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? Premise of the study: Ferns are an important component of both tropical and temperate forests; yet, our understanding of the water relations of their sporophyte generation is limited. Indeed, to date there has been no large scale survey that attempts to clarify how ferns fit into current ideas of plant water relations. This study examines several tropical ferns with the goal of understanding how these characters vary between species from various habitats and across life forms ? Methods: We measured stipe hydraulic conductivity, water potential, and vulnerability to cavitation along with photosynthetic variables and leaf allometry of 21 species from 14 genera to identify physiological trait assemblages across taxa. ? Key results: Epiphytic ferns have significantly lower hydraulic conductivity and a vascular system more resistant to cavitation (i.e., higher P(50) values). They reached lower mid-day water potentials and produced leaves with reduced stipe lengths and reduced laminar area relative to terrestrial species. Xylem specific hydraulic conductivity (K(S)) was correlated with the mean hydraulic diameter of tracheids in terrestrial species, but not in epiphytes. There was no evidence of safety-efficiency trade-offs in any group. ? Conclusions: When compared across life forms, our data shed light on physiological mechanisms that may have allowed for terrestrial ferns to move into the epiphytic habit. When compared across a diverse assemblage of terrestrial plants, we find that resistance to water flow in fern stipes is significantly higher than that recorded from the stems of seed plants.  相似文献   

CAM photosynthesis in submerged aquatic plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a CO2-concentrating mechanism selected in response to aridity in terrestrial habitats, and, in aquatic environments, to ambient limitations of carbon. Evidence is reviewed for its presence in five genera of aquatic vascular plants, includingIsoëtes, Sagittaria, Vallisneria, Crassula, andLittorella. Initially, aquatic CAM was considered by some to be an oxymoron, but some aquatic species have been studied in sufficient detail to say definitively that they possess CAM photosynthesis. CO2-concentrating mechanisms in photosynthetic organs require a barrier to leakage; e.g., terrestrial C4 plants have suberized bundle sheath cells and terrestrial CAM plants high stomatal resistance. In aquatic CAM plants the primary barrier to CO2 leakage is the extremely high difrusional resistance of water. This, coupled with the sink provided by extensive intercellular gas space, generates daytime CO2(pi) comparable to terrestrial CAM plants. CAM contributes to the carbon budget by both net carbon gain and carbon recycling, and the magnitude of each is environmentally influenced. Aquatic CAM plants inhabit sites where photosynthesis is potentially limited by carbon. Many occupy moderately fertile shallow temporary pools that experience extreme diel fluctuations in carbon availability. CAM plants are able to take advantage of elevated nighttime CO2 levels in these habitats. This gives them a competitive advantage over non-CAM species that are carbon starved during the day and an advantage over species that expend energy in membrane transport of bicarbonate. Some aquatic CAM plants are distributed in highly infertile lakes, where extreme carbon limitation and light are important selective factors. Compilation of reports on diel changes in titratable acidity and malate show 69 out of 180 species have significant overnight accumulation, although evidence is presented discounting CAM in some. It is concluded that similar proportions of the aquatic and terrestrial floras have evolved CAM photosynthesis. AquaticIsoëtes (Lycophyta) represent the oldest lineage of CAM plants and cladistic analysis supports an origin for CAM in seasonal wetlands, from which it has radiated into oligotrophic lakes and into terrestrial habitats. Temperate Zone terrestrial species share many characteristics with amphibious ancestors, which in their temporary terrestrial stage, produce functional stomata and switch from CAM to C3. Many lacustrineIsoëtes have retained the phenotypic plasticity of amphibious species and can adapt to an aerial environment by development of stomata and switching to C3. However, in some neotropical alpine species, adaptations to the lacustrine environment are genetically fixed and these constitutive species fail to produce stomata or loose CAM when artificially maintained in an aerial environment. It is hypothesized that neotropical lacustrine species may be more ancient in origin and have given rise to terrestrial species, which have retained most of the characteristics of their aquatic ancestry, including astomatous leaves, CAM and sediment-based carbon nutrition.  相似文献   

