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测定了鬣羚在中国的7个地方种群的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因的419bp的片段序列,并分析了其序列差异,构建了分子系统进化树。结果表明:鬣羚各种群间的序列差异在0-14.31%,鬣羚种群最早在大约5.7百万年有共同的母系祖先,并且在中国最早可能是从青藏高原东南缘的区域开始演化的。随后向周围地区辐射扩散,日本鬣羚的分化时间大约在3.1百万年前,并且可能是从中国大陆迁移过去的。白玉和道孚的鬣羚种群(与其它种群的碱基替换率>11.21%),日本鬣养分种群(与其它种群的碱基替换率>7.63%),洛扎的鬣羚种群(与其它种群的碱基替换率>4.05%)的分化估计已接近或达到亚种水平。鬣羚在中国至少存在3个进化显单元:A.白玉和道孚种群;B.洛扎种群;C.隆子,陕西,皖南和德格种群,建议将它们分开管理,避免杂交,以保存遗传分歧较大的类群及其进化潜力。  相似文献   

Small subunit rDNA sequences of 42 taxa belonging to 10 genera were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among euglenoids. Members of the phototrophic genera Euglena, Phacus, Lepocinclis, Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas plus the osmotrophs Astasia longa, Khawkinea quartana, and Hyalophacus ocellatus were included. Six major clades were found in most trees using multiple methods. The utility of Bayesian analyses in resolving these clades is demonstrated. The genus Phacus was polyphyletic with taxa sorting into two main clades. The two clades correlated with overall morphology and corresponded in large part to the previously defined sections, Pleur‐ aspis Pochmann and Proterophacus Pochmann. Euglena was also polyphyletic and split into two clades. In Bayesian analyses species with less plastic pellicles and small disk‐like chloroplasts diverged at the base of the tree. They grouped into a single clade which included the two Lepocinclis spp., which also are rigid and bear similar chloroplasts. The metabolic Euglena species with larger plastids bearing pyrenoids and paramylon caps arose near the top of the tree. The loricates Strombomonas and Trachelomonas formed two well‐ supported, but paraphyletic, clades. The strong support for the individual clades confirmed the value of using lorica features as taxonomic criteria. The separation of the osmotrophic species A. longa, K. quartana, and H. ocellatus into different clades suggested that the loss of the photosynthetic ability has occurred multiple times.  相似文献   

Nuclear‐encoded small subunit rDNA, 1506 group I intron, and internal transcribed spacer sequences were obtained from 39 strains representing five core desmid genera, Staurastrum, Staurodesmus Teil., Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs, Xanthidium Ehr. ex Ralfs, and Euastrum Ehr. ex Ralfs (Desmidiaceae, Zygnematophyceae), and used individually and concatenated to assess phylogenetic relationships between putatively allied members of the family. To identify positional homology between divergent noncoding sequences, secondary structure models were generated and their reliability assessed by screening the alignment for compensating base changes. The phylogeny based on coding and noncoding sequence comparisons confidently resolved a monophyletic core of the genus Staurastrum but also revealed the artificial nature of the traditional genus. Twenty distinct species representing a wide range of morphotypes of Staurastrum formed a strongly supported generic clade that was further split into three well‐resolved lineages. The phylogenetic relationships revealed within Staurastrum were in conflict with all previous formal or informal classifications of the genus. The genera Staurodesmus and Cosmarium were shown to be highly polyphyletic, and some morphologically similar taxa displayed high sequence divergence that exceeded generic boundaries. Apparently, the taxonomic significance of some morphological characters in Staurastrum and other desmid genera has been greatly overestimated.  相似文献   

