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The clam Corbicula leana exists in two forms, hermaphrodites and males. Our previous study on mitochondrial DNA suggested that the male nuclear DNA might have derived from hermaphrodite C. leana relatively recently. To clarify the origin of males in the clam, sequences of the nuclear 28S rDNA divergent domain (which is 441-444 bp long) in androgenetic hermaphrodites and males and dioecious (bisexual) species were analyzed. Unexpectedly, the nuclear 28S rDNA haplotypes of males and hermaphrodites were distinct. Haplotype network analysis indicated that males and hermaphrodites are reproductively isolated from each other without sharing the same nuclear haplotype. These results support a hypothesis that the egg nuclear genome of androgenetic hermaphrodites is replaced by the male sperm genome, and only males develop after fertilization by a male spermatozoon.  相似文献   

D E Wolf  J A Satkoski  K White  L H Rieseberg 《Genetics》2001,159(3):1243-1257
Datisca glomerata is an androdioecious plant species containing male and hermaphroditic individuals. Molecular markers and crossing data suggest that, in both D. glomerata and its dioecious sister species D. cannabina, sex is determined by a single nuclear locus, at which maleness is dominant. Supporting this conclusion, an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is heterozygous in males and homozygous recessive in hermaphrodites in three populations of the androdioecious species. Additionally, hermaphrodite x male crosses produced 1:1 sex ratios, while hermaphrodite x hermaphrodite crosses produced almost entirely hermaphroditic offspring. No perfectly sex-linked marker was found in the dioecious species, but all markers associated with sex mapped to a single linkage group and were heterozygous in the male parent. There was no sex-ratio heterogeneity among crosses within D. cannabina collections, but males from one collection produced highly biased sex ratios (94% females), suggesting that there may be sex-linked meiotic drive or a cytoplasmic sex-ratio factor. Interspecific crosses produced only male and female offspring, but no hermaphrodites, suggesting that hermaphroditism is recessive to femaleness. This comparative approach suggests that the hermaphrodite form arose in a dioecious population from a recessive mutation that allowed females to produce pollen.  相似文献   

研究以线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ(COⅠ) 部分序列(614 bp)为分子标记, 对捞刀河浏阳段河蚬Corbicula fluminea (n=40)的种群遗传多样性进行评价, 并分别从性腺组织学和精子形态学两方面分析其生殖特征, 以期丰富河蚬的繁殖生物学信息, 为开展其人工繁殖及资源保护提供参考。结果显示, 40条河蚬COⅠ基因序列共检出4种单倍型, 17个变异位点, 平均单倍型多样性、平均核苷酸多样性和平均核苷酸差异数分别为 0.664±0.042、0.014±0.006和8.595。捞刀河浏阳段河蚬存在雌雄同体和雌雄异体2种性别系统, 雌雄同体、雄性和雌性的性比约为6﹕3﹕1。雌雄同体个体生殖滤泡存在滤泡混合型和滤泡并存型2种类型。23个雌雄同体和8个雄性个体的精子均为双鞭毛。结果表明, 捞刀河浏阳段河蚬种群的遗传多样性相对较低, 生殖方式多样且以雄核生殖为主。  相似文献   

研究以沅江常德段蚬Corbicula为例,采用线粒体COⅠ分子标记对其进行谱系构建,梳理谱系与形态、倍性、性别和遗传多样性之间的关系,以期为蚬属的系统分类和生殖特征研究提供理论参考。结果显示,99条COⅠ序列(526 bp)中存在12个单倍型,共有17个变异位点,单倍型多样性、核苷酸多样性和平均核苷酸差异数分别为0.599、0.01236和6.503。12个单倍型在系统进化树中被聚为独立的两支(谱系RA和RlcB),但谱系间壳长、壳高和壳宽没有显著差异(P>0.05)。99个样品中有二倍体50个、三倍体49个、雌雄同体71个、雌性21个、雄性7个。卡方检验发现,谱系与性别及倍性与性别之间均存在显著的相关性(P<0.05)。谱系RlcB的单倍型数、变异位点数、单倍型多样性、核苷酸多样和平均核苷酸变异数均高于谱系RA。结果表明,虽然形态、倍性、性别和遗传多样性在谱系RA和RlcB蚬之间存在一定的差异,但均不足以作为区分两个谱系的生物学特征,而不同谱系是否为不同的种还有待于进一步的证实。  相似文献   

