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C-type inactivation of Shaker potassium channels involves entry into a state (or states) in which the inactivated channels appear nonconducting in physiological solutions. However, when Shaker channels, from which fast N-type inactivation has been removed by NH2-terminal deletions, are expressed in Xenopus oocytes and evaluated in inside-out patches, complete removal of K+ ions from the internal solution exposes conduction of Na+ and Li+ in C-type inactivated conformational states. The present paper uses this observation to investigate the properties of ion conduction through C-type inactivated channel states, and demonstrates that both activation and deactivation can occur in C-type states, although with slower than normal kinetics. Channels in the C-type states appear “inactivated” (i.e., nonconducting) in physiological solutions due to the summation of two separate effects: first, internal K+ ions prevent Na+ ions from permeating through the channel; second, C-type inactivation greatly reduces the permeability of K+ relative to the permeability of Na+, thus altering the ion selectivity of the channel.  相似文献   

The Shaker B K(+) conductance (G(K)) collapses (in a reversible manner) if the membrane is depolarized and then repolarized in, 0 K(+), Na(+)-containing solutions (Gómez-Lagunas, F. 1997. J. Physiol. 499:3-15; Gómez-Lagunas, F. 1999. Biophys. J. 77:2988-2998). In this work, the role of Na(+) ions in the collapse of G(K) in 0-K(+) solutions, and in the behavior of the channels in low K(+) was studied. The main findings are as follows. First, in 0-K(+) solutions, the presence of Na(+) ions is an important factor that speeds the collapse of G(K). Second, external Na(+) fosters the drop of G(K) by binding to a site with a K(d) = 3.3 mM. External K(+) competes, in a mutually exclusive manner, with Na(o)(+) for binding to this site, with an estimated K(d) = 80 microM. Third, NMG and choline are relatively inert regarding the stability of G(K); fourth, with [K(o)(+)] = 0, the energy required to relieve Na(i)(+) block of Shaker (French, R.J., and J.B. Wells. 1977. J. Gen. Physiol. 70:707-724; Starkus, J.G., L. Kuschel, M. Rayner, and S. Heinemann. 2000. J. Gen. Physiol. 110:539-550) decreases with the molar fraction of Na(i)(+) (X(Na,i)), in an extent not accounted for by the change in Delta(mu)(Na). Finally, when X(Na,i) = 1, G(K) collapses by the binding of Na(i)(+) to two sites, with apparent K(d)s of 2 and 14.3 mM.  相似文献   

Deactivation of voltage-gated potassium (K(+)) channels can slow or prevent the recovery from block by charged organic compounds, a phenomenon attributed to trapping of the compound within the inner vestibule by closure of the activation gate. Unbinding and exit from the channel vestibule of a positively charged organic compound should be favored by membrane hyperpolarization if not impeded by the closed gate. MK-499, a methanesulfonanilide compound, is a potent blocker (IC(50) = 32 nM) of HERG K(+) channels. This bulky compound (7 x 20 A) is positively charged at physiological pH. Recovery from block of HERG channels by MK-499 and other methanesulfonanilides is extremely slow (Carmeliet 1992; Ficker et al. 1998), suggesting a trapping mechanism. We used a mutant HERG (D540K) channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes to test the trapping hypothesis. D540K HERG has the unusual property of opening in response to hyperpolarization, in addition to relatively normal gating and channel opening in response to depolarization (Sanguinetti and Xu 1999). The hyperpolarization-activated state of HERG was characterized by long bursts of single channel reopening. Channel reopening allowed recovery from block by 2 microM MK-499 to occur with time constants of 10.5 and 52.7 s at -160 mV. In contrast, wild-type HERG channels opened only briefly after membrane hyperpolarization, and thus did not permit recovery from block by MK-499. These findings provide direct evidence that the mechanism of slow recovery from HERG channel block by methanesulfonanilides is due to trapping of the compound in the inner vestibule by closure of the activation gate. The ability of HERG channels to trap MK-499, despite its large size, suggests that the vestibule of this channel is larger than the well studied Shaker K(+) channel.  相似文献   