Eighteen new 16S rDNA and 16 new 18S rDNA sequences from 24 strains, representing 23 species of photoautotrophic euglenoids, were obtained in nearly their entire length. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were performed on separate data (39 sequences of 16S rDNA and 58 sequences of 18S rDNA), as well as on combined data sets (37 sequences). All methods of sequence analysis gave similar results in those cases in which the clades received substantial support. However, the combined data set produced several additional well‐supported clades, not encountered before in the analyses of green euglenoids. There are three main well‐defined clades (A, B/C/D, and G) on trees from the combined data set. Clade G diverges first, while clades A and B/C/D form sister groups. Clade A consists of Euglena species sensu stricto and is divided into three sub‐clades (A1, A2, and A3). Clade A3 (composed of E. deses and E. mutabilis) branches off first; then, two sister clades emerge: A1 (composed of E. viridis‐like species) and A2 (consisting of E. agilis and E. gracilis species). Clade B/C/D consists of the Strombomonas, Trachelomonas, Cryptoglena, Monomorphina, and Colacium genera. Clade G comprises Phacus and Lepocinclis, as well as the Discoglena species of Euglena, with Discoglena branching off first, and then Phacus and Lepocinclis emerging as sister groups.  相似文献   

The conjugating green algae represent a lineage of charophyte green algae known for their structural diversity and unusual mode of sexual reproduction, conjugation. These algae are ubiquitous in freshwater environments, where they are often important primary producers, but few studies have investigated evolutionary relationships in a molecular systematic context. A 109‐taxon data set consisting of three gene fragments (two from the chloroplast and one from the mitochondrial genome) was used to estimate the phylogeny of the genera of the conjugating green algae. Maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) were used to estimate relationships from the 4,047 alignable nucleotides. This study confirmed the polyphyly of the Zygnemataceae and Mesotaeniaceae with respect to one another. The Peniaceae were determined to be paraphyletic, and two genera traditionally classified among the Zygnematales appear to belong to the lineage that gave rise to the Desmidiales. Six genera, Euastrum, Cosmarium, Cylindrocystis, Mesotaenium, Spondylosium, and Staurodesmus, were polyphyletic in this analysis. These findings have important implications for the evolution of structural characteristics in the group and will require some taxonomic changes. More work will be required to delineate lineages of Zygnematales in particular and to identify structural synapomorphies for some of the newly identified clades.  相似文献   

