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Most species of birds show bi‐parental or female‐only care. However, a minority of species is polyandrous and expresses male‐only care. So far, such reversals in sex roles have been demonstrated only in precocial bird species, but there was suggestive evidence that such a mating system may occur in one altricial bird species, the black coucal, Centropus grillii. In a field study in Tanzania we investigated whether black coucals are sex‐role reversed and polyandrous. We found that males were mated to one female, rarely vocalized and provided all parental care from incubation of eggs to feeding of young. In contrast, female black coucals were about 69% heavier and 39% larger than males and polyandrous. They spent a large proportion of time calling from conspicuous perches, defended breeding territories, did not help in provisioning young and had a higher potential reproductive rate than males. We conclude that the black coucal currently represents the only altricial bird species with sole male parental care and a classical polyandrous mating system. High nest predation pressure and small territory sizes due to high food abundance may have been important factors in the evolution of sex‐role reversal and polyandry in this species.  相似文献   

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In most animals, competition for mating opportunities is higher among males, whereas females are more likely to provide parental care. In few species, though, these "conventional" sex roles are reversed such that females compete more strongly for matings and males provide most or all parental care. This "reversal" in sex roles is often combined with classical polyandry—a mating system in which a female forms a harem with several males. Here, we review the major hypotheses relating such role reversals to evolutionary and behavioural traits (anisogamy, phylogenetic history, sexy males, parental care, genetic paternity, trade‐off between mating and parenting, adult sex ratio) and to ecological factors (food supply, offspring predation). We evaluate each hypothesis in relation to coucals (Centropodinae), a group of nesting cuckoos of great interest for mating system and parental care theory. The black coucal (Centropus grillii) is the only known bird combining classical polyandry with altricial development of young, a costly trait with regard to parental care. Our long‐term study offers a unique possibility to compare the strongly polyandrous black coucal with a monogamous close relative breeding in the same area and habitat, the white‐browed coucal (C. superciliosus). We show that the evolution of sex roles in coucals and other animals has many different facets. Whereas phylogenetic constraints are important, confidence in genetic paternity is not. In combination with facilitating ecological conditions, adult sex ratios are key to understanding sex roles in coucals, shorebirds, and most likely also other animals. We plead for more studies including experimental tests to understand how biased adult sex ratios emerge and whether they drive sexual selection or vice versa. How do sex ratios and sexual selection interact and feedback on each other? Answers to these questions will be fundamental for understanding the evolution of sex roles in mating and parenting in coucals and other species.  相似文献   

Comparative studies have established the necessity for biparental care as an important factor for monogamy in freshwater fish and birds. However, whether two parents are really needed for offspring care remains an open question in many cases. I experimentally studied female and male contributions to offspring care in the white-browed coucal (Centropus superciliosus), a monogamous and biparental cuckoo with a balanced adult sex ratio, and contrasted it with the sympatric black coucal (C. grillii), a classically polyandrous species with a male-biased adult sex ratio and male-only care. To study the necessity for biparental care, I temporarily removed one partner for 2 days to see whether the remaining parent compensated for the absence of its partner. Both female and male white-browed coucals approximately doubled their feeding rates when their partner was absent, thus fully compensating the number of feeding visits to the nest. However, nestlings maintained their growth only, when males were present and females were removed. When males were removed and only females were present, nestling growth declined. Hence, only male white-browed coucals fully compensated for the temporary loss of the partner, suggesting that females could benefit most from nesting with additional males—if these should become available. Removing female black coucals had no consequence for nestling feeding rates of male black coucals. But male black coucals had to be returned to their territories within a few hours to avoid harming the brood because female black coucals typically would not commence feeding their offspring. In conclusion, the breeding system of white-browed coucals seems quite flexible and the relatively balanced adult sex ratio may stabilize monogamy in this species. Should ecological factors ever favour a stronger bias in the adult sex ratio towards males, female white-browed coucals may easily become polyandrous and relinquish parental care entirely to males.  相似文献   

