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We have prepared cytochrome-c oxidase from bovine heart (using a modification of the method of Kuboyama et al. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247, 6375-6383) which binds cyanide rapidly, shows no kinetic distinction between the two haems on reduction by dithionite, has a Soret absorption maximum above 424 nm, and has a negligible 'g' = 12' EPR signal. On incubation at pH 6.5 this 'fast' oxidase reverts to the 'slow' ('resting') form characterised by slow cyanide binding, slow reduction of haem a3 by dithionite, a blue-shifted Soret maximum and a large 'g' = 12' signal. Incubation of 'fast' oxidase with formate produces a form of the enzyme with properties almost identical to those of 'slow' oxidase. The kinetics of formate binding to 'fast' oxidase are found to be biphasic, revealing the presence of at least two 'fast' subpopulations in our preparations. Evidence is presented that there is an equilibrium mixture of high-spin and low-spin forms of haem a3 in both 'fast' subpopulations at room temperature. Incubation of 'fast' oxidase with chloride or bromide at pH 6.5 produces forms of oxidase with much lower rates of cyanide binding. Our working hypothesis is that formate mimics a binuclear centre ligand which is present in the 'slow' form of cytochrome oxidase. Although we show that chloride and bromide can also be ligands of the binuclear centre, possibly onto CuB, we can rule out either of these being the ligand present in the 'slow' enzyme. We will argue that the 'fast' and 'slow' forms of oxidase are equivalent to the 'pulsed' and 'resting' forms of oxidase, respectively.  相似文献   

In a fly, butterfly, locust and dragonfly we examined the responses of a variety of directional motion-sensitive neurons which run from the brain down the ventral cord. The stimulus was a sinusoidally modulated moving pattern of regular stripes presented at a range of velocities in random order for either 0.1 s or 2.0 s. The response was measured as the total number of spikes to each stimulus. The neurons fall into two groups, 'fast' and 'slow'. The responses of the fast type rise progressively to a peak contrast frequency at 15-20 Hz for all four insects, and decline at higher contrast frequencies. The responses of slow neurons rise rapidly to a peak at 1-10 Hz and then decline more slowly across the range where the fast neurons are at their peak. The existence of two groups of neurons with overlapping response ranges to different velocities of the same pattern, presented in exactly the same way, provides the insect with a means of measuring angular velocity irrespective of contrast, spatial frequency or intensity. As an input mechanism it is proposed that there are two types of unit motion detector, fast and slow, the latter being the main input to the optomotor system. It is also argued that even these inputs are not sufficient to provide a mechanism for the whole repertoire of normal insect vision.  相似文献   

M Denis 《Biochimie》1986,68(3):459-470
Recent works on the structure and the function of cytochrome-c oxidase are reviewed. The subunit composition of the mitochondrial enzyme depends on the species and is comprised of between 5 and 13 subunits. It is reduced to 1 to 3 subunits in prokaryotes. The complete amino acid composition has been derived from protein sequencing. Gene sequences are partially known in several eukaryote species. Metal centers are only located in subunits I and II. The mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase is Y-shaped; the arms of the Y cross the inner membrane, the stalk protrudes into the intermembrane space. The bacterial enzyme has a simpler, elongated shape. A number of data have been accumulated on the subunit topology and on their location within the protein. All available spectrometric techniques have been used to investigate the environment of the metal centers as well as their interactions. From the literature, attention must be paid to what may be considered or not as an active form. The steady improvement of the instrumentation has yielded evidence for different kinds of heterogeneities which could reflect the in vivo situation. The 'pulsed' and 'resting' conformers have been well characterized. The 'oxygenated' form has been identified as a peroxide derivative of the fully oxidized cytochrome-c oxidase. The mammalian enzyme has been isolated in fully active monomeric form which does not preclude the initially suggested dimeric behavior in situ. The role of the lipids is still largely investigated, mainly through reconstitution experiments. Kinetic studies of electron transfer between cytochrome c and cytochrome-c oxidase lead to a single catalytic site model to account for the multiphasic kinetics. Results related to the low temperature investigation of the intermediate steps in the reaction between oxygen and cytochrome-c oxidase received a sound confirmation by the resolution of compound A at room temperature. It is also pointed out that the so-called mixed valence state might not be a transient state in the catalytic reduction of oxygen. The functioning of cytochrome-c oxidase as a proton pump has been supported by a number of experimental results. Subunit III would be involved in this process. The redox link to the proton pump has been suggested to be at the Fea-CuA site. The molecular mechanism responsible for the proton pumping is still unknown.  相似文献   

