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Influence of selected enzymes as pepsin, pronase, lysozyme, and glusulase on adhesion of 15 strains of Candida sp. to buccal epithelial cells of oral cavity of man was examined in vitro. The enzymes were used in such concentration which did not influence the viability of fungal cells. Only pepsin preincubation had no influence on adhesion test, the remaining enzymes inhibited significantly attachment of Candida strains to epithelial cells in an adherence assay in vitro.  相似文献   

The electron microscopic study of the ultrastructure of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida under the action of nystatin and sonication, as well as the action of these two factors used in combination, was carried out. In this study the degree of preservation of the structure of fungal cells was evaluated and the percentage of cells with different ultrastructural changes was determined. Observations made 3 and 24 hours after sonication and treatment with nystatin, used in combination, showed that ultrastructural changes in fungal cells were more pronounced than in the cells subjected to the action of nystatin alone. 24 hours after the combined physico-medicinal treatment of Candida the percentage of nonviable blastospores among them was 5-fold higher than that of such cells among Candida subjected to treatment with nystatin alone and more than 20-fold higher than among Candida subjected only to sonication. These data on the increased fungicidal effect of nystatin used in combination with sonication substantiate the expediency of the above-mentioned physico-medicinal treatment in cases of candidal lesions of the skin and its appendages, which is one of the ways for increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of this mycosis.  相似文献   

We have identified two genomic DNA fragments from the human pathogenic fungi, Candida albicans (CaVIG9) and Candida glabrata (CgVIG9) that encode GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase, a key enzyme for protein glycosylation. The VIG9 homologues of CaVIG9 and CgVIG9 complement an identified protein glycosylation-defective mutation, vig9, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The nucleotide sequences of the ORFs, which are 83 and 90% identical to that of the ScVIG9 protein, respectively, showed a predicted gene product homologous to S. cerevisiae GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase. We examined the enzyme activity of a glutathione S-transferase fusion of each VIG9 gene to synthesize GDP mannose in the cell extracts of a heterologous Escherichia coli expression system. We also developed a method for detecting the enzyme activity using a non-radioactive substrate that would be applicable to high throughput screening.  相似文献   

The trial of a newly developed dried selective medium for the isolation of fungi of the genus Candida, involving the inoculation of 103 museum yeast strains and 542 specimens of pathological material, has been carried out. The data obtained in this trial indicate that the proposed medium has advantages over wort agar and Sabouraud medium with antibiotics in the germination index, in the ability to ensure fungal growth after the inoculation of pathological material, and in selective properties. The medium ensures the intactness of the morpho-cultural, biochemical and serological properties of the fungi. The results of the trial recommend the newly developed preparation for laboratory practice for the isolation of yeast-like fungi from clinical material in the diagnosis of candidiasis, intestinal microflora disturbances, as well as for isolation of the fungi from various environmental objects.  相似文献   

目的:研究健康人和口腔扁平苔藓(oral lichen planus,OLP)患者的口腔白色念珠菌检出率及分离株的磷脂酶活性.方法:采用含漱液浓缩培养法及白色念珠菌微生物学鉴定法,考察健康对照组、糜烂型和非糜烂型OLP患者的白色念珠菌检出率;应用蛋黄培养基沉淀环面积测量法,比较来自于健康人(26株)、糜烂型OLP患者(62株)以及非糜烂型OLP患者(24株)共112株白色念珠菌的磷脂酶活性大小.结果:糜烂型OLP患者组的口腔白色念珠菌检出率高于健康对照组和非糜烂型扁平苔藓患者组;糜烂型和非糜烂型OLP患者组的白色念珠菌分离株的磷脂酶活性高于健康对照组.结论:两种类型的OLP患者组的白色念珠菌分离株与健康对照组相比,具有不同的毒性特征,白色念珠菌与OLP(尤其是糜烂型)发生发展可能相关.  相似文献   

The composition of the fecal microflora in somatic patients and patients with enteric infections under the conditions of surpluscolonization by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida was analyzed. The study revealed that the high level of fungal contamination was linked with decreased colonization resistance of the intestine (deficiency in bifidoflora) and with the presence of opportunistic microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic and lactose-negative Escherichia coli, as well as nonfermenting Gram negative bacteria. The antilysozyme activity of enterobacteria was found to increase in the course of their joint cultivation with fungi of the genus Candida, that may be regarded as one of the mechanisms of the formation and maintenance of pathobiocenosis.  相似文献   