Abruzzi KC  Magendantz M  Solomon F 《Genetics》2002,160(3):983-994
The free-living nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans reproduces primarily as a self-fertilizing hermaphrodite, yet males are maintained in wild-type populations at low frequency. To determine the role of males in C. elegans, we develop a mathematical model for the genetic system of hermaphrodites that can either self-fertilize or be fertilized by males and we perform laboratory observations and experiments on both C. elegans and a related dioecious species C. remanei. We show that the mating efficiency of C. elegans is poor compared to a dioecious species and that C. elegans males are more attracted to C. remanei females than they are to their conspecific hermaphrodites. We postulate that a genetic mutation occurred during the evolution of C. elegans hermaphrodites, resulting in the loss of an attracting sex pheromone present in the ancestor of both C. elegans and C. remanei. Our findings suggest that males are maintained in C. elegans because of the particular genetic system inherited from its dioecious ancestor and because of nonadaptive spontaneous nondisjunction of sex chromosomes, which occurs during meiosis in the hermaphrodite. A theoretical argument shows that the low frequency of male mating observed in C. elegans can support male-specific genes against mutational degeneration. This results in the continuing presence of functional males in a 99.9% hermaphroditic species in which outcrossing is disadvantageous to hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Abstract. The expected proportion of males in androdioecious populations (those comprised of males and hermaphrodites) largely depends on the fertilization opportunities of males. If male mating opportunities are low due to restricted access to hermaphroditic eggs, then populations will be hermaphrodite-biased. Hermaphrodites have two mechanisms available to limit male mating success: (1) pre-mating barriers to outcrossing, in which hermaphrodites choose not to pair with males and (2) post-mating barriers to outcrossing, in which hermaphrodite sperm has greater access to eggs than male sperm. In this study, we measured male mating success in the androdioecious clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana when pre-mating barriers to outcrossing were removed. These branchiopod crustaceans are small (5–8 mm), filter feeders that live in ephemeral pools in the deserts of the southwestern United States. Using genetic markers, we measured male mating success in laboratory experiments in two populations of these shrimp. We correlated mating success with clasping time, clasping during egg transfer, and male thrusting during egg transfer. Males fertilized an average of 24–40% of the hermaphrodites' eggs. Outcrossing success was positively correlated with clasping duration, and was nearly an order of magnitude higher for males thrusting during egg transfer relative to thrusting at other times during pairing. Because these estimates of mating success were similar to previously reported estimates (in which both pre- and post-mating barriers to outcrossing were potentially important), we deduced that pre-mating barriers to outcrossing do not greatly decrease male outcrossing success in E. texana ; the low fertilization (25–50% of available eggs) by males is thus due to post-mating barrier(s) to outcrossing.  相似文献   

Tapiscia sinensis, a rare endemic woody plant with both male and hermaphrodite individuals, is distributed in southern China. Whether T. sinensis is functionally androdioecious is unknown. In this study, we compare the male fitness between male and hermaphrodite individuals and perform pollination experiments in different habitats, identify the ability of actual siring of pollen from hermaphrodites and males under natural pollination, and discuss the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis. Research suggests that flowers and fruits grow synchronously on hermaphrodite plants of T. sinensis from April to June. The males of T. sinensis had more than twice the genetic contribution of hermaphrodites through their male function and the fruit set from male pollination and cross‐pollination was the highest in all of the treatments, whereas that from self‐pollination was the lowest. Additionally, paternity analysis showed that the hermaphroditic pollen could result in siring success under natural pollination. The results showed that T. sinensis is a functionally androdioecious tree, that male individuals might evolve from a hermaphroditic ancestor and that the synchronous growth of flowers and fruit in hermaphrodites might facilitate the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites predicts that hermaphrodites have a fixed amount of reproductive resources to allocate to both sex functions and that they trade off their allocation to both sexes depending on environmental conditions. Ophryotrocha diadema is a simultaneous hermaphroditic polychaete worm which has a protandrous phase prior to the hermaphroditic phase. The ability of adolescent males to compete with mature hermaphrodites for egg fertilization and the costs of an increase in male expenditure during the protandrous phase were tested in experiments where adolescent males had the possibility to fertilize hermaphrodites' eggs. Results document that adolescent males were able to compete with hermaphrodites for egg fertilization and caused the hermaphrodites fitness losses of 31.4%. Adolescent males which fertilized hermaphrodites' eggs had a slower growth rate than males which had no possibility to fertilize eggs. This result indicates that an increased male expenditure is a cost for adolescent males and that, during the protandrous phase, resources are allocated to reproduction at the expense of somatic development.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 149–154.  相似文献   