Global diversity of aquatic macrophytes in freshwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aquatic macrophytes are aquatic photosynthetic organisms, large enough to see with the naked eye, that actively grow permanently or periodically submerged below, floating on, or growing up through the water surface. Aquatic macrophytes are represented in seven plant divisions: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Xanthophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta. Species composition and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the more primitive divisions are less well known than for the vascular macrophytes (Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta), which are represented by 33 orders and 88 families with about 2,614 species in c. 412 genera. These c. 2,614 aquatic species of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta evolved from land plants and represent only a small fraction (∼1%) of the total number of vascular plants. Our analysis of the numbers and distribution of vascular macrophytes showed that whilst many species have broad ranges, species diversity is highest in the Neotropics, intermediate in the Oriental, Nearctic and Afrotropics, lower in the Palearctic and Australasia, lower again in the Pacific Oceanic Islands, and lowest in the Antarctic region. About 39% of the c. 412 genera containing aquatic vascular macrophytes are endemic to a single biogeographic region, with 61–64% of all aquatic vascular plant species found in the Afrotropics and Neotropics being endemic to those regions. Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and certain macrophyte species (e.g., rice) are cultivated for human consumption, yet several of the worst invasive weeds in the world are aquatic plants. Many of the threats to fresh waters (e.g., climate change, eutrophication) will result in reduced macrophyte diversity and will, in turn, threaten the faunal diversity of aquatic ecosystems and favour the establishment of exotic species, at the expense of native species. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Utricularia forms the largest genus of carnivorous plants and is characterized by the possession of typical traps (“bladders”). Total biomass allocation was examined in three aquatic, six terrestrial and one epiphytic species of Utricularia from natural habitats in West Africa and from the Botanical Gardens, Bonn. Total biomass of aquatic species was considerably higher than that of terrestrial or epiphytic species. Epiphytic Utricularia accumulate about 35% of their biomass in green leaves, in contrast to 65% of nearly chlorophylless reproductive structures and traps. Aquatic species allocated more than 85% of their total biomass to stolons, leaves and traps, but only 10–13% to reproductive structures. This is in stark contrast to the allocation patterns of terrestrial bladderworts. These species allocate nearly 90% of their total biomass in reproductive structures, and only about 10% to stolons, leaves and traps. This reduction of photosynthetically active plant tissue strongly suggests that as a consequence of the alternative resource of chemical energy, the carnivorous habit might have partly replaced autotrophy in certain terrestrial Utricularia species, especially in some smaller ones.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants are thought to have fewer herbivore species than their terrestinal counterparts, and possibly to suffer less herbivory I examined herbivory on water mint Mentha aquatica growing in and out of water and tested possible processes determining the observed pattern of leaf damage Plants growing on land had much more herbivore damage than those growing in water The most common herbivore of Mentha at the site (a chrysomelid beetle) showed no p reference for leaves from terrestrial plants over those from aquatic plants Caging aquatic plants to exclude moorhens suggested that these predators were not having a strong effect in removing insect herbivores (though this conclusion is tentative due to low insect numbers) Transplanting aquatic plants to a terrestrial location, while keeping their roots in water, resulted in marked increases in herbivore damage, relative to control aquatic plants The results suggest that the water barrier may prevent effective exploitation of emergent aquatic plants by terrestrial herbivores This may have consequences for observed patterns of herbivore richness on such plants, plant fitness, and a more speculative suggestion, for the mode of reproduction in aquatic plants  相似文献   

