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Addition of (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:Ac) into a normally attractive binary blend of Heliothis virescens pheromone components resulted in a suppression of upwind flight and source location by males. Male response was reduced even at the lowest dosages of Z11-16:Ac tested but upwind flight and source location were most clearly reduced when the loading of Z11-16:Ac reached 10% or more of the (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald) loading (the major component present in the binary blend). Similar patterns of suppression in response were noted when Z11-16:Ac was added to binary blends of pheromone components at both 10 and 100 μg loadings of Z11-16:Ald. Males in casting flight following upwind flight in a mechanically generated pulsed plume, responded to the interception of a subsequent, single binary-blend filament by making a toward-source upwind surge. Responses of males to a single filament that was tainted by a level of Z11-16:Ac that had allowed some reduced level of upwind flight and source location to occur in the previous plume experiments were diminished compared with their control counterparts. Analysis of the flight tracks revealed that the surges in response to single tainted filaments were stunted because males made fewer significant changes in course angles steered, airspeeds generated, and in the tempo of counterturns executed. Accepted: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

The prediction that single spider species (as exemplary generalist predators) limit associated prey populations to the same extent that species assemblages do was tested in a well controlled and replicated old field experiment involving the following treatments: (1) the natural spider assemblage (2) a numerically prominent web building spider, (3) a numerically prominent wandering spider, (4) a biomass prominent web-builder, and (5) a biomass prominent wandering spider. Pest insect numbers were significantly higher in spider removal controls than in any spider treament over the four month period of the study, both in terms of total numbers and per spider effects. The individual spider species, in general, showed reduced prey limitation effects relative to that of the spider assemblage, though the magnitudes of these differences were small when compared to those exhibited between the various treatments and the spider removal control. When insect numbers were partitioned according to taxa, no treatment was found to have limited the predaceous insects nor the phytophagous hemipterans. All treatments, however, showed significant limiting effects on the phytophagous homopterans, coleopterans, and dipterans in the old field system, and other taxa were significantly reduced in at least one treatment in addition to the spider assemblage as a whole.  相似文献   

The LGMD2 belongs to a group of giant movement-detecting neurones which have fan-shaped arbors in the lobula of the locust optic lobe and respond to movements of objects. One of these neurones, the LGMD1, has been shown to respond directionally to movements of objects in depth, generating vigorous, maintained spike discharges during object approach. Here we compare the responses of the LGMD2 neurone with those of the LGMD1 to simulated movements of objects in depth and examine different image cues which could allow the LGMD2 to distinguish approaching from receding objects. In the absence of stimulation, the LGMD2 has a resting discharge of 10–40 spikes s−1 compared with <1 spike s−1 for the LGMD1. The most powerful excitatory stimulus for the LGMD2 is a dark object approaching the eye. Responses to approaching objects are suppressed by wide field movements of the background. Unlike the LGMD1, the LGMD2 is not excited by the approach of light objects; it specifically responds to movement of edges in the light to dark direction. Both neurones rely on the same monocular image cues to distinguish approaching from receding objects: an increase in the velocity with which edges of images travel over the eye; and an increase in the extent of edges in the image during approach. Accepted: 23 October 1996  相似文献   

The occurrence, longevity, and contribution of axillary bud banks to population maintenance were investigated in a late-seral perennial grass, Bouteloua curtipendula, and a mid-seral perennial grass, Hilaria belangeri, in a semiarid oak-juniper savanna. Axillary buds of both species were evaluated over a 2-year period in communities with contrasting histories of grazing by domestic herbivores. A double staining procedure utilizing triphenyl tetrazolium chloride and Evan's blue indicated that both viable and dormant axillary buds remained attached to the base of reproductive parental tillers for 18–24 months which exceeded parental tiller longevity by approximately 12 months. Bud longevity of the late-seral species, B. curtipendula, exceeded bud longevity of the mid-seral species, H. belangeri, by approximately 6 months. Younger buds located on the distal portion of the tiller base were 3.2 and 1.4 times more likely to grow out than older proximal buds of B. curtipendula and H. belangeri, respectively. The percentage of older proximal buds, which included comparable portions of viable and dormant buds, that grew out to produce tillers following mortality of parental tillers was 6.0% for B. curtipendula and 8.4% for H. belangeri. In spite of the occurrence of relative large axillary bud banks for both species, the magnitude of proximal bud growth did not appear sufficient to maintain viable tiller populations. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis of compensatory bud growth on an individual tiller basis for either species. Grazing history of the communities from which the buds were collected did not substantially affect the number, status, longevity, or outgrowth of axillary buds on an individual tiller basis for either species. However, long-term grazing by domestic herbivores influenced axillary bud availability by modifying population structure of these two species. Bud number per square meter for B. curtipendula was 25% lower in the long-term grazed compared to the long-term ungrazed community based on a reduction in both tiller number per plant and plant number per square meter. In contrast, bud number per square meter for H. belangeri was 190% greater in the long-term grazed than in the long-term ungrazed community based on a large increase in plant density per square meter. Minimal contributions of axillary bud banks to annual maintenance of tiller populations in this mid- and late-seral species underscores the ecological importance of consistent tiller recruitment from recently developed axillary buds. Consistent tiller recruitment in grasslands and savannas characterized by intensive grazing and periodic drought implies that (1) bud differentiation and maturation must be remarkably tolerant of adverse environmental conditions and/or (2) tiller recruitment may resume from buds that mature following the cessation of severe drought and/or grazing, rather than from mature buds that survive these disturbances. These scenarios warrant additional research emphasis given the critical importance of this demographic process to tiller replacement in species populations and the maintenance of relative species abundance in grasslands and savannas. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