K(+) channels encoded by the human ether-à-go-go-related gene (HERG) are distinguished from most other voltage-gated K(+) channels by an unusually slow deactivation process that enables cardiac I(Kr), the corresponding current in ventricular cells, to contribute to the repolarization of the action potential. When the first 16 amino acids are deleted from the amino terminus of HERG, the deactivation rate is much faster (Wang, J., M.C. Trudeau, A.M. Zappia, and G.A. Robertson. 1998. J. Gen. Physiol. 112:637-647). In this study, we determined whether the first 16 amino acids comprise a functional domain capable of slowing deactivation. We also tested whether this "deactivation subdomain" slows deactivation directly by affecting channel open times or indirectly by a blocking mechanism. Using inside-out macropatches excised from Xenopus oocytes, we found that a peptide corresponding to the first 16 amino acids of HERG is sufficient to reconstitute slow deactivation to channels lacking the amino terminus. The peptide acts as a soluble domain in a rapid and readily reversible manner, reflecting a more dynamic regulation of deactivation than the slow modification observed in a previous study with a larger amino-terminal peptide fragment (Morais Cabral, J.H., A. Lee, S.L. Cohen, B.T. Chait, M. Li, and R. Mackinnon. 1998. Cell. 95:649-655). The slowing of deactivation by the peptide occurs in a dose-dependent manner, with a Hill coefficient that implies the cooperative action of at least three peptides per channel. Unlike internal TEA, which slows deactivation indirectly by blocking the channels, the peptide does not reduce current amplitude. Nor does the amino terminus interfere with the blocking effect of TEA, indicating that the amino terminus binding site is spatially distinct from the TEA binding site. Analysis of the single channel activity in cell-attached patches shows that the amino terminus significantly increases channel mean open time with no alteration of the mean closed time or the addition of nonconducting states expected from a pore block mechanism.We propose that the four amino-terminal deactivation subdomains of the tetrameric channel interact with binding sites uncovered by channel opening to specifically stabilize the open state and thus slow channel closing.  相似文献   

kappa-Conotoxin-PVIIA (kappa-PVIIA) belongs to a family of peptides derived from a hunting marine snail that targets to a wide variety of ion channels and receptors. kappa-PVIIA is a small, structurally constrained, 27-residue peptide that inhibits voltage-gated K channels. Three disulfide bonds shape a characteristic four-loop folding. The spatial localization of positively charged residues in kappa-PVIIA exhibits strong structural mimicry to that of charybdotoxin, a scorpion toxin that occludes the pore of K channels. We studied the mechanism by which this peptide inhibits Shaker K channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes with the N-type inactivation removed. Chronically applied to whole oocytes or outside-out patches, kappa-PVIIA inhibition appears as a voltage-dependent relaxation in response to the depolarizing pulse used to activate the channels. At any applied voltage, the relaxation rate depended linearly on the toxin concentration, indicating a bimolecular stoichiometry. Time constants and voltage dependence of the current relaxation produced by chronic applications agreed with that of rapid applications to open channels. Effective valence of the voltage dependence, zdelta, is approximately 0.55 and resides primarily in the rate of dissociation from the channel, while the association rate is voltage independent with a magnitude of 10(7)-10(8) M-1 s-1, consistent with diffusion-limited binding. Compatible with a purely competitive interaction for a site in the external vestibule, tetraethylammonium, a well-known K-pore blocker, reduced kappa-PVIIA's association rate only. Removal of internal K+ reduced, but did not eliminate, the effective valence of the toxin dissociation rate to a value <0.3. This trans-pore effect suggests that: (a) as in the alpha-KTx, a positively charged side chain, possibly a Lys, interacts electrostatically with ions residing inside the Shaker pore, and (b) a part of the toxin occupies an externally accessible K+ binding site, decreasing the degree of pore occupancy by permeant ions. We conclude that, although evolutionarily distant to scorpion toxins, kappa-PVIIA shares with them a remarkably similar mechanism of inhibition of K channels.  相似文献   

