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Although changes to interspecific relationships can significantly alter the composition of insect assemblages, they are often ignored when assessing impacts of environmental change. Long-term ground beetle data were used in this study to analyse ecological networks from three habitats at two sites in Scotland. A Bayesian Network inference algorithm was used to reveal interspecific relationships. The significance and strength of relationships between species (nodes) were estimated along with other network properties. Links were identified as positive relationships if co-occurrences of beetles correlated positively, and as negatives relationships if there was a negative correlation between the occurrences of the species. Most of the species had few links and only 10% of the nodes were connected with several links. Calathus fuscipes, a common carabid in the samples, was the most connected, with nine links to other species. More interspecific relationships were found to be positive than negative, with 48 and 23 links, respectively. The modular structure of the network was assessed and eight separate sub-networks were found. Habitat preferences of the species were clearly represented in the structure of the sets of those five sub-networks containing more than one species and were in line with the findings of the indicator species analysis. In our study, we showed that generated Bayesian networks can model interspecific relationships between carabid species. Due to the relative ease of the collection of field data and the high information content of the results, this method could be incorporated into everyday ecological analysis.  相似文献   

1. One‐way, directional changes in both plant and animal associations are likely to be occurring as a result of changing climate. Current knowledge of long‐term cycles in insect communities is scarce, and therefore it is difficult to assess whether the observed changes in insect communities are the first part of a long‐term trend or parts of normal cycles. 2. In this study multivariate methods were used to describe the trends in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages over an 18‐year (1994–2011) period at two Scottish sites. In order to have a deeper insight into the underlying processes, both environmental factors and the species driving the detected changes were investigated. 3. In four out of the six sample transects, insect community compositions showed trends rather than fluctuating patterns. Hierarchical cluster analysis also revealed a clear separation, after accounting for sampling location and broad habitat, between early and later years of sampling. Decreasing annual maximum temperatures and increasing precipitation were identified as the main environmental drivers. Although increased rainfall was expected to be beneficial for hygrophilous species, in the transects in this study generalist species increased in dominance. 4. The increasing importance of generalists, in the communities studied here, underlines the vulnerability of the specialist species and urges greater effort in their conservation. Assemblage changes along different trajectories at the sites in the present study could only be tracked using multivariate methods; commonly used diversity indices proved to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, the exclusive use of simple diversity indices should be discouraged and multivariate methods should be preferred in environmental assessments and conservation planning.  相似文献   

According to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), species diversity should be higher at sites with intermediate levels of disturbance. We tested this hypothesis using ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected in pitfall traps from sites that varied in time since last disturbance. This successional gradient was embedded in an urban landscape near Montreal, Quebec. We predicted that diversity in young forests and old fields would be higher than in agricultural fields and old forests. Fifty-five species (2932 individuals) were found in 2003 and 46 species (2207 individuals) in 2004. In both years, species richness was highest from traps placed in agricultural fields. We collected nine introduced species; these had higher catch rates than the native species in both years (64.8% of total catch). When introduced species were removed from the Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination analysis, the assemblages from agricultural fields were less distinct compared to those of the other habitats, suggesting the introduced fauna is important in structuring carabid assemblages from the agricultural fields. Introduced species may play a significant role in the community composition of ground beetles in urban landscapes, and their influence may be the cause of the lack of support found for the IDH.  相似文献   