Aquatic hyphomycetes play a key role in decomposition of submerged organic matter and stream ecosystem functioning. We examined the phylogenetic relationships among various genera of aquatic hyphomycetes belonging to the Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota) using sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) regions of rDNA generated from 42 pure cultures including 19 ex-types. These new sequence data were analyzed together with additional sequences from 36 aquatic hyphomycetes and 60 related fungi obtained from GenBank. Aquatic hyphomycetes, characterized by their tetraradiate or sigmoid conidia, were scattered in nine supported clades within the Helotiales (Leotiomycetes). Tricladium, Lemonniera, Articulospora, Anguillospora, Varicosporium, Filosporella, and Flagellospora are not monophyletic, with species from the same genus distributed among several major clades. The Gyoerffyella clade and the Hymenoscyphus clade accommodated species from eight and six different genera, respectively. Thirteen aquatic hyphomycete taxa were grouped in the Leotia-Bulgaria clade while twelve species clustered within the Hymenoscyphus clade along with several amphibious ascomycetes. Species of Filosporella and some species from four other aquatic genera were placed in the Ascocoryne-Hydrocina clade. It is evident that many aquatic hyphomycetes have relatives of terrestrial origin. Adaptation to colonize the aquatic environment has evolved independently in multiple phylogenetic lineages within the Leotiomycetes.  相似文献   

为了明确惠州西湖风景名胜区维管植物资源及多样性特征,该研究通过野外实地调查和文献查阅,统计惠州西湖风景名胜区维管植物种类构成及其科、属、种层面的具体组成,并分析其分布区类型、濒危物种、药用植物和水生植物状况。结果表明:(1)惠州西湖风景名胜区共有维管植物169科650属1 061种,其中被子植物种类最丰富,有145科613属1 002种,科、属、种数分别占总数的85.80%、94.30%、94.44%;裸子植物9科20属36种,科、属、种数分别占总数的5.33%、3.10%、3.39%;蕨类植物15科17属23种,科、属和种数分别占总数的8.88%、2.60%、2.17%。(2)惠州西湖风景名胜区植物资源的优势科明显,含10种及以上的科有29科653种,占总种数的61.55%,其中菊科最多(有63种),禾本科次之(有60种);研究区有单属、种的植物442种,表明单种或少数种的科在研究区维管植物中占大多数。(3)惠州西湖风景名胜区有种子植物154科,分属13个分布区类型,其中泛热带分布区类型有60科,所占的比例最高(55.56%),表明该区种子植物具有明显的热带特性,其种子植物区系以热带分布为主。(4)惠州西湖风景名胜区有珍稀濒危植物29种(其中国家保护植物26种),药用植物702种,水生植物150种。研究表明,惠州西湖风景名胜区维管植物资源种类丰富,多样性程度高,应特别加强植物资源的保护和利用以及生态景观的建设。  相似文献   

Oribatid mites are primarily terrestrial. Only about 90 species (less than 1% of all known oribatid species) from 10 genera are truly aquatic, with reproduction and all stages of their life cycle living in freshwater. Adaptation to aquatic conditions evolved independently in different taxa. However, many terrestrial species can also be found in aquatic habitats, either as chance stragglers from the surrounding habitats, or from periodic or unpredictable floodings, where they can survive for long periods. In spite of their low species richness aquatic oribatids can be very abundant in different freshwater habitats as in lentic (pools, lakes, water-filled microhabitats) or flowing waters (springs, rivers, streams), mainly on submerged plants. The heavily sclerotized exoskeletons of several species enables subfossil or fossil preservation in lakes or bog sediments. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

