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Triclosan-bacteria interactions: single or multiple target sites?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the inhibitory and lethal effects of triclosan against several micro-organisms at different stages of their phase of population growth. METHODS AND RESULTS: Triclosan minimum inhibitory concentrations against several test organisms were determined in broth and agar using standard protocols. The bisphenol effect on bacterial population growth kinetics was studied using the Bioscreen C microbial growth analyser. Finally, the efficacy of triclosan on phases of bacterial growth was determined using a standard suspension test. The duration of the lag phase for all micro-organisms tested was increased by bisphenol in a concentration-dependent manner. The population growth kinetics of the micro-organisms was also altered after biocide exposure. At higher concentrations, triclosan was bactericidal regardless of their phase of population growth, although population in stationary phase and particularly, washed suspensions, were more resilient to the lethality of triclosan. This lethal activity was concentration and contact time dependent, and in some instances, bactericidal activity of bisphenol was observed within 15 s. CONCLUSIONS: Low concentrations of triclosan affected the growth of several bacteria, while higher concentrations were bactericidal regardless of the bacterial phase of population growth. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Here, we presented clear evidence that the interaction of triclosan with the bacterial cell is complex and its lethality cannot be explained solely by the inhibition of metabolic pathways such as the enoyl acyl-reductase. However, the inhibition of such pathways cannot be ruled out as part of the lethal mechanism of the bisphenol at a low bactericidal concentration.  相似文献   

Islet1 cardiovascular progenitors: a single source for heart lineages?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The creation of regenerative stem cell therapies for heart disease requires that we understand the molecular mechanisms that govern the fates and differentiation of the diverse muscle and non-muscle cell lineages of the heart. Recently, different cardiac cell types have been reported to arise from a common, multipotent Islet1 (Isl1)-positive progenitor, suggesting that a clonal model of heart lineage diversification might occur that is analogous to hematopoiesis. The ability to isolate, renew and differentiate Isl1(+) precursors from postnatal and embryonic hearts and from embryonic stem cells provides a powerful cell-based system for characterizing the signaling pathways that control cardiovascular progenitor formation, renewal, lineage specification and conversion to specific differentiated progeny.  相似文献   

