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P Keohavong  C C Wang  R S Cha  W G Thilly 《Gene》1988,71(1):211-216
Conditions for DNA amplification in vitro using modified T7 DNA polymerase have been devised to obtain 2000-bp DNA fragments of the HGPRT gene directly from human genomic DNA. The DNA obtained from a 1.2 x 10(5)-fold amplification has been used for direct sequencing.  相似文献   

We present a method to specifically select large sets of DNA sequences for parallel amplification by PCR using target-specific oligonucleotide constructs, so-called selectors. The selectors are oligonucleotide duplexes with single-stranded target-complementary end-sequences that are linked by a general sequence motif. In the selection process, a pool of selectors is combined with denatured restriction digested DNA. Each selector hybridizes to its respective target, forming individual circular complexes that are covalently closed by enzymatic ligation. Non-circularized fragments are removed by exonucleolysis, enriching for the selected fragments. The general sequence that is introduced into the circularized fragments allows them to be amplified in parallel using a universal primer pair. The procedure avoids amplification artifacts associated with conventional multiplex PCR where two primers are used for each target, thereby reducing the number of amplification reactions needed for investigating large sets of DNA sequences. We demonstrate the specificity, reproducibility and flexibility of this process by performing a 96-plex amplification of an arbitrary set of specific DNA sequences, followed by hybridization to a cDNA microarray. Eighty-nine percent of the selectors generated PCR products that hybridized to the expected positions on the array, while little or no amplification artifacts were observed.  相似文献   

This report describes the amplification of upstream genomic sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based solely on downstream DNA information from a cDNA clone. In this novel and rapid technique, genomic DNA (gDNA) is first incubated with a restriction enzyme that recognizes a site within the 5′ end of a gene, followed by denaturation and polyadenylation of its free 3′ ends with terminal transferase. The modified gDNA is then used as template for PCR using a gene-specific primer complementary to a sequence in the 3′ end of its cDNA and an anchored deoxyoligothymidine primer. A second round of PCR is then performed with a second, nested gene-specific primer and the anchor sequence primer. The resulting PCR product is cloned and its sequence determined. Three independent plant genomic clones were isolated using this method that exhibited complete sequence identity to their cDNAs and to the primers used in the amplification.  相似文献   

In the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, DNA is amplified in vitro by a series of polymerization cycles consisting of three temperature-dependent steps: DNA denaturation, primer-template annealing, and DNA synthesis by a thermostable DNA polymerase. The purity and yield of the reaction products depend on several parameters, one of which is the annealing temperature (Ta). At both sub- and super-optimal Ta values, non-specific products may be formed, and the yield of products is reduced. Optimizing the Ta is especially critical when long products are synthesized or when total genomic DNA is the substrate for PCR. In this article we experimentally determine the optimal annealing temperature (TaOPT) values for several primer-template pairs and develop a method for its calculation. The TaOPT is found to be a function of the melting temperatures of the less stable primer-template pair and of the product. The fact that experimental and calculated TaOPT values agree to within 0.7 degree C eliminates the need for determining TaOPT experimentally. Synthesis of DNA fragments shorter than 1 kb is more efficient if a variable Ta is used, such that the Ta is higher in each consecutive cycle.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to amplify the large fragments from viral genomic DNA of SIV from wild caught, asymptomatic Erythrocebus monkeys from Western Africa (Senegal) and also from HIV-2 infected cell lines. By using consensus primer sequences from highly conserved stretches of gag, pol and env genes, two halves of the viral genome of HIV-2 and SIV (isolated from west African Erythrocebus monkeys) have amplified by PCR. One half spans 5200 bp from within the U3 region of the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) into pol gene and an overlapping fragment spans 3700 bp from the pol gene into U5 region of 3' LTR. Also fragments ranging from 1-2.3 kb from gag pol and env genes have been successfully amplified. Our data demonstrate that primers used to amplify large segments from viral DNA yield better results if they are derived from a consensus sequence of a highly conserved stretch of the viral genome.  相似文献   

