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Relatively few genetic markers are available for detailed studies of Atlantic salmon. The detection of 12 distinct minisatellite DNA loci in this species (by 10 Atlantic salmon and brown trout derived probes) and subsequent inheritance analyses in two half-sib families are reported here. Disomic Mendelian inheritance was confirmed at all loci. Only a single aberrant progeny genotype (at Ssa -A60) was observed among 138 progeny screened. None of the loci was sex-linked. The tight linkage association Str -A22/1 with Str -A22/2, previously reported for brown trout, was found to be conserved in the Atlantic salmon genome. An additional male-specific linkage group, Ssa -A34 with Str -A9/2, was also noted. These highly polymorphic loci should find widespread use as chromosomal, individual, familial and, probably, population markers.  相似文献   

Seven novel and highly variable tetranucleotide microsatellite markers, and conditions for multiplexing and simultaneous genotyping six of these in a single run, are described for Atlantic salmon. These provide a highly informative and cost‐effective set of molecular markers for genetic studies on cultured and wild populations of the species. The primers sets showed cross‐species amplification of appropriately sized amplified products in a number of other salmonid species and suggests the primer sets may have wider application.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are islands of long repeats of mono-, di- or trinucleotides evenly distributed in the eukaryotic genome with an average distance of 50–100 kb. They display a high degree of length polymorphism and heterozygosity at individual loci, making them highly useful as markers in the development of genomic maps of eukaryotes. In the present work, we examined the dinucleotide repeat motif (dG-dT)n in the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., genome. The frequency of (dG-dT)n microsatellites in salmon correlates well with earlier published estimations. Cloning and sequencing of 45 salmon microsatellites revealed perfect and imperfect repeats, but no compound microsatellites. The distribution of number of repeat units in salmon microsatellites differ significantly from that of higher vertebrates. Salmon tends to have more long repeat stretches and less intermediate length repeats.  相似文献   

Excavation of stranded redds revealed differences in spawning behaviour between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. The redd of a farmed fish contained more egg pockets (nine v . average of two) and fewer eggs per pocket (averages: 459 v . 707). No other pocket measures differed.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) has been studied in serum from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Considerable increase in haemolytic activity was detected when SRBC were sensitized with haemolysin produced in Atlantic salmon. Haemolytic activity was sensitive both to divalent cations and to heat treatment. Significant reduction in haemolytic activity was detected after absorption with SRBC, indicating the presence of natural antibody against SRBC in Atlantic salmon serum. Persistent haemolytic activity of unsensitized SRBC in serum absorbed to remove natural antibodies was found, which suggests the activation of the alternative complement pathway, while the observed increased haemolytic activity in the presence of specific antibody against SRBC suggests activation of the classical complement pathway. Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity were both analysed in absorbed and non-absorbed sera in a family material of Atlantic salmon. The material consisted of 574 fish belonging to 57 fullsib groups within 20 paternal halfsib groups. Fish with signs of sexual maturity generally showed reduced haemolytic activity. Statistically significant effect of sire on the spontaneous haemolytic activity of both absorbed and nonabsorbed serum, and on antibody-dependent activity, provides evidence of significant additive genetic variation in both the alternative and the classical complement activation in Atlantic salmon. Neither on a phenotypical nor on a family basis were the two traits statistically correlated. The estimated heritabilities were 0.2–0.3 with a standard error of approximately 0.1.  相似文献   

