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Orchidaceae, the largest and most diverse family of flowering plants is widespread, with a broad range of ethnobotanical applications. Southern Africa is home to approximately 494 terrestrial and epiphytic orchid species, of which, 49 are used in African traditional medicine to treat cough and diarrheal symptoms, madness, promote conception, relieve pain, induce nausea, and expel intestinal worms and for many cultural practices. The biological activity and chemical composition of South African medicinal orchid species are yet to be explored fully. In this review we highlight the potential for pharmacological research on South African medicinal orchid species based on their traditional medicinal uses.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts are reported for 32 taxa (31 species and 1 subspecies) belonging to 10 genera of Commelinaceae from seven African and Asiatic countries. Counts for 13 species and 1 subspecies are recorded for the first time. Published chromosome numbers for Anhicopsis and Polyspatha are confirmed. It is suggested that Pdisota, Pollia and Stanfieldidla each has a single basic number (x = 20, 16 and 11, respectively). The known cytological diversity in Floscopa is extended. The third continental African species of Coleolrype is found to have the same chromosome number (2n = 36) as the other two. The preponderance of the basic number x = 15 in Commelina is supported. The uncommon basic number x = 13 is reported in four taxa of Cyanotis together with karyotypic differences. The basic number x = 6 is found in a second species of Murdannia . Karyotypic data in addition to chromosome numbers are presented for 24 of the 32 taxa investigated. Karyotypes are found to be useful in assessing relationships in the family, and evolutionary trends in the karyotype are noted.  相似文献   

Induction of flowering in orchids and controlling factors are briefly reviewed and results presented of observations on 121 epiphytic and 22 terrestrial West African orchid species under cultivation in Nigeria, together with field observations and published reports. It is concluded that about 66% of West African epiphytes flower during one fairly consistent period of the year, 21% during two or three periods and 13% over a long and variable period. At least 35% of the epiphytes and perhaps at least 27% of the terrestrials seem directly day-length controlled. Additional species appear indirectly influenced by day-length. Low temperature and temperature fluctuations induce flowering in other species. Moisture influences flowering only in shortening the time required for ontogenetic maturity. Epiphytes at high altitudes bloom earlier than plants in lowlands, and sometimes at different seasons. Possible genetically controlled blooming-time variations are mentioned.  相似文献   

The leafless Vanilla species complex from the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region has long been a taxonomic challenge, due to limited patterns of morphological differentiation and an absence of variation within chloroplast sequences. This complex includes seven known morphospecies: V. madagascariensis, V. bosseri, V. decaryana, and V. perrieri endemic to Madagascar, V. humblotii presumed as endemic to the Comoros Archipelago, but also present in Madagascar, V. roscheri from the East African coast, and V. phalaenopsis endemic to Seychelles. A previous population genetic study using microsatellite markers allowed us to distinguish, in addition to the five recognized Malagasy taxa, two other genetic clusters present in the East of the island. An integrative taxonomy approach was therefore conducted by combining microsatellite and morphological data used in the previous study with new data sets, and by adding ITS sequencing data, to validate the taxonomic level of these Malagasy genetic clusters and unravel phylogenetic relationships between SWIO species. As a result, based on phylogenetic, genotypic and morphological evidence, nine species were discriminated in the SWIO region, including seven in Madagascar, with two new eastern species. The leafless Vanilla group originated and diversified in Madagascar, from an ancestor of African descent, with three subsequent independent colonization events from Madagascar to the other territories of SWIO within the two main lineages (white versus yellow flower species). The new Malagasy species, V. allorgeae Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., and V. atsinananensis Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., are described and a new identification key is proposed.  相似文献   