The evolution of greater male than female parental care remains poorly understood. In birds it is thought to be related to precocial chicks and small clutch size. This review shows, however, that such role reversal has also evolved in a family with altricial young and relatively large clutch size: coucals (Centropodidae, Cuculiformes). Males perform most nest building, incubation, and feeding of young. As predicted by sexual selection theory, coucals have also reversed sexual size dimorphism, females being larger than males in all 12 species for which size data are available. Most coucals that have been studied are monogamous, but the black coucal Centropus grillii appears to be polyandrous, and males perform almost all parental care, whereas females show more active advertisement behaviour. In this species, females are about 50% heavier than males. Polyandry in the black coucal seems to be associated with a shift to a habitat with seasonally rich food resources. Difficulties for female coucals of gathering enough resources for producing several clutches of relatively large eggs may favour mainly male parental care. Female sexual competition and resource storage, and male foraging economy, may explain why females are larger. Additional field studies are needed to test these hypotheses; the coucals are of great interest to sexual selection and mating systems theory.  相似文献   

Generally in birds, the classic sex roles of male competition and female choice result in females providing most offspring care while males face uncertain parentage. In less than 5% of species, however, reversed courtship sex roles lead to predominantly male care and low extra-pair paternity. These role-reversed species usually have reversed sexual size dimorphism and polyandry, confirming that sexual selection acts most strongly on the sex with the smaller parental investment and accordingly higher potential reproductive rate. We used parentage analyses and observations from three field seasons to establish the social and genetic mating system of pheasant coucals, Centropus phasianinus, a tropical nesting cuckoo, where males are much smaller than females and provide most parental care. Pheasant coucals are socially monogamous and in this study males produced about 80% of calls in the dawn chorus, implying greater male sexual competition. Despite the substantial male investments, extra-pair paternity was unusually high for a socially monogamous, duetting species. Using two or more mismatches to determine extra-pair parentage, we found that 11 of 59 young (18.6%) in 10 of 21 broods (47.6%) were not sired by their putative father. Male incubation, starting early in the laying sequence, may give the female opportunity and reason to seek these extra-pair copulations. Monogamy, rather than the polyandry and sex-role reversal typical of its congener, C. grillii, may be the result of the large territory size, which could prevent females from monopolising multiple males. The pheasant coucal’s exceptional combination of classic sex-roles and male-biased care for extra-pair young is hard to reconcile with current sexual selection theory, but may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of polyandry or an evolutionary remnant of polyandry.  相似文献   

Why mainly males compete and females take a larger share in parental care remains an exciting question in evolutionary biology. Role‐reversed species are of particular interest, because such ‘exceptions’ help to test the rule. Using mating systems theory as a framework, we compared the reproductive ecology of the two most contrasting coucals with regard to sexual dimorphism and parental care: the black coucal with male‐only care and the biparental white‐browed coucal. Both species occur in the same lush habitat and face similar ecological conditions, but drastically differ in mating system and sexual dimorphism. Black coucals were migratory and occurred at high breeding densities. With females being obligatory polyandrous and almost twice as heavy as males, black coucals belong to the most extreme vertebrates with reversed sexual dimorphism. Higher variance in reproductive success in fiercely competing females suggests that sexual selection is stronger in females than in males. In contrast, resident white‐browed coucals bred at low densities and invariably in pairs. They were almost monomorphic and the variance in reproductive success was similar between the sexes. Black coucals were more likely to lose nests than white‐browed coucals, probably facilitating female emancipation of parental care in black coucals. We propose that a combination of high food abundance, high population density, high degree of nest loss and male bias in the adult sex ratio represent ecological conditions that facilitate role reversal and polyandry in coucals and terrestrial vertebrates in general.  相似文献   

