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Amino acid sequence of bovine angiogenin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M D Bond  D J Strydom 《Biochemistry》1989,28(14):6110-6113
The amino acid sequence and disulfide bridges of bovine plasma derived angiogenin were determined by sequencer analysis of the intact protein and fragments derived by enzymatic and chemical digestion. Bovine angiogenin is a single-chain protein of 125 amino acids; it contains six cysteines and has a calculated molecular weight of 14,595. In contrast to the human protein its amino terminus is unblocked. It has the following sequence: H2N-Ala1-Gln-Asp-Asp-Tyr-Arg-Tyr-Ile-His-Phe10-Leu-Thr-Gln-His-Tyr -Asp-Ala-Lys- Pro-Lys20-Gly-Arg-Asn-Asp-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Phe-Asn-Met30-Met-Lys- Asn-Arg-Arg-Leu-Thr - Arg-Pro-Cys40-Lys-Asp-Arg-Asn-Thr-Phe-Ile-His-Gly-Asn50-Lys- Asn-Asp-Ile-Lys-Ala - Ile-Cys-Glu-Asp60-Arg-Asn-Gly-Gln-Pro-Tyr-Arg-Gly-Asp-Leu70- Arg-Ile-Ser-Lys-Ser - Glu-Phe-Gln-Ile-Thr80-Ile-Cys-Lys-His-Lys-Gly-Ser-Ser-Arg90- Pro-Pro-Cys-Arg-Tyr - Gly-Ala-Thr-Glu-Asp100-Ser-Arg-Val-Ile-Val-Val-Gly-Cys-Glu-Asn1 10-Gly-Leu-Pro- Val-His-Phe-Asp-Glu-Ser-Phe120-Ile-Thr-Pro-Arg-His-OH. Disulfide bonds link Cys(27)-Cys(82), Cys(40)-Cys(93), and Cys(58)-Cys(108). Bovine angiogenin is 64% identical with human angiogenin; like the human protein, it is homologous to the pancreatic ribonucleases, with conservation of active site residues. Two regions, 6-22 and 65-75, are highly conserved between the angiogenins but are significantly different from those of the ribonucleases, suggesting a possible role in the molecules' biological activity.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of bovine glucagon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The major class 1 heparin-binding growth factor from bovine brain is a single-chain polypeptide of 140 amino acids with a molecular weight of 15 877. It has the amino acid sequence Phe1-Asn-Leu-Pro-Leu-Gly-Asn-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Pro-Lys-Leu-Leu- Tyr15-Cys-Ser- Asn-Gly-Gly-Tyr-Phe-Leu-Arg-Ile-Leu-Pro-Asp-Gly-Thr30-Val-Asp-Gly- Thr-Lys-Asp-Arg- Ser-Asp-Gln-His-Ile-Gln-Leu-Gln45-Leu-Cys-Ala-Glu-Ser-Ile-Gly- Glu-Val-Tyr-Ile- Lys-Ser-Thr-Glu60-Thr-Gly-Gln-Phe-Leu-Ala-Met-Asp-Thr-Asp-Gly- Leu-Leu-Tyr-Gly75- Ser-Gln-Thr-Pro-Asn-Glu-Glu-Cys-Leu-Phe-Leu-Glu-Arg-Leu- Glu90-Glu-Asn-His-Tyr- Asn-Thr-Tyr-Ile-Ser-Lys-Lys-His-Ala-Glu-Lys105-His-Trp-Phe-Val -Gly-Leu-Lys-Lys- Asn-Gly-Arg-Ser-Lys-Leu-Gly120-Pro-Arg-Thr-His-Phe-Gly-Gln-Lys -Ala-Ile-Leu-Phe-Leu-Pro-Leu135-Pro-Val-Ser-Ser-Asp140-OH. The mitogen is homologous to the class 2 heparin-binding growth factor pituitary fibroblast growth factor with about 50% of the amino acids being identical between the two mitogens.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of bovine white matter proteolipid   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The sequence of the bovine white matter proteolipid has been studied by a combination of proteolytic digestion and chemical cleavage at tryptophan residues. Alignment of peptides obtained by digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin, clostripain, and Staphylococcus aureus protease gave the sequence of 52 residues at the amino terminus, 96 residues at the carboxyl terminus, and several additional segments. Peptides obtained by treatment of the protein with 2-(2-nitrophenylsulfenyl)-3-methyl-3'-bromoindolenine confirmed the alignment and extended the sequence. This information, combined with that of other investigators, permits us to propose the primary structure for the entire protein. On the basis of the sequence determination, the molecular weight of the proteolipid protein is 29,869.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of bovine cardiac troponin I   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Troponin I (TnI) is the inhibitory subunit of troponin, the thin filament regulatory complex which confers calcium sensitivity to striated muscle actomyosin ATPase activity. We have determined the amino acid sequence of TnI from adult bovine cardiac muscle. This protein is a single polypeptide chain of 211 amino acids with an acetylated amino terminus, a calculated molecular weight of 23,975, and a net charge of +17 at neutral pH. There was no evidence for heterogeneity of the sequence. Comparison with other available TnI sequences shows an amino-terminal extension of 27-33 residues which is present in cardiac but not skeletal TnI. The remainder of the polypeptide is common to both cardiac and skeletal TnI. In the amino-terminal half of the common polypeptide, only 29% of the residues are invariant in all sequences. The carboxyl-terminal half (residues 124-210) is much more highly conserved, with 66% invariant residues. Bovine cardiac TnI and rabbit cardiac TnI are very similar in sequence: only 12 of 26 residues are identical in the amino-terminal segments, but the remaining residues of the proteins are 97% identical.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the peptide released during the conversion of bovine Factor XIII to the active enzyme by thrombin was determined. It contains N-terminal N-acetylserine and a total of 37 residues. The bovine peptide differs from the corresponding human peptide. There are 5 amino acid replacements and one deletion in the human peptide.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human von Willebrand factor   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
The complete amino acid sequence of human von Willebrand factor (vWF) is presented. Most of the sequence was determined by analysis of the S-carboxymethylated protein. Some overlaps not provided by the protein sequence analysis were obtained from the sequence predicted by the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone [Sadler, J.E., Shelton-Inloes, B.B., Sorace, J., Harlan, M., Titani, K., & Davie, E.W. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 6391-6398]. The protein is composed of 2050 amino acid residues containing 12 Asn-linked and 10 Thr/Ser-linked oligosaccharide chains. One of the carbohydrate chains is linked to an Asn residue in the sequence Asn-Ser-Cys rather than the usual Asn-X-Ser/Thr sequence. The sequence of von Willebrand factor includes several regions bearing evidence of internal gene duplication of ancestral sequences. The protein also contains the tetrapeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (at residues 1744-1747), which may be a cell attachment site, as in fibronectin. The amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the molecule contain clusters of half-cystinyl residues. The sequence is unique except for some homology to human complement factor B.  相似文献   

