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Primers were developed for 21 microsatellite loci isolated by enrichment from Prunus avium‘Napoleon’. Twelve loci contained uninterrupted dinucleotide repeats and nine were more complex. Nineteen primer pairs (EMPA001–019) showed single locus polymorphisms in a cultivar survey of 14 sweet cherries, with two to seven alleles per locus. Three primer pairs in combination (EMPA014, 015 and 018) discriminated all cultivars. Two primer pairs for loci monomorphic in P. avium were included: EMPA020 revealed segregation in an interspecific progeny and EMPA021 revealed polymorphism in P. dulcis. Twelve primer pairs reliably amplified products in three peach cultivars of which seven revealed polymorphisms.  相似文献   

A new set of 14 chloroplast microsatellites, represented by mono‐ and dinucleotide repeats, was optimized in the three main species of the Fagaceae (Castanea sativa, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea). The intraspecific variation was tested in some natural populations. The polymorphic microsatellites displayed two or three variants. Conservation of the primer pairs was checked on an additional set of six species of the Fagaceae and on Fraxinus excelsior. All the primer pairs produced a fragment of the expected size in the Fagaceae species while no amplification was obtained with 36% of the primers in F. excelsior.  相似文献   

The increase in demand for the certification of oak seed lots, as well as control of the geographical origin of oak wood, has led us to develop powerful genetic markers permitting us to discriminate among provenance regions. With the aim of detecting new chloroplast variants, we have identified 17 potential cpSSRs motifs from available oak sequences and tested their variability among French oak populations. Six loci were polymorphic at the intraspecific level in Quercus petraea and Q. robur. Moreover, conservation of the primer pairs was checked on a set of 21 forest tree species and they were all shown to work well on several Quercus species, and even within Fagacaea.  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)和黑松(Pinus thunbergiiParl.)等植物的22对叶绿体SSR引物中筛选出 5对能用于柑橘叶绿体SSR分析的引物,应用这5对引物对9个组合的柑橘体细胞杂种的叶绿体遗传进行了分析.结果表明:这些组合再生的杂种中叶绿体都呈现随机分离,该现象与以前报道的RFLP分析结果一致,而且其可靠性已被CAPS分析所证实.表明柑橘叶绿体SSR同RFLP及CAPS一样可靠,并且更简单高效、易于操作,特别适合对柑橘等植物体细胞杂种进行早期胞质遗传组成分析.  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)和黑松(Pinus thunbergii Parl.)等植物的22对叶绿体SSR引物中筛选出5对能用于柑橘叶绿体SSR分析的引物,应用这5对引物对9个组合的柑橘体细胞杂种的叶绿体遗传进行了分析。结果表明:这些组合再生的杂种中叶绿体都呈现随机分离,该现象与以前报道的RFLP分析结果一致,而且其可靠性已被CAPS分析所证实。表明柑橘叶绿体SSR同RFLP及CAPS一样可靠,并且更简单高效、易于操作,特别适合对柑橘等植物体细胞杂种进行早期胞质遗传组成分析。  相似文献   

以青藏高原特有药用植物——喜马红景天(Rhodiola himalensis)为试验材料,利用高通量测序技术对喜马红景天进行叶绿体基因组测序、组装和注释,获得完整的叶绿体基因组。结果显示:喜马红景天叶绿体基因组全长为151 074 bp,GC含量为37.8%,具有1个长单拷贝区、1个短单拷贝区和1对反向重复区的典型四分体结构,其序列长度分别为82 309、17 017、25 874 bp;叶绿体基因组共编码130个基因,其中编码蛋白的基因86个、编码tRNA的基因37个、编码rRNA的基因7个;叶绿体基因组共检测出25 513个密码子,其中编码亮氨酸(Leu)的密码子占比最大;喜马红景天IRa和IRb区的rps19ycf1基因缺失,长单拷贝区的trnH基因收缩;喜马红景天与圣地红景天(R. sacra)亲缘关系最近;短单拷贝区域的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)变异频率最高。本研究报道了喜马红景天的叶绿体基因组,并对其进行了组装、注释和序列分析,为今后开展喜马红景天的遗传多样性研究和合理开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Primers were developed for 14 microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci identified from a Prunus avium‘Charger’ genomic DNA library. In a survey of 16 wild cherry accessions 10 of the loci revealed polymorphisms of between two and six alleles. The remaining loci were found to be monomorphic. Seven polymorphic loci identified in this study and four polymorphic loci previously reported in sweet cherry were mapped and found to be unlinked. Two multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were optimized to enable the characterization of all 11 unlinked, polymorphic SSR loci.  相似文献   

