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The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi are famously diverse. However, evolutionary studies have been difficult because of their recent and uncertain phylogenetic history. Portions of 12 nuclear loci were sequenced in nine rock-dwelling species (mbuna) and three representatives of pelagic nonmbuna species. In contrast to the pattern of variation at mitochondrial genes, which do provide phylogenetic resolution at the level of mbuna versus nonmbuna, and among some genera, the nuclear loci were virtually devoid of phylogenetic signal. Only a small minority of variable positions were phylogenetically informative, and no phylogenetic branches are supported by more than one site. From the nuclear gene perspective the Malawian radiation appears to be a star phylogeny, as if the founding of the lake was accompanied by a partial bottleneck. The pattern is different from that found in Lake Victoria, in which nuclear loci share large amounts of ancestral variation. In the case of nuclear genes of Lake Malawi, the absence of phylogenetically informative variation suggests a relative absence of ancestral variation. Nuclear genes also differed from the mitochondria in having nearly twice the amount of divergence from Oreochromis (tilapia). An approximate splitting time between mbuna and nonmbuna lineages was estimated as 0.7 Myr. Oreochromis is estimated to have diverged from the cichlids in Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika about 18 MYA.  相似文献   

Studies on environmental changes provide important insights into modes of speciation, into the (adaptive) reoccupation of ecological niches and into species turnover. Against this background, we here examine the history of the gastropod genus Lanistes in the African Rift Lake Malawi, guided by four general evolutionary scenarios, and compare it with patterns reported from other endemic Malawian rift taxa. Based on an integrated approach using a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny and a trait-specific molecular clock in combination with insights from the fossil record and palaeoenvironmental data, we demonstrate that the accumulation of extant molecular diversity in the endemic group did not start before approximately 600 000 years ago from a single lineage. Fossils of the genus from the Malawi Rift, however, are over one million years older. We argue that severe drops in the lake level of Lake Malawi in the Pleistocene offer a potential explanation for this pattern. Our results also challenge previously established phylogenetic relationships within the genus by revealing parallel evolution and providing evidence that the endemic Lanistes species are not restricted to the lake proper but are present throughout the Malawi Rift.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal is the deepest, oldest and most speciose ancient lake in the world. The lake is characterized by high levels of molluscan species richness and endemicity, including the limpet family Acroloxidae with 25 endemic species. Members of this group generally inhabit the littoral zone, but have been recently found in the abyssal zone at hydrothermal vents and oil-seeps. Here, we use mitochondrial and nuclear data to provide a first molecular phylogeny of the Lake Baikal limpet radiation, and to date the beginning of intra-lacustrine diversification. Divergence time estimates suggest a considerably younger age for the species flock compared with lake age estimates, and the beginning of extensive diversification is possibly related to rapid deepening and cooling during rifting. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence time estimates do not clearly indicate when exactly the abyssal was colonized but suggest a timeframe coincident with the formation of the abyssal in the northern basin (Middle to Late Pleistocene).  相似文献   

The molecular clock has become an increasingly important tool in evolutionary biology and biological anthropology. Nevertheless, a source of contention with respect to this method is the frequent discordance with fossil‐based estimates of divergence times. The primate radiation is a case in point: Numerous studies have dated the major primate nodes (reviewed in Steiper and Young, 1 , 2 ) and there are many instances where molecular and fossil‐based estimates of divergence times differ (Fig. 1). Some investigators have recently focused on phenomena such as stratigraphic dating, the stochastic nature of molecular time estimates, and other sources as potential biases in molecular clock estimates. 3 , 4 In this paper we do not focus on accuracy or statistical error; rather, we argue that discordance is a predictable phenomenon that provides valuable information about the tempo and mode of primate molecular and morphological evolution. Using this perspective, we reexamine the principal theoretical and methodological factors that lead to discordance between molecular and fossil estimates of the origins of taxa and discuss how a better understanding of these factors can help to improve our understanding of primate evolution.  相似文献   

The California Floristic Province harbours more endemic plant and animal taxa and more identifiable subspecies than any other area of comparable size in North America. We present evidence that physical historical processes have resulted in congruent patterns of genetic diversity over the past 2-10 million years. Using a molecular clock approach we show that diversification and establishment of spatial genetic structure across six taxonomic groups coincide with the putative age of California's mountain ranges and aridification in the region. Our results demonstrate the importance of geographical barriers and climatological events to species diversification and the overall geographical structure of biodiversity. These results should facilitate conservation efforts in this biodiversity hotspot for taxa whose population genetic structure is still unknown and may suggest the potential utility of this approach in regional conservation planning efforts.  相似文献   