Spawning success of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was investigated, under near-natural conditions, in the Girnock Burn, an 8-km long tributary of the River Dee in Scotland. Employing minisatellite-based DNA profiling, mating outcomes were resolved over three spawning seasons by assigning parentage to progeny samples removed from spawning nests ('redds'). While individual spawning patterns differed markedly, consistent trends were present over the 3 years studied. Multiple spawning was found to be prevalent. More than 50% of anadromous spawners of both sexes contributed to more than one redd. Up to six redds for a single female and seven for a single male were detected. Both sexes ranged extensively. Distance between redds involving the same parent varied from a few metres to > 5 km. Distances > 1 km were common. Both males and females ranged to a similar extent. Range limit was not correlated to fish size. Pairs were not monogamous, both males and females mating with different partners at different sites. Size assortative mating was apparent among 1991 spawners but was not detected for 1992 or 1995. Redd superimposition was found to be common (17-22% of redds over the 3 years), although it was not correlated to the number of anadromous spawners present. High levels of nonanadromous mature parr mating success (40-50% of total progeny sampled) were recorded, and these likely contribute greatly to the effective population size. The relevance of these findings at the individual and population level is discussed, with particular reference to management implications.  相似文献   

The year-round thermal habitat at sea for adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 49) from northern Norway was investigated using archival tags over a 10 year study period. During their ocean feeding migration, the fish spent 90% of the time in waters with temperatures from 1.6–8.4°C. Daily mean temperatures ranged from −0.5 to 12.9°C, with daily temperature variation up to 9.6°C. Fish experienced the coldest water during winter (November–March) and the greatest thermal range during the first summer at sea (July–August). Trends in sea-surface temperatures influenced the thermal habitat of salmon during late summer and autumn (August–October), with fish experiencing warmer temperatures in warmer years. This pattern was absent during winter (November–March), when daily mean temperatures ranged from 3.4–5.0°C, in both colder and warmer years. The observations of a constant thermal habitat during winter in both warmer and colder years, may suggest that the ocean distribution of salmon is flexible and that individual migration routes could shift as a response to spatiotemporal alterations of favourable prey fields and ocean temperatures.  相似文献   

Previously published allelic frequencies at four polymorphic protein coding loci were used as a basis for examining genetic relationships among 19 European populations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.--exclusive of Baltic drainages--from the Barents Sea to Spain. The data did not support a model of distinct ancestral (e.g. Boreal and Celtic) origins, but were consistent with all populations descending from a single ancestral group within this region with genetically diverged populations drawn together through limited local migrations.  相似文献   

A hydro power plant constructed around a waterfall on a coastal spate river, used the fall as a natural fish pass and applied a previous telemetry study on local Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to determine the abstraction conditions for the site. The current study used the same telemetry approach to monitor the efficacy of S. salar passage and to compare migratory behaviour at the waterfall pre and post the hydro development. The probability of S. salar successfully crossing the waterfall was higher post-hydro when 80% of tagged fish successfully crossed in comparison to the pristine pre-hydro period when 44% of tagged fish ascended. The flow range used by tagged S. salar to cross the waterfall ranged from 2.49−7.87 m3 s−1 in the pre-hydro period but broadened to 1.32−12.91 m3 s−1 during the post-hydro period. This was principally due to the hydro diverting water away from the waterfall during spate conditions, damping the flow across the barrier and facilitating upstream migration within a more suitable discharge range. During 2017–2018 implementation of the hydro-operation protocol elongated the duration of the migratory window for successful upstream migration by 36–128%. A strong diurnal pattern was observed for movements across the Salmon Leap waterfall during both the pre-hydro and post-hydro monitoring periods with most tagged S. salar crossing the complex obstacle in daylight.  相似文献   

Using data from wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar returning to spawn in seven Scottish rivers, we developed a model of fecundity based on individual body size and key developmental traits. We used a novel approach to model selection which maximises predictive accuracy for application to target river stocks to select the best from a suite of Bayesian hierarchical models. This approach aims to ensure the optimal model within the candidate set includes covariates that best predict out-of-sample data to estimate fecundity in areas where no direct observations are available. In addition to body size, the final model included the developmental characteristics of age at smolting and years spent at sea. Using two independent long-term monitoring datasets, the consequences of ignoring these characteristics was revealed by comparing predictions from the best model with models that omitted them.  相似文献   