Ground beetle assemblages were studied by pitfall trapping during summer 2006 in the municipality of Leksand (Sweden) along a gradient in traffic intensity (10 replicates in high and low traffic and five in no traffic) and at progressive distances from the roadside (5, 15, 40 and 80 m). The ground beetles’ activity density was larger in high- with respect to low-traffic areas. Rarefaction analysis showed that richness did not differ between high and low traffic, whereas it was higher in high and low compared to no-traffic areas. Rarefaction analysis performed in high- and low-traffic areas separately showed that species richness was higher at shorter distance from the road in both treatments. Gradient analysis showed that traffic intensity influenced carabid species composition, although the proportion of explained variation was rather low. Mean body length differed between the three treatments, where ground beetles were larger in no-traffic areas. The proportion of macropterous and diet-generalist beetles did not differ amongst the three treatments. However, there was a difference in the proportion of macropterous beetles in low-traffic areas amongst sampling distances, and in the proportion of diet-generalist beetles amongst sampling distances at both high- and low-traffic areas. The proportion of diet-generalist beetles decreased with increasing distance from the road in both treatments. Our study suggests that major roads have a significant effect on ground beetles assemblages. However, many changes in assemblages and morpho-ecological adaptations followed the gradient in traffic intensity, suggesting that also minor roads affect ground beetle composition. Therefore, efforts to improve habitat connectivity should also consider low-traffic roads.  相似文献   

  1. Increasing demand for biomass has led to an on-going intensification of fuel wood plantations with possible negative effects on open land biodiversity. Hence, ecologists increasingly call for measures that reduce those negative effects on associated biodiversity. However, our knowledge about the efficiency of such measures remains scarce.
  2. We investigated the effects of gap implementation in short rotation coppices (SRCs) on carabid diversity and assemblage composition over 3 years, with pitfall traps in gaps, edges and interiors. In parallel, we quantified soil surface temperature, shrub- and herb cover.
  3. Edges had the highest number of species and abundances per trap, whereas rarefied species richness was significantly lower in short rotation coppice interiors than in other habitat types. Carabid community composition differed significantly between habitat types. The main environmental drivers were temperature for number of species and abundance and shrub cover for rarefied species richness.
  4. We found significantly higher rarefied species richness in gaps compared with interiors. Hence, we argue that gap implementation benefits overall diversity in short rotation coppices. Furthermore, the differences in species community composition between habitat types through increased species turnover support carabid diversity in short rotation coppices. These positive effects were largely attributed to microclimate conditions. However, to maintain positive effects, continuous management of herb layer might be necessary.

In 2001–2006, ground beetles were pitfall-trapped in a temperate lowland area of South Slovakia in an experimental field divided in five plots fertilized by four different doses of manure or biosludge (25 t stable manure ha−1, 50 t biosludge ha−1, 50 t stable manure ha−1, 100 t biosludge ha−1 and without fertilization). The field was subsequently sown by spring barley, sugar beat, maize, sunflower, sugar beat and maize. The ground beetle assemblage consisted of 31 species, but only five species predominated: Pseudoophonus rufipes representing 82.6% of individuals and five species (Poecilus cupreus, Carabus scheidleri, Calathus fuscipes, Trechus quadristriatus, Pterostichus melanarius, Anchomenus dorsalis, Dolichus halensis) representing together 14.5% of individuals. Pseudophonus rufipes represented 81.7% of dry biomass and three species (Carabus scheidleri, Poecilus cupreus Pterostichus melanarius) 15.9% of biomass. There was no significant influence of organic fertilizing on assemblage structure. During the investigation, the number of individuals and their biomass increased in all plots until 2003 and than dropped to the starting values. The culmination of 2003 was preceded by a warmer and more humid season in 2002. After a cold and dry season of 2003 abundance decreased approximately to starting values. Simultaneously, the local maxima and minima of occurrence of ground beetles in individual plots shifted independently on the doses of organic material. At the same time, number of occurring species slightly decreased. The observed changes obviously represent part of long-termed fluctuations in wider surroundings.  相似文献   