A novel reaction of cytochrome-c from the horse heart with the enzyme glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger (EC, in acidic media is described. Glucose oxidase is able to induce a rapid, profound and irreversible physico-chemical change in cytochrome-c, under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of glucose. The initial rate of reaction is almost independent of the concentration of enzyme and glucose. The striking feature of this reaction is the fact that the reaction proceeds efficiently even below a concentration of 10 nM enzyme.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide, cytochrome-c oxidase and myoglobin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Myoglobin, the monomeric haemoprotein expressed in red muscle, is reported in biochemistry and physiology textbooks to function as an intracellular oxygen carrier and oxygen reservoir. Here, Maurizio Brunori argues that myoglobin can also play the role of intracellular scavenger of nitric oxide, an inhibitor of mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase, thereby protecting respiration in the skeletal muscle and the heart.  相似文献   

1. Porphyrin cytochrome c, the iron-free derivative of cytochrome c, has been used extensively as a fluorescent analog of cytochrome c. It appears as though its fluorescence intensity but not its relative quantum yield is affected by pH in the physiological range; an apparent pK of about 6.2 is found suggesting a histidine close to the porphyrin. 2. The fluorescence intensity of the porphyrin cytochrome c in the presence of cytochrome c oxidase is independent of pH; this suggests that the oxidase has the capacity to control the pK of whichever group is responsible for the pH sensitivity of the free porphyrin cytochrome c. The most likely candidate for this pH-sensitive group is histidine-18. The N-3 nitrogen of this residue forms one of the axial ligands to the iron in the intact cytochrome c but it is uncoordinated in the iron-free derivative.  相似文献   

The subunit pattern and the steady-state kinetics of cytochrome-c oxidase from human heart, muscle, kidney and liver were investigated. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunopurified cytochrome-c oxidase preparations suggest that isoforms of subunit VIa exist, which show differences in staining intensity and electrophoretic mobility. No differences in subunit pattern were observed between the other nucleus-encoded subunits of the various cytochrome-c oxidase preparations. Tissue homogenates, in which cytochrome-c oxidase was solubilised with laurylmaltoside, were directly used in the assays to study the cytochrome-c oxidase steady-state kinetics. Cytochrome-c oxidase concentrations were determined by immunopurification followed by separation and densitometric analysis of subunit IV. When studied in a medium of low ionic strength, the biphasic kinetics of the steady-state reaction between human ferrocytochrome c and the four human cytochrome-c oxidase preparations revealed large differences for the low-affinity TNmax (maximal turnover number) value, ranging from 77 s-1 for kidney to 273 s-1 for liver cytochrome-c oxidase at pH 7.4, I = 18 mM. It is proposed that the low-affinity kinetic phase reflects an internal electron-transfer step. For the steady-state reaction of human heart cytochrome-c oxidase with human cytochrome c, Km and TNmax values of 9 microM and 114 s-1 were found, respectively, at high ionic strength (I = 200 mM, pH 7.4). Only minor differences were observed in the steady-state activity of the various human cytochrome-c oxidases. The interaction between human cytochrome-c oxidase and human cytochrome-c proved to be highly specific. At high ionic strength, a large decrease in steady-state activity was observed when reduced horse, rat or bovine cytochrome c was used as substrate. Both the steady-state TNmax and Km parameters were strongly affected by the type of cytochrome c used. Our findings emphasize the importance of using human cytochrome c in kinetic assays performed with tissues from patients with a suspected cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency.  相似文献   

