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  1. Toxic cyanobacterial blooms and biological invasions are major threats to freshwater systems worldwide. While usually dealt with independently, the two threats can interact to produce synergistic or antagonistic outcomes. The aim of this survey is to analyse interactions between the cyanobacterium Microcystis spp. and the Asian invasive mussel Limnoperna fortunei.
  2. On the basis of 9 years of observational data in a large subtropical reservoir (Salto Grande, Argentina–Uruguay), we analyse causal relationships between recurring summer–early autumn blooms of Microcystis spp. and recruitment by L. fortunei. Reproduction of the mussel was interrupted during dry summers (January–April), coinciding with periods of peak Microcystis spp. growth and low water discharge (which favours build‐up of algal biomass). On the other hand, wet summers with high discharge rates were characterised by low Microcystis spp. densities and high numbers of L. fortunei larvae in the water column.
  3. Of the seven South American waterbodies investigated, Salto Grande was the only one with very marked cyanobacterial blooms and where larval numbers decrease to near zero during January–April; in all others, reproduction peaks in January–April.
  4. The assumption that microcystin‐producing algae are responsible for these troughs during periods when elsewhere larvae are very abundant was reinforced by experimental results indicating that microcystin‐LR is highly toxic to the mussel's larvae, eliminating 58–100% of animals in 48 h at 10–20 μg L?1.
  5. Paradoxically, high concentrations of microcystin in water are probably partly due to L. fortunei's own activity, which enhances growth of Microcystis spp. through modification of nutrient concentrations, selective grazing of solitary Microcystis spp. cells over colonial ones and production of chemical cues that trigger the formation of colonies.
  6. These interactions have important implications for the management of biofouling of industrial raw cooling water facilities by the byssate mussels, as well as policies oriented at curtailing the spread of the invasive bivalve.

A regime shift between a macrophyte-dominated clear state and a phytoplankton-dominated turbid state can have considerable impact on ecosystem structure and function of shallow lakes. However, very little is known about the response of the methanogenic archaeal community in the sediment during this regime shift. We investigated the methanogenic archaeal community at two sites in the large, shallow, eutrophic Taihu Lake over the course of one year. One site is located in Meiliang Bay and is dominated by Microcystis blooms, and the other site is located in East Taihu Bay and is dominated by aquatic macrophytes. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and phylogenetic analyses of archaeal 16S rRNA genes were used to analyze the methanogenic community. Higher ratio of methanogens in Archaea was observed in East Taihu Bay than in Meiliang Bay. The methanogenic archaeal community was dominated by the Methanobacteriales and the LDS cluster in macrophytes-dominated East Taihu Bay, while it was dominated by the Methanosarcinaceae, Methanobacteriales, and the LDS cluster in Microcystis-dominated Meiliang Bay. Clustering analysis of all of the samples revealed differences in the composition of the methanogenic archaeal communities between the two sites that were independent of seasonal variations. Further statistical analysis indicated that the chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration had a profound impact on the composition of the methanogenic archaeal community in Meiliang Bay, whereas it was primarily influenced by total organic carbon (TOC) levels in East Taihu Bay. Overall, this investigation demonstrates that intra-habitat differences in the composition of methanogenic archaeal communities are likely driven by changes in the available organic materials.  相似文献   

Impact of temperature on food intake and growth in juvenile burbot   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The effect of temperature on food consumption, food conversion and somatic growth was investigated with juvenile burbot Lota lota (age 0 years). Juvenile burbot showed a significant dome shaped relationship between relative daily food consumption ( C R) and temperature ( T ) with C R = − 0·00044 T 2 + 0·01583 T  − 0·06010; ( n  = 90, r 2 = 0·61). Maximum C R was at 17·9° C (95% CL 17·2–18·6° C). The temperature related instantaneous growth rate ( G ) also followed a dome shaped function with G  = − 0·000063 T 2 + 0·002010 T  − 0·007462; ( n  = 95, r 2 = 0·57), with maximum growth rate at 16·0° C (95% CL 15·3–16·6° C). A significant linear relationship was found between the water temperature and the conversion coefficient ( C C) with C C = − 1·63 T  + 59·04; ( n  = 80, r 2 = 0·74). The results indicate that juvenile burbot in large lakes benefit from higher water temperatures in the littoral zone, by increased food uptake and growth, especially during the warm summer months. Because profundal water temperatures do not reflect the optimal temperature for food consumption in large burbot, temperature is unlikely to be the main proximate factor for the obligate littoral‐profundal migration of juvenile burbot observed in many lake populations.  相似文献   