We pitfall-trapped carabid beetles across an urban-rural gradient in central Alberta, Canada to assess the relative contributions of landscape structure and habitat quality in explaining variation in composition of assemblages. The gradient ranged from the "urban" zone in the city of Edmonton, through a "suburban" zone just outside the city, into a "rural" zone 25–60 km east of the city. We trapped beetles at three replicated sites for each of two habitats (unmanaged grasslands and highly managed graveyards) in each of the three zones. Most of the 24 species (3162 individuals) captured were commonly associated with open habitats. Pterostichus melanarius , an introduced species, made up 80% of the total catch. Carabid assemblages of grasslands and graveyards were distinct, with lower species richness and lower catch rates of native, introduced and brachypterous carabids in graveyards. Graveyard assemblages also had proportionally fewer brachypterous carabid individuals (32 vs 52%) and species (20 vs 36%), suggesting that populations recruit locally from elsewhere after disturbances. Native carabids were least abundant in the urban areas. Brachypterous carabids were similarly abundant across the gradient, but more occurred in the urban zone than elsewhere (32 vs 5–10%). Samples from graveyards were characterized by lower beta diversity (variation among samples) than those from grasslands, but beta diversity was more-or-less equally variable across the gradient within habitats. The amount of unmanaged grassland habitat and the degree of urbanization significantly influence carabid assemblages, and therefore are relevant to management and conservation of urban grassland areas.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring biodiversity is essential for successful conservation planning. Due to biodiversity’s complexity, specific taxa are often chosen as indicators of patterns of diversity as a whole. Such taxa can include vegetation which can inform conservation decisions by demarcating land units for management strategies. For land units to be useful, they must be accurate spatial representations of the species assemblages present on the landscape. In this study, we determined whether land units classified by vegetative communities predicted the community structure of a diverse group of invertebrates—the ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Specifically, that (1) land units of the same classification contained similar carabid species assemblages and that (2) differences in species structure were correlated with variation in land unit characteristics, including canopy and ground cover, vegetation structure, tree density, leaf litter depth, and soil moisture. The study site, the Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve in Will County, Illinois is a mosaic of differing land units. Carabid beetles were sampled continuously with pitfall trapping for 1 year (excluding winter) from September 2011 to November 2011 and from March 2012 to September 2012. Land unit characteristics were measured in July 2012. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinated the land units by their carabid species assemblages into five ecologically meaningful clusters: disturbed, marsh, prairie, restoration, and savanna. The subset of land unit characteristics with the highest rank correlation with the NMDS ordination included soil moisture, leaf litter depth, percentage of canopy cover, and percentage of grass ground cover. Land units classified by vegetative communities effectively represented carabid species assemblages.  相似文献   

Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are important in agro-ecosystems as generalist predators of invertebrate pests and weed seeds and as prey for larger animals. However, it is not well understood how cropping systems affect ground beetles. Over a 2-yr period, carabids were monitored two times per month using pitfall traps in a conventional chemical input, 2-yr, corn/soybean rotation system and a low input, 4-yr, corn/soybean/triticale-alfalfa/alfalfa rotation system. Carabid assemblages were largely dominated by a few species across all cropping treatments with Poecilus chalcites Say comprising >70% of pitfall catches in both years of study. Overall carabid activity density and species richness were higher in the low input, 4-yr rotation compared with the conventionally managed, 2-yr rotation. There were greater differences in the temporal activity density and species richness of carabids among crops than within corn and soybean treatments managed with different agrichemical inputs and soil disturbance regimes. Detrended correspondence analysis showed strong yearly variation in carabid assemblages in all cropping treatments. The increase in carabid activity density and species richness observed in the 4-yr crop rotation highlights the potential benefits of diverse crop habitats for carabids and the possibility for managing natural enemies by manipulating crop rotations.  相似文献   

