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Americabaetis (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), previously considered synonymous with Acerpenna, is reinstated and given generic rank. The genus differs from Acerpenna in lacking hindwings, gills on abdominal segment 1, and a conical process between the male genital forceps, and in possessing apically rounded gills on abdominal segment 7. The genus has a general Neotropical distribution with a northern limit in east-central Mexico. Five new species of Americabaetis are described from South America: A. alphus, new species, from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay; A. labiosus, new species, from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay; A. longetron, new species, from Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay; A. maxifolium, new species, from Paraguay; and A. titthion, new species, from Brazil. Americabaetis boriquensis, new combination; A. intermedius, new combination; A. naranjoi, new combination; A. pleturus, new combination; and A. robacki, new combination, are reviewed.  相似文献   

Kim YH 《ZooKeys》2012,(181):53-65
A new species of the corophiid gammaridean amphipod belonging to the genus Sinocorophium Bousfield & Hoover was collected from the lower reaches of the Han River in Gyeonggi-do, Korea. A relatively large body size and morphology of the uropods 1 and 3 are the major characteristics which serve to distinguish the new species from its congeners. The new species is fully illustrated and extensively compared with related species. A key to the species of (Sinocorophium is also provided.  相似文献   

A specimen collected in southern Tibet in 1928, hitherto identified only as "Arenanu sp.", is found to represent a new species of the subgenus Odontostemma . The new species resembles A. littledalei , the species that forms the basis of the monotypic genus Gooringia , characterized by a dwarf habit, a tetramerous perianth and only two or three stamens. Several other species of Arenaria subgenus Odontostemma resemble A. littledalei in habit and one ( A. saginoides ) is tetramerous, but hitherto none has been found with its extremely reduced androecium. The new species has an identical androecium to A. littledalei and its discovery leaves no doubt that Gooringia should not be recognized taxonomically at any rank. The new species is described as A. pharensis McNcill & Majumdar and a table compares its diagnostic features with those of A. littledalei and five other dwarf Arenaria species of sibgrnus Odontostemma from the mountains of Sikkim, Tibet, Yunnan and Tsinghai.  相似文献   

记述采自西藏墨脱的树蚁蛉属1新种,命名为墨脱树蚁蛉 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.,提出了1个新异名Dendroleon pERLISTIGMA Wang,2004.syn.nov.,整理出中国树蚁蛉树属物种名录,模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.墨脱树蚁蛉,新种 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.(图1~6)新种与环纹树蚁蛉 Dendroleon pupillaris(Gerstaecker),1893相似,但区别明显:1)新种前胸背板细长狭窄,明显在1/3处分为两段,前段洋葱形;环纹树蚁蛉前胸背板为梯形,仅在1/3处有不明显的缢缩;2)新种前翅散布更多的小型斑点,位于翅中央近后缘处眼状斑的弧形条纹不连续;环纹树蚁蛉前翅斑点较稀疏,眼状斑的弧形条纹清晰、粗重且连续;3)新种后翅端区C形斑下面的斑较之环纹树蚁蛉大很多.正模♀,西藏墨脱,1995-09,海拔800m,黄浩采.模式标本保存在中国农业大学.词源:新种种名根据采集地而拟.  相似文献   

中国蛀果斑螟属分类研究(鳞翅目:螟蛾科:斑螟亚科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对中国蛀果斑螟属Assara Walker进行了系统研究,结果表明我国该属有昆虫共11种;突蛀果斑螟As-sara tumidula sp.nov,该种与白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)相似,两者前翅后缘中部都有一白斑,但新种沿前翅前缘仅有一块白色区域,雄性外生殖器抱器瓣末端略微膨大,呈指状,阳茎端基环两侧臂锥形,雌性外生殖器第8腹节的长大于宽,后表皮突达第8腹节前缘,囊导管端部1/3加宽;蔺江蛀果斑螟A.linjiangensis sp.nov,该种与仓白蛀果斑螟A.palliaella Yamanaka在外形上相似,但前翅有3个黑色圆点,亚外缘线模糊,雌性外生殖器的后表皮突仅达第8腹节后缘,囊突新月形;苍白蛀果斑螟A.pallidella Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;井上蛀果斑螟A.inouei Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;芒果蛀果斑螟A.seminivalis(Turner)中国新纪录种寄主是芒果Mangifera indicaL.和银叶树Heritiera littoralis Aiton;白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)取食鸦胆子Rhus javanica(L.)上的五倍子;丽江蛀果斑螟A.incredibilis Roesler;黑松蛀果斑螟A.funerella(Ragonot)寄主为黑松Pinus thunbergii Parl;松蛀果斑螟A.hoeneella Roesler寄主马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb;台湾蛀果斑螟A.formosana Yoshiyasu取食栓叶安息香Styrax suberifolia Hook.et Arn,上蚜虫的虫瘿;白缘蛀果斑螟A.albicostalis Walker。文中编制了中国蛀果斑螟属的分种检索表,并提供了新种和新纪录种的外生殖器特征图,研究标本包括新种模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文报道了在四川采集的寄生于荨麻科植物粗齿冷水花(Pilea fasciata Franch)叶片上白锈菌的一个新种,命名为冷水花白锈(Albugo pileae rao et Y. Qin sp. nov.),并附拉丁文和汉文描述及形态图,还讨论了新种与近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

