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Chemical communication plays a critical role in sexual selection and speciation in fishes; however, it is generally assumed that most fish pheromones are passively released since most fishes lack specialized scent glands or scent-marking behavior. Swordtails (genus Xiphophorus) are widely used in studies of female mate choice, and female response to male chemical cues is important to sexual selection, reproductive isolation, and hybridization. However, it is unclear whether females are attending to passively produced cues, or to pheromones produced in the context of communication.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used fluorescein dye injections to visualize pulsed urine release in male sheepshead swordtails, Xiphophorus birchmanni. Simultaneous-choice assays of mating preference showed that females attend to species- and sex-specific chemical cues emitted in male urine. Males urinated more frequently in the presence and proximity of an audience (conspecific females). In the wild, males preferentially courted upstream of females, facilitating transmission of pheromone cues.


Males in a teleost fish have evolved sophisticated temporal and spatial control of pheromone release, comparable to that found in terrestrial animals. Pheromones are released specifically in a communicative context, and the timing and positioning of release favors efficient signal transmission.  相似文献   

Females increase their risk of mating with heterospecifics whenthey prefer the traits of conspecifics that overlap with traitsfound in heterospecifics. Xiphophorus pygmaeus females havea strong preference for larger males, which could lead to femalespreferring to mate with heterospecific males; almost all sympatricX. cortezi males are larger than X. pygmaeus males. In thisstudy, we show that X. pygmaeus females preferred the chemicalcues from conspecifics over those of X. cortezi males. However,preference for the chemical cues of conspecifics could not reversethe preference for larger heterospecific males. Only when femaleswere presented with two species-specific cues (vertical barsand chemical cues) did more females spend more time on averagewith the smaller conspecific males. These results support the"backup signal" hypothesis for the evolution of multiple preferences;together, the two species-specific cues increased the accuracywith which females were able to avoid heterospecific males.In addition, the results suggest that in those situations inwhich the traits of conspecifics overlap with traits found inheterospecifics, females can use the assessment of multiplecues to avoid mating with heterospecifics without compromisingtheir preference for the highest-quality conspecific.  相似文献   

Female and male mate choices can reinforce reproductive isolation after sympatric speciation. Using a binary choice design, we examine the importance of visual cues in female mate choice in all three sympatric species of pupfish on San Salvador Island. We also examine the importance of olfactory cues in female choice of the hard‐shelled invertebrate specialist (Cyprinodon brontotheroides). We examine male mate choice in two of the three species, the scale eater (C. desquamator) and the detritivore (C. variegatus). Females of all three species use visual cues and prefer conspecific males. C. brontotheroides females do not use olfactory cues to discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific males. Males of C. desquamator and C. variegatus also preferentially court conspecific females. Thus, mutual mate choice, where both females and males exhibit mate choice, acts as a strong behavioral pre‐mating isolation mechanism in these sympatrically speciated pupfish.  相似文献   

Mate recognition is critical to the maintenance of reproductiveisolation, and animals use an array of sensory modalities toidentify conspecific mates. In particular, olfactory informationcan be an important component of mate recognition systems. Weinvestigated whether odor is involved in mate recognition ina sympatric benthic and limnetic species pair of three-spinedsticklebacks (Gasterosteus spp.), for which visual cues andsignals are known to play a role in premating isolation. Weallowed gravid females of each species to choose between waterscented by a heterospecific male and water scented by a conspecificmale. Benthic females preferred the conspecific male stimuluswater significantly more often than the heterospecific malestimulus water, whereas limnetic females showed no preference.These species thus differ in their odor and may also differin their use of olfaction to recognize conspecific mates. Thesedifferences are likely a consequence of adaptation to disparateenvironments. Differences in diet, foraging mode, habitat, andparasite exposure may explain our finding that odor might bean asymmetric isolating mechanism in these sympatric sticklebackspecies.  相似文献   