Coucals are large, predatory, primarily ground‐dwelling cuckoos of the genus Centropus, with 26 extant species ranging from Africa to Australia. Their evolutionary and biogeographical history are poorly understood and their fossil record almost non‐existent. Only one species (Centropus phasianinus) currently inhabits Australia, but there is now fossil evidence for at least three Pleistocene species. One of these (Centropus colossus) was described from south‐eastern Australia in 1985. Here we describe additional elements of this species from the same site, and remains of two further extinct species from the Thylacoleo Caves of the Nullarbor Plain, south‐central Australia. The skeletal morphology and large size of the three extinct species indicates that they had reduced capacity for flight and were probably primarily ground‐dwelling. The extinct species include the two largest‐known cuckoos, weighing upwards of 1 kg each. They demonstrate that gigantism in this lineage has been more marked in a continental context than on islands, contrary to the impression gained from extant species. The evolutionary relationships of the Australian fossil coucals are uncertain, but our phylogenetic analysis indicates a possible close relationship between one of the Nullarbor species and extant Centropus violaceus from the Bismarck Archipelago. The presence of three coucals in southern Australia markedly extends the geographical range of the genus from tropical Australia into southern temperate regions. This demonstrates the remarkable and consistent ability of coucals to colonize continents despite their very limited flying ability.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1992,43(6):907-919
Comparative field studies of species of dart-poison frogs in the genus Dendrobates were carried out to test predictions from two hypotheses that attempt to explain female-female competition for mates in species of Dendrobates with male parental care. The sex role reversal hypothesis proposes that males invest so much time and energy in parental care that receptive males are rare relative to receptive females, and females compete to find and mate with receptive males. The parental quality hypothesis proposes that females compete to monopolize the parental effort of particular males, because they potentially suffer a cost when their mates care for the offspring of other females. Comparisons between species with male parental care (Dendrobates leucomelas) and female parental care (Dendrobates histrionicus) contradicted prediction of the sex role reversal hypothesis, but were consistent with predictions of the parental quality hypothesis. Male D. histrionicus did not compete for mates more aggressively than male D. leucomelas, and male D. leucomelas were not more selective about mating than male D. histrionicus. Female D. leucomelas and D. histrionicus were both selective about mating; female D. leucomelas associated with and competed for particular males, whereas female D. histrionicus did not.  相似文献   

The black coucal is the only known altricial bird species in which females mate with and lay eggs for more than one male and males are responsible for all parental care (classical polyandry). In this species, the left testis is atrophied and it has been speculated that this may result in a reduction of circulating androgens, providing a unique mechanism for reversals in sex roles. We therefore investigated whether there is a reversal in circulating androgens and oestrogens in black coucals. Despite the reversals in sex roles, males had significantly higher levels of plasma testosterone than females, in a pattern typical of that of monogamous male passerines. Testosterone levels of both sexes were higher during the mating than during the premating stage and were low in males during the nestling stage. The concentrations of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and oestradiol did not differ between the sexes and were generally low. A physiological challenge with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) resulted in a significant increase in testosterone in males but not in females, suggesting either that females are not responsive to GnRH or that they express patterns of testosterone that are similar to those of males of species with a polygynous mating system without paternal care, in which testosterone is expressed at maximum levels throughout the breeding season. We conclude that the absence of one testis does not provide a mechanism for sex role reversal in black coucals. Either androgens are not involved in the regulation of male-like traits in females or females are sensitive to relatively low levels of these steroids.  相似文献   

Conventional sex roles imply caring females and competitive males. The evolution of sex role divergence is widely attributed to anisogamy initiating a self‐reinforcing process. The initial asymmetry in pre‐mating parental investment (eggs vs. sperm) is assumed to promote even greater divergence in post‐mating parental investment (parental care). But do we really understand the process? Trivers [Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man 1871–1971 (1972), Aldine Press, Chicago] introduced two arguments with a female and male perspective on whether to care for offspring that try to link pre‐mating and post‐mating investment. Here we review their merits and subsequent theoretical developments. The first argument is that females are more committed than males to providing care because they stand to lose a greater initial investment. This, however, commits the ‘Concorde Fallacy’ as optimal decisions should depend on future pay‐offs not past costs. Although the argument can be rephrased in terms of residual reproductive value when past investment affects future pay‐offs, it remains weak. The factors likely to change future pay‐offs seem to work against females providing more care than males. The second argument takes the reasonable premise that anisogamy produces a male‐biased operational sex ratio (OSR) leading to males competing for mates. Male care is then predicted to be less likely to evolve as it consumes resources that could otherwise be used to increase competitiveness. However, given each offspring has precisely two genetic parents (the Fisher condition), a biased OSR generates frequency‐dependent selection, analogous to Fisherian sex ratio selection, that favours increased parental investment by whichever sex faces more intense competition. Sex role divergence is therefore still an evolutionary conundrum. Here we review some possible solutions. Factors that promote conventional sex roles are sexual selection on males (but non‐random variance in male mating success must be high to override the Fisher condition), loss of paternity because of female multiple mating or group spawning and patterns of mortality that generate female‐biased adult sex ratios (ASR). We present an integrative model that shows how these factors interact to generate sex roles. We emphasize the need to distinguish between the ASR and the operational sex ratio (OSR). If mortality is higher when caring than competing this diminishes the likelihood of sex role divergence because this strongly limits the mating success of the earlier deserting sex. We illustrate this in a model where a change in relative mortality rates while caring and competing generates a shift from a mammalian type breeding system (female‐only care, male‐biased OSR and female‐biased ASR) to an avian type system (biparental care and a male‐biased OSR and ASR).  相似文献   