The entire amino acid sequence of bovine neurophysin-II has been redetermined by manual Edman degradation of tryptic peptides obtained from performic acid-oxidized neurophysin. Electrophoretically homogeneous bovine neurophysin-II was found to be a mixture of two species of protein molecules both containing 95 amino acid residues. The only difference between the two species of the neurophysin molecules is a single amino acid substitution at residue 89. Of the bovine neurophysin-II used in this work 70% of the protein material contained valine and 30% contained isoleucine at residue 89 in their sequences. The redetermined sequences of bovine neurophysin-II shown in Fig. 2 differ substantially from the reported sequence of bovine neurophysin-II but resemble closely that of porcine neurophysin-I and ovine neurophysin-III (Fig. 3).  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of bovine platelet factor 4 (PF-4) was determined. Comparison of the 88 residue bovine protein with its 70 residue human counterpart indicated 73% homology. There is 53% homology between this bovine protein and another human platelet protein, beta-thromboglobulin (beta-TG). These heparin binding proteins share greatest homology around a lysine-rich octa-peptide near the carboxy-terminus which is the putative heparin binding domain. Graphic comparison of these proteins suggests that a point mutation at position 55 (human PF-4 numbering) could cause a significant difference among the folding properties of these 3 proteins and might be critical for their different heparin binding properties.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of human acidic fibroblast growth factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complete amino acid sequence of human brain acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) has been established. Human aFGF consists of 140 amino acids and is highly homologous to bovine aFGF (11 amino acid replacements). Results from experiments involving alkylation of cysteine residues are compatible with the possibilities that in aFGF all three cysteines exist as free sulfhydryls, or alternatively, that a disulfide bridge is present but cannot be identified due to disulfide scrambling caused by the SH group of the remaining cysteine. A potential glycosylation site Asn114-Gly115-Ser116 is present in aFGF but the mitogen does not bind to lectins suggesting that it may not be glycosylated.  相似文献   

