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A new dustywing genus and species,namely Cretaconiopteryx grandis gen.& sp.nov.,from the mid-Cretaceous amber of Myanmar is herein described in the lacewing family Coniopterygidae.The new genus is distinguished from all other dustywing species by the combination of following morphological features:relatively large body-size,comparatively rich crossvenation,origin of RP+MA near wing base in both fore-and hindwing,forewing RA and RP terminally fused into a loop,and proximally zig-zagged forewing CuP.A new subfamily,Cretaconiopteryginae subfam,nov.,is erected based on this spectacular new genus.The new subfamily might represent the basalmost lineage of known coniopterygids.  相似文献   

The extinct, exclusively Cretaceous wasp family Maimetshidae is newly recorded from Earliest Cenomanian Burmese amber. Two new genera and species are described. Burmaimetsha concava gen. et sp. nov., based on a male and a female, is most similar to Guyotemaimetsha Perrichot, Nel & Néraudeau, from Albian-Cenomanian French amber, but differs in its larger mandibles, distinctly concave face, elongate antennomeres, and forewing with cell [1Rs] smaller and fourth abscissa of Rs shorter. Maimetshasia kachinensis gen. et sp. nov., is based on a male, and is characterized by asymmetric mandibles with two and three teeth, by its forewing venation without cross-vein 2rs-m, with cell [1M] large and trapezoidal, and vein 2Rs + M very short, and by the hind wing without a free apex of Rs. The family was evidently widespread in the Cretaceous, and the new records extend the paleobiogeographical range to the South-East of Eurasia. A discussion about the possible biology of Maimetshidae is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fauna of false fairy wasps (Proctotrupomorpha: Bipetiolarida: Mymarommatoidea) occurring in Early Cretaceous (Albian) amber from north and north‐eastern Spain (Moraza, San Just, and El Soplao outcrops) is described. In total, 12 specimens have been recovered and four species recognized, all new: Alavaromma orchamum gen. nov. and sp. nov. (Alavarommatidae fam. nov.), Archaeromma hispanicum sp. nov. (Mymarommatidae), Galloromma alavaensis sp. nov., and G. turolensis sp. nov. (Gallorommatidae). The study indicates the necessity of revision and maybe fusion of both superfamilies, Mymarommatoidea and Serphitoidea, as the boundaries between them are less and less defined. However, major classificatory rearrangements must await the completion of the cladistic studies presently underway.  相似文献   

Poinar G  Poinar R 《Protist》2004,155(3):305-310
A trypanosomatid (Trypanosomatidae: Kinetoplastida) associated with a blood-filled female sand fly in Cretaceous Burmese amber, is described in the new genus and species, Paleoleishmania proterus. The genus Paleoleishmania is established as a collective genus for digenetic fossil trypanosomes associated with sand flies. Amastigotes, promastigotes and paramastigotes are described. Paleoleishmania proterus is the first fossil kinetoplastid and provides a minimum age for the digenetic Trypanosomatidae. Its discovery indicates that vector-borne pathogens had been established by the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two new tribes in the Curculionoidea are described as the Anchineini Poinar and Legalov, n. trib. (Ithyceridae: Carinae) and Paleocryptorhynchini Poinar and Legalov, n. trib. (Curculionidae: Erirhininae). The genus Anchineus Poinar and Brown, 2009, n. placem. is transferred from the subfamily Curculioninae of the family Curculionidae to the subfamily Carinae of the family Ithyceridae. The genus Paleocryptorhynchus Poinar, 2009, n. placem. is transferred from the subfamily Cryptorhynchinae to the subfamily Erirhininae. The placement of the genus Mesophyletis Poinar, 2006 in the family Ithyceridae was confirmed. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0C0039DD-7BC6-4A54-9282-F43C5606D68B  相似文献   

Divergence time estimates suggest that most clades constituting the fern family Pteridaceae (Polypodiales) were in existence by the Early Cretaceous. However, fossil evidence to corroborate this remains exceedingly rare. Burmese amber is an important source of new information on the radiation of derived fern lineages during the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution. This study describes Heinrichsia cheilanthoides gen. et sp. nov., a fern with suggested affinities to Pteridaceae, based on fertile foliage portions preserved in Early Cretaceous (~100 Ma) amber from Myanmar. Heinrichsia cheilanthoides is characterized by a pinnate‐pinnatifid frond that bears apical, marginal sori protected by a pseudoindusium. Sporangia are of the polypod type and contain tetrahedral‐globose, trilete spores with a striate perine. This discovery provides a new calibration point to test and refine molecular clock‐based concepts of the evolutionary history of the Pteridaceae. Heinrichsia cheilanthoides further substantiates the suggestion that the Cretaceous forests of Myanmar were home to a rich fern flora.  相似文献   

A fossil scorpion belonging to a new family, genus and species, Chaerilobuthus complexus gen. n., sp. n., is described from Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma). This is the third species and the fourth scorpion specimen to have been found and described from Burmese amber. The new family seems quite distinct from the family Archaeobuthidae Lourenço, 2001 described from Cretaceous amber of Lebanon.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of sphaeropsocid bark louse is described and figured from a single individual in Early Cretaceous amber from Hammana, central Lebanon. Asphaeropsocites neli gen. n., sp. n. is the second sphaeropsocid described from Lebanese amber. Like Sphaeropsocites lebanensis Grimaldi & Engel 2006, it has a basal phylogenetic position within Sphaeropsocidae, and adds evidence that these insects were once widespread and global, in the past. The new species is distinguished from related taxa, and a discussion and checklist of sphaeropsocids are provided.  相似文献   