B. Seely  K. Lajtha 《Oecologia》1997,112(3):393-402
The central grassland region of the United States encompasses major gradients in temperature and precipitation that determine the distribution of plant life forms, which in turn may influence key ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling and soil organic matter dynamics. One such gradient is the threefold increase in precipitation from the eastern Colorado shortgrass-steppe, in the rain shadow of the Rocky Mountains, to the tallgrass prairie in eastern Kansas. We investigated the relative roles of plant species and plant cover in influencing soil C and N cycling in three sites along this gradient. Plant cover (i.e., the presence or absence of an individual plant) was relatively more important than plant species in explaining variability in soil properties at the dry site, the Central Plains Experimental Range in␣northeastern Colorado. However, plant species explained relatively more of the variability in soil properties than did plant cover at the two wetter sites, Hays and Konza, in central and eastern Kansas. The wetter sites had more continuous plant cover, resulting in less plant-cover-induced variation in soil C and N, than did the dry site, which had distinct patches of bare ground. Plant species at the wetter sites had higher and more variable levels of tissue C:N than plant species at the dry site, due to both within species changes and changes in species composition. Aboveground tissue C:N was better correlated with net nitrogen mineralization rates at the wet sites than the dry site. Thus, tissue chemistry appears to exert more control on nitrogen dynamics at the wet than the dry sites. The results suggest that plant species traits that are relevant to nutrient cycling (e.g., tissue C:N ratios, spatial patterns, productivity) reflect environmental limitations as well as species' physiological potentials. Furthermore, a dominant environmental driver such as precipitation may ameliorate or exaggerate the importance of individual species traits for nutrient cycling. Received: 11 July 1996 / Accepted: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

Two genes of Aspergillus nidulans are known to function in UV mutagenesis, but have been assigned to different epistasis groups: uvsC, which is also required for meiosis and mitotic recombination, and uvsI, which may have no other function. To clarify their role in error-prone repair and to investigate their interaction, uvsI and uvsC single and uvsI;uvsC double mutant strains were further tested for mutagen sensitivities and characterized for effects on mutation. Spontaneous and induced frequencies were compared in forward and reverse mutation assays. All results confirmed that uvsI and uvsC are members of different epistasis groups, and demonstrated that these uvs mutants have very different defects in UV mutagenesis. The uvsI strains showed wild-type frequencies in all forward mutation tests, but greatly reduced spontaneous and UV-induced reversion of some, but not other, point mutations. In contrast, uvsC had similar effects in all assay systems: namely pronounced mutator effects and greatly reduced UV mutagenesis. Interestingly, the uvsI;uvsC double mutant strains differed from both single mutants; they clearly showed synergism for all types of reversion tested: none were ever obtained spontaneously, nor after induction by UV or EMS (ethylmethane sulfonate). Based on these results, we conclude that uvsI is active in a mutation-specific, specialized error-prone repair process in Aspergillus. In contrast, uvsC, which is now known to show sequence homology to recA, has a basic function in mutagenic UV repair in addition to recombinational repair, similar to recA of Escherichia coli. Received: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   

Biological invasions by large herbivores involve the establishment of novel interactions with the receiving mammalian carnivore community, but understanding these interactions is difficult due to the large spatiotemporal scales at which such dynamics would occur. We quantified the functional responses of a native apex predator (the dingo (Canis familiaris), which includes wild dogs and their hybrids) and a non‐native mesopredator (red fox; Vulpes vulpes) to an invading non‐native ungulate (sambar deer; Cervus unicolor) in Australia. We predicted that the apex predator would exhibit a stronger functional response to increasing sambar deer abundance than the mesopredator. We used a state–space model to link two 30‐year time series: (i) sambar deer abundance (hunter catch‐per‐unit‐effort); and (ii) percentages of sambar deer in dingo (= 4531) and fox (= 5002) scats. Sambar deer abundance increased over fourfold during 1984?2013. The percentages of sambar deer in dingo and fox scats increased during this 30‐year period, from nil in both species in 1984 to 8.2% in dingoes and 0.5% in foxes in 2013. Dingoes exhibited a much stronger functional response to increasing sambar deer abundance than foxes. The prediction that invading deer would be utilized more by the apex predator than by the mesopredator was therefore supported. The increasing abundance of sambar deer during the period 1984?2013 provided an increasingly important food source for dingoes. In contrast, the smaller red fox utilized sambar deer much less. Our study demonstrates that prey enrichment can be an important consequence of large herbivore invasions and that the effect varies predictably with the trophic position of the mammalian carnivores in the receiving community.  相似文献   

