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The coherence function has been used in transfer function analysis of dynamic cerebral autoregulation to assess the statistical significance of spectral estimates of gain and phase frequency response. Interpretation of the coherence function and choice of confidence limits has not taken into account the intrinsic nonlinearity represented by changes in cerebrovascular resistance due to vasomotor activity. For small spontaneous changes in arterial blood pressure (ABP), the relationship between ABP and cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) can be linearized, showing that corresponding changes in cerebrovascular resistance should be included as a second input variable. In this case, the standard univariate coherence function needs to be replaced by the multiple coherence, which takes into account the contribution of both inputs to explain CBFV variability. With the use of two different indicators of cerebrovascular resistance index [CVRI = ABP/CBFV and the resistance-area product (RAP)], multiple coherences were calculated for 42 healthy control subjects, aged 20 to 40 yr (28 +/- 4.6 yr, mean +/- SD), at rest in the supine position. CBFV was measured in both middle cerebral arteries, and ABP was recorded noninvasively by finger photoplethysmography. Results for the ABP + RAP inputs show that the multiple coherence of CBFV for frequencies <0.05 Hz is significantly higher than the corresponding values obtained for univariate coherence (P < 10(-5)). Corresponding results for the ABP + CVRI inputs confirm the principle of multiple coherence but are less useful due to the interdependence between CVRI, ABP, and CBFV. The main conclusion is that values of univariate coherence between ABP and CBFV should not be used to reject spectral estimates of gain and phase, derived from small fluctuations in ABP, because the true explained power of CBFV in healthy subjects is much higher than what has been usually predicted by the univariate coherence functions.  相似文献   

Although it is known that the vasculatures of the brain and the forearm are sensitive to changes in arterial Pco(2), previous investigations have not made direct comparisons of the sensitivities of cerebral blood flow (CBF) (middle cerebral artery blood velocity associated with maximum frequency of Doppler shift; Vp) and brachial blood flow (BBF) to hypercapnia. We compared the sensitivities of Vp and BBF to hypercapnia in humans. On the basis of the critical importance of the brain for the survival of the organism, we hypothesized that Vp would be more sensitive than BBF to hypercapnia. Nine healthy males (30.1 +/- 5.2 yr, mean +/- SD) participated. Euoxic hypercapnia (end-tidal Po(2) = 88 Torr, end-tidal Pco(2) = 9 Torr above resting) was achieved by using the technique of dynamic end-tidal forcing. Vp was measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasound as an index of CBF, whereas BBF was measured in the brachial artery by echo Doppler. Vp and BBF were measured during two 60-min trials of hypercapnia, each trial separated by 60 min. Since no differences in the responses were found between trials, data from both trials were averaged to make comparisons between Vp and BBF. During hypercapnia, Vp and BBF increased by 34 +/- 8 and 14 +/- 8%, respectively. Vp remained elevated throughout the hypercapnic period, but BBF returned to baseline levels by 60 min. The Vp CO(2) sensitivity was greater than BBF (4 +/- 1 vs. 2 +/- 1%/Torr; P < 0.05). Our findings confirm that Vp has a greater sensitivity than BBF in response to hypercapnia and show an adaptive response of BBF that is not evident in Vp.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) alters dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans. Beat-to-beat blood pressure (BP) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity (transcranial Doppler) were measured in eight healthy subjects in the supine position and during 60 degrees head-up tilt (HUT). NOS was inhibited by intravenous NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) infusion. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation was quantified by transfer function analysis of beat-to-beat changes in BP and CBF velocity. Pressor effects of L-NMMA on cerebral hemodynamics were compared with those of phenylephrine infusion. In the supine position, L-NMMA increased mean BP from 83+/-3 to 94+/-3 mmHg (P < 0.01). However, CBF velocity remained unchanged. Consequently, cerebrovascular resistance index (CVRI) increased by 15% (P < 0.05). BP and CBF velocity variability and transfer function gain at the low frequencies of 0.07-0.20 Hz did not change with L-NMMA infusion. Similar changes in mean BP, CBF velocity, and CVRI were observed after phenylephrine infusion, suggesting that increase in CVRI after L-NMMA was mediated myogenically by increase in arterial pressure rather than a direct effect of cerebrovascular NOS inhibition. During baseline tilt without L-NMMA, steady-state BP increased and CBF velocity decreased. BP and CBF velocity variability at low frequencies increased in parallel by 277% and 217%, respectively (P < 0.05). However, transfer function gain remained unchanged. During tilt with L-NMMA, changes in steady-state hemodynamics and BP and CBF velocity variability as well as transfer gain and phase were similar to those without L-NMMA. These data suggest that inhibition of tonic production of NO does not appear to alter dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans.  相似文献   

