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Gene sequence data have been newly obtained for 18 species in 13 genera of the order Nemaliales (Rhodophyta), allowing for the first time a relatively comprehensive molecular phylogenetic appraisal of the order. The phylogenetic trees generated from these data support the recognition of three families: (i) the Liagoraceae as presently constituted; (ii) a reduced Galaxauraceae including Actinotrichia, Galaxaura (sensu lato), and Tricleocarpa; and (iii) a new family, Scinaiaceae, segregated from the Galaxauraceae and including the genera Scinaia, Gloiophloea, Nothogenia, and probably Whidbeyella. The four genera of the Scinaiaceae differ from the newly circumscribed Galaxauraceae in being uncalcified, and having heteromorphic life histories in which the tetrasporophyte is much reduced and filamentous or crustose. This type of life history is found in only Tricleocarpa of the Galaxauraceae. The results also show Galaxaura to be para/polyphyletic if Actinotrichia and Tricleocarpa are recognized. To remedy this, the Galaxaura marginata species complex, Galaxaura diesingiana, and Galaxaura obtusata are removed from the genus and placed in the resurrected Dichotomaria Lamarck. Galaxaura marginata, presently thought to be wide‐ranging and morphologically variable, is shown to comprise several species. As a consequence, Galaxaura tenera Kjellman and Brachycladia australis Sonder are removed from the synonymy of G. marginata and restored as independent species in Dichotomaria for South African and Australian isolates, respectively. The Liagoraceae is shown to encompass genera previously placed in the segregate families Nemaliaceae and Dermonemataceae, and the value of the reproductive characters used to define those taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Among four different genera in Galaxauraceae, species diversity of the genus Tricleocarpa Huisman & Borowitzka is underestimated and requires further examination. In this study, we explored a molecular phylogeny of Tricleocarpa with an emphasis on Taiwan species and reassessed species diversity of the genus from the Indo-Pacific region based on analyses of rbcL and COI-5P sequences and morphological observations. The molecular analyses showed that species of Tricleocarpa examined are grouped into seven clades: six clades in the T. cylindrica group (the T. cylindrica complex, T. confertus, T. jejuensis, T. natalensis and two uncharacterized T. ‘cylindrica’ clades) and one clade as the T. fragilis group. Overall, at least 12 species in Tricleocarpa were detected from the Indo-Pacific region, including a new species, T. confertus S.-L. Liu & S.-M. Lin, from Taiwan. Among them, T. confertus can be separated from other species of Tricleocarpa by a thallus consisting of dichotomous or trichotomous, articulated and moniliform branches with smooth surfaces, constrictions at nodes and slightly anti-triangular in shape. The cystocarp morphology of T. confertus is similar to the T. cylindrica group by having paraphyses intermixing with gonimoblast filaments. Recognition of this new species from other species is also supported by the DNA-based, algorithmic species delimitation approaches. With the combination of molecular phylogeny and species diversity reassessment, our phylogeographic analysis supported a trend that species in the T. fragilis group are restricted in their distribution to subtropical and tropical areas whereas species in the T. cylindrica group have a wide distribution, ranging from temperate through to tropical areas.  相似文献   

Xylans from five seaweeds belonging to the order Nemaliales (Galaxaura marginata, Galaxaura obtusata, Tricleocarpacylindrica, Tricleocarpa fragilis, and Scinaia halliae) and one of the order Palmariales (Palmaria palmata) collected on the Brazilian coasts were extracted with hot water and purified from acid xylomannans and/or xylogalactans through Cetavlon precipitation of the acid polysaccharides. The β-d-(1→4), β-d-(1→3) ‘mixed linkage’ structures were determined using methylation analysis and 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. The presence of large sequences of β-(1→4)-linked units suggests transient aggregates of ribbon- or helical-ordered structures that would explain the low optical rotations.  相似文献   

