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(1) Timekeeping refers to the uniformity of development in time. The precision of timekeeping is measured by the extent to which embryos, within an initially synchronous population, come to diverge in the course of their development. (2) Divergence is measured as the variation in the stage of development reached between embryos allowed to develop for a fixed period of time. The lower the variation the better the timekeeping. (3) Divergence among frog embryos that started development at the same time is hardly measurable after approx. 100 h of development. This striking uniformity indicates good timekeeping. (4) Timekeeping is not impaired among the survivors following heat shocks that retard development and disturb and curtail morphogenesis. (5) The immediate effect of heat shock is a stoppage of development, the duration of which is the same for all embryos in the same treatment batch. The embryos react to heat shock by rescheduling their development with the interpolation of a rest, the duration of which is controlled to the same precision as normal development. The postponement of development, without impairment of timekeeping, implies dis-engagement of the processes of morphogenesis from, and their subsequent re-engagement with, an enduring rate-determining activity unaffected by heat shock. (6) We have searched for embryos whose rate of development was disturbed by heat shock to run slower or faster than the norm. We have found none. It seems that the (temperature-compensated) rate of development is invariant up to the moment of failure, or a change is immediately lethal.  相似文献   

The first committed step in long-chain fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by the multienzyme complex acetyl CoA carboxylase. One component of the acetyl CoA carboxylase complex is biotin carboxylase which catalyzes the ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin. The Escherichia coli form of biotin carboxylase can be isolated from the other components of the acetyl CoA carboxylase complex such that enzymatic activity is retained. The synthesis of a reaction intermediate analog inhibitor of biotin carboxylase has been described recently (Organic Lett. 1, 99-102, 1999). The inhibitor is formed by coupling phosphonoacetic acid to the 1'-N of biotin. In this paper the characterization of the inhibition of biotin carboxylase by this reaction-intermediate analog is described. The analog showed competitive inhibition versus ATP with a slope inhibition constant of 8 mM. Noncompetitive inhibition was found for the analog versus biotin. Phosphonoacetate exhibited competitive inhibition with respect to ATP and noncompetitive inhibition versus bicarbonate. Biotin was found to be a noncompetitive substrate inhibitor of biotin carboxylase. These data suggested that biotin carboxylase had an ordered addition of substrates with ATP binding first followed by bicarbonate and then biotin.  相似文献   

The peculiar innervation of the intermediate lobe (IL) in Leporidae obviously corresponds to a regulation mechanism different from that known in other mammals. Physiological observations on IL superfused in vitro show, in addition to the previously reported absence of dopaminergic inhibitory control, the existence of an oxytocinergic-like control involved in the stimulation and not in the inhibition of alpha MSH release by the rabbit IL. Serotonine has inhibitory effects and may play a modulatory role. However, the strong stimulation of alpha MSH release obtained with K+ at a depolarizing concentration (8K) suggests that the presence of any powerful inhibitory axonal system in the rabbit IL is rather unlikely.  相似文献   

To determine the conformational properties of the C-terminal region of the insulin B-chain relative to the helical core of the molecule, we have investigated the fluorescence properties of an insulin analog in which amino acids B28 and B29 have been substituted with a tryptophan and proline residue respectively, ([WB28,PB29]insulin). The biological properties and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the molecule indicate that the conformation is similar to that of native human insulin. Guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-induced equilibrium denaturation of the analog as monitored by CD intensity at 224 nm indicates a single cooperative transition with a midpoint of 4.9 M GdnHCl. In contrast, when the equilibrium denaturation is observed by steady-state fluorescence emission intensity at 350 nm, two distinct transitions are observed. The first transition accounts for 60% of the observed signal and has a midpoint of 1.5 M GdnHCl. The second transition roughly parallels that observed by CD measurements with an approximate midpoint of 4.5 M GdnHCl. The near-UV CD spectrum, size-exclusion, and ultracentrifugation properties of [WB28,PB29]insulin indicate that this analog does not self-associate in a concentration-dependent manner as does human insulin. Thus, the observed fluorescence changes must be due to specific conformational transitions which occur upon unfolding of the insulin monomer with the product of the first transition representing a stable folding intermediate of this molecule.  相似文献   

