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Recent studies have revealed that cytoplasmic processing bodies (P-bodies) play important roles in the control of eukaryotic gene expression in response to stress. Since the formation of P-bodies is in dynamic competition with translation, the status of translation is reflected in the assembly and disassembly of P-bodies in eukaryotic cells. During the brewing of Japanese sake and the making of wine, yeast cells are exposed to stress caused by increases in the concentration of ethanol. Here we found that ethanol stress enhances the formation of P-bodies in yeast cells in SD medium. In the wine-making process, P-body formation was also enhanced as alcoholic fermentation proceeded, but the formation of P-bodies was not simply affected by the ethanol concentration in the sake mash. These findings suggest differences in the rate of translation and the cytoplasmic mRNA flux during the sake brewing and wine making processes.  相似文献   

Ethanol affects the nuclear export of mRNA in a similar way to heat shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We recently reported that the nuclear accumulation of Rat8 caused by ethanol stress correlates well with blocking of the export of bulk poly(A)+ mRNA. Here, we characterize the localization of Rat8 and bulk poly(A)+ mRNA in sake (Japanese rice wine) yeast during the brewing of sake. In wine must and synthetic dextrose medium, sake yeast showed the same responses to ethanol regarding changes in the localization of Rat8 as wine yeast and a laboratory strain: i.e., cells began the nuclear accumulation of Rat8 at an ethanol concentration of 6% and completed it at 9%. In contrast, during the sake-brewing process, sake yeast showed unique phenomena: i.e., cells did not start the nuclear accumulation of Rat8 until the ethanol concentration of the sake mash reached around 12% and they showed a normal localization of Rat8 around the nuclear envelope at the late stage of fermentation. These results provide new information about the transport of mRNA in yeast cells during actual alcoholic fermentation.  相似文献   

During the fermentation of sake, cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are exposed to high concentrations of ethanol, thereby damaging the cell membrane and functional proteins. L-proline protects yeast cells from damage caused by freezing or oxidative stress. In this study, we evaluated the role of intracellular L-proline in cells of S. cerevisiae grown under ethanol stress. An L-proline-accumulating laboratory strain carries a mutant allele of PRO1, pro1(D154N), which encodes the Asp154Asn mutant gamma-glutamyl kinase. This mutation increases the activity of gamma-glutamyl kinase and gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase, which catalyze the first two steps of L-proline synthesis and which together may form a complex in vivo. When cultured in liquid medium in the presence of 9% and 18% ethanol under static conditions, the cell viability of the L-proline-accumulating laboratory strain is greater than the cell viability of the parent strain. This result suggests that intracellular accumulation of L-proline may confer tolerance to ethanol stress. We constructed a novel sake yeast strain by disrupting the PUT1 gene, which is required for L-proline utilization, and replacing the wild-type PRO1 allele with the pro1(D154N) allele. The resultant strain accumulated L-proline and was more tolerant to ethanol stress than was the control strain. We used the strain that could accumulate L-proline to brew sake containing five times more L-proline than what is found in sake brewed with the control strain, without affecting the fermentation profiles.  相似文献   

Physiological capabilities and fermentation performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to be employed during industrial wine fermentations are critical for the quality of the final product. During the process of biomass propagation, yeast cells are dynamically exposed to a mixed and interrelated group of known stresses such as osmotic, oxidative, thermic, and/or starvation. These stressing conditions can dramatically affect the parameters of the fermentation process and the technological abilities of the yeast, e.g., the biomass yield and its fermentative capacity. Although a good knowledge exists of the behavior of S. cerevisiae under laboratory conditions, insufficient knowledge is available about yeast stress responses under the specific media and growth conditions during industrial processes. We performed growth experiments using bench-top fermentors and employed a molecular marker approach (changes in expression levels of five stress-related genes) to investigate how the cells respond to environmental changes during the process of yeast biomass production. The data show that in addition to the general stress response pathway, using the HSP12 gene as a marker, other specific stress response pathways were induced, as indicated by the changes detected in the mRNA levels of two stress-related genes, GPD1 and TRX2. These results suggest that the cells were affected by osmotic and oxidative stresses, demonstrating that these are the major causes of the stress response throughout the process of wine yeast biomass production.  相似文献   