The origin of endemic South American canid fauna has been traditionally linked with the rise of the Isthmus of Panama, suggesting that diversification of the dog fauna on this continent occurred very rapidly. Nevertheless, despite its obvious biogeographic appeal, the tempo of Canid evolution in South America has never been studied thoroughly. This issue can be suitably tackled with the inference of a molecular timescale. In this study, using a relaxed molecular clock method, we estimated that the most recent common ancestor of South American canids lived around 4 Ma, whereas all other splits within the clade occurred after the rise of the Panamanian land bridge. We suggest that the early diversification of the ancestors of the two main lineages of South American canids may have occurred in North America, before the Great American Interchange. Moreover, a concatenated morphological and molecular analysis put some extinct canid species well within the South American radiation, and shows that the dental adaptations to hypercarnivory evolved only once in the South American clade.  相似文献   

A unique species flock of large barbs (Barbus spp.) from Lake Tana is presented, from the level of fish stocks to molecules. Evidence is given for the species status of 14 morphotypes of large barbs. They distinctly differ in: (1) head and body morphometrics, (2) food preferences, (3) distribution patterns, (4) maximal body size, (5) spawning area and period, and (6) molecular genetic characters. Most types show early morphological divergence at small size. Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes, encoding cell membrane proteins involved in defence against pathogens, were found to be diagnostic for the species' genetic identity. A strong selective pressure on particular amino acid positions in the MHC protein sequence most probably arose in response to different pathogen loads from the newly invaded ecological niches after formation of Lake Tana, ca. two million years ago.Arguments for a sympatric origin of this species flock are discussed. An evolutionary scenario suggests a riverine ancestral Barbus intermedius invading Lake Tana after its formation by volcanic blocking of the Blue Nile river and its isolation by waterfalls. Specialisation for particular food types and disruptive selection on many feeding structures are hypothesized as the evolutionary drive in speciation. The causal relationship between the diversity in feeding structures and food types is explained from experiments and models. As an example, the potential food niche of three barb species is predicted from parameter values measured from a large set of feeding structures and tested against the actual gut contents. The co-occurrence of eight piscivorous barb species is unique for cyprinid fish, which lack oral jaw teeth and a stomach. The significance of this aquatic ecosystem as a multidisciplinary evolutionary laboratory and the need for a wise balance between exploitation and conservation is stressed.  相似文献   

The amphibian genus Telmatobius is a diverse group of species that inhabits the Andes. This study analysed the phylogenetic relationships of 19 species described from the central Andes of Chile and Bolivia, and 12 undescribed populations of Chile. A molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA 16S and cytochrome b shows that the Chilean species belong to three groups: (1) the Telmatobius marmoratus group, widespread in the Chilean and Bolivian Altiplano; (2) the Telmatobius hintoni group, including the species Telmatobius philippii, Telmatobius fronteriensis, and Telmatobius huayra, occurring in the south‐western Altiplano of Chile and Bolivia, and (3) the Telmatobius zapahuirensis group, a new clade which also includes Telmatobius chusmisensis, Telmatobius dankoi, and Telmatobius vilamensis, restricted to western slopes of the Andes, and which was recovered as more closely related to the T. hintoni group than the T. marmoratus group. The divergence times between clades were traced to the late Pleistocene. The molecular phylogeny also confirmed that the groups of the Altiplano and western Andes slopes form a clade separated from the species that inhabit the eastern Andes (Telmatobius verrucosus and Telmatobius bolivianus groups), supporting the forest origin of the Altiplano groups proposed by several previous authors. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The patterns of adaptive radiations in ancient lakes provide valuable clues to mechanisms of speciation and adaptation. In contrast to vertebrate radiations, for instance in fishes or finches, invertebrate species flocks have been largely neglected. While the increase in molecular data narrows this gap, the anatomical basis for interpreting these data against the background of evolutionary hypotheses is still widely lacking. Here we evaluate anatomical findings in the live‐bearing pachychilid freshwater gastropod Tylomelania, which has radiated extensively in ancient lakes in the Indonesian island, Sulawesi; we have aimed at reconciling these data with recently obtained molecular phylogenetic evidence. Discovered more than a century ago, the speciose and phenotypically diverse species flock with 34 currently described taxa was only occasionally cited as an example of adaptive radiation in ancient lakes, while anatomical data were entirely lacking. Our study of anatomical characters reveals very low qualitative variation at the species level. Thus, contrary to earlier views we suggest the existence of a single monophyletic lineage endemic to this island. The most conspicuous feature of Tylomelania is its uterine brooding strategy, i.e. retaining eggs and embryos in the pallial oviduct. This is unique among South‐East Asian pachychilids. Within the uterine brood pouch the offspring is surrounded by considerable amounts of nutritive material produced by a very large albumin gland, and the embryos are produced continuously. The shelled juveniles of some species are the largest known so far in viviparous gastropods, measuring almost 2 cm in length when hatching. This combination of reproductive features in Tylomelania, characterized by a high amount of maternal investment, is considered to be ovoviviparous, rendering its brooding strategy unique also among other gastropods. In addition, our data reject a previously assumed close relationship to other South‐East Asian pachychilids and instead suggest the North Australian Pseudopotamis as sister group to Tylomelania. These findings have significant consequences for the phylogenetic interpretation of morphological characters of Tylomelania in an evolutionary and biogeographical context, leading to the hypothesis that the common ancestor of both genera originated somewhere on the northern Australian continental margin. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 513–542.  相似文献   

