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Summary The current-voltage relationship of carrier-mediated, passive and active ion transport systems with one charge-carrying pathway can exactly be described by a simple reaction kinetic model. This model consists of two carrier states (one inside, one outside) and two pairs (forwards and backwards) of rate constants: a voltage-dependent one, describing the transport of charge and a voltage-insensitive one, summarizing all the other (voltage-independent) reactions. For the electrogenic Cl pump inAcetabularia these four rate constants have been determined from electrical measurements of the current-voltage relationship of the pump (Gradmann, Hansen & Slayman, 1981;in: Electrogenic Ion Pumps, Academic Press, New York). The unidirectional Cl efflux through the pump can also be calculated by the availiable reaction kinetic parameters.36Cl efflux experiments on singleAcetabularia cells with simultaneous electrical stimulation (action potentials) and recording, demonstrate the unidirectional Cl efflux to depend on the membrane potential. After subtraction of an efflux portion which bypasses the pump, agreement is found between the measured flux-voltage relationship and the theoretical one as obtained from the reaction kinetic model and its parameters from the electrical data.  相似文献   

Basolateral membranes of Aplysia foregut epithelia contain an ATP-dependent Cl transporter (Cl pump). Increased activity of the Cl pump, coupled to apical and basolateral membrane depolarization, changed the Cl transport energetics across the apical membrane but did not change the vectorially-opposite Cl transport energetics across the basolateral membrane.  相似文献   

Resting membrane potential of both innervated and denervated rat diaphragm muscle fibers was investigated when the concentration of potential-producing ions was changed in the external fluid and following treatment with furosemide. It was found that equilibrium potential ( ) equalled resting potential level in innervated muscle for Cl, but shifts to more positive values compared with resting membrane potential following section of the nerve. Furosemide retards development of post-denervation depolarization of the muscle membrane. It is deduced that trophic influences originating from the motor nerve activates the furosemide-sensitive Cl influx system, leading to raised intracellular concentration of Cl, a shift in (ECl) and depolarization of the muscle membrane.S. V. Kurashov Medical Institute, Minsitry of Health of the RSFSR, Kazan'. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 766–771, November–December, 1987.  相似文献   

Summary InAcetabularia, the fast, green-light sensitive depolarization (Schilde, C. 1968,Z. Naturforschung 23b:1369) has been reexamined. In the physiological voltage range (–170 to –50mV), it appears to be a light-induced current source. The dose-effect relationship is linear up to about 1 A m–2; about 106 photons (550 nm) cause the transfer of one elementary charge across the membrane. Voltage clamp experiments yield the current-voltage relationship of the fast, light-induced pathway over a voltage range from –240 to +200 mV. This current-voltage-relationship does not intersect with the voltage axis up to membrane potentials of +200 mV; it exhibits maximum current at –190 mV (corresponding to the electromotive force of the electrogenic pump, at which its slope conductance is maximum) and shows smaller current under metabolic inhibition by 2,4-dinitrophenol. External cations, including H+, have no significant effect on the fast, light-induced depolarization. The lag between the stimulus and the onset of the reaction is smaller than 40sec. On the base of actual carrier models for an electrogenic pump, it can be shown by computer simulation that this light-induced pathway reveals the same features as would be expected if the membrane would become permeable for the unoccupied carrier cation in its Cl binding state.  相似文献   