Annual killifish adapted to life in seasonally ephemeral water-bodies exhibit desiccation resistant eggs that can undergo diapause, a period of developmental arrest, enabling them to traverse the otherwise inhospitable dry season. Environmental cues that potentially indicate the season can govern whether eggs enter a stage of diapause mid-way through development or skip this diapause and instead undergo direct development. We report, based on construction of a supermatrix phylogenetic tree of the order Cyprinodontiformes and a battery of comparative analyses, that the ability to produce diapause eggs evolved independently at least six times within African and South American killifish. We then show in species representative of these lineages that embryos entering diapause display significant reduction in development of the cranial region and circulatory system relative to direct-developing embryos. This divergence along alternative developmental pathways begins mid-way through development, well before diapause is entered, during a period of purported maximum developmental constraint (the phylotypic period). Finally, we show that entering diapause is accompanied by a dramatic reduction in metabolic rate and concomitant increase in long-term embryo survival. Morphological divergence during the phylotypic period thus allows embryos undergoing diapause to conserve energy by shunting resources away from energetically costly organs thereby increasing survival chances in an environment that necessitates remaining dormant, buried in the soil and surrounded by an eggshell for much of the year. Our results indicate that adaptation to seasonal aquatic environments in annual killifish imposes strong selection during the embryo stage leading to marked diversification during this otherwise conserved period of vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The Cuban species of Calisto are reviewed based on the morphology of adult and immature stages, as well as DNA sequences of six genes (COI, EF1α, wingless, GAPDH, RpS5, CAD). A new species, Calisto occultasp. n., is described from the northeastern Cuban mountains. Calisto smintheus Bates, 1935 and Calisto bruneri, Michener 1949 are revised and revalidated. A new status, the species level, is proposed for Calisto brochei, Torre 1973, Calisto muripetens, Bates 1939 and Calisto bradleyi, Munroe 1950. The immature stages of Calisto smintheus, Calisto brochei,and Calisto occulta are described for the first time, and those of Calisto herophile, Hübner 1823 are redescribed. Useful morphological characters for adults are the shape and conspicuousness of androconial patch, the number and relative size of white dots on underside of hindwing, the shape of aedeagus, the shape of digitiform projection of genitalia valve, the shape and relative size of tegumen and uncus, the relative size of female genitalia, the height of sterigmal ring dorsal crown of the latter, and the relative size of corpus bursae and ductus bursae. For the immature stages, the most important characters are the color pattern of head capsule, the number and width of longitudinal lines of body, in the larvae; and the color pattern and the absence or presence of dorsal ridges on the abdomen of pupae. The phylogenetic relationships between the Cuban Calisto species are quite robust and well-supported; however, conflict between mitochondrial and nuclear datasets was detected in Calisto brochei, Calisto muripetens and to a lesser degree in Calisto bradleyi.  相似文献   

The life history and distribution of Sialis lutaria L. in the exposed littoral zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark were examined during 1979/80. Sialis showed an annual life cycle with mean annual abundance of 20 and 40 ind m−2 at 0.4 and 2.0 m depth, respectively. Growth peaked during July with rates of about 10 % d−1. Net annual production averaged 0.2 g DW at 0.4 m depth and 0.8 g DW at 2.0 m depth. The annual P/B-ratios were estimated in the range of 4.6-7.1.  相似文献   

