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We tested the hypotheses that levels of intrasexual aggression and the social structure among neighboring females differed in two central Oklahoma populations of collared lizards, Crotaphytus collaris, and examined the extent to which variation in aggression might be related to differences in the availability of arthropods, elevated perches used by females to scan for prey, and crawlspace refugia. Because both the costs of aggression and access to resources may influence female fitness, we also compared growth and survival rates and the number of clutches produced. At Morningside Farms Ranch (MS), lizards occupied naturally‐formed sandstone washes with naturally‐sculpted irregular topographies, whereas they inhabited homogenous fields of boulders used to construct flood control spillways at the Arcadia Lake Dam (AL). The frequency of intrasexual aggression was markedly higher at MS, and groups of MS females had social hierarchies structured by size and age with older females defending territories, whereas no such social structure was apparent at AL. Moreover, experimental removal of individuals from female groups resulted in more pronounced changes by the remaining females at MS than at AL. Elevated perches and crawlspace refugia were much less abundant at MS. Arthropod availability was similar at the two sites, but at AL arthropods were clustered near the edges of rock patches where elevated perches overlooking adjacent grassy areas were particularly abundant. MS females showed lower rates of survival, and growth during the first year (when growth is highest) than AL females, whereas the number of clutches produced by females at the two sites was similar. Our results suggest that variation in the availability of perch rocks may have resulted in differences in female social structure at the two sites, and relaxed intrasexual competition for perches may have resulted in higher female fitness at AL.  相似文献   

Animal color patterns are a compromise between sexual selection pressures that increase advantages accrued from conspicuousness, and natural selection pressures that decrease those advantages through reduced survivorship. Predation pressure, as a mode of natural selection, often is invoked as a counter‐selective force to sexual selection, yet few studies have demonstrated empirically that more conspicuous individuals experience higher rates of predation. We quantified predator attacks on models of collared lizards, Crotaphytus collaris, in three well‐studied populations (Oklahoma, USA). These populations differ in coloration and in visual backgrounds against which the lizards are viewed by conspecifics and predators. Attack frequencies varied considerably among study sites but at all sites the models exhibiting the strongest color contrast with local rocks were detected and attacked most often. By comparison, inconspicuous models of females were never attacked at any of the sites. These results suggest a survival cost of conspicuous coloration in collared lizards, and reiterate the importance of considering the visual environment as well as differences among populations when examining the influence of predation on the evolution of animal color patterns.  相似文献   

The signalling function of displays broadcast when animals are distant from conspecifics can be difficult to determine. I tested the extent to which visually transmitted broadcast displays given by free‐ranging territorial male collared lizards signalled same‐sex rivals or females. One test involved recording the frequency of broadcast displays, aggressive contests with rivals, and courtship encounters with females during ten reproductive seasons when local sex ratios varied markedly. The frequency of broadcast displays decreased as the ratio of male competitors to females increased. The frequency with which males initiated contests with rivals was not related to the ratio of competitors to females, whereas the frequency of courtship interactions decreased with sex ratio because there were fewer females to court. The behaviour of males that defended territories during two successive seasons showed a similar pattern. Broadcast display frequency was positively correlated with courtship frequency, but not with the frequency of contests with rivals. Lastly, individual males gave more broadcast displays during focal observations when they also engaged in courtship encounters with females than other observations when they engaged in aggressive conflicts with rival males. Although these results do not reject the possibility that broadcast displays may also signal male rivals, they support a major role of these displays in advertisement to females. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Gambelia wislizenii (Crotaphytidae), and Anolis carolinensis (Polychrotidae) exhibit the squamate autapomorphies of a single perforatorium extending anteriorly from the apical tip of the paracrystalline subacrosomal cone, the presence of an epinuclear electron-lucent region, and extension of the fibrous sheath into the midpiece. Crotaphytid sperm differ from those of polychrotids in several respects, including: the structure of the perforatorium, the size of the epinuclear electron-lucent region, aspects of the acrosome complex, the arrangement and structure of intermitochondrial dense bodies, and in the distance the fibrous sheath extends into the midpiece. The sperm of C. bicinctores, G. wislizenii, and A. carolinensis are most similar to those of the agamids and phrynosomatids examined to date. No spermatozoal autapomorphies for Crotaphytidae or Polychrotidae were found. The condition of having the intermitochondrial dense bodies arranged in regular incomplete rings is tentatively defined as a synapomorphy of Iguania (although modified in Chamaeleonidae). Spermatozoal ultrastructure offers no characters that justify the separation of Iguanidae (sensu lato) into several separate families.  相似文献   