Difficulties often occur in separating closely related dinoflagellate species. In this study, the potential utility of mitochondrial cytochrome b (cob) gene sequence and mRNA editing characteristics was assessed using Prorocentrum Ehrenberg as a model. The cob sequences and the patterns of their mRNA editing were analyzed for several Prorocentrum taxa. Results revealed little difference in cob sequence and mRNA editing characteristics between geographic populations of P. minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, while a notable difference was detected between different species (P. minimum and P. micans Ehrenberg). Furthermore, these P. minimum populations consistently formed a tight cluster on phylogenetic trees inferred from cob sequences as well as mRNA editing characteristics, whereas different Prorocentrum species were well separated, with a genetic distance of 0.0042±0.0024 for the former and 0.0141±0.0012 for the latter (P<0.01; two‐tailed t‐test). When the analysis was applied to the case of P. donghaiense Lu et Goebel and CCMP1517 strain of P. dentatum Stein, no differences were detected between these two taxa with respect to cob mRNA editing pattern and only small differences equivalent to those between P. minimum populations were detected in terms of cob sequence. On the cob sequence‐ and editing‐based phylogenetic trees, P. donghaiense and P. dentatum CCMP1517 consistently clustered together at a position sister to P. minimum. The results suggest that cob, combined with its mRNA editing, can potentially be a useful delineator of Prorocentrum species, and that P. donghaiense and P. dentatum CCMP1517 are most likely the same species and both are closely related to P. minimum.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 69 species of the Ceramiales (51 Ceramiaceae, six Dasyaceae, seven Delesseriaceae, and five Rhodomelaceae) were determined based on nuclear SSU rDNA sequence data. We resolved five strongly supported but divergent lineages among the included Ceramiaceae: (i) the genus Inkyuleea, which weakly joins other orders of the Rhodymeniophycidae rather than the Ceramiales in our analyses; (ii) the tribe Spyridieae, which is sister to the remainder of the included ceramialean taxa; (iii) the subfamily Ceramioideae, weakly including the tribe Warrenieae; (iv) the subfamily Callithamnioideae; and (v) the subfamily Compsothamnioideae, which emerges as sister to the Dasyaceae/Delesseriaceae/Rhodomelaceae complex, thus rendering the Ceramiaceae sensu lato unequivocally paraphyletic, as has been argued separately on anatomical grounds by Kylin and Hommersand. Our data support a restricted concept of the Ceramiaceae that includes only one of the five lineages (Ceramioideae) that we have resolved. In addition to failing to ally with the Ceramiales in our molecular analyses, species of Inkyuleea differ substantially from other Ceramiaceae sensu lato in details of pre‐ and postfertilization development. The genus Inkyuleea is here assigned to the Inkyuleeaceae fam. nov., which we provisionally retain in the Ceramiales. Species of Spyridia also differ from the remaining Ceramiaceae in their postfertilization development, and, in light of our molecular data, the genus Spyridia is assigned to the Spyridiaceae. The Callithamnioideae is strongly monophyletic (100% in all analyses), which, in combination with key anatomical differences, supports elevation to family status for this lineage as the Callithamniaceae. Similarly, the Compsothamnioideae is solidly monophyletic in our molecular trees and has a unique suite of defining anatomical characters that supports family status for a complex that we consider to include the tribes Compsothamnieae, Dasyphileae, Griffithsieae, Monosporeae, Ptiloteae, Spermothamnieae, Sphondylothamnieae, Spongoclonieae, and Wrangelieae, for which the reinstated family name Wrangeliaceae is available.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis, utilizing a combined data set developed from the small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene sequences, was used to resolve relationships and clarify generic boundaries among 84 strains of plastid‐containing euglenophytes representing 11 genera. The analysis produced a tree with three major clades: a Phacus and Lepocinlis clade, a Discoplastis clade, and a Euglena, Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena clade. The majority of the species in the genus Euglena formed a well‐supported clade, but two species formed a separate clade near the base of the tree. A new genus, Discoplastis, was erected to accommodate these taxa, thus making the genus Euglena monophyletic. The analysis also supported the monophyly of Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena, which formed two subclades sister to the Euglena clade. Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas, all of which produce copious amounts of mucilage to form loricas or mucilaginous stalks, formed a well‐supported lineage. Our analysis supported retaining Strombomonas and Trachelomonas as separate genera. Monomorphina and Cryptoglena formed two well‐supported clades that were sister to the Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas clade. Phacus and Lepocinclis, both of which have numerous small discoid chloroplasts without pyrenoids and lack peristaltic euglenoid movement (metaboly), formed a well‐supported monophyletic lineage that was sister to the larger Euglena through Cryptoglena containing clade. This study demonstrated that increased taxon sampling, multiple genes, and combined data sets provided increased support for internal nodes on the euglenoid phylogenetic tree and resolved relationships among the major genera in the photosynthetic euglenoid lineage.  相似文献   

The small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence of Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory Weber-van Bosse was inferred from analysis of rRNA coding regions that were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method. Comparison of the G. lemaneiformis small subunit rRNA to homologous genes of diverse eukaryotes demonstrated that the red algal divergence was nearly simultaneous with the separation of plants, fungi, animals and many other protist lineages. This result conflicts with those of 5S rRNA sequence and plastid based phytogenies which suggest that red algae represent an early divergence in the eukaryotic line of descent. Further, algae appear to be of polyphyletic origin and red algae are unrelated to higher fungi.  相似文献   

研究了露螽属4种昆虫线粒体细胞色素b基因(Cyt b)的部分序列,分析了核苷酸序列组成与变异及氨基酸差异.在得到的432bp序列中,A T约占66.9%,其中102个核苷酸位点发生了变异(约23.8%),从每个氨基酸密码子来看,第3位点的A T含量较高,为79.7%.Cyt b基因编码的144个氨基酸由19种氨基酸组成,有12个发生了变异,占氨基酸总数的8.33%,其中亮氨酸(Leu)与苯丙氨酸(Phe)的含量较高,谷氨酸(Glu)、赖氨酸(Lys)与精氨酸(Arg)的含量较低,无半胱氨酸(Cys).以日本纺织娘和中华螽斯为外群构建的NJ分子系统树显示,镰尾露螽与齿尾露螽是分化较晚的类群,其次是瘦露螽,黑角露螽是分化较早的类群.  相似文献   

