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The Brazilian Coastal Plain of the Pampa Biome (CPPB), has suffered fragmentation caused by resource extraction and cattle raising. In turn, conservation proposals are needed to prevent the anthropisation of Pampa natural areas. The first step towards conservation proposals by using insects is fauna inventories, providing data support for legislators. Thus, we undertook a regional and broad-scale sampling survey to investigate the diversity of Muscidae flies in protected and non-protected areas of CPPB. In addition, we carried out an ecological guild diversity analysis as a metric approach of bioindication. The Muscidae sampling resulted in 6314 specimens, 98 species taxa in 31 genera. Based on diversity estimators, our sampling represents 70–86% of all muscids of CPPB. The highest diversity occurs in Pelotas streams (non-protected) and Taim Ecological Station (a huge protected area). Despite the fact these areas are more diversified and present more predatory muscid species than others, invasive species associated with livestock were observed at a higher level, providing evidence of the impact of livestock proximity to protected areas. Based on biological characters of Muscidae species and ecological guild analysis, we were able to identify: (i) high diversity of carnivorous species associated with forested and more preserved areas and (ii) a high level of a few saprophagous species as indicator of anthropisation process. In general, our results represent a significant step towards understanding Muscidae in Southern Brazil, and we demonstrate how the population ecology of muscid flies supports data to conservation proposals.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(3):880-888
Arecanut (Areca catechu) is one of the most important commercial crops in India, which grows extensively in the malnad and coastal areas. White grubs are the most important pests on this crop and cause considerable yield loss. Surveys were conducted to record species that are infested with white grubs of Karnataka and Kerala states. Three species of white grubs were collected and described using morphological and molecular characters. A detailed study of male genitalial structures such as aedeagus and endophallus in three species of Leucopholis Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) viz., Leucopholis lepidophora Blanchard, 1850, Leucopholis burmeisteri Brenske, 1894 and Leucopholis coneophora Burmeister, 1855 showed substantial differences. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene was sequenced for molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis in this respect. L. lepidophora, L. burmeisteri and L. coneophora species were successfully identified by employing COXI gene. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the COXI DNA barcode fragment of Leucopholis species and out-group taxa, available in genetic databases, confirms the species identity.  相似文献   

五种鳃金龟幼虫描述(鞘翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对日胸突鳃金龟Hoplosternus japonicus Harold,坦狭肋鳃金龟Holotrichia tonkinensis Moser,白云鳃金龟替代亚种Polyphylla alba vicaria Semenov,大皱鳃金龟Trematodes grandis Semenov和二色希鳃金龟Hilyotrogus bicoloreus(Heyden)5种幼虫首次进行了形态描述,绘制了特征图,并编制了幼虫分类检索表。  相似文献   

Incidental sounds produced by Phyllophaga crinita (Burmeister) and Cyclocephala lurida (Bland) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) white grubs were monitored with single- and multiple-sensor acoustic detection systems in turf fields and golf course fairways in Texas. The maximum detection range of an individual acoustic sensor was measured in a greenhouse as approximately the area enclosed in a 26.5-cm-diameter perimeter (552 cm2). A single-sensor acoustic system was used to rate the likelihood of white grub infestation at monitored sites, and a four-sensor array was used to count the numbers of white grubs at sites where infestations were identified. White grub population densities were acoustically estimated by dividing the estimated numbers of white grubs by the area of the detection range. For comparisons with acoustic monitoring methods, infestations were assessed also by examining 10-cm-diameter soil cores collected with a standard golf cup-cutter. Both acoustic and cup-cutter assessments of infestation and estimates of white grub population densities were verified by excavation and sifting of the soil around the sensors after each site was monitored. The single-sensor acoustic method was more successful in assessing infestations at a recording site than was the cup-cutter method, possibly because the detection range was larger than the area of the soil core. White grubs were recovered from >90% of monitored sites rated at medium or high likelihood of infestation. Infestations were successfully identified at 23 of the 24 sites where white grubs were recovered at densities >50/m2, the threshold for economic damage. The four-sensor array yielded the most accurate estimates of the numbers of white grubs in the detection range, enabling reliable, nondestructive estimation of white grub population densities. However, tests with the array took longer and were more difficult to perform than tests with the single sensor.  相似文献   