Delayed rectifying K(+) channel, I(Ks), plays a vital role in normal and arrhythmogenic heart. I(Ks) is modulated by PKC but the identity of which PKC isozymes is involved in this modulation is not known. To dissect the role of individual PKC isozymes in the regulation of I(Ks), human cardiac I(Ks) channel (minK+KvLQT1) was expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Peptide PKC isozyme-specific activator and inhibitors, in addition to the general PKC activator, PMA, were used. Whole-cell I(Ks) was recorded using two-electrode voltage clamp technique. PMA and epsilon PKC specific activator peptide, but not the inactive analog, 4alphaPDD, significantly increased I(Ks). Peptide specific inhibitors for beta(II)PKC, and a general PKC inhibitor, calphostin C antagonized PMA-induced activation of I(Ks). However, control peptide, pentalysine, and specific inhibitor peptide for alphaPKC, beta(I)PKC, deltaPKC, or etaPKC did not alter PMA effect on I(Ks). The present study demonstrates that beta(II)PKC, epsilon PKC but not beta(I)PKC, alphaPKC, deltaPKC, and etaPKC, are involved in PMA-induced activation of the cloned human I(Ks) expressed in Xenopus oocyte. Furthermore, this is the first report to dissect the fine functional role of beta(II)PKC and beta(I)PKC in the regulation of I(Ks). Identification of the particular isozyme(s) that mediates the regulation of I(Ks) channels is of importance for the understanding of the mechanism of ion channel regulation and the development of new therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The effects of the scorpion alpha-toxins Lqh II, Lqh III, and LqhalphaIT on human cardiac sodium channels (hH1), which were expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, were investigated. The toxins removed fast inactivation with EC(50) values of <2.5 nM (Lqh III), 12 nM (Lqh II), and 33 nM (LqhalphaIT). Association and dissociation rates of Lqh III were much slower than those of Lqh II and LqhalphaIT, such that Lqh III would not dissociate from the channel during a cardiac activation potential. The voltage dependence of toxin dissociation from hH1 channels was nearly the same for all toxins tested, but it was different from that found for skeletal muscle sodium channels (muI; Chen et al. 2000). These results indicate that the voltage dependence of toxin binding is a property of the channel protein. Toxin dissociation remained voltage dependent even at high voltages where activation and fast inactivation is saturated, indicating that the voltage dependence originates from other sources. Slow inactivation of hH1 and muI channels was significantly enhanced by Lqh II and Lqh III. The half-maximal voltage of steady-state slow inactivation was shifted to negative values, the voltage dependence was increased, and, in particular for hH1, slow inactivation at high voltages became more complete. This effect exceeded an expected augmentation of slow inactivation owing to the loss of fast inactivation and, therefore, shows that slow sodium channel inactivation may be directly modulated by scorpion alpha-toxins.  相似文献   

We have examined the voltage dependence of external TEA block of Shaker K(+) channels over a range of internal K(+) concentrations from 2 to 135 mM. We found that the concentration dependence of external TEA block in low internal K(+) solutions could not be described by a single TEA binding affinity. The deviation from a single TEA binding isotherm was increased at more depolarized membrane voltages. The data were well described by a two-component binding scheme representing two, relatively stable populations of conducting channels that differ in their affinity for external TEA. The relative proportion of these two populations was not much affected by membrane voltage but did depend on the internal K(+) concentration. Low internal K(+) promoted an increase in the fraction of channels with a low TEA affinity. The voltage dependence of the apparent high-affinity TEA binding constant depended on the internal K(+) concentration, becoming almost voltage independent in 5 mM. The K(+) sensitivity of these low- and high-affinity TEA states suggests that they may represent one- and two-ion occupancy states of the selectivity filter, consistent with recent crystallographic results from the bacterial KcsA K(+) channel. We therefore analyzed these data in terms of such a model and found a large (almost 14-fold) difference between the intrinsic TEA affinity of the one-ion and two-ion modes. According to this analysis, the single ion in the one-ion mode (at 0 mV) prefers the inner end of the selectivity filter twofold more than the outer end. This distribution does not change with internal K(+). The two ions in the two-ion mode prefer to occupy the inner end of the selectivity filter at low K(+), but high internal K(+) promotes increased occupancy of the outer sites. Our analysis further suggests that the four K(+) sites in the selectivity filter are spaced between 20 and 25% of the membrane electric field.  相似文献   

