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The ability to produce diacetyl from pyruvate and l-serine was studied in various strains of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Pediococcus acidilactici isolated from cheese. After being incubated on both substrates, only P. pentosaceus produced significant amounts of diacetyl. This property correlated with measurable serine dehydratase activity in cell extracts. A gene encoding the serine dehydratase (dsdA) was identified in P. pentosaceus, and strains that showed no serine dehydratase activity carried mutations that rendered the gene product inactive. A functional dsdA was cloned from P. pentosaceus FAM19132 and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant enzyme catalyzed the formation of pyruvate from l- and d-serine and was active at low pH and elevated NaCl concentrations, environmental conditions usually present in cheese. Analysis of the amino acid profiles of culture supernatants from dsdA wild-type and dsdA mutant strains of P. pentosaceus did not show differences in serine levels. In contrast, P. acidilactici degraded serine. Moreover, this species also catabolized threonine and produced alanine and α-aminobutyrate.  相似文献   

Multilocus sequence typing with nine selected genes is shown to be a promising new tool for accurate identifications of Brevibacteriaceae at the species level. A developed microarray also allows intraspecific diversity investigations of Brevibacterium aurantiacum showing that 13% to 15% of the genes of strain ATCC 9174 were absent or divergent in strain BL2 or ATCC 9175.Brevibacteriaceae play a major part in the cheese smear community (6, 11). The classification and typing of cheese-related Brevibacteriaceae have been based mainly on molecular methods such as amplified ribosomal DNA restriction enzyme analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and ribotyping (8, 10, 12). Recently, the original Brevibacterium linens group was split into two species on the basis of their physiological and biochemical characteristics, the sugar and polyol composition of their teichoic acids, and their 16S rRNA sequence and DNA-DNA hybridization levels. One species remains B. linens and is represented by type strain ATCC 9172. The other, represented by type strain ATCC 9175, has been renamed Brevibacterium aurantiacum. Regarding this new classification, the taxonomic position of cheese-related isolates has to be revisited and potential relationships between phylogenetic affiliation and the potential occurrence of given metabolic characteristics redefined (7). The unfinished genome sequence of B. aurantiacum ATCC 9174 has recently been released by the Joint Genome Institute (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/draft_microbes/breli/breli.home.html). The development of focused phylogenetic approaches using multiple markers in conjunction with whole-genome screening techniques such as comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has proven to be useful for the detailed characterization of pathogenic species, including food pathogens (3, 5, 9). However, only a few technological species have been investigated at an intraspecies level (2). Our intention was thus to develop modern tools to facilitate the typing of strains of technological interest, for which Brevibacteriaceae could be used as a case study.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the autolytic phenotype of Pediococcus acidilactici and P. pentosaceus, the peptidoglycan hydrolases content and the effect of pediocin AcH/PA-1 and autolysins on cell lysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: The autolytic phenotype of Pediococcus strains was evaluated under starvation conditions in potassium phosphate buffer. The strains tested showed an extent of autolysis ranging between 40 and 90% after 48 h of starvation at 37 degrees C. Peptidoglycan hydrolase content was evaluated by renaturing sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using cells of Micrococcus lysodeikticus as a target for the enzymatic activity and a major activity band migrating at about 116 kDa was detected. Additional secondary lytic bands migrating in a range of molecular weight between 45 and 110 kDa were also detected. The lytic activity, evaluated in the presence of different chemicals, was retained in 15 mM CaCl2 and in a range of pH between 5 and 9.5 but was strongly reduced in presence of 8% NaCl and in the presence of protease inhibitors. The substrate specificity of peptidoglycan hydrolases of Pediococcus strains was evaluated in renaturing SDS-PAGE incorporating cells of different bacterial species. Lytic activity was detected against cells of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus and Listeria monocytogenes. The interaction between pediocin AcH/PA-1 and autolysis was evaluated and a relevant effect of bacteriocin in cell-induced lysis was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The autolytic phenotype is widely distributed among P. acidilactici and P. pentosaceus and the rate of autolysis is high in the majority of the analysed strains. Several autolytic bands, detected by renaturing SDS-PAGE, retained their activity against several lactic acid bacteria and L. monocytogenes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The characterization of the autolytic phenotype of Pediococcus acidilactici and P. pentosaceus strains should expand the knowledge of their role in fermentation processes where these species occur as primary or secondary bacterial population.  相似文献   