The Trinidadian guppy is emblematic of parallel and convergent evolution, with repeated demonstrations that predation regime is a driver of adaptive trait evolution. A classic and foundational experiment in this system was conducted by John Endler 40 years ago, where male guppies placed into low‐predation environments in the laboratory evolved increased color in a few generations. However, Endler's experiment did not employ the now typical design for a parallel/convergent evolution study, which would employ replicates of different ancestral lineages. We therefore implemented an experiment that seeded replicate mesocosms with small founding populations of guppies originating from high‐predation populations of two very different lineages. The different mesocosms were maintained identically, and male guppy color was quantified every four months. After one year, we tested whether male color had increased, whether replicates within a lineage had parallel phenotypic trajectories, and whether the different lineages converged on a common phenotype. Results showed that male guppy color generally increased through time, primarily due to changes in melanic color, whereas the other colors showed inconsistent and highly variable trajectories. Most of the nonparallelism in phenotypic trajectories was among mesocosms containing different lineages. In addition to this mixture of parallelism and nonparallelism, convergence was not evident in that the variance in color among the mesocosms actually increased through time. We suggest that our results reflect the potential importance of high variation in female preference and stochastic processes such as drift and founder effects, both of which could be important in nature.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling in algal lineages: fact or myth?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A fragment of mandible and a maxillary incisor of different individuals from the Longgupo Cave, China have been cited as evidence of an early dispersal ofHomo from Africa to Asia. More specifically, these specimens are said to resemble “Homo ergaster” orHomo habilis, rather than the species usually thought to be the first Asian colonizer,Homo erectus. If this supposition is correct, it calls into question which hominid (sensu stricto) first left Africa, and why hominids became a colonizing species. Furthermore, the Longgupo remains have been used to buttress the argument thatHomo erectus evolved uniquely in Asia and was not involved in the origins of modern humans. We question this whole line of argument because the mandibular fragment cannot be distinguished from penecontemporary fossil apes, especially the Late Miocene-Pliocene Chinese genusLufengpithecus, while the incisor is indistinguishable from those of recent and living east Asian people and may be intrusive in the deposit. We believe that the Longgupo mandible represents the relic survival of a Late Miocene ape lineage into a period just prior to the dispersal of hominids into southeastern Asia, with some female dental features that parallel the hominid condition. If the Longgupo mandibular fragment represents a member of theLufengpithecus clade, it demonstrates that hominoids other thanGigantopithecus and the direct ancestor of the orangutan persisted in east Asia into the Late Pliocene, while all other Eurasian large-bodied hominoids disappeared in the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Organisms with vast distributions often represent geographical mosaics of cryptic species. The black fly Simulium (Wilhelmia) lineatum is among the most widely distributed members of the family Simuliidae, ranging from the British Isles to eastern China. Rather than viewing S. lineatum as a possible aggregate of multiple species, taxonomists have suggested a more inclusive taxon with additional synonyms. Accordingly, S. lineatum is an ideal candidate for testing the hypothesis that a wide geographical distribution signals the presence of more than one species. A cytogenetic approach was used to probe the macrogenome of S. lineatum and other taxa proposed by taxonomists as conspecific. The banding patterns in the polytene chromosomes of 480 larvae from 15 countries across the Palearctic Region revealed 128 rearrangements of the complement. All rearrangements were autosomal and 89% were inversions nonrandomly distributed among species and among chromosome arms. The analyses clarify long‐standing confusion over previously proposed names and reveal a longitudinal succession of four species sequentially replacing one another from west to east: Simulium lineatum s.s., Simulium balcanicum, Simulium turgaicum, and Simulium takahasii. Thus, S. turgaicum is recalled from synonymy and the other three species are validated. Within the most‐represented species, S. balcanicum, the frequency of inversions follows a longitudinal gradient with a north–south bias; as the distance between the sites increases along this north‐west–south‐east axis, the similarity of inversion frequencies between sites decreases. Validation of the concept that broadly distributed black flies are composites of structurally similar species provides a framework for guiding discovery of additional biodiversity. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 163–183.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis is the main vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi, the causative agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). Although there is strong evidence that Lu. longipalpis is a species complex, not all data concerning populations from Brazil support this hypothesis. The issue is still somewhat controversial for this large part of Lu. longipalpis distribution range even though that it is the Latin American region contributing to most of the cases of AVL. In this mini-review we consider in detail the current data for the Brazilian populations and conclude that Lu. longipalpis is a complex of incipient vector species with a complexity similar to Anopheles gambiae s.s. in Africa.  相似文献   

Adaptive changes in bacteria are generally considered to result from random mutations selected by the environment. This interpretation is challenged by the non-randomness of genomic changes observed following ageing or starvation in bacterial colonies. A theory of adaptive targeting of sequences for enzymes involved in DNA transactions is proposed here. It is assumed that the sudden leakage of cAMP consecutive to starvation induces a rapid drop in the ATP/ADP ratio that inactivates the homeostasis in control of the level of DNA supercoiling. This phase change enables the emergence of local modifications in chromosome topology in relation to the missing metabolites, a first stage in expression of an adaptive status in which DNA transactions are induced. The nonlinear perspective proposed here is homologous to that already suggested for adaptation of pluricellular organisms during their development. In both cases, phases of robustness in regulation networks for genetic expression are interspaced by critical periods of breakdown of the homeostatic regulations during which, through isolation of nodes from a whole network, specific changes with adaptive value may locally occur.  相似文献   