The superoxide-generating neutrophil NADPH oxidase can be activated in cell-free reconstitution systems by several agonists, most notably arachidonic acid and the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate. In this study, we show that both phosphatidic acids and diacylglycerols can serve separately as potent, physiologic activators of NADPH oxidase in a cell-free system. Stimulation of superoxide generation by these lipids was dependent upon both Mg(2+) and agonist concentration. Activation of NADPH oxidase by phosphatidic acids did not appear to require their conversion to corresponding diacylglycerols by phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, since diacylglycerols were much slower than phosphatidic acids to activate the system and required the presence of ATP. Stimulation of the oxidase by dioctanoylglycerol proved to be by a means other than the activation of protein kinase C. Instead, dioctanoylglycerol was converted to dioctanoylphosphatidic acid by an endogenous diacylglycerol kinase present in the cell-free reaction system. This conversion was sensitive to the diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor R59949 and explains the markedly slower kinetics of activation and the novel ATP requirement seen with dioctanoylglycerol. The level of dioctanoylphosphatidic acid formed was suboptimal for NADPH oxidase activation but could synergize with the unmetabolized dioctanoylglycerol to activate superoxide generation.  相似文献   

The development of a population of cerebrospinal-fluid-contacting neurons in the spinal cord of the Xenopus embryo ('Kolmer-Agduhr' cells) has been followed by using an immunocytochemical procedure that identifies GABA in fixed nervous tissue. Stained Kolmer-Agduhr cells containing GABA first appeared at stage 25 and their numbers increased steadily with the developmental age of the embryo. The Kolmer-Agduhr neurons had ascending ipsilateral axons that often terminated in growth cones. These axons and growth cones could be stained by the GABA antiserum from the earliest stages of outgrowth from the Kolmer-Agduhr cell body. We measured the angle of the earliest axons' outgrowth relative to the rostrocaudal axis of the spinal cord. The initial outgrowth of axons was always rostral over a narrow range of angles. This observation is inconsistent with the hypothesis of random initial outgrowth followed by later selection of the correct orientation, which would predict that axons would initially grow out over a wide range of angles. Instead, it suggests that, even from the earliest moments, axon outgrowth from the Kolmer-Agduhr cells is directed rostrally in a specific stereotyped manner.  相似文献   

Frog (Rana catesbeiana) rod outer segment membrane contains cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (EC Irradiation of dark-adapted rod outer segment membrane increased the enzyme activity by 5–20-fold in the presence of GTP. The phosphodiesterase in rod outer segment membrane is also activated by mixing a photo-product of 11-cis (regenerated), 9-cis or 7-cis rhodopsin which is stable at 0°C. However, neither opsin in the membrane nor all-trans retinal activates the enzyme. The phosphodiesterase in rod outer segment membrane is also activated by irradiation at ?4°C. Thus, we conclude that the phosphodiesterase is activated by a common photolysis intermediate of these rhodopsin isomers, perhaps before metarhodopsin II decays.  相似文献   

Outgrowing neurites in Xenopus embryos were labeled with horseradish peroxidase which had been injected into a single blastomere at the 32-cell stage and had been inherited by all the descendants, including neurons. Neurite outgrowth was traced from labeled trigeminal ganglion cells and most or all types of neurons present in the spinal cord at embryonic stages 20-30: primary motoneurons, commissural, dorsal longitudinal, ventral longitudinal, and Rohon-Beard neurons. All types of nerve fibers grew by the most direct pathway, apparently without errors of initial outgrowth, pathway selection, or target selection. An initial transient phase of outgrowth of filopodial processes from neuronal cell bodies and shafts of short neurites was observed which disappeared after further elongation of the neurites. The first pioneer fibers grew out from all types in a 2-hr period, from stage 20 to 22, and these fibers arrived at the targets within 3.5 hr after initial outgrowth. Additional fibers grew later in contact with the pioneers to form fascicles. Nerve fibers elongated without branching until they neared or contacted their targets. The rate of elongation at 20 degrees C was 30-75 micron/hr. The rapid, unbranched, error-free initial outgrowth and elongation of neurites to their targets is discussed in relation to theories of development of nerve pathways.  相似文献   