The effects of cassava exudate and prey densities on reproduction and survival of the predatory mite, Typhlodromalus limonicus (Garman & McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), were investigated in the laboratory. Females were provided either cassava exudate ad lib. daily, low or high numbers of the cassava green mite prey, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) (Acari: Tetranychidae) daily, or exudate for 5 or 10 days before switching to a low or high prey diet. Females fed only exudate laid no eggs. Females fed exudate before prey experienced a significant decrease (30%) in the number of eggs laid compared to females fed high numbers of prey daily. The reduction in fecundity was the result of prolonged preoviposition periods (2.0 days on prey daily vs 4.0 days on exudate before prey) and reduced number of eggs laid per female per day (1.7 eggs per female per day on prey daily vs 0.4 eggs per female per day on exudate before prey). Females fed only exudate had a greater survival rate and longevity than females fed prey daily or females fed exudate before a diet of prey. These results suggest that T. limonicus can survice for a limited period on cassava exudate during periods of low prey availability, but requires prey to complete oögenesis and propagate the population.  相似文献   

In order to determine how environmental and physiological factors affect leaf gas exchange in a 9-year-old clonal eucalypt plantation (Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden hybrids) in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil, the diurnal patterns of predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd), and leaf gas exchange were monitored from November 1995 to August 1996. Soil water content (Θ) and microclimatic variables were also recorded. Most of the rainfall during the experimental period occurred from October to December 1995 and from March to April 1996, causing a significant variation in Θ and Ψpd. A high positive correlation (r 2=0.92) was observed between Ψpd and Θ measured at 0.3 m depth from the soil surface. During conditions of high soil water availability, the maximum values of stomatal conductance for water vapor (g s) and net photosynthetic rate (A) were over 0.4 mol m–2 s–2 and l5 μmol m–2 s–1, respectively. The results showed that Ψpd and leaf gas exchange of the examined trees were susceptible to changes in the water content of the upper soil layers, where the major concentration of active roots occur. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that photosynthetic active radiation (Q), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), atmospheric CO2 molar fraction (C a), and Ψpd were the most important factors controlling g s whereas Q and VPD were the main microclimatic variables controlling A. Received: 5 November 1998 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

 Reef coral communities in a non-reef setting on shallow, flat hardgrounds were quantitatively sampled in Dubai Emirate (UAE, Southern Arabian Gulf) before and after a coral mass mortality in 1996. The coral fauna consisted of 34 scleractinian species before and 27 after the event, which removed virtually all Acropora. No alcyonacea were recorded. Five community types were identified and characterized by the dominant species: (A) a sparse Porites lutea community in sandy areas, (B) a dense Acropora clathrata community in areas with little sand, (C) a faviid community in muddy areas, (D) a Siderastrea savignyana community in sandy areas, and (E) a Porites compressa community, which built a framework in sandy areas. These communities are comparable to those described from other areas of the Gulf, where a stable pattern of community differentiation appears to exist. The spatial distribution and dynamics of the coral communities appears to be strongly influenced by mass mortality events recurring every 15 to 20 y. A combination of extreme water temperatures and high sedimentation/turbidity appear to be the major cause of mortality. Accepted: 13 June 1998  相似文献   

The population of Stephanodiscus rotula in Rostherne Mere (Cheshire, UK) was studied during the spring of 1996 using light microscopy, hydrochemical analyses and scanning electron microscopy X-ray microanalysis (SEM XRMA). Data obtained were statistically analysed to reveal relationships between the elements within the cells and in the lake water. The results confirmed that algal biomass production was mainly controlled by availability of Si. The depletion of ambient Si coincided with changes in the intracellular elemental composition, particularly a considerable reduction of intracellular Si whose depletion was also reflected in changes of intracellular elemental correlations and ratios. A simple structural model of elemental relationships in S. rotula cells is proposed to explain the pattern of intracellular elemental associations. This model can be used as a reference for species response to changes in environmental parameters. S. rotula provided a significant contribution to overall biogeochemical cycling due to the removal of nutrients from the water column and transporting them to bottom sediments following the culmination of the bloom. The role of S. rotula was particularly prominent in the biogeochemical cycle of silicon, as the diatom’s spring growth may account for more than 20% of its total annual loss to bottom sediments.  相似文献   

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