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Several temperate tree species are expected to migrate northward and colonize boreal forests in response to climate change. Tree migrations could lead to transitions in forest types, but these could be influenced by several non‐climatic factors, such as disturbances and soil conditions. We analysed over 10,000 forest inventory plots, sampled from 1970 to 2018 in meridional Québec, Canada, to identify what environmental conditions promote or prevent regional‐scale forest transitions. We used a continuous‐time multi‐state Markov model to quantify the probabilities of transitions between forest states (temperate, boreal, mixed, pioneer) as a function of climate (mean temperature and climate moisture index during the growing season), soil conditions (pH and drainage) and disturbances (severity levels of natural disturbances and logging). We further investigate how different disturbance types and severities impact forests' short‐term transient dynamics and long‐term equilibrium using properties of Markov transition matrices. The most common transitions observed during the study period were from mixed to temperate states, as well as from pioneer to boreal forests. In our study, transitions were mainly driven by natural and anthropogenic disturbances and secondarily by climate, whereas soil characteristics exerted relatively minor constraints. While major disturbances only promoted transitions to the pioneer state, moderate disturbances increased the probability of transition from mixed to temperate states. Long‐term projections of our model under the current environmental conditions indicate that moderate disturbances would promote a northward shift of the temperate forest. Moreover, disturbances reduced turnover and convergence time for all transitions, thereby accelerating forest dynamics. Contrary to our expectation, mixed to temperate transitions were not driven by temperate tree recruitment but by mortality and growth. Overall, our results suggest that moderate disturbances could catalyse rapid forest transitions and accelerate broad‐scale biome shifts.  相似文献   

Dynamics of myofiber differentiation/maturation in porcine skeletal muscle is associated with domestication, breeding and rearing conditions. This study was aimed to comparatively elucidate the age-dependent myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression and transition pattern in domestic and wild pig (WP) skeletal muscle from birth until adulthood. Domestic pigs (DPs) of Large White breed raised in conventional production system were compared with WPs reared in a large hunting enclosure. Muscle samples for immuno/enzyme histochemistry were taken from the longissimus dorsi muscle within 24 h postmortem at 24 to 48 h, 21 to 23 days, 7 months and ~2 years postpartum. Based on the antibody reactivity to MyHCs (NCL-MHCs, A4.74, BF-F3) and succinate dehydrogenase activity, myofibers were classified into I, I/IIa, IIa, IIx and IIb types. In addition, foetal MyHC expression was determined with the use of F158.4C10 antibody. Maturation of the longissimus dorsi muscle in the WP was characterized by an accelerated transformation of the fast to slow MyHC during the first hours postpartum, followed by differentiation towards oxidative myofibers in which type I, IIa and IIx MyHCs predominated. In the DP, the transformation shifted towards glycolytic myofibers that expressed MyHC-IIb. The expression of foetal MyHC was higher in the DP than in the WP at 1 day of age, and the decline in the foetal MyHC during the first 3 weeks was more rapid in the WP than in the DP denoting an accelerated early postnatal muscle maturation in WP than DP piglets. All foetal MyHC-positive myofibers co-expressed IIa isoform, but not vice versa. The intense myofiber hypertrophy was evident from 3 weeks until 7 months of age. In this period, the myofiber cross-sectional area increased up to 10- and 20-fold in the WP and the DP, respectively. In the DP, the hypertrophy of all myofiber types was more pronounced than in the WP, particularly the hypertrophy of IIx and IIb myofibers. To summarize, the comparison between growing DP with wild ancestors showed that genetic selection and rearing conditions lead to substantial changes in the direction and intensity of postnatal MyHC transformation as evidenced by different proportion of individual myofiber types and differences in their hypertrophic potential.  相似文献   