阔颈叶蝉属现全世界已知2种,中国均有分布。本文记述1新种,新种模式标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

福建省武夷山和梅花山国家级自然保护区地处中亚热带季风常绿阔叶林气候区,该区域物种多样性丰富,然而土壤动物蚯蚓的物种多样性研究相对较少。通过形态分类学方法和DNA条形码技术,本文报道在福建省武夷山和梅花山采集的巨蚓科(Megascolecidae)远盲蚓属(Amymthas)蚯蚓新物种4种:表土远盲蚓(A.epigenus Sun&Qiu,sp.nov.)、梅花山远盲蚓(A.meihuamontis Sun&Qiu,sp.nov.)、苔蘚远盲蚓(A.muscosus Sun&Jiang,sp.nov.)和腐土远盲蚓(A.humatalis Sun&Jiang,sp.nov.)。这4个新物种在Sims等(1972)的物种群中属于A.sieboldi-group,其受精囊孔均位于6/7~8/9节间。所有新种附形态学描述、图片以及与相似物种的形态学比较和提交至GenBank的条形码登记号。此外还通过在GenBank上同源性搜索,筛选出了与新物种亲缘关系较近的蚯蚓物种,并对其进行了遗传距离计算和分子系统发育关系的梳理。以上结果将福建省武夷山和梅花山国家级自然保护区记录的蚯蚓物种数由4种增加至8种。  相似文献   

本文报告了壳二孢属(Ascochyta)新种4个:(木忽)木壳二孢(Ascochyta araliae Sun et Bai),朝鲜槐壳二孢(A.maackiae Sun et Bai),假酸浆壳二孢(A.nicandrae Sun et Bai)和花椒壳二孢(A.zanthoxyli Sun et Bai)。建立了新组合1个,即淡竹壳二孢(A.osmophila(Davis)L(?) et Bai))。此外,报告了国内新记录种19个。新种有拉丁文和中文描述及图。标本保存于沈阳农业大学真菌标本室(MHSAU)。  相似文献   

Hofmann TA  Piepenbring M 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1284-1301
Two new species of the genus Asterina are described from living leaves collected in provinces Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro in western Panama. Asterina alloplecti on Alloplectus ichtyoderma (Gesneriaceae) differs from other Asterina on Gesneriaceae by its stalked appressoria and host relationship. Asterina compsoneurae on Compsoneura sprucei (Myristicaceae) can be distinguished from other members of Asterina on Myristicaceae by its larger ascomata, larger, prominently spinose ascospores and host relationship. New records for Panama are Asterina corallopoda from a new host plant species (Solanum trizygum, Solanaceae), A. diplopoda, A. ekmanii from a new host plant species (Gonzalagunia rudis, Rubiaceae), A. siphocampyli from a new host plant genus and species (Burmeistera vulgaris, Campanulaceae) and A. styracina from a new host-plant species (Styrax argenteus, Styracaceae). This study increases the number of species of Asterina known for Panama from 12 to 19 and the number of Asterinaceae from 14 to 21. Asterina corallopoda, A. diplopoda, A. ekmanii, A. siphocampyli and A. styracina are illustrated for the first time. A phylogeny inferred from the analysis of LSU rDNA sequences of species of Asterina is presented. The diversity and host-plant patterns of known Neotropical species of Asterina are discussed.  相似文献   

