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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
BONING, J.: The insect ovary. Ultrastructure, previtello-genic growth and evolution
ROBINSON, G. S.; NIELSEN, E. S.: Tineid Genera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, Vol. 2
COMMON, I. F. B.: Oecophorine genera of Australia I. The Wingia group. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, Vol. 3
REAL, L. A. (ed.): Ecological genetics
KRIMBAS, C. B.: Drosophila subobscura. Biology, Genetics and Inversion Polymorphism
BENECKE, N.: Der Mensch und seine Haustiere  相似文献   

Dugdale, J. S.: Lepidoptera - annotated catalogue and keys to family-group taxa.
Heimer, S.; Nentwig, W.: Spinnen Mitteleuropas - Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Berlin und Hamburg: Verlag Paul Parey 1991.
Brauns, A.: Taschenbuch der Waldinsekten. Grundriß einer terrestrischen Bestands-und Standort-Entomologie.
Löser, S.: Exotische Insekten, Tausendfüßer und Spinntiere.
Hewitt, G.M.; Johnston, A.W. B.; Young, J. P. W. (eds.): Molecular techniques in taxonomy .
Henkel, F.W.; Schmidt, W.: Geckos. Biologie, Haltung und Zucht.
Nickel/Schummer/Seiferle: Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere .
Z ell , R.A.: Das Gen-Zeitalter - Menschen, Mächte, Moleküle.  相似文献   

F rost , D. R.; E theridge , R.: A Phylogenetic Analysis and Taxonomy of Iguanian Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata).
C lutton -B rock , T. H. (ed.): Reproductive success. Studies of individual variation in contrasting breeding systems.
H armelin -V ivien , M.; B ourlière , F. (eds.): Vertebrates in Complex Tropical Systems. Ecological Studies
E lsner , N.; S inger , W. (eds.): Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems.
G roves , C olin P.: A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution.
E benman , B.; P ersson , L. (eds.): Size structured populations - ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Parasitoids. Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology
Oecophorine Genera of Australia, Vol. 1 The Wingia Group (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera 3
Predation and defence amongst reptiles by J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson.
Tnlobites by H. B. Whittington.
Snakes of the World: A Checklist. Vol.1, Venomous Snakes; Vol.2, Boas, Pythons, Shield-tails and Worm snakes
Hedgehogs, by N. Reeve
Tettigoniidae of Australia. Vol. 2, The Austrosaginae, Zaprochilinae and Phasmodinae, by D. C. F. Rentz. Victoria, Australia
Antarctic Seals: Research Models and Techniques
The Freshwater Crustacea of Yorkshire. A Faunistic and Ecological Survey
Butterflies and Climate Change
Mammoths, Mastodonts and Elephants. Biology, Behaviour, and the Fossil Record
Beetle Larvae of the World  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: GHISELIN, M. T.: Metaphysics and the Origin of Species BORNMALM, L.: Taxonomy and paleoecology of late Neogene benthic foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean HARVEY, P. H., LEIGH BROWN, A. J., MAYNARD SMITH, J. & NEE, S. (eds) New Uses for New Phylogenies WATANABE, Y.; FUSETANI, N. (eds) 1998: Sponge Science-Multidisciplinary Perspectives HELFMAN, G. S.; COLLETTE, B. B.; FACEY, D. E. 1997. The Diversity of Fishes  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Biology of the Tardigrades, by Ian M. Kinchin
Oecophorine Genera of Australia, Vol 1 The Wingia Group (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Monographs on Australia Lepidoptera 3, by Ian F. B. Common
Parasitoids. Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology, by H. C. J. Godfray
Predation and Defence amongst Reptiles, by J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson
The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic, by A. R. Pittaway
The Brackish Water Fauna of Northwestern Europe, by R. S. K. Barnes
Fishes of the World, by Joseph S. Nelson  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Austral ecology》1982,7(3):317-323
Book Reviewed in this article Birds of the North Solomons. Wau Ecology Institute Handbook No. 8 Don Hadden An Atlas of Distribution of the Freshwater Fish Families of the World Tim M. Berra Estimating the Size of Animal Populations J. G. Blower, L. M. Cook & J. A. Bishop The Ecology of Pests: Some Australian Case Histories R.L. Kitching and R.E. Jones (eds) Demography and Evolution in Plant Populations Edited by Otto Solbrig, Botanical Monographs Volume 15  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》2001,149(7-8):485-492
Wilkinson, R. E. (ed.) Plant-Environment Interactions, Second Edition.
Stacey, G.; Keen, N. T. (eds) : Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Shurtle, M. C.; C. W. Averre Ill : Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes.
Tjamos, E. C., R. C. Rowe, J. B. Heale, D. R. Fravel (eds) : Advances in Verticillium: Research and Disease Management.
Frederiksen, R. A.; G. N. Odvody (eds) : Compedium of Sorghum Diseases.
Podila, G. K., D. D. Douds Jr. (eds) : Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research.
Kronstad, J. W. (ed.) : Fungal Pathology.
Agrawal, A. A., S. Tuzun, E. Bent (eds) : Induced Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores. Biochemistry, Ecology, and Agriculture.
Bartels, G.; Backhaus, G. F. (Hrg.) : Die Pr̈ng von Panzen auf ihre Widerstandsfhigkeit gegen Schadorganismen in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt. Teil 2 Resistenzpr̈ng von Kulturpanzen im Acker- und Gartenbau gegen Pilze, Bakterien und Viren-Testing of crop cultivars for resistance to noxious organisms at the Federal Biological Research Centre. Part 2. Testing of resistance of field and horticultural crops to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanstalt för Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 373.
Bacon, Ch. W., L. F. White Jr. (eds) : Microbial Endophytes.
Siddiqi, M. R. : Tylenchida. Parasites of Plants and Insects.
Khetan, S. K. : Microbial Pest Control.
Upadhyay, R. K., K. G. Mukerji, B. P. Chamola (eds) : Biocontrol Potential and its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Welling, M. (Hrsg.): Auswirkungen von Ackerschonstreifen . Englert, W. D.; Holz, B.: Witterung, Entwicklung der Reben, Krankheiten und Schädlinge, Nützlinge und Schädigungen im Weinbau 1985 und 1986 . Mehlhorn, H.; Piekarski, G.: Grundriß der Parasitenkunde . Parasiten des Menschen und der Nutztiere. 3. Soós, A.; Papp, L. (eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera . Gee, J. H. R.; Giller, P. S. (eds.): Organization of communities past and present . Oxford-London-Edinburgh-Boston-Palo Alto-Melbourne: Blackwell Scientific Publications 1987. Lugtenberg, B. (ed.): Recognition in Microbe-Plant Symbiotic and Pathogenic Interactions .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this articles
H ofbauer , J.; S igmund , K.: Evolutionstheorie and dynamische Systeme. Mathematische Aspekte der Selektion.
S impson , G. G.
O xnard , C h .
M ayr , E.
H entschel , E.; W agner , G.
R enner , M.
G onick , L.; W heelis , M.
R obinson , G. S.
E ldredge , N.; S tanlay , S. M. (eds.)
R emane , A.; S torch , V.; W elsch , U.
A x , P.
Regressive Evolution und Phylogenese.  相似文献   