Female Xiphophorus montezumae were attracted to olfactory cues from conspecific and heterospecific (X. cortezi and X. nigrensis) males when given a choice between the stimulus and water. When given a choice between conspecific and heterospecific cues, females only demonstrated a strong preference for the conspecific stimulus when it was matched against X. nigrensis. Female X. nigrensis were attracted to olfactory cues from their close relative, X. cortezi, but did not respond to cues from the more distantly related X. montezumae. They preferred the scent of their own males to the olfactory cues of both heterospecific species. Our results indicate that X. cortezi and X. nigrensis share an apomorphic change in some aspect of their olfactory cue-receiver system that is not shared with X. montezumae. We also uncovered an asymmetry in response based on olfactory stimuli in these fishes: X. montezumae is moderately attracted to the cue from X. nigrensis, whereas X. nigrensis does not respond to the cue from X. montezumae at all.  相似文献   

Preexisting receiver biases can affect the evolution of sexually selected traits once traits favored by such biases arise. Female guayacón olmeca, Priapella olmecae , and green swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri , possess a bias favoring sworded conspecific males, despite phylogenetic evidence that the sexually selected sword expressed by male swordtails arose in Xiphophorus after the divergence of the two genera. In this study, we investigated the state of the bias favoring a sword in male Priapella and Xiphophorus to determine whether males also possess a bias that could operate in an intersexual selection context. Male P. olmecae preferred conspecific females with swords to those without swords. Thus, males and females in this unsworded species appear to share a preexisting bias favoring individuals of the opposite sex with swords. Male X. helleri , however, did not express a bias favoring sworded females; instead, in this species in which the sword is restricted to males, males discriminated against conspecific females with swords. Previous work suggests that female mate choice and male–male competition likely contribute to the maintenance of the sword in X. helleri . The sword may also play a role in sex recognition in swordtails. The absence of a sword preference in male green swordtails could reflect the current function of the sword.  相似文献   

Adults of the Japanese nine-spotted moth, Amata fortunei, are diurnal and have white-spotted black wings and a black-and-yellow striped body pattern. We evaluated whether this species uses sex pheromones and whether visual cues from the female body are used in mate recognition. We introduced extracts of potentially scent-bearing abdominal tips of females to males. Males responded more to the extracts than to dried female specimens, suggesting the presence of sex pheromones in the extracts. Indeed, no males responded to the dried female specimens. To evaluate the importance of visual cues, we conducted the experiments with crude extract and an additional model stimulant. Males responded more to model females with the same number and similar area of yellow bands to the original conspecific females than to those with more bands and greater total band area, suggesting that dissimilarity in band number and area to conspecific females could interrupt male mating behavior. Males of A. fortunei likely find mating partners using olfactory cues over relatively long distances, while using both olfactory and visual cues over short distances. These results suggest that olfactory cues play a major role in mate recognition, whereas visual cues play a supplementary role.  相似文献   

The presence of a predator can result in the alteration, loss or reversal of a mating preference. Under predation risk, females often change their initial preference for conspicuous males, favouring less flashy males to reduce the risk of being detected by predators. Previous studies on predator‐induced plasticity in mate preferences have given females a choice between more and less conspicuous conspecific males. However, in species that naturally hybridize, it is also possible that females might choose an inconspicuous heterospecific male over a conspicuous conspecific male under predation risk. Our study addresses this question using the green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) and the southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), which are sympatric in the wild. We hypothesized that X. helleri females would prefer the sworded conspecific males in the absence of a predator but favour the less conspicuous, swordless, heterospecific males in the presence of a predator. Contrary to our expectation, females associated more with the heterospecific male than the conspecific male in the control (no predator) treatment, and they were non‐choosy in the predator treatment. This might reflect that females were attracted to the novel male phenotype when there was no risk of predation but became more neophobic after predator exposure. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, our results suggest that predation pressure may affect female preferences for conspecific versus heterospecific males. We also found striking within‐population, between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity: females differed in the strength and direction of their preferences, as well as in the extent to which they altered their preferences in response to changes in perceived predation risk. Such variation in female preferences for heterospecific males could potentially lead to temporal and spatial variation in hybridization rates in the wild.  相似文献   