Tentatively dated, the Plio‐/Pleistocene origin of the ancient Lake Ohrid on the Balkan Peninsula makes it the oldest ancient lake in Europe. Given the surface area of the lake and the adjusted endemicity rate, it may be also defined as the most diverse of all the ancient lakes in the world. From all the animal groups endemic to this lake, gammarids are amongst the most scarcely known in terms of their diversity and phylogenetic relationships. Partial DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (cox1) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) of eight known endemic Gammarus species from the Lake Ohrid valley were analysed. Phylogenetic analyses showed that endemic Gammarus species comprise an ancient species flock, with Gammarus sketi from the feeder springs being their sister taxon outside the lake. Amongst the species inhabiting the lake, Gammarus solidus and Gammarus salemaai are morphologically and molecularly well defined. By contrast, Gammarus ochridensis, Gammarus parechiniformis, Gammarus lychnidensis, and Gammarus stankokaramani revealed high discrepancy between morphological and genetic data. None of these morphospecies form a monophyletic clade and a significant degree of apparent gene flow occurs between them. This could be caused by incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization events. Two novel mtDNA lineages were found within the lake, possibly constituting two new species (Gammarus sp. 1 and Gammarus sp. 2). Molecular clock analysis showed that the split between G. sketi and the Gammarus species flock from the lake occurred approximately 5–7 Mya, whereas within the flock there were at least two intralacustrine radiations: one estimated at 2–3 Mya and the second at less than 1 Mya. The first one could be associated with the origin of the lake and the second with the lake water‐level fluctuations during Pleistocene. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Providing another spectacular model for understanding speciation and radiation, the origin of the gastropod species flock in Lake Tanganyika (with an estimated age of approximately 12 Myr) remained enigmatic to date. Although, for a long time, an in situ radiation was assumed, Lake Tanganyika could have functioned as a reservoir for ancient African lineages, implying that the now lacustrine taxa originiated elsewhere. However, the fluviatile gastropod fauna of adjacent river systems in Central and East Africa is only poorly known. Here, we provide conchological, anatomical, phylogenetical, and biogeographical data on the fluviatile genus Potadomoides Leloup, 1953, which was hitherto regarded as ancestral to the entire Tanganyika gastropod radiation. The type species Potadomoides pelseneeri is restricted to the delta region of the Malagarasi River east of Lake Tanganyika, whereas three congeneric species (Potadomoides bequaerti, Potadomoides hirta, and Potadomoides schoutedeni) inhabit the Congo River with its tributaries Lualaba and Luvua, west of the Tanganyikan Rift. We describe and document, with scanning electron microscopy, the ontogenetic development of embryos of this uterine brooder as well as the detailed reproductive anatomy. Phylogenetic analysis of 44 morphological characters (including adult and embryonic shell, operculum, radula, reproductive tract) for 15 paludomid taxa could not support monophyly of the Tanganyika species flock. Instead, we found two major lineages that colonized Lake Tanganyika independently, one comprising the Nassopsinae Kesteven, 1903 (= Lavigeriinae Thiele, 1925) with the riverine Potadomoides plus the lacustrine Lavigeria and Vinundu, the second comprising the riverine Cleopatra together with the rest of the lacustrine species (except for Tiphobia horei). The analysis identifies Potadomoides as paraphyletic, with the uterine brooder P. pelseneeri being the sister taxon to the uterine brooder Lavigeria plus the oviparous Vinundu, but not to the entire Tanganyika species flock. We reconstruct the independent evolution of an fluviolacustrine taxon Nassopsinae for which we evaluate the synapomorphic characters, in particular those of reproductive biology, and discuss systematic and evolutionary implications of repeated origin of (ovo‐)viviparity in these limnic Cerithioidea. Finally, we outline a hypothesis on the evolutionary history of Potadomoides in the context of the gastropod radiation in Lake Tanganyika. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 367–401.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal, the oldest lake in the world, is home to spectacular biodiversity and extraordinary levels of endemism. While many of the animal species flocks from Lake Baikal are famous examples of evolutionary radiations, the lake also includes a wide diversity of endemic algae that are not well investigated with regards to molecular‐biological taxonomy and phylogeny. The endemic taxa of the green algal order Cladophorales show a range of divergent morphologies that led to their classification in four genera in two families. We sequenced partial large‐ and small‐subunit rDNA as well as the internal transcribed spacer region of 14 of the 16 described endemic taxa to clarify their phylogenetic relationships. One endemic morphospecies, Cladophora kusnetzowii, was shown to be conspecific with the widespread Aegagropila linnaei. All other endemic morphospecies formed a monophyletic group nested within the genus Rhizoclonium (Cladophoraceae), a very surprising result, in stark contrast to their morphological affinities. The Baikal clade represents a species flock of closely related taxa with very low genetic differentiation. Some of the morphospecies were congruent with lineages recovered in the phylogenies, but due to the low phylogenetic signal in the rDNA sequences the relationships within the Baikal clade were not all well resolved. The Baikal clade appears to represent a recent radiation, based on the low molecular divergence within the group, and it is hypothesized that the large morphological variation results from diversification in sympatry from a common ancestor in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

