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Abstract— β- N -Oxalyl- l -α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), the toxin isolated from the seeds of Luthyrus sativus produces head retraction, tremors and convulsions when injected into a variety of experimental animals. In 12-day-old rats, it has been found that the convulsive behaviour is accompanied by profound biochemical changes in the brain. The brain homogenates prepared from ODAP injected animals show a higher rate of respiration. There is a decrease in the brain glucose, glycogen, ATP, phosphocreatine and acetylcholine levels of the convulsing animals. The inorganic phosphate, lactic acid and acetylcholineesterase levels increase. These results establish that ODAP is a typical convulsant.  相似文献   

Killing of wild-type spores of Bacillus subtilis with formaldehyde also caused significant mutagenesis; spores (termed αβ) lacking the two major α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) were more sensitive to both formaldehyde killing and mutagenesis. A recA mutation sensitized both wild-type and αβ spores to formaldehyde treatment, which caused significant expression of a recA - lacZ fusion when the treated spores germinated. Formaldehyde also caused protein–DNA cross-linking in both wild-type and αβ spores. These results indicate that: (i) formaldehyde kills B. subtilis spores at least in part by DNA damage and (b) α/β-type SASP protect against spore killing by formaldehyde, presumably by protecting spore DNA.  相似文献   

(1) Dopamine, β-hydroxylase (EC was purified from bovine adrenal medullae according to the method of Foldes , Jeffrey , Preston and Austin (1972). (2) The kinetics, pH optimum and the effect of Cu2+ ions on the purified enzyme were found to resemble those of the enzyme isolated by more involved procedures. (3) The sedimentation coefficient (s20) of the homogeneous enzyme in 10 mM-phosphate buffer, pH 7·2, containing 0·1 M-NaCI was found to be 10·24 ± 0·12 (S.E.M. of 10 determinations). (4) The effect of pH on the mol. wt. of the enzyme was investigated and no large deviation was found from the native mol. wt. of 290,000 in the pH range 3·9 to 11·1. (5) The amino acid analysis of dopamine β-hydroxylase is presented, and is contrasted to that of chromogranin A purified from the same chromaffin granule lysate. (6) Treatment with either 8 M-urea or 0·1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate was found to dissociate the enzyme into three similar, non-active subunits, each of mol. wt. of the order of 100,000.  相似文献   

Abstract: The regional distributions of the G protein β subunits (Gβ1–β5) and of the Gγ3 subunit were examined by immunohistochemical methods in the adult rat brain. In general, the Gβ and Gγ3 subunits were widely distributed throughout the brain, with most regions containing several Gβ subunits within their neuronal networks. The olfactory bulb, neocortex, hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem exhibited light to intense Gβ immunostaining. Negative immunostaining was observed in cortical layer I for Gβ1 and layer IV for Gβ4. The hippocampal dentate granular and CA1–CA3 pyramidal cells displayed little or no positive immunostaining for Gβ2 or Gβ4. No anti-Gβ4 immunostaining was observed in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra or in the cerebellar granule cell layer and Purkinje cells. Immunoreactivity for Gβ1 was absent from the cerebellar molecular layer, and Gβ2 was not detected in the Purkinje cells. No positive Gγ3 immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral habenula, lateral septal nucleus, or Purkinje cells. Double-fluorescence immunostaining with anti-Gγ3 antibody and individual anti-Gβ1–β5 antibodies displayed regional selectivity with Gβ1 (cortical layers V–VI) and Gβ2 (cortical layer I). In conclusion, despite the widespread overlapping distributions of Gβ1–β5 with Gγ3, specific dimeric associations in situ were observed within discrete brain regions.  相似文献   

—A significant increase in the retinal ATP content of anaesthetised rats was found 6 days after administration of β, β′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN). With the development of retinal dystrophy variable ATP levels were observed from the 8th to the 12th day and low values were recorded on the 17th and 21st days. At 8 days after IDPN administration the ATP content of anaesthetised rat brain was significantly increased with slight decreases in ADP and AMP levels. The differences in the level of these adenine nucleotides in unanaesthetised and anaesthetised rat brain were not significant before or after IDPN administration. These results were related to previous experiments on the action of IDPN on the electroretinal response and the later development of a retinal microangiopathy. It was suggested that IDPN has a primary neurotoxic effect followed by the development of vascular morphological changes.  相似文献   

beta,beta'-Iminodipropionitrile (IDPN), a neurotoxin, causes redistribution of neurofilaments in axons followed by the development of proximal axonal swellings and, in chronic intoxication, a distal decrease in axonal caliber. The latter changes are caused by a selective impairment in the slow anterograde axonal transport of neurofilament proteins. To assess the role of retrograde axonal transport in IDPN toxicity, we used [3H]N-succinimidyl propionate ([3H]NSP) to label covalently endogenous axonal proteins in sciatic nerve of the rat and measured the accumulation of radioactively labeled proteins in the cell bodies of motor and sensory neurons over time. IDPN was injected intraneurally 6 h or intraperitoneally 1 day before subepineurial injection of [3H]NSP into the sciatic nerve, and the animals were killed 1, 2, and 7 days after [3H]NSP injection. Neurotoxicity was assessed by electron microscopic observation of the nerves of similarly treated animals. Both intraneural and intraperitoneal injection of IDPN caused an acute reduction in the amount of labeled proteins transported back to the cell bodies. The early appearance of these changes suggests that alterations in retrograde transport may play a role in the production of the neuropathic changes.  相似文献   