The orchids in the genus Chiloglottis are pollinated exclusively by sexual deception. Extensive sequencing (> 19.5 kb) of noncoding chloroplast DNA revealed that simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) were abundant, enabling a set of 41 cpSSR markers to be developed. All markers were polymorphic across the genus. Polymorphism reflected variation at both mononucleotide repeats and indels. For a subset of four taxa with 40 samples each, locus polymorphism varied from 46 to 81%, while the number of haplotypes ranged from seven to 21 per taxon. Extensive differentiation among the taxa was detected. These cpSSRs markers will enable novel insights into the evolution of this unique genus.  相似文献   

Attempts to design truly universal primers to amplify chloroplast microsatellites have met with limited success due to nonconservation of repeat loci across widely divergent taxa. We have used the complete chloroplast genome sequences of rice, maize and wheat to design five pairs of primers that amplify homologous mononucleotide repeats across the Poaceae (grasses). Sequencing confirmed conservation of repeat motifs across subfamilies and a preliminary study in Anthoxanthum odoratum revealed polymorphism at two loci with a haplotype diversity value of 0.495. These primers provide a valuable tool to study cytoplasmic diversity in this extensively studied and economically important range of taxa.  相似文献   

利用Illumina高通量测序平台对苦马豆(Sphaerophysa salsula)进行测序和组装,获得完整的苦马豆叶绿体基因组序列。组装结果表明,苦马豆叶绿体基因组全长123 327 bp,存在IR区丢失,不具有四分体结构;注释结果显示,苦马豆叶绿体基因组共编码108个基因,其中包含74个蛋白编码基因、4个rRNA基因和30个tRNA基因;叶绿体基因组序列上共检测到99个SSR位点,包含75个单核苷酸、17个二核苷酸和7个三核苷酸重复单元;系统发育分析显示,苦马豆和骆驼刺为姊妹群,亲缘关系最近。这为今后苦马豆遗传多样性、群体遗传结构和物种形成机制研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC., a medicinal plant with high economic value in the Asteraceae family, is widely distributed in China and Southeast Asia. However, studies on the population structure or phylogenetic relationships with other related species are rare owing to the lack of genome information. In this study, through high-throughput sequencing, we found that the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was 151,170 bp in length, with a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRa and IRb) comprising 24,982 bp, a large single-copy (LSC) region comprising 82,740 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region comprising 18,466 bp. A total of 130 genes were identified in the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera, including 85 protein-coding, 37 transfer RNA, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes; furthermore, sequence analysis identified 53 simple sequence repeats. Whole chloroplast genome comparison indicated that the inverted regions (IR) were more conserved than large single-copy and SSC regions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that B. balsamifera is closely related to Pluchea indica. Conclusively, the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was helpful for species identification and analysis of the genetic diversity and evolution in the genus Blumea and family Asteraceae.  相似文献   

蔓赤车(Pellionia scabra)属于荨麻科赤车属,是一种具有高营养价值的优质野菜。本研究以蔓赤车为材料,基于高通量技术方法完成叶绿体基因组测序、组装注释、结构解析及构建系统发育树,以此深入研究蔓赤车叶绿体基因组特征。结果表明,蔓赤车叶绿体基因组大小为153220 bp,GC含量为36.4%,属于典型的四分体结构。共注释到130个基因,其中85个蛋白编码基因,37个转运RNA基因,8个核糖体RNA基因;其中,有15个基因包含1个内含子,2个基因包含2个内含子,rps12存在反式剪接情况。蔓赤车叶绿体基因组可分为光合作用(43个)、自我复制(64个)、其他编码蛋白(7个)以及未知功能(4个)4大类基因。蔓赤车叶绿体基因组共检测出51073个密码子,其中编码亮氨酸(Leu)的密码子占比最大,密码子偏向使用A和U两种碱基。检测到72个简单重复序列位点,其中有58个单核苷酸、12个二核苷酸、1个三核苷酸和1个四核苷酸4种不同类型的简单重复序列(simple sequence repeats,SSRs)。蔓赤车IRb/SSC边界存在ycf1基因扩张现象。系统进化树显示,蔓赤车(Pellionia scabra OL800583)与庐山楼梯草(Elatostema stewardii MZ292972)、盘托楼梯草(Elatostema dissectum MK227819)、光叶楼梯草(Elatostema laevissimum var.laevissimum MN189961)亲缘关系最密切。基于蔓赤车叶绿体基因组的研究,旨在为蔓赤车物种鉴定、遗传进化及基因组学研究奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

叶绿体遗传转人是近几年发展起来的新领域。本文主要介绍了叶绿体遗传转化的特点、基本原理和衣藻叶绿体遗传转化的方法与技术;  相似文献   


Chloroplast movements provide a means for fine-tuning the absorption of radiation in leaves. Since evergreen sclerophylls may experience very different light levels during the seasons and at different locations either at the periphery or in the interior of a forest, such a mechanism must theoretically be of great importance for them. Detailed field and laboratory studies on sclerophylls are however lacking. We provide first evidence that chloroplasts in the leaf mesophyll of both Ilex aquifolium (holly) and Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel) may be stimulated by low light intensities. Even at winter temperatures close to freezing, chloroplasts move to a position where light absorption is increased. Effects of temperature, light pretreatment and light quality for the induction of movement are described.  相似文献   