The oil palm is an economically important crop cultivated in the North of Brazil. Damage caused by insects is one of the main causes of reduced productivity for the oil palm. Before this research, only the beetles of the family Curculionidae were considered to be oil palm pests in Brazil. However, for the first time, we report on the damage caused by a giant rhinoceros beetle to oil palm plantations in Pará, Brazil. The beetle was identified as Golofa claviger (Linnaeus, 1771), which has a single record in Brazil (Pará) but is widely distributed in South America. The species occurs in an unprecedentedly high abundance of local specimens. The attacks are concentrated on the central cluster of young palms. Feeding behavior is identified as the main cause of the damage as the beetles use their mouthparts to rip the plant tissues, causing wedge-shaped cuts on young fronds that have not yet unfurled. After an attack, the leaflets of the unfurled fronds are partially destroyed.  相似文献   

Insecticides are widely used to manage turfgrass pest such as white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta (Buren) are important predators and pests in managed turfgrass. We tested the susceptibility of white grub life stages (adults, egg, and larvae) to predation by S. invicta and determined if insecticides applied for control of S. invicta would result in locally greater white grub populations. Field trials over 2 yr evaluated bifenthrin, fipronil, and hydramethylnon applied to large and small scale turfgrass plots for impacts on fire ant foraging and white grub populations. Coincident with these trials, adults, larvae, and eggs of common scarab species were evaluated for susceptibility to predation by S. invicta under field conditions. Field trials with insecticides failed to show a significant increase in white grub populations resulting from treatment of turfgrass for fire ants. This, in part, may be because of a lack of predation of S. invicta on adult and larval scarabs. Egg predation was greatest at 70% but < 20% of adults and larvae were attacked in a 24 h test. Contrary to other studies, results presented here suggest that fire ants and fire ant control products applied to turfgrass have a minimal impact on white grub populations.  相似文献   

Chroniodiplogaster aerivora (Cobb) was isolated from immature pest June beetles Phyllophaga spp., in southern Quebec. The natural occurrence of the entomogenous nematode in the damaging grub stage of the beetle was frequent and widespread in the study area. Laboratory and small field plot infectivity tests, and behavioral studies confirmed the parasitic nature of the nematode. It was successfully maintained in cold storage for 22 months and was easily cultured on nutrient agar supplemented with grub tissues. A modified Baermann funnel was efficient in extracting large numbers of live C. aerivora from infected grubs. Chroniodiplogaster aerivora demonstrated sufficient tolerance to environmental factors for it to be retested on a larger scale and even considered for field control of Phyllophaga and possibly other scarabaeid beetles.  相似文献   

Root-feeding grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were sampled from damaged areas of 61 irrigated roughs on 32 Kentucky golf courses to determine species composition and natural enemy incidence, the first such survey in the United States' transitional turfgrass climatic zone. Masked chafers (Cyclocephala lurida Bland and C. borealis Arrow) and Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) accounted for ≈73 and 26% of grubs found in an autumn survey, with Cyclocephala spp. predominating at most sites, although mixed infestations were common. Only a few Phyllophaga spp., and no exotic species other than P. japonica were found. Cyclocephala spp. also predominated in seasonal and statewide surveys regardless of whether a course had cool- or warm-season grass fairways. Pathogenic bacteria, Paenibacillus and Serratia spp., and the autumn-active parasitoid Tiphia pygidialis Allen were the main enemies associated with Cyclocephala spp. Predominant enemies of P. japonica were Paenibacillus, Serratia, and Metarhizium spp. in autumn, and eugregarines, Stictospora sp. (probably S. villani Hays and Clopton) and Tiphia vernalis Rohwer in spring. Entomopathogenic nematodes and the microsporidian Ovavesicula popilliae Andreadis & Hanula were nearly absent in our samples. No predictive relationships were found between soil parameters and proportionate abundance of Cyclocephala or P. japonica, or with natural enemy incidence at particular sites. Although incidence of individual enemies was generally low (<20%; often <5%) in these point-in-time surveys, collectively and over their hosts' prolonged development they may take a significant toll on grub populations.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to measure the effects of four commonly used turfgrass insecticides (isofenphos, diazinon, imidacloprid, halofenozide) on white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and ant predators of white grub eggs. Ant populations were measured over time with canned tuna, whereas predation by the ants was measured with artificially placed Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, eggs. The effectiveness of each insecticide at controlling Japanese beetle grubs, when applied at different times during the growing season, also was measured. Isofenphos and diazinon significantly reduced both ant numbers and white grub egg predation, whereas imidacloprid and one halofenozide treatment did not significantly impact either measurement. A second halofenozide treatment significantly reduced white grub egg predation. Isofenphos and diazinon were ineffective at controlling Japanese beetle grubs when applied in June but were highly efficacious when applied in August. Evidence of enhanced biodegradation was found in plots that received both June and August applications of diazinon. Both June and August applications of imidacloprid and halofenozide provided good control of white grubs.  相似文献   