1. Reduction in diversity of both freshwater aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems has been attributed to salinity increase and such increases are a symptom of changes to land use. Hydrological alteration to ground and surface water are likely to be associated with salinity increase and its influence on biodiversity. However the combined effects of salinity and hydrology on aquatic biodiversity have not been elucidated fully in either field or experimental situations. 2. The effect of salinity and water regime on the biota in sediments from seven wetlands from inland south‐eastern Australia was tested experimentally using germination of aquatic plant seeds (five salinity and two water levels) and emergence of zooplankton eggs (five salinity levels). Salinity levels were <300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 mg L?1 and water regimes were damp (waterlogged) and submerged. 3. Aquatic plant germination and zooplankton hatching was not consistent for all seven wetland sediments. Four of the wetland sediments, Narran Lakes, Gwydir Wetlands, Macquarie Marshes and Billybung Lagoon showed similar responses to salinity and water regime but the other three wetland sediments from Lake Cowal, Great Cumbung Swamp and Darling Anabranch did not. 4. As salinity increased above 1000 mg L?1 there was a decrease in the species richness and the abundance of biota germinating or hatching from sediment from four of the wetlands. 5. Salinity had a particularly strong effect in reducing germination from sediments in damp conditions when compared to the flooded conditions. In parallel, salts accumulated in the sediment in damp conditions but did not in flooded conditions. 6. There is potential for increasing salinity in freshwater rivers and wetlands to decrease the species richness of aquatic communities and thus of the wetland community as a whole, resulting in loss of wetland biodiversity. This reduction in diversity varies between wetlands and is at least partly related to hydrology. For aquatic plants the reduction in diversity will be more marked for plants germinating from seed banks at the edges of wetlands where plants are not completely submerged than for the same seed bank germinating in submerged conditions.  相似文献   

The morphology of the respiratory structures located in the pleopod exopodites of terrestrial Isopoda is described for representative species of different genera. Special emphasis is set on the evolution of these lungs in the context of phylogenetic relationships as revealed by other morphological characters. In the most primitive species of the Oniscidea, and still of subordinate taxa of the Crinocheta, respiration takes place in the thin ventral integument of the exopodites. The evolution of dorsal respiratory fields with a weakly wrinkled surface occurred at least six times within the Crinocheta. In five of these cases, a further development can be observed. The evolution of a partly covered respiratory field with strongly wrinkled surface may have taken place six times. It is assumed that completely internalized lungs with spiracles surrounded by a water‐repellent surface microsculpture, evolved at least six times independently within the Oniscidea: in the Tylidae, Actaecia, Aphiloscia, the Eubelidae, the Armadillidae and in a taxon probably comprising Porcellionidae plus Armadillidiidae.  相似文献   

The aquatic and terrestrial realms differ in many physical properties that not only require specific physiological adaptations but also cause differences in dispersal options. We thus expect that life-history traits related to dispersal and colonization are under selection pressure because freshwater habitats are more isolated and thus more difficult to reach. We compared traits from European databases of three taxonomic groups along the passive–active dispersal gradient: plants (Plantes), snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia et Pulmonata) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), all of which have both terrestrial and freshwater species (plants and snails) or early life stages (hoverflies). Aquatic taxa seem to be more successful long-distance dispersers than are terrestrial taxa. Our analysis also revealed lower numbers of seeds or eggs produced in the aquatic habitats. However, aquatic taxa often allocate resources to offspring guarding (vegetative propagules in plants, egg capsules in snails) and breeding-site selection (syrphids). Colonization of the aquatic realm is reinforced by increases in life span (plants), clonal spread (plants), shorter generation times (snails), selfing ability (marginal effect in pulmonate snails) or paedogenesis (two incidences in hoverflies, needs further studies). Probably, the variety of strategies reflects the different evolutionary backgrounds that elicit different combinations of trade-offs, but all traits also might increase invasibility of species.  相似文献   