Production of bacteriocin activity designated pediocin PA-1 was associated with the presence of a 6.2-megadalton plasmid in Pediococcus acidilactici PAC1.0. The bacteriocin exhibited activity against P. acidilactici, P. pentosaceus, Lactobacillus plantarum, L. casei, L. bifermentans, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum. Partial characterization of pediocin PA-1 is described. The molecular weight of pediocin PA-1 was ca. 16,500. Additionally, strain PAC1.0 was found to contain a 23-megadalton plasmid associated with sucrose-fermenting ability.  相似文献   

Proteolytic systems are common in lactic acid bacteria, but there are few reports about proteases or peptidases in the genus Pediococcus. To evaluate the presence of these types of enzymes, Pediococcus acidilactici ATCC 8042 was cultured in MRS broth. Supernatants collected during the log phase showed proteolytic activity towards an elastin dispersion when assayed using a spectrophotometer. Zn2+ showed a stimulatory effect, and the proteolytic activity reached its maximum when 200 mmol/L NaCl was included in the reaction buffer. On the other hand, activity was reduced when 5 mmol/L EDTA, 10 mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 10 mmol/L 1,10-phenanthroline were used or when the sample was heat treated. Zymograms showed two different proteolytic bands when gelatin was used as a substrate (>200 and 107 kDa), but only the higher molecular mass band was detected when casein or elastin was used. The gelatinolytic activity was not detected with zymograms of the 107 kDa band, which was the one inactivated by heat treatment. The use of a renaturing SDS-PAGE gel with embedded Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells allowed for the detection of a band with peptidoglycan hydrolase activity migrating at about 110 kDa. This activity was lost when 10 mmol/L EDTA was added to the renaturing buffer. Therefore, Pediococcus showed at least three different extracellular enzymes that were produced during the logarithmic growth phase and acted on peptide substrates. Each showed different substrate specificity, ion requirements, and thermostability.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C was used to induce temperate bacteriophage from three strains of Pediococcus acidilactici. The new bacteriophage, designated pa97, pa40, and pa42, were characterized based on morphology, DNA homology, and major protein profiles. Morphological attributes (small isometric heads with non-contractile tails) place these bacteriophages within the B1 group of the family Siphovirdae. Restriction endonuclease digests suggested that the bacteriophage genomes were linear molecules without cohesive ends, and between 33 and 37 kilobases in length. All three bacteriophages possessed one major protein with an estimated mass of 30 to 35 kilodaltons. Bacteriophage pa42 also contained a second major protein of approximately 47 kilodaltons. DNA-DNA hybridization showed bacteriophages pa40 and pa42 were homologous to each other, but not to pa97, suggesting that Pediococcus acidilactici bacteriophage fall into at least two different species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to evaluate the evolutionary history of Campylobacter coli isolates derived from multiple host sources and to use microarray comparative genomic hybridization to assess whether there are particular genes comprising the dispensable portion of the genome that are more commonly associated with certain host species. Genotyping and ClonalFrame analyses of an expanded 16-gene multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data set involving 85 isolates from 4 different hosts species tentatively supported the development of C. coli host-preferred groups and suggested that recombination has played various roles in their diversification; however, geography could not be excluded as a contributing factor underlying the history of some of the groups. Population genetic analyses of the C. coli pubMLST database by use of STRUCTURE suggested that isolates from swine form a relatively homogeneous genetic group, that chicken and human isolates show considerable genetic overlap, that isolates from ducks and wild birds have similarity with environmental water samples and that turkey isolates have a connection with human infection similar to that observed for chickens. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed on these same data and suggested that host species was a significant factor in explaining genetic variation and that macrogeography (North America, Europe, and the United Kingdom) was not. The microarray comparative genomic hybridization data suggested that there were combinations of genes more commonly associated with isolates derived from particular hosts and, combined with the results on evolutionary history, suggest that this is due to a combination of common ancestry in some cases and lateral gene transfer in others.Campylobacter species are a leading bacterial cause of gastroenteritis within the United States and throughout much of the rest of the developed world. According to the CDC, there are an estimated 2 million to 4 million cases of Campylobacter illness each year in the United States (37). Campylobacter jejuni is generally recognized as the predominant cause of campylobacteriosis, responsible for approximately 90% of reported cases, while the majority of the remainder are caused by the closely related sister species Campylobacter coli (27). Not surprisingly, therefore, the majority of research on Campylobacter has centered on C. jejuni, and C. coli is a less studied organism.A multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme of C. jejuni was first developed by Dingle et al. (13) on the basis of the genome sequence of C. jejuni NCTC 11168. There have also been a number of studies using the genome sequence data to develop microarrays for gene presence/absence determination across strains of C. jejuni and to identify the core genome components for the species (6, 15, 32, 33, 42, 43, 53, 57). Although C. coli is responsible for fewer food-borne illnesses than C. jejuni, the impact of C. coli is still substantial, and there is also evidence that C. coli may carry higher levels of resistance to some antibiotics (1). C. coli and C. jejuni also tend to differ in their relative prevalences in animal host species and various environmental sources (4, 48, 58), and there is some evidence that both taxa may include groups of host-specific putative ecotype strains (7, 36, 38, 39, 52, 56). At present, there is only a single draft genome sequence available for C. coli, and there are no microarray comparative genomic hybridization data for C. coli strains. Thus, there is no information on intraspecies variability in gene presence/absence in C. coli and how such variability might correlate with host species.The purpose of this work was to develop and apply an expanded 16-locus MLST genotyping scheme to evaluate the evolutionary history of Campylobacter coli isolates derived from multiple host sources and to use microarray comparative genomic hybridization to assess whether there are particular genes comprising the dispensable portion of the genome that are more commonly associated with isolates derived from different host species.  相似文献   