Phosphate uptake through above-ground thalli vs. subterranean rhizoids has been compared in siphonaceous rhizophytic green algal species from five globally distributed tropical genera: Avrainvillea nigricans Decaisne, Caulerpa lanuginosa J. Agardh, Halimeda incrassata (J. Ellis) J.V. Lamouroux, Penicillus capitatus Lamarck, and Udotea flabellum (J. Ellis & Solander) M. Howe. Plants were collected, acclimated to lab conditions for 3 days, and then incubated for 8 h at saturating light intensity with 30 μM PO43− added to their above-ground thallus or below-ground rhizoids. Percent tissue phosphorus was then compared to control specimens, which were run simultaneously in the absence of phosphate. The two fleshy species, A. nigricans and C. lanuginosa, showed no significant differences in tissue nutrient status, and displayed much larger variation among controls than the three calcified species. Calcified species showed greater phosphorus content after being exposed to either above- or below-ground thallus portions, indicating that these seaweeds can respond to short term increases in nutrient availability and have a more regulated nutrient acquisition mechanism. Results suggest that calcification may play an important role in phosphorus absorption.  相似文献   

Culture and morphological studies showed that Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis et Solander) Lamouroux has a triphasic life history with conspicuous gametophytes and small filamentous tetrasporophytes. Development of male and female reproductive structures is very similar and both begin with the enlargement of a terminal cell of a filament branch occupying a normal vegetative position within the apical pit of a thallus branch. In male thalli this modified branch forms a conceptacle in which spermatangia are produced. In female thalli, this modified branch forms a three-celled carpogonial branch consisting of a carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell. Filament branches from the basal cell form a pericarp and the gonimoblast develops directly from the carpogonium. Carposporangia are produced in conceptacles which resemble the male conceptacles. About the time the first carposporangia are produced, the carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell form a large fusion cell. Released carpospores germinate in a unipolar or bipolar manner and form small filamentous thalli. Under short day conditions, cruciate tetrasporangia are produced in small clusters. Tetraspores germinate similarly to carpospores and also form small filamentous thalli. Under low nutrient conditions, small cylindrical thalli develop on the filaments and these appear similar to gametophytes collected in nature.  相似文献   

The placement of Avrainvillea and Cladocephalus in the family Udoteaceae (order Bryopsidales) has been questioned on the basis of nuclear, plastid, and other ultrastructural characteristics unique to these genera. Bayesian analysis of the chloroplast‐encoded LSU RUBISCO (rbcL) gene showed that the Udoteaceae is paraphyletic. Cladocephalus luteofuscus (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Børgesen, Avrainvillea nigricans f. floridana D. Littler et Littler, and A. mazei G. Murray et Boodle form a clade with the freshwater alga Dichotomosiphon tuberosus (A. Braun ex Kütz.) A. Ernst that is basal to a clade that includes other members of the Udoteaceae, the Halimedaceae, and the Caulerpaceae. The noncalcified species Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) W. R. Taylor, A. B. Joly et Bernat. groups with species of the calcified Udoteacean genera Penicillus, Rhipocephalus, Udotea, and Halimeda.  相似文献   

报道了甘肃省菊科植物的3个分布新记录属,母菊属(Matricaria),联毛紫菀属(Symphyotrichum)和艾纳香属(Blumea),以及3个甘肃省分布新记录种,同花母菊[Matricaria matricarioides(Lessing)Porter ex Britton],钻形紫菀[Symphyotrichum subulatum(Michaux)G.L.Nesom]和柔毛艾纳香[Blumea axillaris(Lamarck)Candolle]。  相似文献   

