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The Mesorhizobium loti strain R7A symbiosis island is a 502-kb chromosomally integrated element which transfers to nonsymbiotic mesorhizobia in the environment, converting them to Lotus symbionts. It integrates into a phenylalanine tRNA gene in a process mediated by a P4-type integrase encoded at the left end of the element. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the island and compared its deduced genetic complement with that reported for the 611-kb putative symbiosis island of M. loti strain MAFF303099. The two islands share 248 kb of DNA, with multiple deletions and insertions of up to 168 kb interrupting highly conserved colinear DNA regions in the two strains. The shared DNA regions contain all the genes likely to be required for Nod factor synthesis, nitrogen fixation, and island transfer. Transfer genes include a trb operon and a cluster of potential tra genes which are also present on the strain MAFF303099 plasmid pMLb. The island lacks plasmid replication genes, suggesting that it is a site-specific conjugative transposon. The R7A island encodes a type IV secretion system with strong similarity to the vir pilus from Agrobacterium tumefaciens that is deleted from MAFF303099, which in turn encodes a type III secretion system not found on the R7A island. The 414 genes on the R7A island also include putative regulatory genes, transport genes, and an array of metabolic genes. Most of the unique hypothetical genes on the R7A island are strain-specific and clustered, suggesting that they may represent other acquired genetic elements rather than symbiotically relevant DNA.  相似文献   

DNA sequences encoding hypothetical proteins homologous to S1 nuclease from Aspergillus oryzae are found in many organisms including fungi, plants, pathogenic bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites. One of these is the M1 nuclease of Mesorhizobium loti which we demonstrate herein to be an enzymatically active, soluble, and stable S1 homolog that lacks the extensive mannosyl-glycosylation found in eukaryotic S1 nuclease homologs. We have expressed the cloned M1 protein in M. loti and purified recombinant native M1 to near homogeneity and have also isolated a homogeneous M1 carboxy-terminal hexahistidine tag fusion protein. Mass spectrometry and N-terminal Edman degradation sequencing confirmed the protein identity. The enzymatic properties of the purified M1 nuclease are similar to those of S1. At acidic pH M1 is 25 times more active on single-stranded DNA than on double-stranded DNA and 3 times more active on single-stranded DNA than on single-stranded RNA. At neutral pH the RNase activity of M1 exceeds the DNase activity. M1 nicks supercoiled RF-I plasmid DNA and rapidly cuts the phosphodiester bond across from the nick in the resultant relaxed RF-II plasmid DNA. Therefore, M1 represents an active bacterial S1 homolog in spite of great sequence divergence. The biochemical characterization of M1 nuclease supports our sequence alignment that reveals the minimal 21 amino acid residues that are necessarily conserved for the structure and functions of this enzyme family. The ability of M1 to degrade RNA at neutral pH implies previously unappreciated roles of these nucleases in biological systems.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a symbiotic bacterium Mesorhizobium loti strain MAFF303099 was determined. The genome of M. loti consisted of a single chromosome (7,036,071 bp) and two plasmids, designated as pMLa (351,911 bp) and pMLb (208, 315 bp). The chromosome comprises 6752 potential protein-coding genes, two sets of rRNA genes and 50 tRNA genes representing 47 tRNA species. Fifty-four percent of the potential protein genes showed sequence similarity to genes of known function, 21% to hypothetical genes, and the remaining 25% had no apparent similarity to reported genes. A 611-kb DNA segment, a highly probable candidate of a symbiotic island, was identified, and 30 genes for nitrogen fixation and 24 genes for nodulation were assigned in this region. Codon usage analysis suggested that the symbiotic island as well as the plasmids originated and were transmitted from other genetic systems. The genomes of two plasmids, pMLa and pMLb, contained 320 and 209 potential protein-coding genes, respectively, for a variety of biological functions. These include genes for the ABC-transporter system, phosphate assimilation, two-component system, DNA replication and conjugation, but only one gene for nodulation was identified.  相似文献   