Paleopalynology evidence and megafossil records indicated that tree fern order Cyatheales, played an important role in Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystem. Few fossil records of the family Thyrsopteridaceae have been reported so far. In the present study, we describe a distinctive fertile pinnule segment of a fern plant preserved in a mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. The well-preserved fertile pinnule is identified as a new species of the extant tree fern genus Thyrsopteris (Thyrsopteridaceae): Thyrsopteris cyathindusia n. sp. It represents the second fossil species of Thyrsopteridaceae found in the mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. The new species shows distinctive characteristics of the sporophyll that are considered paleoecologically/paleobiogeographically significant for evolution of the Thyrsopteridaceae.  相似文献   

Mesozoic orthopterans of the family Elcanidae are reported (as nymphs) in amber, from the latest Albian-Cenomanian of northern Myanmar and the Albian of northern Spain. Four distinct new species in two new genera occur, Burmelcana longirostris n. gen, n. sp. in amber from Myanmar and Hispanelcana arilloi n. gen, n. sp., H. alavensis n. sp. and H. lopezvallei n. sp. from Spanish amber. Detailed preservation reveals the fine structure of the tibial spurs and spines that are so distinctive to Elcanidae, as well as details of the abdominal styli, cerci, tarsomeres, and mouthparts. Elcanidae and their stem group, Permelcanidae, are known from the Early Permian to the Early Cretaceous (Aptian), so the amber fossils represent the latest known occurrence of this clade.  相似文献   

The developmental stages of feathers are of major importance in the evolution of body covering and the origin of avian flight. Until now, there were significant gaps in knowledge of early morphologies in theoretical stages of feathers as well as in palaeontological material. Here we report fossil evidence of an intermediate and critical stage in the incremental evolution of feathers which has been predicted by developmental theories but hitherto undocumented by evidence from both the recent and the fossil records. Seven feathers have been found in an Early Cretaceous (Late Albian, ca 100 Myr) amber of western France, which display a flattened shaft composed by the still distinct and incompletely fused bases of the barbs forming two irregular vanes. Considering their remarkably primitive features, and since recent discoveries have yielded feathers of modern type in some derived theropod dinosaurs, the Albian feathers from France might have been derived either from an early bird or from a non-avian dinosaur.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of mantidflies, Doratomantispa burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), is described from Burmese amber. Diagnostic characters of the new genus are small body size, trichosors present around entire wing margin except basally, protarsus 5-segmented with paired, simple claws but no aroleum, profemur bearing six cuticular spines, inner surface of protibia with row of peg-like protrusions, Sc meets R1 in region of pterostigma, costal space greatly narrows toward wing apex, with 16 veinlets in costal space on front wing while costal veinlets on hind wing are replaced by trichosors and CuP absent in hind wing. The abdomen of the mantidfly is filled with large spheres resulting from a possible rickettsial infection. Phoretic heterostigmatid mites are adjacent to the wings of the fossil.  相似文献   

New Ceratopogonidae from the Early Cretaceous amber of Hammana (Central Lebanon) are studied. Five new species (Lebanoculicoides daheri sp. nov., Protoculicoides krzeminskii sp. nov., Archiaustroconops annae sp. nov., Archiaustroconops hammanensis sp. nov., and Archiaustroconops dominiakae sp. nov.) are characterized, described, illustrated, and compared with other Cretaceous taxa. New keys for species of the three genera Lebanoculioides, Protoculicoides, and Archiaustroconops, but also for all genera of Lebanese fossil biting midges, are proposed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of mites, Protoresinacarus brevipedis gen. n., sp. n. (Acari: Heterostigmata: Pyemotoidea), is described from Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. This represents the first fossil record of a member of the family Resinacaridae. It is represented by 21 phoretic females adjacent to an adult mantidfly (Neuroptera: Mantispidae). This is the first record of phoresy of pyemotid mites on members of the insect order Neuroptera. The fossil mites differ from extant members of the family in possessing distinctly shorter legs I, which do not reach beyond the apex of the gnathosoma, and by the long setae v 1, v 2 and c 2.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102060
A new Mesozoic webspinner (Embiodea) is described and figured based on a moderately well-preserved male in mid-Cretaceous (earliest Cenomanian) amber from northern Myanmar. Perissoclothoda myrrhokaris gen. et sp. nov. is the second fossil representative of the putatively primitive family Clothodidae. It differs from the Cretaceous and more recent Embiodea in several plesiomorphic characters, namely a quadrate mentum, approximately oval submentum, subgenae not meet medially (thus a ventral bridge or gula is lacking), completely symmetrical terminalia, and dimerous cerci. This new find sheds further light on the diversity and morphological disparity of fossil webspinners during the Late Mesozoic.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:11A49D4A-4042-4AA3-858F-919E1A84B879.  相似文献   

Poinar G  Huber JT 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):461-472
Myanmymar aresconoidesgen n., sp. n. is described from one female in Burmese amber, dated as about 100 my. It is similar to Arescon on wing features but is unique among Mymaridae in having distinctly segmented palpi. It is the fifth mymarid genus definitely referable to the Cretaceous period. A key to Cretaceous mymarid genera is presented and the features of Myanmymar are compared with the other Cretaceous and extant mymarid genera.  相似文献   

A virtually complete specimen of the family Mesoraphidiidae (Insecta: Raphidioptera) is described as Cantabroraphidia marcanoi n. gen., n. sp. It was found in early Albian amber from a new deposit named El Soplao within the Las Peñosas Fm. in northwestern Cantabria (Spain). It has been compared to all adult fossils placed in the Mesozoic family Mesoraphidiidae. Some taxonomical comments are provided, and we propose to restore the genus Yanoraphidia Ren 1995 and the combination Yanoraphidia gaoi Ren 1995 stat. rest., provisionally retained in the family Mesoraphidiidae.  相似文献   

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