We performed molecular phylogenetic analyses of four morphotypes of the benthic foraminiferal genus Bulimina (B. aculeata, B. marginata f. marginata, B. marginata f. denudata, and B. elongata) based on sequences of internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA). Six genetically distinct phylotypes were revealed by our phylogenetic analyses. The six phylotypes basically correspond to the fundamental morphotypes: clades A + B (B. aculeata); clade C (B. elongata); clade D (B. marginata f. denudata); clade E (B. marginata f. marginata genotype 1); and clade F (B. marginata f. marginata genotype 2). All six phylotypes are well distinguished, except phylotype B, which shows only little sequence divergence compared to clade A, possibly indicating that genetic differentiation is in progress. Morphological characters including the direction, placement, and shape of spines, the angle of undercutting of chamber periphery, and the roundness of the chambers were stable among specimens of each clade. In contrast, the length and density of spines, and chamber size, were variable within each clade. These intermediate morphological characters may reflect ecophenotypic variation. Our study clearly shows that the examined B. acuelata, elongata, and denudata morphospecies are genetically separated and that B. marginata is a species complex comprising several genotypes. A novel phylotype represent different morphotype compare to B. marginata f. marginata that can be distinguished based on differences of chamber angularity, the direction, placement, and shape of spines, and test dimensions.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies of the diatoms indicate that members of the order Thalassiosirales occupy an interesting position in the diatom evolutionary tree. Despite their radial morphology and scaly auxospores, they are consistently recovered in molecular analyses as a member of subdivision Bacillariophytina and a sister clade to non‐fultoportulate and non‐radial lithodesmioids. This study included 46 species from nine traditionally accepted extant genera, and analyzed 43 nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences in parallel with a survey of the variation in fultoportula structure. Three possible scenarios leading to the evolution of the fultoportula are discussed in the context of molecular and morphological similarities between the examined Thalassiosirales and their SSU rRNA sister clade Lithodesmiales. We speculate that the fultoportula might be derived by a modification of either a cribrum in an areola (fultoportula within an areola), or structures similar to marginal ridges now seen in lithodesmioids around a cluster of poroids (fultoportula in a tube), or finally, that the central fultoportula may have an origin different from the marginal fultoportulae. Our data confirm that fultoportula‐bearing diatoms constitute a natural phylogenetic group. The families Thalassiosiraceae, Skeletonemaceae, and Stephanodiscaceae and the genus Thalassiosira Cleve were unexpectedly found to be paraphyletic. Further, Cyclotella Kutz. and Stephanodiscus Ehr. may not be closely related and some species of these genera are more closely allied to other species of Thalassiosira. The generitype, T. nordenskioeldii, is embedded within a large poorly structured cluster of species that includes several members of Thalassiosira, Planktoniella sol, Minidiscus trioculatus, and two members of Stephanodiscus. An emendment of the order Lithodesmiales and the family Lauderiaceae are proposed.  相似文献   

Gracilaria hummii Hommers. et Freshwater is proposed as a new name for the inshore cylindrical species found in North Carolina that was treated as Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. during World War II, and more recently as G. verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf. Molecular evidence places G. hummii in the Gracilis‐group in Gracilaria together with G. gracilis (Stackh.) Steentoft, L. M. Irvine et Farnham, the name currently applied to specimens formerly identified as G. confervoides and G. verrucosa. G. hummii differs from G. gracilis in possessing shallower male conceptacles in which the spermatangial filament originates from a surface cortical cell rather than from a subcortical cell. The cystocarps are similar, except that the gonimoblasts of G. hummii are attached to the base of the pericarp by numerous, prominent thickened terminal tubular cells and because terminal tubular cells are absent above the midregion of the cystocarp or in the vicinity of the ostiole. The gonimoblasts are subtended by a bundle of longitudinally oriented, thick‐walled secondary filaments of a type that has not been described before in Gracilaria but that may be characteristic of some other species. G. hummii occupies a basal position in the Gracilis‐group and is distinct from all other cylindrical North Carolina Gracilaria species, according to the molecular and morphological evidence.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis is presented, based on 57 morphological, anatomical, chemical and ecological characters, including 19 species from the generaArthonia,ArthotheliumandSyncesia. The aim of the study was to test the monophyly of some of the groups within the genusArthoniasuggested, for example, by Redinger (e.g. species with reddish ascomata, with grey–pruinose ascomata and with brown–black hypothecia). The results strongly support thatArthoniaandArthotheliumare paraphyletic genera. The best-supported node contains allArthoniaspecies together withA. crozalsianade Lesd.,A. ruanaA. Massal. (both hitherto placed inArthothelium) andSyncesia myrticola(Fée) Tehler. A well-supported clade is formed by a group of pioneer species, often non-lichenized or poorly lichenized, including the type species ofArthonia,A. radiata. The species with reddish and/or K+ reddish ascomata form one clade and the species with more or less brownish or blackish hypothecia form another clade withSyncesia myrticola, the sister group to theOpegraphaceaeandRoccellaceae. The results are discussed and compared with Redinger’s grouping. Relationships to other genera within Arthoniaceae are briefly discussed.Arthothelium scandinavicumTh. Fr.,Arthonia dispersa(Schrad.) Nyl.,A. punctiformisAch. andA. mediellaNyl. are lectotypified.  相似文献   