With the original aim of surveying the role of exopolysaccharide (EPS) in Lotus-Mesorhizobium symbiosis, we carried out Tn5 mutagenesis of Mesorhizobium loti and obtained 32 mutants with defects in EPS biosynthesis. One of the mutants, HIA22, formed pseudonodules and failed to fix nitrogen with Lotus japonicus. However, complementation analysis unexpectedly revealed that the potential gene with the locus tag, mll2073, interrupted by Tn5 was responsible for neither normal EPS synthesis nor symbiosis. Further analysis uncovered that HIA22 had a genome deletion of approximately 20 kbp, resulting in the loss of two separate genes responsible for EPS biosynthesis and symbiosis. One gene with the locus tag, mll5669, was needed to synthesize normal EPS that fluoresced on medium containing Calcofluor and encoded a homolog of O-antigen acetyl transferase in Salmonella typhimurium. A specific mutant of mll5669, EMB-B58, successfully fixed nitrogen when infected onto L. japonicus. Another gene, mlr5647, was needed to establish fully functional nodules and encoded ornithine carbamoyl transferase [ArgF (EC], which participates in arginine biosynthesis. A specific mutant of mlr5647, EMB-Y2, showed arginine auxotrophy and formed infection threads, but the nodules formed by this strain had few infected cells filled with bacteroids. These mutant phenotypes were complemented by supplementation of arginine or citrulline to bacterial or plant medium. EMB-Y2 represented a novel class of rhizobial arginine auxotrophs with symbiotic deficiency, and its phenotypes indicated that sufficient supply of citrulline or its derivative is essential for successful infection or for a stage in the infection process in Lotus-Mesorhizobium symbiosis.  相似文献   

The symbiosis island ICE Ml SymR7A of Mesorhizobium loti R7A is an integrative and conjugative element (ICE) that carries genes required for a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Lotus species. ICE Ml SymR7A encodes homologues (TraR, TraI1 and TraI2) of proteins that regulate plasmid transfer by quorum sensing in rhizobia and agrobacteria. Introduction of traR cloned on a plasmid induced excision of ICE Ml SymR7A in all cells, a 1000-fold increase in the production of 3-oxo-C6-homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C6-HSL) and a 40-fold increase in conjugative transfer. These effects were dependent on traI1 but not traI2 . Induction of expression from the traI1 and traI2 promoters required the presence of plasmid-borne traR and either traI1 or 100 pM 3-oxo-C6-HSL, suggesting that traR expression or TraR activity is repressed in wild-type cells by a mechanism that can be overcome by additional copies of traR . The traI2 gene formed an operon with hypothetical genes msi172 and msi171 that were essential for ICE Ml SymR7A excision and transfer. Our data suggest that derepressed TraR in conjunction with TraI1-synthesized 3-oxo-C6-HSL regulates excision and transfer of ICE Ml SymR7A through expression of msi172 and msi171 . Homologues of msi172 and msi171 were present on putative ICEs in several α-proteobacteria, indicating a conserved role in ICE excision and transfer.  相似文献   

For effective exploitation of the genome sequence information of Lotus microsymbiont, Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099, to discover gene functions, we have constructed an ordered and mutually overlapping cosmid library using an IncP broad host-range vector. The library consisted of 480 clones to cover approximately 99.6% of the genome with average insert size and overlap of 26.9 and 11.1 kbp, respectively. The genome of M. loti consists of a single chromosome and two plasmids. The chromosome (7,036,071 bp) was covered 99.68% by 445 clones with four gaps, although two clones were unstable in E. coli. The larger plasmid pMLa (351,911 bp) was completely covered by 23 clones, while the smaller pMLb (208,315 bp) was covered 98.85% by 12 clones with two gaps. We have also made ancillary plasmids to facilitate the construction of deletion mutants using derivatives of the library clones. As a pilot experiment to uncover regions which contain novel symbiotic genes, 13 deletion mutants were constructed to lack in total 180.5 kbp of the genome. All the mutants formed apparently normal nodules and supported symbiotic nitrogen fixation, however, one mutant that lacked a 5.3 kbp chromosomal region, 4,551,930-4,557,222, did not produce normal exopolysaccharides as judged by fluorescence on medium containing Calcofluor. The results supported the effectiveness of the approach to detect gene functions.  相似文献   

The Mesorhizobium loti strain R7A symbiosis island is an Integrative Conjugative Element (ICE), herein termed ICEMlSymR7A, which integrates into a phetRNA gene. Integration reconstructs the phetRNA gene at one junction with the core chromosome, and a direct repeat of the 3-prime 17 bp of the gene is formed at the other junction. We show that the ICEMlSymR7AintS gene, which encodes an integrase of the phage P4 family, is required for integration and excision of the island. Excision also depended on a novel recombination directionality factor encoded by msi109 (rdfS). Constitutive expression of rdfS resulted in curing of ICEMlSymR7A. The rdfS gene is part of an operon with genes required for conjugative transfer, allowing co-ordinate regulation of ICEMlSymR7A excision and transfer. The excised form of ICEMlSymR7A was detectable during exponential growth but occurred at higher frequency during stationary phase. ICEMlSymR7A encodes homologues of the traR and traI genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that regulate Ti plasmid transfer via quorum sensing. The presence of a plasmid with cloned island traR traI2 genes resulted in excision of ICEMlSymR7A in all cells regardless of culture density, indicating that excision may be similarly regulated. Maintenance of ICEMlSymR7A in these cells depended on msi106 (rlxS) that encodes a putative relaxase. Transfer of the island to non-symbiotic mesorhizobia required intS, rlxS and rdfS. The rdfS and rlxS genes are conserved across a diverse range of alpha-, beta- and gamma-proteobacteria and identify a large family of genomic islands with a common transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