Method of isolation of the bovine pancreas tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase is improved and a protein with greater than or equal to 99% purity, according to PAGE-SDS, is obtained. The pure enzyme is digested with clostripain and the hydrolysate is separated by FPLC anion-exchange chromatography followed by reversed phase HPLC. Amino acid sequences of 6 individual peptides, including C-terminal one, were determined by the automated Edman degradation. A peptide is also revealed which is encoded with the low degeneracy.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein from bovine cerebellum has been determined. It is composed of 260 amino acid residues and its N-terminus is acetylated. The molecular mass is calculated to be 29 851 Da. The presence of six calcium-binding sites (I-VI) has been proposed, two of them (sites II and VI) have lost their calcium-binding function through amino acid replacements, and the other four are able to bind calcium. Six calcium-binding domains are supposed to be derived from two gene duplications of the two ancestral calcium-binding domains. In comparison with the sequence of chick intestinal calcium-binding protein deduced from a cDNA sequence [(1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 8867-8881], the bovine calcium-binding protein is two amino acid residues shorter at the N-terminus and the other parts show 78.5% identity.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the a subunit of human factor XIII   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Factor XIII is a plasma protein that plays an important role in the final stages of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. The complete amino acid sequence of the a subunit of human factor XIII was determined by a combination of cDNA cloning and amino acid sequence analysis. A lambda gtll cDNA library prepared from human placenta mRNA was screened with an affinity-purified antibody against the a subunit of human factor XIII and then with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe that coded for a portion of the amino acid sequence present in the activation peptide of the a subunit. Six positive clones were identified and shown to code for the a subunit of factor XIII by DNA sequence analysis. A total of 3831 base pairs was determined by sequencing six overlapping cDNA clones. This DNA sequence contains a 5' noncoding region or a region coding for a portion of a pro-piece or leader sequence, the mature protein (731 amino acids), a stop codon (TGA), a 3' noncoding region (1535 nucleotides), and a poly(A) tail (10 nucleotides). When the a subunit of human factor XIII was digested with cyanogen bromide, 11 peptides were isolated by gel filtration and reverse-phase HPLC. Amino acid sequence analyses of these peptides were performed with an automated sequenator, and 363 amino acid residues were identified. These amino acid sequences were in complete agreement with those predicted from the cDNA. The a subunit of factor XIII contained the active site sequence of Tyr-Gly-Gln-Cys-Trp, which is identical with that of tissue transglutaminase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A unique protein that promotes ectopic osteoinduction in the rat has been isolated and characterized. Osteoinductive factor (OIF) was extracted from the organic matrix of bovine bone with 4 M guanidine HCl and purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography, and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. OIF is a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular mass of 22-28 kDa based on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Enzymatic or chemical deglycosylation of OIF reduces its mass to about 12 kDa with apparent loss of activity. OIF activity in the model used is substantially increased by addition of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 or TGF-beta 2, suggesting an important role for TGF-beta 1 and -2 in bone regeneration and repair. The N-terminal sequence of OIF has no homology to other reported proteins.  相似文献   

A fatty-acid-binding protein (FABP) from the cytosol of bovine brain was purified by Sephadex G-75 filtration and electrofocusing. The purified FABP behaved as an anionic protein with an apparent molecular mass of 14.7 kDa; its complete amino acid sequence was determined and microheterogeneity was observed. Sequence comparison with other FABPs of known sequence and the observed microheterogeneity demonstrated the presence in brain of several homologous FABPs closely related to heart FABP and bovine mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI).  相似文献   

The 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex was succinylated using 2-oxo[5-14C]glutarate in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide to label the lipoic acid cofactor of the transuccinylase (E2) component. Following peptic digestion, 14C-lipoate-containing peptides were purified and subjected to automated Edman degradation and amino acid analysis. The amino acid sequence surrounding the lipoyllysine residue is reported.  相似文献   

Isolation and amino acid sequence of bovine platelet factor 4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bovine platelet factor 4 was isolated by affinity chromatography using dextran sulfate Sepharose and purified by subsequent gel filtration. The complete amino acid sequence of this 88-residue, 9505-Da protein was determined by isolation and analysis of the overlapping peptides from tryptic and Staphylococcus aureus hydrolysates of reduced, carboxymethylated, and reductive methylated protein. Primary structure comparison was made between bovine platelet factor 4, human platelet factor 4, and human beta-thromboglobulin. The bovine platelet factor 4 amino-terminal region, which contains two unique phenylalanine residues, is extended by 15 residues relative to human platelet factor 4. The bovine carboxy-terminal region is extended by three residues relative to human platelet factor 4 and differed from beta-thromboglobulin in the absence of two additional terminal residues. Bovine platelet factor 4 shares sequence similarities proportionately with both human platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin. The sequences of the lysine-rich carboxy-terminal putative heparin binding domains are essentially identical for all three proteins. The heparin neutralizing potencies of bovine and human platelet factor 4 are similar: 40 USP units of heparin neutralized per milligram protein, as measured by a modified chromogenic substrate assay. Heparin neutralization was lost by reduction of the disulfide bonds, but only attenuated by tryptic digestion of the intact protein.  相似文献   

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