W.J. KIM, B. RAY AND M.C. JOHNSON. 1992. Plasmid profiles of wild and mutant strains of Pediococcus acidilactici M showed that a 53.7 kb plasmid (pPR72) encodes the sucrose hydrolysis trait ( Suc +) and an 11.1 kb plasmid encodes the bacteriocin production trait ( Pap +). Neither of these plasmids encode traits involving fermentation of other carbohydrates, antibiotic resistance or resistance to bacteriocin. Broad host-range plasmids (pAMβ1 and pIP501) from Enterococcus faecalis and plasmid pPR72 from Ped. acidilactici were conjugally transferred by filter mating into two strains of Ped. acidilactici. Four plasmids, ranging in size from 4.4 to 53.7 kb, were also transferred into Ped. acidilactici strains by electroporation. Optimum transformation of the 4.4 kb plasmid, pGK12, was obtained at a DNA concentration of 1 μg/220 μl. The same amount of DNA gave lower transformation frequencies as the plasmid size increased. Results of these studies indicated that both conjugation and electroporation can be used to transfer plasmid-linked traits in Ped. acidilactici strains.  相似文献   

Eighteen Pediococcus strains were screened for their potential as silage inoculants. Pediococcus acidilactici G24 was found to be the most suitable, exhibiting a short lag phase on both glucose and fructose, a rapid rate of acid production, a high sugar-to-lactate conversion efficiency, no detectable breakdown of proteins or lactic acid, and the ability to grow within a broad range of pH and temperature. When tested in laboratory silos using grass with a water-soluble carbohydrate content of 24 g/kg of aqueous extract, P. acidilactici G24 stimulated the natural Lactobacillus plantarum population and accelerated the rates of lactic acid production and pH decrease. After 6 days of fermentation, the inoculated silage exhibited a 12% decrease in ammonia nitrogen and an 11% increase in crude protein levels compared with uninoculated controls. The use of an L. plantarum inoculant at a rate of 104 bacteria per g of grass in conjunction with P. acidilactici G24 produced no additional beneficial effect. Inoculation of grass with a water-soluble carbohydrate level of 8 g/kg of aqueous extract with P. acidilactici G24 led to no acceleration in the rate of L. plantarum growth or pH decrease. However, after 7 days of fermentation the inoculated silage had a 14% lower ammonia nitrogen protein content than did uninoculated controls. The results suggest that P. acidilactici G24 may be useful as a silage inoculant for crops with a sufficiently high water-soluble carbohydrate level.  相似文献   