Garai K  Frieden C 《Biochemistry》2010,49(44):9533-9541
The apolipoprotein E family consists of three major protein isoforms: apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4), ApoE3, and ApoE2. The isoforms, which contain 299 residues, differ only by single-amino acid changes, but of the three, only ApoE4 is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. At micromolar concentrations, lipid-free ApoE exists predominantly as tetramers. In more dilute solutions, lower-molecular mass species predominate. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), intermolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and sedimentation methods, we found that the association?dissociation reaction of ApoE can be modeled with a monomer?dimer?tetramer process. Equilibrium constants have been determined from the sedimentation data, while the individual rate constants for association and dissociation were determined by measurement of the kinetics of dissociation of ApoE and are in agreement with the equilibrium constants. Dissociation kinetics as measured by intermolecular FRET show two phases reflecting the dissociation of tetramer to dimer and of dimer to monomer, with dissociation from tetramer to dimer being more rapid than the dissociation from dimer to monomer. The rate constants differ for the different ApoE isoforms, showing that the association?dissociation process is isoform specific. Strikingly, the association rate constants are almost 2 orders of magnitude slower than expected for a diffusion-controlled process. Dissociation kinetics were also monitored by tryptophan fluorescence in the presence of acrylamide and the data found to be consistent with the monomer?dimer?tetramer model. The approach combining multiple methods establishes the reaction scheme of ApoE self-association.  相似文献   

Cl absorption by theAplysia californica foregut is effected through an active Cl transport mechanism located in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial absorptive cells. These basolateral membranes contain both Cl-stimulated ATPase and ATP-dependent Cl transport activities which can be incorporated into liposomes via reconstitution. Utilizing the proteoliposomal preparation, it was demonstrated that ATP, and its subsequent hydrolysis, Mg2+, Cl, and a pH optimum of 7.8 were required to generate maximal intraliposomal Cl accumulation, electrical negativity, and ATPase activity. Additionally, an inwardly-directed valinomycininduced K+ diffusion potential, making the liposome interior electrically positive, enhanced both ATP-driven Cl accumulation and electrical potential while an outwardly-directed valinomycininduced K+ diffusion potential, making the liposome interior electrically negative, decreased both ATP-driven Cl accumulation and electrical potential compared with proteoliposomes lacking the ionophore. Either orthovanadate orp-chloromercurobenzene sulfonate inhibited both the ATP-dependent intraliposomal Cl accumulation, intraliposomal negative potential difference, and also Cl-stimulated ATPase activity. Both aspects of Cl pump transport kinetics and its associated catalytic component kinetics were the first obtained utilizing a reconstituted transporter protein. These results strongly support the hypothesis that Cl-ATPase actively transports Cl by an electrogenic process.  相似文献   

Summary At low concentration (1mm) of Cl in the outer solution, the influx of chloride through the isolated skin (J 13 Cl ) of the South American frogLeptodactylus ocellatus (L.) seems to be carried by two mechanisms: (i) a passive one that exhibits the characteristics of an exchange diffusion process, and (ii) an active penetration. Studies of the influx and efflux of chloride (J 13 Cl andJ 31 Cl ) indicate, that the presence of a high (107mm) concentration of Cl in the outer solution activates the translocation of this ion through the cells. Studies of the unidirectional flux of Cl across the outer barrier (J 12 Cl ) indicate that Na+ out stimulates the penetration of Cl at this level. Cl out, in turn, stimulates, theJ 12 Na , but this effect is only detected at low concentrations of Na+ out.  相似文献   

D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) from pig has been reported to catalyze the β-elimination of Cl(-) from βCl-D-alanine via abstraction of the substrate α-H as H(+) ("carbanion mechanism") (Walsh, C. T., Schonbrunn, A., and Abeles, R. H. (1971) J. Biol. Chem. 246, 6855-6866). In view of the fundamental mechanistic importance of this reaction and of the recent reinterpretation of the DAAO dehydrogenation step as occurring via a hydride mechanism, we reinvestigated the elimination reaction using yeast DAAO. That enzyme catalyzes the same reactions as the pig enzyme but with a much higher efficiency and a substantially different kinetic behavior. The reaction is initiated by a very rapid and fully reversible dehydrogenation step. This leads to an equilibrium (k(on) ≈ k(reverse)) between the complexes of oxidized enzyme-βCl-D-alanine and reduced enzyme-βCl-iminopyruvate. In the presence of O(2) the latter complex can partition between an oxidative half-reaction and elimination of Cl(-), which proceeds at a rate of ≈50 s(-1). This step forms a complex between oxidized enzyme and enamine that is characterized by a charge transfer absorption (which describes its rates of formation and decay). A minimal scheme that lists relevant steps of the reductive and oxidative half-reactions and elimination pathways along with the estimate of the corresponding rate constants is presented. β-Elimination of Cl(-) is proposed to originate at the locus of the enzyme-βCl-iminopyruvate complex. A chemical mechanism that can account for elimination is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of serious morbidity and mortality in Western society. One of the therapeutic approaches is based on the use of thrombolitic drugs that promote clot lysis. Even if the mechanisms leading to clot lysis are not completely understood, it is widely accepted that they depend on the complex biochemical reactions that occur among fibrin fibers and fibrinolitic agents, and by their ready diffusion into the fibers. Here we investigate the effects of specific anions on the architecture of protofibrils within fibrin fibers in fibrin gels prepared in a para-physiological solution. The results obtained through small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) demonstrate that the characteristic axial and longitudinal repeat distances among protofibrils are strongly affected by the action of Cl and F anions.  相似文献   