Mesorhizobium loti NZP2213.1 mutant obtained after random Tn5 mutagenesis of M. loti NZP2213 was inefficient in nitrogen fixation on Lotus corniculatus. The transposon insertion was located within an ORF with a sequence similarity to a putative glycosyl transferase from Caulobacter crescentus. The results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the mutant produced LPS of the same O-chain length but only half of the entire smooth LPS, compared to that of the parental strain. A greater diversity of the anomeric region as determined by NMR spectroscopy, reflected structural differences in the mutant repeating units represented by 6-deoxytalose, 2-OAc-6-deoxytalose, and 2-OMe-6-deoxytalose. In contrast to the completely O-acetylated 6-deoxytalose in wild-type OPS only partial O-acetylation was found in the mutant. The decrease of the LPS species with O-chains seems to be correlated with 6-deoxytalose deficiency. Microscopic examination of the nodules induced by the mutant revealed disturbances in infection thread development and premature senescence of symbiosomes. The impairment of mutant-induced symbiosomes to sustain latter stages of symbiosis could be a consequence of the decreased ratio of the hydrophobic to the hydrophilic LPSs.  相似文献   

Pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase (PPAT; EC is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-independent aminotransferase and catalyzes reversible transamination between pyridoxamine and pyruvate to form pyridoxal and L-alanine. The crystal structure of PPAT from Mesorhizobium loti has been solved in space group P4(3)2(1)2 and was refined to an R factor of 15.6% (R(free) = 20.6%) at 2.0 A resolution. In addition, the structures of PPAT in complexes with pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxyl-L-alanine have been refined to R factors of 15.6, 15.4, and 14.5% (R(free) = 18.6, 18.1, and 18.4%) at 1.7, 1.7, and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. PPAT is a homotetramer and each subunit is composed of a large N-terminal domain, consisting of seven beta-sheets and eight alpha-helices, and a smaller C-terminal domain, consisting of three beta-sheets and four alpha-helices. The substrate pyridoxal is bound through an aldimine linkage to Lys-197 in the active site. The alpha-carboxylate group of the substrate amino/keto acid is hydrogen-bonded to Arg-336 and Arg-345. The structures revealed that the bulky side chain of Glu-68 interfered with the binding of the phosphate moiety of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and made PPAT specific to pyridoxal. The reaction mechanism of the enzyme is discussed based on the structures and kinetics results.  相似文献   

The periplasmic glucans of Mesorhizobium loti were isolated and separated into fractions according to their acidity. NMR spectroscopy confirmed their backbone structure to be a cyclic beta-(1-->2)-d-glucan as in the case of other rhizobia, and revealed no non-glycosidic substituents in the neutral fraction, and glycerophosphoryl and succinyl residues as major and minor substituents, respectively, in the anionic fractions. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry showed that the anionic glucans contain one, two, or three such substituents per molecule according to their acidity, and, in contrast, that all the anionic subfractions have a similar size distribution to that of the neutral glucans, where molecules composed of 20-24 glucosyl residues are predominant. These results clarify the periplasmic glucan composition in terms of charge-to-mass ratios in M. loti cells.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes involved in the detoxification of numerous aromatic chemicals. The NAT-dependent N-acetylation pathway has not previously been detected in plants. We demonstrate here the occurrence of the NAT-dependent pathway in leguminous plants, due to symbiosis with Mesorhizobium loti. We cloned two NAT enzymes from M. loti and showed that these two recombinant enzymes catalysed the N-acetylation of several known NAT substrates, including aniline-derived pesticide residues. We also demonstrate the existence of a functional NAT-dependent acetylation pathway in the root nodules of Lotus japonicus inoculated with M. loti. M. loti is the first non-eukaryotic organism shown to express two catalytically active NAT isoforms. This work also provides the first evidence for acquisition of a xenobiotic detoxification pathway by a plant through symbiosis with a soil microbe.  相似文献   

Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 has a functional type III secretory system (T3SS) involved in the nodulation process on Lotus tenuis and Lotus japonicus. Four putative M.?loti T3SS effectors (Mlr6358, Mlr6331, Mlr6361, and Mlr6316) have been previously described, and it has been demonstrated that the N-terminal regions of Mlr6361 and Mlr6358 mediate the secretion via a T3SS. Here, we demonstrate the capacity of Mlr6316 and Mlr6331 N-terminal regions to direct the secretion of a translational fusion to a reporter peptide through T3SS. By using single, double, and triple mutants, we demonstrated the positive and negative participation of some of these proteins in the determination of competitiveness on Lotus spp. Low competitiveness values correlated with low nodulation efficiency for a mutant deficient in three of the putative M.?loti effectors. Our data suggest that the net effect of M.?loti T3SS function on symbiotic process with Lotus results from a balance between positive and negative effects.  相似文献   



Evidence based on genomic sequences is urgently needed to confirm the phylogenetic relationship between Mesorhizobium strain MAFF303099 and M. huakuii. To define underlying causes for the rather striking difference in host specificity between M. huakuii strain 7653R and MAFF303099, several probable determinants also require comparison at the genomic level. An improved understanding of mobile genetic elements that can be integrated into the main chromosomes of Mesorhizobium to form genomic islands would enrich our knowledge of how genome dynamics may contribute to Mesorhizobium evolution in general.


In this study, we sequenced the complete genome of 7653R and compared it with five other Mesorhizobium genomes. Genomes of 7653R and MAFF303099 were found to share a large set of orthologs and, most importantly, a conserved chromosomal backbone and even larger perfectly conserved synteny blocks. We also identified candidate molecular differences responsible for the different host specificities of these two strains. Finally, we reconstructed an ancestral Mesorhizobium genomic island that has evolved into diverse forms in different Mesorhizobium species.


Our ortholog and synteny analyses firmly establish MAFF303099 as a strain of M. huakuii. Differences in nodulation factors and secretion systems T3SS, T4SS, and T6SS may be responsible for the unique host specificities of 7653R and MAFF303099 strains. The plasmids of 7653R may have arisen by excision of the original genomic island from the 7653R chromosome.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-440) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of pyridoxal to 4-pyridoxolactone and is involved in degradation pathway I of pyridoxine, a vitamin B6 compound. Its crystal structure was elucidated for the first time. Molecular replacement with (S)-1-phenylthanol dehydrogenase (PDB code 2EW8) was adopted to determine the tertiary structure of the NAD+-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of pyridoxal to 4-pyridoxolactone and is involved in degradation pathway I of pyridoxine, a vitamin B(6) compound. Its crystal structure was elucidated for the first time. Molecular replacement with (S)-1-phenylthanol dehydrogenase (PDB code 2EW8) was adopted to determine the tertiary structure of the NAD(+)-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Because of differences in the reported 16S rRNA gene sequence of the Mesorhizobium loti type strain available from different culture collections, we collected different subcultures of this strain and compared them by 16S rDNA sequencing, SDS-PAGE of whole-cell protein extracts and RAPD-PCR. Our results indicate that the 16S rDNA sequence differences can be explained by the presence of two different organisms in one of the subcultures. In addition, even for subcultures of the type strain that had identical 16S rDNA sequences, small differences could be observed in the protein profiles and in the RAPD-PCR patterns. These latter observations indicate that maintenance procedures necessary for long-term preservation by freeze-drying can cause subcultures of the same original strain to undergo changes, effectively leading to different fingerprints even though 16S rDNA sequences remain identical.  相似文献   

Global viewing of protein–protein interactions (PPIs)is a useful way to assign biological roles to large numbersof proteins predicted by complete genome sequence. Here, wesystematically analyzed PPIs in the nitrogen-fixing soil bacteriumMesorhizobium loti using a modified high-throughput yeast two-hybridsystem. The aims of this study are primarily on the providingfunctional clues to M. loti proteins that are relevant to symbioticnitrogen fixation and conserved in other rhizobium species,especially proteins with regulatory functions and unannotatedproteins. By the screening of 1542 genes as bait, 3121 independentinteractions involving 1804 proteins (24% of the total proteincoding genes) were identified and each interaction was evaluatedusing an interaction generality (IG) measure and the generalfeatures of the interacting partners. Most PPIs detected inthis study are novel interactions revealing potential functionalrelationships between genes for symbiotic nitrogen fixationand signal transduction. Furthermore, we have predicted theputative functions of unannotated proteins through their interactionswith known proteins. The results described here represent newinsight into protein network of M. loti and provide useful experimentalclues to elucidate the biological function of rhizobial genesthat can not be assigned directly from their genomic sequence.  相似文献   

Expressed proteins in cultured symbiotic bacteria (Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099) in the mid-growth phase were proteomically analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and capillary high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with an ion-trap mass spectrometry (MS). The genome sequence data of M. loti were used to identify the analyzed proteins. We identified 114 of the 127 proteins analyzed on 2D-PAGE gel with some microheterogenities which were caused by post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

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