with RP-LC-ESI-MS/MS and robust database searching, 1758 tryptic peptides were identified in plasma samples from cigarette smokers. Using two statistical approaches, 30 peptides were identified to be associated with the annualized rate of lung function decline over 5 years among smokers with COPD characterized as having rapid (n?=?18) or slow (n?=?18) decline and 18 smokers without COPD. The identified peptides belong to proteins that are involved in the complement or coagulation systems or have antiprotease or metabolic functions. This research demonstrates the utility of proteomic profiling to improve the understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in cigarette smoking-related COPD by identifying plasma proteins that correlate with decline in lung function.  相似文献   

Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an inflammatory lung disease with associated systemic effects.

Objective: To use gene expression microarrays in peripheral blood leukocytes of current and former cigarette smokers to identify differences associated with COPD.

Materials and methods: Random forest modelling and a split-sample case–control approach were used to identify candidate predictors.

Results: We identified 1013 genes and one smoking exposure variable that differentiated current and former smokers with or without COPD. This predictor set was reduced to a nine-gene classifier (IL6R, CCR2, PPP2CB, RASSF2, WTAP, DNTTIP2, GDAP1, LIPE and RPL14).

Conclusion: These gene expression profiles represent potential biomarkers for COPD and may help increase mechanistic understanding of the disease.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate effect of PI3K gene silencing on growth, migration and related proteins expression of CD40 signal-mediated gastric cancer cells. We observed that combination of sCD40L with PI3K siRNA could significantly inhibit AGS cells growth, block cells in G1 phase, and promote tumour cells apoptosis after 24 h treatment. Transwell test showed that numbers of cells per visual field in group PI3K siRNA or group sCD40L (after 24 h PI3K siRNA or sCD40L alone treatment) were fewer than that (32.54 ± 4.22) in control group. Numbers of cells per visual field in (after 24 h combination treatment of PI3K siRNA with sCD40L) were significantly fewer than that in group PI3K siRNA or group sCD40L. Compared with group sCD40L, expression level of Fas protein in group sCD40L + PI3K siRNA was significantly increased. The findings suggest that PI3K siRNA may strengthen CD40-induced specific antitumour effect via blocking PI3K/Akt signal pathway, resisting tumour immunoediting regulated by CD40 signal. Combination of sCD40L and PI3K siRNA is an important mechanism of gastric cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by the accumulation of leukemic B cells concomitant with immunological abnormalities and depressed immune responses. The T cell abnormalities found in CLL patients are thought to increase the risk of infection and hamper immune recognition and elimination of leukemic cells. We evaluated whether providing signals through CD3 and CD28 would correct some of these T cell defects. PBMC were incubated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 mAbs conjugated to superparamagnetic beads for 12-14 days. This resulted in a 1400-fold increase in T cell numbers. Activated T cells expressed high levels of CD25, CD54, CD137, and CD154, and produced IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and GM-CSF. The mean T cell composition of cultures increased from approximately 6% to >90% and leukemic B cells decreased from a mean of approximately 85% to 0.1% or less. Leukemic B cells up-regulated expression of CD54, CD80, CD86, and CD95. Receptor up-regulation required direct cell contact with the activated T cells and could be blocked with anti-CD154 mAb, suggesting that the CD40-CD40L pathway helped mediate these effects. Poor T cell responses to allostimulation were corrected by the activation and expansion process. The skewing in the TCR repertoire returned to normal, or near normal following the culture process in eight of nine patients with abnormal TCR repertoires. Activated T cells had potent in vitro antileukemic effects in contrast to nonactivated T cells. Based upon these findings, a clinical trial has been initiated to test the potential therapeutic effects of T cells activated using this approach in patients with CLL.  相似文献   