At present there is karyological information on ca 10% of the species and ca 30% of the genera of the Apocynaceae. Basic numbers of x = 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 23 have been assessed. Of these x = 11 is primitive, occurring in ca 60% of the genera. Those of x = 6, 8, 9 and 10 have evolved by reduction, and x = 12 by increase from x = 11. In the subtribe Secondatiinae however, x = 12 is most likely the result of doubling x = 6. The numbers x = 16, 18 and 20 are likewise doubles of x = 8, 9 and 10 respectively. Those of x = 21, 23, and in one case, x = 20 are probably aneuploid products of doubles of x = 11. The two larger subfamilies, Plumerioideae and Apocynoideae have the basic numbers x = 8, 9, 10 and 11 in common and are not separable on the basis of chromosomal evidence. The third small subfamily Cerberoideae is more homogeneous according to basic number, i.e. x = 10 and 20. Most genera are characterized by a constant basic number, but some have two basic numbers; these clearly are cases of infrageneric aneuploidy. Based on records in the literature two closely related generaApocynum andTrachomitum appear to be characterized by a basic number of x = 8 as well as x = 11. This conflicting situation should be clarified by further karyological research. From the level of subtribe onwards some taxa have one basic number, but others are characterized by two or more numbers. The occurrence of similar basic numbers in different phylads of the family is considered to be the result of similar chromosomal evolution mechanisms. Approximately 22% of the investigated species are polyploid. Intrageneric polyploidy occurs with a frequency of about 12.5% and infraspecific polyploidy with less than 4%. The karyotypes observed are symmetrical: the chromosomes within a karyotype are similar in length with primary constrictions usually in a median position. In the Tabernaemontaneae however, it was observed that the karyotypes comprise one pair of distinctly heterobrachial chromosomes in addition to the metacentric ones. This tribe is also characterized by chromosomes which are relatively long. Most genera of the African continent, which are well known regarding their chromosome number, are characterized by x = 11. Exceptions areStrophantus (x = 9) with a mainly tropical African distribution. Two other genera with derived numbers, i.e.Gonioma with x = 10 andPachypodium with x = 9, occur in southern Africa and Madagascar. The genera with a non-African distribution are less known for their chromosome number. However, the available evidence suggests that evolution of derived numbers has occurred more frequently outside Africa than on this continent.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 13 species belonging to six genera of the tribeCichorieae (Compositae) are described. The role of base number variation and polyploidy, associated with structural alterations in speciation has been indicated and discussed. Close, affinities are seen between the members investigated, so that classification under one tribe is, supported on cytological grounds. Some observations on apomixis inTaraxacum are added, and the remarkable adaptability of one cytotype ofTaraxacum in the Himalayas is discussed.  相似文献   

Two sister species in Disa section Disa were studied to evaluate the effect that minor differences in floral color, shape, and scent have on pollination. D. atricapilla and D. bivalvata have overlapping distributional ranges, occupy similar habitats, flower at the same time, and often occur sympatrically. Observations at several sites indicate that each species is pollinated almost exclusively by male wasps. D. atricapilla is pollinated by Podalonia canescens (Sphecidae), while D. bivalvata is pollinated mainly by Hemipepsis hilaris Smith (Pompilidae). Both wasp genera appear to exhibit mate-seeking behavior when approaching and visiting flowers. This together with the absence of a floral reward suggests that D. atricapilla and D. bivalvata are pollinated through sexual deception. Pollination success often appears low, but because of long floral life spans, overall fruiting success is generally high. The occasional presence of hybrids in areas of sympatry is attributed to secondary beetle pollinators. The rarity of these hybrids indicates that prefertilization barriers between the species are usually strong. This is the first report of pollination through sexual deception for southern Africa.  相似文献   

On the basis of cytological data and with consideration of a wide literature, the taxonomy of Liliales as delimited by Hutchinson are represented. A review about phylogeny of Liliaceae in different systems is given. In the main part a great number of tribes of Liliaceae are treated with regard to delimitation, affinities and evolution. Further a cytological assessement of evolution and interrelationships of different families of Liliales with Liliaceae were indicated. Ultimately the lines of evolution of Liliaceae were debated. Especially e. g. the following more important conclusions were outlined: The primitive tribe Heloniadeae might have descended from Juncaginaceae. The potentiality of Asphodeleae as the progenitor of different tribes of Liliacae has been confirmed. The tribe Ophiopogoneae is quite homogeneous, whereas the tribe Hemerocalleae has been indicated as an unnatural group, and some genera are transfered under Agavales. The origin of Amaryllidaceae from Tulipeae and Hemerocallideae is confirmed. Agapantheae is an advanced representative of the subfamily Allioideae of Amaryllidaceae. In Polygonatum the “latifolium” type of “alternifolia” represents the primitive state with 9 or 10 as basic chromosome number. The midtertiary origin of Smilacina has been supported. Disporum of pleistocene origin is likely to have given rise to Polygonatum through diminution in chromosome size and asymmetry on the one hand and Smilacina on the other, with increase in asymmetry. Asiatic species of Disporum representing the most primitive form and have been reponsible for the evolution of the American species of Disporum and in another line of Aspidistreae, Convallarieae, and Peliosantheae. The creation of the tribes Dianelleae and Veratreae is supported. With the exclusion of Calochortus and Lloydia, Tulipeae would represent a homogeneous grouping. In Scilleae, Scilla sibirica with n = 6 chromosomes represents a primitive form. Muscari is to be separated into three genera. The Tulipeae should be divided into several assemblages which represents origin from a common stock.  相似文献   