More new species, new combinations and new distributions are made in the large and difficult genus Elaphoglossum in Neotropic. Ten new species are described, this are: Elaphoglossum adrianae A. Rojas, E. betancuri A. Rojas, E. caridadae A. Rojas, E. glabromarginatum A. Rojas, E. kessleri A. Rojas, E. macdougalii A. Rojas, E. paramicola A. Rojas, E. paxense A. Rojas, E. pseudoherminieri A. Rojas and E. solomonii A. Rojas. Three species are combined, this are: Elaphoglossum beitelii (Mickel) A. Rojas, E. curvans (Kunze) A. Rojas and E. eutecnum (Mickel) A. Rojas. Finally, 86 species are reported from other countries and some species names are synonymized.  相似文献   

A key is given to the North American species of Austrolimnius, one of which is described as new. A new species from Venezuela is described, and new locality records in North and South America are listed for previously described species.  相似文献   

本文报道我国盘菌属中两个具有绣球样子囊果的种。一个是新种贵州盘菌(PezizaguizhouensisM.H.Liu);另一个是国内新记录种希氏盘菌[Pezizshearii(Gilkey)Korf]。文中对新种作了拉丁描述并附图,描述了新记录种并附图。还为该属中具绣球样子实体的已知种提供了检索表。新种模式标本的主模式保藏在HMAS,等模式保藏于贵州省安顺地区卫生防疫站标本室(GZAS)。  相似文献   

记述中国玉蕈甲属Amblyopus 1新种,宽胫玉蕈甲A.planitibialis sp.nov.和1新纪录种,纵带玉蕈甲A.vittatus(Olivier,1807).新种与A.csikii Ch(u)j(o),1964在外形上相似,其区别于后者的主要特征是:体背面极度隆起;鞘翅基斑从外缘伸达第3刻点行;胫节宽三角形.提供了我国已知种目录及其检索表.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of the genus Autosticha Meyrick,1886 are recorded from Taiwan,China.The genus Cynicocrates Meyrick,1935 is proposed as a new synonym of Autosticha,and its type species A.tachytoma (Meyrick,1935) comb.nov.is transferred to Autosticha.Autosticha cordiformis sp.nov.is described as new,and A.tachytoma is redescribed with male for the first time.A checklist of all the described species in Taiwan is given.Photographs of the new species and the newly combined species are provided.  相似文献   

报道了中国列蛾属Autosticha 33种昆虫,其中有23新种和中国3新纪录种.新种包括:连斑列蛾A.conjugiopuncla sp.nov.,茨坪列蛾A.cipingensis sp.nov.,小喜列蛾A.microphilodema sp.nov.,多斑列蛾A.maculosa sp.nov.,勐仑列蛾A.menglunica sp.nov.,粗鳞列蛾A.squarrosa sp.nov.,南昌列蛾A.nanchangensis sp.nov.,淡黄列蛾A.flavida sp.nov.,二瓣列蛾A.valvifida sp.nov.,复瓣列蛾A.complexivalvula sp.nov.,迷列蛾A.fallaciosa sp.nov.,直斑列蛾A.rectipunctata sp.nov.,齿瓣列蛾A.valvidentata sp.nov.,天目山列蛾A.tianmushana sp.nov.,异域列蛾A.heteramalla sp.nov.,沈氏列蛾A.shenaesp.nov,五峰列蛾A.wufengensis sp.nov.,奇异列蛾A.mirabilis sp.nov.,弓瓣列蛾A.arcivalvaris sp.nov.,刺列蛾A.oxyacantha sp.nov.,棒列蛾A.bacilliformis.sp.nov.,赤水列蛾A.chishuiensis sp. nov.和涉县列蛾A.shexianicasp.nov..中国新纪录种有:和列蛾A.modicella(Christoph,1882),粗点列蛾A.pachysticta(Meyrick,1936)和截列蛾A.truncicola Ueda,1997.此外,还报道了1个新组合--喜列蛾A.philodema(Meyrick,1938),comb.nov..文中提供了新种的外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在南开大学生物系.  相似文献   

本文研究了一株从水果表皮分离到的假丝酵母,它与至今已发表的所有已知假丝酵母均不相同,定名为北京假丝酵母(Candida beijingensis)。  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南省新小叶蝉属1新种,版纳新小叶蝉Singapora bannaensis sp. nov.及1中国新纪录种,阿氏新小叶蝉Singapora arifi Ghauri,1985。新种区别于属内其它种的特征在于:阳茎端部的刺突很长,其末端已超过阳茎干基部水平;阳茎前腔突基部膨胀,近中部骤细;腹内突长,伸达第7腹节。词源:新种种名取自采集地地名版纳。同时给出该属世界种类检索表,模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

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