Otte , D.; Endler , J. A. (eds.): Speciation and its consequences. Promp , D. W.: Sozialisation und Ontogenese – ein biosoziologischer Ansatz. Common , I. F. B.: Moths of Australia. Oxnard , Ch . E.; Crompton , R. H.; Lieberman , S. S.: Animal Lifestyles and Anatomies. Niethammer , J.; Krapp , F.: Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Kurt , F.: Das Reh in der Kulturlandschaft. Skuhravá , M.; Skuhravý , V.: Atlas of Galls induced by Gall Midges.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
reviews type of article–
M ason , J. L. (ed.): Evolution of domesticated animals . London, New York: Longman 1984.
G riffiths , G. C. D. (ed.): Flies of the Nearctic Region . Vol. VIII: Cyclorrhapha II (Schizophora: Calyptratae), Part 2 Anthomyiidae, Number 1 by G. C. D. G riffiths . Stuttgart: E. Schweitzerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1982.
S impson , G. G.: Penguins . Past and Present, Here and There. New Haven and London: Yale University Press 1983.
G ans , E.; P ouch , F. H. (eds.): Biology of the Reptilia . Vol. 12. New York – London: Academic Press 1982. 564 S. DM 353,–. G ans , E. (ed.):
M atsuno , K.; D ose , K.; H arada , K.; R ohlfing , D. L. (eds.): Molecular Evolution and Protobiology . New York, London
F elsenstein , J. (ed.): Numerical Taxonomy . Nato AS1 Series. Series G Ecological Sciencesxs
S meets , W. J. A. J.; N ieuwenhuys , R.; R oberts , B. L.: The Central Nervous System of Cartilaginous Fishes . Structure and Functional Correlations. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1983
H echt , M. K.; W allace , B.; P range , G. T. (eds.): Evolutionary Biology . Vol. 18. New York and London  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
RACEY, P. A.; SWIFT, S. M. (eds): Ecology, evolution and behaviour of bats. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London
TAYLOR, J. D. (ed.); Origin and evolutionary radiation of the Mollusca: centenary symposium of the Malacological Society of London.  相似文献   