The rat gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter GAT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes was labeled at Cys74, and at one or more other sites, by tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide, without significantly altering GAT1 function. Voltage-jump relaxation analysis showed that fluorescence increased slightly and monotonically with hyperpolarization; the fluorescence at -140 mV was approximately 0. 8% greater than at +60 mV. The time course of the fluorescence relaxations was mostly described by a single exponential with voltage-dependent but history-independent time constants ranging from approximately 20 ms at +60 mV to approximately 150 ms at -140 mV. The fluorescence did not saturate at the most negative potentials tested, and the midpoint of the fluorescence-voltage relation was at least 50 mV more negative than the midpoint of the charge-voltage relation previously identified with Na(+) binding to GAT1. The presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid did not noticeably affect the fluorescence waveforms. The fluorescence signal depended on Na(+) concentration with a Hill coefficient approaching 2. Increasing Cl(-) concentration modestly increased and accelerated the fluorescence relaxations for hyperpolarizing jumps. The fluorescence change was blocked by the GAT1 inhibitor, NO-711. For the W68L mutant of GAT1, the fluorescence relaxations occurred only during jumps to high positive potentials, in agreement with previous suggestions that this mutant is trapped in one conformational state except at these potentials. These observations suggest that the fluorescence signals monitor a novel state of GAT1, intermediate between the E*(out) and E(out) states of Hilgemann, D.W., and C.-C. Lu (1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:459-476). Therefore, the study provides verification that conformational changes occur during GAT1 function.  相似文献   

The InsP3R Ca2+ release channel has a biphasic dependence on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). InsP3 activates gating primarily by reducing the sensitivity of the channel to inhibition by high [Ca2+]i. To determine if relieving Ca2+ inhibition is sufficient for channel activation, we examined single-channel activities in low [Ca2+]i in the absence of InsP3, by patch clamping isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei. For both endogenous Xenopus type 1 and recombinant rat type 3 InsP3R channels, spontaneous InsP3-independent channel activities with low open probability Po ( approximately 0.03) were observed in [Ca2+]i < 5 nM with the same frequency as in the presence of InsP3, whereas no activities were observed in 25 nM Ca2+. These results establish the half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i of the channel to be 1.2-4.0 nM in the absence of InsP3, and demonstrate that the channel can be active when all of its ligand-binding sites (including InsP3) are unoccupied. In the simplest allosteric model that fits all observations in nuclear patch-clamp studies of [Ca2+]i and InsP3 regulation of steady-state channel gating behavior of types 1 and 3 InsP3R isoforms, including spontaneous InsP3-independent channel activities, the tetrameric channel can adopt six different conformations, the equilibria among which are controlled by two inhibitory and one activating Ca2+-binding and one InsP3-binding sites in a manner outlined in the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model. InsP3 binding activates gating by affecting the Ca2+ affinities of the high-affinity inhibitory sites in different conformations, transforming it into an activating site. Ca2+ inhibition of InsP3-liganded channels is mediated by an InsP3-independent low-affinity inhibitory site. The model also suggests that besides the ligand-regulated gating mechanism, the channel has a ligand-independent gating mechanism responsible for maximum channel Po being less than unity. The validity of this model was established by its successful quantitative prediction of channel behavior after it had been exposed to ultra-low bath [Ca2+].  