The red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis embodies five cryptic mitochondrial lineages (lineage 1–5) introduced worldwide as a consequence of human mediated transport and climate change. We compared globally collected mitochondrial cox2‐3 intergenic spacer sequences with sequences produced from multiple Australian locations and South Korea to identify Asparagopsis lineages and to reveal cryptic introductions. We report A. taxiformis lineage 4 from Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia, and the highly invasive Indo‐Pacific Mediterranean lineage 2 from South Korea and Lord Howe Island, Australia. Phylogeographic analysis showed a clear haplotype and geographic separation between western Australian and Great Barrier Reef (GBR) isolates belonging to the recently described lineage 5. The same lineage, however, was characterized by a substantial genetic and geographic break between the majority of Australian specimens and Asparagopsis collections from South Solitary Island, Southern GBR, Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia and French Polynesia. The disjunct geographic distribution and sequence divergence between these two groups supports the recognition of a sixth cryptic A. taxiformis mitochondrial lineage. As climatic changes accelerate the relocation of biota and offer novel niches for colonization, periodic surveys for early detection of cryptic invasive seaweeds will be critical in determining whether eradication or effective containment of the aliens are feasible.  相似文献   

We use the small-bodied toucan genus Pteroglossus to test hypotheses about diversification in the lowland Neotropics. We sequenced three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear intron from all Pteroglossus species and used these data to reconstruct phylogenetic trees based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. These phylogenetic trees were used to make inferences regarding both the pattern and timing of diversification for the group. We used the uplift of the Talamanca highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama as a geologic calibration for estimating divergence times on the Pteroglossus tree and compared these results with a standard molecular clock calibration. Then, we used likelihood methods to model the rate of diversification. Based on our analyses, the onset of the Pteroglossus radiation predates the Pleistocene, which has been predicted to have played a pivotal role in diversification in the Amazon rainforest biota. We found a constant rate of diversification in Pteroglossus evolutionary history, and thus no support that events during the Pleistocene caused an increase in diversification. We compare our data to other avian phylogenies to better understand major biogeographic events in the Neotropics. These comparisons support recurring forest connections between the Amazonian and Atlantic forests, and the splitting of cis/trans Andean species after the final uplift of the Andes. At the subspecies level, there is evidence for reciprocal monophyly and groups are often separated by major rivers, demonstrating the important role of rivers in causing or maintaining divergence. Because some of the results presented here conflict with current taxonomy of Pteroglossus, new taxonomic arrangements are suggested.  相似文献   

Like island-endemic taxa, whose origins are expected to postdate the appearance of the islands on which they occur, biome-endemic taxa should be younger than the biomes to which they are endemic. Accordingly, the ages of biome-endemic lineages may offer insights into biome history. In this study, we used the ages of multiple lineages to explore the origin and diversification of two southern African biomes whose remarkable floristic richness and endemism has identified them as global biodiversity hotspots (succulent karoo and fynbos). We used parsimony optimization to identify succulent karoo- and fynbos-endemic lineages across 17 groups of plants, for which dated phylogenies had been inferred using a relaxed Bayesian (BEAST) approach. All succulent karoo-endemic lineages were less than 17.5 My old, the majority being younger than 10 My. This is largely consistent with suggestions that this biome is the product of recent radiation, probably triggered by climatic deterioration since the late Miocene. In contrast, fynbos-endemic lineages showed a broader age distribution, with some lineages originating in the Oligocene, but most being more recent. Also, in groups having both succulent karoo- and fynbos-endemic lineages, there was a tendency for the latter to be older. These patterns reflect the greater antiquity of fynbos, but also indicate considerable recent speciation, probably through a combination of climatically-induced refugium fragmentation and adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The origin of RNA interference (RNAi) is usually explained by a defense-based hypothesis, in which RNAi evolved as a defense against transposable elements (TEs) and RNA viruses and was already present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA). However, since RNA antisense regulation and double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) are ancient and widespread phenomena, the origin of defensive RNAi should have occurred in parallel with its regulative functions to avoid imbalances in gene regulation. Thus, we propose a neutral evolutionary hypothesis for the origin of RNAi in which qualitative system drift from a prokaryotic antisense RNA gene regulation mechanism leads to the formation of RNAi through constructive neutral evolution (CNE). We argue that RNAi was already present in the ancestor of LECA before the need for a new defense system arose and that its presence helped to shape eukaryotic genomic architecture and stability.