Studies of mate choice evolution tend to focus on how female mating preferences are acquired and how they select for greater elaboration of male traits. By contrast, far less is known about how female preferences might be lost or reversed. In swordtail fish Xiphophorus, female preference for the sword ornament is an ancestral trait. Xiphophorus birchmanni, however, is one species that has secondarily lost the sword. Using synthetic animation playback of "virtual" males, we found that female X. birchmanni preferred a swordless conspecific over a sworded heterospecific. Moreover, when offered the choice between a conspecific without a sword and one with a digitally attached sword, females preferred the former. These results suggest female preferences need not always select for elaboration of male traits, and they provide a plausible explanation for the lack of introgression of a sexual trait in a naturally occurring hybrid zone.  相似文献   

We examined interspecific female mating preferences in fourclosely related species of cichlid belonging to the Pseudotropheuszebra species complex of Lake Malawi. These species differin coloration but are similar in other respects, suggestingthat male color patterns may be important to female mate choicein species recognition. To test this hypothesis, we presented females from each species with a choice of four males, one ofher own species and three others that were each of a differentspecies. We also gave each female a choice between the threeheterospecific males only. In all four species, females showeda significant preference for conspecific males in the four-waychoice and chose the male with the most similar color patternto the conspecific male in the three-way choice. These resultsare discussed with reference to the theory of sexual selectionon color patterns as a means of sympatric speciation in cichlids.  相似文献   

Guppies are highly sexually dimorphic and females have been shown to mate preferentially with males with various visible traits. Guppies, however, have been shown to respond behaviourally to odour cues from conspecifics. Using a specially designed olfactory choice tank, we tested whether females (1) could detect other guppies on the basis of their olfactory cues alone, (2) preferred to associate with males or with females and (3) could distinguish between different males. Female guppies were found to associate preferentially with other guppies when given a choice between water containing cues from another fish and water containing no cues. When females were presented with olfactory cues from a male or a female, they preferred the female initially but most then reversed their decision and swam to the male. Females associated preferentially with certain males based upon olfactory cues alone. Males, however, preferred on the basis of olfactory cues were the least preferred for visual cues.  相似文献   

Animals often use different sensory systems to assess different sexually selected signals from potential mates. However, the relative importance of different signals on mate choice is not well understood in many animal species. In this study, we examined the relative importance of male olfactory and visual cues on female preference in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. We used digitally modified male images to standardize visual stimuli. We found that, regardless of whether females were presented without male visual stimuli or with identical male visual stimuli, they preferred stimuli with the odor of males to those without. However, when females were allowed to choose between dull male visual stimuli with male odor, and brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor, there was no clear preference for either. Some females preferred the dull male visual stimuli with male odor, whereas some other females preferred the brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor. These results indicate that the relative importance of olfactory and visual cues in female mate preference varied between individuals.  相似文献   

Guppies are highly sexually dimorphic and females have been shown to mate preferentially with males with various visible traits. Guppies, however, have been shown to respond behaviourally to odour cues from conspecifics. Using a specially designed olfactory choice tank, we tested whether females (1) could detect other guppies on the basis of their olfactory cues alone, (2) preferred to associate with males or with females and (3) could distinguish between different males. Female guppies were found to associate preferentially with other guppies when given a choice between water containing cues from another fish and water containing no cues. When females were presented with olfactory cues from a male or a female, they preferred the female initially but most then reversed their decision and swam to the male. Females associated preferentially with certain males based upon olfactory cues alone. Males, however, preferred on the basis of olfactory cues were the least preferred for visual cues.  相似文献   