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the KcsA channel at different [K(+)] and [Rb(+)] provided insight into how K(+) channels might achieve high selectivity and high K(+) transit rates and showed marked differences between the occupancies of the two ions within the ion channel pore. In this study, the binding of kappa-conotoxin PVIIA (kappa-PVIIA) to Shaker K(+) channel in the presence of K(+) and Rb(+) was investigated. It is demonstrated that the complex results obtained were largely rationalized by differences in selectivity filter occupancy of this 6TM channels as predicted from the structural work on KcsA. kappa-PVIIA inhibition of the Shaker K(+) channel differs in the closed and open state. When K(+) is the only permeant ion, increasing extracellular [K(+)] decreases kappa-PVIIA affinity for closed channels by decreasing the "on" binding rate, but has no effect on the block of open channels, which is influenced only by the intracellular [K(+)]. In contrast, extracellular [Rb(+)] affects both closed- and open-channel binding. As extracellular [Rb(+)] increases, (a) binding to the closed channel is slightly destabilized and acquires faster kinetics, and (b) open channel block is also destabilized and the lowest block seems to occur when the pore is likely filled only by Rb(+). These results suggest that the nature of the permeant ions determines both the occupancy and the location of the pore site from which they interact with kappa-PVIIA binding. Thus, our results suggest that the permeant ion(s) within a channel pore can determine its functional and pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

The E. coli mechanosensitive (MS) channel of small conductance (EcMscS) is the prototype of a diverse family of channels present in all domains of life. While EcMscS has been extensively studied, recent developments show that MscS may display some characteristics not widely conserved in this protein subfamily. With numerous members now electrophysiologically characterized, this subfamily of channels displays a breadth of ion selectivity with both anion and cation selective members. The selectivity of these channels may be relatively weak in comparison to voltage-gated channels but their selectivity mechanisms represent great novelty. Recent studies have identified unexpected residues important for selectivity in these homologs revealing different selectivity mechanisms than those employed by voltage gated K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Cl- channels whose selectivity filters are housed within their transmembrane pores. This commentary looks at what is currently known about MscS subfamily selectivity and begins to unravel the potential physiological relevance of these differences.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor (InsP3R), a Ca2+-release channel localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, plays a critical role in generating complex cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals in many cell types. Three InsP3R isoforms are expressed in different subcellular locations, at variable relative levels with heteromultimer formation in different cell types. A proposed reason for this diversity of InsP3R expression is that the isoforms are differentially inhibited by high cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i), possibly due to their different interactions with calmodulin. Here, we have investigated the possible roles of calmodulin and bath [Ca2+] in mediating high [Ca2+]i inhibition of InsP3R gating by studying single endogenous type 1 InsP3R channels through patch clamp electrophysiology of the outer membrane of isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Neither high concentrations of a calmodulin antagonist nor overexpression of a dominant-negative Ca2+-insensitive mutant calmodulin affected inhibition of gating by high [Ca2+]i. However, a novel, calmodulin-independent regulation of [Ca2+]i inhibition of gating was revealed: whereas channels recorded from nuclei kept in the regular bathing solution with [Ca2+] approximately 400 nM were inhibited by 290 muM [Ca2+]i, exposure of the isolated nuclei to a bath solution with ultra-low [Ca2+] (<5 nM, for approximately 300 s) before the patch-clamp experiments reversibly relieved Ca2+ inhibition, with channel activities observed in [Ca2+]i up to 1.5 mM. Although InsP3 activates gating by relieving high [Ca2+]i inhibition, it was nevertheless still required to activate channels that lacked high [Ca2+]i inhibition. Our observations suggest that high [Ca2+]i inhibition of InsP3R channel gating is not regulated by calmodulin, whereas it can be disrupted by environmental conditions experienced by the channel, raising the possibility that presence or absence of high [Ca2+]i inhibition may not be an immutable property of different InsP3R isoforms. Furthermore, these observations support an allosteric model in which Ca2+ inhibition of the InsP3R is mediated by two Ca2+ binding sites, only one of which is sensitive to InsP3.