To determine the dependence of cerebral blood flow (CBF) on arterial pressure over prolonged time periods, we measured beat-to-beat changes in mean CBF velocity in the middle cerebral artery (transcranial Doppler) and mean arterial pressure (Finapres) continuously for 2 h in six healthy subjects (5 men and 1 woman, 18-40 yr old) during supine rest. Fluctuations in velocity and pressure were quantified by the range [(peak - trough)/mean] and coefficients of variation (SD/mean) in the time domain and by spectral analysis in the frequency domain. Mean velocity and pressure over the 2-h recordings were 60 +/- 7 cm/s and 83 +/- 8 mmHg, associated with ranges of 77 +/- 8 and 89 +/- 10% and coefficients of variation of 9.3 +/- 2.2 and 7.9 +/- 2.3%, respectively. Spectral power of the velocity and pressure was predominantly distributed in the frequency range of 0.00014-0.1 Hz and increased inversely with frequency, indicating characteristics of an inverse power law (1/f(alpha)). However, linear regression on a log-log scale revealed that the slope of spectral power of pressure and velocity was steeper in the high-frequency (0.02-0.5 Hz) than in the low-frequency range (0.002-0.02 Hz), suggesting different regulatory mechanisms in these two frequency ranges. Furthermore, the spectral slope of pressure was significantly steeper than that of velocity in the low-frequency range, consistent with the low transfer function gain and low coherence estimated at these frequencies. We conclude that 1) long-term fluctuations in CBF velocity are prominent and similar to those observed in arterial pressure, 2) spectral power of CBF velocity reveals characteristics of 1/f(alpha), and 3) cerebral attenuation of oscillations in CBF velocity in response to changes in pressure may be more effective at low than that at high frequencies, emphasizing the frequency dependence of cerebral autoregulation.  相似文献   

Numerical results for axial and secondary flow velocity and pressure in a three-dimensional model of the human carotid siphon have been calculated; the investigations were carried out under physiologically relevant pulsatile flow conditoins. Time-dependent, three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations were solved numerically by using a special finite element method. The results of the computer simulation presented here concentrate on the secondary motion effect during the pulsatile flow cycle in multiple three-dimensional curvatures.  相似文献   

To evaluate the pathogenetic role of cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes occurring before and during the development of acute mountain sickness (AMS), peak mean middle cerebral artery flow velocities () were assessed by transcranial Doppler sonography in 10 subjects at 490-m altitude, and during three 12-min periods immediately (SA1), 3 (SA2), and 6 (SA3) h after decompression to a simulated altitude of 4,559 m. AMS cerebral scores increased from 0. 16 +/- 0.14 at baseline to 0.44 +/- 0.31 at SA1, 1.11 +/- 0.88 at SA2 (P < 0.05), and 1.43 +/- 1.03 at SA3 (P < 0.01); correspondingly, three, seven, and eight subjects had AMS. Absolute and relative at simulated altitude, expressed as percentages of low-altitude values (%), did not correlate with AMS cerebral scores. Average % remained unchanged, because % increased in three and remained unchanged or decreased in seven subjects at SA2 and SA3. These results suggest that CBF is not important in the pathogenesis of AMS and shows substantial interindividual differences during the first hours at simulated altitude.  相似文献   

Ten patients were studied to determine the effect of spinal cord stimulation on CBF. In 5 patients using a cervical spinal cord stimulator, the stimulation produced a significant increase in CBF in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the induced paresthesia. Thoracic cord stimulation, used by the other 5 patients, had no effect on CBF. Atropine had no effect on the alteration in CBF produced by cervical cord stimulation. Indomethacin, however, partially blocked the effect. These heuristic observations may have implications for the future treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency in humans.  相似文献   

