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7种甲真菌病致病菌的侵袭力比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察红色毛癣菌、白念珠菌、红酵母、短帚霉、串珠镰刀菌、烟曲霉、绳状青霉是否具有侵犯离体甲板的能力,并比较其侵袭能力的强弱。方法将无菌甲板接种于红色毛癣菌、白念珠菌、红酵母、短帚霉、串珠镰刀菌、烟曲霉、绳状青霉7种真菌的3种不同培养基(固体沙氏培养皿、液体沙氏试管及生理盐水试管)中,定期用NaOH溶甲法分析甲板受侵程度。结果某些非皮肤癣菌性丝状真菌侵犯体外甲板的能力与红色毛癣菌基本相同,但丝状真菌比酵母菌强,酵母菌中白念珠菌比红酵母强。同一种真菌在固体培养基上对甲板的侵袭力远比在液体培养基中或生理盐水中强。结论一定条件下,某些非皮肤癣菌也能直接侵犯甲板。真菌侵犯甲的能力与其形成菌丝的能力及其与甲板接触的稳定性成正比。  相似文献   

目的 了解短波紫外线对几种常见浅部真菌生长的影响.方法 将红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌、絮状表皮癣菌、白念珠菌、光滑念珠菌、近平滑念珠菌、热带念珠菌、克柔念珠菌、青霉、短帚霉、枝顶孢霉接种在沙氏培养基上,按不同照射功率、不同照射距离和不同照射时间分组用紫外线灯进行照射,观察记录照射后菌落的生长情况,并在透射电镜下观察菌丝或孢子的形态结构变化.结果 犬小孢子菌、絮状表皮癣菌、白念珠菌、近平滑念珠菌、克柔念珠菌经照射后停止生长;红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、光滑念珠菌、热带念珠菌、短帚霉和枝顶孢霉在某些照射条件下可以继续生长,但生长速度减缓.结论 短波紫外线对常见浅部真菌有不同程度的杀灭和抑制作用,该作用的大小与紫外线照射强度和照射时间成正比,与照射距离成反比.  相似文献   

目的通过建立真菌透甲模型,观察真菌透甲时间,来探讨红色毛癣菌与短帚霉的相互作用。方法建立真菌透甲模型,分为红色毛癣菌组、短帚霉组、短帚霉-红色毛癣菌混合组,分析各组透甲时间。结果透甲模型中,红色毛癣菌的透甲时间为(9.46±1.89)d,短帚霉的透甲时间为(2.62±0.96)d,混合组中短帚霉的透甲时间为(2.54±0.78)d。结论体外透甲模型中,短帚霉比红色毛癣菌先穿透甲板。混合组中,红色毛癣菌对短帚霉的透甲时间无明显影响。  相似文献   

目的 构建一个简单、经济的新的甲真菌病体外模型.方法 制备猪甲板,在其腹侧面中央黏贴一个“O”型圈,将受试菌液加入“O”型圈内,将甲板放置培养皿中培养,用大体观察及组织病理的方法动态观察不同真菌侵袭甲板的情况.结果 用猪甲板制备甲真菌病体外模型,通过该模型观察了红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌以及白念珠菌穿透甲板的能力.通过组织病理学方法观察到了真菌动态穿透甲板的过程.结论 该模型适用于评估真菌对甲板的致病作用.  相似文献   

目的了解国内甲真菌病病原菌的种类和构成情况,掌握流行病学资料。方法对真菌镜检阳性的1 428例甲真菌病患者进行真菌培养和临床分析。结果真菌培养阳性率为53.9%,分离出病原菌800株。其中皮肤癣菌占84.0%,以红色毛癣菌为主(80.9%),其次为指(趾)间毛癣菌和絮状表皮癣菌。酵母菌占11.4%,以念珠菌属为主(10.1%),尤以近平滑念珠菌为主,其次为白念珠菌和热带念珠菌。其他霉菌占4.6%,以枝顶孢霉为主(2.3%),其次曲霉属、青霉属、毛壳菌属、镰刀菌属和帚霉属等。结论本研究显示甲真菌病病原菌以皮肤癣菌为主,其次为酵母菌和霉菌。  相似文献   

目的探讨聚六亚甲基双胍(PHMB)对浅部真菌病常见致病菌的杀灭作用。方法参照标准的微量液基稀释法和琼脂稀释法检测PHMB粉剂和溶液对红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌及白念珠菌临床分离株的体外最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MFC)。结果 PHMB对红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌和白念珠菌临床分离株的MIC范围分别为1.0~4.0μg/mL、2.0~4.0μg/mL、2.0~4.0μg/mL和0.3~5.0μg/mL;MFC范围分别为2.0~8.0μg/mL、 4.0μg/mL、2.0~4.0μg/mL和5.0~10.0μg/mL。琼脂稀释法结果表明PHMB溶液浓度为1.25%时,红色毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌和须癣毛癣菌无菌落生长;PHMB溶液浓度为0.32%时,白念珠菌无菌落生长。加入透皮剂氮酮后,杀菌效果并无改变。结论 PHMB对浅部真菌病常见的致病真菌皮肤癣菌及白念珠菌具有较好的抑制和杀灭作用。  相似文献   