Bulk segregant analysis, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) methods were used to identify sex‐linked molecular markers in the haploid‐diploid rhodophyte Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, McLachlan et E. C. Oliveira. One hundred and eighty 10 bp primers were tested on three bulks of DNA: haploid males, haploid females, and diploid tetrasporophytes. Three RAPD primers (OPD15, OPG16, and OPN20) produced male‐specific bands; and one RAPD primer (OPD12), a female‐specific band. The sequences of the cloned putative sex‐specific PCR fragments were used to design specific primers for the female marker SCAR‐D12‐386 and the male marker SCAR‐G16‐486. Both SCAR markers gave unequivocal band patterns that allowed sex and phase to be determined in G. chilensis. Thus, all the females presented only the female band, and all the males only the male band, while all the tetrasporophytes amplified both male and female bands. Despite this sex‐specific association, we were able to amplify SCAR‐D12‐386 and SCAR‐G16‐486 in both sexes at low melting temperature. The differences between male and female sequences were of 8%–9% nucleotide divergence for SCAR‐D12‐386 and SCAR‐G16‐486, respectively. SCAR‐D12‐386 and SCAR‐G16‐486 could represent degenerated or diverged sequences located in the nonrecombining region of incipient sex chromosomes or heteromorphic sex chromosomes with sequence differences at the DNA level such that PCR primers amplify only one allele and not the other in highly specific PCR conditions. Seven gametic progenies composed of 19 males, 19 females, and the seven parental tetrasporophytes were analyzed. In all of them, the two SCAR markers segregated perfectly with sexual phenotypes.  相似文献   

Spotless and European starlings (Sturnus unicolor and Sturnus vulgaris) have attracted attention from researchers interested in sexual selection, evolution of parental care and reproductive strategies. Both species show high levels of intraspecific nest parasitism and extra‐pair paternity, but research in this area is hampered by a lack of molecular markers specific for these species. Here, we describe a set of primers for nine microsatellite loci in spotless starlings, eight of which are highly polymorphic (7.37 alleles in average). These microsatellites are also polymorphic in European starlings (6.75 alleles in average).  相似文献   

Many animals provide parental care to offspring. Parental sex‐roles vary extensively across taxa, and such patterns are considered well documented. However, information on amphibians is lacking relative to other vertebrate groups. We combine natural history observations with functional and historical analyses to examine the evolution of egg care in glassfrogs (Centrolenidae). Parental care was considered rare and predominately provided by males. Our field observations of 40 species revealed that care occurs throughout the family, and the caregiving sex changes across lineages. We discovered that a brief period of maternal care is widespread and occurs in species previously thought to lack care. Using a combination of female‐removal experiments, prey‐choice tests with egg‐eating katydids, and parental disturbance‐tolerance assays, we confirm the adaptive benefits of short‐term maternal care in wild Cochranella granulosa and Teratohyla pulverata. To examine historical transitions between caregiving sexes, we assembled a molecular phylogeny and estimated ancestral care states using our data and the literature. We assessed patterns indicative of sex‐specific constraints by testing whether transitions between the sexes are associated with changes in care levels. Our analyses support that male‐only care evolved 2–3 times from female‐only care, and this change is associated with substantial increases in care levels – a pattern supporting the hypothesis that male‐only care evolved via constraints on maternal expenditure. Many groups of amphibians remain poorly studied, with emerging evidence indicating that care patterns are more diverse than currently appreciated. Natural history remains fundamental to uncovering this diversity and generating testable hypotheses of sex‐role evolution.  相似文献   