Changes in cerebral hemodynamics, during and after head down tilt (HDT), were examined by means of transcranial Doppler technique (TCD) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in humans, and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) in rabbits. Mean cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity measured by TCD increased during the first 6 h of HDT compared with the pre-HDT value. NIRS experiments demonstrated that brain oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration increased with postural change from upright to supine. These results suggest that exposure to HDT increases CBF during the early phase of HDT in humans. In rabbits anesthetized with alpha chloralose, on the other hand, 45 degrees HDT did not change CBF significantly in the parietal cortex during 1 h after the onset of HDT. The discrepancy may be explained by the difference in species, tilt angle, or the brain region where CBF has been measured.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Coffee irritates the gastric mucosa disrupting its barrier and increasing the risk of peptic ulcers. However, caffeine's contribution to these effects has not yet been elucidated. In this study we looked at the local effect of caffeine on the microcirculation and nitric oxide production in rats together with systemic marker of oxidative stress malondialdehyde as possible mechanisms whereby caffeine might participate in mucosal barrier impairment. Materials and Methods: Four groups of rats were anesthetized and administered as a bolus four different intraperitoneal doses of caffeine (0, 1, 10 and 50 mg kg(-1) b.wt.). The gastric submucosal microcirculation and nitric oxide production were then recorded for 2.5 hours by in situ microdialysis using the flow marker ethanol. At the completion of the experiments, plasma caffeine and malondialdehyde levels as well as morphological mucosal injury were determined. Results: There were no major differences in the macro- or microscopic pictures of the mucosa among the groups. Local microcirculatory (ethanol out/in ratio) and nitric oxide monitoring failed to demonstrate statistically significant changes as did measurement of plasma malondialdehyde in response to caffeine injections. Conclusions: Caffeine per se seems unlikely to contribute to the gastric mucosal barrier injury associated with coffee consumption by alterations in nutritive blood flow, nitric oxide production or aggravation of systemic oxidative stress. This information is relevant for better understanding of the mechanisms involved in caffeine-mediated influences on gastric physiology in relation to the irritant effects of coffee.  相似文献   

Transcranial Doppler ultrasound-determined middle (MCA) and anterior (ACA) cerebral artery mean flow velocities (Vmean) and pulsatility indexes (PI) were measured during "no-load" [21, 60, and 102 revolutions/min (rpm)] and loaded cycling (30, 60, and 149 W) at approximately 60 rpm. At rest Vmean MCA was 51 (36-55) cm/s (median and range; n = 10) and Vmean ACA was 41 (36-49) cm/s (n = 7; P < 0.05). With no load on the cycle Vmean MCA increased 4 (2-36), 10 (0-47), and 27% (4-58) (P < 0.05) at the three pedaling frequencies, respectively; arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) remained constant. During loaded cycling the increases were 19 (6-42), 25 (2-45), and 32% (12-67) (P < 0.01), respectively, with only a minimal change in PaCO2. No significant changes were observed in Vmean ACA. Changes in Vmean MCA were similar to those recorded by the initial slope index (ISI) of the 133Xe clearance method (n = 11), which in turn were smaller than increases recorded by the fast-compartment flow. PI ACA followed PI MCA during no-load as well as loaded exercise and increased with work rate, perhaps reflecting an increase in pulse pressure from 56 (48-63) mmHg at rest to 109 (88-123) mmHg at 149 W (P < 0.01). Data demonstrate a graded increase in regional cerebral perfusion during dynamic exercise corresponding to the MCA territory.  相似文献   

Wilson, Christine R., Shalini Manchanda, David Crabtree,James B. Skatrud, and Jerome A. Dempsey. An induced blood pressurerise does not alter upper airway resistance in sleeping humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 269-276, 1998.Sleep apnea is associated with episodic increases in systemicblood pressure. We investigated whether transient increases in arterialpressure altered upper airway resistance and/or breathingpattern in nine sleeping humans (snorers and nonsnorers). Apressure-tipped catheter was placed below the base of the tongue, andflow was measured from a nose or face mask. Duringnon-rapid-eye-movement sleep, we injected 40- to 200-µg iv boluses ofphenylephrine. Parasympathetic blockade was used if bradycardia wasexcessive. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) rose by 20 ± 5 (mean ± SD) mmHg (range 12-37 mmHg) within 12 s and remained elevated for105 s. There were no significant changes in inspiratory or expiratorypharyngeal resistance (measured at peak flow, peak pressure, 0.2 l/s orby evaluating the dynamic pressure-flow relationship). Atpeak MAP, end-tidal CO2 pressure fell by 1.5 Torr and remained low for 20-25 s. At 26 s after peak MAP, tidal volume fell by 19%, consistent with hypocapnic ventilatory inhibition. We conclude that transient increases in MAP of a magnitude commonly observed during non-rapid-eye-movement sleep-disordered breathing do not increase upper airway resistance and, therefore, willnot perpetuate subsequent obstructive events.