Summary The potential dependence of unidirectional36Cl fluxes through toad skin revealed activation of a conductive pathway in the physiological region of transepithelial potentials. Activation of the conductance was dependent on the presence of Cl or Br in the external bathing solution, but was independent of whether the external bath was NaCl-Ringer's, NaCl-Ringer's with amiloride, KCl-Ringer's or choline Cl-Ringer's To partition the routes of the conductive Cl ion flow, we measured in the isolated epithelium with double-barrelled microelectrodes apical membrane potentialV a , and intracellular Cl activity,a Cl c , of the principal cells indentified by differential interference contrast microscopy. Under short-circuit conditionsI sc=27.0±2.0 A/cm2, with NaCl-Ringer's bathing both surfaces,V a was –67.9±3.8mV (mean ±se,n=24, six preparations) anda Cl c was 18.0±0.9mM in skins from animals adapted to distilled water. BothV a anda Cl a were found to be positively correlated withI sc (r=0.66 andr=0.70, respectively). In eight epithelia from animals adapted to dry milieu/tap waterV a anda Cl c were measured with KCl Ringer's on the outside during activation and deactivation of the transepithelial Cl conductance (G Cl) by voltage clamping the transepithelial potential (V) at 40 mV (mucosa positive) and –100 mV. AtV=40 mV; i.e. whenG Cl was deactivated,V a was –70.1±5.0 mV (n=15, eight preparations) anda Cl c was 40.0±3.8mm. The fractional apical membrane resistance (fR a) was 0.69±0.03. Clamping toV=–100 mV led to an instantaneous change ofV a to 31.3±5.6 mV (cell interior positive with respect to the mucosal bath), whereas neithera Cl c norfR a changed significantly within a 2 to 5-min period during whichG Cl increased by 1.19±0.10 mS/cm2. WhenV was stepped back to 40 mV,V a instantaneously shifted to –67.8±3.9 mV whilea Cl c andfR a remained constant during deactivation ofG Cl. Similar results were obtained in epithelia impaled from the serosal side. In 12 skins from animals adapted to either tap water or distilled water the density of mitochondria-rich (D MRC) cells was estimated and correlated with the Cl current (I Cl though the fully activated (V=–100mV) Cl conductance). A highly significant correlation was revealed (r=–0.96) with a slope of –2.6 nA/m.r. (mitochondria-rich cell and an I-axis intercept not significantly different from zero. In summary, the voltage-dependent Cl currents were not reflected infR a anda Cl a of the principal cells but showed a correlation with the m.r. cell density. We conclude that the pricipal cells do not contribute significantly to the voltage-dependent Cl conductance.  相似文献   