and 1988. Aspects of the life history of Cercopithifilaria johnstoni (Nematoda:Filarioidea). International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1087–1092. Cercopithifilaria johnstoni (Nematoda:Filarioidea) occurs in the subcutaneous connective tissues of a spectrum of native murid and marsupial hosts in Eastern Australia. Life cycle studies revealed that: (i) microfilaria occur in lymphatic capillaries and extravascular connective tissue of the dermis (= ‘skin-inhabiting’), (ii) ixodid ticks, particularly Ixodes trichosuri, are intermediate hosts in nature, (iii) development from microfilariae to infective third-stage larva occurs only while the tick is off the host, that is, during ecdysis from larva to nymph or from nymph to adult. Transmission of C. johnstoni in a wild population of bush rats (Rattus fuscipes) occurred in summer and winter, and was associated with peaks in the number of larval and/or nymphal stages of ticks on rats. C. johnstoni was transmitted experimentally to bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus, Perameles nasuta), bush rats and laboratory rats (R. norvegicus), indirectly by subcutaneous inoculation of third-stage larvae and directly by tick feeding. The prepatent period was approximately 3 months and the longest duration of microfilariae in the ‘ skin’ was more than 25 months. Dermal and ocular lesions were observed in R. fuscipes. The host-parasite relationship has the potential for development as an inexpensive and practical model for human onchocerciasis.  相似文献   

Microbial sulfate reduction in a brackish meromictic steppe lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns of sulfate reduction were studied in water and sediments of Lake Shira, South Siberia, Russia. The lake was characterized by a high level of sulfate (91-116 mM). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the anoxic waters of the lake reached 0.6 mM. In summer the sulfate reduction rate in the water column, measured by radiometric technique, varied from 0.25 to 9.81 mol sulfate l-1 d-1. There were two peaks of sulfate reduction activity: just below the chemocline and near the sediment surface. Sulfate reduction rate in the profundal silts ranged from 4.1 to 90.6 mol l-1 d-1. The zone of the most active sulfate reduction was restricted to the surface sediment layers. The acceleration of sulfate reduction rate (up to 236 mol l-1 d-1) and the increase of density of viable sulfate reducers (up to 2 x 105 cells ml-1) were recorded in the littoral sediments adjacent to the mouth of the Son River and sewage discharge. It was apparently caused by the input of allochthonous organic substrates and also by a high environmental temperature. On an areal basis, sulfate reduction rate in the water was approximately 8 times higher than that in the profundal sediments. Sulfate reduction was the most important process of anaerobic oxidation of organic carbon in Lake Shira. In summer in the profundal zone of the lake, sulfate reducers were able to mineralize about 67% of the daily integrated primary production of phototrophic and chemotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Habitat requirements and occurrence patterns of three species of burnet moths (Zygaena filipendulae, Zygaena lonicerae and Zygaena viciae) were studied at different life stages and different scales on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. 2. Larvae of all three species were more likely to occur in small‐scale patches (i.e. 1 m2) with a greater cover of their most important host plants, Lotus corniculatus, Trifolium medium/pratense, or Vicia spp., than were pupae or adults, and were also observed on significantly larger than random plants. Pupation of Z. filipendulae took place in taller vegetation than preferred by feeding larvae and adults. 3. Adults of all species preferred different nectar plants of Asteraceae and Dipsacaceae, growing in sunny conditions. 4. A large‐scale analysis of occupancy patterns was made, evaluating the relationship between burnet occurrence and the area of meadows and pastures within 10 × 10 km grid cells in Sweden. All three species showed a significant positive relationship with the area of semi‐natural grassland. The area required for a 50% probability of burnet occurrence was 454 ha for Z. filipendulae, 925 ha for Z. lonicerae and 2055 ha for Z. viciae. 5. Conservation work should aim at preserving and restoring open areas rich in the respective host plants and nectar sources, with light grazing or mowing late in the season. At the landscape scale, burnet moths were favoured by a high density of semi‐natural grassland and management priorities should be directed to these regions.  相似文献   

The life cycle strategy of inhabitants of intermittent water bodies includes a short period of intensive growth and reproduction and an indispensable long term pause. The frequent development of so called laboratory cultures of species originating from such habitats which are able to reproduce persistently without undergoing such diapause indicates that this reproductive ban can be lost relatively easily.  相似文献   

Thirty-two pedunculate barnacles, O. a. geryonophila, were maintained in culture for a period of 2 yr in the laboratory. These barnacles were obtained from the pleopods and mouth parts of the giant marine isopod, Bathynomus giganteus, which had been collected, at a depth of 200 fathoms, in the Gulf of Mexico.