We have constructed an episomal shuttle vector which can transfer large (>100 kb) human genomic DNA inserts back and forth between bacteria and human cells and which can be tracked in rapidly dividing human cells using a live cell assay. The vector (p5170) is based on the F factor-derived bacterial artificial chromosome cloning vector used in Escherichia coli, with the addition of the family of repeats element from the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of replication. This element provides nuclear retention in cells expressing the EBV protein EBNA-1. We have subcloned a series of genomic DNA inserts into p5170 and transfected the constructs into an EBNA-1(+) human cell line. Episomal mitotic stability was quantitatively analysed using flow cytometry. The episomes were also tracked by time course photography of expanding colonies. A 117 kb episome was retained at approximately 2 copies/cell and could be shuttled unrearranged from the human cells into bacterial cells after 15 months of continuous cell growth. Furthermore, the episome could still be rescued from human cells cultured in the absence of selection for 198 days. Such a trackable E.coli /human cell line shuttle vector system capable of carrying >100 kb of genomic DNA in human cells could prove a valuable tool in gene expression studies.  相似文献   

福尔马林固定铜鱼基因组DNA的提取与扩增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)作为长江中、上游的重要经济鱼类是研究三峡大坝阻隔效应的重要材料之一。然而,过去的铜鱼标本都保存在福尔马林溶液中,有必要探讨从福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本中有效提取基因组DNA的方法以及这些DNA用于微卫星和线粒体分析的可行性。本实验通过改进的酒精梯度浸泡法去除标本中的甲醛,然后用酚-氯仿抽提法成功地提取到了铜鱼标本的基因组DNA;设计引物后进行了线粒体和微卫星的PCR扩增,扩增产物经银染检测。微卫星扩增结果显示只有部分个体可以扩出目的带,而线粒体控制区部分区段在所有个体中均能稳定重复的扩出;mtDNA SSCP分析显示带型一致。结果表明,福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本可以被用来开展短片段的扩增和遗传变异分析等方面的相关研究。  相似文献   

The molecular hallmark of prion disease is the conversion of normal prion protein (PrPC) to an insoluble, proteinase K-resistant, pathogenic isoform (PrPSc). Once generated, PrPSc propagates by complexing with, and transferring its pathogenic conformation onto, PrPC. Defining the specific nature of this PrPSc-PrPC interaction is critical to understanding prion genesis. To begin to approach this question, we employed a prion-infected neuroblastoma cell line (ScN2a) combined with a heterologous yeast expression system to independently model PrPSc generation and propagation. We additionally applied fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis to the latter to specifically study PrP-PrP interactions. In this report we focus on an N-terminal hydrophobic palindrome of PrP (112-AGAAAAGA-119) thought to feature intimately in prion generation via an unclear mechanism. We found that, in contrast to wild type (wt) PrP, PrP lacking the palindrome (PrPDelta112-119) neither converted to PrPSc when expressed in ScN2a cells nor generated proteinase K-resistant PrP when expressed in yeast. Furthermore, PrPDelta112-119 was a dominant-negative inhibitor of wtPrP in ScN2a cells. Both wtPrP and PrPDelta112-119 were highly insoluble when expressed in yeast and produced distinct cytosolic aggregates when expressed as fluorescent fusion proteins (PrP::YFP). Although self-aggregation was evident, fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies in live yeast co-expressing PrPSc-like protein and PrPDelta112-119 indicated altered interaction properties. These results suggest that the palindrome is required, not only for the attainment of the PrPSc conformation but also to facilitate the proper association of PrPSc with PrPC to effect prion propagation.  相似文献   

