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《Reproductive biology》2020,20(2):132-139
In sheep, adequate physiological maternal adaptations to twin fetuses are key for their prenatal development. We hypothesized that there is a relationship between maternal circulating steroid hormone concentration, hematocrit, and patterns of conceptus growth and umbilical artery hemodynamics in twin vs singleton pregnancies. Ewes carrying singletons (n = 6) or twins (n = 7) were selected. Hematocrit, progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17β (E2) concentrations were analyzed. Blood flow of the umbilical artery (UBF) was assessed through Doppler ultrasonography. Ewes carrying twins had a decreased (p = 0.03) hematocrit. There was a tendency (p = 0.08) for ewes carrying twins to have increased P4 from day 20 to 40. From day 50 to 70, P4 tended to be increased (p = 0.07) and E2 was increased (p = 0.01) in ewes carrying twins. From day 90 to 120, ewes carrying twins had greater (p ≤ 0.04) P4. Ewes carrying twins had increased (p < 0.01) P4 and tended to have (p = 0.06) increased E2. From day 60 until 110, placentomes from twins were larger (p ≤ 0.05). On day 50, UBF was greater (p = 0.04; 27.38 vs. 20.95 ± 1.99 ml/min) in twins. It has been suggested that physiological adaptations during early pregnancy can significantly impact fetal development in multiple offspring carrying ewes. Our findings suggest that increased umbilical artery blood flow early in gestation, associated with increased maternal concentrations of P4 and E2, and decreased hematocrit (related to plasma volume) could contribute to those adaptations.  相似文献   

Evidence from epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental studies has shown that a suboptimal intrauterine environment during early pregnancy can alter fetal growth and gestation length and is associated with an increased prevalence of adult hypertension and cardiovascular disease. It has been postulated that maternal nutrient restriction may act to reprogram the development of the pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in excess glucocorticoid exposure and adverse health outcomes in later life. It is unknown, however, whether maternal nutrient restriction during the periconceptional period alters the development of the fetal pituitary-adrenal axis or whether the effects of periconceptional undernutrition can be reversed by the provision of an adequate level of maternal nutrition throughout the remainder of pregnancy. We have investigated the effect of restricted periconceptional nutrition (70% of control feed allowance) from 60 days before until 7 days after mating and the effect of restricted gestational nutrition from Day 8 to 147 of gestation on the development of the fetal hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis in the sheep. In these studies, we have also investigated the effects of fetal number and sex on the pituitary-adrenal responses to periconceptional and gestational undernutrition. In ewes maintained on a control diet throughout the periconceptional and gestational periods, fetal plasma ACTH concentrations were higher and the prepartum surge in cortisol occurred earlier in singletons compared with twins. Plasma ACTH concentrations were also significantly higher in male compared with female singletons, and in twin fetuses, the prepartum surge in cortisol concentrations occurred earlier in males than in females. Periconceptional undernutrition resulted in higher fetal plasma concentrations of ACTH between 110 and 145 days of gestation and a significantly greater cortisol response to a bolus dose of corticotropin-releasing hormone in twin, but not singleton, fetuses in late gestation. We have therefore demonstrated that fetal number and sex each has an impact on the timing of the prepartum activation of the HPA axis in the sheep. Restriction of the level of maternal nutrition before and in the first week of a twin pregnancy results in stimulation of the fetal pituitary-adrenal axis in late gestation, and this effect is not reversed by the provision of a maintenance control diet from the second week of pregnancy.  相似文献   