It is well documented that prior residence confers advantagesin territorial disputes, but its impact on other aspects ofbehavior and fitness is less understood. We tested how priorresidence influences the subsequent feeding behavior and growthperformance of dispersing Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar)using experimental manipulations of residence in a seminaturalstream tank. In replicated trials, groups of seven "primary"fish were released into the stream tank 3 days ahead of seven"secondary" fish. Standardized behavioral observations were madeon each fish over the following 14 days, after which all fishwere removed and measured. Primaries and secondaries were initiallythe same size and body condition and exhibited the same degreeof site fidelity. However, primaries darted higher into thewater column to intercept prey items, fed at a higher rate,and subsequently grew faster. Larger fish (in terms of body length)tended to be more dominant, and dominants grew faster than subordinates.However, there was no difference in dominance between primaries andsecondaries. These results suggest that the well-documentedadvantage of early-emerging salmon fry over late-emerging frycannot be completely attributed to intrinsic differences andthat the advantage is partly mediated via a prior residenceeffect. Furthermore, prior residents gain foraging advantageswithout necessarily becoming more dominant.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of mature male Atlantic salmon parr ( Salmo salar ) under natural spawning conditions was estimated using the polymorphism at the MEP - 2 * locus as a genetic marker. The percentage of eggs per redd fertilized by parr varied considerably over the five redds examined (0·9–27.7%, mean 10·8%), but a gametic contribution from mature parr was detected in each case. Parr reproductive success has important implications for the population structure and evolution of the Atlantic salmon through its effect on gene flow.  相似文献   

An Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) expressed sequence tag (EST) database consisting of 58 146 ESTs was screened for microsatellite sequences. Subsequent development of 75 polymorphic EST‐associated microsatellite markers in this species is described together with cross‐species amplification results of 133 gene‐associated tandem repeat markers in five salmonid species (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salvelinus aplinus, Thymallus thymallus, Coregonus lavaretus). The number of alleles among EST‐linked microsatellites in Atlantic salmon ranged from two to 41 with an average of 12 alleles per locus. Cross‐species amplification resulted in detection of a total of 111 polymorphic locus‐species combinations (12–32 loci per species).  相似文献   

Contemporary genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the River Moy in Ireland is shown here to be strongly related to landscape features and population demographics, with populations being defined largely by their degree of physical isolation and their size. Samples of juvenile salmon were collected from the 17 major spawning areas on the river Moy and from one spawning area in each of five smaller nearby rivers. No temporal allele frequency differences were observed within locations for 12 microsatellite loci, whereas nearly all spatial samples differed significantly, suggesting that each was a separate population. Bayesian clustering and landscape genetic analyses suggest that these populations can be combined hierarchically into five genetically informative larger groupings. Lakes were found to be the single most important determinant of the observed population structure. Spawning area size was also an important factor. The salmon population of the closest nearby river resembled genetically the largest Moy population grouping. In addition, we showed that anthropogenic influences on spawning habitats, in this case arterial drainage, can affect relationships between populations. Our results show that Atlantic salmon biodiversity can be largely defined by geography, and thus, knowledge of landscape features (for example, as characterized within Geographical Information Systems) has the potential to predict population structure in other rivers without an intensive genetic survey, or at least to help direct sampling. This approach of combining genetics and geography, for sampling and in subsequent statistical analyses, has wider application to the investigation of population structure in other freshwater/anadromous fish species and possibly in marine fish and other organisms.  相似文献   

The founder event in a recently recolonized salmon population in the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland) was investigated. To identify the origin of the founders, four wild populations and two hatchery stocks were analysed using six microsatellite loci. The results of assignment tests and factorial correspondence analysis suggest that the initial recolonizers of the river Selja originated from the geographically nearest (7 km) wild population (river Kunda) but as the result of stocking activities, interbreeding between recolonizers and hatchery individuals has occurred in subsequent years. Although the hatchery releases are outnumbering the wild salmon recruitment in the Baltic Sea at present, our results suggest that the native populations may still have an important role in colonization processes of the former salmon rivers.  相似文献   

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