The muscle pump theory holds that contraction aids muscle perfusion by emptying the venous circulation, which lowers venous pressure during relaxation and increases the pressure gradient across the muscle. We reasoned that the influence of a reduction in venous pressure could be determined after maximal pharmacological vasodilation, in which the changes in vascular tone would be minimized. Mongrel dogs (n = 7), instrumented for measurement of hindlimb blood flow, ran on a treadmill during continuous intra-arterial infusion of saline or adenosine (15-35 mg/min). Adenosine infusion was initiated at rest to achieve the highest blood flow possible. Peak hindlimb blood flow during exercise increased from baseline by 438 +/- 34 ml/min under saline conditions but decreased by 27 +/- 18 ml/min during adenosine infusion. The absence of an increase in blood flow in the vasodilated limb indicates that any change in venous pressure elicited by the muscle pump was not adequate to elevate hindlimb blood flow. The implication of this finding is that the hyperemic response to exercise is primarily attributable to vasodilation in the skeletal muscle vasculature.  相似文献   

Fibrates, activators of the nuclear receptor PPARalpha, improve dyslipidemia, but their effects on insulin resistance and vascular disease are unresolved. To test the hypothesis that PPARalpha activation improves insulin resistance and vascular function, we determined the effects of fenofibrate in healthy adults with insulin resistance induced by short-term glucocorticoid administration. Eighteen normal-weight subjects were studied in four stages: at baseline, after 21 days of fenofibrate (160 mg/day) alone, after 3 days of dexamethasone (8 mg/day) added to fenofibrate, and after 3 days of dexamethasone added to placebo (dexamethasone alone). Dexamethasone alone caused hyperinsulinemia, increased glucose, decreased glucose disposal, and reduced insulin-induced suppression of hepatic glucose production as determined by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp and increased systolic blood pressure as determined by ambulatory monitoring, features associated with an insulin-resistant state. Fenofibrate improved fasting LDL and total cholesterol in the setting of dexamethasone treatment but had no significant effect on levels of insulin or glucose, insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, or insulin suppression of glucose production during clamps, or ambulatory monitored blood pressure. In the absence of dexamethasone, fenofibrate lowered fasting triglycerides and cholesterol but unexpectedly increased systolic blood pressure by ambulatory monitoring. These data suggest that PPARalpha activation in humans does not correct insulin resistance induced by glucocorticoids and may adversely affect blood pressure.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial blood flow in dogs increases with cold or dry air hyperventilation, possibly as a result of airway drying leading to increased osmolarity of airway surface fluid. This study was designed to examine whether administration of aerosols of various tonicity to alter airway surface fluid osmolarity would induce similar blood flow changes. Tracheobronchial blood flow was measured by the radioactive microsphere technique in six anesthetized dogs ventilated with warm humid air (100% relative humidity) for 15 min (period 1), air containing ultrasonically nebulized saline aerosol (1,711 mosmol/kg) for 3 min (period 2) and 12 min (period 3), and the same aerosol at a higher nebulizer output for a further 3 min (period 4). Between periods 3 and 4, the dogs were ventilated with warm humid air for 30 min to reestablish base-line conditions. In another five dogs, measurements were made after 30 min of ventilation with 1) warm humid air, 2) isotonic saline aerosol, 3) warm humid air, 4) distilled water aerosol (3 dogs), and hypertonic saline aerosol (2 dogs). After the last measurement was made, each dog was killed, the trachea and major bronchi were excised, and blood flow was calculated. No change in blood flow was found during any period of aerosol inhalation. The osmolar load imposed on the airways was estimated and was similar to that occurring during cold or dry air hyperventilation. These data suggest that increasing osmolarity of airway surface fluid does not explain the blood flow changes seen during hyperventilation of cold or dry air.  相似文献   

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