Proteins interact with each other for performing essential functions of an organism. They change partners to get involved in various processes at different times or locations. Studying variations of protein interactions within a specific process would help better understand the dynamic features of the protein interactions and their functions. We studied the protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) during the brewing of Japanese sake. In this process, yeast cells are exposed to several stresses. Analysis of protein interaction networks of yeast during this process helps to understand how protein interactions of yeast change during the sake brewing process. We used gene expression profiles of yeast cells for this purpose. Results of our experiments revealed some characteristics and behaviors of yeast hubs and non-hubs and their dynamical changes during the brewing process. We found that just a small portion of the proteins (12.8 to 21.6%) is responsible for the functional changes of the proteins in the sake brewing process. The changes in the number of edges and hubs of the yeast protein interaction networks increase in the first stages of the process and it then decreases at the final stages.  相似文献   

Vacuolar ion channel of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ionic flux is most likely to regulate the chemiosmotic potential differences across vacuolysosomal membranes in animal, plant, and fungal cells. We found a membrane potential-dependent cation channel in yeast vacuolar membrane and characterized its several features by an electrophysiological method using artificial planar bilayer membranes incorporated with isolated yeast vacuolar membrane vesicles. This ion channel conducts K+ (single channel conductance, 435 pS in 0.3 M KCl) and several other monovalent cations (Cs+, Na+, and Li+) with broad selectivity, but does not conduct Cl-. The opening of this channel is regulated by the membrane potential and the presence of calcium ion on the cytoplasmic face. These characteristics suggested that the vacuolar cation channel functions as one of essential components for formation and regulation of the chemical and electrical potential differences across the vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

Yeast vacuoles are highly dynamic and flexible organelles. In a previous paper, we have shown that subtle, often unrecognised amino acid limitations lead to much lower final cell densities in cultures of different commonly used auxotrophic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (Cakar et al., Biotechnol. Lett. 21 (1999) 611). Here, we demonstrate for two of these strains, CEN.PK 113.6B and CBS7752, that such subtle leucine limitations also affect the number and morphology of vacuoles, and that these changes are correlated with the cell cycle in batch cultures in a similar way as is known from synchronized cultures. Morphological aspects were studied by electron microscopy, using advanced high pressure freezing/freeze-substitution techniques for sample preparation that so far have been barely successful in yeast. Cells of leucine-limited cultures had single, large vacuoles with a hexagonal tonoplast pattern and were partially arrested in G1 phase. To relieve leucine-limitation, additional leucine was supplied extracellularly via the medium or intracellularly via enhanced leucine biosynthesis due to plasmid-based expression of a leucine marker gene. Such cultures reached more than two-fold higher final optical densities in stationary phase. Cells in later growth phase were characterized by fragmented vacuoles lacking any tonoplast pattern and by a smaller proportion of cells in G1 phase. These drastic effects of subtle leucine limitation on cell physiology, vacuolar morphology and cell cycle distribution present a note of caution for morphological and cell cycle studies in yeast.  相似文献   

清酒酵母与酿酒醇母原生质体融合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清酒酵母(SaccharomycessakeYabe)是日本清酒的生产菌株.耐酒精能力强;K氏酿酒酵母(SaccharomycescerevisiaeK)是酒精生产的常用菌株,发酵力强。本文应用原生质体融合技术进行了二菌株原生质体融合的研究。通过硫酸二乙酯(DES)诱变得到营养缺隐型菌株Q(arg-)和K(lys-,ρ-),其融合率为1.25×10-5。检出的融合子其酒精发酵特性、细胞形态、体积大小都不同于双亲菌株。比较了在28℃培养条件下,出发余株清酒酵母,K氏酿酒酵母和融合子F1、F2的发酵速度曲线、乙醇产量和酒精耐量等,得到一株在28℃培养条件下,乙醇产量为7.4%(V/V),酒精耐量为15%的融合株F1。  相似文献   