In polygynous species where males maintain strong interseasonal philopatry to the same breeding territories, older individuals have prior experience defending their areas, whereas younger individuals are defending a territory for the first time. Theoretical and empirical studies predict that under such conditions the cumulative costs of defense may be lower for older experienced males as a consequence of familiarity with environmental and/or social conditions in their particular local habitats. We used quantitative data from focal observational studies and introduction experiments to test the hypothesis that older collared lizard males (Crotaphytus collaris) with prior territorial experience (3 yr+ males) acquire larger territories allowing them to court more, different females, with greater frequency without incurring higher defense costs. Consistent with this hypothesis, 3 yr+ males controlled significantly larger territories and courted more females, without having significantly higher rates of territory patrol, frequencies of advertisement display, or aggressive interactions with same‐sex competitors. Moreover, the intensity of responses to size‐ and age/experience‐matched tethered intruders by 3 yr+ males was lower than that by 2 yr males in their first season of territory defense. Our results support the hypothesis that age/prior occupancy of territories lowers defense costs allowing males to defend larger areas and increase opportunities to court females, perhaps increasing mating opportunities. By contrast, 2 yr males may need to respond more aggressively to intruders because their ownership of territories is tenuous as a consequence of shorter territory occupancy.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the femoral glands in an iguanid lizard, Crotaphytus collaris collaris (Say), is described. The 48 lizards (including three embryos) from which glands were examined were obtained throughout their season of activity at one locality in Kansas. In animals of both sexes the glands lie in a linear series on the ventral aspect of each thigh. They are composed of branching tubes and tubules of epidermal and dermal origin. The row of femoral pores is the only external manifestation of the glands. Post hatching, the glands of males increase in size and complexity; little onto-genetic change occurs in the glands of females. The relative length of the glands appears to vary seasonally in adult males suggesting variation in their activity. The greatest relative sizes occur in the breeding season. At times a stratum corneum, continuous with the stratum corneum of the skin, occurs in the duct of the gland internal to part of the secretion plug. Formation of the stratum corneum seems to be initiated in the autumn prior to hibernation, and the stratum corneum removes the outer part of the secretion plug in the next ecdysis; meanwhile, production of a new secretion plug is initiated. The anatomy of the femoral glands in Crotaphytus is similar to that of the described glands of other species of lizards.  相似文献   

The length of the snow-free season has a significant influenceon reproduction and growth in northern alpine environments,and these life history traits may provide sensitive indicatorsof the responses of organisms to climate change. We examinedgrowth rates and timing of parturition of collared pikas (Ochotonacollaris) from 1995–2002 in the Ruby Range, Yukon Territory,Canada. Growth rates were best described using a Gompertz model,in which the asymptotic mass, determined from the average maleand female weights, was 157 g, the growth rate constant (K)was 0.0557, and the age at inflection (I) was 18.12 days, fora birth weight of 10 g. The maximum growth rate for North Americanpikas (O. collaris and O. princeps) increased with latitude,with maximum growth rates being approximately one-third greaterin northern populations where the snow-free season is less thanthree months long. The mean parturition date varied significantlyamong years from 3 June to 3 July, and delayed parturition wascorrelated with indices of high snow accumulation and, to alesser extent, late spring snowmelt. However, parturition datedid not significantly affect the subsequent over-winter survivalof juveniles in this population, suggesting that pikas are ableto adjust to seasonal uncertainty associated with highly variablespring conditions.  相似文献   

In many lizards, chemical compounds from the femoral gland secretions are used in intraspecific communication, but most studies describing these chemicals are for lizard species included in the Scleroglossa clade, whereas lizards within the Iguanian clade have been much less studied, probably because these lizards were considered to rely more on visual cues. However, many iguanian lizards have abundant femoral secretions and are able of chemosensory conspecific recognition, which might be based on compounds secreted by femoral glands. By using GC–MS analyses, we found 58 lipophilic compounds in femoral gland secretions of male Great Basin collared lizard, Crotaphytus bicinctores (Iguania, Crotaphytidae). Main compounds were steroids (mainly two triunsaturated steroids and cholesterol), carboxylic acids (mainly hexadecanoic acid), waxy esters of long chain fatty acids, alcohols (mainly hexadecanol), aldehydes and other minor compounds. We compared these compounds with those found in other lizard species and discussed the potential signaling function of some compounds and how the xeric habitat of this lizard could have conditioned the composition of secretions.  相似文献   