In biparental species, aggression, dominance, and parental care are typically sexually dimorphic. While behavioral dimorphism is often strongly linked to gonadal sex, the environment—either social or ecological—may also influence sex‐biased behavior. In the biparental cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri, the typical social environment for breeding pairs consists of large females paired with smaller males. While both sexes are capable of providing territory defense and parental care, the larger female provides the majority of defense for the pair, while the smaller male remains in the nest guarding their offspring. We examine the contributions of sex and relative mate size to these sex‐biased behaviors in monogamous J. marlieri pairs. Both female‐larger and male‐larger pairs were formed in the laboratory and were observed for territorial aggression (against conspecifics and heterospecifics), dominance, and parental care. In female‐larger pairs, territorial aggression and intra‐pair dominance were female‐biased, while in male‐larger pairs this bias was reversed. For both pairing types, the presence of an intruder amplified sex differences in territorial aggression, with the larger fish always attacking with greater frequency than its mate. Though less robust, there was evidence for plasticity of sex‐bias for some egg care related behaviors in the inverse direction. Our study suggests that relative mate size strongly influences the sex bias of aggression and dominance in J. marlieri and that this aspect of the social environment can override the influence of gonadal sex on an individual's behavior. The remarkable plasticity of this species makes Julidochromis an exciting model that could be used to address the relationship between proximate and ultimate mechanisms of behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Abstract Is the cost of reproduction different between males and females? On the one hand, males typically compete intensely for mates, thus sexual selection theory predicts higher cost of reproduction for males in species with intense male‐male competition. On the other hand, care provisioning such as incubating the eggs and raising young may also be costly, thus parental care theory predicts higher mortality for the care‐giving sex, which is often the female. We tested both hypotheses of reproductive costs using phylogenetic comparative analyses of sex‐specific adult mortality rates of 194 bird species across 41 families. First, we show that evolutionary increases in male‐male competition were associated with male‐biased mortalities. This relationship is consistent between two measures of mating competition: social mating system and testis size. Second, as predicted by the parental cost hypothesis, females have significantly higher adult mortalities (mean ± SE, 0.364 ± 0.01) than males (0.328 ± 0.01). However, the mortality cost of parental care was only detectable in males, when the influence of mating competition was statistically controlled. Taken together, our results challenge the traditional explanation of female‐biased avian mortalities, because evolutionary changes in female care were unrelated to changes in mortality bias. The interspecific variation in avian mortality bias, as we show here, is driven by males, specifically via the costs of both mating competition and parental care. We also discuss alternative hypotheses for why most birds exhibit female‐biased mortalities, whereas in mammals male‐biased mortalities predominate.  相似文献   

Populations of ectothermic vertebrates are vulnerable to environmental pollution and climate change because certain chemicals and extreme temperatures can cause sex reversal during early ontogeny (i.e. genetically female individuals develop male phenotype or vice versa), which may distort population sex ratios. However, we have troublingly little information on sex reversals in natural populations, due to unavailability of genetic sex markers. Here, we developed a genetic sexing method based on sex‐linked single nucleotide polymorphism loci to study the prevalence and fitness consequences of sex reversal in agile frogs (Rana dalmatina). Out of 125 juveniles raised in laboratory without exposure to sex‐reversing stimuli, 6 showed male phenotype but female genotype according to our markers. These individuals exhibited several signs of poor physiological condition, suggesting stress‐induced sex reversal and inferior fitness prospects. Among 162 adults from 11 wild populations in North‐Central Hungary, 20% of phenotypic males had female genotype according to our markers. These individuals occurred more frequently in areas of anthropogenic land use; this association was attributable to agriculture and less strongly to urban land use. Female‐to‐male sex‐reversed adults had similar body mass as normal males. We recorded no events of male‐to‐female sex reversal either in the laboratory or in the wild. These results support recent suspicions that sex reversal is widespread in nature, and suggest that human‐induced environmental changes may contribute to its pervasiveness. Furthermore, our findings indicate that sex reversal is associated with stress and poor health in early life, but sex‐reversed individuals surviving to adulthood may participate in breeding.  相似文献   

