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The genetic and morphological variability among 15 Brazilian strains of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. collected from four locations was examined and compared with several reference strains of M. aeruginosa , M. viridis (A. Br.) Lemm. and M. wesenbergii (Kom.) Kom. in Kondr. Brazilian strains were classified by morphological features and by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the cpc BA intergenic spacer and flanking regions. Our results indicate that Brazilian strains classified as M. aeruginosa are phylogenetically diverse compared with reference strains of M. aeruginosa and that the current taxonomy underestimates genetic diversity within M. aeruginosa. The data also demonstrate that morphological criteria alone are inadequate to characterize Microcystis species. Although colonial characters were shown to vary considerably in culture, some genetic lineages demonstrated consistent cellular diameter ranges, indicating that cell size has value as a taxonomic character. The detection of six M. aeruginosa genotypes in a single water body indicates that morphological approaches can also seriously underestimate the diversity of Microcystis bloom populations.  相似文献   

Delineation of species in the economically important agarophyte genera Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis has proven extremely difficult using available morphological characteristics. In this study, we examine the usefulness of two transcribed spacers for molecular systematic studies of these genera. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) and the intervening 5.8S ribosomal DNA of the nuclear ribosomal repeat region. In addition, a plastid spacer region and flanking regions of coding genes were amplified from the RUBISCO operon. Both regions were sequenced for individuals and populations of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson, Acleto, et Foldvik to determine the usefulness of these spacers in delimiting populations. These studies reveal that there is as much variation among individuals of a population as there is between individuals of geographically separate populations. In addition, the ITS spacer regions were compared between different species of Gracilariopsis and Gracilaria. The nuclear ITS spacer region is conserved at a species level in both genera and provides phylogenetically informative characters that can be used to examine species interrelationships among relatively closely related taxa. However, because of the difficulties of aligning this entire region among species from the two genera, the ITS region is not useful for examining intergenera relationships. ITS interspecies sequence comparisons indicate that Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis from California is significantly different from G. lemaneiformis from China and that a species of Gracilariopsis from Peru is more closely related to G. lemaneiformis from North Carolina than it is to the other Gracilariopsis species examined. In addition, these studies indicate that Gracilaria chilensis Bird, McLachlan, et Oliveira from New Zealand and Gracilaria tenuistipitata Chang et Xia from southeast Asia are as closely related as are Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss, G. pacifica Abbott, and Gracilaria robusta Kylin. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned plastid spacer sequences from Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis taxa provide similar conclusions about species relationships.  相似文献   

Akinetes, differentiated resting cells produced by many species of filamentous, heterocystous cyanobacteria, enable the organism to survive adverse conditions, such as cold winters and dry seasons, and to maintain germination capabilities until the onset of suitable conditions for vegetative growth. Mature akinetes maintain a limited level of metabolic activities, including photosynthesis. In the present study, we have characterized changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of vegetative cells and akinetes of the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum Forti (Nostocales) during their development and maturation. Photosynthetic variable fluorescence was measured by microscope‐PAM (pulse‐amplitude‐modulated) fluorometry, and the fundamental composition of the photosynthetic apparatus was evaluated by fluorescence and immunological techniques. Vegetative cells and akinetes from samples of Aphanizomenon trichomes from akinete‐induced cultures at various ages demonstrated a gradual reduction, with age, in the maximal photosynthetic quantum yield in both cell types. However, the maximal quantum yield of akinetes declined slightly faster than that of their adjacent vegetative cells. Mature akinetes isolated from 6‐ to 8‐week‐old akinete‐induced cultures maintained only residual photosynthetic activity, as indicated by very low values of maximal photosynthetic quantum yields. Based on 77 K fluorescence emission data and immunodetection of PSI and PSII polypeptides, we concluded that the ratio of PSI to PSII reaction centers in mature akinetes is slightly higher than the ratio estimated for exponentially grown vegetative cells. Furthermore, the cellular abundance of these protein complexes substantially increased in akinetes relative to exponentially grown vegetative cells, presumably due to considerable increase in the biovolume of akinetes.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide primers, specific for conserved regions of the genes encoding the β- and α-phycocyanin subunits of phycobilisomes (cpcB and cpcA) of cyanobacteria, were used to amplify a DNA fragment containing the intervening intergenic spacer region (cpcBA-IGS) of 19 strains of three morphospecies of cyanobacteria. Six Australian strains were identified as Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst, six strains were identified as Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing, and seven strains were identified as Nodularia spumigena Mertens. Restriction enzyme digestion of the amplification products from the strains revealed restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) within all three morphospecies. Strains corresponding to M. aeruginosa were highly polymorphic: 11 of the 14 restriction enzymes used displayed RFLPs. The A. circinalis and N. spumigena strains were less variable: three of 14 enzymes and seven of 14 enzymes, respectively, showed RFLPs. The presence of genetic variation between strains within these three divergent morphospecies, which span two orders of cyanobacteria (Chroococcales Wettstein and Nostocales (Borzi) Geitler), show that the cpcBA- IGS fragment has broad application as a molecular marker for intrageneric studies of cyanobacteria systematics and genetics.  相似文献   