Garcia LR  LeBoeuf B  Koo P 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1761-1771
In this study, we addressed why Caenorhabditis elegans males are inefficient at fertilizing their hermaphrodites. During copulation, hermaphrodites generally move away from males before they become impregnated. C. elegans hermaphrodites reproduce by internal self-fertilization, so that copulation with males is not required for species propagation. The hermaphroditic mode of reproduction could potentially relax selection for genes that optimize male mating behavior. We examined males from hermaphroditic and gonochoristic (male-female copulation) Caenorhabditis species to determine if they use different sensory and motor mechanisms to control their mating behavior. Instead, we found through laser ablation analysis and behavioral observations that hermaphroditic C. briggsae and gonochoristic C. remanei and Caenorhabditis species 4, PB2801 males produce a factor that immobilizes females during copulation. This factor also stimulates the vulval slit to widen, so that the male copulatory spicules can easily insert. C. elegans and C. briggsae hermaphrodites are not affected by this factor. We suggest that sensory and motor execution of mating behavior have not significantly changed among males of different Caenorhabditis species; however, during the evolution of internal self-fertilization, hermaphrodites have lost the ability to respond to the male soporific-inducing factor.  相似文献   

Abstract Androdioecy (the presence of males and hermaphrodites in a breeding population) is a rare reproductive system in plants, with Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae) representing the only well-documented example. Recent reports of high outcrossing rates, inbreeding depression, and high male pollen production satisfy theoretical predictions for the continued maintenance of androdioecy in populations of this species. However, in prior studies pollen production was measured indirectly in terms of numbers of anthers per flower—based on the assumption that male and hermaphroditic plant have equal numbers of flowers and that anthers from the two sexual morphs produce equivalent amounts of pollen. Herein, we demonstrate that male and hermaphrodite plants do not differ significantly in terms of flower number, but that pollen production in anthers from hermaphroditic plants is 12.6% higher than in anthers from male plants, thus refining the estimate of relative pollen fecundity of male versus hermaphrodite plants. The differential lowers the frequency of males predicted by theory, but is still consistent with the maintenance of androdioecy in this species.  相似文献   

本文报告了22条我国大陆品系日本血吸虫的雌雄同体两性畸形虫体,其中雌虫两性畸形15条,雄虫两性畸形7条,并对每条两性畸形的标本作了描述。作者对两性畸形发生的原因进行了讨论,认为哺乳类血吸虫两性畸形的发生可能是遗传的返祖现象。  相似文献   