The carina, scutum, mandible and maxilla of adult barnacles were typical of deep water species. However, the tergum and labrum were intermediate between those of shallow and deep water species.

Adults 3.1–4.1 mm in length were cultured in sea water (15–19°C), and fed on benthic copepods such as Tisbe furcata and Laophonte sp. Three broods of nauplii from 8 barnacles were obtained in 2 yr. Larvae were reared on plankton collected from Coney Island waters in which nauplii reached Stage IV in 10–14 days at 16°C. Isochrysis galbana and Thalassiosira pseudonana individually or in combination maintained nauplii to Stage IV, but with very high mortality. The lack of spines on the carapace edge of the nauplii distinguishes this deep water species from the shallow water form, O. mulleri.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to observe tegumental ultrastructure of Echinoparyphium recurvatum according to developmental stages. Worms (1, 3, 5 and 15-day old) were recovered from chicks experimentally infected with metacercariae from Radix auricularia coreana. One-day old worms were elongated and ventrally concave, and covered with peg-like tegumental spines except the adjacent areas of the head crown and excretory pore. Type I sensory papillae were distributed on the lip of the oral sucker, and grouped ciliated papillae were around the oral sucker. Peg-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the anterior surface of the ventral sucker level. The ventral sucker had an aspinous tegument and no sensory papillae. Tegumental spines on the posterior surface of the ventral sucker level were sparsely distributed and disappeared posteriorly. In 3 and 5-day old worms, the tegument around the oral sucker was aspinose and wrinkled concentrically. The ventral sucker had a wrinkled tegument and many bulbous papillae. Type I sensory papillae were distributed between the bulbous papillae. Tegumental spines were spade-shaped with a terminal tip. A total of 45 collar spines including 4 end group ones on both ventral corners was alternately arranged in 2 rows. The 15-day old worms were very stout and their tegumental spines were tongue-shaped without a terminal tip. From the above results, it is confirmed that the surface ultrastructure of E. recurvatum was generally similar to that of other echinostomatid flukes. However, some features, i.e., morphological change of tegumental spines and appearance of sensory papillae on the ventral sucker according to development, and number, shape and arrangement of collar spines, were characteristic, which may be of taxonomic and bioecological significance.  相似文献   

银杏年周期内N、P、K需求动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同树龄银杏植株体内矿质养分动态进行监测的结果表明 ,银杏叶中 N、P、K等元素的含量随季节变化而呈规律性变化 ;银杏地上部各器官对养分的积累 ,未挂果树为叶 >新枝 ,丰产银杏 N的积累为叶 =果实>新枝 ,P、K的积累为果实 >叶 >新枝 ;展叶期叶片中积累的养分量较大 ;对不同养分的需求比例 (N∶ P2 O5∶K2 O)分别为三年生幼树 2~ 3∶ 1∶ 2~ 3、五年生树 4~ 5∶ 1∶ 6~ 8、丰产银杏 2∶ 1∶ 4;每 kg果实含 N 3 .80 g、P2 O54 .42 g、K2 O1 2 .99g,其比例为 1∶ 1∶ 3。  相似文献   