An approximately 1400‐bp region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced for 10 polar or near‐polar strains putatively placed in the Oscillatorialean genera Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Lyngbya obtained from the University of Toronto Culture Collection to assess phylogenetic relationships. The strains were also examined for thylakoid structure and cell division type with TEM as well as traditional morphology with LM. Phylogenetic trees constructed using parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood methods were similar in topology. If the original epithets applied to the sequenced strains (both polar and those from GenBank) were used, it was clear that taxa were not monophyletic. However, using the revised taxonomic system of Anagnostidis and Komárek, we were able to reassign these strains to their current correct taxa (species, genus, and family). When these assignments were made, it was determined that the molecular sequence data analyses were congruent with morphology and ultrastructure. Nine of the polar strains were found to be new species, and eight were described as such: Arthronema gygaxiana Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Pseudanabaena tremula Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Leptolyngbya angustata Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Phormidium lumbricale Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus glaciei Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus rushforthii Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus antarcticus Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Microcoleus acremannii Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov. Some genera (Leptolyngbya and Microcoleus) were clearly not monophyletic and require future revision.  相似文献   

Morphological, toxicological, and genetic variation was examined among 19 strains of Nodularia. The strains examined could be morphologically discriminated into four groups corresponding to N. spumigena Mertens, N. sphaerocarpa Bornet et Flahault, and two strains that did not clearly correspond to currently accepted Nodularia species. Genetic variation was examined using nucleotide sequencing of the phycocyanin intergenic spacer region (cpcBA-IGS) and RAPD-PCR. The PCR-RFLP of the cpcBA-IGS differentiated four genotypes corresponding to the four morphological groups. However, nucleotide sequencing of 598 bp of the 690-bp fragment showed that one of the three strains corresponding to N. sphaerocarpa (PCC 7804) was genetically divergent from the other two, suggesting that it constitutes a distinct species. Nucleotide variation within the morphospecies groups was limited (<1%), and all 14 Australian strains of N. spumigena possessed identical cpcBA-IGS sequences. The RAPD-PCR differentiated the same groups as the cpcBA sequencing and discriminated each of the seven different Australian populations of N. spumigena. Strains from within a bloom appeared genetically identical; however, strains isolated from different blooms could be separated into either a western or a southeastern Australian cluster, with one strain from western Australia showing considerable genetic divergence. The pattern of variation suggests that individual blooms of N. spumigena are clonal but also that Australian N. spumigena populations are genetically distinct from each other. Examination of genetic distance within and between blooms and within and between morphological groups showed clear genetic dicontinuities that, in combination with the cpcBA-IGS data, suggest that Nodularia contains genetically distinct morphospecies rather than a continuous cline of genetic variation. Furthermore, these morphospecies are genetically variable, exhibiting hierarchical patterns of genetic variation on regional and global scales. Production of the hepatotoxin nodularin was not restricted to one genetic lineage but was distributed across three of the five genotypic groups. A strain of N. spumigena from a nontoxic Australian population was found to fall within the range of genetic variation for other toxic Australian strains and appears to be a unique nontoxic strain that might have arisen by loss of toxin production capacity.  相似文献   