Among egg trading hermaphrodites, any factor which limits the number of eggs released by a female role hermaphrodite can potentially limit the mating success of the male role hermaphrodite fertilizing those eggs. This work examines the hypothesis that the timing of ovulation constrains the size of egg parcels and thereby limits male mating success in the egg parceling hermaphroditic fish Serranus subligarius. Two alternatives were evaluated: (1) Ovulation is a discrete event preceding spawning. It does not constrain the size of egg parcels and therefore does not limit mating success of male role partners. (2) Ovulation is an incremental process occurring throughout the spawning period. It limits the number of eggs available for release in each parcel and thereby limits mating success of the male role partner. Assessment of ovulation was conducted in a field stock of S. subligarius. Fish from size matched pairs were manually stripped at the onset of the spawning period or quarantined and sampled at the end of the spawning period. Fish sampled at either time point had the same number of eggs, suggesting that ovulation was a discrete event occurring at the onset of the spawning period. The diurnal cycle of ovulation was observed in naturally spawning hermaphrodites captured at intervals throughout the day. Ovulation began 2–4 h before spawning began. Some fish appeared to ovulate the entire day's clutch of eggs before spawning, while other fish released egg parcels before completing ovulation. I conclude that the pattern of ovulation is not uniform throughout the spawning stock. Because of the variability in timing of ovulation relative to parcel release, ovulation does not consistently limit the size of egg parcels and therefore is unlikely to be a physiological limit to male role mating success in S. subligarius hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Examinations of breeding system transitions have primarily concentrated on the transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy, likely because of the preponderance of this transition within flowering plants. Fewer studies have considered the reverse transition: dioecy to hermaphroditism. A fruitful approach to studying this latter transition can be sought by studying clades in which transitions between dioecy and hermaphroditism have occurred multiple times. Freshwater crustaceans in the family Limnadiidae comprise dioecious, hermaphroditic and androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) species, and thus this family represents an excellent model system for the assessment of the evolutionary transitions between these related breeding systems. Herein we report a phylogenetic assessment of breeding system transitions within the family using a total evidence comparative approach. We find that dioecy is the ancestral breeding system for the Limnadiidae and that a minimum of two independent transitions from dioecy to hermaphroditism occurred within this family, leading to (1) a Holarctic, all‐hermaphrodite species, Limnadia lenticularis and (2) mixtures of hermaphrodites and males in the genus Eulimnadia. Both hermaphroditic derivatives are essentially females with only a small amount of energy allocated to male function. Within Eulimnadia, we find several all‐hermaphrodite populations/species that have been independently derived at least twice from androdioecious progenitors within this genus. We discuss two adaptive (based on the notion of ‘reproductive assurance’) and one nonadaptive explanations for the derivation of all‐hermaphroditism from androdioecy. We propose that L. lenticularis likely represents an all‐hermaphrodite species that was derived from an androdioecious ancestor, much like the all‐hermaphrodite populations derived from androdioecy currently observed within the Eulimnadia. Finally, we note that the proposed hypotheses for the dioecy to hermaphroditism transition are unable to explain the derivation of a fully functional, outcrossing hermaphroditic species from a dioecious progenitor.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the correlates of individual size, reproductive success, gonadal allocation, and growth in a hermaphroditic reef fish. Individuals in S. fasciatus mature as simultaneous hermaphrodites; large individuals subsequently lose female function and become functional males. Daily female reproductive success was highly correlated with both hermaphrodite size and amount of female gonadal tissue. Three separate comparisons gave a positive correlation between male reproductive success and male gonadal allocation: (1) Males had higher levels of male gonadal allocation and male reproductive success than hermaphrodites. (2) The percent of gonad allocated to male tissue in hermaphrodites was higher in the year they had higher male mating success. (3) Male gonadal tissue of hermaphrodites was positively correlated with male reproductive success in the year that male reproductive success by hermaphrodites was higher and more variable. There was no evidence for a trade-off between male function, female function, and growth among hermaphrodites. Many of these patterns have also been observed in plants, but the selective pressures leading to these patterns in S. fasciatus and plants are probably quite different.  相似文献   

Hermaphrodites were detected in diploid and polyploid isolates of population 86-Va of Meloidogyne hapla. Young hermaphrodites are indistinguishable from normal females. Initially, hermaphrodite ovaries are filled with oocytes at various stages of development. Hermaphroditism is expressed later when young oocytes in the early pachytene region of the growth zone suddenly advance to diakinesis and proceed with maturation divisions, resulting in spermatid production. Spermatogenesis may be initiated shortly after the fourth molt, or later, after a female has produced some eggs. Spermatogenesis may occur in one or both gonads, and it may be initiated in one gonad before the other. Once initiated, spermatogenesis continues for the entire reproductive life of the hermaphrodite. Several thousand spermatozoa accumulate in the ovotestis. Because they do not pass through the oviduct into the spermatotheca, they do not take part in reproduction (nonfunctional hermaphroditism). Among the progeny of hermaphrodites, ca. 50% are hermaphroditic, and the remainder are apparently normal females which, however, produce about 50% hermaphroditic progeny. Two temperature regimes (20-23 C and 27-30 C) did not influence the percentage of hermaphrodites among the progeny. Hermaphroditism could not be transmitted to nonhermaphroditic isolates following attempted crosses between males of hermaphroditic and females of nonhermaphroditic isolates. Although this result suggests cytoplasmic rather than nuclear inheritance, this conclusion is not definitive.  相似文献   