Cuckoos hold a prominent position in the study of parental care, because they show the greatest variation of any bird family in the way they care for their offspring. Despite this, few data are available on cuckoos with biparental care even though it is the most common form of parental care in cuckoos and birds in general. Here I describe the breeding behaviour of the pheasant coucal, Centropus phasianinus , an old-world nesting cuckoo. I show that males almost exclusively build the nest and incubate and brood the young alone both at night and during the day. The incubation pattern of short, c . 40 min bouts on the nest interspersed with 20 min frequent recesses is well suited to incubation by a single parent and is widespread amongst birds. Males also defend the nestlings and deliver 80% of the feeds to the young consisting of insects (65%), frogs and reptiles. Females did not compensate for their fewer feeding visits by delivering more vertebrates than males. Although coucal males get little help feeding, the hourly feeding rate of 3.8 feeds per brood (1.4 feeds/nestling) exceed that of the few nesting cuckoos studied to date and matches that of other tropical non-passerines. Predominantly male care is found in less than 5% of birds, mainly species with reversed sexual size dimorphism or reversed sex-roles. Its evolution, especially in monogamous species, remains puzzling. The breeding behaviour of pheasant coucals illustrates a possible transitional stage in the evolution of polyandry and interspecific brood parasitism in cuckoos.  相似文献   

Male and female parents often provide different type and amount of care to their offspring. Three major drivers have been proposed to explain parental sex roles: (1) differential gametic investment by males and females that precipitates into sex difference in care, (2) different intensity of sexual selection acting on males and females, and (3) biased social environment that facilitates the more common sex to provide more care. Here, we provide the most comprehensive assessment of these hypotheses using detailed parental care data from 792 bird species covering 126 families. We found no evidence for the gametic investment hypothesis: neither gamete sizes nor gamete production by males relative to females was related to sex difference in parental care. However, sexual selection correlated with parental sex roles, because the male share in care relative to female decreased with both extra‐pair paternity and frequency of male polygamy. Parental sex roles were also related to social environment, because male parental care increased with male‐biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). Taken together, our results are consistent with recent theories suggesting that gametic investment is not tied to parental sex roles, and highlight the importance of both sexual selection and ASR in influencing parental sex roles.  相似文献   

In sharp contrast to birds and mammals, most cold‐blooded vertebrates have homomorphic (morphologically undifferentiated) sex chromosomes. This might result either from recurrent X‐Y recombination (occurring e.g. during occasional events of sex reversal) or from frequent turnovers (during which sex‐determining genes are overthrown by new autosomal mutations). Evidence for turnovers is indeed mounting in fish, but very few have so far been documented in amphibians, possibly because of practical difficulties in identifying sex chromosomes. Female heterogamety (ZW) has long been established in Bufo bufo, based on sex reversal and crossing experiments. Here, we investigate a sex‐linked marker identified from a laboratory cross between Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup). The F1 offspring produced by a female Bufo balearicus and a male Bufo siculus were phenotypically sexed, displaying an even sex ratio. A sex‐specific marker detected in highly reproducible AFLP genotypes was cloned. Sequencing revealed a noncoding, microsatellite‐containing fragment. Reamplification and genotyping of families of this and a reciprocal cross showed B. siculus to be male heterogametic (XY) and suggested the same system for B. balearicus. Our results thus reveal a cryptic heterogametic transition within bufonid frogs and help explain patterns of hybrid fitness within the B. viridis subgroup. Turnovers of genetic sex‐determination systems may be more frequent in amphibians than previously thought and thus contribute to the prevalence of homomorphic sex chromosomes in this group.  相似文献   

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