不同地区浅部真菌病病原菌流行状况比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的了解近半年来华东、华南、华北地区浅部真菌病病原菌的种类、构成情况以及菌种变迁。方法以近半年来在上海、广州、北京3家教学医院皮肤科就诊的浅部真菌病患者为3个地区的代表,对具有典型浅部真菌病临床表现且真菌镜检阳性的患者进行致病真菌的分离培养。结果共分离出致病真菌926株,其中红色毛癣菌544株(58.7%),念珠菌132株(14.3%),犬小孢子菌119株(12.9%),须癣毛癣菌23株(2.5%),石膏小孢子菌16株(1.7%)。华东地区浅部真菌构成比复杂,华南及华北地区相对简单。结论不同地区浅部致病真菌菌种及构成比存在差异;三地红色毛癣菌均仍占优势;而念珠菌和犬小孢子菌所占比例有上升趋势。  相似文献   

真菌性肉芽肿在感染性肉芽肿中占第二位。引起肉芽肿的真菌种类繁多,包括球孢子菌、组织孢浆菌、芽生菌、隐球菌、副球孢子菌、孢子丝菌、着色芽生菌、暗色丝孢菌、链格孢霉、霉菌性足分支菌、洛博芽生菌、鼻孢子菌、结合菌、斑替支孢霉等,此外红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌等皮肤癣菌和白念珠菌等也可引起肉芽肿。该文综述真菌性肉芽肿的病因及发病机制、临床表现、诊断及鉴别诊断、治疗等研究进展。  相似文献   

目的观察1064nmNd:YAG激光对5种甲真菌病重要致病菌(红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、白念珠菌、近平滑念珠菌、烟曲霉)生长的影响。方法将各菌的菌悬液均匀点种于培养基上,生长至形成一定大小的菌落,给予不同能量1064nmNd:YAG激光照射,皮肤癣菌类观察激光照射后第1、3、6天菌落生长受抑制的直径变化情况;念珠菌类观察其次代培养存活率的差异;烟曲霉菌悬液铺满整个平皿,观察经不同能量激光照射受抑制的菌落空白处直径大小差异。结果在体外,当激光能量累计达到3200J/cm^2时,可对培养基上生长的以上各菌产生生长抑制作用,且随着能量增大,抑制作用增强,甚至可发生杀灭作用。结论1064nmNd:YAG激光当能量累计达到一定量时可对甲真菌病致病菌产生明显的生长抑制或杀灭作用。  相似文献   

目的通过分析汉麻织物、含纳米银锦纶纤维织物和无机银抗菌整理后棉布对红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌生长的影响,探讨抗菌织物对皮肤癣菌的抑制作用。方法制备红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌的菌悬液,分别接种于上述抗菌织物,并紧贴在PDA培养基表面培养,每12 h观察菌落形态及大小,根据菌落平均直径绘制生长曲线。结果三种抗菌织物上24 h内均未见菌落生长。①汉麻布样上,红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌菌落直径分别在36-84 h、36-72 h时间区间内小于棉布组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05),之后与棉布组渐趋一致。②含纳米银锦纶织物上,在36-108 h内红色毛癣菌菌落直径小于棉布组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05),120 h时已无显著差异(P〉0.05),须癣毛癣菌在48 h后才开始生长,在60-108 h区间内菌落直径小于棉布对照(P〈0.05)。③无机银抗菌整理后棉布样上,红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌分别在48 h和60 h后才开始生长,在120 h以内两种皮肤癣菌菌落直径均小于棉布组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论三种抗菌织物与棉布相比较,在一定时间区间内,均可显著抑制红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌的生长,尤其是经无机银抗菌整理后棉布的抑菌更有效和持久。  相似文献   