The fundus of an eel stomach was mounted in an Ussing chamber and bathed with control Ringer on the serosal side and with unbuffered solution on the mucosal side. The gastric mucosa exhibited a mucosa negative transepithelial voltage (V t), a “short circuit” current (I SC) and a small spontaneous acid secretion rate (J H). All these parameters were abolished by cimetidine treatment. Bilateral ion substitution experiments in tissues lacking spontaneous acid secretion suggested that a net Cl transport from serosa to mucosa was responsible for the genesis of the I SC in the absence of H+ secretion. Serosal application of histamine (10−4 mol · l−1) or carbachol (10−4 mol · l−1) stimulated both I SC and J H. The action of carbachol was independent of histamine. The control as well as the histamine-stimulated I SC was sensitive to both serosal bumetanide (10−5 mol · l−1), inhibitor of the Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport, and 4,4-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS, 5 · 10−4 mol · l−1), inhibitor of the Cl-HCO 3 exchange, while the I SC stimulated by carbachol was nullified by serosal DIDS. These data suggested that the non-acidic Cl uptake across the serosal membrane was linked to the activity of both Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport and Cl-HCO 3 antiporter; histamine stimulated both transporters while carbachol was limited to the anion exchanger. The finding that the acid secretion was strictly dependent on serosal Cl and was completely blocked by serosal DIDS suggested that the Cl accompanying H+ secretion entered the cell through the serosal membrane by the Cl-HCO 3 exchange. In addition, the acid secretion stimulated by carbachol was also dependent on serosal Na+ and sensitive to the application of 5-N-N-dimethyl-amiloride in the serosal bath, suggesting that the increased activity of the Cl-HCO 3 during carbachol treatment was linked to the activation of serosal Na+-H+ exchange. The inhibitory effect of luminal omeprazole (10−4 mol · l−1) on acid secretion suggested the presence of the H+-K+ pump on the luminal membrane. Accepted: 18 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary Changes in extracellular pH (pHo) in red cell suspensions were monitored in a stopped-flow rapid reaction apparatus under conditions wheredpHo/dt was determined by the rate of HCO 3 /Cl exchange across the membrane. Experiments were performed at 5°C<T<40°C using either untreated cells or cells exposed to 0.11mm SITS (4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid). Although SITS exposure reduced the rate of exchange by 90%, both untreated and SITS-treated cells are similarly affected by changes in pH0 and temperature. The rate of HCO 3 /Cl exchange exhibits a minimum at about pHo 5 and a maximum at about pH0 7.4 at all temperatures. A transition temperature of 17°C was observed in the Arrhenius relationship for all pH0. The activation energies (E a) in kcal/mol are 19.6 below and 11.7 above 17°C for 50<8. These findings, similar to those reported for Cl self-exchange, suggest that: (i) a change in the rate-limiting step for HCO 3 /Cl exchange occurs at 17°C, possibly due to an altered interaction between the transport pathway and membrane lipids; (ii) the carrier system can be titrated by either H+ or SITS from the outside of the membrane, but the untitrated sites continue to transport normally; (iii) the pH0 dependence of the rate of exchange is consistent with the titratable carrier having its most alkaline pK in the range expected for amino groups; and (iv) below pH0 5, the nature of the exchange is markedly altered.  相似文献   

The level of F2-isoprostanes (F2-IsoP) in blood or urine is widely regarded as the reference marker for the assessment of oxidative stress. As a result, nowadays, F2-IsoP is the most frequently measured oxidative stress marker. Nevertheless, determining F2-IsoP is a challenging task and the measurement is neither free of mishaps nor straightforward. This review presents for the first time the effect of acute and chronic exercise on F2-IsoP levels in plasma, urine and skeletal muscle, placing emphasis on the origin, the methodological caveats and the interpretation of F2-IsoP alterations. From data analysis, the following effects of exercise have emerged: (i) acute exercise clearly increases F2-IsoP levels in plasma and this effect is generally short-lived, (ii) acute exercise and increased contractile activity markedly increase F2-IsoP levels in skeletal muscle, (iii) chronic exercise exhibits trend for decreased F2-IsoP levels in urine but further research is needed. Theoretically, it seems that significant amounts of F2-IsoP can be produced not only from phospholipids but from neutral lipids as well. The origin of F2-IsoP detected in plasma and urine (as done by almost all studies in humans) remains controversial, as a multitude of tissues (including skeletal muscle and plasma) can independently produce F2-IsoP.  相似文献   