Sequence data are presented for approximately 85% of the nuclear large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene for one member of the Bangiophyceae and 47 members of the Florideophyceae, the latter representing all but one of the currently recognized florideophyte orders. Distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses of these data were used to generate phylogenetic trees, and bootstrap resampling was implemented to infer robustness for distance and parsimony results. LSU phylogenies were congruent with published nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA results in that four higher level florideophyte lineages were resolved: lineage 1, containing the order Hildenbrandiales; lineage 2, recovered only under distance analysis, composed of the orders Acrochaetiales, Balliales, Batrachospermales, Corallinales, Nemaliales, Palmariales, and Rhodogorgonales; lineage 3, containing the Ahnfeltiales; and lineage 4, composed of the orders Bonnemaisoniales, Ceramiales, Gelidiales, Gigartinales, Gracilariales, Halymeniales, Plocamiales, and Rhodymeniales. Analyses were also performed on a combined LSU–SSU data set and an SSU-only data set to account for differences in taxon sampling relative to published studies using this latter gene. Combined LSU–SSU analyses resulted in phylogenetic trees of similar topology and support to those obtained from LSU-only analyses. Phylogenetic trees produced from SSU-only analyses differed somewhat in particulars of branching within lineages 2 and 4 but overall were congruent with the LSU-only and combined LSU–SSU results. We close with a discussion of the phylogenetic potential that the LSU has displayed thus far for resolving relationships within the Florideophyceae.  相似文献   

蝮亚科蛇线粒体细胞色素b基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
对中国产蝮亚科(Crotaline)亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)6种蛇(其中短属蝮取自两个不同地区)[短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus (Stejneger).黑眉蝮Gloydius saxatilis(Emelianov),蛇岛蝮Gloydius shedaoensis(Zhao),雪山蝮Gloydius strauchii(Bedriaga),高原蝮Gloydius strauchii monticola monticlal (Werner),乌苏里蝮Gloydius ussurriensis(Emelianov)]与竹叶青属竹叶青蛇Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt共7种蛇8个个体测定了789bp或744bp线粒体细胞色素b基因序列,用MEGA1.02软件分析了其碱基组成及变异情况,以游蛇科链蛇属半棱鳞链蛇Dinodon semicarinatus序列为外群,用PAUP4.0b2软件构建最简约分子系统树,结果显示,竹叶青蛇在全部受试物种中处于原始地位,分布于东北地区的蛇岛蝮,乌苏里蝮,黑眉蝮与浙江与陕西产的短尾蝮所组成的分枝与横断山区的高原蝮,雪山蝮聚集形居的分枝组成姐妹群,支持分布于中国境内的亚洲蝮属蛇种的两个起源及分化地的假说,同时探讨了蝮蛇的分类地位问题。  相似文献   

We sequenced the small subunit rDNA and internal transcribed spacer region of Gracilariaceae from the tropical Atlantic and Pacific, with emphasis on flattened or compressed species. Sequence comparisons confirmed three main lineages of Gracilariaceae: Curdiea/Melanthalia, Gracilariopsis/Gracilariophila, and Gracilaria. The Curdiea/Melanthalia diverged early in the family. Gracilariopsis was paraphyletic, because at least one Gracilariophila species evolved from it. The Atlantic Gracilariopsis were monophyletic and separated from the Pacific lineages. The Gracilaria included all species referable to its own species and to Hydropuntia, which was paraphyletic, formed by distantly related lineages. The new combination Gracilaria pauciramosa (N. Rodríguez Ríos) Bellorin, M. C. Oliveira et E. C. Oliveira is proposed for Polycavernosa pauciramosa N. Rodríguez Ríos. Recognition of subgenera within Gracilaria, based on spermatangial arrangement, was not supported. Instead, infrageneric groups were delineated by geographic origins and combinations of reproductive characters. Most Pacific species with either “textorii” or “verrucosa” type spermatangia were deeply separated from Atlantic species. Within the Atlantic Gracilaria, a lineage encompassing mostly tropical cylindrical species with “henriquesiana” type spermatangia and distinctive cystocarp anatomy was recognized. A lineage was also retrieved for cold water stringy species with verrucosa type spermatangia. Several species from the western Atlantic are closely related to Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan with nearly identical morphology. On the other hand, most flattened species from the tropical Atlantic were closely related despite their diverse morphologies. The interpretation of our data in addition to the literature indicates that more populations from the Indo‐Pacific must be studied before a general picture of Gracilariaceae evolution can be framed.  相似文献   