The ability to recognise conspecifics in contexts of mate choice and territorial defence may have large effects on an individual's fitness. Understanding the development of assortative behaviour may shed light on how species assortative behaviour evolves and how it may influence reproductive isolation. This is the case not only for female mate preferences, but also for male mate preferences and male territorial behaviour. Here we test with a cross-fostering experiment whether early learning influences male mate preferences and male–male aggression biases in two closely related, sympatrically occurring cichlid species Pundamilia pundamilia and Pundamilia nyererei from Lake Victoria. Males that had been fostered, either by a conspecific female or by a heterospecific female, were tested for their aggression bias, as well as for their mate preferences, in two-way choice tests. Males cross-fostered with conspecific and heterospecific foster mothers selectively directed their aggression towards conspecific intruders. The cross-fostering treatment also did not affect male mate preferences. These results are in striking contrast with the finding that females of these species show a sexual preference for males of the foster species.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is fundamental to sexual selection, and determining molecular underpinnings of female preference variation is important for understanding mating character evolution. Previously it was shown that whole‐brain expression of a synaptic plasticity marker, neuroserpin, positively correlates with mating bias in the female choice poeciliid, Xiphophorus nigrensis, when exposed to conspecific courting males, whereas this relationship is reversed in Gambusia affinis, a mate coercive poeciliid with no courting males. Here we explore whether species‐level differences in female behavioral and brain molecular responses represent ‘canalized’ or ‘plastic’ traits. We expose female G. affinis to conspecific males and females, as well as coercive and courting male Poecilia latipinna, for preference assays followed by whole‐brain gene expression analyses of neuroserpin, egr‐1 and early B. We find positive correlations between gene expression and female preference strength during exposure to courting heterospecific males, but a reversed pattern following exposure to coercive heterospecific males. This suggests that the neuromolecular processes associated with female preference behavior are plastic and responsive to different male phenotypes (courting or coercive) rather than a canalized response linked to mating system. Further, we propose that female behavioral plasticity may involve learning because female association patterns shifted with experience. Compared to younger females, we found larger, more experienced females spend less time near coercive males but associate more with males in the presence of courters. We thus suggest a conserved learning‐based neuromolecular process underlying the diversity of female mate preference across the mate choice and coercion‐driven mating systems.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation restricts genetic exchange between species. Various pre- and post-mating barriers, such as behavior, physiology and gametic incompatibility, have been shown to evolve in sympatry. In certain scenarios, isolation can be asymmetrical, where species differentially prefer conspecifics. We examined sexual isolation via conspecific mate preference between Gambusia affinis and G. geiseri in both sexes. To investigate male contribution to sexual isolation, we compared the number of mating attempts (gonopodial thrusts) directed at either a conspecific or a heterospecific female, in both species. We also examined sperm priming and expenditure in males in the presence of conspecific or heterospecific females. We then measured female preference for either a conspecific or heterospecific male, in both species. We found that males of both species preferred to mate with conspecific females, but showed no difference in sperm production or expenditure between conspecific and heterospecific females. Females of both species did not prefer conspecific over heterospecific males. Our results suggest that sexual isolation might be mediated by male mate choice in this system and not female choice, suggesting that there is asymmetrical reproductive isolation between the sexes in G. affinis and G. geiseri, but symmetrical species isolation.  相似文献   

Species recognition and mate preference both influence mate choice but can be in conflict with each other. In such cases the relative importance of the two functions depends on the costs of mating with heterospecifics and the frequency of such interactions. We tested whether male flat lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) are able to discriminate between conspecific females and females of its allopatric sister species P. capensis. Given a simultaneous choice between equally sized females of both species, males courted conspecific females in 85% of trials. We then tested whether mate preference for large female body size can override species recognition. When offered a choice between a larger heterospecific female and a smaller conspecific, males showed no preference for conspecifics and courted larger heterospecific females in 58% of trials. Comparison of the two sets of trials showed a significant effect of female body size on male mate preference, supporting the hypothesis that mate quality can override species recognition.Communicated by K. Kotrschal  相似文献   