Very weak protein-protein interactions are very difficult to detect because these complexes could be under the detection limit or they tend to dissociate. Here, using as a model the antibody-antigen interaction weaken by the presence of dioxane, we have shown a strategy for the protein complexes purification by selective adsorption of the associated proteins. This strategy is based on the use of poorly activated anionic exchanger supports to selectively adsorb large complexes. This selective adsorption of the associated proteins shifted the association equilibrium of the soluble proteins toward the associated form. Thus, in the presence of 15% v/v dioxane, a concentration that is able to almost fully break the immunocomplex (less that 3% of the immunocomplex appeared associated when soluble antigen-antibody mixture was cross-linked with aldehyde-dextran), we can obtain more than 90% of the fully pure immunocomplex from the non-associated protein, adsorbed on anionic exchanger supports having a very low activation. This simple strategy may be a very useful tool to solve one of the most relevant challenges in the modern proteomics, the detection of very weak protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Mechanisms leading to the assembly of wheat storage proteins into proteins bodies within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of endosperm cells are unresolved today. In this work, physical chemistry parameters which could be involved in these processes were explored. To model the confined environment of proteins within the ER, the dynamic behavior of γ‐gliadins inserted inside lyotropic lamellar phases was studied using FRAP experiments. The evolution of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the lamellar periodicity enabled to propose the hypothesis of an interaction between γ‐gliadins and membranes. This interaction was further studied with the help of phospholipid Langmuir monolayers. γ‐ and ω‐gliadins were injected under DMPC and DMPG monolayers and the two‐dimensional (2D) systems were studied by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), polarization modulation infrared reflection‐absorption spectroscopy (PM‐IRRAS), and surface tension measurements. Results showed that both gliadins adsorbed under phospholipid monolayers, considered as biological membrane models, and formed micrometer‐sized domains at equilibrium. However, their thicknesses, probed by reflectance measurements, were different: ω‐gliadins aggregates displayed a constant thickness, consistent with a monolayer, while the thickness of γ‐gliadins aggregates increased with the quantity of protein injected. These different behaviors could find some explanations in the difference of aminoacid sequence distribution: an alternate repeated ‐ unrepeated domain within γ‐gliadin sequence, while one unique repeated domain was present within ω‐gliadin sequence. All these findings enabled to propose a model of gliadins self‐assembly via a membrane interface and to highlight the predominant role of wheat prolamin repeated domain in the membrane interaction. In the biological context, these results would mean that the repeated domain could be considered as an anchor for the interaction with the ER membrane and a nucleus point for the formation and growth of protein bodies within endosperm cells. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 610–622, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

赵平  彭少麟  曾小平 《广西植物》2001,21(4):287-294
大气 CO2 浓度升高所引起的森林生态系统生态稳定性的变化会导致森林在结构和功能上的变动。概述了全球变化背景下大气 CO2 浓度升高和陆地森林生态系统可能性变化之间的相互关系的研究情况。由于大气 CO2 浓度升高出现了额外多的 C供应 ,讨论了以这些额外多的 C经大气—植物—土壤途径的流动走向来研究大气 CO2 浓度的升高与森林结构和功能的相互作用 ,探讨了大气 CO2 浓度升高对森林植物生长、冠层结构、引发的生物量增量的分配、凋落物质量和根质量的变化造成的土壤生态过程的变化、微生物共生体、有机质周转率以及营养循环的潜在效应 ,这些受影响的生物要素和生态过程会引起群落内植物间对资源原有的竞争关系发生变化 ,对资源竞争的格局发生变化最终将会导致森林结构和功能的改变。还提出了一个假设性的概念性框架 ,描述大气 CO2 升高引起的森林结构和功能变化的内在机理。  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that communities are not random combinations of species but rather the results of community assembly processes filtering and sorting species that are able to coexist together. To date, such processes (i.e., assembly rules) have been inferred from observed spatial patterns of biodiversity combined with null model approaches, but relatively few attempts have been made to assess how these processes may be changing through time. Specifically, in the context of the ongoing biodiversity crisis and global change, understanding how processes shaping communities may be changing and identifying the potential drivers underlying these changes become increasingly critical. Here, we used time series of 460 French freshwater fish communities and assessed both functional and phylogenetic diversity patterns to determine the relative importance of two key assembly rules (i.e., habitat filtering and limiting similarity) in shaping these communities over the last two decades. We aimed to (a) describe the temporal changes in both functional and phylogenetic diversity patterns, (b) determine to what extent temporal changes in processes inferred through the use of standardized diversity indices were congruent, and (c) test the relationships between the dynamics of assembly rules and both climatic and biotic drivers. Our results revealed that habitat filtering, although already largely predominant over limiting similarity, became more widespread over time. We also highlighted that phylogenetic and trait‐based approaches offered complementary information about temporal changes in assembly rules. Finally, we found that increased environmental harshness over the study period (especially higher seasonality of temperature) led to an increase in habitat filtering and that biological invasions increased functional redundancy within communities. Overall, these findings underlie the need to develop temporal perspectives in community assembly studies, as understanding ongoing temporal changes could provide a better vision about the way communities could respond to future global changes.  相似文献   