Aquatic plant communities in arid zone wetlands underpin diverse fauna populations and ecosystem functions yet are relatively poorly known. Erratic flooding, drying, salinity and turbidity regimes contribute to habitat complexity, creating high spatial and temporal variability that supports high biodiversity. We compared seed bank density, species richness and community composition of aquatic plants (submergent, floating-leaved and emergent) among nine Australian arid zone wetlands. Germinable seed banks from wetlands within the Paroo and Bulloo River catchments were examined at nested scales (site, wetland, wetland type) using natural flooding and salinity regimes as factors with nondormant seed density and species richness as response variables. Salinity explained most of the variance in seed density (95%) and species richness (68%), with flooding accounting for 5% of variance in seed density and 32% in species richness. Salinity-flooding interactions were significant but explained only a trivial portion of the variance (<1%). Mean seed densities in wetlands ranged from 40 to 18,760 m−2 and were highest in wetlands with intermediate levels of salinity and flooding. Variability of densities was high (CVs 0.61–2.66), particularly in saline temporary and fresh permanent wetlands. Below salinities of c. 30 g l−1 TDS, seed density was negatively correlated to turbidity and connectivity. Total species richness of wetlands (6–27) was negatively correlated to salinity, pH and riverine connectivity. A total of 40 species germinated, comprising submergent (15 species), floating-leaved or amphibious (17 species), emergent (6 species) and terrestrial (6 species) groups. Charophytes were particularly important with 10 species (five Chara spp., four Nitella spp. and Lamprothamnium macropogon), accounting for 68% of total abundance. Saline temporary wetlands were dominated by Ruppia tuberosa, Lamprothamnium macropogon and Lepilaena preissii. Variable flooding and drying regimes profoundly altered water quality including salinity and turbidity, producing distinctive aquatic plant communities as reflected by their seed banks. This reinforces the importance of hydrology in shaping aquatic biological communities in arid systems.  相似文献   

皖西大别山区蕨类植物及其园林绿化的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查研究统计,皖西大别山区共有蕨类植物32料、65属142种;分析了本区蕨类植物的地理成分,将其分为13个分布区类型;根据其生态类型分为五类:陆生蕨类、附生蕨类、石生蕨类、水生蕨类和藤本蕨类。探讨了本区蕨类植物在园林绿化中的应用价值,并对合理开发利用本区蕨类植物资源提出了建议。  相似文献   

Two new species of tardigrades from Short Mountain, Tennessee, U.S.A.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tardigrades were collected from three seepage spring sites at 549m on Short Mountain, Cannon County, Tennessee. Three terrestrial samples and three aquatic samples were taken monthly from each site. Terrestrial samples included mosses and lichens from rocks and fallen trees; one sample of leaf litter was also collected from two of the sites. Aquatic samples included sediment, decaying leaf litter, and aquatic plants. Specimens of tardigrades were mounted on individual slides in Hoyer's medium. Species were identified and photographed using phase and differential contrast microscopy. Twenty-eight species representing 13 genera were recorded: Pseudechiniscus, Echiniscus, Doryphoribius, Ramazzottius, Hypsibius, Isohypsibius, Dipliascon, Platicrista, Itaquascon, Murrayon, Macrobiotus, Minibiotus , and Milnesium. One of the Pseudechmiscus species and an Isohypsibius species were new to science and are described in this paper.  相似文献   

杜维波  卢元 《生物多样性》2019,27(11):1260-773
物种编目是了解生物多样性的基础。本文收集已出版的专著和文献, 查阅标本馆的馆藏标本信息, 在此基础上, 对黄土高原的石松类和蕨类植物的多样性和地理分布数据进行统计和分析。科属排列采用Flora of China的分类系统, 科属界定依据分子系统学的最新研究成果。结果表明, 黄土高原共有石松类和蕨类植物18科42属165种2亚种5变种, 其中中国特有种35种, 占总种数的20.35%。种类数量最多的5个科依次为凤尾蕨科(29种, 含种下单位, 下同)、鳞毛蕨科(28种)、水龙骨科(19种)、蹄盖蕨科(16种)和铁角蕨科(16种); 种类数量最多的6个属依次为铁角蕨属(Asplenium, 16种)、鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris, 15种)、耳蕨属(Polystichum, 12种)、岩蕨属(Woodsia, 11种)、卷柏属(Selaginella, 10种)和瓦韦属(Lepisorus, 10种)。黄土高原的石松类和蕨类植物中, 无珍稀濒危保护植物, 无中国特有属。依据生态类型可划分为4类, 即土生植物(112种)、石生植物(75种)、附生植物(18种)、水生植物(3种), 该区域石松类和蕨类植物土生或石生的种类占总种数的89.53%。在地理分布上, 黄土高原石松类和蕨类处于我国现生类群分布的边缘区域, 这与我国的石松类和蕨类分布规律基本一致。  相似文献   