Multi-species mating aggregations are crowded environments within which mate recognition must occur. Mating aggregations of fig wasps can consist of thousands of individuals of many species that attain sexual maturity simultaneously and mate in the same microenvironment, i.e, in syntopy, within the close confines of an enclosed globular inflorescence called a syconium – a system that has many signalling constraints such as darkness and crowding. All wasps develop within individual galled flowers. Since mating mostly occurs when females are still confined within their galls, male wasps have the additional burden of detecting conspecific females that are “hidden” behind barriers consisting of gall walls. In Ficus racemosa, we investigated signals used by pollinating fig wasp males to differentiate conspecific females from females of other syntopic fig wasp species. Male Ceratosolen fusciceps could detect conspecific females using cues from galls containing females, empty galls, as well as cues from gall volatiles and gall surface hydrocarbons.In many figs, syconia are pollinated by single foundress wasps, leading to high levels of wasp inbreeding due to sibmating. In F. racemosa, as most syconia contain many foundresses, we expected male pollinators to prefer non-sib females to female siblings to reduce inbreeding. We used galls containing females from non-natal figs as a proxy for non-sibs and those from natal figs as a proxy for sibling females. We found that males preferred galls of female pollinators from natal figs. However, males were undecided when given a choice between galls containing non-pollinator females from natal syconia and pollinator females from non-natal syconia, suggesting olfactory imprinting by the natal syconial environment.  相似文献   

When making mating decisions, individuals may rely on multiple cues from either the same or multiple sensory modalities. Although the use of visual cues in sexual selection is well studied, fewer studies have examined the role of chemical cues in mate choice. In addition, few studies have examined how visual and/or chemical cues affect male mating decisions. Male mate choice is important in systems where males must avoid mating with heterospecific females, as is found in a mating complex of Poecilia. Male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, are sexually parasitized by gynogenetic Amazon mollies, P. formosa. Little is known about the mechanism by which male sailfin mollies base their mating decisions. Here we tested the hypothesis that male sailfin mollies from an allopatric and a sympatric population with Amazon mollies use multiple cues to distinguish between conspecific and heterospecific females. We found that male sailfin mollies recognized the chemical cues of conspecific females, but we found no support for the hypothesis that chemical cues are by themselves sufficient for species discrimination. Lack of discrimination based on chemical cues alone may be due to the close evolutionary history between P. latipinna and P. formosa. Males from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies did not differentially associate with females of either of the two species when given access to both visual and chemical cues of the females, yet males from the allopatric population did associate more with conspecific females than with heterospecific females in the presence of both chemical and visual cues. The lack of discrimination by males from the sympatric population between conspecific and heterospecific females based on both chemical and visual cues suggests that these males require more complex combinations of cues to distinguish species, possibly due to the close relatedness of these species.  相似文献   

Female mate choice can be hypothesised in most nocturnal primates, since females show a higher investment in their offspring than males. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate if female grey mouse lemurs perform mate choice and whether age, relatedness (to the male), or male advertisement call activity systematically influence their decisions. A two-way mate choice design was developed in which females could choose between two males. Mate choice was deduced from the time spent in proximity to the males and from mating behaviour. During oestrus 12 of 17 females participated actively in the experiment and all of them showed either a significant spatial (n=11) or behavioural (n=1) preference for one male. In four cases copulations were observed. The influence of age on female mate choice was not statistically significant. In the cases with copulations, however, females mostly preferred the older male. This might indicate a preference for older age as an indicator of experience, fitness, and/or status. The influence of relatedness on female mate choice could not be definitely clarified. However, results imply a mechanism of kin recognition on the basis of familiarity. In the majority of choices, females preferred the male with higher trill call activity. Since trill call activity correlates with the relative dominance status of males, these results suggest an importance of the male dominance status for female mate choice in grey mouse lemurs. Altogether our findings indicate that females use a complex of different cues to choose their mates.  相似文献   

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