T cell-driven B cell hyperactivity plays an essential role in driving autoimmune disease development in systemic lupus erythematosus. IL-21 is a member of the type I cytokine family with pleiotropic activities. It regulates B cell differentiation and function, promotes T follicular helper (T(FH)) cell and Th17 cell differentiation, and downregulates the induction of T regulatory cells. Although IL-21 has been implicated in systemic lupus erythematosus, the relative importance of IL-21R signaling in CD4(+) T cells versus B cells is not clear. To address this question, we took advantage of two induced models of lupus-like chronic graft-versus-host disease by using wild-type or IL-21R(-/-) mice as donors in the parent-into-F1 model and as hosts in the Bm12→B6 model. We show that IL-21R expression on donor CD4(+) T cells is essential for sustaining T(FH) cell number and subsequent help for B cells, resulting in autoantibody production and more severe lupus-like renal disease, but it does not alter the balance of Th17 cells and regulatory T cells. In contrast, IL-21R signaling on B cells is critical for the induction and maintenance of germinal centers, plasma cell differentiation, autoantibody production, and the development of renal disease. These results demonstrate that IL-21 promotes autoimmunity in chronic graft-versus-host disease through both CD4(+) T cell- and B cell-intrinsic mechanisms and suggest that IL-21 blockade may attenuate B cell hyperactivity, as well as the aberrant T(FH) cell pathway that contributes to lupus pathogenesis.  相似文献   

By constructing DNA probes we have identified and cloned a human PtdIns 4-kinase, PI4K230, corresponding to a mRNA of 7.0 kb. The cDNA encodes a protein of 2044 amino acids. The C-terminal part of ca. 260 amino acids represents the catalytic domain which is highly conserved in all recently cloned PtdIns 4-kinases. N-terminal motifs indicate multiple heterologous protein interactions. Human PtdIns 4-kinase PI4K230 expressed in vitro exhibits a specific activity of 58 micromol mg-1min-1. The enzyme expressed in Sf9 cells is essentially not inhibited by adenosine, it shows a high Km for ATP of about 300 microM and it is half-maximally inactivated by approximately 200 nM wortmannin. These data classify this enzyme as type 3 PtdIns 4-kinase. Antibodies raised against the N-terminal part moderately activate and those raised against the C-terminal catalytic domain inhibit the enzymatic activity. The coexistence of two different type 3 PtdIns 4-kinases, PI4K92 and PI4K230, in several human tissues, including brain, suggests that these enzymes are involved in distinct basic cellular functions.  相似文献   

To identify micro RNA (miRNA) biomarker candidates for early detection of breast cancer and detection of minimal residual breast cancer, we performed miRNA expression profiling in pooled RNA samples from breast tumors, and from bone marrow mononuclear cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma from healthy controls. We found substantially higher levels of five miRNAs in the breast tumors compared to the normal samples. However, validation of these miRNA levels, and seven other candidates selected from the literature, in individual samples from healthy controls and patients with non-metastatic breast cancer did not suggest further examination of their biomarker potential.  相似文献   

To identify micro RNA (miRNA) biomarker candidates for early detection of breast cancer and detection of minimal residual breast cancer, we performed miRNA expression profiling in pooled RNA samples from breast tumors, and from bone marrow mononuclear cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma from healthy controls. We found substantially higher levels of five miRNAs in the breast tumors compared to the normal samples. However, validation of these miRNA levels, and seven other candidates selected from the literature, in individual samples from healthy controls and patients with non-metastatic breast cancer did not suggest further examination of their biomarker potential.  相似文献   

Activation of PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) is a shared response to engagement of diverse types of transmembrane receptors. Depending on the cell type and stimulus, PI3K activation can promote different fates including proliferation, survival, migration and differentiation. The diverse roles of PI3K signalling are well illustrated by studies of lymphocytes, the cells that mediate adaptive immunity. Genetic and pharmacological experiments have shown that PI3K activation regulates many steps in the development, activation and differentiation of both B- and T-cells. These findings have prompted the development of PI3K inhibitors for the treatment of autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. PI3K activation, however, has both positive and negative roles in immune system activation. Consequently, although PI3K suppression can attenuate immune responses it can also enhance inflammation, disrupt peripheral tolerance and promote autoimmunity. An exciting discovery is that a selective inhibitor of the p110δ catalytic isoform of PI3K, CAL-101, achieves impressive clinical efficacy in certain B-cell malignancies. A model is emerging in which p110δ inhibition disrupts signals from the lymphoid microenvironment, leading to release of leukaemia and lymphoma cells from their protective niche. These encouraging findings have given further momentum to PI3K drug development efforts in both cancer and immune diseases.  相似文献   

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