In vivo excision and amplification of pre-determined large genomic segments, directly from the genome of a natural host, can be a powerful tool for obtaining the genomic sequences with minimum rearrangements. In this study, an in vivo excision and amplification system in human BJAB cells was devised by combining the Cre/loxP system of bacteriophage P1 and the large T antigen/SV40 ori system of Simian virus 40. Two loxP sequences, each of which serves as a recognition site for recombinase Cre, were integrated unidirectionally into 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the human iNOS. An SV40 ori sequence, which serves as a conditional replication system, was inserted between the loxP sites. Trans-acting genes cre and large T antigen, which were under the control of a tetracycline responsive promoter, were also inserted into the 5′- and 3′-UTRs of the iNOS, respectively, by homologous recombination. Upon induction by doxycycline, the 45-kb iNOS genomic fragment of human chromosome 17 flanked by two loxP sites was excised and amplified up to about 45 copies per cell. Our method is very useful for obtaining large genomic fragments in quantities directly from human cells without using foreign hosts. Therefore, our approach can be used effectively for gap sequencing of a genome, gene therapy, and functional analysis of unknown genes in human cells.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) in tumor cell lines is frequently correlated with amplification of one or more mdr genes. Usually the amplified domain also includes several neighboring genes. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, we have established a restriction map covering approximately 2,200 kb in the drug-sensitive mouse tumor cell line TC13K. The mapped region is located on mouse chromosome 5 and includes the three mdr genes, the gene for the calcium-binding sorcin protein, and a gene with unknown function designated class 5. Long-range maps of the amplified DNA sequences in five of six MDR sublines that had been independently derived from TC13K generally displayed the same pattern as did the parental cell line. All six MDR sublines exhibited numerous double minutes, and one of them displayed a homogeneously staining region in a subpopulation. Large circular molecules, most likely identical to one chromatid of the double minutes, were detected in four of the sublines by linearization with gamma irradiation. The size of the circles was about 2,500 kb, which correlated to a single unit of the amplified domain. We therefore propose that in four independent instances of MDR development, a single unit of about 2,500 kb has been amplified in the form of circular DNA molecules. The restriction enzyme map of the amplified unit is unchanged compared with that of the parental cell line, whereas the joining sites of the circular DNA molecules are not identical but are in the same region.  相似文献   

The combination of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and in vitro DNA amplification has allowed us to (1) localize a DNA mutation to a given 100-bp region of the human genome and (2) rapidly sequence the DNA without cloning. DGGE showed that a mutation had occurred, but the technique revealed little about the nature or position of that mutation. The region of the genome containing the mutation was amplified by the polymerase chain-reaction technique, providing DNA of sufficient quality and quantity for direct sequencing. Amplification was performed with a 32P end-labeled primer that allowed direct Maxam-Gilbert sequencing of the amplified product without cloning. HPRTMunich was found to contain a single-base-pair substitution, a C-to-A transversion at base-pair position 397. We report the generation of a 169-bp, wild-type DNA probe that encompasses most of exon 3 of the human hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene and contains a low-temperature melting domain of approximately 100 bp. HPRTMunich, an HPRT mutant isolated from a patient with gout, has a single amino acid substitution; the corresponding DNA sequence alteration must lie within the low-temperature melting domain of exon 3. We report the separation of HPRTMunich from the wild-type sequence using DGGE. In addition to base-pair substitutions, DGGE is also sensitive to the methylation state of the molecule. The cDNA for HPRT was cloned into a vector and propagated in Escherichia coli dam+ and dam- strains; thus, methylated and unmethylated HPRT cDNA was obtained.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Long DNA palindromes are sites of genome instability (deletions, amplification, and translocations) in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In Escherichia coli, genetic evidence has suggested that they are sites of DNA cleavage by the SbcCD complex that can be repaired by homologous recombination. Here we obtain in vivo physical evidence of an SbcCD-induced DNA double-strand break (DSB) at a palindromic sequence in the E. coli chromosome and show that both ends of the break stimulate recombination. Cleavage is dependent on DNA replication, but the observation of two ends at the break argues that cleavage does not occur at the replication fork. Genetic analysis shows repair of the break requires the RecBCD recombination pathway and PriA, suggesting a mechanism of bacterial DNA DSB repair involving the establishment of replication forks.  相似文献   

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