东北大黑鳃金龟嗅感器超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙凡  胡基华  王广利  彭璐 《昆虫学报》2007,50(7):675-681
利用扫描电镜和透射电镜对东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia成虫触角嗅感器进行超微结构研究。结果表明: 其嗅感器集中于触角鳃片上,着生在表皮内陷形成的凹腔里。嗅感器包括锥形感器和板形感器两种,锥形感器根据锥体形状的差异可分为4种类型,板形感器根据盘体形状的不同可分为5种类型。嗅感器表皮为单壁,壁上具有微孔和孔道微管。嗅感器内神经元的数目并不一致,1~3个不等。雄性触角鳃片的长度长于雌性触角鳃片,并且雄性触角嗅感器的总数远远多于雌性,其中雄性板形感器的数目与雌性差异不大,但雄性锥形感器的数目却远远的多于雌性,几乎是雌性的9倍。由此推测锥形感器是感受性信息素的感器,而板形感器用于感受植物气味。  相似文献   

【目的】筛选可有效引诱华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita成虫的引诱剂配方用于生态防控。【方法】选取5种植物挥发物、2种华北大黑鳃金龟聚集信息素和1种性信息素,根据各化合物单体最佳引诱浓度进行两两混配,得到植物挥发物+聚集信息素、植物挥发物+性信息素和聚集信息素+性信息素共17种二元引诱剂配方。通过触角电位(EAG)反应和趋性行为反应逐步筛选出引诱效果较好的配方。将所筛选配方与其单一组分通过趋性行为反应进行引诱效果比较,并通过室内笼罩诱捕检验配方对华北大黑鳃金龟成虫的引诱效果。【结果】通过EAG反应及趋性行为反应从17种二元引诱剂配方中逐步筛选出了对华北大黑鳃金龟成虫具有较强引诱作用的3种配方,即顺-3-己烯基乙酸酯+顺-9-十八烯乙酸酯,1-己醇+顺-9-十八烯乙酸酯和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯+甘氨酸甲酯,它们引起的华北大黑鳃金龟雌虫EAG反应相对值分别为5 981%, 5 796%和5 722%,引起的雄虫EAG反应相对值分别为3 983%, 4 712%和3 809%。趋性行为反应试验中,引起华北大黑鳃金龟成虫选择反应率最高的为配方邻苯二甲酸二丁酯+甘氨酸甲酯,成虫选择反应...  相似文献   

This paper presents the first phylogenetic analysis of Pachydeminae Reitter, 1902 ; one of the least known subfamilies of Melolonthidae, `leaf‐chafers' (Scarabaeoidea, Coleoptera). Some species of Pachydeminae have recently become agricultural pests in southern Spain. We analysed the phylogenetic relationships among 49 species belonging to 16 genera in the Palearctic region, based on a set of 63 morphological characters from the adult external morphology, wing anatomy, mouthparts and male and female genitalia. The last three sets of characters are described here for the first time. The phylogeny shows that the Palearctic Pachydeminae are monophyletic within the subfamily. Mouthparts and male and female genitalia provide the best synapomorphies for intergeneric relationships. In contrast, most of the external morphological characters used in the taxonomy of Pachydeminae are highly homoplastic. The phylogeny shows a basal split between the genera Hemictenius Reitter, 1897; Pachydema Castelnau, 1832, and the monospecific Peritryssus Reitter, 1918; and a second clade including the rest of genera. The remarkable Peritryssus is confirmed as a Pachydeminae, being the sister group to the monophyletic Hemictenius . Except for the position of P. rubripennis (Lucas, 1848) and P. zhora Normand, 1951, the phylogeny supports the monophyly of Pachydema but rejects the traditional division into species groups and the monophyly of the endemic Canarian species. In contrast, Tanyproctus Faldermann, 1835, must be rejected as polyphyletic. Otoclinius Brenske, 1896, is also probably polyphyletic (two new species synonymies), whereas Leptochristina Baraud and Branco, 1991 , is either mono‐ or paraphyletic. The two Mediterranean genera Ceramida Baraud, 1897, and Elaphocera Gené, 1836, form a monophyletic group, this clade being the best supported by the data set. Ceramida is clearly monophyletic, whereas Elaphocera is probably monophyletic except for E. barbara Rambur, 1843, which shares with Ceramida the character state for numerous mouthpart and genitalic characters. The phylogeny questions the generic status of the small and monospecific genera of Pachydeminae. The monotypic Alaia Petrovitz, 1980 , and Brenskiella Berg, 1898, are merged with Europtron Marseul, 1867, into one clade, whereas Atanyproctus Petrovitz, 1954, is grouped with some species of Tanyproctus , and the monotypic Pachydemocera Reitter, 1902 , is proposed as a junior synonym of Elaphocera .  相似文献   