慕立义 《昆虫学报》1978,(2):212-216
鉴于棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)对常用的有机磷酸酯类杀虫剂抗药性目益严重,而提高药液浓度和增加喷药次数招致杀伤天敌及污染环境,我们于1977年研制了属氨基甲酸酯类的呋喃丹微粒剂,采取隐蔽施药,用于拌棉种治蚜,已初获成效。每亩用3%呋喃丹微粒剂三斤,对棉蚜有效控制期达55天左右,较国外的3%呋喃丹颗粒剂药效高,麦收前可不需喷药治蚜。此药加工和施用方便,且对棉花生  相似文献   

Abstract– The pattern of incorporation of [3H, 1-14C]- and [3H. 2-14C]acetate into glutamate and related amino acids was studied in the brain of 10-day-old mice. A comparison of these patterns with those obtained for the adult brain led to the suggestion that the glutamate pool labelled directly by acetate is a much larger fraction of the total glutamate pool in the 10-day-old brain than it is in the adult brain.
Some data on the pattern of labelling of brain amino acids by 3-hydroxybutyrate. glucose and acetate support the hypothesis that direct carboxylation of pyruvate is somewhat more active in the immature than in the mature brain.
Differences in the labelling patterns of free and protein-bound brain amino acids by acetate, do indicate that the free amino acid pool labelled by acetate is not the precursor pool for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Two bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus plantarum TMW1.25 have been purified by a four-step purification procedure, including ammonium sulphate precipitation and cation-exchange chromatography followed by hydrophobic-interaction chromatography on octyl sepharose. The final purification was performed by repeated reversed-phase chromatography steps which yielded two bacteriocin fractions designated plantaricin 1.25 alpha and plantaricin 1.25 beta. The molecular masses of the peptides in these fractions were 5979 and 5203 Da, respectively. Combination of the fractions did not have any synergistic effects on bacteriocin activity, indicating that they each contain a one-peptide bacteriocin. The major peptide in the alpha fraction was blocked at its N-terminus, and a partial sequence (25 residues) could only be obtained after cleavage with CNBr. This sequence did not show clear homologies with known bacteriocins. The beta peptide has been sequenced almost completely and consists, presumably, of 53 residues. This peptide displayed strong homology to the known N-terminal part of brevicin 27 produced by Lactobacillus brevis SB27. The results showed that the beta peptide contains as many as six consecutive lysine residues at the N-terminus.  相似文献   

An extracellular β-glucosidase enzyme was purified from the fungus Aspergillus niger strain 322 . The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 64 kDa by SDS gel electrophoresis. Optimal pH and temperature for β-glucosidase were 5·5 and 50 °C, respectively. Purified enzyme was stable up to 50 °C and pH between 2·0 and 5·5. The Km was 0·1 mmol l−1 for cellobiose. Enzyme activity was inhibited by several divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The molecular weight of β nerve growth factor protein determined by sedimentation equilibrium in sodium acetate buffer, pH 40, and at protein concentrations around 0-5 mg/ml agrees with the value obtained from the amino acid sequence and confirms the dimeric character of the protein under these conditions. At pH values of 5.0 or greater, β nerve growth factor protein shows either partial dissociation into monomers or aggregation to higher polymers or both phenomena. The extent of dissociation or aggregation depends on buffer type and pH and is most pronounced at alkaline pH. The variation of molecular weight of β nerve growth factor with solvent conditions is similar to that of insulin or proinsulin. Removal of either the two COOH-terminal arginine residues or the two NH2-terminal octapeptide sequences from the protein has no effect on its solution properties at acid pH, the protein remaining a dimer. Species such as 2-5 S nerve growth factor or cyanogen bromide cleaved nerve growth factor which are partically deficient in COOH-terminal arginine residues and/or NH2-octapeptide or nonapeptide sequences are also dimers at pH40. The protein derivative which lacks the two NH2-terminal octapeptide sequence does not, like β-nerve growth factor, display dissociation or aggregation behavior at neutral pH, indicating that these sequences are involved in monomer-monomer interactions.  相似文献   

Thermostable fungal β-glucosidases   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Abstract Several strains of Lactobacillus casei of different origins were compared and it was observed that lactose metabolism varied from one strain to the other. Certain strains contained a β-galactosidase, others a β-phosphogalactosidase and others contain both. It was shown that the activities present in these last strains are catalyzed by two proteins differing in their electrophoretic mobilities and M r values. Genetic divergence of the studied strains is considered.  相似文献   

A range of concentrations of ceftazidime (4–64 mg I-1) was shown to cause no induction of the TEM-1 and TEM-5 β-lactamases produced by Escherichia coli Nb. Increasing the concentration of ceftazidime in cultures of E. coli Nb caused a concomitant increase in the intensity of a satellite band of pI 5.2. The same increase in this satellite band was observed when ceftazidime was added to cell-free β-lactamase peparations from E. coli Nb and the separate addition of 11 different β-lactams to TEM-1 showed that each compound produced its own unique pattern of satellite bands. In addition, the mixing of ceftazidime with TEM-1 and 13 other TEM-derived β-lactamases caused a similar satellite band to be observed but ceftazidime did not have the same effect on PSE or SHV β-lactamases. Consequently, the addition of ceftazidime to a β-lactamase preparation prior to isoelectric focusing (IEF) may help to verify if a particular β-lactamase is TEM-derived. Purification of the satellite bands by electrodialysis and their subsequent re-focusing demonstrated that the ceftazidime-induced satellite bands can revert to a protein which has a pI similar to the parent band, illustrating the possible reversibility and dynamic nature of β-lactamase satellite bands on IEF. These results enable a better interpretation to be made of β-lactamase satellite bands observed on IEF.  相似文献   

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