Sixty-six genera of nematodes representing 37 families were collected over a 13-month period from untreated and treated water from three water treatment plants in southern Ontario. Two plants receive water from the Grand River which drains agricultural, residential and industrial regions, the third from a small stream in an agricultural district. Specimens were isolated by filtration from weekly samples of untreated and treated water, most were identified to genus but a few to species.Estimated mean density in the organic drift of the river ranged from 0.58 individuals per litre in winter, when it was under ice, to 10.57 per litre during the spring thaw. Most of the 66 genera found passed through the treatment plants and over 50% of these were still motile.Eleven genera were abundant at some time of the year, six known only from soil-dwelling forms and five from aquatic or soil/aquatic species. There was no indication that sewage purification works were a major source of any genus. There were a few plant parasites.Aquatic nematodes occurred during most of the year although they were more abundant during the warmer months, high densities of soil nematodes were a feature of the spring thaw and rains and during heavy autumn rains. More than 50% of the specimens were juveniles and some common genera lacked males.  相似文献   

Cycads are an important relic from the past and represent the oldest living seed plants. Cycads have been instrumental in our understanding the evolution of angiosperms and gymnosperms because they have recognizable morphological characteristics intermediate between less-recently evolved plants such as ferns and more-derived (advanced) plants including the angiosperms. Cycads also produce several compounds that are carcinogenic and neurotoxic. Because of their unique placement in terrestrial plant evolution, molecular studies should help to define the origins of structures that led to the rise of seed plants and the role of neurotoxic compounds that are found in cycads.  相似文献   

水生植物叶片的功能性状特征与陆生植物有所不同,同时叶脉类型也显著影响叶片的功能性状。本研究选取9种具有不同叶脉类型的水生植物,通过对叶脉进行直接损伤,分析叶片性状(形态、色素含量和叶绿素荧光指标)在叶脉受损后的变化程度与叶脉类型的关系。结果显示:具有平行脉的3种水生植物对叶脉损伤具有较强的耐受性;具羽状脉的4种植物主脉受损后显著抑制叶片生长,而侧脉受损的影响在不同物种间有所不同,具有物种特异性。本研究可为大型湖泊水生植物修复的水生物种筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

水生植物叶片的功能性状特征与陆生植物有所不同,同时叶脉类型也显著影响叶片的功能性状。本研究选取9种具有不同叶脉类型的水生植物,通过对叶脉进行直接损伤,分析叶片性状(形态、色素含量和叶绿素荧光指标)在叶脉受损后的变化程度与叶脉类型的关系。结果显示:具有平行脉的3种水生植物对叶脉损伤具有较强的耐受性;具羽状脉的4种植物主脉受损后显著抑制叶片生长,而侧脉受损的影响在不同物种间有所不同,具有物种特异性。本研究可为大型湖泊水生植物修复的水生物种筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

The colonisation of land by plants may not have been possible without mycorrhizae, which supply the majority of land plants with nutrients, water and other benefits. In this sense, the mycorrhization of basal groups of land plants such as ferns and lycophytes is of particular interest, yet only about 9% of fern and lycophyte species have been sampled for their mycorrhization status, and no community‐level analyses exist for tropical fern communities. In the present study, we screened 170 specimens of ferns and lycophytes from Malaysia and Sulawesi (Indonesia), representing 126 species, and report the mycorrhization status for 109 species and 19 genera for the first time. Mycorrhizal colonisations were detected in 96 (56.5%) of the specimens, 85 of which corresponded to arbuscular mycorrhizae (AMF), three to dark‐septate endophytes (DSE) and four to mixed colonisations (AMF + DSE). DSE colonisations were lower than in comparable samples of ferns from the Andes, suggesting a geographical or taxonomic pattern in this type of colonisation. Epiphytes had significantly lower levels of colonisation (26.1%) than terrestrial plants (70.7%), probably due to the difficulty of establishment of mycorrhizal fungi in the canopy habitat.  相似文献   

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