Lana Knoll 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):73-81
The clam shrimp,Eulimnadia texana (Crustacea, Conchostraca), is found in freshwater ephemeral environments throughtout the United States. Individual clam shrimp of this species are either hermaphroditic or male, a relatively rare mating system for animals known as androdioecy. Comparison of sex ratios between four neighboring populations ofE. texana in Southern New Mexico showed wide variation in the ratio of males to hermaphrodites with males making up as much as 42% of some populations and not occurring at all within others. Since little is known about the behavior of this species, an ethogram and time budget were prepared based on observations of laboratory populations. Males attempt to clasp hermaphrodites prior to mating. Precopulatory mate guarding occurs in this species. Outcrossing generally occurs during mate guarding and after the hermaphrodite molts. Hermaphrodites, however, seem to control the mating process. Successful mating by males never occured if the hermaphrodite struggled with him; hermaphrodite will self in the presence of males.  相似文献   

Two shell color types of the exotic bivalve Corbicula fluminea were collected in Kyoto city, Japan. DNA microfluorometry revealed that both types were diploids with non-reductional spermatozoa. Maternal chromosomes were found to be extruded as two polar bodies at the first meiosis, and the second meiosis could not be observed. Only the male pronucleus was present in the egg cytoplasm and became metaphase chromosomes at the first mitosis. The present study indicates that the diploid C. fluminea in Japan has the same mode of androgenetic reproduction as the triploid C. leana.  相似文献   

Gems D  Riddle DL 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1597-1610
Males of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are shorter lived than hermaphrodites when maintained in single-sex groups. We observed that groups of young males form clumps and that solitary males live longer, indicating that male-male interactions reduce life span. By contrast, grouped or isolated hermaphrodites exhibited the same longevity. In one wild isolate of C. elegans, AB2, there was evidence of copulation between males. Nine uncoordinated (unc) mutations were used to block clumping behavior. These mutations had little effect on hermaphrodite life span in most cases, yet many increased male longevity even beyond that of solitary wild-type males. In one case, the neuronal function mutant unc-64(e246), hermaphrodite life span was also increased by up to 60%. The longevity of unc-4(e120), unc-13(e51), and unc-32(e189) males exceeded that of hermaphrodites by 70-120%. This difference appears to reflect a difference in sex-specific life span potential revealed in the absence of male behavior that is detrimental to survival. The greater longevity of males appears not to be affected by daf-2, but is influenced by daf-16. In the absence of male-male interactions, median (but not maximum) male life span was variable. This variability was reduced when dead bacteria were used as food. Maintenance on dead bacteria extended both male and hermaphrodite longevity.  相似文献   

How androdioecy (coexistence of hermaphrodites and males) is maintained is still poorly understood. Therefore, sex determination was studied in the androdioecious barnacle Scalpellum scalpellum L. First, 247 cypris larvae from seven broods were investigated for sexual dimorphism in larval morphology and found to be all identical. Second, experiments with cyprids showed that males and hermaphrodites differ distinctly in morphology as soon as 4–5 days after settlement. Third, 14 252 cyprids were allowed to settle on the bottom of their culture cages, and all surviving larvae developed into hermaphrodites and none into dwarf males. Fourth, larvae settled in hermaphrodite receptacles (i.e. future males) were removed at increasing intervals after settlement to study if the male and hermaphrodite sexual expressions are fixed or plastic. All larvae became dwarf males if allowed to stay there for more than 8 h after settlement. But if removed within 3 h after settlement, half of them developed into hermaphrodites. We conclude that an environmental sex determination mechanism operates in S. scalpellum. Together with a 1:1 hermaphrodite/male ratio observed in previously reported experiments offering a free choice of settlement, we suggest that all larvae are potential hermaphrodites, but only 50% can settle in hermaphrodite receptacles and yield males.  相似文献   

Synopsis Much of modern mating systems theory is founded on the assumption that a conflict of interests between males and females acts to shape reproductive strategies. If sexual conflict exists it should extend to simultaneous hermaphrodites. Here, the suggestion is made that hermaphrodite mating systems can be used to explore the assumptions associated with sexual conflict and (a) predictions about hermaphrodite mating systems, and (b) a comparative analysis of the mating systems described for a group of species of simultaneously hermaphroditic serranid fishes. Theories based on Bateman's principle predict that there should be a preferred role in hermaphrodites; i.e. the male role ought to offer potential fitness advantages to all serranids and serranid mating systems reflect this. The comparative analysis offers evidence that cheating in the male role is found in all of the species studied and explains the harem polygyny system of two species. This preference for the male role in this group offers the best evidence currently available for the existence of sexual conflict as a factor shaping mating systems.  相似文献   

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