Where does RNA interference come from? This Essay describes a new step-by-step evolutionary model of how RNA interference might have originated in early eukaryotes through neutral events from the molecular machinery present in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Linear chromosomes shorten in every round of replication. In Drosophila, telomere-specialized long interspersed retrotransposable elements (LINEs) belonging to the jockey clade offset this shortening by forming head-to-tail arrays at Drosophila telomere ends. As such, these telomeric LINEs have been considered adaptive symbionts of the genome, protecting it from premature decay, particularly as Drosophila lacks a conventional telomerase holoenzyme. However, as reviewed here, recent work reveals a high degree of variation and turnover in the telomere-specialized LINE lineages across Drosophila. There appears to be no absolute requirement for LINE activity to maintain telomeres in flies, hence the suggestion that the telomere-specialized LINEs may instead be neutral or in conflict with the host, rather than adaptive.  相似文献   

Hosts represent a limited resource for the developing offspring of parasitic insects laying eggs in or on spatially discrete resources like fruits, seeds, or other insects. The quality of hosts differs with respect to the value and amount of resources they provide for the feeding larvae. Accordingly, the size of a clutch of eggs laid on a given host should be a function of host quality, because severe competition between developing larvae can lead to increased mortality and/or decreased size of the offspring, both causing a fitness loss for the offspring and the mother. Therefore, females should be selected for the ability to estimate host quality and to adjust their clutch size accordingly. Using the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) this study investigated the respective contribution of developmental mortality of offspring vs. the clutch size decision of the mother as a determinant of final offspring emergence per host. In addition, taking offspring size into account, the study examined the fitness consequences of female oviposition decisions. Developmental mortality was very low in all quality classes of hosts except previously frozen and thus dead host pupae. Females laid reduced clutch sizes on dead, previously parasitized, and smaller hosts. In contrast to offspring number, offspring size did not differ between host qualities. We conclude that females are able to sense the quality of a host and adjust the number of eggs they lay to mitigate larval competition.  相似文献   

The relationships of critical nutrients such as plant phenolics, vitamins, minerals and lipids are considered with respect to the incidence of a variety of cancers, and analyzed in terms of how these nutrient deficiencies alter immune function, DNA integrity and cell proliferation. With a significant correlation found between cancer and these nutrient deficiencies, the hypothesis is presented here that nutrition could provide a unifying perception of cancer and recast it as a single disease. This further suggests that a coordinated administration of specific, critical nutrients to cancer patients could lead to the reversal of the disease. It is also proposed that the concurrent presence of a variety of nutritional deficiencies in cancer patients requires a multilevel, systemic approach to this disease as opposed to the single active therapeutic agent approach that is the cornerstone of contemporary research and pharmacology.  相似文献   

Sound data support the concept that in atherosclerosis, inflammation and dyslipidemia intersect each other and that irrespective of the initiator, both participate from the early stages to the ultimate fate of the atheromatous plaque. The two partakers manoeuvre a vicious circle in atheroma formation: dyslipidaemia triggers an inflammatory process and inflammation elicits dyslipidaemia. Independent of the initial cause, the atherosclerotic lesions occur focally, in particular arterial-susceptible sites, by a process that, although continuous, can be arbitrarily divided into a sequence of consecutive stages that lead from fatty streak to the fibro-lipid plaque and ultimately to plaque rupture and thrombosis. In the process, the initial event is a change in endothelial cells (EC) constitutive properties. Then, the molecular alarm signals send by dysfunctional EC are decoded by specific blood immune cells (monocytes, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, mast cells) and by the resident vascular cells, that respond by initiating a robust inflammatory process, in which the cells and the factors they secrete hasten the atheroma development. Direct and indirect crosstalk between the cells housed within the nascent plaque, complemented by the increase in risk factors of atherosclerosis lead to atheroma development and outcome. The initial inflammatory response can be regarded as a defense/protective reaction mechanism, but its further amplification, speeds up atherosclerosis. In this review, we provide an overview on the role of inflammation and dyslipidaemia and their intersection in atherogenesis. The data may add to the foundation of a novel attitude in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

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