Long-term studies of the ground beetle fauna of Southeastern Altai (SEA) revealed 33 genera and 185 species; 3 and 15 species are reported for the first time from Russia and SEA, respectively. The following genera are the most diverse: Bembidion (47 species), Amara and Harpalus (21 each), Pterostichus (14), and Nebria (13). The subarid (35%) and boreal (32%) species prevail in the arealogical spectrum, while the mountain endemics comprise 13% of the fauna. The carabid fauna of SEA is heterogeneous in composition and differs significantly from that of the Western and Central Altai. The boreal mountain component mostly comprises tundra species with circum-boreal or circum-arctic ranges, while the subarid component (typical Mongolian together with Ancient Mediterranean species) forms more than one-half of the species diversity in the mountain basins. The species diversity increases from the nival mountain belt (15 species, predominantly Altai-Sayan endemics) to moss-lichen tundras (40, mostly boreal, species). The variety of habitats and constant hydrothermal regimes in the intrazonal valley communities determine high taxonomic diversity of Carabidae, including both tundra or meadow-steppe species typical of the region and some forest ones. Under the condition of moisture deficiency, many steppe species also concentrate in river floodplains.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles and environmental parameters were investigated in 52 grassland sites with three replicate pitfall traps in each site and in the valley of the River Eider in Schleswig–Holstein (northern Germany) with 61 pitfall traps. Environmental parameters included water content of soil, sand content, organic matter content and pH. Ground beetle assemblages were derived by detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) and characterised by the specific environmental conditions as means for each assemblage. On the regional scale including all investigated sites of Schleswig–Holstein, five assemblages were differentiated. On the local scale including the investigated sites in the valley of the River Eider, three assemblages were found corresponding well with those found on the regional scale. Environmental conditions at the sites of the five assemblages were correlated with land use data, soil types, and water level stages provided by three maps of a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS maps were combined to develop smaller areas with land use, soil type and water level stage information. The characteristic environmental conditions were assigned to each area to derive the spatial distribution of the five ground beetle assemblages. Spatial prediction was correct for 65% of investigated sites. The potential area of each assemblage was estimated for the valley. The different grassland areas were evaluated as potential habitats for ground beetle species comparing total species richness with the regional species richness of each assemblage. The comparison shows that species richness in the evaluated assemblages is relatively low compared to the regional potential.  相似文献   

We used pitfall traps to sample ground beetles on sandbars along a small woodland stream and in the adjacent floodplain forest (Oglethorpe Co., GA, USA). We captured a total of 1,477 ground beetles representing 41 species. Twenty-two species were exclusive to sandbars, while eight were found only in the forested habitat. Ground beetles were captured in significantly greater numbers from sandbars, especially Brachinus janthinipennis and Omophron americanum. The B. janthinipennis record represents a new state record for the species. This study demonstrates that many unique species can be found in specialized microhabitats and emphasizes the need for biodiversity assessment surveys to include a wide range of these microhabitats within a survey area. In addition, it appears that many generalist forest species might use sandbars seasonally to exploit available resources. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Multivariate techniques were used to compare and contrast the effects of land cover and farming practice on ground beetle and spider assemblages of Scottish farmland. For both ground beetles and spiders, the ordination and fuzzy clustering of sites were related to land cover rather than geographical location or year of sampling. The same four types of land cover group were identified: that is, heather moorland, semi-natural grassland, intensive grassland and arable land. The robustness of these land cover groups was tested using previously unsampled sites and it was found that 79 and 86% of sites, for ground beetle and spider assemblages respectively, were allocated to the land cover group predicted from their actual land cover. Furthermore, procrustes rotational analysis found a strong relationship between ground beetle and spider assemblages in intensively managed sites, suggesting that the assemblage structure of one group could be used to predict that of the other. The observed relationship between spider and ground beetle assemblages does not necessarily indicate that both groups were responding to agricultural practices in the same way. Indeed, the highest number of beetle species occurred in intensively managed grassland and arable sites while the highest number of spider species occurred in semi-natural grassland and heather sites. When conducting ecological assessments, one might wish to collect information on a wide range of ecologically different taxa; however, financial constraints make this unfeasible. From the results it could be concluded that spiders should be chosen in preference to ground beetles when seeking to make predictions on how farming practices influence invertebrates. However, such a conclusion would be premature since not only were spiders more numerous in the traps, but they were also more time consuming to process. In addition, the strong relationship found between the spider and ground beetle assemblages further justifies carabids as a target group when monitoring the influence of farming practices on biodiversity.  相似文献   