To compare perinatal outcome of singleton versus twin pregnancies a matched cohort study was performed in Flanders, Belgium. All twins delivered in the region of Flanders during 1998-1999 were compared to singletons, matched for gestational age, fetal sex and maternal parity, resulting in 4384 infants in each group. Above 32 weeks of gestation, birthweight was significantly lower in twins (2095 +/- 364 g versus 2315 +/- 523 g; p < 0.001, 95% confidence interval 193 to 246 g). Perinatal mortality was also significantly lower in twins (1.98% versus 1.26%; odds ratio for twins 0.63; 95% confidence interval 0.53-0.75; p < 0.001 ), this was mostly due to fetal and not to early neonatal mortality. Congenital malformations occurred less frequently in twins (2.5% versus 3.7%; odds ratio for twins 0.80, 95% confidence interval 0.69-0.92; p = 0.001). From gestational age of 32 weeks on, respiratory distress syndrome was less frequent in twins (6.7% versus 8.0%; odds ratio for twins 0.81; 95% confidence interval 0.68-0.97; p = 0.011 ). No significant differences were noted with regard to intraventricular haemorrhage, neonatal infections and retinopathy of prematurity. Although twins have a lower birthweight, their outcome is more favorable compared to singletons, when matched for gestational age.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the amount of circulating cell-free fetal DNA in maternal serum is influenced by fetal karyotype, using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay. Serum samples were obtained from pregnant women at gestational ages ranging from 15 to 17 weeks, prior to their undergoing amniocentesis. In total, we examined 70 samples consisting of 55 cases of pregnancy with 46,XY, 5 cases with 47,XY,+21, 3 cases with 47,XY,+18, a single case with 46,XY,dup(1) and 2 cases with twins of 46,XY, and 4 cases with 46,XX which were used as negative controls. We measured the concentration of the SRY sequence as a molecular marker for fetal DNA. The SRY sequence was detectable and measurable when the fetuses were male except for one case with 47,XY,+18. This case showed fetal growth retardation and bradycardia. No amplification signals of the SRY sequence were detected when the fetuses were female. The mean concentration of fetal DNA in maternal serum was 31.5 copies/ml in the pregnancy with 46,XY, 23.5 copies/ml in the pregnancies with 47,XY,+21 and 21.5 copies/ml in the pregnancies with 46,XY,+18. There were no significant differences in the concentration of fetal DNA between pregnancies with fetuses of normal karyotype and those with fetuses of abnormal karyotype.  相似文献   

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 3–5% of pregnancies and is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Currently, there is no reliable biochemical test to differentiate a pathological FGR from a nonpathological one. The objective of this study was to screen whole maternal plasma to identify differentially expressed relatively abundant proteins associated with FGR. We analyzed maternal plasma from FGR (n=28) and healthy (n=22) pregnancies using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) followed by software image analysis. Three spots with molecular weight (Mr) 18 kDa corresponding to haptoglobin (hp) α2, as identified by LC-MS/MS and immunoblotting, showed differential expression patterns in FGR. The distribution of hp α2 variants in maternal plasma samples showed the hp α2 variant 1 was low in 72% of FGR, medium in 16%, whereas high in 12%. In comparison, hp α2 variant 1 was high in (41%) of controls, medium in 41%, and low in 18% of cases. Based on the software image analysis, the mean spot volume for hp α2 variant 1 was 0.12 (SD=0.18) for FGR compared to 0.26 (SD=0.19) for control (p=0.006). Given that hp turnover is indicative of its maturation process and is traceable in plasma by its dominant/suppressed variants, we propose that hp α2 is an important potential target for evaluation of its clinical and pathophysiological role and as a diagnostic biomarker in FGR.  相似文献   

Fetal cells in maternal blood are a noninvasive source of fetal genetic material for prenatal diagnosis. We determined the number of fetal-cell DNA equivalents present in maternal whole-blood samples to deduce whether this number is affected by fetal karyotype. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 199 women carrying chromosomally normal fetuses and from 31 women with male aneuploid fetuses. Male fetal-cell DNA-equivalent quantitation was determined by PCR amplification of a Y chromosome-specific sequence and was compared with PCR product amplified from known concentrations of male DNA run simultaneously. The mean number of male fetal-cell DNA equivalents detected in 16-ml blood samples from 90 women bearing a 46,XY fetus was 19 (range 0-91). The mean number of male fetal-cell DNA equivalents detected in 109 women bearing a 46,XX fetus was 2 (range 0-24). The mean number of male fetal-cell DNA equivalents detected when the fetus was male compared with when the fetus was female was highly significant (P = .0001). More fetal cells were detected in maternal blood when the fetus was aneuploid. The mean number of male fetal-cell DNA equivalents detected when the fetal karyotype was 47,XY,+21 was 110 (range 0.1-650), which was significantly higher than the number of male fetal-cell DNA equivalents detected in 46,XY fetuses (P = .0001). Feto-maternal transfusion of nucleated cells appears to be influenced by fetal karyotype. The sixfold elevation of fetal cells observed in maternal blood when the fetus had trisomy 21 indicates that noninvasive cytogenetic diagnosis of trisomy 21 should be feasible.  相似文献   