While the role of various processes in inflammatory-related degenerative disorders is still being researched, many avenues of research have concentrated on the treatment and/or prevention of these disorders. Inflammatory-responses, the cholinergic system and oxidative stress have often been linked to the symptoms prevalent in aged persons and Alzheimer's patients. The current research explored the selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase activities of selected South African orchid extracts, currently traded in herbal markets along the east coast of South Africa. Out of a total of 53 evaluated extracts, significant anti-inflammatory activity was observed in nearly 40% of extracts in the COX-1 assay and 25% of extracts in the COX-2 assay. Overall, the DCM root extract of Ansellia africana was the most potent, the DCM tuber extract of Eulophia hereroensis was the only extract to significantly inhibit both COX enzymes, while all Bulbophyllum scaberulum organic root extracts exhibited COX-2 selective inhibitory activity. Bulbophyllum scaberulum DCM root extract was also the most effective anti-cholinesterase extract, performing better than galanthamine. In the single electron transfer (SET) (2,2′-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) reaction based assays, E. petersii pseudobulb and A. africana root extracts performed better than other extracts. In the hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) (β-carotene/linoleic acid assay) reaction-based assay, the leaf extract of Tridactyle tridentata and root extracts of Cyrtorchis arcuata and E. hereroensis exhibited the best antioxidant effects. The mutagenicity (Salmonella/microsome assay) was also determined. Organic leaf and root extracts of C. arcuata produced no genotoxic effects in comparison to the other tested species. None of the crude extracts tested demonstrated mutagenic effects using S. typhimurium strain TA98 with metabolic activation. The results obtained in this study validate the use of certain orchid species in South African traditional medicine for inflammation-related degenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the African and Malagasy species of Pimpinella is assessed using nrDNA ITS sequence data and a representative sampling of the genus, including 16 species from Africa and Madagascar and 26 species from Eurasia. The results of maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of these data show that the African and Malagasy species ally with their Eurasian counterparts in Pimpinelleae. The genus Pimpinella is rendered paraphyletic by the inclusion of African Cryptotaenia and the small African and Malagasy endemic genera Frommia and Phellolophium. Within a paraphyletic Pimpinella, three major clades are recovered, with the African species occupying two of these clades. The current sectional classification of the genus, based predominantly on fruit vestiture, is largely artificial. Chromosome base number, however, was found to be consistent with the groupings recovered in the molecular analyses. Those African and Malagasy Pimpinella species with a chromosome base number of x = 11 and largely glabrous petals and fruits, form the earliest diverging clade together with Frommia, which also has a base count of n = 11 and glabrous petals and fruits. The remaining African species ally with several Eurasian species of Pimpinella and share a chromosome base number of x = 9 and usually hairy petals and fruits.  相似文献   

Unlike the human lung, monopodial canine airway branching follows an irregular dichotomized pattern with fractal features. We studied three canine airway molds and found a self-similarity feature from macro- to microscopic scales, which formed a fractal set up to seven scales in the airways. At each fractal scale, lateral branches evenly lined up along an approximately straight main trunk to form three to four two-dimensional structures, and each lateral branch was the monopodial main trunk of the next fractal scale. We defined this pattern as the fractal main lateral-branching pattern, which exhibited similar structures from macro- to microscopic scales, including lobes, sublobes, sub-sublobes, etc. We speculate that it, rather than a mother-daughter pattern, could better describe the actual asymmetrical architecture of the monopodial canine airway.  相似文献   

Cytotaxonomical investigations on 11 species from the Western Himalayas show that 8 are diploid and the remaining tetraploid. The numbers for three species are new.P. prescottianum (2x) andP. thomsoni (4x), andP. stimulans (2x) andP. acanthophyllum (4x) are closely related but distinct species pairs.  相似文献   

Floristic biodiversity and history of African arid regions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phytochorological patterns of the arid flora of Africa are discussed on various levels. The arid regions of the African continent are linked by a large number of taxa with disjunct distribution. Analysis of these disjunct patterns supports the hypothesis of fragmentation of a once continuous arid belt running from the Namib desert region to the Western Sahara via East Africa. The flora of the arid regions of Southern Africa shows regular patterns, e.g. identical fragmentation of distribution areas of several taxa on an infrafamilial or infrageneric level, allowing formulation of a hypothesis concerning the sequence of differentiation steps during formation of the floras. Very interesting patterns can be attributed to effects of the last glaciation. For example, disjunct distribution patterns in the Namib region can be interpreted as a result of survival of palaeotropical taxa in warm refuge areas during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