We identified 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris). Polymorphism assessment in 512 individuals from 52 populations sampled across much of the species distribution revealed a fairly high degree of genetic diversity (six to 20 alleles per locus) and a wide range of average expected heterozygosity values (0.143–0.530). We found no evidence for linkage, very few deviations from HW expectation (two of 572 possible population/locus analyses) and thus no evidence for null alleles. There was a tendency for reduced polymorphism towards the northern periphery.  相似文献   

In territorial polygynous taxa, reproductive success reflects phenotypic variation. Using Crotaphytus collaris, a sexually dimorphic lizard in which males use the head (i.e., jaws and associated musculature) as a weapon when territorial interactions escalate to fights, we tested the hypothesis that weapon performance (i.e., bite force) is a better predictor of fitness than body or weapon size. Bite-force performance predicted the number of female home ranges overlapped, estimated mating success, and potential reproductive output. However, no body or weapon size measure correlated with these estimates of fitness, and only one weapon dimension (head width) correlated with bite force. These results indicate that weapon performance has far stronger effects on fitness than body or weapon size, likely because it directly influences fight outcomes. As such, it is desirable that the use of morphology as a proxy for performance and its presumed extensions to fitness be based on empirical morphology-performance relationships.  相似文献   

We tested whether territorial defence is adaptive in male collared lizards by examining the extent to which territory owners monopolize females. We also tested whether females benefit by mating with multiple males using alternative tactics when local sex ratios varied. Surprisingly, neither the number of offspring that males sired, nor the number of females that males mated with varied as a consequence of highly variable local sex ratios. Moreover, both the number of offspring sired and the number of female mates were independent of male social status. Courtship frequency was under positive directional sexual selection for mating success for territorial males. None of the phenotypic traits that we examined were targets of sexual selection in nonterritorial males. Although offspring survivorship decreased with the degree of multiple mating, females mated multiply with similar numbers of territorial and nonterritorial males during all three seasons. Females did not obtain material or genetic benefits that balanced the apparent offspring survival cost imposed by mating with multiple males. Instead, females appeared to be ‘making the best of a bad job’, perhaps because the abundance of hiding places used by subordinate males makes it difficult for females to avoid male harassment. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 423–436.  相似文献   

Histologically derived estimates and ink suspension vascular casts were used to examine oviducal vascular changes. Vascularity peaked during gravidity and was correlated with maximal plasma progesterone concentrations. The vascular increase in the oviducal tissue was attributed exclusively to increased capillary densities. The greatest change occurred in the anterior uterus where incubation and egg shell secretion occur. Similar patterns of change in vascularity occurred in the infundibulum, although not as extreme as that seen in the anterior uterus, whereas no significant alterations were noted in the posterior uterus. These modifications mimic the pattern of vascular change occurring in viviparous lizards during simple placentation. We suggest that major changes in uterine vascularity may not be required for the evolution of simple chorioallantoic placentae in lizards.  相似文献   

Based on Trivers' (1974) theory of parent/offspring conflict, we predicted that weaning would be accelerated under poor dietary conditions in an aseasonally breeding, monomorphic ungulate, the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu). Suckling behavior was observed in 18 captive litters under a dietary treatment of high or low protein formulated to mimic forage under ecological conditions of normal rainfall vs. drought. Litters on the low protein diet weaned later (mean of 27 weeks) than litters on the high protein diet (mean of 21 weeks). Other indices of cumulative suckling effort (weaning weight, cumulative minutes suckling, cumulative bouts) did not differ between dietary treatments. No differences in suckling effort were found relative to offspring sex or litter size. Milk did not completely compensate for the low protein diet affecting growth of young in the second and third phases of lactation. Some nursers did not conserve bodily resources as would be expected if the benefits of short interbirth intervals outweighed the costs of lactation during unpredictable drought conditions.  相似文献   