目的:检测双胎妊娠孕中期孕妇血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)和人绒毛膜促性腺激素游离B亚基(F-β-hCG)的水平,探索双胎妊娠时孕妇血清学筛查用于Down's胎儿高风险评估的AFP、F-β-hCG界定值。方法:收集双胎妊娠129例,孕中期(15~2l周)采集孕妇静脉血,用时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术测定血清AFP和F-β-hCG的浓度,并于分娩后随访,确定胎儿有无异常。另选2603例胎儿无异常的单胎妊娠作对照组。结果:129例双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP浓度的中位教为98.98ng/ml,F-β-hCG浓度的中位数为32.20ng/mt;2603例单胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG浓度的中位数分别为52.15ng/ml和13.00ng/mt。双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG的水平均明显高于对照组(P均〈0.01)。结论:鉴于双胎妊娠孕妇血清AFP和F-β-hCG水平明显升高,双胎妊娠的产前唐氏筛查风险评估时应引入正常双胎妊娠的AFP、F-β-hCG值。  相似文献   

Although, in general, twins have higher perinatal mortality rates than singletons, preterm twins have lower perinatal mortality rates than singletons of the same birth weight or gestational age. This study investigated the hypotheses that this paradoxical twin advantage: 1) is due to gestational age distribution differences between the singleton and twin populations, and 2) is due to increased likelihood of birth having occurred in a tertiary perinatal center. A pre-existing, time-limited data set of all births in the province of Ontario in odd years between 1979 and 1985 was chosen for this study because of the large sample size (n = 618,579). Multivariable logistic regression of the relationship between perinatal mortality and twin status was controlled for mother's age, hospital level and gestational age. Findings confirm the lower mortality of preterm twins. After controlling for level of hospital of birth this difference remained, suggesting that level of hospital of birth was not a major factor responsible for the twin advantage. Analyses in which gestational age was standardized indicate that, for those whose gestational age was less than 2 SD below the mean for their particular group (twin or singleton), twins were actually at higher risk than singletons. These results support hypothesis 1 and do not strongly support hypothesis 2. The results also support earlier authors' suggestions that the definition of term birth should be different for twins and singletons  相似文献   

Small size at birth has been associated with an increased risk of central obesity and reduced lean body mass in adult life. This study investigated the time of onset of prenatally induced obesity, which occurs after maternal feed restriction, in the guinea pig, a species that, like the human, develops substantial adipose tissue stores before birth. We examined the effect of maternal feed restriction [70% ad libitum intake from 4 wk before to midpregnancy, then 90% until day 60 gestation (term approximately 69 days)] on fetal growth and body composition in the guinea pig. Maternal feed restriction reduced fetal (-39%) and placental (-30%) weight at 60 days gestation and reduced liver, biceps muscle, spleen, and thymus weights, relative to fetal weight, while relative weights of brain, lungs, and interscapular and retroperitoneal fat pads were increased. In the interscapular depot, maternal feed restriction decreased the volume density of multilocular fat and increased that of unilocular fat, resulting in an increased relative weight of interscapular unilocular fat. Maternal feed restriction did not alter the relative weight of perirenal fat or the volume density of adipocyte populations within the depot but increased unilocular lipid locule size. Maternal feed restriction in the guinea pig is associated with decreased weight of major organs, including liver and skeletal muscle, but increased adiposity of the fetus, with relative sparing of unilocular adipose tissue. If this early-onset obesity persists, it may contribute to the metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunction that these offspring of feed-restricted mothers develop as adults.  相似文献   