DNA sequences evolve at different rates in different species. This rate variation has been most closely examined in mammals, revealing a large number of characteristics that can shape the rate of molecular evolution. Many of these traits are part of the mammalian life-history continuum: species with small body size, rapid generation turnover, high fecundity and short lifespans tend to have faster rates of molecular evolution. In addition, rate of molecular evolution in mammals might be influenced by behaviour (such as mating system), ecological factors (such as range restriction) and evolutionary history (such as diversification rate). I discuss the evidence for these patterns of rate variation, and the possible explanations of these correlations. I also consider the impact of these systematic patterns of rate variation on the reliability of the molecular date estimates that have been used to suggest a Cretaceous radiation of modern mammals, before the final extinction of the dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Rates of molecular evolution vary substantially between lineages, and a growing effort is directed at uncovering the causes and consequences of this variation. Comparing local-clocks (rates of molecular evolution estimated from different sets of branches of a phylogenetic tree) is a common tool in this research effort. Here, I show that a commonly used test (the Likelihood Ratio Test, LRT) will not be statistically valid for comparing local-clocks in most cases. Instead, I propose the local-clock permutation test (LCPT), a simple test that can be used to test the significance of differences between local-clocks. The LCPT could also be used to test for differences between any parameter that can be assigned to individual branches on a phylogenetic tree. Using simulated data, I show that the LCPT has good power to detect differences between local-clocks.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies of island organisms provide useful systems for testing hypotheses of convergent or parallel evolution, since selectively neutral molecular characters are likely to be independent of phenotype, and the existence of similar environments on multiple isolated islands provides numerous opportunities for populations to evolve independently under the same constraints. Here we construct a phylogenetic hypothesis for Hypsipetes bulbuls of the western Indian Ocean, and use this to test hypotheses of colonization pattern and phenotypic change among islands of the region. Mitochondrial sequence data were collected from all extant taxa of the region, combined with sequence data from relevant lineages in Asia. Data are consistent with a single Hypsipetes colonization of the western Indian Ocean from Asia within the last 2.6 Myr. The expansion of Hypsipetes appears to have occurred rapidly, with descendants found across the breadth of its western Indian Ocean range. The data suggest that a more recent expansion of Hypsipetes madagascariensis from Madagascar led to the colonization of Aldabra and a secondary colonization of the Comoros. Groupings of western Indian Ocean Hypsipetes according to phenotypic similarities do not correspond to mtDNA lineages, suggesting that these similarities have evolved by convergence or parallelism. The direction of phenotypic change cannot be inferred with confidence, since the primary expansion occurred rapidly relative to the rate of mtDNA substitution, and the colonization sequence remains uncertain. However, evidence from biogeography and comparison of independent colonization events are consistent with the persistence of a small grey continental bulbul in India and Madagascar, and multiple independent origins of large size and green plumage in insular island populations of the Comoros, Mascarenes and Seychelles. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 271–287.  相似文献   