Systematic hypotheses for the Ulvaceae were tested using phylogenetic analysis of sequences for the gene encoding the large subunit of RUBISCO, small subunit rDNA and a combined data matrix. Representatives of eight putative ulvaceous genera and twelve additional taxa from the Ulvophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae were included in analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Molecular data supported hypotheses for the Ulvaceae that are based on the early development of vegetative thalli and motile cell ultrastructure. Ulvaceae sensu Floyd and O'Kelly, including Percursaria Bory de Saint‐Vincent, Ulvaria Ruprecht and a complex of closely related species of Chloropelta Tanner, Enteromorpha Link and Ulva L. was supported; however, monophyly of Enteromorpha and Ulva was not supported. The Ulvales and Ulotrichales sensu Floyd and O'Kelly were monophyletic. Blidingia Kylin and Kornmannia Bliding were allied with the former and Capsosiphon Gobi with the latter, although relationships among these and other taxa in these orders remain uncertain. The Ulvales are characterized by an isomorphic life history pattern, gametangia and sporangia that are identical in structure and development, motile cells with bilobed terminal caps and proximal sheaths consisting of two equal subunits. Method of motile cell release and the gross morphology of vegetative thalli are not systematically reliable characters.  相似文献   

We investigated nine strains of the Micrasterias crux‐melitensis (Ehrenb.) Hassall ex Ralfs and M. radians W. B. Turner species complex. A combination of molecular, morphological, and geometric morphometric data was used to reveal the patterns of their phenotypic and phylogenetic differentiation. The molecular data based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA, glycine transfer RNA (trnGuuc) intron, and SSU rDNA sequences revealed three phylogenetic lineages. One of them comprised the six European and North American strains that were morphologically identified as M. crux‐melitensis. Phenotypic data illustrated high morphological variability of strains within this genetically homogenous lineage that spanned several traditional infraspecific taxa, including strains corresponding to M. crux‐melitensis var. janeira (Racib.) Grönblad and M. crux‐melitensis var. superflua W. B. Turner, whose morphometric characteristics profoundly differed. Three strains of M. radians formed two separate phylogenetic lineages corresponding to traditional varieties M. radians var. evoluta (W. B. Turner) Willi Krieg. and M. radians var. bogoriensis (C. J. Bernard) G. S. West. The morphological types corresponding to the former variety have, so far, only been reported from Africa. Therefore, we cannot preclude that geographic isolation may play a role in species differentiation of relatively large freshwater protists, such as Micrasterias.  相似文献   

Southern Africa has economically exploited populations of terete gracilarioids on the cool temperate west coast and numerous species of endemic and Indo‐Pacific tropical Gracilariaceae on the south and east coasts. Gross morphological characters have been the main means of identification, and incorrect applications have led to a number of misidentifications. In this study, small subunit rDNA and RUBISCO spacer sequences were used to determine phylogenetic relationships. Whereas rDNA sequences successfully differentiate major groups within the family as well as species belonging to the Gracilariopsis and the Curdiea/Melanthalia clade, RUBISCO spacer sequencing was required to distinguish between species of Gracilaria. The southern African gracilarioid complex (stringy, terete, elongate members of the Gracilariaceae) was resolved into three species: Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilariopsis longissima, and Gracilariopsis funicularis. South African Gracilaria protea was shown to be conspecific with tropical Indian Ocean G. corticata. Apart from G. gracilis and G. corticata, South African Gracilaria species were differentiated into a temperate‐tropical terete grouping and a temperate‐tropical flattened grouping.  相似文献   

Sequence data are presented for approximately 85% of the nuclear large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene for one member of the Bangiophyceae and 47 members of the Florideophyceae, the latter representing all but one of the currently recognized florideophyte orders. Distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses of these data were used to generate phylogenetic trees, and bootstrap resampling was implemented to infer robustness for distance and parsimony results. LSU phylogenies were congruent with published nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA results in that four higher level florideophyte lineages were resolved: lineage 1, containing the order Hildenbrandiales; lineage 2, recovered only under distance analysis, composed of the orders Acrochaetiales, Balliales, Batrachospermales, Corallinales, Nemaliales, Palmariales, and Rhodogorgonales; lineage 3, containing the Ahnfeltiales; and lineage 4, composed of the orders Bonnemaisoniales, Ceramiales, Gelidiales, Gigartinales, Gracilariales, Halymeniales, Plocamiales, and Rhodymeniales. Analyses were also performed on a combined LSU–SSU data set and an SSU-only data set to account for differences in taxon sampling relative to published studies using this latter gene. Combined LSU–SSU analyses resulted in phylogenetic trees of similar topology and support to those obtained from LSU-only analyses. Phylogenetic trees produced from SSU-only analyses differed somewhat in particulars of branching within lineages 2 and 4 but overall were congruent with the LSU-only and combined LSU–SSU results. We close with a discussion of the phylogenetic potential that the LSU has displayed thus far for resolving relationships within the Florideophyceae.  相似文献   