The kinetics of electron transfer between cytochrome-c oxidase and ruthenium hexamine has been characterized using the native enzyme or its cyanide complex either solubilized by detergent (soluble cytochrome oxidase) or reconstituted into artificial phospholipid vesicles (cytochrome oxidase-containing vesicles). Ru(NH3)2+6 (Ru(II] reduces oxidized cytochrome a, following (by-and-large) bimolecular kinetics; the second order rate constant using the cyanide complex of the enzyme is 1.5 x 10(6) M-1 s-1, for the enzyme in detergent, and slightly higher for COV. In the case of COV the kinetics are not affected by the addition of ionophores. Upon mixing fully reduced cytochrome oxidase with oxygen (in the presence of excess reductants), the oxidation leading to the pulsed enzyme is followed by a steady state phase and (eventually) by complete re-reduction. When the concentrations of dioxygen and oxidase are sufficiently low (micromolar range), the time course of oxidation can be resolved by stopped flow at room temperature, yielding an apparent bimolecular rate constant of 5 x 10(7) M-1 s-1. After exhaustion of oxygen and end of steady state, re-reduction of the pulsed enzyme by the excess Ru(II) is observed; the concentration dependence shows that the rate of re-reduction is limited at 3 s-1 in detergent; this limiting value is assigned to the intramolecular electron transfer process from cytochrome a-Cua to the binuclear center. Using the reconstituted enzyme, the internal electron transfer step is sensitive to ionophores, increasing from 2-3 to 7-8 s-1 upon addition of valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. This finding indicates for the first time an effect of the electrochemical potential across the membrane on the internal electron transfer rate; the results are compared with expectations based on the hypothesis formulated by Brunori et al. (Brunori, M., Sarti, P., Colosimo, A., Antonini, G., Malatesta, F., Jones, M.G., and Wilson, M.T. (1985) EMBO J. 4, 2365-2368), and their bioenergetic relevance is discussed with reference to the proton pumping activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Characterization of cytochrome-c oxidase mutants in human fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Skin fibroblasts were selected as having cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency by activity measurements in whole cells. Each cell line was cultured in sufficient amount to isolate mitochondria for biochemical characterization. Cytochrome-c oxidase was then examined by activity measurements, by heme determination and by polypeptide analysis using antibodies specific to the enzyme subunits. The cytochrome-c oxidase activity in the different cell lines ranged from 9% to 54% of that of normal fibroblasts. Heme determinations and polypeptide analysis established that the lowered cytochrome-c oxidase activity was due to reduced amounts of the complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In all cases, there was defective assembly of the enzyme, with the amounts of mitochondrially coded and nuclear coded subunits being reduced proportionally. These studies show that fibroblasts can be used for prenatal diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases and are a useful system in which to study mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Purification of cytochrome-c oxidase retaining its pulsed form   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new purification procedure for cytochrome-c oxidase from bovine heart mitochondria is described. The enzyme was purified by selective solubilization in Triton X-100 and subsequent hydroxyapatite and gel chromatography. The preparation was highly pure and active. The subunit composition and steady-state kinetics were found to be the same as those reported for other preparations. In contrast to most of the previously published protocols the method presented here resulted in a preparation which had a rapid intramolecular electron transfer from cytochrome a to cytochrome a3, i.e. it was found to have retained its pulsed state. This correlated with monoexponential cyanide-binding kinetics. The formation of resting kinetics and biphasic cyanide-binding kinetics was shown to be induced by a short incubation at pH 5.0.  相似文献   

M Battino  M Rugolo  G Romeo  G Lenaz 《FEBS letters》1986,199(2):155-158
We compared the kinetics of cytochrome-c oxidase (cytochrome-c:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC in fibroblasts derived from normal and cystic fibrosis individuals. The Km of the enzyme for reduced cytochrome c was significantly increased in CF cells; the change, however, was observed only at temperatures above 25 degrees C. The Vmax values were comparable in both types of individuals.  相似文献   

3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine (AZT) is the first effective drug used clinically for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The drug interactions with DNA and protein are associated with its mechanism of action in vivo. This study was designed to examine the interaction of AZT with the Na,K-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (Na,K-ATPase) in H2O and D2O solutions at physiological pH using drug concentration of 0.1 μM to 1 mM and final protein concentration of 0.5 to 1 mg/mL. Ultraviolet absorption and Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy with its self-deconvolution second-derivative resolution enhancement, and curve-fitting procedures were used to characterize the drug-binding mode, the drug-binding constant, and the effects of drug interaction on the protein secondary structure Spectroscopic evidence showed that at low drug concentration (0.1 μM), AZT binds (H-bonding) mainly to the polypeptide C=O and C−N groups with two binding constants of K1=5.3×105 M −1 and K2=9.8×103 M −1. As drug content increased, AZT-lipid complex prevailed. At a high drug concentration (1 mM), drug binding resulted in minor protein secondary structural changes from that of the α-helix 19.8%; β-pleated 25.6%; turn 9.1%; β-antiparallel 7.5% and random 38%, in the free Na,K-ATPase to that of the α-helix 19%; β-pleated 21.1%; turn 10.1%; β-antiparallel 8.8% and random 41%, in the AZT-ATPase complexes.  相似文献   

Mutation of conserved Phe-82 of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c to Tyr, Gly, Ser, Leu, or Ile affects binding to and reaction with cytochrome-c oxidase from beef heart. The observed changes of binding and kinetic constants reflect mutation-induced rearrangements in the heme vicinity brought about by the replacement of Phe-82. Such conformational rearrangements are also revealed by altered circular dichroism spectra of the oxidase-bound mutant cytochromes c. Variations in Km for cytochrome c oxidation do not parallel variations in Kd, the dissociation constant for binding of cytochrome c to the oxidase. This observation does not support an enzymatic mechanism in which the rate of cytochrome c oxidation is governed by product dissociation.  相似文献   

The effect of partial inhibition on the protonmotive stoichiometry of cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome-c oxidase in intact rat liver mitochondria was examined using myxothiazol and cyanide as inhibitors, respectively. No decrease in the stoichiometry of either enzyme was found. It is shown that this result is consistent with the individual electron transfer units in each case being fully coupled to proton translocation but not with pairs of electron transfer units working in concert in dimers.  相似文献   