The assemblage of carabid species trapped over a 3 yr period in eight separate but contiguous fields was analysed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Seven of the fields were subject to arable crop rotations involving a mixture of autumn and early spring‐sown cereals (wheat or barley), late spring‐sown crops (potatoes, sugar and fodder beet and maize) and short‐term uncultivated grass leys, The eighth field was an established ‘permanent’ grass pasture of at least 50 yrs standing, Pooled samples collected in the first half of the growing season (April‐June) showed clear evidence of soil cultivation effects on community structure, Systematic exclusion of samples and re‐analysis distinguished the fauna of firstly, old pasture samples, samples from ley pastures of increasing age and finally samples from fields with different times of soil cultivation, In the latter analysis, the main effects of soil cultivation were related to differences in ground cover over the winter and a direct effect of spring soil cultivation on autumn breeding populations, The ordination of pooled catches for the second half of the growing season (July‐September) could not be related to known year, field or crop cultivation variables, The underlying species ordination suggested that later in the summer the effect of crop cover on soil microclimate may mask cultivation effects by influencing the post‐emergence dispersal of autumn‐breeding populations and the reproductive success of spring‐breeders, The combination of earlier soil cultivation effects, and probably microclimatic influences later in the season, resulted in the strong distinction of whole season carabid catches from individual fields, It is concluded that the uniqueness of individual field histories may provide a mechanism to promote the co‐existence of ecologically similar species within the farmed landscape and enhance the abundance and bio‐diversity of species in the face of routine soil cultivation.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla typology, number and distribution pattern were studied in the ground beetle Bembidion lampros Hbst (Coleoptera, Carabidae) using scanning electron microscopy. The 1.6–1.8 mm long filiform antennae of both sexes consist of the scape, pedicel and of the flagellum composed of nine flagellomeres. In both sexes, three types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, five types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, one type of sensilla campaniformia and Böhm sensilla were distinguished. The possible function of the sensilla was discussed and three types of sensilla were considered as olfactory, sensilla trichodea type 2 and sensilla basiconica types 1 and 2. Olfactory sensilla occupy dorsal and/or ventral areas of the flagellomeres and occur sparsely (sensilla basiconica type 1) or not at all (sensilla basiconica type 2 and sensilla trichodea type 2) outside these areas. No remarkable sexual differences in the types, numbers and distribution of antennal sensilla were found.  相似文献   

An overview of carabid beetles in the New Zealand conservation context is provided. Processes for threatened species recovery within the New Zealand Department of Conservation are outlined, and the Department’s two major beetle-related recovery documents (The Conservation Requirements for New Zealand’s Nationally Threatened Invertebrates, and The Carabid Beetle Recovery Plan) are discussed. A subjective consideration of the merits and drawbacks of both the documents, and the systems that support them, is presented, along with an option for the way forward for threatened species conservation in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Although Carabidae is among the best-studied families of beetles in Europe from the faunistic point of view, there is still a lack of available information on the ecological requirements of the particular carabid species. The habitat preferences that determine the distribution of species are largely influenced by habitat structure and microclimate. In addition to other factors, these habitat parameters are influenced by the nature of the vegetation. Therefore, our study investigated the influence of tree species on carabid beetle communities. We conducted the research at 9 stands in the Borová Hora Arboretum (Zvolen, Central Slovakia). Each studied site represents a monoculture of one of nine tree species. At each site, some soil and leaf litter attributes (pH, conductivity, and content of H, C, N and P) were evaluated. Ground beetles were collected by pitfall trapping during the vegetation periods in 2008–2011. In total, 3012 individuals of 29 species were obtained. Significant differences in the total dynamic activity and species richness of the carabid beetle communities among the compared forest stands were revealed. The results of the research confirmed statistically significant relationships among 1) the soil conductivity and both the richness and Shannon diversity of the ground beetle communities, 2) the litter and soil N content and richness, the Shannon diversity and the species composition of the ground beetle communities. The Shannon diversity and richness were negatively related to the soil conductivity and positively related with the N content. Our research showed that dominant tree species indirectly influence diversity and composition of carabid communities via the soil properties.  相似文献   

We characterized five microsatellite loci from Abax parallelepipedus, one of the most common forest ground beetles in central Europe. The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 30 individuals from one population. The number of alleles ranged between two and 19 and the observed heterozygosities between 0.10 and 0.97. No deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected for any of the markers.  相似文献   

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