Thermal treatment of short‐chain oligopeptides is able to initiate the process of their self‐assembly with the formation of organic nanostructures with unique properties. On the other hand, heating can lead to a chemical reaction with the formation of new substances with specific properties and ability to form structures with different morphology. Therefore, in order to have a desired process, researcher needs to find its temperature range. In the present work, cyclization of L‐isoleucyl‐L‐alanine dipeptide in the solid state upon heating was studied. Kinetic parameters of this reaction were estimated within the approaches of the nonisothermal kinetics. The correlation between side chain structure of dipeptides and temperature of their cyclization in the solid state was found for the first time. This correlation may be used to predict the temperature, at which dipeptide self‐assembly changes to chemical reaction. The differences in self‐assembly of linear and cyclic dipeptides were demonstrated using atomic force microscopy. The effect of dipeptide concentration in a source solution and an organic solvent used on self‐assembly of dipeptides was shown. The new information obtained on the thermal properties and self‐assembly of linear and cyclic forms of L‐isoleucyl‐L‐alanine may be useful for the design of new nanomaterials based on oligopeptides, as well as for the synthesis of cyclic oligopeptides.  相似文献   

Secondary structures of botulinum neurotoxin type A have been determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the amide I and amide III frequency regions. Using Fourier self-deconvolution, second derivatization, and curve-fit analysis, the amide I frequency contour was resolved into Gaussian bands at 1678, 1654, 1644, and 1634 cm–1. In the amide III frequency region, several small bands were resolved between 1320 and 1225 cm–1. Assignments of the bands in both amide I and amide III frequency regions to various types of secondary structures and the estimation of spectral band strengths by integrating areas under each band suggested that the neurotoxin contains 29% -helix, 45–49% -sheets and 22–26% random coils. These values agreed very well with those determined earlier from CD spectra. The neurotoxin was treated with a micellar concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate to simulate interaction between the protein and the amphipathic molecules. Sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles induced significant alterations both in the spectral band positions, and their strengths suggest refolding of the neurotoxin polypeptides. However, these changes were not entirely reversible, which could implicate the role of the altered structures in the function of the neurotoxin.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection regimes can contribute to adaptive population divergence, but can be sensitive to human‐mediated environmental change. Nutrient loading of aquatic ecosystems, for example, might modify selection pressures by altering the abundance and distribution of resources and the prevalence and infectivity of parasites. Here, we used a mesocosm experiment to test for interactive effects of nutrient loading and parasitism on host condition and feeding ecology. Specifically, we investigated whether the common fish parasite Gyrodactylus sp. differentially affected recently diverged lake and stream ecotypes of three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We found that the stream ecotype had a higher resistance to Gyrodactylus sp. infections than the lake ecotype, and that both ecotypes experienced a cost of parasitism, indicated by negative relationships between parasite load and both stomach fullness and body condition. Overall, our results suggest that in the early stages of adaptive population divergence of hosts, parasites can affect host resistance, body condition and diet.  相似文献   