对食源性金黄色葡萄球菌进行多位点序列分型(MLST)分析,了解其基因型特征,并与流行病学资料进行对比分析。应用MLST方法对2012年石家庄市分离出的18株食源性金葡菌进行基因分型,并对该地区食源性金葡菌分子特性和流行病学特性进行分析。18株食源性金葡菌通过MLST分析得到10个ST序列型,其中ST5序列型最多,共5株;其次为ST464序列型,共3株;ST7型和ST15各2株;ST6型、ST9型、ST59型和ST2138型各1株,有2个菌株是2个新的ST型其ST码分别为287-1-1-8-1-1-1和10-14-8-6-278-3-2。本地区食源性金葡菌的ST型别丰富,主要流行克隆系为ST5和ST464,ST6、ST7、ST9、ST15、ST59和ST2138等克隆系也有分布。  相似文献   

Curing experiments undertaken on Pediococcus acidilactici strain S364, isolated from maize silage, revealed a linkage between a resident 40 MD plasmid and resistance to erythromycin, oleandomycin and tylosin. The possibility of using erythromycin resistance to monitor the fate of this strain in a model ensiling system was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Five parental strains of Pediococcus were examined for plasmid content. Each strain contained three to six resident plasmids, ranging in size from 4.5 to 39.5 megadaltons. A bacteriocin-like substance produced by Pediococcus cerevisiae FBB63 was tentatively linked to a 10.5-megadalton plasmid after being cured with novobiocin.  相似文献   

Among the diverse maternally inherited symbionts in arthropods, Wolbachia are the most common and infect over 20% of all species. In a departure from traditional genotyping or phylogenetic methods relying on single Wolbachia genes, the present study represents an initial Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) analysis to discriminate closely related Wolbachia pipientis strains, and additional data on sequence diversity in Wolbachia. We report a new phylogenetic characterization of four genes (aspC, atpD, sucB, and pdhB), and provide an expanded analysis of markers described in previous studies (16S rDNA, ftsZ, groEL, dnaA, and gltA). MLST analysis of the bacterial strains present in 16 different DrosophilaWolbachia associations detected four distinct clonal complexes that also corresponded to maximum-likelihood identified phylogenetic clades. Among the 16 associations analyzed, six could not be assigned to MLST clonal complexes and were also shown to be in conflict with relationships predicted by maximum-likelihood phylogenetic inferences. The results demonstrate the discriminatory power of MLST for identifying strains and clonal lineages of Wolbachia and provide a robust foundation for studying the ecology and evolution of this widespread endosymbiont.  相似文献   

Nutritional requirements of three strains of Ped. soyae, one strain of Ped. acidilactici (Kitahara’s strain) were determined from a complete synthetic medium. Upon inspection by the single omission method, Ped. soyae required glycine-betaine, uracil, riboflavine, pyridoxine or pyridoxal, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, leucovorin, biotin, glutamic acid, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenyl alanine, valine, tryptophane, methionine, cystine and serine with exception of the P-factor. In addition to the above mentioned nutrients, a representative strain of the organism required xanthine, folic acid, thiamine, aspartic acid and threonine for the minimum synthetic medium. Ped. acidilactici Kitahara’s strain required riboflavine, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, biotin and all components of the basal medium consisting of amino acids except methionine, but it did not require leucovorin, glycine-betaine and organic bases. Nutritional requirements of Ped. pentosaceus, Kitahara’s strain was proved to be quite identical with Ped. cerevisiae Pederson (= Ped. pentosaceus Mees).  相似文献   

Antigenic property of pediocin AcH produced by Pediococcus acidilactici H   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Pediocin AcH, a bacteriocin of Pediococcus acidilactici H, inhibits the growth of several food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. The antigenic property of partially purified pediocin AcH was tested by immunizing mice and a rabbit. Pediocin AcH was not immunogenic in these animals as determined by immunoblotting even after conjugation to bovine serum albumin. The non-immunogenic nature of pediocin AcH, its non-toxicity to laboratory animals and its hydrolysis by gastric proteolytic enzymes may be considered favourably in its possible use as a food preservative.  相似文献   