Brood-farm veterinarians were surveyed and theriogenology records were examined to obtain information on the natural outcome of rectally-diagnosed twin pregnancies. Four of the veterinarians estimated that 50% of mares with twin embryos had single foals. In the analyses of palpation records, 31 53 (58%) of the diagnosed twin pregnancies terminated in birth of one foal. However, the loss of one embryo without the loss of the other occurred significantly more often before day 40-42 (30 53 ; 57%) than after day 40-42 (1 16 ; 6%). Of the remaining 15 mares with diagnosed twins at day 40-42, 5 had two foals and 10 had no foals. The methods used for intervention when twins were diagnosed were unsatisfactory. Complete termination of pregnancy with a prostaglandin or an intrauterine flushing resulted in failure to reestablish a singleton pregnancy during the operational breeding season in 10 11 mares. Attempts to eliminate one embryo resulted in loss of both in 6 7 mares. The results indicated that, at the present time, nonintervention should be given more consideration as a method of handling twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is associated with a hypercholesterolemic and a hyperlipidemic state. The totality of the essential fatty acids and 50% of the lipids needed by the fetus are transferred by the placenta from the maternal circulation. The hypothesis of this study is that an augmentation of the maternal plasmatic cholesterol is modifying the fetal lipids accumulation and development during rabbit pregnancy. To demonstrate the impact of a cholesterol enriched diet on plasma lipids during rabbit's pregnancy and on their fetus, we have established two groups: control and hypercholesterolemic rabbits (fed with a 0.2% cholesterol diet). Blood samples were collected before mating and at each trimester of pregnancy for analysis of lipid fractions and their lipoproteins. Plasma analysis shows that starting the 10th day of pregnancy the concentration of total-cholesterol and lipoproteins decreases for both groups. We have demonstrated that for the hypercholesterolemic group, concentrations of total-cholesterol (631%) and lipoproteins are significantly higher at the end of pregnancy than those for the control group. For both groups, after 20 days of pregnancy, triglycerides metabolism was biphasic showing a significant increase followed by a diminution in their concentration. In both groups, free fatty acids increases significantly at the end of the pregnancy (537.5% for the control group and 462.5% for the hypercholesterolemic group). Furthermore, the offsprings of hypercholesterolemic dams manifest a lower birth weight (15.5%) than those of control group. Our results demonstrate that a cholesterol enriched diet modifies greatly the fetal development and lipid metabolism during rabbit's pregnancy. These modifications could be useful for the understanding of the interaction between diet and fetal development in rabbit and probably during human pregnancy.  相似文献   

Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is present in the placenta and has been implicated in placental growth and development. M-CSF levels in peripheral blood increase significantly with progression of pregnancy in uncomplicated singleton pregnancy. This study investigated whether serum M-CSF levels in singleton pregnancy differed from those in twin pregnancy. A hundred and four pregnant women, of whom fifty-nine were women carrying single fetuses and forty-five were women with twin fetuses, participated in the study. Their average gestational age at entry was 10, 20, 30, and 38 weeks of gestation in singleton pregnancy and 10, 20, 30, and 35 weeks in twin pregnancy. Peripheral blood was collected and serum was separated after centrifugation and stored at - 20 degrees C. M-CSF levels were determined by ELISA. In both groups, the serum levels of M-CSF increased significantly as pregnancy progressed. M-CSF levels were relatively higher in twin pregnancy than in singleton pregnancy at 10, 20, and 30 weeks. At 35 and 38 weeks, the M-CSF levels were significantly higher in twin pregnancy than in singleton pregnancy. Elevation of serum M-CSF supports M-CSF production in the placenta. This elevation in twin pregnancy may be related to increased demand of M-CSF in twin pregnancy.  相似文献   

In the overnourished adolescent sheep, maternal tissue synthesis is promoted at the expense of placental growth and leads to a major decrease in lamb birth weight at term. Maternal growth hormone (GH) concentrations are attenuated in these pregnancies, and it was recently demonstrated that exogenous GH administration throughout the period of placental proliferation stimulates uteroplacental and fetal development by Day 81 of gestation. The present study aimed to determine whether these effects persist to term and to establish whether GH affects fetal growth and body composition by increasing placental size or by altering maternal metabolism. Adolescent recipient ewes were implanted with singleton embryos on Day 4 postestrus. Three groups of ewes offered a high dietary intake were injected twice daily with recombinant bovine GH from Days 35 to 65 of gestation (high intake plus early GH) or from Days 95 to 125 of gestation (high intake plus late GH) or remained untreated (high intake only). A fourth moderate-intake group acted as optimally nourished controls. Pregnancies were terminated at Day 130 of gestation (6 per group) or were allowed to progress to term (8-10 per group). GH administration elevated maternal plasma concentrations of GH, insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids during the defined treatment windows, while urea concentrations were decreased. At Day 130, GH treatment had reduced the maternal adiposity score, percentage of fat in the carcass, and internal fat depots and leptin concentrations, predominantly in the high-intake plus late GH group. Placental weight was lower in high-intake vs. control dams but independent of GH treatment. In contrast, fetal weight was elevated by late GH treatment, and these fetuses had higher relative carcass fat content, perirenal fat mass, and liver glycogen concentrations than all other groups. Expression of leptin mRNA in fetal perirenal fat and fetal plasma leptin concentrations were not significantly altered by maternal nutritional intake or GH. In pregnancies proceeding to term, the duration of gestation, fetal placental mass, and lamb birth weight were reduced in high-intake compared with control dams but were not significantly affected by GH treatment. In conclusion, exogenous GH has profound effects on maternal endocrinology, metabolism, and body composition when administered during early and late pregnancy. Treatment during late pregnancy has a modest effect on fetal growth independent of placental size and a profound effect on fetal adiposity, which may have implications beyond the fetal period.  相似文献   