We compared the demography of two populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum, that occupy environments of different aridity (desert and Mediterranean) and represent distinct parts of the species' distribution (periphery and core) in Israel. Our demographic study included a survey of survival and fecundity of adults in quadrate plots marked at two sites in natural vegetation (one site per population), and the creation of experimental seed banks examined over three years. We measured variability in population growth rate and investigated the role of the seed bank in the demography of two populations. The latter employed construction of two-stage, three age-class transition matrices and usage of elasticity analysis. At both sites, population dynamics appear to be transient with high fluctuations of population growth rate due to variability in annual rainfall and, most likely, intra- and inter-specific density dependence. The importance of the seed bank differed among two populations. Seed dormancy had almost no demographic effect on the Mediterranean population, while it was of paramount importance in the desert population. The two populations also differed in seed and seedling survival and per adult fecundity, presumably due to the difference between two sites in (i) relative impact of seed predation, (ii) effects of density dependence on population demography, and (iii) lower vigor of seeds of desert vs. Mediterranean origin. Our study highlights the importance of life history adaptations that may evolve under specific selective forces in different parts of a species' range, which, in certain circumstances, may be critical for the persistence of a species.Wir verglichen die Demographie von zwei Populationen Wilder Gerste, Hordeum spontaneum, die Habitate unterschiedlicher Trockenheit (Wüste und mediterran) besetzen und die unterschiedliche Bereiche der Artenverbreitung (Peripherie und Kern) in Israel repräsentieren. Unsere demographischen Untersuchungen bestanden in einer Erfassung der Überlebensrate und der Fruchtbarkeit ausgewachsener Pflanzen in quadratischen Versuchsfeldern, die in zwei Untersuchungsflächen in der natürlichen Vegetation (eine Untersuchungsfläche pro Population) markiert wurden und in der Herstellung einer experimentellen Samenbank, die über drei Jahre beobachtet wurde. Wir erfassten die Variabilität der Populationswachstumsrate und untersuchten die Rolle der Samenbank in der Demographie der beiden Populationen. Letzteres erforderte die Konstruktion von Zwei-Stadien, Drei-Altersklassen-Transitions-Matrizen und die Verwendung einer Elastizitäts-Analyse. Die Populationsdynamiken scheinen in beiden Untersuchungsflächen kurzlebig zu sein, mit einer hohen Fluktuationsrate des Populationswachstums aufgrund der Variabilität des jährlichen Niederschlags und am wahrscheinlichsten aufgrund der intra- und interspezifischen Dichteabhängigkeit. Die Bedeutung der Samenbank unterschied sich zwischen den beiden Populationen. Die Samendormanz hatte bei der mediterranen Populationen nahezu keinen demographischen Effekt, während sie bei der Wüstenpopulation von herausragender Bedeutung war. Die beiden Populationen unterschieden sich auch in der Überlebensrate der Samen und Keimlinge und der Pro-Pflanzen-Fruchtbarkeit, vermutlich aufgrund der Unterschiede der beiden Untersuchungsflächen in (i) der relativen Wichtigkeit der Samenprädation, (ii) den Effekten der Dichteabhängigkeit der Populationsdemographie und (iii) der geringen Vitalität der Samen der Wüsten-Herkunft im Gegensatz zur mediterranen Herkunft. Unsere Studie hebt die Bedeutung einer Anpassung im Lebenszyklus hervor, die bei spezifischen selektiven Faktoren in den unterschiedlichen Teilen eines Verbreitungsgebietes einer Art evolvieren können und die unter bestimmten Umständen wichtig für den Bestand einer Art sein können.  相似文献   