Aragonite calcification in the red alga Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis et Solander) Lamouroux (Chaetangiaceae, Nemaliales) from southern China, occurs at three sites in the cortex: (1) intercellular spaces (ICS); (2) the cell wall; and (3) the inner surface of the cortex. The ICS is the principal site of calcification and contains aragonite mainly in the form of equidimensional granules ∼1–2 μm in size, although needle-like crystals up to 3 μm in length are also present locally. Granules range from densely to loosely packed. A dense and even layer peripheral to the ICS is interpreted to represent calcification of the cell wall. Coarser radial clumps of elongate crystals, forming a thin discontinuous layer on the inner surface of the cortex, resemble a cement fringe facing into the medulla, but form during the life of the alga. Calcification in these specimens shows similarities, and differences, to both coralline red algae, in which calcification is limited to the cell wall, and halimedacean green algae in which it is limited to the ICS. Some members of the Palaeozoic family Moniliporellaceae show similarities in their skeletal organization to Galaxaura.  相似文献   

The role of mosquitoes and moths as pollinators of Habenaria obtusata was studied in northern Wisconsin during the summer of 1969. In each population studied, meter-square quadrants were marked and the number of plants, flowers per inflorescence, rate and time of pollinia removed, and capsule set recorded. Carbon dioxide and modified New Jersey Light Traps were set during the flowering period to capture pollinia-bearing insects. The study showed that female mosquitoes of the genus Aedes (particularly A. communis) and two species of Geometrid moths of the genus Xanthorhoe are important pollinators of H. obtusata. Pollination occurred during the last few days of flowering with an average of 18.0% of the pollinia removed and with 14.2% capsule set.  相似文献   

Nephrostrobus cliffwoodensis gen. et sp. nov., Nephrostrobus bifurcatus sp. nov., and Rhombostrobus cliffwoodensis gen. et sp. nov. are described based on anatomical studies of seed cone fragments from the Upper Cretaceous Magothy Formation of New Jersey. These species belong to the Taxodiaceae. As in Sequoia, Sequoiadendron. and Metasequoia, the vascular strands supplying the scale and bract in Nephrostrobus are about equal. These vascular strands are arranged in a reniform pattern resembling that found in Metasequoia, but the orientation differs by 180 degress. Nephrostrobus cliffwoodensis and Nephrostrobus bifurcatus differ from each other in the branching of the complex trace and associated resin canals. Rhombostrobus cliffwoodensis resembles Cunninghamia in the arrangement of vascular strands and associated resin canals in its bract-scale complexes. However, the relative amount of bract and ovuliferous scale making up the complex is more like that in Sequoia. This combination of cone features does not occur in any of the extant genera. Nephrostrobus and Rhombostrobus are not considered to be ancestral to any of the extant taxodiaceous genera, but are extinct members of an ancestral complex from which the extant genera were derived.  相似文献   