The onychomycosis incidence was determined in 250 type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients who were registered at the Internal Medicine Service from a Mexico city General Hospital throughout a year (January-December 2006). Out of the total of studied T2DM patients, 93 (37.2%) showed ungual dystrophy and from these, in 75.3% a fungal etiology was corroborated. Out of 70 patients, 34 were men and 36 women, with an average of 63.5 years. Correlation between T2DM evolution time and onychomycosis was significant (P < 0.01). Distal-lateral subungual and total dystrophic onychomycosis were the most frequent clinical types (55.1% and 33.7%, respectively). Fifty-eight fungal isolates were obtained; 48.6% corresponded to dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum being the first species (37.1%). All these strains corresponded to two morphological varieties: "yellow" and typical downy. From the yeast-like isolates, 12 corresponded to Candida spp., firstly C. albicans and C. parapsilosis; three to Cryptococcus spp. (C. albidus, C. uniguttulatus and C. laurentii); two Trichosporon asahii; and only one to Pichia ohmeri. Six non-dermatophytic molds were isolated: two Chrysosporium keratinophylus, two Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, one Aspergillus fumigatus, and one Acremonium sp. The fungal mixture corresponded to T. mentagrophytes with C. guilliermondii; T. mentagrophytes with C. glabrata; T. rubrum with C. glabrata; T. rubrum with P. ohmeri.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of tinea pedis and onychomycosis in children of elementary school age and to examine the socio-demographic attributes that may be effective in correlation of both mycoses. 3,390 female and 3,768 male children between ages 6-14 have been examined in seven schools. Skin scrapings and nail samples were taken from 13 students who were suspected to have tinea pedis and from 49 students who were suspected to have onychomycosis. According to direct microscopy (10-15% KOH+calcofluor white) and culturel examination (Sabouraud dextrose agar and dermatophyte test medium) 11 students were diagnosed as tinea pedis and 24 were diagnosed as onychomycosis. Trichophyton rubrum was isolated in 3 students with tinea pedis whose culture was positive and five Candida albicans, five Candida glabrata and one Candida tropicalis cases were isolated from 11 samples with onychomycosis. Tinea pedis prevalence has been found to be 3.3%0. Differences between onychomycosis prevalence based on age have been found to be significant (p < 0.001). In conclusion, it has been determined that the prevalence of tinea pedis and onychomycosis among children is low. Candida spp. was isolated from all of the 14 samples diagnosed as onychomycosis. Our study shows similar results with previous studies done in Turkey and that Trichophyton rubrum continues to be the most isolated agent.  相似文献   

A survey on keratinophilic fungi from poultry-farm soils at Namakkal and from feather dumping soils at Chennai, India, revealed the existence of 34 species of fungi. Most of the fungi exhibited variable efficiency in producing extracellular keratinase when grown in plates with chicken feathers as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. The fungi Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor, Chrysosporium state of Arthroderma tuberculatum, Paecilomyces carneus, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Trichoderma viride, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes were efficient candidates to degrade the feathers. However, when cultivating the strains in submerged conditions in a medium containing chicken feathers as the sole nutrients source, Aspergillus glaucus, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium solani, and Penicillium citrinum also proved to be potent. Among all species, S. brevicaulis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes produced higher amounts of keratinase in both methods. Conditions for keratinase production were optimized by statistical design and surface plots. The highest keratinase activity was estimated by S. brevicaulis (3.2 KU/mL) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (2.7 KU/mL) in the culture medium with chicken feathers and shows (79% and 72.2% of degrading ability, respectively).  相似文献   

易顺强  刘丽 《中国真菌学杂志》2012,7(5):284-286,289
目的了解濮阳地区部分浅部真菌病中两种及两种以上真菌混合感染的情况。方法对临床确诊为浅部真菌病的患者456例,取标本行10%KOH直接镜检、真菌培养及菌种鉴定。登记确诊患者相关临床资料,分析其中混合感染的发病特点。结果确诊皮肤癣菌和念珠菌混合感染病例36例,分离率为7.89%,多见于股部(58.33%)和足部(27.78%);分离菌株72株,皮肤癣菌中以红色毛癣菌为主(75.00%),念珠菌中以非白念珠菌为主(72.22%)。结论濮阳地区部分浅部真菌病中混合感染主要为皮肤癣菌和念珠菌的混合感染,多见于股部和足部;致病菌以红色毛癣菌和非白念珠菌为主。  相似文献   

Fungicidal activities of pentachloronitrobenzene and derivatives were tested with Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Microsporon canis. In relation to pentachloronitrobenzene, no increasing fungistatic activities were found with cysteine derivatives. Rising fungistatic activities were seen with pentachlorophenylmethylsulfone and, in some of the strains, with pentachloronitrosobenzene, pentachlorothiophenol, pentachlorophenol, pentachloroaniline, pentachlorophenylmethylsulfoxide, the isomeric tetrachloronitrobenzenes, tetrachlorothiophenols, tetrachlorophenols, and tetrachloroanilines.  相似文献   

We examined tea extract, (-) epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) and theaflavin digallate (TF3) for their antifungal and fungicidal activities against Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Tea extract (2.5%) inhibited completely the growth of both T. mentagrophytes and T. rubrum. EGCg at 2.5 mg/ml failed to inhibit their growth, whereas TF3 at 0.5 mg/ml inhibited the growth. EGCg (1mg/ml) showed no fungicidal activity against Trichophyton. TF3 (1mg/ml) killed Trichophyton by a long time contact (72-96 hrs). Tea extract showed a fungicidal activity against Trichophyton in a dose- and contact time-dependent manner. It did not inhibit the growth of C. albicans, but at a high concentration, inhibited slightly the growth of C. neoformans. It had no fungicidal activity against C. albicans or C. neoformans.  相似文献   

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