Exceptional ecological niche diversity, clear waters and unique divergent selection pressures have often been invoked to explain high morphological and genetic diversity of taxa within ancient lakes. However, it is possible that in some ancient lake taxa high diversity has arisen because these historically stable environments have allowed accumulation of lineages over evolutionary timescales, a process impossible in neighbouring aquatic habitats undergoing desiccation and reflooding. Here we examined the evolution of a unique morphologically diverse assemblage of thiarid gastropods belonging to the Melanoides polymorpha'complex' in Lake Malawi. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences, we found this Lake Malawi complex was not monophyletic, instead sharing common ancestry with Melanoides anomala and Melanoides mweruensis from the Congo Basin. Fossil calibrations of molecular divergence placed the origins of this complex to within the last 4 million years. Nuclear amplified fragment length polymorphism markers revealed sympatric M. polymorpha morphs to be strongly genetically differentiated lineages, and males were absent from our samples indicating that reproduction is predominantly parthenogenetic. These results imply the presence of Lake Malawi as a standing water body over the last million years or more has facilitated accumulation of clonal morphological diversity, a process that has not taken place in more transient freshwater habitats. As such, the historical stability of aquatic environments may have been critical in determining present spatial distributions of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Lake Tana large barbs: phenetics, growth and diversification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the Lake Tana large barbs of about 10 cm SL only representatives of the' acute'morphotype can be distinguished, in the size range 10–20 cm SL' bigmouth big eye' can be identified also. As for the rest, very few individuals can be confidently affiliated with a particular morphotype most of them looking like' intermedius'. Even within the range of 20–30 cm SL some individuals are still difficult to identify. Principal component analysis of cranial characters revealed discrete groups of morphotypes. Differences in both external and cranial characters of the morphotypes result from divergence which is most pronounced when fish are 4–5 years old and 20–25 cm SL. This divergence cannot be related exclusively with differences in the growth rates of individuals representing different morphotypes. Differences in food composition between the morphotypes probably increase in parallel with their morphological divergence. Differences between the morphotypes in the lateral line (11) and the gill rakers (Sb) counts were revealed using ANOVA. Comparison of the Lake Tana Barbus complex of forms with that previously known from Lake Lanao (Philippines) suggests that in both lakes the different forms arose sympatrically but that sympatric speciation in Lake Lanao has advanced further than in Lake Tana.  相似文献   

Intensification of inland fisheries and aquatic landscape conversion led to a drastic decline of fish populations in the Yangtze River (YR) during the last decades. This situation urges for the development of a large‐scale molecular assessment of YR ichthyofauna to further develop standardized methods of molecular identification for conservation and fisheries management purposes. We present here the results of a large‐scale campaign to DNA barcode YR freshwater fishes that succeeded in producing 1,424 new DNA barcodes for 123 species. Together with 1,406 sequences mined from BOLD and GenBank, a reference library including 2,830 DNA barcodes for 238 species was compiled. By using four DNA‐based species delimitation methods, RESL, ABGD, mPTP and mGMYC, 230 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified and 195 species displayed OTUs that tightly match species boundaries. No barcoding gap was observed; however, and conflicting cases of species and OTU delimitation were identified. A total of 23 species with maximum intraspecific distances above 2% were detected and null genetic distances to the nearest phylogenetic relatives were detected in 11 species. Among those 23 species, 16 were represented by multiple OTUs amounting to 40 OTUs delineated. Several cases of multiple OTUs confined to species boundaries were detected suggesting the presence of overlooked species. A total of 18 OTUs, however, were shared by several species and particularly so for the Qinghai‐Tibet plateau endemic species. These results are discussed with reference to previous large‐scale DNA barcoding campaign and compared to previous phylogeographic studies in the YR.  相似文献   

A recent molecular clock analysis concluded that Gondwanan vicariance and out-of-India dispersal best explained the distribution of Crypteroniaceae and its allies (Conti et al. 2002). A reanalysis of their data using a different molecular dating technique and calibration point is congruent with an alternative hypothesis, namely dispersal between India, Africa, and South America long after the initial break-up of Gondwana.  相似文献   

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