The toxic, chain-forming dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum Graham was cultured from vegetative cells and benthic resting cysts isolated from estuarine waters in Tasmania, Australia. Rapidly dividing, log phase cultures formed long chains of up to 64 cells whereas stationary phase cultures were composed primarily of single cells (23-41 pm long, 27-36 pm wide). Vegetative growth (mean doubling time 3-4 days) was optimal at temperatures from 14.5-20° C, salinities of 23-34% and light irradiances of 50-300 μE·m?2·s?1. The sexual life cycle of G. catenatum was easily induced in a nutrient-deficient medium, provided compatible opposite mating types were combined (heterothallism). Gamete fusion produced a large (59-73 μm long, 50-59 μm wide) biconical, posteriorly biflagellate planozygote (double longitudinal flagellum) which after several days lost one longitudinal flagellum and gradually became subspherical in shape. This older planozygote stage persisted for up to two weeks before encysting into a round, brown resting cyst (42-52 μm diam; hypnozygote) with microreticulate surface ornamentation. Resting cysts germinated after a dormancy period as short as two weeks under our culture conditions, resulting in a single, posteriorly biflagellate germling cell (planomeiocyte). This divided to form a chain of two cells, which subsequently re-established a vegetative population. Implications for the bloom dynamics of this toxic dinoflagellate, a causative organism of paralytic shellfish poisoning, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Life history parameters, including colony boundary, number of queens in a colony, seasonal change in colony-member composition and seasonal change in male-egg production were investigated for the arboreal antColobopsis nipponicus in the field. Colonies were shown to be typically monogynous and polydomous, with several different colonies inhabiting the same tree. The queen and workers overwinter only with larvae, which grow rapidly into new adults during early summer. Male-destined eggs were produced throughout the warm season with a conspicuous peak in summer that coincided with adult production. It is suggested that this might be related to seasonal changes in the food available to the queen.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of phenological shifts in Palearctic bird migration is largely based on data collected on migrants at their breeding grounds; little is known about the phenology of these birds at their nonbreeding grounds, and even less about that of intra‐African migrants. Because climate change patterns are not uniform across the globe, we can expect regional disparities in bird phenological responses. It is also likely that they vary across species, as species show differences in the strength of affinities they have with particular habitats and environments. Here, we examine the arrival and departure of nine Palearctic and seven intra‐African migratory species in the central Highveld of South Africa, where the former spend their nonbreeding season and the latter their breeding season. Using novel analytical methods based on bird atlas data, we show phenological shifts in migration of five species – red‐backed shrike, spotted flycatcher, common sandpiper, white‐winged tern (Palearctic migrants), and diederik cuckoo (intra‐African migrant) – between two atlas periods: 1987–1991 and 2007–2012. During this time period, Palearctic migrants advanced their departure from their South African nonbreeding grounds. This trend was mainly driven by waterbirds. No consistent changes were observed for intra‐African migrants. Our results suggest that the most consistent drivers of migration phenological shifts act in the northern hemisphere, probably at the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is one of the hypotheses explaining the maintenance of females within gynodioecious plant populations. However, the measurement of fitness components in selfed and outcrossed progeny depends on life-cycle stage and the history of inbreeding. Comparative data indicate that strong inbreeding depression is more likely to occur at later life-cycle stages. We used hermaphrodite individuals of Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Swiss Alps to investigate the effect of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on fitness components among successive stages of the life cycle in a glasshouse experiment. We detected significant inbreeding depression for most life-cycle stages including: the number of viable and aborted seeds per fruit, probability of germination, above ground biomass, probability of flowering, number of flowers per plant, flower size and pollen viability. Overall, the intensity of inbreeding depression increased among successive stages of the life cycle and cumulative inbreeding depression was significantly stronger in the first generation (delta approximately 0.5) compared with the second generation (delta approximately 0.35). We found no evidence for synergistic epistasis in our experiment. Our finding of more intense inbreeding depression during later stages of the life cycle may help to explain the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of genetic load is less likely to occur.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in learning capability were studied in jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles ranging from 20 to 95 mm standard length (L(S)) collected from either pelagic or coastal habitats. Simple spatial and reversal learning tasks were used to estimate learning capability. There was no size dependence in the scores of simple reward conditioning using a Y-maze, whereas the scores of reversal learning tasks showed a clear sigmoidal curve of increase with an inflexion point at 51·7 mm L(S). The increase in this learning capability coincided with the size at which juveniles recruit from offshore pelagic to coastal rocky habitats.  相似文献   

植物生活史型的划分及其相互转化   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
基于环境条件的变化,分析了植物在完成生活史过程中,营养生长、克隆生殖和有性生殖过程的权衡的结果直接导致的植物生活史型形成以及相互转化过程。根据胁迫和扰动程度将植物的生境划分为基本生境型、特殊过渡型和过渡型,其中过渡型(EDF)在自然界中具有普遍意义;与生境过渡型(EDF)相对应,植物形成的生活史型也为过渡生活史型(VCS),其基本型V、C和S以及特殊过渡型VC、VS和CS是其特例。植物的生活史型过渡型(VCS)具有普适性意义,在生境调控下的任一种植物生活史型均可表示为Vx1Cx2Sx3。植物生活史型的相互转化与其生境类型的相互转变是完全对应的,这种相互转化的过程和途径是复杂的,且具有可逆性的特点。  相似文献   

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