AIMS: Use of microsatellite PCR to monitor populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during fermentation of grape juice. METHOD AND RESULTS: Six commercial wine strains of S. cerevisiae were screened for polymorphism at the SC8132X locus using a modified rapid PCR identification technique. The strains formed four distinct polymorphic groups that could be readily distinguished from one another. Fermentations inoculated with mixtures of three strains polymorphic at the SC8132X locus were monitored until sugar utilization was complete, and all exhibited a changing population structure throughout the fermentation. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid population quantification demonstrated that wine fermentations are dynamic and do not necessarily reflect the initial yeast population structure. One or more yeast strains were found to dominate at different stages of the fermentation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The population structure of S. cerevisiae during mixed culture wine fermentation is dynamic and could modify the chemical composition and flavour profile of wine.  相似文献   

Various auxotrophic mutants of diploid heterothallic Japanese sake strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were utilized for selecting mating-competent diploid isolates. The auxotrophic mutants were exposed to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and crossed with laboratory haploid tester strains carrying complementary auxotrophic markers. Zygotes were then selected on minimal medium. Sake strains exhibiting a MATa or MATα mating type were easily obtained at high frequency without prior sporulation, suggesting that the UV irradiation induced homozygosity at the MAT locus. Flow cytometric analysis of a hybrid showed a twofold higher DNA content than the sake diploid parent, consistent with tetraploidy. By crossing strains of opposite mating type in all possible combinations, a number of hybrids were constructed. Hybrids formed in crosses between traditional sake strains and between a natural nonhaploid isolate and traditional sake strains displayed equivalent fermentation ability without any apparent defects and produced comparable or improved sake. Isolation of mating-competent auxotrophic mutants directly from industrial yeast strains allows crossbreeding to construct polyploids suitable for industrial use without dependence on sporulation.  相似文献   

Natural strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are prototrophic homothallic yeasts that sporulate poorly, are often heterozygous, and may be aneuploid. This genomic constitution may confer selective advantages in some environments. Different mechanisms of recombination, such as meiosis or mitotic rearrangement of chromosomes, have been proposed for wine strains. We studied the stability of the URA3 locus of a URA3/ura3 wine yeast in consecutive grape must fermentations. ura3/ura3 homozygotes were detected at a rate of 1 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-5) per generation, and mitotic rearrangements for chromosomes VIII and XII appeared after 30 mitotic divisions. We used the karyotype as a meiotic marker and determined that sporulation was not involved in this process. Thus, we propose a hypothesis for the genome changes in wine yeasts during vinification. This putative mechanism involves mitotic recombination between homologous sequences and does not necessarily imply meiosis.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that Saccharomyces cerevisiae vnx1Δ mutant strains displayed an almost total loss of Na+ and K+/H+ antiporter activity in a vacuole-enriched fraction. However, using different in vitro transport conditions, we were able to reveal additional K+/H+ antiporter activity. By disrupting genes encoding transporters potentially involved in the vnx1 mutant strain, we determined that Vcx1p is responsible for this activity. This result was further confirmed by complementation of the vnx1Δvcx1Δ nhx1Δ triple mutant with Vcx1p and its inactivated mutant Vcx1p-H303A. Like the Ca2+/H+ antiporter activity catalyzed by Vcx1p, the K+/H+ antiporter activity was strongly inhibited by Cd2+ and to a lesser extend by Zn2+. Unlike as previously observed for NHX1 or VNX1, VCX1 overexpression only marginally improved the growth of yeast strain AXT3 in the presence of high concentrations of K+ and had no effect on hygromycin sensitivity. Subcellular localization showed that Vcx1p and Vnx1p are targeted to the vacuolar membrane, whereas Nhx1p is targeted to prevacuoles. The relative importance of Nhx1p, Vnx1p, and Vcx1p in the vacuolar accumulation of monovalent cations will be discussed.  相似文献   