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of αβγ rat epithelial Na+ channel (rENaC) to osmotically or mechanically induced changes of membrane tension was investigated in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, using both dual electrode voltage clamp and cell-attached patch clamp methodologies. ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to mechanical cell swelling caused by direct injection of 90 or 180 nl of 100-mM KCl. Similarly, ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to osmotic cell swelling caused by a 33% decrease of bathing solution osmolarity. The lack of an effect of cell swelling on ENaC was independent of the status of the actin cytoskeleton, as ENaC remained insensitive to osmotic and mechanical cell swelling in oocytes pretreated with cytochalasin B for 2–5 h. This apparent insensitivity of ENaC to increased cell volume and changes of membrane tension was also observed at the single channel level in membrane patches subjected to negative or positive pressures of 5 or 10 in. of water. However, and contrary to the lack of an effect of cell swelling, ENaC currents were inhibited by cell shrinking. A 45-min incubation in a 260-mosmol solution (a 25% increase of solution osmolarity) caused a decrease of ENaC currents (at −100 mV) from −3.42 ± 0.34 to −2.02 ± 0.23 μA (n = 6). This decrease of current with cell shrinking was completely blocked by pretreatment of oocytes with cytochalasin B, indicating that these changes of current are not likely related to a direct effect of cell shrinking. We conclude that αβγ rENaC is not directly mechanosensitive when expressed in a system that can produce a channel with identical properties to those found in native epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary Stage V and VI (Dumont, J.N., 1972.J. Morphol. 136:153–180) oocytes ofXenopus laevis were treated with collagenase to remove follicular cells and were placed in K-free solution for 2 to 4 days to elevate internal [Na]. Na/K pump activity was studied by restoring the eggs to normal 3mm K Barth's solution and measuring membrane current-voltage (I–V) relationships before and after the addition of 10 m dihydroouabain (DHO) using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp. Two pulse protocols were used to measure membraneI–V relationships, both allowing membrane currents to be determined twice at each of a series of membrane potentials: (i) a down-up-down sequence of 5 mV, 1-sec stair steps and (ii) a similar sequence of 1-sec voltage pulses but with consecutive pulses separated by 4-sec recovery periods at the holding potential (–40 mV). The resulting membraneI–V relationships determined both before and during exposure to DHO showed significant hysteresis between the first and second current measurements at each voltage. DHO difference curves also usually showed hysteresis indicating that DHO caused a change in a component of current that varied with time. Since, by definition, the steady-state Na/K pumpI–V relationship must be free of hysteresis, the presence of hysteresis in DHO differenceI–V curves can be used as a criterion for excluding such data from consideration as a valid measure of the Na/K pumpI–V relationship. DHO differenceI–V relationships that did not show hysteresis were sigmoid functions of membrane potential when measured in normal (90mm) external Na solution. The Na/K pump current magnitude saturated near 0 mV at a value of 1.0–1.5 A cm–2, without evidence of negative slope conductance for potentials up to +55 mV. The Na/K pump current magnitude in Na-free external solution was approximately voltage independent. Since these forward-going Na/K pumpI–V relationships do not show a region of negative slope over the voltage range –110 to +55 mV, it is not necessary to postulate the existence of more than one voltage-dependent step in the reaction cycle of the forward-going Na/K pump.  相似文献   

ROMK channels are regulated by internal pH (pH(i)) and extracellular K(+) (K(+)(o)). The mechanisms underlying this regulation were studied in these channels after expression in Xenopus oocytes. Replacement of the COOH-terminal portion of ROMK2 (Kir1.1b) with the corresponding region of the pH-insensitive channel IRK1 (Kir 2.1) produced a chimeric channel (termed C13) with enhanced sensitivity to inhibition by intracellular H(+), increasing the apparent pKa for inhibition by approximately 0.9 pH units. Three amino acid substitutions at the COOH-terminal end of the second transmembrane helix (I159V, L160M, and I163M) accounted for these effects. These substitutions also made the channels more sensitive to reduction