The European earwig (Forficula auricularia) was formerly thought to present a mosaic of populations differing in their reproductive biology. We show that it is comprised of two as yet unrecognized sibling species. The molecular divergence between the two species, for a 627-bp amplified fragment overlapping the COI and COII mitochondrial loci, is six times larger than intraspecific variation. A species with two clutches a year lives predominantly in lowland and oceanic European habitats. A species with one clutch a year—except in the Mediterranean area where it has two clutches—lives predominantly in highland and continental European habitats. They both invaded North America during the 20th century, respectively, from the west and the east coasts, with no apparent mixing of their populations. The two species can occur in sympatry in Europe and are reproductively isolated by nearly complete failure to produce F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

The genus Caulerpa consists of about 75 species of tropical to subtropical siphonous green algae. To better understand the evolutionary history of the genus, a molecular phylogeny was inferred from chloroplast tufA sequences of 23 taxa. A sequence of Caulerpella ambigua was included as a potential outgroup. Results reveal that the latter taxon is, indeed, sister to all ingroup sequences. Caulerpa itself consists of a series of relatively ancient and species‐poor lineages and a relatively modern and rapidly diversifying clade, containing most of the diversity. The molecular phylogeny conflicts with the intrageneric sectional classification based on morphological characters and an evolutionary scheme based on chloroplast ultrastructure. High bootstrap values support monophyly of C. mexicana, C. sertularioides, C. taxifolia, C. webbiana, and C. prolifera, whereas most other Caulerpa species show para‐ or polyphyly.  相似文献   

The genus Lenormandia Sonder is currently composed of nine species from Australia and New Zealand. Some of these are well known, but others are rare and ill defined. Material of all nine species has been examined and found to fall into three discrete morphological groups forming highly supported clades on analysis of 18S rDNA sequences. The first group contains four Australian‐endemic species and includes the type species L. spectabilis Sonder. Plants have a cleft apex that is not inrolled, a distinctive rhombic surface areolation pattern caused by a one‐ to two‐layered medulla of interlocking cells, lack pseudopericentral cells, and produce their reproductive structures on the blade surfaces. The type species of the genus Lenormandiopsis, L. latifolia (Harvey et Greville) Papenfuss, was found to belong to this group and is thus returned to Lenormandia where it was originally placed. Species falling into the other two groups are removed to new genera that are being described separately. One extremely rare species of Lenormandia from southwestern Australia is transferred to the delesseriacean genus Phitymophora.  相似文献   

Mastocarpus papillatus (C. Agardh) Kütz. is a common intertidal red alga occurring along the west coast of North America from Baja California to Alaska. Sequencing of both the chloroplast‐encoded rbcL gene and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ~200 specimens from California to Alaska revealed that M. papillatus is actually a complex of at least five species. All five species have high bootstrap support in phylogenetic analyses of both genetic regions, and in the case of the ITS marker, the species also have distinctive patterns of indels. Three of the species are localized in the mid‐ to upper intertidal, whereas two of the species occur in the low intertidal. The species also have different geographic ranges that overlap in the Vancouver Island area of British Columbia. No distinctive, reliable morphological differences were observed among the species. Although a variety of names are available for species in the complex, it is not yet clear which name goes with which species. As part of the survey, I also sequenced other species of Mastocarpus in the northeast Pacific region, and I provide new distribution records for M. jardinii ( J. Agardh) J. A. West and for a nonpapillate and probably undescribed species of Mastocarpus.  相似文献   