T embrock , G.: Spezielle Verhaltensbiologie der Tiere.
C hiarelli , A. B.; C orruccini , R. S. (eds.): Primate evolutionary biology.
K unz , T h . H. (ed.): Ecology of Bats.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
E isenberg , J. F.; K leiman , D. G. (eds.): Advances in the study of Mammalian Behavior
W alter , H.; B reckle , S. -W.: Ökologie der Erde
O elschläger , H. A.: Vergleichende und funktionelle Anatomie der Allotriognathi (= Lampridiformes), ein Beitrag zur Evolutionsmorphologie der Knochenfische
M atuszewski , B.: Animal Cytogenetics
N achtigall , W. (ed.): BIONA-report 1 (Atmung, Stoffwechsel, Flügelbewegung), BIONA-report 2 (Neuro-, Shines- und Muskelphysiologie)  相似文献   

A. Hoffman & M. H. Nitecki (eds.) 1987: Problematic Fossil Taxa. Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics no. 5. 267 pp. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0–19–503992–0. Price £60 (bound).  相似文献   

M ayr , E rnst ; A shlock , P eter D.: Principles of Systematic Zoology.
N orberg , U lla M.: Vertebrate. Flight. Mechanics, Physiology, Morphology, Ecology and Evolution.
B ischof , H.-J.: NeuroethoIogie - Einführung in die neurophysiologischen Grundla-gen des Verhaltens.
H illis , M. D.; M oritz , C. (eds.): Molecular Systematics.
G eiger , G.: Evolutionary Instability, Logical and Material Aspects of a Unified Theory of Biosocial Evolution.
S chmidt -K ittler , N.; W illmann , R. (eds.): Phylogeny and the Classification of Fossil and Recent Organisms.
P eters , G.;H utterer , R. (eds.): Vertebrates in the Tropics.
F utuyama , D ouglas J.: Evolutionsbiologie.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
S nowdon , C h . T.; B rown , C h . H.; P etersen , M. R. (eds.): Primate Communication
M oynihan , M.; R odaniche , A. F.: The Behaviour and Natural History of the Caribbean Reef Squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea
M ossakowski , D.; R oth , G. (ed.): Environmental Adaptation and Evolution
S impson , G. G.: Splendid isolation  相似文献   

N ei , M.: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics .
B radbury , J. W.; A ndersson , M. B. (Eds.): Sexual Selection: Testing the Alternatives .
B otosaneanu , L. (Ed.): Stygofauna Mundi . A Faunistic, Distributional and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial).
E ndler , J. A.: Natural Selection in the Wild . Monographs in Population Biology 21.
R uttner , F.: Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees . Berlin–Heidelberg–New York–London–Paris–Tokyo
M engel , K.: Einführung in die Biochemie . 3., vollst. bearb. u. erweit. Aufl., Giessen: Verlag der Ferber'schen Universitätsbuchhandlung 1988.
K ämpfe , C.; K ittel , R.; K lapperstück , J.: Leitfaden der Anatomie der Wirbeltiere.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ulanowsky, Carole (ed.) The Family in the Age of Biotechnology
Arnold, Robert M.; Youngner, Stuart J.; Schapiro Renie and Spicer, Carol Mason (eds) Procuring Organs for Transplant: The Debate over Non-Heart-Beating Cadaver Protocols
Little, Miles Humane Medicine
Grubb, Andrew and Mehlman, Maxwell J. (eds) Justice and Health Care: Comparative Perspectives
Nordenfelt, Lennart (ed.) Concepts and Measurements of Quality of Life in Health Care
Lamb, David (ed.) Therapy Abatment, Autonomy and Futility
White, Becky Cox Competence to Consent  相似文献   

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