in K(+)(o), consistent with coupling between the responses to pH(i) and K(+)(o). The ion selectivity sequence of the activation of the channel by cations was K(+) congruent with Rb(+) > NH(4)(+) > Na(+), similar to that for ion permeability, suggesting an interaction with the selectivity filter. We tested a model of coupling in which a pH-sensitive gate can close the pore from the inside, preventing access of K(+) from the cytoplasm and increasing sensitivity of the selectivity filter to removal of K(+)(o). We mimicked closure of this gate using positive membrane potentials to elicit block by intracellular cations. With K(+)(o) between 10 and 110 mM, this resulted in a slow, reversible decrease in conductance. However, additional channel constructs, in which inward rectification was maintained but the pH sensor was abolished, failed to respond to voltage under the same conditions. This indicates that blocking access of intracellular K(+) to the selectivity filter cannot account for coupling. The C13 chimera was 10 times more sensitive to extracellular Ba(2+) block than was ROMK2, indicating that changes in the COOH terminus affect ion binding to the outer part of the pore. This effect correlated with the sensitivity to inactivation by H(+). We conclude that decreasing pH(I) increases the sensitivity of ROMK2 channels to K(+)(o) by altering the properties of the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes express several different Ca-activated Cl currents that have different waveforms and biophysical properties. We compared the stimulation of Ca-activated Cl currents measured by two-microelectrode voltage clamp with the Ca transients measured in the same cell by confocal microscopy and Ca-sensitive fluorophores. The purpose was to determine how the amplitude and/or spatio-temporal features of the Ca signal might explain how these different Cl currents were activated by Ca. Because Ca release from stores was voltage independent, whereas Ca influx depended upon the electrochemical driving force, we were able to separately assess the contribution of Ca from these two sources. We were surprised to find that Ca signals measured with a cytosolic Ca-sensitive dye, dextran-conjugated Ca-green-1, correlated poorly with Cl currents. This suggested that Cl channels located at the plasma membrane and the Ca-sensitive dye located in the bulk cytosol were sensing different [Ca]. This was true despite Ca measurement in a confocal slice very close to the plasma membrane. In contrast, a membrane-targeted Ca-sensitive dye (Ca-green-C18) reported a Ca signal that correlated much more closely with the Cl currents. We hypothesize that very local, transient, reversible Ca gradients develop between the subplasmalemmal space and the bulk cytosol. [Ca] is higher near the plasma membrane when Ca is provided by Ca influx, whereas the gradient is reversed when Ca is released from stores, because Ca efflux across the plasma membrane is faster than diffusion of Ca from the bulk cytosol to the subplasmalemmal space. Because dissipation of the gradients is accelerated by inhibition of Ca sequestration into the endoplasmic reticulum with thapsigargin, we conclude that [Ca] in the bulk cytosol declines slowly partly due to futile recycling of Ca through the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

On the molecular basis of ion permeation in the epithelial Na+ channel.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is highly selective for Na+ and Li+ over K+ and is blocked by the diuretic amiloride. ENaC is a heterotetramer made of two alpha, one beta, and one gamma homologous subunits, each subunit comprising two transmembrane segments. Amino acid residues involved in binding of the pore blocker amiloride are located in the pre-M2 segment of beta and gamma subunits, which precedes the second putative transmembrane alpha helix (M2). A residue in the alpha subunit (alphaS589) at the NH2 terminus of M2 is critical for the molecular sieving properties of ENaC. ENaC is more permeable to Li+ than Na+ ions. The concentration of half-maximal unitary conductance is 38 mM for Na+ and 118 mM for Li+, a kinetic property that can account for the differences in Li+ and Na+ permeability. We show here that mutation of amino acid residues at homologous positions in the pre-M2 segment of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (alphaG587, betaG529, gammaS541) decreases the Li+/Na+ selectivity by changing the apparent channel affinity for Li+ and Na+. Fitting single-channel data of the Li+ permeation to a discrete-state model including three barriers and two binding sites revealed that these mutations increased the energy needed for the translocation of Li+ from an outer ion binding site through the selectivity filter. Mutation of betaG529 to Ser, Cys, or Asp made ENaC partially permeable to K+ and larger ions, similar to the previously reported alphaS589 mutations. We conclude that the residues alphaG587 to alphaS589 and homologous residues in the beta and gamma subunits form the selectivity filter, which tightly accommodates Na+ and Li+ ions and excludes larger ions like K+.