Populations of the freshwater mussel Hyridella menziesi were compared from six lakes and one river site along the Waikato River system, North Island, New Zealand. Estimated densities ranged from several hundred per square metre in Lake Taupo to less than one per square metre in Lake Karapiro. Length-frequencies were similar at all sites, with unimodal distributions and a notable absence of any individuals less than 20 mm long. The extent of shell erosion varied from sites where most mussels had less than 1% of the right valve affected (i.e., Ohakuri & Karapiro), to Lake Aratiatia where most shells had erosion over 1–20% of their surface. Taupo and Ohakuri mussels showed an unusually high incidence (over 50%) of internal shell abnormalities (including dulling, deformities and protuberances). Canonical discrimination based on shell length, height, width and weight clearly separated Taupo and Ohakuri mussels from all other sites, and ANCOVA on morphological characteristics confirmed significant differences between sites. Physical condition indices (based on dry flesh weight per shell weight and shell volume) showed an increasing downstream trend, but this was not significantly correlated with food availability (i.e., chlorophyll a concentration) because of unexpectedly low condition in lakes Ohakuri and Karapiro. Length v. age relationships contained considerable scatter and did not show between-site differences. Measured differences in external erosion, internal shell abnormalities and morphology were attributed to physical, chemical and biological factors. Use of mussels for environmental monitoring must take these background differences into account.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenon of adhesion in geckos has been intensively studied for over 200 years, our understanding of how the morphological apparatus associated with this arose is less clear. Indeed, whether or not all of the intricate morphological hierarchy that is implicated in the attachment and removal of the adhesive setae originated at the same time is unknown. To explore whether setae may have arisen prior to the other parts of this structural hierarchy, we undertook morphological observations of Gonatodes, an ancestrally padless, sphaerodatyline genus known to exhibit the expression of incipient subdigital pads in some species. Focusing on this geographically and morphologically well‐circumscribed genus, for which intraspecific relationships are adequately known and ecology is quite well documented, allowed us to deduce trends in digit proportions, shape, scalation, and skeletal structure, and associate these with the micro‐ornamentation of the subdigital surfaces. Our findings indicate that in Gonatodes, setae capable of inducing adhesion are present without the modifications of the digital musculotendinous, circulatory and skeletal systems that are generally considered to be necessary for the operation of a functional adhesive apparatus. The acquisition of these latter characteristics (independently in many lineages of gekkotans, and incipiently so in Anolis) may have been preceded by a suite of modifications of the digits that enhanced static clinging in relation to sit‐and‐wait predation and the ability to take refuge on surfaces unavailable to other taxa. These possibilities await further testing. J. Morphol. 276:1311–1332, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (AM) is a regulatory peptide which plays many physiological roles including vasodilatation, bronchodilatation, hormone secretion regulation, growth, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and antimicrobial activities, among others. These regulatory activities make AM a relevant player in the pathophysiology of important diseases such as cardiovascular and renal conditions, cancer, and diabetes. Therefore, molecules that target the AM system have been proposed as having therapeutic potential. To guide the design and characterization of such molecules, we elucidated the three-dimensional structure of AM in a membrane mimicking medium using NMR spectroscopy methods. Under the employed experimental conditions, the structure can be described as composed by a central α-helical region, spanning about one third of its total length, flanked by two disordered segments at both N- and C-termini. The structure of AM in water is completely disordered. The 22-34 region of AM has a general tendency to adopt a helical structure under the employed experimental conditions. Furthermore, the study of the interaction of AM with two of its modulators has also been performed by using chemical shift perturbation analysis NMR methods with two-dimensional (2D)-TOCSY experiments, assisted with molecular modeling protocols. We expect these results will help in better understanding the interactions of AM with its receptor and binding proteins/molecules and in the development of novel modulators of AM activities.  相似文献   

A novel approach for association testing in the presence of population stratification has been introduced by Pritchard et al. (2000a) and Pritchard et al. (2000b). The structured association approach is a two-tiered procedure that first estimates the population structure and then tests the null hypothesis H0: 'no association within subpopulations' in the second step. A power comparison of the stratified test for association (STRAT) (Pritchard et al., 2000b) and the Transmission-Disequilibrium-Test (TDT) (Spielman and Ewens, 1993a) in a simulation framework showed superiority of STRAT if allele frequencies or associations between allele and disease differ strongly in subpopulations. In more homogeneous situations, the TDT had greater power than STRAT. However, the TDT, based on family trios,that uses population controls, needs 50% more genotyping compared to STRAT. The Sib-Transmission-Disequilibrium-Test (S-TDT) needs the same amount of genotyping since it relays in its minimal configuration on pairs of siblings. This raises the question how the S-TDT (Spielman and Ewens, 1998a) performs compared to the population based methods STRAT and Genomic Controls (GC). In this paper, we present a simulation study accounting for two different models of population stratification in different settings of allele frequencies and under different risk models. The results showed that under a discrete as well as under an admixed population model, STRAT strongly outperformed the S-TDT and the GC when different alleles were associated in different subpopulations. In contrast, the S-TDT had greater power than STRAT when the same allele was associated in both subpopulations. Here, the GC was sometimes even more powerful than the S-TDT, depending on the population model and the allele frequency differences. A general recommendation for the use of one of the tests can therefore not be given.  相似文献   

We have determined for the first time the equilibrium constant, Keq, for the reaction of Ellman's reagent, 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate), with the CysF9[93]beta sulfhydryl groups of the hemoglobins of the domestic cat. In the pH range 5.6 to 9.0 Kequ varies over four orders of magnitude--between ca 10 and 10(-3)--for all hemoglobin derivatives. Using these Kequ values and published data on the dependence of the apparent second order forward rate constant, kf, on pH we have calculated the apparent second order reverse rate constant, kr, as a function of pH. This parameter increases strongly with pH, particularly above pH 7.5. Quantitative analyses of the pH dependence profiles of log10kr indicate that the reverse reaction is coupled to the ionization of two groups on the protein with pKas of 7.2+/-0.2 and 9.4+/-0.1 in the major hemoglobin and 6.7+/-0.3 and 8.4+/-0.1 in the minor hemoglobin.  相似文献   