Morphological changes occurring in the oviduct and epithelial cells of the lizards Crotaphytus collaris and Eumeces obsoletus during the natural reproductive cycle were examined and quantified. Additionally, development of the eggshell at different stages of gravidity was described. The anterior uterus of each species has a distinct glandular type which differs between species: in E. obsoletus, the glands are tubular and in C. collaris, branched saccular. The branched saccular glands in the anterior uterus of C. collaris produce collagen-like material that forms the fibers of the shell membranes. However, fibers from the eggshell of E. obsoletus did not stain for collagen. The shell of both species is composed of a multilayered inner boundary covered externally by fibers of varying thickness. Initial layers are composed of thick fibers all lying along the same general axis. Outer layers of fibers are progressively thinner and an external surface layer composed of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) is also present. In C. collaris, calcium, which is deposited in relatively small amounts on the shell surface, appears to be secreted by the epithelium of the anterior uterus. The nonciliated secretory epithelial cells covering the villi-like folds of the posterior infundibulum secrete GAGs. Epithelial cell height of the infundibular villi is greatest during early gravidity. A functional relationship may exist between luteal activity and oviductal secretory activity because the activity of the glandular epithelium varied as gravidity progressed.  相似文献   

The common collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) exhibits considerable geographical colour variation, particularly among males. Populations of this diurnal saxicolous iguanian inhabit patches of rocky habitat throughout the species’ broad distribution in North America and are anticipated to experience local differences in selective pressures that influence colouration. Specifically, while social interactions might favour conspicuous colouration, crypsis may be advantageous in interactions with visually orienting predator and prey species. To address the local relationship between lizard and substrate colouration we compared the reflectance spectra of two geographically distant and phenotypically divergent populations of collared lizards with the rocky substrates they inhabit. Our northern study population (C. c. auriceps in eastern Utah) occurs on red rocks, where males exhibit boldly coloured turquoise bodies and bright yellow heads. In contrast, our southern study population (C. c. fuscus in southern New Mexico) lives on grey and tan rocks, and males in this location exhibit subdued brown and tan dorsal colours. Spectral comparisons revealed that males in the northern population contrasted strongly with their local rocks, whereas males in the southern population matched their rock colours with reasonably good fidelity. This relationship held under a variety of lighting conditions. Females in both populations were less conspicuously coloured than males, although northern females contrasted more with their rocks than did southern females. In addition, sexual dichromatism was pronounced in the northern population but minimal in the southern population. Finally, sexual size and weight dimorphism was strong in the southern population while being virtually absent in the northern population. A comparison of the local predator and prey assemblages suggests that the conspicuous and sexually dichromatic colouration of the northern population may have evolved in response to reduced pressure from visually orienting predators as well as reduced dependence on saurian prey. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 77 , 67–85  相似文献   

To understand how selection acts on performance capacity, the ecological role of the performance trait being measured must be determined. Knowing if and when an animal uses maximal performance capacity may give insight into what specific selective pressures may be acting on performance, because individuals are expected to use close to maximal capacity only in contexts important to survival or reproductive success. Furthermore, if an ecological context is important, poor performers are expected to compensate behaviorally. To understand the relative roles of natural and sexual selection on maximal sprint speed capacity we measured maximal sprint speed of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in the laboratory and field-realized sprint speed for the same individuals in three different contexts (foraging, escaping a predator, and responding to a rival intruder). Females used closer to maximal speed while escaping predators than in the other contexts. Adult males, on the other hand, used closer to maximal speed while responding to an unfamiliar male intruder tethered within their territory. Sprint speeds during foraging attempts were far below maximal capacity for all lizards. Yearlings appeared to compensate for having lower absolute maximal capacity by using a greater percentage of their maximal capacity while foraging and escaping predators than did adults of either sex. We also found evidence for compensation within age and sex classes, where slower individuals used a greater percentage of their maximal capacity than faster individuals. However, this was true only while foraging and escaping predators and not while responding to a rival. Collared lizards appeared to choose microhabitats near refugia such that maximal speed was not necessary to escape predators. Although natural selection for predator avoidance cannot be ruled out as a selective force acting on locomotor performance in collared lizards, intrasexual selection for territory maintenance may be more important for territorial males.  相似文献   

The acoustic environment, composed in part by the vocalizations of sympatric animals, is a major source of information and can be used to fine-tune behavioural decisions. Active assessment of alarm calls within and between mammal species is not fully understood. We explored the behavioural responses of collared pikas to con- and heterospecific vocalizations, in order to determine whether they selectively attend to these calls. Pikas increased their vigilance after playback of alarm calls of heterospecific mammals (marmots and ground squirrels), but responded most strongly to conspecific calls. While responses to playback calls of their own, of neighbours and of a stranger did not differ, pikas did discriminate between individual callers in a habituation-discrimination experiment. The ability to make use of information from different sources in their acoustic environment likely facilitates pikas' behavioural decisions that affect foraging, predator avoidance and nepotism.  相似文献   

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