The structural genes of cytochrome-c oxidase in Bacillus subtilis have been isolated and sequenced. Five genes, ctaB-F, are closely spaced. ctaC, ctaD, ctaE and ctaF are the genes for subunits II, I, III and IVB, respectively, ctaB, which may encode an assembly factor, is separated and upstream from the others. In comparison to its mitochondrial counterparts, subunit I has an extended C-terminus with two additional transmembrane segments, whereas subunit III has lost two such segments from its N-terminus. The C-terminal extension in subunit II is a covalent cytochrome-c domain, previously characterized only in the thermophilic oxidases. Subunit IVB, a small hydrophobic protein, is a novel subunit. These predictions suggest that the B. subtilis cytochrome-c oxidase is structurally more related to the four-subunit Escherichia coli cytochrome-bo complex than, for instance, to the Paracoccus denitrificans enzyme. Cytochrome aa3, which was previously isolated from B. subtilis [de Vrij, W., Azzi, A. & Konings, W. N. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 131, 97-103] is not encoded by the ctaC-F genes; thus, there seems to be two different cytochrome-aa3-type oxidases in this Gram-positive bacterium.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the properties of cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) in cultured fibroblasts from two patients with Leigh Syndrome with COX from control fibroblasts. The fibroblasts from patients showed decreased growth rates and elevated lactate production. COX activity of patients fibroblasts was about 25% of control. Kinetic studies with isolated mitochondria showed a higher Km for cytochrome c and a markedly reduced molecular turnover of COX from patients, indicating a different structure of the enzyme. A biphasic change of COX activity was obtained by titration of dodecylmaltoside solubilized mitochondria from control fibroblasts with increasing concentrations of anions. With patient mitochondria we found only the inhibiting phase of COX activity and, in contrast to control mitochondria, irreversible inhibition of COX activity by guanidinium chloride. ELISA titrations with monoclonal antibodies to subunit II, IV, Vab, Vlac and VIIab indicated a normal amount of mitochondrial coded subunit II, but a reduced amount of nuclear coded subunits. The data indicate incompletely assembled nuclear coded subunits of COX from patient fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Laser flash photolysis was used to study the reaction of photoproduced 5-deazariboflavin (dRFH.), lumiflavin (LFH.), and riboflavin (RFH.) semiquinone radicals with the redox centers of purified chicken liver sulfite oxidase. Kinetic studies of the native enzyme with dRFH. yielded a second-order rate constant of 4.0 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 for direct reduction of the heme and a first-order rate constant of 310 s-1 for intramolecular electron transfer from the Mo center to the heme. The reaction with LFH. gave a second-order rate constant of 2.9 X 10(7) M-1 s-1 for heme reduction. Reoxidation of the reduced heme due to intramolecular electron transfer to the Mo center gave a first-order rate constant of 155 s-1. The direction of intramolecular electron transfer using dRFH. and LFH. was independent of the buffer used for the experiment. The different first-order rate constants observed for intramolecular electron transfer using dRFH. and LFH. are proposed to result from chemical differences at the Mo site. Flash photolysis studies with cyanide-inactivated sulfite oxidase using dRFH. and LFH. resulted in second-order reduction of the heme center with rate constants identical with those obtained with the native enzyme, whereas the first-order intramolecular electron-transfer processes seen with the native enzyme were absent. The isolated heme peptide of sulfite oxidase gave only second-order kinetics upon laser photolysis and confirmed that the first-order processes observed with the native enzyme involve the Mo site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytochrome-c oxidase aa3 (CcO) from Paracoccus denitrificans interacts with tertiary butyl hydroperoxide (t-Bu-O-O-H, TBHP) by forming an adduct as indicated by an absorption shift at 408/432 nm and the induction of photochemical autoreduction. The adduct was stable at room temperature for several days even under aerobic conditions. Upon irradiation (413 nm) of the adduct, a photoproduct, similar to the oxygenated mixed valence species (607 nm form), was formed, as indicated by the 418/442 and 607 nm signals in the absorption-difference spectrum. It is concluded that the adduct formation changes the photochemical properties of heme a3. A molecular model for the binding mechanism of TBHP to CcO and for the photochemistry of heme a3-TBHP adduct is proposed.  相似文献   

C Thiel  B Kadenbach 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):270-274
Bovine heart cytochrome-c oxidase was reconstituted in liposomes (asolectin) and the activity measured in the presence and absence of uncoupler at increasing concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids. Palmitic and stearic acids resulted in a decrease of about 40% in the respiratory control ratio at a concentration of 1 microM, when measured using a spectrophotometric procedure but not with a polarographic assay method. At higher fatty acid concentrations no further change was found. A 50% decrease in respiratory control was determined when the enzyme was reconstituted in pure phosphatidylcholine containing 2% cardiolipin. The respiratory control of reconstituted cytochrome-c oxidase from bovine liver was not influenced by fatty acids.  相似文献   

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