The fungi of the genus Candida isolated from patients with oral mucosa candidiasis and from candidiasis carriers have been studied for their antilysozyme activity. These fungi (Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. quilliermondii) are antilysozyme-active. A high antilysozyme activity of the fungi isolated from patients with oral mucosa candidiasis permits supposing that the presence of this trait may be one of the factors of microorganism pathogenicity. The effective antimycotic therapy (clotrimasole, sanguirhitrin) decreases the antilysozyme activity of fungi of the genus Candida.  相似文献   

1. A procedure for the isolation of highly purified neurosecretory granules from the posterior lobe of the bovine pituitary gland is described. The preparation was free from contamination by the mitochondrial enzyme succinate dehydrogenase and the lysosomal enzyme cathepsin. 2. The biological activities of the neurosecretory granules were measured: the oxytocic activity was 11.61+/-1.30units and the pressor activity was 10.73+/-1.74units/mg. of protein. 3. A lysate of the isolated granules was shown to contain two proteins that appear to be identical with two of the constituents of neurophysin. 4. The constituents of neurophysin not present in neurosecretory granules could not be detected in any other subcellular fraction. It is suggested that the components of neurophysin not present in the neurosecretory granules arise as a result of the degradation of the two granular proteins.  相似文献   

A method of manufacturing stable enzymic preparations of lipase from fungi Geotrichum candidum and G. asteroides under semi-industrial conditions has been developed. The paper describes the preparation of the inoculate, fermentation nutrient medium, scheme of cultivation and isolation of the raw enzyme with a yield of 31.2%.  相似文献   

Hairs and skin scrapings from 224 wild animals representing 30 species were examined for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. Commercial agars and sterile soil plates moistened with water containing cycloheximide were utilized for culturing specimens. Keratinophilic fungi of the generaTrichophyton andChrysosporium were isolated from 26.8% of the specimens. Using the hair baiting technique of Vanbreuseghem, 54 soil samples were screened for keratinophilic fungi. Eighteen (33.3%) of the samples were positive for the genusTrichophyton. Microsporon spp. were not recovered from the animal hairs or soil samples.
Zusammenfassung Haare und Haut von 224 wilden Tieren, von dreißig Arten, sind für das Vorkommen von keratinophilen Pilzen untersucht worden. Agar und sterile mit Wasser angefeuchtete Erdbodenplatten mit Cycloheximid sind für Kulturzwecke benützt worden. Keratinophile Pilze von den GattungenTrichophyton undChrysosporium sind von 26.8% der Proben isoliert worden. Mittels der Haarködermethode von Vanbreuseghem sind 54 Erdbodenproben für keratinophile Pilze untersucht worden. Achtzehn der Proben (33.3%) waren für die GattungTrichophyton positiv.Mikrosporon spp. wurden von Tierhaaren oder Erdbodenproben nicht erhalten.

Approved by the director of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Series No. 916.

Formerly was of the staff of the Bacteriology Department at South Dakota State University.  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen soil samples collected from various areas of Israel were screened for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. Five species were isolated from the 59 positive samples, viz: C. keratinophilum--22 strains, C. evolceanui--18, C. serratus Eidam--10, M. gypseum--T. terrestre--4. Most of the geophilic organisms were recovered from garden soil, road-side and sandy-soil specimens. The importance of these findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred thirty-one cultures of anascosporogenous yeasts isolated from the human body late in 1947 were all typical members of the genusCryptococcus when examined in 1947 and early in 1948. No mycelium was produced in repeated tests in corn meal agar scratch plates or in beef peptone gelatin stabs. By 1950, 17 of the 131 cultures had definitely become morphologically identical with members of the genusCandida, showing typical pseudomycelial growth with blastospores sprouting from the mycelium on the above mentioned media. It is concluded that some species ofCandida can be morphological dissociates ofCryptococcus. The status and the varied phylogeny of the genusCandida is discussed.
Sumario Todos los 131 cultivos de una colección de levaduras imperfectas recientemente aisladas de la piel de seres humanos eran miembras típicas del géneroCryptococcus en 1947. No producían ningún micelio, aunque lo buscabamos repeditas veces en gelosa de harina de maíz y en gelatina de carne y peptona. Ahora en 1950, 17 de los 131 cultivos se han convertido en formas identicas morfológicamente con miembras del generoCandida. En estas medias las 17 levaduras ya poseen un seudomicelio conspicuo de que muchas blastoesporas brotan. Se deduce que unas especies deCandida pueden ser formas deCryptococcus producidas por disociación microbiana. Se trata del estado y de la filogenia multiple del géneroCandida.

El origen de unas especies del géneroCandida en levaduras imperfectas que no formaban seudomicelio

This investigation was supported in part by funds provided for biological and medical research by the State of Washington Initiative Measure No. 171.  相似文献   

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