Our previous studies with a line of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (FL-MDCK) transfected with FLAG-labeled alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) showed that, although most of the short-circuit current (I (sc)) was amiloride sensitive (AS-I (sc)), there was also an amiloride-insensitive component (NS-I (sc)) due to Cl(-) secretion (Morris and Schafer, J Gen Physiol 120:71-85, 2002). In the present studies, we observed a progressive increase in NS-I (sc) and a corresponding decrease in AS-I (sc) during experiments. There was a significant negative correlation between AS-I (sc) and NS-I (sc) both in the presence and absence of treatment with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). NS-I (sc) could be attributed to both cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and a 4, 4'-diisothiocyano-2, 2'-disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS)-sensitive Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel (CaCC). Continuous perfusion of both sides of the Ussing chamber with fresh rather than recirculated bathing solutions, or addition of hexokinase (6 U/ml), prevented the time-dependent changes and increased AS-I (sc) by 40-60%, with a proportional decrease in NS-I (sc). Addition of 100 muM adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the presence of luminal amiloride produced a transient four-fold increase in NS-I (sc) that was followed by a sustained increase of 50-60% above the basal level. ATP release from the monolayers, measured by bioluminescence, was found to occur across the apical but not the basolateral membrane, and the apical release was tripled by cAMP treatment. These data show that constitutive apical ATP release, which occurs under both basal and cAMP-stimulated conditions, underlies the time-dependent rise in Cl(-) secretion and the proportional fall in ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption in FL-MDCK cells. Thus, endogenous ATP release can introduce a significant confounding variable in experiments with this and similar epithelial cells, and it may underlie at least some of the observed interaction between Cl(-) secretion and Na(+) absorption.  相似文献   

D. Kleinfeld  M.Y. Okamura  G. Feher 《BBA》1984,766(1):126-140
The electron-transfer reactions and thermodynamic equilibria involving the quinone acceptor complex in bacterial reaction centers from R. sphaeroides were investigated. The reactions are described by the scheme: We found that the charge recombination pathway of D+QAQ?B proceeds via the intermediate state D+Q?AQB, the direct pathway contributing less than approx. 5% to the observed recombination rate. The method used to obtain this result was based on a comparison of the kinetics predicted for the indirect pathway (given by the product kAD-times the fraction of reaction centers in the Q?AQB state) with the observed recombination rate, kobsD+ →D. The kinetic measurements were used to obtain the pH dependence (6.1 ? pH ? 11.7) of the free energy difference between the states Q?AQB and QAQ?B. At low pH (less than 9) QAQ?B is stabilized relative to Q?AQB by 67 meV, whereas at high pH Q?AQB is energetically favored. Both Q?A and Q?B associate with a proton, with pK values of 9.8 and 11.3, respectively. The stronger interaction of the proton with Q?B provides the driving force for the forward electron transfer.  相似文献   