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels respond to changes in the transmembrane voltage by opening or closing their ion conducting pore. The positively charged fourth transmembrane segment (S4) has been identified as the main voltage sensor, but the mechanisms of coupling between the voltage sensor and the gates are still unknown. Obtaining information about the location and the exact motion of S4 is an important step toward an understanding of these coupling mechanisms. In previous studies we have shown that the extracellular end of S4 is located close to segment 5 (S5). The purpose of the present study is to estimate the location of S4 charges in both resting and activated states. We measured the modification rates by differently charged methanethiosulfonate regents of two residues in the extracellular end of S5 in the Shaker K channel (418C and 419C). When S4 moves to its activated state, the modification rate by the negatively charged sodium (2-sulfonatoethyl) methanethiosulfonate (MTSES(-)) increases significantly more than the modification rate by the positively charged [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl] methanethiosulfonate, bromide (MTSET(+)). This indicates that the positive S4 charges are moving close to 418C and 419C in S5 during activation. Neutralization of the most external charge of S4 (R362), shows that R362 in its activated state electrostatically affects the environment at 418C by 19 mV. In contrast, R362 in its resting state has no effect on 418C. This suggests that, during activation of the channel, R362 moves from a position far away (>20 A) to a position close (8 A) to 418C. Despite its close approach to E418, a residue shown to be important in slow inactivation, R362 has no effect on slow inactivation or the recovery from slow inactivation. This refutes previous models for slow inactivation with an electrostatic S4-to-gate coupling. Instead, we propose a model with an allosteric mechanism for the S4-to-gate coupling.  相似文献   

A family of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor (InsP3R) Ca2+ release channels plays a central role in Ca2+ signaling in most cells, but functional correlates of isoform diversity are unclear. Patch-clamp electrophysiology of endogenous type 1 (X-InsP3R-1) and recombinant rat type 3 InsP3R (r-InsP3R-3) channels in the outer membrane of isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei indicated that enhanced affinity and reduced cooperativity of Ca2+ activation sites of the InsP3-liganded type 3 channel distinguished the two isoforms. Because Ca2+ activation of type 1 channel was the target of regulation by cytoplasmic ATP free acid concentration ([ATP](i)), here we studied the effects of [ATP]i on the dependence of r-InsP(3)R-3 gating on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i. As [ATP]i was increased from 0 to 0.5 mM, maximum r-InsP3R-3 channel open probability (Po) remained unchanged, whereas the half-maximal activating [Ca2+]i and activation Hill coefficient both decreased continuously, from 800 to 77 nM and from 1.6 to 1, respectively, and the half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i was reduced from 115 to 39 microM. These effects were largely due to effects of ATP on the mean closed channel duration. Whereas the r-InsP3R-3 had a substantially higher Po than X-InsP3R-1 in activating [Ca2+]i (< 1 microM) and 0.5 mM ATP, the Ca2+ dependencies of channel gating of the two isoforms became remarkably similar in the absence of ATP. Our results suggest that ATP binding is responsible for conferring distinct gating properties on the two InsP3R channel isoforms. Possible molecular models to account for the distinct regulation by ATP of the Ca2+ activation properties of the two channel isoforms and the physiological implications of these results are discussed. Complex regulation by ATP of the types 1 and 3 InsP3R channel activities may enable cells to generate sophisticated patterns of Ca2+ signals with cytoplasmic ATP as one of the second messengers.  相似文献   

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