Almost 80 years ago, a radiation scheme based on structural resemblance was first outlined for the marine order Dinophysiales. This hypothetical radiation illustrated the relationship between the dinophysioid genera and included several independent, extant lineages. Subsequent studies have supplied additional information on morphology and ecology to these evolutionary lineages. We have for the first time combined morphological information with molecular phylogenies to test the dinophysioid radiation hypothesis in a modern context. Nuclear‐encoded LSU rDNA sequences including domains D1‐D6 from 27 species belonging to Dinophysis Ehrenb., Ornithocercus F. Stein, Phalacroma F. Stein, Amphisolenia F. Stein, Citharistes F. Stein, and Histioneis F. Stein were obtained from the Indian Ocean. Previously, LSU rDNA has only been determined from one of these. In Bayesian analyses, Amphisolenia formed a long basal clade to the other dinophysioids. These diverged into two separate lineages, the first comprised species with a classical Phalacroma outline, also including the type species P. porodictyum F. Stein. Thus, we propose to reinstate the genus Phalacroma. The relationship between the genera in the second lineage was not well resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny supported monophyly of Histioneis and Citharistes and showed the genus Dinophysis to be polyphyletic and in need of a taxonomic revision. Species of Ornithocercus grouped with Citharistes, but this relationship remained unresolved. The phylogenetic trees furthermore revealed convergent evolution of several morphological characters in the dinophysioids. According to the molecular data, the dinophysioids appeared to have evolved quite differently from the radiation schemes previously hypothesized. Four dinophysioid species had identical LSU rDNA sequences to other well‐established species.  相似文献   

Genetic differences among the three species of Sphyraena with two gill rakers from East Asia (S. iburiensis, S. obtusata, and S. pinguis, defined recently as the S. obtusata group), were investigated using 799-bp sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Pairwise sequence differences within each of the three species were 0.0–0.4% (S. iburiensis), 0.0–0.4% (S. obtusata), and 0.0–0.6% (S. pinguis), respectively, pairwise sequence differences among the three species being 18.3–18.6% (S. iburiensis vs. S. obtusata), 14.9–15.4% (S. iburiensis vs. S. pinguis), and 17.6–18.3% (S. obtusata vs. S. pinguis), respectively. The extent of the latter were comparable to those among four other congeneric species, S. africana, S. forsteri, S. helleri, and S. japonica (16.0–24.5%). Phylogenetic analysis using the maximum-likelihood method indicated reciprocal monophyly of the three species, each clade being supported by a bootstrap value of 100%. These findings fully supported the taxonomic status of these species, recently elucidated by detailed morphological comparisons. In addition, the S. obtusata group formed a strongly supported clade against the four other congeneric species.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood analysis of 113 rbcL sequences leads to a well resolved phylogeny of Jungermanniales. All species with perigynia or marsupia are found in one clade, whereas species with coelocaules are placed in several lineages. The broadly circumscribed Geocalycaceae (including Lophocoleaceae) of most recent authors are resolved as polyphyletic. Geocalycaceae genera which develop female involucres without involvement of stem tissue (Chiloscyphus, Heteroscyphus, Leptoscyphus, Physotheca) form a robust clade which is placed sister to Plagiochilaceae whereas the genera with involucres originating at least partly from stem tissue (Geocalycaceae s.str., Geocalyx, Harpanthus, Saccogyna) are nested within the paraphyletic Jungermanniaceae. This topology leads to the exclusion of the strictly perianth-bearing species from Geocalycaceae and the reinstatement of Lophocoleaceae. Campanocolea is nested within Chiloscyphus. Physotheca and Chiloscyphus breutelii are placed within an unsupported clade with several accessions of Leptoscyphus. Heteroscyphus forms a paraphyletic grade at the base of Chiloscyphus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships, limits of species, and genera within Lycoperdaceae, were inferred by use of ITS and LSU nu-rDNA sequence data. Lycoperdaceae was confirmed as monophyletic, and Mycenastrum corium as a sister taxon to the ingroup. Four major clades were identified and received weak to moderate support and correspond with the genera Lycoperdon, Bovista, Calvatia, and Disciseda. The Lycoperdon clade includes species from Lycoperdon, Vascellum, Morganella, Handkea, Bovistella, and Calvatia. The structure within the Lycoperdon clade is unresolved and several clades are more or less unsupported, which suggests treating the supported Lycoperdon clade as the genus Lycoperdon. L. nigrescens and L. caudatum occur on single branches and their phylogenetic positions could not be resolved. The phylogenetic analyses identified 31 species of Lycoperdon, 11 species of Bovista, six species of Calvatia, and two species of Disciseda. In Lycoperdon three new species were recognized. A new species closely related to B. limosa is identified and discussed. A classification of Lycoperdaceae is proposed based on the results of the phylogenetic analyses. Morphological characters of species within and among identified clades are discussed.  相似文献   

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