We tested biological control agents for the control of 3rd-instar scarab turfgrass pests, both for the masked chafer Cyclocephala hirta LeConte and the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman. The former species is endemic in California whereas the latter, although not yet established, constitutes a permanent serious threat to agriculture and horticulture in California. We conducted experiments using C. hirta in California and P. japonica in New Jersey. A field trial conducted in 2 different California turfgrass sites compared the field persistence in the absence of hosts of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subspecies japonensis Buibui strain, the milky disease bacterium, Paenibacillus (=Bacillus) popilliae (Dutky), and the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema kushidai Mamiya and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar to that of the organophosphate diazinon. Soil samples taken 0-70 d after applications were bio-assayed with P. japonica. Only diazinon and the entomopathogenic nematode S. kushidai caused substantial mortality and S. kushidai activity persisted significantly longer than diazinon activity. In greenhouse experiments, combinations of entomopathogenic nematode species usually resulted in additive mortality of scarab larvae. Combinations of S. kushidai and diazinon also resulted in additive mortality. In field trials, the efficacy of H. bacteriophora and especially S. kushidai and S. glaseri, was comparable to that of diazinon over 14-18 d. However, it is likely that at least S. kushidai would have outperformed diazinon over an extended period because of its longer persistence and potential for recycling in the hosts. S. kushidai, should it become commercially available, deserves further examination as an alternative to chemical white grub control especially as a highly compatible component of sustainable turfgrass management.  相似文献   

张诺  陈立  谢广林 《昆虫学报》2021,64(9):1112-1119
【目的】华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita是一种分布范围广,寄主种类多的农业害虫。本研究鉴定了桃树顶空挥发物中对华北大黑鳃金龟雌虫具有触角电生理活性的化合物,并探索桃树挥发物活性成分的剂量对华北大黑鳃金龟雌、雄虫触角电生理反应的影响。【方法】采用顶空吸附法收集桃树枝叶挥发物,用气相色谱 触角电位联用技术(GC-EAD)和气相色谱 质谱联用技术(GC-MS)鉴定有电生理活性的桃树挥发物成分,最后用触角电位(electroantennograph, EAG)技术测试这些挥发物在0.01,0.1, 1, 10和100 μg剂量下引起的华北大黑鳃金龟雌、雄成虫EAG反应。【结果】桃树挥发物中能引起华北大黑鳃金龟雌成虫触角电生理反应的成分有7种,包括Z-β-罗勒烯、顺-3-己烯乙酸酯、顺-3-己烯醇、壬醛、水杨酸甲酯以及2种未知化合物。所测试的对华北大黑鳃金龟雌成虫触角具有电生理活性的5种桃树挥发物成分在各剂量下都能引起雌、雄成虫明显的EAG反应。雌、雄虫对同种物质的EAG反应随着剂量的增加而有增大的趋势,并且雌虫的EAG反应显著高于雄虫。【结论】桃树挥发物中,罗勒烯、顺-3-己烯乙酸酯、顺-3-己烯醇、壬醛、水杨酸甲酯均能引起华北大黑鳃金龟雌、雄成虫的剂量依赖性的触角电生理反应,而且存在显著的性别差异。可利用这些化合物开展行为反应和田间诱集试验,进一步验证其对华北大黑鳃金龟的引诱活性。  相似文献   

The declining European ground beetle Carabus variolosus, an indicator of undisturbed woodland brooks and swamps, is listed in the EU Species and Habitats Directive. Little is known about this flightless and endangered beetle, apart from its distribution range and habitat stenotopy. We present the results of a 2-year mark-release-recapture study on two neighbouring populations in Germany, which investigated basic parameters of population ecology that may be influential in the persistence of the beetle. Extremely small population sizes were the key findings. Since population densities corresponded to those of typical Carabus species, the size of the habitats was most probably the limiting factor. The risk of heavy losses during offspring development and hibernation may be alleviated by the considerable proportion of C. variolosus reproducing in more than 1 year. The fact that we did not recapture any marked specimens from the neighbouring population suggests a very limited dispersal power. The results imply a high vulnerability of the species, provide basic methodological information for an implementation of the EC Directive and for further research, and highlight the necessity to enlarge populated habitats.  相似文献   