A retrospective study involving 972 twin births was conducted to evaluate the maternal and fetal outcomes of twin pregnancies complicated by single fetal death. The incidence of single fetal death in twin pregnancies after 20 weeks was 3.3%. Preterm birth rates for 37 and 32 gestational weeks were 81.3% and 41.6% respectively. The median interval between the diagnosis of fetal death and the delivery was 11 days (range 1-27 days). Eighteen (56%) infants were delivered by cesarean and 14 (43%) vaginally. Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) was the cause of single fetal death in 8 of 32 twin pregnancies (25%). Ten of the surviving co-twins were lost in the neonatal period (31.3%) and half of those neonatal deaths were due to TTTS. TTTS is the major contributor for perinatal mortality in same-sex twins complicated by single fetal death. The death of one twin in utero should not be the only indication for preterm delivery, and in case of severe prematurity with a stable intrauterine environment; expectant management may be advisable until fetal lung maturation ensues.  相似文献   

We assessed the feasibility of fetal RHD and RHCE genotyping by analysis of DNA extracted from plasma samples of RhD-negative pregnant women using real-time PCR and primers and probes targeted toward RHD and RHCE genes. We analyzed 45 pregnant women in the 11th to 40th weeks of pregnancy and correlated the results with serological analysis of cord blood after delivery. Non-invasive prenatal fetal RHD exon 7, RHD exon 10, RHCE exon 2 (C allele), and RHCE exon 5 (E allele) genotyping analysis of maternal plasma samples was correctly performed in 45 out of 45 RhD-negative pregnant women delivering 24 RhD-, 17 RhC-, and 7 RhE-positive newborns. Detection of fetal RHD and the C and E alleles of RHCE gene from maternal plasma is highly accurate and enables implementation into clinical routine. We recommend performing fetal RHD and RHCE genotyping together with fetal sex determination in alloimmunized D-negative pregnancies at risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn. In case of D-negative fetus, amplification of another paternally inherited allele (SRY and/or RhC and/or RhE positivity) proves the presence of fetal DNA in maternal circulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to calculate the risk for aneuploidy in twin pregnancies between 9-14 weeks utilizing maternal age, race and dizygotic twinning rates. Using previously published risks for aneuploidy in singletons and twins at the time of amniocentesis and at term, we calculated new risk estimates for twins at 9-14 weeks gestation or at the time of chorionic villus sampling. Using these tables, the risk for trisomy 21 in at least one fetus of a twin gestation in a 32-year-old at 9-14 weeks is 1/285 for Whites and for African-Americans. This is equivalent to the risk for trisomy 21 (1/265) in a 35-year-old woman with a singleton at the same gestational age. The risks for trisomies 18 and 13 also follow similar trends. In counseling women with twin pregnancies at the time of first trimester nuchal translucency screening or chorionic villus sampling, it should be noted that the maternal age-related risk for aneuploidy for a 32-year-old is equivalent to that of a 35-year-old woman with a singleton gestation.  相似文献   

Dr. J. A. Sturman  P. Lu 《Amino acids》1997,13(3-4):369-377
Summary We report the effects of four levels of maternal dietary taurine on the cerebellum of 45-day gestation fetuses. As we have previously reported for newborn and 8-week-old kittens, maternal dietary taurine content has a profound effect also on fetal cerebellum. Fetuses from queens fed the lowest amount of taurine had the greatest density of granule cells, probably because of smallest brain size, and had a high proportion of morphological abnormalities. Somewhat surprising was the observation that the fetuses from the lowest maternal dietary taurine group had the highest proportion of taurine-positive granule cells. In addition, these results confirm the vulnerability of developing fetal brain to its intrauterine environment.  相似文献   

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