We studied physiological roles of the yeast vacuole in the phosphatemetabolism using 31P-in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)spectroscopy. Under phosphate starvation wild-type yeast cellscontinued to grow for two to three generations, implying thatwild-type cells contain large phosphate pool to sustain thegrowth. During the first four hours under the phosphate starvedcondition, the cytosolic phosphate level was maintained almostconstant, while the vacuolar pool of phosphate decreased significantly.31P-NMR spectroscopy on the intact cells and perchloric acid(PCA) extracts showed that drastic decrease of polyphosphatetook place during this phase. In contrast,  相似文献   

Volatile thiols, particularly 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP), make an important contribution to the aroma of wine. During wine fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediates the cleavage of a nonvolatile cysteinylated precursor in grape juice (Cys-4MMP) to release the volatile thiol 4MMP. Carbon-sulfur lyases are anticipated to be involved in this reaction. To establish the mechanism of 4MMP release and to develop strains that modulate its release, the effect of deleting genes encoding putative yeast carbon-sulfur lyases on the cleavage of Cys-4MMP was tested. The results led to the identification of four genes that influence the release of the volatile thiol 4MMP in a laboratory strain, indicating that the mechanism of release involves multiple genes. Deletion of the same genes from a homozygous derivative of the commercial wine yeast VL3 confirmed the importance of these genes in affecting 4MMP release. A strain deleted in a putative carbon-sulfur lyase gene, YAL012W, produced a second sulfur compound at significantly higher concentrations than those produced by the wild-type strain. Using mass spectrometry, this compound was identified as 2-methyltetrathiophen-3-one (MTHT), which was previously shown to contribute to wine aroma but was of unknown biosynthetic origin. The formation of MTHT in YAL012W deletion strains indicates a yeast biosynthetic origin of MTHT. The results demonstrate that the mechanism of synthesis of yeast-derived wine aroma components, even those present in small concentrations, can be investigated using genetic screens.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the impact of different gaseous atmospheres on different physiological parameters in the brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae BRAS291 during batch fermentation.
Methods and Results:  Yeasts were cultivated on a defined medium with a continuous sparging of hydrogen, helium and oxygen or without gas, permitting to obtain three values of external redox. High differences were observed concerning viable cell number, size and metabolites produced during the cultures. The ethanol yields were diminished whereas glycerol, succinate, acetoin, acetate and acetaldehyde yields were enhanced significantly. Moreover, we observed major changes in the intracellular NADH/NAD+ and GSH/GSSG ratio.
Conclusions:  The use of gas led to drastic changes in the cell size, primary energy metabolism and internal redox balance and E h . These changes were different depending on the gas applied throughout the culture.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  For the first time, our study describes the influence of various gases on the physiology of the brewing yeast S. cerevisiae . These influences concern mainly yeast growth, cell structure, carbon and redox metabolisms. This work may have important implications in alcohol-related industries, where different strategies are currently developed to control better the production of metabolites with a particular attention to glycerol and ethanol.  相似文献   

Vacuoles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were visualized by phase-contrast microscopy. Visualization was enhanced by adding polyvinylpyrrolidone. Vacuolar segregation during the cell cycle was analysed in 42 individual cells of strain X2180 by time-lapse photomicrography. Within 15 min of bud emergence, more than 80% of the cells contained a vacuolar segregation structure in the form of either a tubule or an alignment of vesicles. The structure emerged from one point of the mother vacuole, then elongated and moved into the bud in a few minutes. The vacuolar segregation structure disappeared, usually within 20 min, before nuclear migration, leaving a separate vacuole in the bud. To test the generality of this observation several strains were grown in the presence of the vacuolar vital dye fluorescein isothiocyanate. The bud size was used to measure progress in the cell cycle. All strains formed vacuolar segregation structures in cells with small buds, although with variations in duration and timing in the cell cycle. In the presence of nocodazole vacuolar segregation occurred normally, thus, microtubules seem not to be essential in this process.  相似文献   

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