This paper reports a phytosociological study on managed hay meadow communities in the main mountains of the Spanish Central Range. Multivariate techniques (Cluster analysis and CA-ordination) were applied in the classification of the relevés and ordination of vegetation units and species. Clusters were related to the following associations: Agrostio castellanae–Arrhenatheretum bulbosi, Festuco amplae–Cynosuretum cristati, and F. amplae–Agrostietum castellanae. The scattergram suggested that the dynamic patterns between communities are associated with soil nutrient content and moisture. We propose a new subassociation: F. amplae–A. castellanae gaudinietosum fragilis that includes Salmantincensean Agrostis castellana communities growing in regions with lower supramediterranean thermotype.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out to study food and oviposition preference by Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) on different plant species as Cajanus cajan L. (pigeon pea), Crotalaria juncea L. (sun hemp), Crotalaria spectabilis Roth (showy crotalaria), Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don (slenderleaf rattlebox), Glycine max [L.] Merrill (soybean), Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton), Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower), Stizolobium aterrimum [Mucuna aterrima] Piper Tracey (velvetbean) and Zea mays L. (mayze). In no-choice experiments, the number of eggs layed in sunflower, C. juncea and soybean was larger compared to cotton. Despite the fact that the adults did not discriminate among plants, in dual-choice test, the proportion of eggs layed and leaf consumption by P. cuyabana adults in soybean were significantly higher than in C. spectabilis. The larval distribution in the soil was at random in multiple-choice, without any trend of preference, but in dual-choice, when soybean was the control, larvae always preferred to feed on its roots. P. cuyabana adults had preference for more suitable hosts and that could stand their offspring survival. This behaviour can be usefully exploited in an integrated management program for this pest.  相似文献   

Two endemic scarab pests, Schizonycha affinis Boheman and Hypopholis sommeri Burmeister (Coleoptera: Melolonthinae) have increased in prevalence in the sugarcane producing regions of the KwaZulu‐Natal Midlands, South Africa. The crop losses associated with their feeding, the failure of chemical insecticides applied for their control, and the recent discovery of Beauveria brongniartii (Sacc.) Petch (Ascomycota: Cordycipitaceae) epizootics on these pests, have generated interest in the development of a mycoinsecticide targeting adults and larvae of these species. Previous research, using microsatellite markers, identified low levels of genetic diversity among isolates of B. brongniartii collected from two field sites where epizootics occurred. The virulence of 21 of these closely related B. brongniartii isolates and two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin was evaluated. Bioassays were conducted against adults and larvae of S. affinis, and adult Tenebrio molitor (L.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) as a surrogate test insect. The closely related B. brongniartii isolates varied significantly in their virulence towards both S. affinis (50.1–95% mortality) and T. molitor (39–74% mortality), with a number of these not highly virulent against either of these insect species. Those isolates sharing a haplotype did not vary in virulence. Adults of S. affinis were more susceptible than larvae to isolates of B. brongniartii. The median lethal concentration (LC50) required to kill half the adult S. affinis test insects was 7.65 × 106 conidia per millilitre. Schizonycha affinis second instar larvae had a median survival time of 17.5 days when exposed to some B. brongniartii isolates; however, third instars survived significantly longer with a median of 21 days. Third instars exposed to the highest concentration of B. brongniartii isolate HHWG1 survived for a median time of 15 days. Bioassays supported the finding that genetically closely related isolates may vary in their virulence, even if they were obtained from the same field epizootics.  相似文献   

The external morphology of sensilla on the antennae of males and females of Phyllophaga ravida Blanchard is described using scanning electron microscopy. Sexual dimorphism in body and antennal dimensions and in antennal receptor types was found. The female's body is slightly larger than the male's, although male antennal lamellae are longer than in females. Sixteen types of sensilla were identified on the proximal and distal surfaces of lamellae from both sexes, most of them in males: three types of placodea sensilla, four types of auricilica sensilla, five types of basiconica sensilla, and four types of coeloconica sensilla. Also, two types of mechanoreceptor sensilla were present on the lamellae periphery. Furthermore, males had larger placodea, auricilica and some types of basiconica sensilla.  相似文献   

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