Cerasus Campanulata is one of several species belonging to the Prunoideae focke, a subfamily of the flowering plant Rosaceae. We investigated the details of its chloroplast genome which may reveal its genus independent of morphological determination. Here, we determined the complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequence of C. campanulata and performed sequence analysis to reveal the presence of 18 forward repeats, 20 palindrome repeats, 2 complement repeats, 4 reverse repeats and 93 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). We additionally performed a comparative study of C. campanulata and seven other Prunoideae focke species. Then, maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analyses were carried out in the little part of Rosaceae, respectively. The results strongly support a position of C. campanulata as a member of the Cerasus in the Rosaceae family. Moreover, the complete cp genome can be used for plant phylogenetic and evolutionary studies that will provide insight into the degree of gene conservation.  相似文献   

Chloroplast microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs), are typically mononucleotide tandem repeats. When located in the noncoding regions of the chloroplast genome (cpDNA), they commonly show intraspecific variation in repeat number. Despite the growing number of studies applying cpSSRs, studies of economically important plants and their relatives remain over‐represented. Thus, the potential of cpSSRs to offer unique insights into ecological and evolutionary processes in wild plant species has yet to be fully realized. This review provides an overview of the technical resources available to aid cpSSR discovery including a list of cpSSR primer sets available and cpDNA sequencing resources. Our updated analysis of 99 whole chloroplast genomes downloaded from GenBank confirms that potentially variable cpSSRs are abundant in the noncoding cpDNA of plants. Overall variation in the frequency of cpSSRs was extreme, ranging from one to 700 per genome (median = 93), while in 81 vascular plants, between 35 and 160 cpSSRs were detected per genome (median = 86). We offer five recommendations to aid wider development and application of cpSSRs: (i) When genus‐specific cpSSR primers are available, cross‐species amplification can often be fruitful. (ii) While potentially useful, universal cpSSR primers at best provide access to only a small number of variable markers. (iii) De novo sequencing of noncoding cpDNA is the most effective and efficient way to develop cpSSR markers in wild species. (iv) DNA sequencing of cpSSR alleles is essential, given the complex nature of the genetic variation associated with hypervariable cpDNA regions. (v) The reliability of cpSSR length based genetic assays need to be validated in all studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prunus, subgenus Padus, exhibits two completely different calcium oxalate crystal macropatterns in mature leaves. Foliar macropattern development has been described previously in P. virginiana, representing one version. Prunus serotina, in the group exhibiting the second macropattern, is described here. The goal was to describe developmental details for comparison with P. virginiana, and to extend the sparse current knowledge of crystal macropatterns. METHODS: Leaves at various developmental stages were removed from local trees and from herbarium specimens. Early leaf stages and freehand leaf and stem sections were mounted directly in aqueous glycerine; larger leaves were processed whole or in representative pieces in household bleach, dehydrated in alcohol/xylol, and mounted in Permount. Crystals were detected microscopically between crossed polarizers. KEY RESULTS: Bud scales have a dense druse population. Druses appear first at the stipule tip and proliferate basipetally but soon stop forming; growing stipules therefore have a declining density of druses. Druses appear at the tip of leaves <1 mm long, then proliferate basipetally in the midrib. Lamina druses appear in the distal marginal teeth of leaves 3 cm long; from here they proliferate basipetally and towards midrib along major veins. In about two-thirds-grown leaves (6-9 cm length) druses are all adaxial to veins of most orders; a shift occurs then to formation of prisms, which appear first abaxial to, then all around, veins. Mature leaves have virtually all prisms encrusting all major veins, more sparsely along smaller minor veins. Late season leaves form epitactic crystals on existing prismatics. CONCLUSIONS: The developing and mature macropattern of P. serotina is almost the reverse of the pattern described previously in P. virginiana, and shows that two closely related species can develop radically different modes of crystallization. The few detailed macropattern studies to date reveal striking variations that indicate a new level of organization that must be integrated with the anatomical, physiological and molecular approaches that have been dominant so far.  相似文献   

植物基因工程新途径:叶绿体转化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在植物基因工程研究中,叶绿体是继核转化之后又一新的遗传转化和表达受体,叶绿体转化体系具有可同时进行多基因转化,表达原核性,超量表达,后代遗传稳定,定点整合,不会产生基因沉默及母性遗传和安全性好等特点,本文着重介绍叶绿体转化体系的特点,国内外研究动态,存在的问题及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

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