The widely expressed chloride channel ClC-2 is stimulated by the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1. The SGK1-dependent regulation of several carriers involves the mammalian phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-5-kinase PIKfyve (PIP5K3). The present experiments explored whether SGK1-dependent regulation of ClC-2 similarly involves PIKfyve. The conductance of Xenopus oocytes is increased more than eightfold by ClC-2 expression. In ClC-2-expressing oocytes, but not in water-injected oocytes, the current was further enhanced by coexpression of either, PIKfyve or constitutively active S422DSGK1. Coexpression of the inactive SGK1 mutant K127NSGK1 did not significantly alter the current in ClC-2-expressing oocytes and abrogated the stimulation of the current by PIKfyve-coexpression. The stimulating effect of PIKfyve was abolished by replacement of the serine with alanine in the SGK1 consensus sequence (S318APIKfyve). Coexpression of S318APIKfyve significantly blunted the stimulating effect of S422DSGK1 on ClC-2-activity. In conclusion, PIKfyve is a potent stimulator of ClC-2-activity and contributes to SGK1-dependent regulation of ClC-2.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of Cl movement across luminal and basolateral membranes ofAmphiuma intestinal absorptive cells were studied using Cl-sensitive microelectrodes and tracer36Cl techniques. Intracellular Cl activity (a Cl i ) was unchanged when serosal Cl was replaced; when luminal Cl was replaced cell Cl was rapidly lost. Accordingly, the steady statea Cl i could be varied by changing the luminal [Cl]. As luminal [Cl] was raised from 1 to 86mM,a Cl i rose in a linear manner, the mucosal membrane hyperpolarized, and the transepithelial voltage became serosa negative. In contrast, the rate of Cl transport from the cell into the serosal medium, measured as the SITS-inhibitable portion of the Cl absorptive flux, attained a maximum whena Cl i reached an apparent value of 17mm, indicating the presence of a saturable, serosal transport step. The stilbeneinsensitive absorptive flux was linear with luminal [Cl], suggestive of a paracellular route of movement. Intracellulara Cl was near electrochemical equilibrium at all but the lowest values of luminal [Cl] after interference produced by other anions was taken into account.a Cl i was unaffected by Na replacement, removal of medium K, or elevation of medium HCO 3 . Mucosae labeled with36Cl lost isotope into both luminal and serosal media at the same rate and from compartments of equal capacity. Lowering luminal [Cl] or addition of theophylline enhanced luminal Cl efflux. It is concluded that a conductive Cl leak pathway is present in the luminal membrane. Serosal transfer is by a saturable, stilbene-inhibitable pathway. Luminal Cl entry appears to be passive, but an electrogenic uptake cannot be discounted.  相似文献   

Summary Cl channels from basolaterally-enriched rabbit outer renal medullary membranes are activated either by increases in intracellular Cl activity or by intracellular protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation by PKA, however, is not obligatory for channel activity since channels can be activated by intracellular Cl in the absence of PKA. The PKA requirement for activation of Cl channels in certain secretory epithelia is, in contrast, obligatory. In the present studies, we examined the effects of PKA and intracellular Cl concentrations on the properties of Cl channels obtained either from basolaterally-enriched vesicles derived from highly purified suspensions of mouse medullary thick ascending limb (mTALH) segments, or from apical membrane vesicles obtained from two secretory epithelia, bovine trachea and rabbit small intestine. Our results indicate that the Cl channels from mTALH suspensions were virtually identical to those previously described from rabbit outer renal medulla. In particular, an increase in intracellular (trans) Cl concentration from 2 to 50 mm increased both channel activity (P o) and channel conductance (g Cl, pS). Likewise, trans PKA increased mTALH Cl channel activity by increasing the activity of individual channels when the trans solutions were 2 mm Cl. Under the latter circumstance, PKA did not activate quiescent channels, nor did it affect g Cl. Moreover, when mTALH Cl channels were inactivated by reducing cis Cl concentrations to 50 mm, cis PKA addition did not affect P o. These results are consistent with the view that these Cl channels originated from basolateral membranes of the mTALH.Cl channels from apical vesicles from trachea and small intestine were completely insensitive to alterations in trans Cl concentrations and demonstrated markedly different responses to PKA. In the absence of PKA, tracheal Cl channels inactivated spontaneously after a mean time of 8 min; addition of PKA to trans solutions reactivated these channels. The intestinal Cl channels did not inactivate with time. Trans PKA addition activated new channels with no effect on basal channel activity. Thus the regulation of Cl channel activity by both intracellular Cl and by PKA differ in basolateral mTALH Cl channels compared to apical Cl channels from either the tracheal or small intestine.We acknowledge the able technical assistance of Steven D. Chasteen. Clementine M. Whitman provided her customary excellent secretarial assistance. This work was supported by Veterans Administration Merit Review Grants to T.E. Andreoli and to W.B. Reeves. C.J. Winters is a Veterans Administration Associate Investigator.  相似文献   

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