中国蜘蛛抱蛋属的细胞分类学研究Ⅱ   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
王任翔  李光照  郎楷永  韦毅刚  刘演   《广西植物》2000,20(2):138-143+193
报道了 11种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的染色体数目和核型。结果如下 :伞柱蜘蛛抱蛋 ** ,2 n=36 =2 0 m+6 sm(2 sat) +10 st,属 2 C型 ;辐花蜘蛛抱蛋 ** ,2 n=38=2 2 m+6 sm(2 sat) +10 st,属 2 C型 ;棒蕊蜘蛛抱蛋 **,2 n =36 =18m +8sm (2 sat) +10 st,属 2 C型 ;柳江蜘蛛抱蛋 **,2 n=38=2 0 m +6 sm(2 sat) +12 st,属 2 C型 ;小花蜘蛛抱蛋 ,2 n=38=16 m +4sm +8st (2 sat) +10 t,属 3C型 ;线叶蜘蛛抱蛋 ** ,2 n=36 =2 0 m(2 sat) +16 st,属 2 C型 ;罗甸蜘蛛抱蛋 ,2 n=38=16 m+6 sm(2 sat) +16 st,属 2 C型 ;四川蜘蛛抱蛋 ,2 n=38=2 4 m +4sm+10 st (2 sat) ,属 2 C型 ;广东蜘蛛抱蛋 ,2 n=36 =18m +2 sm(2 sat) +16 st,属 2 C型 ;洞生蜘蛛抱蛋 **,2 n=36 =18m +2 sm(2 sat) +14st+2 t,属 2 C型 ;大花蜘蛛抱蛋 ,2 n=36 =16 m+6 sm(2 sat) +14st,属 3C型。其中棒蕊蜘蛛抱蛋、柳江蜘蛛抱蛋、线叶蜘蛛抱蛋和洞生蜘蛛抱蛋的染色体数目和核型以及广东蜘蛛抱蛋的核型均为首次报道。  相似文献   

贵州产蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的细胞分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了6种贵州产蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的染色体数目和核型,并与其相应近缘种对比,联系植物的外部形态特征,探讨核型结构与形态特征的相关性.发现1个种的染色体数目为2n =36,5个种的染色体数目为2n =38,核型公式分别为:平塘蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra pingtangensis),2n =38 =20m +4sm(2sat) +14st;荔波蜘蛛抱蛋(A.liboensis),2n =38 =22m(2sat)+4sm+ 12st;赤水蜘蛛抱蛋(A.chishuiensis),2n =38 =22m(2sat)+8sm +8st;伞柱蜘蛛抱蛋(A.fungilliformis),2n =36=18m (2sat) +4sm+ 14st;四川蜘蛛抱蛋(A.sichuanensis),2n =38 =22m (2sat) +4sm +12st;丛生蜘蛛抱蛋(A caespitosa),2n =38 =20m +6sm(2sat) +12st.核型类型都为2C型.其中平塘蜘蛛抱蛋、荔波蜘蛛抱蛋和赤水蜘蛛抱蛋的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道.研究结果表明,该属植物的核型结构与外部形态特征具有一定的相关性,细胞分类学研究可以为该属植物起源进化研究以及自然分类鉴定提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

The silver staining Ag-I for detection of nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) in the African green monkey chromosomes was used. NOR were situated on the secondary constrictions of one pair of homologous marker chromosomes and consisted of two parts. A block of condensed chromatin was seen in the middle of the despiralized portion corresponding to the secondary constriction. The data suggest that the stalks of satellites of chromosomes, rather than satellites themselves, are regions of nucleolar organizer.  相似文献   

Various species ofTaxodiaceae were selected for chromosome studies to indicate cytotaxonomic and phylogenetic relationships. Point dispersal patterns of diagrammatic presentations of the species' karyotypes, rather than marker chromosomes, were found to be the most significant cytotaxonomic characteristic in indicating phylogenetic relationships. Karyotypic evolution inTaxodiaceae appears to occur by unequal reciprocal translocations followed by pericentric and paracentric inversions. Cytotaxonomic relationships among species generally correspond to the phylogenetic relationships withinTaxodiaceae indicated by classical taxonomic classification. Presence and types of marker chromosomes may have the potential to indicate relationships between different coniferous families.  相似文献   

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