毛冠鹿与3种麂属动物的线粒体细胞色素b 的系统进化分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采用PCR直接测序法,获得毛冠鹿、小鹿、赤麂和黑麂等4种麂亚科动物线粒体细胞色素b核酸序列366bp,麂属动物之间的序列差异为3.5%-4.6%,毛冠鹿属与麂属之间的序列差异为9.29%-10.11%,麂属3种动物分歧时间约为142-184万年,毛冠鹿与麂属动物的分歧时间约为370万年。结合鹿科其余3亚科动物的同源序列,用MEGA软件的Neighbor-Joining Method(NJ法)和最大简约法构建系统进化树。结果表明,小麂、赤麂与黑麂组成一个单系群,毛冠鹿细胞色素b核苷酸序列与麂属的分化程度似已达到属间水平。  相似文献   

The diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates from reef-building corals collected in the lagoon of Tahiti (South Pacific ocean) was investigated by using a molecular approach. Populations of symbionts (strains or species) of 7 coral species ( Fungia scutaria , F. paumotensis Stutchbury, Pavona cactus Forskål, Leptastrea transversa Kluzinger, Pocillopora verrucosa Ellis and Solender, Montastrea curta Dana, and Acropora formosa Dana) were delimited by phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rDNA sequences. Coral P. verrucosa harbored 2 populations of symbiont SSU rDNA sequences that may correspond to two different Symbiodinium species. Corals F. scutaria and M. curta also seemed to contain two different Symbiodinium species. SSU rDNA dinoflagellate sequences from P. cactus , L. transversa , F. scutaria , F. paumotensis , and P. verrucosa were in the same phylogenetic cluster and showed low variability. For these distantly related coral species, dinoflagellate strains from the same species, rDNA paralogues from the same strain, or closely related Symbiodinium species could not be distinguished because monophyletic subgroups were not observed. SSU rDNA dinoflagellate sequences from A. formosa and M. curta were clearly different from the other Symbiodinium sequences and may represent specific species. This molecular approach highlighted a greater diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates from corals in South Pacific ( Symbiodinium groups A, B, and C) than that observed in the rest of the Pacific ocean ( Symbiodinium group C). The diversity of symbiotic associations in a restricted area of the lagoon of Tahiti may reflect the complexity of interactions between species of Symbiodinium and corals.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Koliella , a chlorophyte characterized by Klebsormidium type cell division, was inferred from analyses of partial 18S rDNA and partial 16S rDNA. Parsimony and distance analyses of separate and combined data sets indicated that the members of Koliella belonged to Trebouxiophyceae, and high decay indices and bootstrap values supported this affinity. However, the genus appeared to be polyphyletic. Koliella spiculiformis , the nomenclatural type of the genus, was allied with Nannochloris eucaryota and the "true" chlorellas ( Chlorella vulgaris , C. lobophora , C. sorokiniana , and C. kessleri ). The close relatives of Koliella longiseta (≡ Raphidonema longiseta ) and Koliella sempervirens appeared to be Stichococcus bacillaris and some species traditionally classified in Chlorella that were characterized by the production of secondary carotenoids under nitrogen-deficient conditions. This clade was also supported by the presence of a relatively phylogenetically stable group I intron (1506) in the 18S rRNA gene. Because of the presence of Klebsormidium type cell division, some authors regarded the members of Koliella as closely related to charophytes. Molecular analyses, however, did not confirm this affinity and suggested that a Klebsormidium type cell division is homoplastic in green plants.  相似文献   