Antigenic property of pediocin AcH produced by Pediococcus acidilactici H   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pediocin AcH, a bacteriocin of Pediococcus acidilactici H, inhibits the growth of several food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. The antigenic property of partially purified pediocin AcH was tested by immunizing mice and a rabbit. Pediocin AcH was not immunogenic in these animals as determined by immunoblotting even after conjugation to bovine serum albumin. The non-immunogenic nature of pediocin AcH, its non-toxicity to laboratory animals and its hydrolysis by gastric proteolytic enzymes may be considered favourably in its possible use as a food preservative.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) R2-AR against pediocin RS2 was developed. Mice were immunized for 12 weeks with pediocin RS2 conjugated to a polyacrylamide gel. Two hybridoma fusions yielded an MAb that in Western blots (immunoblots) reacted only with pediocins RS2 and AcH (3 kDa) from Pediococcus acidilactici RS2 and H, respectively, and did not react with any other bacteriocin, including sakacin A from Lactobacillus sake Lb 706, leuconocin LCM1 from Leuconostoc carnosum LM1, nisin from Lactococcus lactis ATCC 11454, and pediocin A from Pediococcus pentosaceus FBB61. Each of the bacteriocin bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels was confirmed to be biologically active by a gel overlay test performed with sensitive indicator organisms. In dot immunoblot assays, the MAb could detect a minimum of 32,000 arbitrary units of pediocin RS2 or AcH per ml. In colony immunoblot assays, the MAb was used successfully to differentiate bac+ and bac- variants of P. acidilactici RS2 strains.  相似文献   

Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) based on six loci was used to analyze the relationship of 58 Candida tropicalis isolates from individual patients in a general hospital in Beijing, China. A total of 52 diploid sequence types (DSTs) were generated by the MLST, all of which were new to the central database. Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) dendrograms were constructed, which showed that the 58 isolates were distributed robustly and 6 main groups were clustered regardless of the specimen source and medical department. The minimum spanning tree (MST) of the 58 isolates (52 DSTs) and all 401 isolates (268 DSTs) in the C. tropicalis central database (http://pubmlst.org/ctropicalis/) indicated that the isolates in this study clustered in three relative pure clonal complexes, and 2 clustered with isolates from Taiwan, Belgium, Brazil, and the US. This study presents the first MLST analysis of C. tropicalis isolates from Mainland China, which may be useful for further studies on the similarity, genetic relationship, and molecular epidemiology of C. tropicalis strains worldwide.  相似文献   

Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) caused by Leishmania (L.) major parasites represents a major health problem with a large spectrum of clinical manifestations. Psammomys (P.) obesus and Meriones (M.) shawi represent the most important host reservoirs of these parasites in Tunisia. We already reported that infection prevalence is different between these two rodent species. We aimed in this work to evaluate the importance of genetic diversity in L. major parasites isolated from different proven and suspected reservoirs for ZCL. Using the multilocus microsatellites typing (MLMT), we analyzed the genetic diversity among strains isolated from (i) P. obesus (n = 31), (ii) M. shawi (n = 8) and (iii) Mustela nivalis (n = 1), captured in Sidi Bouzid, an endemic region for ZCL located in the Center of Tunisia. Studied strains present a new homogeneous genotype profile so far as all tested markers and showed no polymorphism regardless of the parasite host-reservoir origin. This lack of genetic diversity among these L. major isolates is the first genetic information on strains isolated from Leishmania reservoirs hosts in Tunisia. This result indicates that rodent hosts are unlikely to exert a selective pressure on parasites and stresses on the similarity of geographic and ecological features in this study area. Overall, these results increase our knowledge among rodent reservoir hosts and L. major parasites interaction.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR assay that can readily and unambiguously identify Pediococcus acidilactici and Pediococcus pentosaceus strains was developed to give an easy-to-read profile based on the amplification of a 16S rRNA gene fragment, specific for each species, and a d-lactate dehydrogenase gene fragment specific for Pediococcus acidilactici strains.  相似文献   

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