Lithium carbonate used in the long-term treatment of manic-depressive illness has been reported to lead to progressive renal impairment in rats and humans. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a component of honeybee propolis, protects tissues from reactive oxygene species mediated oxidative stress in ischemia-reperfusion and toxic injuries. The beneficial effect CAPE on lithium-induced nephrotoxicity has not been reported yet. The purpose of this study was to examine a possible renoprotective effect of CAPE against lithium-induced nephrotoxicity in a rat model. Twenty-two adult male rats were randomly divided into three experimental groups, as follows: control group, lithium-treated group (Li), and lithium plus CAPE-treated group (Li+CAPE). Li were treated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 25 mg/kg Li2CO3 solution in 0.9% NaCl twice daily for 4 weeks. CAPE was co-administered i.p. with a dose of 10 μM/kg/day for 4 weeks. Serum Li, blood urea nitrogen and plasma creatinine, urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG, a marker of renal tubular injury), and malondialdehyde (MDA, an index of lipid peroxidation), were used as markers of oxidative stress-induced renal impairment in Li-treated rats. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were studied to evaluate the changes of antioxidant status in renal tissue. Serum Li levels were found high in the Li and Li+CAPE groups. In Li-administrated rats, urinary NAG and renal MDA levels were increased according to control and Li+CAPE groups (p < 0.05). CAPE caused a significant reduction in the levels of these parameters. Likewise, renal SOD, CAT and GSH-Px activities were decreased in Li-administrated animals; CAPE caused a significant increase in the activities of these antioxidant enzymes. In conclusion, CAPE treatment has a protective effect against Li-induced renal tubular damage and oxidative stress in a rat model.  相似文献   

Parameter values for a kinetic model of the nuclear replication-division cycle in frog eggs are estimated by fitting solutions of the kinetic equations (nonlinear ordinary differential equations) to a suite of experimental observations. A set of optimal parameter values is found by minimizing an objective function defined as the orthogonal distance between the data and the model. The differential equations are solved by LSODAR and the objective function is minimized by ODRPACK. The optimal parameter values are close to the "guesstimates" of the modelers who first studied this problem. These tools are sufficiently general to attack more complicated problems, where guesstimation is impractical or unreliable.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were incubated with L[5-13C]glutamic acid and the distribution of the label between the two carboxyl carbon atoms of the L-aspartic acid formed was determined by 13C NMR. The reaction sequence leading from L-glutamic acid to L-aspartic acid spans the tricarboxylic acid cycle reactions involving the two symmetrical intermediates succinate and fumarate. The C2 symmetry of these intermediates in principle permits a discrimination of the mechanism of their transfer between their enzyme sites of production and utilization. A direct transfer of metabolite from site to site by translation alone predicts an unequal distribution of 13C between the C1 and C4 of aspartate, whereas molecular rotation during transfer allows for a scrambling of the original C5 label. Under several conditions of different glutamate concentrations and solvent osmotic pressures, equal labeling in the C1 and C4 carbons of aspartate is observed. This observation is inconsistent with a transfer mechanism restricting molecular rotation for both intermediates but is compatible with both a random diffusion and a direct transfer mechanism provided the latter allows molecular rotation.  相似文献   

N Divecha  H Banfi&#x;    R F Irvine 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(11):3207-3214
When Swiss 3T3 cells are treated with Insulin-like Growth Factor I, a rapid decrease in the mass of polyphosphoinositol lipids (phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate) occurs within the nuclei, with a concomitant increase in nuclear diacylglycerol and translocation of protein kinase C to the nuclear region. This is in contrast to the effects of the regulatory peptide, bombesin, which causes similar inositol lipid changes in the plasma membrane, has no effect on nuclear inositide levels and causes a translocation of protein kinase C to post-nuclear membranes. These results suggest the existence of a discrete nuclear polyphosphoinositide signalling system entirely distinct from the well-known plasma membrane-located system, which is under regulatory control by cell surface-located receptors.  相似文献   

Cell cycle calcium signals are generated by the inositol trisphosphate (InsP3)-mediated release of calcium from internal stores (Ciapa, B., D. Pesando, M. Wilding, and M. Whitaker. 1994. Nature. 368:875-878; Groigno, L., and M. Whitaker. 1998. Cell. 92:193-204). The major internal calcium store is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER); thus, the spatial organization of the ER during mitosis may be important in shaping and defining calcium signals. In early Drosophila melanogaster embryos, ER surrounds the nucleus and mitotic spindle during mitosis, offering an opportunity to determine whether perinuclear localization of ER conditions calcium signaling during mitosis. We establish that the nuclear divisions in syncytial Drosophila embryos are accompanied by both cortical and nuclear localized calcium transients. Constructs that chelate InsP3 also prevent nuclear division. An analysis of nuclear calcium concentrations demonstrates that they are differentially regulated. These observations demonstrate that mitotic calcium signals in Drosophila embryos are confined to mitotic microdomains and offer an explanation for the apparent absence of detectable global calcium signals during mitosis in some cell types.  相似文献   

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