A 24-amino acid peptide, Humanin (HN), is a novel peptide that protects neuronal cells in vitro and in vivo from Alzheimer's disease-related toxicities. We have shown before that the structures of HN and a 1000-fold more active analog, HNG, with a Ser14Gly mutation are largely disordered. During additional mutational analysis, a shorter 17-amino acid form, AGA-(C8R)HNG17, was accidentally discovered to have a 100-fold higher activity than HNG. Here we have characterized the structural properties of the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog by circular dichroism (CD) and sedimentation equilibrium analysis. First, the structure in water was characterized, since these peptides have been dissolved in water prior to biological analysis. The AGA-(C8R)HNG17 peptide exhibited extensive beta-sheet structure in water, completely different from the aqueous HN and HNG structures. The beta-sheet structure was converted to a disordered structure upon dilution into phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at low peptide concentration (e.g., below 0.2mg/ml), which was similar to the structure of HN and HNG, observed under similar conditions. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog was essentially monomeric in PBS, while HNG showed extensive aggregation. Such aggregation of HNG was observed when the peptide was added to the serum-containing cell culture media. Thus, the mutations introduced into the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog generated a peptide different from the parent HNG and HN peptides in the self-association properties and hence the solubility, which most likely contributed to the increased biological activity of the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog.  相似文献   

Patterns of spatial genetic structure (SGS), typically estimated by genotyping adults, integrate migration over multiple generations and measure the effective gene flow of populations. SGS results can be compared with direct ecological studies of dispersal or mating system to gain additional insights. When mismatches occur, simulations can be used to illuminate the causes of these mismatches. Here, we report a SGS and simulation‐based study of self‐fertilization in Macrocystis pyrifera, the giant kelp. We found that SGS is weaker than expected in M. pyrifera and used computer simulations to identify selfing and early mortality rates for which the individual heterozygosity distribution fits that of the observed data. Only one (of three) population showed both elevated kinship in the smallest distance class and a significant negative slope between kinship and geographical distance. All simulations had poor fit to the observed data unless mortality due to inbreeding depression was imposed. This mortality could only be imposed for selfing, as these were the only simulations to show an excess of homozygous individuals relative to the observed data. Thus, the expected data consistently achieved nonsignificant differences from the observed data only under models of selfing with mortality, with best fits between 32% and 42% selfing. Inbreeding depression ranged from 0.70 to 0.73. The results suggest that density‐dependent mortality of early life stages is a significant force in structuring Macrocystis populations, with few highly homozygous individuals surviving. The success of these results should help to validate simulation approaches even in data‐poor systems, as a means to estimate otherwise difficult‐to‐measure life cycle parameters.  相似文献   

The equilibrium constant of the reaction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) with the CysF9[93]beta sulfhydryl group of hemoglobin decreases by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude between pH 5.6 and 9. The reaction is coupled to the ionizations of two groups on the protein. At 25 degrees C one group has a pK(a) of 5.31+/-0.2 when hemoglobin is in its (tertiary) r conformation, typified by the thiolate anion form of CysF9[93]beta; this changes to 7.73+/-0.4 in the (tertiary) t conformation, typified by the mixed disulfide form of the sulfhydryl. The second group ionizes with a pK(a) of 7.11+/-0.4 in the r conformation; this changes to 8.38+/-0.2 in the t conformation. K(rt), the equilibrium constant for the r<-->t isomerization process, is 0.22+/-0.06. The standard enthalpy and entropy changes for the isomerization are DeltaH(o)(rt)=24.2 kJ mol(-1) and DeltaS(o)(rt)=68.8 JK(-1)mol(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied the extent of coincidence of the pathway of unfolding of protein globules upon experimental modeling of protein unfolding caused by external actions and denaturants. To this end, we compared experimental Φ-values reported in the literature and Φ-values obtained by us upon modeling of unfolding of immunoglobulin-binding domains of proteins L and G caused by external actions at a constant rate. A comparison of the results of calculation with the experimental data shows that the folding pathways for protein L coincide, while those for protein G do not coincide despite structural similarity of these proteins.  相似文献   

Context: Leptin is produced in white adipose tissue, but also in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions.

Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the prognostic value of leptin in patients with proven coronary artery disease (CAD) (N?=?1907).

Methods: AtheroGene is a contemporary CAD cohort study (N?=?3229). Median follow-up time was 3.8 (Quartile 1/3 with 2.8/4.9) years.

Results: Leptin concentration was associated with a hazard ratio (HR) for the fully adjusted model of HR?=?1.32 in women but was not significant in men. The endpoint cardiovascular death and non-fatal myocardial infarction was observed in 167 patients.

Conclusion: In women with known CAD, increased leptin concentration is useful for predicting cardiovascular death and non-fatal myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

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