Photosystem II light-harvesting complexes were isolated from a number of ulvophycean algae. Some of these light-harvesting complexes displayed unusual features, most notably a high apparent molecular weight (ca. 58,000) when isolated by lithium doderyl sulfate polyarrylamide gel electrophoresis. Other ulvophycean light-harvesting complexes had a low-molecular weight (ca. 30,000). The distribution of the high-molecular weight complex was limited to certain members of the Caulerpales and Blastophysa rhizopus (Siphanocladales). Within the Caulerpales, there were also spectral differences between the high-molecular weight and low-molecular weight light-harvesting complex types. The differences in light-harvesting complexes in the Ulvophyceae suggest that there are two lines of evolution in the Caulerpales and that Blastophysa may be an intermediate between the Siphon-ocladales and the Caulerpales.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Synurophyceae was investigated by parsimony analysis of scale case characters and small-sub unit (18S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence data. Analysis of 1 eustigmatophycean (outgroup), 3 chrysophycean, and 10 synurophycean 18S rRNA sequences corroborated the inference from ultrastructural information that the Synurophyceae is a monophyletic assemblage . Tessellaria vol-vocina, which had been tentatively proposed as a member of the Synurophyceae, was confirmed as the earliest lineage within the Synurophyceae by both the molecular analysis and an evaluation of published ultrastructural data. A second set of analyses investigated the relationships among Tessellaria volvocina, 6 Synura species, and 10 Mallomonas species/varieties, with particular reference to the validity of current classifications of the Synurophyceae and the characters upon which they are based. The molecular and scale case phylogenies were not totally resolved but were largely congruent. The data sets were combined to produce another phylogeny, which showed greater resolution. The combined phylogeny weakly supported our representatives of Synura and Mallomonas as monophyletic groupings and also upheld several of the sections within these genera that are recognized by current classifications. However, some changes to the classification and delineation of these genera are recommended and predicted. Both our 18S rRNA sequence and scale case data sets were more appropriate for examining the branching order among the more closely related text rather than resolving the deeper branching points of the synurophycean phylogeny .  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia strains representing widely separated populations from both hemispheres was inferred from sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1—5.8S-ITS 2) and the spacer region in the plastid-encoded ribulose- bis -phosphate-carboxylase (RUBISCO) cistron (partial rbc L-spacer-partial rbc S ). Both sequences resulted in matching phylogenies, with the RUBISCO spacer region being most informative at the level of genera and species and the internal transcribed spacer sequences at the level of species and populations. Three major clades were formed by strains previously described by morphology and physiology as Kuckuckia, E. fasciculatus, and E. siliculosus, confirming the validity of these taxa . Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia are regarded as sibling taxa with respect to the outgroup species Feldmannia simplex, Hincksia mitchelliae, and Pilayella littoralis. The clade formed by sexual E. siliculosus strains and most asexual Ectocarpus strains was subdivided into several clades that are consistent with geographical races within E. siliculosus. The inferred phylogeny of Ectocarpus corresponds generally with results from cross-fertilization experiments, morphology, and lipid analysis. A hypothesis on the origin and dispersal of E. siliculosus suggests several natural dispersal events during periods of global cooling as well as recent and possibly anthropogenic dispersal events .  相似文献   

The concept of species flocks has been central to previous interpretations of patterns and processes of explosive species radiations within several groups of freshwater fishes. Here, molecular phytogenies of species-rich Sebastes rockfishes from the northeastern Pacific Ocean were used to test predictions of null theoretical models that assume random temporal placements of phylogenetic nodes. Similar appraisals were conducted using molecular data previously published for particular cichlid fishes in Africa that epitomize, by virtue of a rapid and recent radiation of species, the traditional concept of an intralacustrine “species flock.” As gauged by the magnitudes of genetic divergence in cytochrome b sequences from mitochondrial DNA, as well as in allozymes, most speciation events in the Sebastes complex were far more ancient than those in the cichlids. However, statistical tests of the nodal placements in the Sebastes phylogeny suggest that speciation events in the rockfishes were temporally nonrandom, with significant clustering of cladogenetic events in time. Similar conclusions also apply to an ancient complex of icefishes (within the Notothenioidei) analyzed in the same fashion. Thus, the rockfishes (and icefishes) may be interpreted as ancient species flocks in the marine realm. The analyses exemplified in this report introduce a conceptual and operational approach for extending the concept of species flocks to additional environmental settings and evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

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