刺鲃基于线粒体细胞色素b基因的生物地理学过程   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
以中华倒刺鲃Spinibarbus sinensis为外类群,研究了不同地理种群刺鲃Spinibarbus calduelli细胞色素b基因序列(1140bp)变异,以探讨其生物地理学过程。结果表明:长江下游水系与珠江水系种群的变异值为1.2%—2.3%,与闽江水系的为2.7%—3.7%,与九龙江水系的为3.1%—4.2%,这些值都远远低于它们与中华倒刺鲃的变异值(13.2%—14.6%)。遗传变异值表明了刺鲃的生物地理学过程,首先是东南沿海的水系同内地的水系发生隔离,然后珠江水系同长江水系隔离,这些变化均发生在第四纪。  相似文献   

A small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S-like rRNA) in the hydrocarbon-rich microalga Botryococcus braunii Kützing (Chlorophyceae) was amplified using RNA polymerase chain reaction, and its sequence was determined. The sequence data of B. braunii were analyzed with those of several other algae in order to determine phylogenetic relationships among these algae. Phylogenetic analysis indicated B. braunii to be a member of the Chlorophyta and possibly related to Characium vacuolatum and Dunaliella parva.  相似文献   

The genera Protoperidinium Bergh, Diplopsalis Bergh, and Preperidinium Mangin, comprised of species of marine, thecate, heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the family Protoperidinaceae Balech, have had a confused taxonomic history. To elucidate the validity of morphological groupings within the Protoperidinium and diplopsalids, and to determine the evolutionary relationships between these and other dinoflagellates, we undertook a study of molecular phylogeny using the D1–D3 domains of the large subunit (LSU) of the rDNA. Based on morphology, the 10 Protoperidinium species examined belonged to three subgenera and five morphological sections. Two diplopsalid species were also included. Single‐cell PCR, cloning, and sequencing revealed a high degree of intraindividual sequence variability in the LSU rDNA. The genus Protoperidinium appeared to be recently divergent in all phylogenetic analyses. In maximum parsimony and neighbor joining analyses, Protoperidinium formed a monophyletic group, evolving from diplopsalid dinoflagellates. In maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses, however, Protoperidinium was polyphyletic, as the lenticular, diplopsalid heterotroph, Diplopsalis lenticula Bergh, was inserted within the Protoperidinium clade as basal to Protoperidinium excentricum (Paulsen) Balech, and Preperidinium meunieri (Pavillard) Elbrächter fell within a separate clade as a sister to the Oceanica and Protoperidinium steidingerae Balech. In all analyses, the Protoperidinium were divided into two major clades, with members in the Oceanica group and subgenus Testeria in one clade, and the Excentrica, Conica, Pellucida, Pyriforme and Divergens sections in the other clade. The LSU rDNA molecular phylogeny supported the historical morphologically determined sections, but not a simple morphology based model of evolution based on thecal plate shape.  相似文献   

Emergent flagella of Euglenozoa consist of two prominent structural elements: the axoneme built by microtubules with motor proteins to enable the movement of the flagellum and a highly organized protein structure of unknown function, called the paraxonemal rod (PAR), which consists of two major proteins paralleling the axoneme of euglenid and kinetoplastid emergent flagella. These flagellar structures are considered apomorphic characters of Euglenozoa. We examined the evolution of the genes par1 and par2 encoding the two major proteins, where we could show that these proteins are encoded by two very similar genes found in kinetoplastids and euglenids. The branching pattern indicated a gene duplication before the diversification into euglenids and kinetoplastids. In the clades of the genes, subtrees of euglenid and kinetoplastid monophyla arose. Both genes showed strong genetic diversity with biased GC content at taxon rather than at gene level. We also examined phylogenies inferred from PAR genes that are well in agreement with established small subunit rDNA analyses. Both showed further separation of the euglenid subtree into primary osmotrophs and a phototrophic clade, including secondarily derived osmotrophs.  相似文献   

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